HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD - LABATORY REPORT1(006 6 Project No.: 1910.0900032.0000 UNIVERSAL Date Typed: August4,2010 ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC: _ Threshcid /PRvaN Providerinspectlon and Plan Review Construction Materleis Testing • Geophysical Services Environmental Sciences o Geotechnical Engineering ED SCANN 803 South Kings Highway a Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 BY Phone: (772)461-9815 Faz:(772)461-9816 St Lucie County Field and Laboratory Report Transmittal Sheet Client: DJP General Contracting 174 Dusk Way Fort Pierce, FL. 34945 �� n C Project: Various House Pads � \ 2403 St. Lucie Blvd. Fort Pierce, FL. As requested, a representative of Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) was at the referenced project to provide construction materials testing services. The results of the observations and/or tests are summarized on the attached sheets. The reports are numbered as follows: 008DR. We hope this Information is sufficient for your immediate needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Distribution: 2-(Sealed). Client RECEIVED AUG 0 5 2010 Public Works St. Lucie County, r=, I UNIVERSAL LIES Project No: 1910.0900032.0000 ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. UES DOCS No: 851056 Threshold/PNvate Providerinspectlon and Plan ReviewReport No: 008DR-0727 Construction Materials Testing • Geophysicat Services Date: 08.04-10 Environmental Sciences • Gactechnical Engineering 803 S. Kings Highway - Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 (772)461.9816 Fax (772) 461-9816 On -Site Time (hrs): 0.76 Lab Time (hrs): 0.00 Travel Time (hrs): 1.00 Total Time (hrs): 1.75 ACTIVITY RECORD Client: DJP General Contracting 174 Dusk Way Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Project: Various House Pads 2403 St. Lucie Blvd. Fort Pierce, FL. Date of Activity: 07-27-10 Technician: J. Ashburn As requested, a Universal Engineering Sciences Technician was present at the above referenced project site for the purpose of earthwork testing for the foundation fill for house pad. While on site, the technician observed the general condition of area to be tested and performed 6 soil density tests, All tests were performed in accordance with the nuclear gauge method and were found to meet the project compaction requirements of 95% of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557. The contractor was notified of the test results or a copy was left for their records. UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. Threshold/Private Provider Inspection and Plan Review Construction Materials Testing - Geophysical Services Envfronmentar Sciences - Gootechnical Engineering 803 S. Kings Highway - Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 (772) 461-9815 Fax (772) 461-9816 Report of In -Place Density Tests UES Project No: 1910.0900032.0000 UES DOCS No: 861056 Report No: COBDR-0727 Date: 08.04-10 Client: DJP General Contracting 174 Dusk Way Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Project: Various House Pads 2403 St. Lucie Blvd. Fort Pierce, FL. Area Tested: Foundation fill Type of Test: Field: ASTM D 2922 Laboratory: ASTM D 1557 Date of Test: Technician: J. Ashburn Requirements: 95% of Maximum dry density. Remarks: 07-27-10 TEs7 LOCATION TEST TEST PROCTOR FIELD ' FIELD RESULTS # OF ELEV. THICKNESS, MAX, DRY DRY MOISTURE COMPACTION (3) TEST (1) (IN) DENSITY DENSITI % ° PCF (PCF) 1 Northwest corner, 10' S.E, of N.W. corner 0 12 1 110.7 8.0 98 A 2'North west corner, 10' S.E. of N.W. corner -1 12 1 109.4 6.7 95 A 3 Center, 20' S. of center_of N. side __ _ _ _ _ 0 _ 12 1 109.9 _ 5.9 95 A _ 4 Center- 20' S, of center of N. side 1 12 1 109.6 2 95 A 5 South east corner, 10' N.W. of S.E. corner 0 12 1 109.3 6.4 95 A 6 South east corner, 10' N.W. of S.E. corner •1 12 1 1 109.5 1, 7.5 95 1 A Ref. Datum: (21 0 = Top of Final Grade Proctor Maximum # Dry I Optimum Density _ _ Moisture 1 115.0 8:5• (3) Results Key A. Compaction meets minimum requirements B. Compaction does not meet minimum requirements C. Moisture does not meet requirements D. Re -compaction required