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rra• MIA- b'•e' n•.0• KI• DLy ]'d• Rp• n / 9 -- -- �a -- -- aeT--- —r�l— n•-m a•.e• s•.I• I r�Y _l � a � � FI'c ic5��•TL�Z„ �� flE�D•U�SA4I I�<� �ok IMP 1 • O � �•-dam �; .�� '� G�fllllllllllllt�o4laaaaa�llll�lyC'•�.���� y®14 • r• G1SF1Ne' 12 =011 Lei GbCIIC116A11:9'1• i •:a�opp-• �� g I�I���II�i']�i1— GRADE BEAM SCHEDULE M4IX GD.aM ELFVATI At TGPCP (B RNgSIU TLP rllD em "e IL'YP9 (TYFe T-U IESt4Rfe (A1 r0tr1 IOR.Ni DS - Ob •e•t0. oeV W.re Il7R."d 11% - Ilb mT 6W 20}21 ]DT ai. NAro Iln Ilb •D•i0. ELEV.PR Ov4 70. b iA] R. RAW Ile - Ile Nae aNOD. aTAM rw rD. r( uT R. xaw n oro .e•ra erEae fr3p L.r1 rel aL NAro lr alb BTr e•rp. EIfI.PR.r•BrEP pvl v b•DINerzRAICfrC.taTPM D• AVfd w ra n sear. Fe T¢a • o• on: lu.L cePnp o Pp.e Eer. Lmnrx a raa ra aiR. elna>f exeru Dame PIle erAcm e1vaL eE ao ran PILE NOTES arzleA,a eraes ipae N1YL a fweo ro na>ren naverne aLLww • n•e+lT o m a qe Ndn TO MOGYCY A Hq 4l LCMC "m m0 Accaoarm Din 'Ei¢cmoouaawnDanaLrwlr%�iNe.vo wuuwmla ewverepus•rq+o-w xraMra.Msosys NupL xpw ne aea® ulp.rpn rxaem. fVfplCbl fpkKiL HLp DNLL IX Ntt NN.1 CaCAI! FN R01YID R •IEfLOIhD lilltOl/CLR1fLRr IOPTINI NrUGTI a NfOPN N)a WTO YM�w•rI�MW M��NIaPIrID<ILa WLi PYMIIM. e5 ENORr WAT �� H LONG 04T II��--yl -}I-�••--II1'I`1 A WT. TTc'Of' N I 1 i. 1 L J LDOUS'LEPiLEV SINGLE PILE CAP (SPC) e Tee. E•x, f �. nsam.earzearb O ELEV. PR DETAIL scua, we (( � AG97ffi7BNGD�CNG 41 RobatE. Agdm ID, P.fl a000Ykudatpwtrad l IsyvBaappr, aa467 mWr I.Af OM .p••W .Va Nutting; ® p027 E Engineers of Florida Inc. I Established 1967 YourProjectis our Commitment Ems: April 14, 2017 MAY 12 2417 PERLn Mr. Rich Barnes Lucie T unty, St. Lucie Goun:;•, FL Bodax Foundations, Inc. c 1101 NW 55" Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 0 Subject: Report of Augercast Pile Installation Monitoring Proposed Residence and Pool Lot 27, 8124 South Ocean Drive ° Jensen Beach, Florida Y V Q) Dear Mr. Barnes: 1310 Neptune Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 561-736-4900 Toll Free: 877-NUTTING (688-8464) Fax: 561-737-9975 Broward 954-941-8700 St. Lucie 772-408-1050 Miami -Dade 305-557-3083 www.nuttingengineers.com a6'C,glf '9€ �1-Ucia COu© tY Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. (NE) has completed observation of augercast piling operations m for the proposed residence and pool at the subject site. Bodax Foundations, Inc. installed cast-in- Nplace augured piles for support of the proposed construction. v o, Bodax Foundations, Inc. installed a total of 75, 16-inch diameter augercast piles for the project. The piles were installed from April 5, 2017 to April 10, 2017. Please refer to the pile plan for v the numbering provided to our office. The pile size and depth recommendations were based o, upon our review of the Report of Geotechnical Exploration prepared by GFA International dated September 22, 2014. The pile installation characteristics of each pile are presented in the attached Pile Installation (U Data. Identification of each pile .location followed by the pile number is shown on the Pile Location Plans attached. Each pile record in the attached summary tables shows the following c information: 0 Y 2 RECORD NUMBER IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER ■ THE PILE NUMBER (AS FOUND ON ATTACHED PLANS) o ■ THE DIAMETER OF THE PILE THE LENGTH OF PILE FROM GROUND SURFACE TO TIP ■ THE THEORETICAL VOLUME OF GROUT FOR THE PILE m THE NUMBER OF PUMP STROKES FOR THE PILE V c: THE ACTUAL VOLUME OF GROUT FOR THE PILE U THE GROUT FACTOR o THE DATE OF INSTALLATION - Q THE REINFORCEMENT TYPES 171) d Z7�-- I OFFICES Palm Beach Miami -Dade St. Lucie / 5 aj -oaz-? r AND GENERAL COMMENTS AS NEEDED The drilling operations were monitored in the field by our field engineer and inspector in order to approximately determine the type of material being penetrated. This identification was done based on the augering time, the materials received during the drilling operations and the relative hardness of the soils/rocks as indicated by the vibration or "chattering" of the hydraulic lines. The augercast piles were installed to depths of twenty-five to twenty-eight feet below the existing ground surface of approximately. The piles were designed for an allowable compressive capacity of 40 tons as required by the structural specifications and the recommendations made by our office. Generally, during the installation of the piles, easy drilling was observed from the ground level to approximately twenty-three feet. Below this depth range hard drilling was encountered to the final tip depth. All house and pool piles received steel reinforcement consisting of full length cage with 6, #7 reinforcing bars with #3 ties spaced 3-inch on center in the top and bottom two feet of the cage andl0-inches on center the remaining length of the pile as stated in the structural documents. We also note that four pool piles were battered 15-degrees as stated on the pile location plan. Upon completion of this inspection process, and review of the recorded data, it is our opinion that the augercast piles installed for the residence and pool attained the required design compressive capacity of 30 tons. The piles that were presently installed were constructed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications. We note that it was monitored and ensured that the piles began installation at the survey locations provided in the field. If during drilling operations it was discovered that gross deviations from original locations have occurred, the deviation was attempted to be rectified. Nutting Engineers is not responsible for minor deviations which have occurred during drilling operations, along with incorrect surveyed pile locations during piling installation. We also note that some deviations may be due to the augerdrill shifting when attempting to drill through the hard rock or other encountered debris conditions. This condition is beyond the control of the site inspector and undersigned engineer. Our client for this project was: Mr. Rich Barnes Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 5591 Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Nutting E Engineers Fnti 2 n1.?WERS +xrT V§691-2017 The contents of this report are for the exclusive use of the client, the client's design & construction team and governmental authorities for this specific project exclusively. Information conveyed in this report shall not be used or relied upon by other parties or for other projects without the expressed written consent of NE. We appreciate this opportunity to work with you on this project and look forward to completing this and future projects with you. Should you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance, please contact us at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, NUTTING ENGINEE] Richard C. Wohlfarth, P.E. Director of Engineering OF FLORIDA, INC. Attachments: Pile Location Plans Pile Installation Data LTR BODAX LOT 27-8124 S-OCN DR JENSEN BEACH ACP CEO Nutting E Engineers of Florida Inch Established 1967 �I I 3 Senior •P.E.#69947 BODAX FOUNDATIONS `D Proposed Residence and Pool Lot 27, 8124 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, Florida PILE LOG DATA OF AUGERCAST PILE INSTALLATION NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Record No. Pile No. (i Dia. Pile (in) Length (R) Theoretic. Pile Volume (f) Pump Strokes Total Volume of Grout Pumped fta Grout Factor Date Installed Remarks 1 59 16.0 28 39.1 50 52.5 1.34 04/05/17 2 61 16.0 28 39.1 55 57.8 1.48 04/05/17 3 63 16.0 28 1 39.1 46 1 48.3 1.24 04/05/17 4 68 16.0 28 39.1 48 50.4 1.29 04/05/17 5 66 16.0 28 39.1 48 50.4 1.29 04/05/17 6 47 16.0 28 39.1 46 48.3 1.24 04/05/17 7 43 16.0 28 39.1 46 48.3 1.24 04/05/17 8 56 16.0 26 39.1 51 53.6 1.37 04/05/17 9 53 16.0 28 39.1 46 48.3 1.24 04/05/17 10 51 16.0 28 39.1 58 60.9 1.56 04/05/17 11 50 16.0 28 39.1 52 54.6 1.40 04/05/17 12 49 16.0 28 39.1 58 60.9 1.56 04/05/17 13 1 16.0 28 39.1 50 52.5 1.34 04/05/17 14 4 16.0 28 39.1 66 69.3 1.77 04/05/17 15 5 16.0 28 39.1 76 79.8 2.04 04/05/17 16 21 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/05/17 17 7 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/05/17 18 9 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/05/17 19 17 16.0 281 39.1 50 52.5 1.34 04/05/17 20 18 16.0 28 39.1 45 41.3 1.21 04/05/17 21 34 16.0 28 39.1 45 47.3 1.21 04/06/17 22 46 16.0 28 39.1 46 48.3 1.24 04/06/17 23 64 16.0 28 39.1 45 47.3 1.21 04/06/17 24 67 16.0 28 39.1 49 51.5 1.32 04/06/17 25 62 16.0 24 33.5 50 52.5 1.57 04/06/17 26 60 16.0 25 34.9 47 49.4 1.41 04/06/17 27 57 16.0 25 34.9 49 51.5 1.47 04/06/17 28 65 16.0 28 39.1 48 50.4 1.29 04/06/17 29 58 16.0 28 39.1 49. 51.5 1.32 04/06/17 30 55 16.0 28 39.1 50 52.5 1.34 04/06/17 31 54 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/06/17 32 52 16.0 27 37.7 62 65.1 1.73 04/06/17 33 37 16.0 28 39.1 63 66.2 1.69 04/06/17 34 36 16.0 28 39.1 60 63.0 1.61 04/06/17 35 35 16.0 26 36.3 58 60.9 1.68 04/06/17 36 33 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/06/17 37 2 16.0 28 39.1 48 50.4 1.29 04/06/17 22 16.0 28 39.1 46 48.3 1.24 04I06117 6 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/06/17 W4138 8 16.0 28 39.1 45 47.3 1.21 04/06/17 23 16.0 28 39.1 49 51.6 1.32 04/06/17 Nutting E Engineers of Florida Inc.l Established 1967 11 nogt"'-14 u„A�NERSgRYT t�, � BODAX FOUNDATIONS 40 Proposed Residence and Pool Lot 27, 8124 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, Florida PILE LOG DATA OF AUGERCAST PILE INSTALLATION NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Record No. pile No. P11(I Dia, (In) Pile Length (ft) Theoretic. Pile Volume (ft) Pump Strokes Total Grout Volume of Pumped ft Grout Factor Date Installed Remarks 42 24 16.0 26 36.3 50 52.5 1.45 04/06/17 43 20 16.0 27 37.7 49 51.5 1.36 04/06/17 44 10 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/06/17 45 19 16.0 28 39.1 z 48 50.4 1.29 04/06/17 46 11 16.0 29 40.5 49 51.5 1.27 04/06/17 47 48 16.0 28 39.1 48 50.4 1.29 04/06/17 48 32 16.0 29 40.5 48 50.4 1.24 04/06/17 49 40 16.0 28 39.1 50 52.5 1.34 04/07/17 50 3 16.0 28 39.1 49 51.5 1.32 04/07/17 51 70 16.0 25 34.9 50 52.5 1.50 04/07/17 Pool/Batter 52 71 16.0 25 34.9 50 52.5 1.50 04/07/17 Pool/Batter 53 73 16.0 25 34.9 49 51.5 1.47 04/07/17 Pool/Batter 54 74 16.0 25 34.9 47 49.4 1.41 04/07/17 Pool 55 75 16.0 25 34.9 46 48.3 1.38 04/07/17 Pool 56 1 16 1 16.0 1 22 1 30.7 1 70 1 73.5 2.39 04/07/17 57 45 16.0 28 39.1 70 73.5 1.88 04/10/17 58 44 16.0 25 34.9 52 54.6 1.56 04/10/17 59 42 16.0 25 34.9 49 51.5 1.47 04/10/17 60 41 16.0 26 36.3 88 92.4 2.55 04/10/17 61 39 16.0 26 36.3 46 48.3 1.33 04/10/17 62 38 16.0 2.6 36.3 46 48.3 1.33 04/10/17 63 25 16:0 28 39.1 49 51.5 1.32 04/10/17 , 64 26 1 16.0 28 39.1 60 63.0 1.61 04/10/17 65 12 16.0 26 36.3 60 63.0 1.74 04/10/17 66 13 16.0 26 36.3 55 57.8 1.59 04/10/17 67 14 16.0 28 39.1 56 58.8 1.50 04/10/17 68 15 16.0 26 36.3 49 51.5 1.42 04/10/17 69 72 16.0 25 34.9 61 64.1 1.83 04/10/17 Pool/Batter 70 29 16.0 28 39.1 47 49.4 1.26 04/10/17 711 28 16.0 28 39.1 59 62.0 1.58 04/10/17 72 30 16.0 28 39.1 48 50.4 1.29 04/10/17 731 69 16.0 26 36.3 65 68.3 1.88 04/10/17 741 27 16.0 26 36.3 60 63.0 1.74 04/10/17 75 31 16.0 28 39.1 54 56.7 1.45 04/10/17 Total linear feet drilled 2040 Total Grout VoL. (yd')l 152 PILE LOG BOOAX LOT 25 8124 S-OCN OR JENSEN ACP CEG Minimum depth drilled 25 Maximum depth drilled 28 Nutting E Engineers of Florida Inc i Established 1967 fi- r pNN1V; i20 y9eR:-2o1P