HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOBEPH E. $h11Tti, CLERK OF�IRCUIT COURT I� NTY gPT'FItRPrORn EC E N t � I RI BOOK 3951 OPA E 2376-2376/1012017 TDoc Type: NC PM h�s1n RECORDING: $10.OU rrRMITNUMBER•JAN 12 2017 l J ---- St, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement. 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal description and street address) TAX cFOOLIO�NUMBER: 3z/701- 000-'/ SUBDIVISION BLOCK,^.��..'I'RACT__,LOTZyz�,�oLDG UNIT — 2.GiENFi$FiLDESt.lill`l1VPl'VR4YlilLv�nvaa.. - -_ - 3.OWNER INFORMATION; /a. Nam. A fi/f FA if,rt7N� }GiE/�I` b.Address SFiS� (� rFGf r` ,Onti7 STD Gl 3y9AI, o.interestin d. Name and uddress of fee pimple titleholder (if other (Ilan owngr? ✓k Dc0 k� 7JIPS 4.'CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADI IUrjFiR AND PFI�NE NUMBERi 5. SUIIII NAME, ADDRESS AM PHONE NUM@F,R AND uONA AMOUNT; �AA) $/' 6, LENDER'S NAME, ADDWS AND ItHONE NUMBER[ i flsi riv3 r nlHroc n 7 u 355 S Qawa�o � /.oN WDod Fl. 7. PCraOn¢ within the State of Florida designa;od by Owner upon whom uoticas or other documents [nay he served us provided by 5 3111Sn Section 713-13(1)(p)7,,Florida Statutes:' t�LO'f �dy-0008 NAME, ADDRESS ANO PRONF, NUht9ER: P S, In addition to himself or herself, Owner desigoatos the following: to recaivo a copy of the Uenor's Notice as provided in Sec9tANN G® 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: BY NAME, ADDRESS ANti.PRONE NUMBER: 9. Expiration date of notice of commencemant (the expiration date is I You from the daro of recording unless a different d.g9(a LUCIB county specified) - I -0.�-- ................�.,.,�,..n.� �� /.j///_ .,0• �o�nPwC.a1�aY)Q('o�HcFlrnnf�F u, Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's TRle/Offiee Owner's Authorszed'Officer/Dlreetor/Periner/Manager State of Florida Coumyof '21, Ltleje_ The foregoing -insWmentwas acknowledgcdbefore methis OI daYof +VA�°Y ,20,j7 gy n ifFii:>v CAt.tANMD NfD, jNFRw� HhDtr.l . �a Q_- (Name ofperson) ('Typeog bf au(hotity ... e.g. Owner, officer,uvatec, attorney in fact) For - (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known[.,.__ or pro ceQ,t�t+apA„ ow ng yt o .- MARIA GABRIELLA OROZCO Notary Public - State of Florida y, •o,;: 'Commission # FF 21203 CA4JEt IFJaA ORPZ� or n�;:�' My Comm. Expires Jun 23. 2019 (Printed Name of NotaryPublic). (Si u e I (Sent Under penalties of perjury, I declaro that have read the foregoing and that the factkin it are true to the best of my knoviedge and belief (section 92.625, Florida Statutes); Signature(s) of Owner($) or Owner(eP Authorized OfficerllLiroctur/Partncr/Munugcc who signed nitove: By: ax, MOWIVIRemitlp�a)