HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE03/22/21007 101:25 5617418909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 01/17 FORM 60DA72004R EnergyGauge® 4.5.2 t'r FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A ame: SAN LUCIE - ACSLPI6 Builder: —ATLANTIC COAST HMS.i iProjeei Addres City, St : LOTS -10, 17 & 10, BILK - 41 Permitting Office: C.O. PT. ST. LUCIE te: PT. Owner: ST. LUCIE, FL Permit Number: Climate I BURKE Jurisdiction Number: 901200 Zone: Central 'I t• Neu' 2. Sine construction or existing —.---. New _ 12. Cooling systems a family or mule -family I SCANNE�p, 3. Num, Single family _ a. Central Unit 45.5 kHtu/hr cr of units, ifmulti-fs rdly 1 BY 4. Num 5. Is thi SaPR:15.00 vofDedroonts 4 — b. WA St Lucie County a worst case? i. No r 6. Con _ = 1 itioncd floor area (fit) 1628 Rr c. NIA 7. ' G1as — I { typel and area: (Label regd. by if not default) — a. U-fa (or Single tor: Description Area 13. Healing systems al or Double DEFAULT) 7a(S i b. SHGC: Wjc Default) 278.8 ft' _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 34.0 kBtuR,r • (or S. Floor Clear or Tint DEFAULT) 7V. HSPF. 6 7$ types ('Tint) 278.8 fe _ I b. N/A — a. Slab -Oa -Grade 2dge Insulation R=0.0, 203.9(p) it c. N/A b. N/A- — I I- e. NIA Wall 9, Wa11 _ 14. Hot water systems yW a. From a. Electric Resistance Ca 50.0 I . , P: gallons , Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 233:d R' b. Concrete, — lot low). Exterior R�4:1, 1999.0 R' EF: 0.90 b. NIA c. NIA — I ]12 d. NIA e. N/A — I ; _ c. Conservation credits to. Ceiling (HR.Heatrewvery, S0 ar typesa. D _ Hp -Dedicated heat pump) • r -• ' AAtticR=30.0, b. N/Ae 1742.E It' 15. HVAc credits T"� ;' PT, CF+ c. NIA — (CF-Ceiling fan, CV.CrOss ventilation— 1I. Ducts I HF-Whole house fan, ..'s,<• , at. Sup: Une. = PT -Programmable Thermostat, ReC Unc. AH(Sealed):Garage Sup. R=6.0, 140.0 R I M&C•Multizone coolbtg, M&H-Multizoneheating) ) `' Glass/Floor Area: 0.17 Total as -built points: 23717 A r PASS'-7 Total base points: 24232 I hereby this calu Code. r)cerp DATE: I hereby w'th the I OWNEi DATE: E that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and are in compliance with the Florida Energy . specifications covered by this BY: calculation indicates compliance �ri jq ry S I with the Fladda Energy Code. ►48-7745 I Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for that this building, as designed, is In compliance compliance with Section663.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: F ' DATE: type and.ereas, ses Summer &Winter Glass output on pages 2&4. EnergyGaugeO (Version: FLRCSB va.5.2) R'LEI-POPY p4.t*m ST,U, t, iu a. a o 03/22/�007 01:25 5617418909 CONNIEt ELCALCS PAGE 03/17 FORM i60OA-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.5.2 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADYRESS: LOTS -16, 17 & 18, BLK -41, PT. ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT 0: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points 12.3ingle, Overhang Floor Area Type= Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF=Points .18 1028.0 21.35 7136.0 1-Single, Tint E 1.3 7.5 39.0 63.27 0.97 2012.0 Tint SE 1.3 6.6 16.2 Koo 0.94 771.0 3.Single, Tint E 1.3 6.5 16.2 63.27 0.95 820.0 4.Single, Tint NE 1,3 6.5 10.2 38.88 0.95 600.0 5,Single, Tint N 1.3 6.6 23.2 24.46 0.9E 545.0 6.SIn9le, Tint N 1.3 9.5 48.0 24.46 0.99 1156.0 7.Single, Tint N 1.3 6.6 16.2 24.46 0.96 381.0 8.Single, Tint W 1.3 5.5 9.3 47.90 0.92 410.0 9.Single. Tint W 1.3 6.5 23.2 47.90 0.95 1055.0 10.3ingle, Tint W 1.3 5.5 12.9 47.90 0.92 569.0 11.Single. Tint W 1.3 5.6 32.4 47.80 0.92 1431.0 12.Single, Tint S 1.3 2.5 6.8 39.84 0.69 185.0 13.Single, Tint S 1.3 6.5 19.2 39,84 0.88 871.0 As-BuillTotal: 278.E 106g6.0 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 235.4 0.70 164.8 1. Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 235.4 0.70 164.8 Exterior 1999.0 1.90 379a.1 2. Concrete, Int Insui, Exterior 4.1 1999.0 1.18 2358.8 ease To it: 2234.4 3962.9 As -Built Total: 2234.4 2623.0 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adiacenl 16.0 1.60 26.E 1.A0jacent WOOD 18.0 2.40 43.2 Elderlor 24.0 4.80 116.2 2.Exterior Insulated 24.0 4.80 116.2 Base Total: 42.0 144.0 A5-Built Total: 42.0 150.4 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Undergttic Base Total I 1628.0 2.13 3467.6 1. Under Attic 30.0 1742.E 2.13 X 1.00 3711.7 1628.0 3467.6 As -Built Total: 1742.6 3711.7 FLOORTYPES Area X BSPM = Points' Type R-Value Area X SPM =' Points Slab 203.0(p) -31.0 -8484.0 1. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 203.9(p -31.90 -6504.4 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: -0484,0 As -Built Total: 203.9 -6604.4 I EnergyG luge® DCA Form OOOA-2004R EnergyGauge®/FIaRES'2004R FLRCSB v4,5.2 03/22/2007 01:25 5617418909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 04/17 FORM 600A-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.5.2. SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADgRESS: LOTS -16, 17 & 18, BLK -41, PT. ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT INFILT ATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points Summer 1628.0 14.31 23296.7 Base Points: 31523.2 1628.0 14.31 23296.7 Summer AS -Built Points; 33792A Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points. (System - Points) (DMx DSMXAHU) (eya 1: Central Unit 45500btM,5EER/EFF(15.0) DucT5:Unc(S).Unr4R),Ger(AH),R6.0(INS) 31 23.2 0.3250 10245.0 33792 1,00 (1.09x1.150X0.95) 0.227 0.902 8233.3 ' 33792.0 1.00 1.188 0.227 0.902 8233.3 n EnergyGeug8m "CA Form 600A-2004R EnergyGaugaVFIaRES'2004R FLRCSe v4.5.2 d.: R 03/22/2007 01:25 FORM 60UA-2004R WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details 5617418909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 05/17 EnergyGauge® 4.5.2 I ADDRESS: LOTS -16,17 & 18, BILK - 41, PT. ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: GLASSITYPES .18 X BASE Conditioned X BWPM = Points Floor Area Type/SC AS -BUILT Overhang Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 1628.0 9.11 2670.0 1.Single, Tint E 1.3 7.5 39.0 13.04 1.01 512.1 [.Single, Tint SE 1.3 0.5 16.2 11.49 1.03 192.0 3.Single, Tint E 1.3 6.5 16.2 13.04 1.01 213.0 4.8ingle, Tint NE 1.3 8.5 16.2 16.07 1.130 244.0 5.Single, Tint N 1.3 6.6 23.2 15.38 1:00 355.0 6.Single,Tint N 1.3 9.5 48.0 1S.36 1.00 736.0 7.Single, Tint N 1.3 6.5 16.2 16.38 1.00 246.0 B.Single, Tint W 1.3 6.5 9,3 13.80 1.01 129.0 9.8ingle, Tint W 1.3 6.5 23.2 13.80 1.01 321.0 1D.Single,Tint .W 1.3 5.5 12.9 13.80 1.o1 179.0 I (.Single, Tint W 1.3 5.5 32.4 13.60 1.01 451.0 12.Single, Tint S 1.3 2.5 6.6 10,80 1.32 98.0 IS;Single, Tint 5 1.3 5.5 19.2 10,88 1.04 218.0 As-BUlll Total: 278.6 3696.0 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points . Adjacent 235,4 1.80 423.7 1. Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 236.4 1.60 Exterior 1999.0 2.00 3990.0 2. Concrete, Int lnsul, Exterior 4.1 1999.0 3.31 423.7 6606.7 Base TOl 1: 2234.4 4121.7 AS -Built Total: 2234.4 7030.4 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Paints Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 10.0 4.00 72.0 1.Adjacent Wood 18.0 5.90 106.2 Exterior 24.0 5.10 122.4 2. Exterior Insulated 24.0 5.10 122.4 Base Total: 12.0 194.4 As -Built Total: 02.0 228.E , CEILING TYPES Area XBWPM =poi nts Type R-Value Area X WPM XWCM = Points Under Atli 1626,0 0.84 . 1041.9 1. Under Attic 30.0 1742.6 0.64X 1.00 1115.3 Base Total: 1628.0 1041.9 As -Built Total: 1742.6 1115.3 FLOOR7YPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 203,9(p) .1.9 -3a7.4 I. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 203.9(p 2.6D Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 509.8 Form 600A-2004R Ener9yG3u9e61FIaiRE8'2004R FLRCSB 0.5.2 .,.. ... ...,��1�.. ...'y,.k �.JI ^33� . m.. . _ . �,. ,.,, , ,,,,...., .;� �i .. ... .. ......... .w i,+,al�II ry•�si, .me.r .. '„ .w'.�tV „� 0 1 �.,. •... Y=�drr t _ _,. ...__... it .. r. ... �..� C`C �: 03/22/2,007 01:25 5617419909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 06117 FORM 600A-2004R EnergyGaugeO 4.5.2 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details LOTS -16, 17 & 18, BLK -41, PT. ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT 0: BASE AS -BUILT INFILTI4ATION Area X SWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 1628.0 -0,28 4$5.8 1628.0 -0.28 -456.0 WinlI4 Base Points: 7484.8 Winter As -Built Points: 12324.2 Total Wjnter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Poin s Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Paints (System - Points) (DM x DSM x AHU) (sys 1: Electric Heat Pump 34000 htuh ,EFF(8.8) DUCts:UnC(S),000(R),Gar(AH),R6.0 74 4.8 0.5540 4146.6 12324.2 1.000 (1.018 x 1.160 x 0.95) D.39D 0.950 12324.2 1.00 1.188 0.390 0.950 5425.1 s426.1 DCA Form 800A•2004R Energy0augee/FIaRES'200411 FLRCSB u4.5.2 03/22/2007 01:25 5617410909 COWE'S E-CALCS PAGE 07/17 FORM i 2004R EnergyGauge® 4.5.2 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADgRESS: LOTS -10, 17 & 18, BILK - 41, PT. ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number Bedrooms of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier y 2460.00 9840.0 60.0 0.90 4 1.00 2514.67 1.00 10058.7 i Ao-Built Total: IN158.7 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS j BASE AS -BUILT Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water = Total Cooling + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points Points Points Points Points 1024� 4147 9840 24232 8233 5425 10059 23717], PASS DCA Form 600A-2004R Ener9YG0uge0/FlaRES'2004R FLRCSe 14.5.2 03/22/2007 61:25 561741B909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 08/17 FORM 600A-2004R EnergyGauge® 4.5,2 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADgRESS: LOTS-16,17• & 18, BILK - 41, PT. ST. LUCIE, FL, PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST pMenbr windows & uoors 1606.1.ABC1_1 _ Maximum:.3 efMsg.tt. w;ndow area; .5 cfmfsa.p, door area. - T.._ Exterior Adjacent Wells 606.1,ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors 6 frames, surrounding wall; ifoundation & well sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at corners; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame wells where a continuous Infiltration barrier is installed that extends fromyand Floors is sealed 10 the (ountlaGOn to the top plate. -, 606,1.ABC.1.2.2 Penelralionsfopenings>1/6" sealed unless backed bytruss orjoint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is Installed that is sealed . to the perimeter, penatrationa and seems.__ _ Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of lop floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier: gaps in gyp board & top plate: Mile access. EXCEPTION; Frame callings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at he perimeter, at„penetratlona and seams_ _ Recessed Lighting Flxtyres 606. 1,ABC.1.2.4 Typo IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a ' .sealed box with 112" clearance & T from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from ..._J_.__.,�._ eondRioned space,lasted.._•__ Multi•slo� Houses _ 1606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrfer on perimeter of fbor ravhy between floors_ _ _ _ ` Addittpn I Infiltration ragls 606.1 ABC.1..3 Exhaust fens vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space hastens comply wkh NFPA, have combustion air. 6A-22 QTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or eXceeded by all residences.) Water Hgaters 1612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 612.1.ABC.3.2. Switch or Clearly marked Cr _ breaker electric) or cutoff (gas) musl.be provided; External or builtdn hea! trap reguirad. Swimming Pools & Spas ' 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commsfcJol pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have 0 minimum thermal systems 610.1 All ducts, fillings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed In accordance with the criteria of Section 610. 6W.1 • Separate readilyaccessible manual or automatic thermostat for each s stem, __ _ 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both aides. —I Common ceiling & floors R-11. , DCA Form 600A.2004R EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2004R FLRCSB v4.6.2 03/22/2007 01:25 561741B909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 09/17 1. N 2. Si 3. N 4. N 5. Is 6. G 7. GI a. U. b. ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 86.5 The Wgber the score, the more efficient the home. BURKE, LOTS - 16, 17 & 18, BILK - 41. PT. ST. LUCIE, FL, eonst ruction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems family or multi -family Single family _ W Central Unit per oftatib, ifmul0-family 1 _ erofbedrooms 4 _ b. NIA a worst case? No boned floor area (fts) 1628 Rt c. N/A _ typal Wares; (Label regd. by 13-104.4.5 if not default) ion Description Area 13, Heating systans ngle or Double DEFAULT) 7e(Sagle Default) 278.8 fP _ a. Electric Heat Pump (or Clear or Tint DEFAULT) 7b. 8. Fi001 as a. Slab •OA•Gmdo Edge Insulation b. N/A c. N/A 9, Wal y types a. Ftnme, Wood, Adjacent b. Concrete, Int lnsul, Exterior 1N/A N/A e. NIA 10, Ceiling types a. Und r Attic b. N/A G. N/A 11. Ducts (Tint) 278.8 fi' _ b. N/A R=0.0, 203.9(p) ft c. N/A _ 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance R=11.0, 235.4 ft; _ R=4.1, 1999.0 RD R=30.0, 1742.6 ft' _ a. Sup: Una Rat Unc. AH(Seeled);Garage Sup. R=6.0,140.0 ft b. N/A b. N/A a CenSBryatienCredits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fen, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT-Prograuunable lhetmostat, M2-c-Multizone cooling, W-H-Multizoac heating) I certify that Utis home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based onl installed Code compliant tbatures, Builder Signature: t-- y ` Date: -6-L-bkca Address fNew Home: b7l'st-ZE !&Lyp City/FL Zip: FT. qV—R.cE , T-L VOTE. - This is n your hot Contact 4e home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. a Building Energy Raring. Ijyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for u US EPA/DOE EnergyStar '"designation), may qualifyfor energy e,ficiency mortgage (EE4 incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. t Energy Gauge Hotline at 321/638-14P2 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www. fsee, ucf edu for t and a list of cerr60ed Raters. For information about Florida's Energy E91cfency Code. For Building tn, contact the Department of CommunityAffairs at 8S0/487-1824. t glass type. For actual glass typo and areas, Dec Summer & w'Dwr Glass Out rut on ages 2&4. EnergyGauge® Mrsion: FRUCH v4.5.2) Cap: 45.5 ]diuvk SEER: 15.00 Cap: 34.0 hBtuft _ HSPF: 8.75 Cap: 50.0 gallons _ EF: 0.90 PT, CF, _ 03/22/2007 01:25 561741B909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 10/17 Project Summary, Entire House ABBOTT & ASSOCIATES N DIVE MY, IT LAucERDALE, p l , a09.77620m For: BURL LT 16/1711 a BLOCK 41, PT ST LUCIE, Notes: WHOLE HOUSE Job: BUM0011111E Daft: 7/211117 sy: Weather. Fort Pierce, FL. US Winter Design conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 o Inside Design db 2p OF Outside db 7b OF 9 Inside db Design TD a Heating Summary BUllding heat lass 30862 Btuh Ventilation air 87 olm Ventilation air Igse 2692 BIUh Design heat load 33374 Btu Infiltration Method Slmpli'ad Cunstructlon quality Average Fireplaces 0 Area (Ra) Ha1162 Co11�g 9 0162 9 Alrcha gfe)ea ur ng�ft EquiV, AVF (chn) 1 1 145 0.30 73 Heating Equipment Summary Make Goodman Mfg. Trade 0SH140481 Emoien Heatin0 input 8.8 HSPF Heating output Head temp rise Actual 46000 Btuh 0 47'F 26 F eating Heating airflow/agar loco cfm 0.052 cfmf nth Space thermostat Daily rangE Relative humidity 15 F Moisture diffarence 50 /r 61 grAlt Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure Ventilation 30018 Btuh 1442 Btuh semen temperature awing 3.0 'F Use mfg, data Ratefswing multiplier n 0.05 Total Sens. equip. load 2ae87 Stuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Internal gains Ventilation 1600 Btuh Infiltration Total latent equip. load Btuh 33854 654 Btuh 8874 Btuh ad Req Itoottall 3�3 h capacityatatt 0.74 SHR 4 ttan Cooling Equipment Summary Make Goodman Mfg, T�J- sible Sensible gang Latent oon 33670 Btuh 11830 Btuh Total cooling cooling fan 45800 Btuh Co Cooling sir Aowfactor 1800 cfm O,D53 chri/Btuh Load sensible heat raft 78 % gaSDiae DaOnsMro Own amsar/yovaRlotOm Printout tomcod by ACCA to meet all requi"thrients of Manual J lidr Ed, wngF7tsoft RW"u;b ReWe"ua1 Ja S,a,17 R9yInan C. OE"WmaybOm%HVACIeuRKECONNIE.rm [ale+MJB orimlakneN aW7-ate-a 1a:oo:ag Depa 1 .f x . `T 03/22/2007 01:25 5617418909 CONNIE'S E—CALCS PAGE 11/17 Right-l8 Worksheat Saba BURKECCNNIE Endra House Daft: v2iw ABBOTT & ASSOCIATES By: Ro f0 N V4'�� [Pail Aa J003 [T�m��9 0 3 3 g� Oybi `aa�j �j' Sg r� �(� gA Bvcm � �S 9 aQ eF rAPP?eo�peroo�a4a4-tee lm mu�$ieo50-': oi=ia�� �m pO (rJ qO V ONAmm�Yq .O emPy� p�Jl �Ppu OqA pW N Vpm N�OYOCi9d 0'um MOOD � . e{uu��.NN.�o�.ppo Q eN aJ,i''iN,'vpp:iou O PAN iNOry mpOmONmOG® g $e000pe e000eameoe Pa o 13�0oo0oo poeoeePoOo p � a um Y co Nq u 00p OF tl p VNOO Op000e00Omm000 T ]S` �N o�00000000o p a cr X OO NN , oomo popyrooe000eeo N V 8. e o 3 � x OOO00000ip0000epeo � 3 O ]n$ • oy aVa ON O �mOOVOO�r000000000 S N �S `y a mm yp y V> mVO0e 0e eY U � 00pp 2 p00�+000000000 m w - N N 2 o R m J m m Y UI v A � m J P AD C W 21 ®S > m N ' O Z M m i D r n N C anm O Z' m D m � L%J 03/22/2007 01:25 5617418909 Right-J8 Workshoet ° Entire House ABBOTT & ASSOCIATES NOME HM, F7{AUDpRoxg, Plme 1104.7762Ooa Ty ICWI41nIL11Jn Amber Inlemol balm! n n Ot4uoonm (g 240 AP4WionCas @ 1790 2.00 29.63 17.40 1 CONNIE'S E—CALCS uN DT 0 PAGE 13/17 Job: BORKECONNIE Rasa: N21ro7 By. LAUNDRY 0,0 n 10.0 fl mewcool Sa.o % 1.0 t sop 1R R pe"Mawr m � ) afm• NIPl0 oad most I Ca01 ol ° D 016 ie%l r2l 72 Ba7a 32s20 4 24076MON 212:M.w tgcsa 03/22/2007 01:25 5617418909 CONNIE'S E—CALCS PAGE 14/17 0 MOWS Worksheet . Entire House ABBOTi & AssociATEs Job: BURIEOONNIE Date: 3121f07 By: 1 Rmnlmme 2 EqmCoMog helg a CeiHlpomam 5 Room mmon9iorie 5 Roam Area FAMILY 1a.0 A EO a nea0mel !c 1.0 A 310,0 it, gTCHEH 9.0 0 10.0 0 aamool 100.0 a 1.0 2 100.0 /p ry MOID "t len (L�us lawnert•F7 Or Hrm (BIOtJIP) plpp Q IR7 d . Load oedmeler (p (Bttuub) pedmeh+ (M _ Hem Ceel Qm WP/e Hest COOT Omea l0l6 Hwt Coal 1Q' 13Mrw OA17 n 8,28 2.00 0 a JDD 1A.n1Mn lak IN n 06.96 28.95 0 a o o o 1a all 482 y� 0.000 n 10,00 9.7a 17.40 0 0 � D 90l0 11 1---C Mcomp 1.270 1.270 a 0 59.90 2.0p 68.02 10> 6B EO 1ae 129 o I—D 11J0 0.000 a 10.p0 17g0 a 0 a 17p7 D,118 0 p 0 p tl 19A�k1 1A•M0m 0.117 a aa se 20e D D a a D o o D 11Jp 1.270 a BE,Oa 3210 p U 0 a 0 0 0 0,000 a N 10.80 8.28 17.410 p 0 0 0 0 0 Tim0.117 �1�--0D i 1AJ11am 1.270 m e5,50 atop a0.D2 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 11,10 11J0 C.anD w 10.80 , 17A0 0 p 0 9 0 0 0 0 1100 U97 0.e00 • n 272 10.02 055 11.91 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 E 1arHfm 0,117 a.ze 1.22 D 0 0 0 0 0 O o 1--D 1100 4390 n 10.00 11.31 a p D .. 0 0 0 0 0 Occuponta 230 Ao0 ®. 1z00 cold R9/Q�929 cale_fup onemem,=H 1 wh— 20074k a212:9.4 Vegy 03/22/2007 01:25 561741B909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 15/L7 RightJB Worksheet Job: BURKEDONNIE Entire House DOW' =1107 ABBOTT $ ASSOCIATES e' 9 9 03/22/P007 01:25 5617410909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS PAGE 16/17 Right -A Worksheet Sidra House ABBOTT & ASSOCIATES 4*DN000E)Iw7." 1JU DERDALE•Pbv .9667J0.2061 J9h: BURNECONNIB Data 312107 BY: t Ream nuDO M01 1MB1ER BATH CLOGE1 aom m 17,0 R 10.0 fl 160Nbd 4,o R 41 ROOM dlff ne 0 a 1.0 A 10.0 R Ymeatcel Adam area area 70.0 (P 40.0 R 1.0 R 40.0 M r/ co"bea°a0° U•vdile 6r HTM 03MM'-°c) (010" Arn a Aot°OwMetw DaRmebr (N (0) (R) (®NM Owe Nm)6 Heal Coal Cron: N1P/5 NaOI cad Real Deal Wr — alit a 320 200 r'—+r 'M10m 1.2ro 173 101 SOS 321 4p 47 13/ O0 1 n 96.5a 20.06 ���--DD 11J0 O.e00 n te.uo 17d0 +0 0 0 670 0 O09 0 0 _ 1311d1u Ot17 C 12e 2.09 0 0 a a D 0 1 rl—Gn IlA, 1.270 355.'a as T itJO 0 0 p 0 a 0 0 O.Ooo a 16.00 17.40 1 aAJfm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.117 a So o D o 1270 a3 32.10 0 0 a 0 a ° 0 0 l"lom 1/Ja O.eao ® 10.00 17.40 0 0 o 0 0 19A11m 0.117 w 0,25 200 0 0 0 0 p 0 1Antom 1.27o w else ° 0 0 0o +/JO O.Ooo w 14.00 17AO 0 ° 0 R 12000w 0.007 2.72 0.e3 0 0 0 0 a LO 1f00 0300 n 1C92 11.31 tOMrm a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.117 - 3.20 1.22 t—D ttDD 0.390 a 0 0 0 0 O D n 10•92 11.31 C 10A•19a0 0.049 1.37 4.00 0 0 0 0 P 2211•pn 1,3ARI 30.02 0.00 70 70 70 11 00 04e 210 40 40 00 7 4 0 40 4 1oz 0 tpa DaadONo 1C,1S 1138 S07 z2t MMODA OR�0°Oan 0 O 1411 123 33 1p[Ak 200 Mr 01 o 0 Appunma 67ma1Ia80 Appluneoo 1z°o p o D 0 °1011RMr 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 Om motel 0 1ie�e 0 0 z4400 etc i5% 0�0 om Inrod(dm) 2037 1478 sot Sot 79 20 10 /22/2007 01:25 5617418909 CONNIE'S E-CALCS Right -A Worksheat ow° Endre House ABBOTT B ASSOCIATES 100 N DDOE KW,, PY LAUDERDALE, 1ign0: IKIM200 PAGE 17/17 Job: 13URKECONNIE By; �x E�ord.Wl ED Room 2&0 4 IN° Room 008a0&orm rywa 10.0 0 IsNrod Room aRa 100.a 8 1.0 8 100.0 IF 7q Conaauc0on Or H7N aa -nom0er. (:"Im F) (a0+8m) v M) (Bwh) a veranNor H+ Cm WPIS Nan Cod GrM NIF 1AA.d1ty 0.+17 n 3.28 $09 D �f°m 10.2a7�0 n 35.50 29.95 0 o p 13A4M 0.117 A 18.80 a 3.28 17,00 2.09 0 0 0 + 1IMIlom 1.210 a 35.59 80A20 0 0 0 0 lia 0.000 0.117 a 19.80 17.g00 0 0 r268337 1�213AJroc 1A4t om 1.270 f 3.29 a 35.88 2.0a237 32.100 778 490 1742573 11Jo 0,800 f 15.80 17A014119 0117W 3,20 2.080 00G 1Aa11em Mara 11J0 1.R70 W8558 60.02�O P12B-0hw 0.600 D.007 W 10.00 2.72 17A00 0.550 D 0 L_n 1100 D.22o n 1a.ez 11,e10 0 D o I--D 40117 - a20 1.220 0 c 41 +roil 1CA-riled 0,200 0,,0f9 n 10.9211.f1a . 1.87 ass190 00 E 22A," 2laA - 2e a� n,.n 2e0 e70 1raMa00n wabuon Mel pelnf:` .Oooven4 ® 230 Aofllarrefo® 42M 3 Prinfenn eeRlfied bY ACCA to meat all reqt w"Vnrmort PrgWWI; R®laemla.138,0.17 RSR2f528 oufa®I C:INYDXVMPe81NAGeUgK.CONNiE.rm CWe-Ma Od".ANaneN Load Real Cool