HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATEJob # 106467 191—, — 00D� Exberfor Frame wall have beeninsulated with ......................... O Spray on cellulose Td.a thickness of i Indies, which thickness, according to Fiberglass blankets the Iqamufactfirer, 1, i(Derisity NIA) will jrleld an Aluminum FDif OUW Z . 4— - C Fiberglass blankets to ithkkdw:of5.25 naiiis which thickness, accordmg to -min' '-1 ng () FiberglaisADOSifill the - Ter. C— (Density :SES Su rase Aluminum Foil 20 OO'Spray Foam W ngs— Cathedral — have b"' lusulated with .................... Fiberglass blankets to a diamliz oft inches, ,Afich thickness, according in Fb6irglass Those fill :ben* (N?A).Will yield an Aluminum Foli- T'value.of. ; Othertiellulose SAb 3. Interior �a�-waL-haVd'beenill�tkd' ' - - i - - `whic�th with -. — . . ........ ifil tDa Ickrfess,,of5.25 indies?. Ida?e§.so qpqo�dmg to Pcrlyurethane �manffactureilrl�ffs'su-craseal (Density N/A) mDyield an Spray on cellulose `yald d 20. Spray Foam 'GarIgL-partififln-walls,of conditioned living areas have been Q0 Fiberglass blankets Insulated with% . ....... . ..... ..................................... . ... . inches which thickness, according to the 0 Spraryon cellul . ose 0 Polyureffiahe manufacturer 6.25' ed ,, (Dens ty N/A)vdlyield an; Certainte Other "'rWiteolt: 13 & 19 Phoenix Poirni Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Deparbirnent. 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 Fax,1162-6443 iNSuLA-nbN INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE Subdivision:. Tfili *es9gT7ed.Ae'0y qwA*#krt insulartloin as bleen iOstalled.at the above described property, as followsa, L UxteriorftS waifs,jjjve C ) Spray, an i;efltlfqse Wch thlckne6, Elocording,to tile manf6durer:' 1FiFojI ( ) I'liberglass.blan - ket * s (DWSWIY'N/A)'MII yield an %'W! value of 4.1 Q Aluminum Fbit ( ) Giber Oct 0, "*Y MILIMAMILY4RIESIDENT3ALCONSTRUMON ONLY: The common (party) wallsseparating dtflierent tenants shall be insulated as follows.111— Ili- ':Q'ftam%WtdW stud wells k-li (Min); CBS or Concrete mils R-3 (Min) by Energy Code require merits. B See ergy Code Paiagr5oh,9011(b), an pages 9-17, latest edition. These 'minimum levels.of insaigaticin-areirlot incluxi�d thEt awgy ,Q]CIAlatticills, but"shall be l6stalled,in the field.,. Ifurt:�.DanSit[Wofsprayed on, loose fill, or-any.other composed -on site insulation shall be the PCF (Ib/fi:3) average of three, (3) fttri;*66 of Insulation Contractor 26202 777-�� ' caffift n Ntimbeir Notary Nuoa KELLY L YOUNC Notary Public • Stale of Florida 3my comm. Expires Jul 1.201801a omission # FF 1331013101 ILL . a:r 4i 1 Signature or linsuiation Contractor 3/28118 Date of Certification /50/1- 00.::) 7 Job # 106467 Cl iiNT'Y_, � wfilch thickness; f (I?ensity'N/A) will Planning .& Development, Services Building & Code Regalatfon Department 2$00 VIrginfa Ave FortPlerce, FL34982 772A622165Fax 462-6443 INSULATION INSTALLATION, CERTIFICATE wall:have,.been.insulated with ..... _.:............... of 1 incheswhich thickness, according to er, 1,t(O6W,, N/A)'WM yield an 9. Garage,part'tibn:walls-of 'condiboned living areas have'been Insulated wRh' ..........................»«. _ 5 & in 'taathtdmesso incheg which thickness, y ickness accnrNng�to,the mannfa6rec 6 25 ( I, Den N/A) will ield:an Certainteed "R`value6f 13 & 19 () Flberglassblankets () Fiberglass loosefill () AlumbuirtiFOit 00 ,Spray Foam O Fberglass�blankets () Fberglass;loose fill O Alyminum Foi)-' () Other,Celluiose'SA[ () F , yglass blankets () Po_lurethane O Spray'on cellulose 'Spray Foam (>4 Fiberglass, blankets () Spray.on cellulose O Polyurethane Other MULT[ AMILX,.R DEN7TAL CONMUCfION ONLY; The common.(party) walis,separating•differenttenants shall bednsulat:d as foHovas.—Frame/Metal stud walls Rid (Min)-; CBS or Concrete walls R3; (Min) by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code" Rev1.B paregraph,M3.2(b), 6n''pages 9=17,,latest etlidon. These "mi'nimum levels i 1sWation"'are not included the Energy Calcwtafions, hurt shal(be ir>staitediih the Nerd: NDTEr Dens�tlesu}:spr$y c1 on, loosefiil, br. arry:'other. composed on site insulation shall be the PCF (lb/ff3) average of three,(3). -DRY SAMQt.ES"`of actgTihsfaAaifor: Print 0me of Irlsuletion Contactrr Signature of Insuiailon Contractor 26202 3/28118 . t' JIA fificahon I NdmEler ' Date of Certification I. Il :,x* F voe KELLY L YOM, ti ,. -Notary Public - Stare of Florida J'MY Comm. Expires Jul 1, 2018 ,ct,.K. ;ommission # FF 138101 IIYYN