HomeMy WebLinkAboutWARRANTY DEEDJAINT L c S co'H CLERK OF IREcIRCUR COURT BAINT LUCK:C0UN7Y FU* 43213878W2woj703:882BPA1 OR B00K 18PAGEa14-815 Plepaed by 8fid REh8r1 t0: O. Typq: DEED REC0RDIN0: 1858 $ Dw T= $D.76 Dwift M. G0nrhle7 5453 Ernason Avdure Ft Place, FL 34951 CDWderaftr $100.00 WARRANTY DEED This Indenture made on 3uneaL . 2017 A.D., by Dwight L Goodner and Margaret L Goodner., husband and wife whose address is: 5053 Emerson Avenue Fort AFL 34951 hereinafter caged the'tigranW, to 'Dwight L Goodner and MaWret 3. Gooduer, husband and wife whose address Is: 5053 Emerson Avenue Fort Ptenwr FL 3051 hereinafter caged the "grantee". DEC 0 3 2018 hAdeheb w Witnesseth, that the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acianowledged, hereby grants; bargains: sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in SL Lucia County, Ronda, to -wit - THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SBTION 15, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE WEST 390.50 FEET AND THE SOUTH 60 FEET, AND LESS AND BOCEPTING ALL EXISTING RIGHTS OF WAY THEREOVER FOR PUBLIC ROADS AND DRAINAGE CANAL PURPOSES. ALL THAT CERTAIN LAND SMIATE IN ST. LU(3E ODUNTY FLORIDA. Subject tau all reservations, covenants, conddim, restrictions and easements of record and to all applicable zoning ardinances and/or restrictions imposed by governmental authorities, if arty.