HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSS PAPERWORK.�l RE: 1550192-PSLP-5808 - Site Information 667e904 Parke East Blvd. Customer Info: PORT SAINT LUCIE PROPERTIES Project Name: CHAPIN Modpa, FL33610-4i35, Lot/Block: Subdivision: �C:q BY y Address: 5808 CLYDESDALE LANE s j, City: PORT SAINT LUCIE State: FL G COUnfy Name Address and License # of Structural Engineer of Record, If there is one, for the building. Name: License #: Address: City: State: General Truss Engineering Criteria & Design Loads (Individual Truss Design Drawings Show Special Loading Conditions): Design Code: FBC2017ITP12014 Design Program: MiTek 20/20 8.2 Wind Code: ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed: 160 mph Roof Load: 37.0 psf Floor Load: N/A psf This package includes 77 individual, Truss Design Drawings and 0 Additional Drawings. With my seal affixed to this sheet, I hereby certify that I am the Truss Design Engineer and this index sheet conforms to 61 IS 15-31.003, section 5 of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers Rules. No. Seal# Truss Name Date No. Seal# Truss Name I Date 1 IT152128681AUl 10/1/18 18 T15212885 002 1 10/1/18 12 I T15212869 I A02 1 10/1/18 119 I T152128861 CO3 110/l/18 1 13 IT1 5212870 1 A03 1 10/1/18 120 IT152128871 C04 110/1/18 1 4 T15212871 A04 10/1/18 21 T15212888 C05 1 10/l/18 5 IT15212872 A05 10/1/18 22 T15212889 C06 I 10/l/18 6 115212873 A06 10/1/18 23 T15212890 C07 10/1/18 7 T15212874 A07 10/l/18 24 T15212891 CJi 10/l/18 18 I T15212875 A08 1 10/1/18 125 I T152128921 2J3 110/1/18 19 I T152128761 A09 10/1/18 126 T152128931 CJ4 10/1/18 1 10 IT15212877 A10 10/1/18 27 1 T15212894 CJ5 10/1/18 11 T15212878 All 10/1/18 28 T15212895 CJ11 10/1/18 12 T15212879 601 10/1/18 29 T15212896 CJ31 10/1/18 13 T15212880 B02 10/1/18 130 IT15212897 1 CJ51 10/l/18 14 IT15212881 B03 10/1/18 131 IT15212898 D01 10/1118 15 T15212882 B04 10/1118 32 T15212899 D02 10/1/16 i6 T15212883 B05 10/l/18 33 T15212900 EJ1 10/l/18 17 T15212884 1 C01 10/l/18 134 1 T15212901 I E.I 110/1/18 The truss drawing(s) referenced above have been prepared by MiTek USA, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Builders FirstSource - Plant City. Truss, Design Engineer's Name: Lee, Julius My license renewal date for the state of Florida is February 28, 2019. IMPORTANT NOTE: The seal on these truss component designs is a certification that the engineer named is licensed in the jurisdiction(s) identified and that the designs comply with ANSI/rPI 1. These designs are based upon parameters shown (e.g., loads, supports, dimensions, shapes and design codes), which were given to MiTek. Any project specific information included is for MiTek's customers file reference purpose only, and was not taken into account in the preparation of these designs. MiTek has not independently verified the applicability of the design parameters or the designs for any particular building. Before use, the building designer should verify applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate these designs into the overall building design per ANSI/rPl 1, Chapter 2. RECEIVED JAN 2 4 ?0i9 ST. Lucie County, Permitting 5,v1-Ius,LEF No 3 8 i9 �= �•l ST E OF i �4 iOc�41 S c4 Jullus Lee PE No.34869 Mrek USA, Inc. FL Can 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Daze: Lee, Julius October 1,2018 1 of 2 RE: 1550192-PSLP-5808 - Site Information: Customer Info: PORT SAINT LUCIE PROPERTIES Project Name: CHAPIN Model: Lot/Block: Subdivision: Address: 5808 CLYDESDALE LANE City: PORT SAINT LUCIE State: FL No. Seal# Truss Name Date 35 T15212902 EA 10/1/18 36 T15212903 EJ5 10/1/18 37 1 T15212904 EJ6 10/1/18 138 IT15212905 1 ER 1 1011/18 1 139 I T152129061 EJ32 10/1/18 40 T15212907 EJ33 10/1/18 1 141 IT15212908 1 EJ34 110/1/18 1 142 I T15212909 J EJ61 1 10/1/18 1 148 IT15212910JEJ71 110/1/18 1 144 IT15212911 1 EJ72 1 10/1/18 I 145 1T152129121601 110/1/18 46 1 T1 52129131 G02 10/1/18 I 147 1 T15212914I G03 1 10/1/18 48 1 T15212915 1 G04 1 10/1/18 I 49 I T1521291' I G05 110/1/18 I 50 T15212917 GO6 10/1/18 51 1 T15212918 1 G07 10/1/18 152 1 T1 5212919 1 G08 1 10/1/18 1 L3 1 T152129201 G09 1 10/1/18 1 154 1 T15212921 I G10 1 10/1/18 I 155 I T15212922 { G11 10/1/18.1 156 IT15212923 G12 110/1/18 1 157 I T15212924 I HJ2 1 10/1/18 1 158 IT152 22925 HJ3 110/1/18 159 1 T1 5212926 1 HJ5 1 10/1/18 I 160 IT152129271H47 I10/1/18 I 161 IT152129281HJ71 10/1/18 162 I T15212929 I K01 1 10/1/18 1 163 1 T1 5212930 1 K02 110/1/18 1 164 1T152129311K03 10/1/18 65 T15212932 I K04 10/1/18 166 1T152129331K05 110/1/18 1 67 1 T15212934 1 K06 1 10/1/18 68 IT15212:351L01 110/1/18 69 T15212936 L02 10/1/18 129 L03 10/1/1870 I 5T1123M 10/1/18 72 I T15212939 1 M02 10/1/18 1 73 T15212940 M03 1011/18 74 T15212941 N01 10/1/18 75 IT152129421V0l I10/1/18 76 1T152129431V02 10/1/18 77 1 T1 5212944 1 V03 10/1/18 2of2 650192-PSLP-5808 6.00 F12 46 = 5x8 = Scale=1:61.3 4x6 = 314 = 3x6 = 3n8 = 3.4 = 3x4 = 3x4 = 3.6 II LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress [nor YES Code FBG2017/TPI2014 CSI. TC 0.66 BC 0.83 We 0.69 Matrix-SH DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) in Qoc) Udell Ud -0.16 14-16 >999 240 -0.3114-16 >999 180 0.07 10 n/a We PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 201 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 20 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-6-1 oc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-0-3 oc bracing. WEBS 1Row at midpt 7-14,8-13 REACTIONS. Qb/size) 2=1278/0-7-10, 10=1204/Mechanical Max Horz 2=243(LC 12) Max Uplift 2=-452(LC 12), 10=-375(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max Cor lMax. Ten. -All forces 250 Qb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2181/1441, 3-5-1988/1380, 5-6= 1373/1109, 6-7=-1168/1081, 7-8= 1316/1071, B-9_ 1390/9B7, 9-10=-1146/880 BOT CHORD 2-16=-1334/1882, 14-16_ 1069/1547, 13-14=-601/1102, 11-13= 756/1185 WEBS 3-16=-244/332, 5-16=-176/453, 5-14=-556/587, 6-14=-252/368, 7-14=-167/290, 8-13=-180/257, 8-11=-270/336, 9-11=-767/1206 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsk h=15B; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpI=0i18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 16-10-8. Extedor(2) 16-10-8 to 28-11-5, Intedor(i) 28-11-5 to 32-10-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MIN FRS for reactions shown; Lumber,DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provideadequate, drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 par bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live Ioatl of 20.0par on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.0ps1. 6) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 7) Provide. mechanical connection (by others) or truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=452,10=375. V1 jus *• ylQ 34869. A* Julius Lee PE No.34869 MtTek USA, Inc. R. Ger16634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,201; 0 WARMNG-Verily Rnslgn pemmefem Wd REAO NOTES ON THIS ANDWCLGDED M/IEKREF£RANCE PAGE W7473olK 1WDYL015 BEFORE USE Design vded foruse only with Milek8 connectors. this design Is based only upon parameters shown. and is form IntlMtlual catalog component not IS a Inds system. Before use. fine Wldiw desklner must vaulty fhe appecablilly of design parameters and properly Incorporate Ihh design Into the overall bulldingdesign. Bracing lndafedIstor ovenlbucklingofIndfivIdualtN¢Webond/or chord membem mly. AddItlonallemporaryontlp irnmentbmcing MiTek' Isalways required for stability and! to prevent collapse with posmle personal kVuy and properfydamcge. For genera gultlance mgarang the (obrkolbn,storage. tleiNery. erection antl brodng of lsusesond insasystems, seeANSVIPl1 CUOIDy CRerb,DS"?antl BCSIBuBChrg Component 6904 Perk. E.sl BN4. Sol lyWosmafblgvdlade rem /nm Rate Institute, 210 N. Lee Sheet. SAe 31: Nexantllia. VA22314. Temp., FL 33610 r Job Truss Truss Type 777TJ,bR.f T75212869 1550192-PSLP-5808 A02 Common erence(optional) Builders FlrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 24 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 29 13:30:36 2018 Page 1 ID:GKJbFexmbtsJ7lpVIiW mDyYoIL-kalW DZ_2yzgc3w_7SW LZfUmGoONWTaHIIXbBbyYlgn ,Me -9d40 12-]-a i&&0 24-ae 3av-u err-v �- ee &1-1 2d9 24p0 2-11.14 a08 ab8 6 as e]-0 -00 Scale =1:66.0 5x6 = sxe = 3n6 II 5xa = 3x6 = 3xe = 5x8 = 3.6 = LOADING (psD SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) Wall Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.64 Vert(LL) -0.19 13-14 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.88 Vert(CT)-0.3711-13 >942 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress [nor YES WB 0.89 Hoa(CT) 0.04 11 n/a rda BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 2051b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-9-0 0o puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 1Row at mciot 8-14 REACTIONS. (Ib(size) 11=1099/0-7-10, 17=1657/0-10-13, 2=102/0-7-10 Max Harz 2=194(LC 11) Max Uplift 11=-421(LC 13), 17=-573(LC 12), 2=-64(LC 26) Max Grav 11=1099(LC 1), 17=1657(LC 1, 2=193(LC 23) FORCES. (lb) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 Qb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3= 243/522, 3-5=-2281253, 6-7=-862!/12, 7-8= 864f722, 8-10=-1551/1008, 10-11= 1774/1091 BOT CHORD 2-17=-420/358, 16-17=-397/342, 14-16=-119/552, 13-14= 487/1123, 11-13=-777/1523 WEBS &16=-949/645, 6-14=-51/372, 7-14=-290/450, 8-14=-621/565. 8-13=-211/499, 10-13=-296/380,3-17=-1507/927, 3-16=-386/1002 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.Opsf; h=151t; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 18-8-0, Exterior(2)18-8-0 to 24-8-8, Intedor(l) 24-M to 384-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcument wAth any other live loads. 4) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.Opsf. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) 2 except Qt=lb) 11=421, 17=573. \ 34869 i �N..... % � Umnnu`� Julius Lee PE No.34899 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parka Ent Blvd. Tampa FL 33610. Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING.VedydealgnparametmmdREADNOTESONTHISANDMCLUDEDMfTEKREFERANCEPAGEMa-]4]aree1N0a tSOEFOREUSE ■� Deem enrid for use any Wh MiTekOconnectors. This design is based any upon parameters shown. and is form inClviduol buldleg component not a tom system. Before use. the bulidep designer must verty the appecobillty of design parameters and lama ly blaalparate this design Into Ile overall builalngdoign. Brach indicated is to prevent buckllnp of ledNiduol trussweb and/or chord members any.Addillonaltemporaryantlpermanenlbecing +HeT•JY® MtTe�C Is always regiHfedfor stadfly and to prevent colimse wah possecle personal hlhay and lxopedydamage. Fwgeneraigradmoetegardeglhe fabrLatbDm storage. delNery, ereclron aril bracing of fnm .d trusssptem%m ANSU1Pl1 Ovamy CRoIb. DSBd9 antl BCSIBdadelg Canpanent 69" Parke East BNd. safety Nfelmalbmvallade from truss Plate Institute. 218 N. Lee Sheer, suite 312. Alexand4a VA22314. Tampa, FL =10 1550192-PSLP-5808 T15212870 5x6 = Scale = 1:66.8 3x6 = 2x4 II 6x8 = 3x6 = 3x8 = sxe = 3x6 = LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in (too) VdeO Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.54 Very -0.18 13-14 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.85 Vert(CT) -0.3611-13 >904 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.39 Horz(CT) 0.03 11 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017ITP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 204 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-0-13 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 Ste No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or B-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-16, 8-14 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=145/0-7-10, 16=1722/0-10-13, 11=992/0-7-10 Max Harz 2=194(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-61(LC 12), 16=595(LG 12), 11=-391(LC 13) Max Grav 2=237(LC 23), 16=1722(LC 1), 11=992(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=.127/314, 3-5=-269/603, 5-6=-188/601, 6-7=-627/570, 7-8=-630/583, 8-10=-1323/873,10-11=-1548/958 BOT CHORD 2-17=-281/253, 16-17= 281/253, 13-14=-364/917, 11-13=657/1323 WEBS 6-16=-1337/845, 6-14=-227/629, 7-14=-1631285, 8-14_ 624/568, 8-13=-215/504, 10-13=-301/383, 3-16=395/380 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=S.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat II; Exp C; Encl., GCpI=0.19; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-1-1, Interior(1) 5-1-1 to 18.8-0, Exterior(2) 18-8-0 to 24-8-8, Intedor(1) 24.8-8 to 38-4-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C.0 for members and forces 8 MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This muss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 4) ' This muss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all area where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.0psf. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2 except Qt=lb) 16=595. 11=391. ,w 0. ..p0�IUS�LEI� :��,, • �.�G E N `Sic•• ��� No 34869 *6 _ 1 n . * i Y. AA G 4ORI. Julius Lee Lee PE NB.34869 MRek USA, Inc. P. Gert 6634 8904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33810 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNWG-VsdfydeslpnpammstemandREAO NOTESON THISANOWCLUOEO MREKREF£RANCEPAGEM➢-74n3 v. 12p920165EFORE USE Design world for useonly Wtih MITekQDcmn tors. thlsdesim Is based oNyupon paramefesshown,andIsform brdlvltlual building component net a east syttEm. Before use, the GEltling designer must verily the appilcabOlN of design parameters and properly Incorporate Ihls design Into the overall bWr➢t`g design. Bracinglntl atetlislo WeventWcMlWoflnd duallus barxi/orchordmembemody. Additla itemporaWmdpermanentbmcing MiTek' balwayion.st rage, stability aieeoprflon OWbraohUof with posadliuenotems. seeANS&oII Quagnma. Forge-8 a ndaCsceregm Co the fabrication. storage, dx seeexerdr II Quality Cr➢edy DSB-09 and BCBI &+➢tl/ng Componcnl Maltude.18N. 69M Parke East 8W. Iudoern Truss tee eer. suite SaANfnb/morbmvallable ham Team Nate Ins1IMe, 218 N. Fee 5Bee1.9/ite 312 Alexandria. VA22314. TaWa. FL 33610 ea " " T15212871 550192-PSLP-5808 A04 Hip 1 1 Job Reference (optional) n...,._._ ­.__ 11 ou.,.e n aeo4e 8.220 s Mav 242018 MITek Industries, Inc. Sal Sep 2913.30.38 2018 Pagel &ale=1,69.1 5.6 — Sx6 = 3x6 = 2x4 II 3x6 = 618 = 3x4 = 3.4 = 3.6 = 3x4 = 46 = LOADING (pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In (hoc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO0.59 Ved(LL) -0.30 12-14 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Verl(CT) -0.55 12-14 >556 180 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES We 0.69 Horz(CT) 0.04 10 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017ITPI: Matrix-SH Weight: 208 In FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-0-11 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 1Row at midpt 5-15.7-14 REACTIONS. (lb/slze) 10=1015/0-7-10, 16=1343/0-10-13, 2=500/0-7-10 Max Harz 2=186(LC 11) Max Uplift 10= 410(LC 13), 16=-535(LC 12), 2— 149(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3— 610/399, 3-4= 253/229, 4-5=-694/673, 5-6=-572J678, 6-7— 702/658, 7-9=1411/978, 9-10=-1635/1043 BOT CHORD 2-18=-152/479, 16-18-153/476, 15-16= 66/252, 14-15=62/554, 12-14= 5111998, 10-12=-803/1385 WEBS 3-18=0/254, 3-16=478/393, 4-16=10371840. 4-15=-32V706, 6-14= 165/286, 7-14-648/647, 7-12= 210/516, 9-12=-267/361 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.OpsF h=150; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0. Interior(1) 5-0.0 to 17-10-0, Exterior(2) 17-10-0 to 27-11-13, Intedor(1)127-11-13 to 38-4-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed fora live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCOL = 10.Opst. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withslanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 10=410, 1,6=535, 2=149. 1g �J�,00usICFF Ii 34869 ♦ �Ur � ♦j z �hON% ill A11 Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL Carl 6634 6904 Parke fast Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date; October 1,2018 Q WARNING-Ve11ry C11/gn parameters .ad READ NOTES ON TNISAND /NCLUDEO MR£KREFERANCE PAGE M 74Ta rev. 1"3&015 BEFORE USE Design vall(l for use ON Wth MITeM connectors. This design Is based ON upon parameters shown. antl is for an hx11vidual Wllding corn pone nt,net a Inds system. Before tue, the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly Incomoiate this design Into the overall bu1dingdesign, &achrglWd tedistopmventWckilWoflwd uall webmd/orchordmemb moNy. Addlliorwltempoma mcJpermanentbtaclrxl MiTek' It alwaysrecidied for stability and to prevent collapse weh possQsle personal injury artl Propedy damage. For general guidance regartBng the storage, delivery. erection anal bracing of trusses and truss systems seeANS&VII Oua@v Cr@erb, DSE!➢andaCSl aerating Component 6904 Parke East Blvd.fabkailon: Saniylnramralbinvdlable Rom lrus Rate Milule,218 N. use Street sulfa 312, Alexandra. VA 22314. Tanpa, FL 33810 T15212872 Special 201 Scale-1:70.7 5x6 = 5x6 = 5 6 Sx6 = 1 m I9 Sx6 = 2x4 II 3.6 = STi.5x8 STP= axe = 3x8 = Sx6 — 20 11 416 = 6x8 = LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TPI2014 CS]. TC 0.80 BC 0.67 WB 0.60 Matrix-SH DEFL In (too) I/defl Ud Vert(LL) 0.13 10-12 >999 240 Vert(CT)-0.2110-12 >999 180 Horz(CT) 0.03 10 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 222 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-2-4 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-16, 5-15, 6-15, 8-14 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=867/0-7-10,16=1694/0-7-10,2=297/0-7-10 , Max Harz 2=-184(LC 10) Max Uplift 10=-365(LC 13), 16=550(LC 12), 2=-130(LC 12) Max Grav 10=867(LC 1), 16=1694(LC 1), 2=372(LC 23) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-306/160, 3-4=-141/525, 4-5=-271/396, 5-6=-261/422, 6-7= 458/554, 7.8=-598/505, 8-10=128W772 BOT CHORD 15-16_ 446/497, 14-15=0/319, 12-14_ 540/1066, 10-12=-540/1066 WEBS 3-18=0/263, 3-16=-535/435, 4-16_ 1318/882, 4-15= 476/919, 6-15=-647/551, 6-14=-402/530, 8-14=-708/583, B-12=0/351 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0psf; h=15f; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi-0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Inlenor(1) 5-0-0 to 17-8-0, Exterior(2) 17-8-0 to 19-6-0, Intenor(1) 19-6-0 to 21-6-0, Extedor(2) 21-6.0 to 27-6-0, Intedor(1) 27-6-0 to 38-4-0 zone; cantilever left and Tight exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at Joint(s) except at=lb) 10=365, 16=550, 2=130. E N d No 34869 * O /7 * _ P•: Julius Lee PE No,34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parks Fast Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Daze: October 1,2018 ® WARNING -Verity Eeslen paramefexe end READ NOTES aNTHISANGWCLUOED M/TEKREFERANCEPAGEMM174n., 180YR015REFGREUSE Designs valid for use only Wth MIfoI connectors. Ab design Is based only upon Parameters shown, and Is form Indivldud building component, not a hus system. Befae use, the bullcing designer must.dfy the appllcobNly of design parametersantl Properly Incorporalo Ihls design Into the overall bulldinp design. Bracing IWIcated is to WcMIW of lrxiMtlual truss web antl/or chord members only. Addlllonal temporary and permanent bracing MiTeW prevent 4 always reaWred for stadlity and to prevent collapse with possible persorat lnlury and property damage. For general guldonce regarNng the storage, cf.Mry, erector, and bracing of Busses and tvs systems, seeA1LSU1P11 Qualify Offerla, DS949 and 8CS18o9Chrp Component 6904 Parke East Blvd.fabrlcaUm Salsiylnbnnatbspvallade kom Truss Rate trsliNte. 218 N. Lee Slreel. 3Wte 31Z Mexandtla, VA 22314. Tarrya, FL =10 JVV T15212873 1550192-PSLP-5808 A06 Roof Special 1 7 .. _ , . .. 2018 Sale=1:70.5 5x6 = 3x6 = 2x4 II 3x6 = STI.SxB STP= 3x6 = 3x8 = 3x6 = 2x4 11 3x6 = 6,8 = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. In Qoc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.65 Vert(LL) 0.09 9-11 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.53 Vert(CT) -0.14 9-11 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress ]nor YES WB 0.78 Horz(CT) 0.03 9 n4a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017RPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 2161b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or4-5-13 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 1 Row at mldpl 4-15. 5-14 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 9=862/0-7-10, 15=1710/0-7-10, 2=286/0-7-10 Max Harz 2-184(LC 10) Max Uplift 9=-362(LC 13), 15=-555(LC 12), 2— 126(LC 12) Max Grav 9=862(LC 1), 15=1710(LC 1).2=367(LC 23) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-295/181, 3-4=-166/549, 4-5=-262/399, 5-6— 257/396, 6-7=-571/621, 7-8= 729/578, 8-9= 1317/821 BOT CHORD 14-15=-465/535, 13-14= 81/478, 11-13=-604/1093, 9-11=-603/1096 WEBS 3-17=0/266, 3-15=-538/436, 4-15-1339/896, 4-14=-507/939, 6-14— 646/608, 6-13=-244/363, 8-13=-596/523, 8-11=0/299 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vas 1=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15f1; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi-0.18: MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extenor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 17-8-0, Exledor(2) 17-8-0 to 21-6-0, Intedor(1) 21-6-0 to 23-6-0, Exterior(2) 23-6-0 to 29-6-0. Intenor(1) 29-6-0I0 38- 0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pet bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.Opst. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except gt=lb) 9=362,15=555,2=126. 41US' VNo 34869 n* Julius Lee PE ND.34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q IVARNMG- Verify dosrgnpemmoteMMdREAONOTES ON THIS AND LVCLUUEDMREKREFERANCEPAGEMI1,74"rev. iMMIS BEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MITek& connectors. This dosIM B based only upon parameters shown and Is for an IrdMdual buliding component, not a alas system. Before use, the bWldhg designer must vediy the opwlcablllty of design parameters cirri propedy hcorporafe the design Into the overall bu0digdesign.&acinglndk:atedlstopreventWcklfrgoflndivdualtmsswebond/orchorrlmembefsonly. Addiflomitemporaryondpermanentbrocirg MiTek' Is always re Wired for stability and to prevent coheres with possible personal hlury aid property damage. For general guidancefegardig the fabrication.storage. delNery. erection and bracing of trusses; and Buss systems. sooANSlgPll Quality Crifedo, DS849 and BCS1 Bending Component 69N Parke East BNd. SaPoy WdrmalbnxvabtNe from TM Rate ketilute, 218 N. Lee SBeel, suite 31Z Aexanddo. VA2231A. Taeryo. FL 3361 D 1550192-PSLP-5808 Special Scale =1:70.5 5.6 = 3.6 = 2x4 II 3x6 = ST1.Sxe STP= 3x8 = 3x6 =axe = 2x4 II 4�6 = 6,8 = LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TP12014 CSI. TC 0.53 BC 0.50 WB 0.67 Matdx-SH DEFL. in (too) Udell Ud Vad(LL) -0.09 12-14 >999 240 Ved(CT) -0.1812-14 >999 180 Horz(CT) 0.03 9 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 2121b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2%4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-8 oc purllns. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-15, 5-14. 6-14 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 2=280/0-7-10, 15=1718/0-7-10, 9=859/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=-184(LC 10) Max Uplift 2=-124(LC 12), 15=-558(LC 12), 9=-361(LC 13) Max Grav 2=365(LC 23), 15=1718(LC 1), 9=859(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-291/191, 3-4=-177/564, 4-5=-261/401, 5-6-257/369, 6-7=-699/684, 7-8=-857/661, 8-9-1344/878 BOT CHORD 14-15= 475/564, 12-14— 238/638, 11-12=-666/1127, 9-11=666/1127 WEBS 3-17=0/270, 3-15_ 542/438, 4-15= 1355/913, 4-14— 535/961, 6-14= 689/675, 8-12=-491/462 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsh h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl-0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Intedor(1) 5-0-0 to 17-8-0, Exterior(2) 17-8-0 to 23A-0, Inlerlor(1) 23-4-0to 25-4-0, Extedor(2) 25-4-0 to 31-0-12, Intedor(1) 31-0-12 to 384-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for membervand forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-D wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.Opsf. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Gt=lb) 2=124, 15=558, 9=361. %�J1.IUS1CFl� ``�. ; ��GENS�:•. 4 34869 '1411111119•- Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 69M Parka East Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Data: October 1,2018 A WARNING- VedydeslgnparamotmandREAONOTEB ON THIS AND WCLUDEDNR£KREFERANCE PAGE 1161-7473nI, 104734e15 BEFORE USE. ■ Design valid for use arty With MnedO connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual WlldlW component, not a buss rystem. Before use. the bWlOhp designer must vedly the applicaulty of design parameters and properly hcotporate this design Into It>B overall bulidiigdesign.BrachObdicatedistopreventWcMIWofirdNdualliussweb and/or chord members only. Addflonallemporaryadpamanentbracing ■•�Ye MOW boles s regdred for stoNlry and to prevent Collapse with posIble personal Injury and property damage. Forgeneedgutdanceregardhgthe fabrkblb storage. delivery. erection and btooing of trumsord tamsystemS seeANSWI1 CuaRy Ciffaft DS849 and BC51BUBC47g Componant 6904 Purka Fast Bt+d. BaMty OrMnnalbmvdiabie from 1ms %ate LutIMe. 218 N. Lee St.?. Silo 312 Alextsdda. VA 22314. Tarrya, FL 3360 Job Truss Truss Type cly Ply T75212875 1550192-PSLP-6808 A08 Root Special 1 1 Job Reference (optional) ........ _ .._.... ..,..., ...r_i. ............ i..., e... e..., nn w.an.nn onm pn�e . Builders Flrsicource, ron 19ece, rl'J9a40 Sx6 = 5x6 = a nn� 5 6 21 3x6 = 2x4 3x6 = ST1.5x8 STP = 3x8 = 6.8 = 3x6 =ate = Scale = 1:68.7 3x6 = ST1.50 STY = 3x6 II LOADING (pst) TOLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress lncr YES Code FBC20177TPI2014 CSI. TC 0.71 BC 0.62 WB 0.85 Matrix-SH DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) In (too) Ildell Ud -0.14 13-15 >999 240 -0.3013-15 >999 180 0.02 it n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 2441190 Weight: 228 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-10 oc puriins, BOT CHORD 20 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 6-0.0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 5-16, 6-15, 7-15 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 11=779/0-6-10, 2=259/0-7-10, 16=1755/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=244(LC 12) Max Uplift 11=-305(LC 13), 2=-92(LC 12), 16=-594(LC 12) Max Gray 11=791(LC 24), 2=345(LC 23), 16=1755(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3.4=-355/610, 4-5=-131/581, 5-6=-262/398, 6-7=-354/313, 7-8=-869,704, 8-9=-1029/675, 9-10= 1171/787, 1D-11=-745/525 BOT CHORD 13-15= 502/848, 12-13_ 818/1206 WEBS 3-18=0/270, 3-16=-544/442, 4-16=-299/451, 5-16=-1224l763, 5-15= 6037781, 6-15=-178/261, 7-15=-746/704, 8-13=-89/266, 9-13=-374/357, 9-12=-562/487, 10-12=-884/1308 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; VUI1=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exit C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Intedor(1) 5-0-0 to 16-10-0, Extedor(2) 16-10-0 to 24-6-0, Interior(1) 24-6-0 to 27-4-0. Extedor(2) 27-4-0 to 32-9-6, Intedor(1) 32-9-8 to 37-1-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-Cfor members and forces 8 MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This muss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wish any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a rive load of 20.0psl on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.0psf. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of muss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2 except Qt=lb) 11=305, 16=594. %%It% ►USJillill , �F /�i�i V�CENSF' No 34869 h /1 4 Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Dart 6634 6904 Padre East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WANNWG-VeHtydedgnparenrefere end HEA0 50NTHISANDINCLUOED Mff HEFERANCE PAGEMU)O]Jree`W0 015e�FRE USEDaslonvdltlforuse th" oNywflh Mllel�connectors.Ibis tlesi0n6 Wsetl oNyupon Parameters snows. antlbfor an kltlMtluN Wlltllrnentnotbuss system. Before use, the bWNnn tlesl0ner must veery the oppllcabYlty of tleu0n parameters aixl properly Incoryorale (tilt tlInto 711e overactrednt W.", ellndivld ,tou b. re, ctrortlmemWrsonly. Atltllilonaltempond pemlanenl bracing iwiTek'kregWretl(osvent collcpsewith persprarxloperty�OeailCerdlig the fotxbalkxk siwa0e.delNery. erection ontl brodn0 of J.sortdtnls systems. seeAN51/19it CuaMy C2elb,0S8-09 and 8C51EuIdery Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. SaNlyesMsm rslvdlade from Russ Plate Imtilute. 216 N. Lee Mreet. SWte 312'exandrla VA22114. Tampa. FL 33610 T15212876 Special Scale=1:68.7 5x6 = 5x6 = 6.00 12 5 6 21 3x6 = 2x4 11 3x6 = ST1.5x8 STP = 3a = 3x6 = 3x4 = 3x4 = ST1.Sx8 STP = 6x8= 6a= 6-4-12 12-5-13 20-6-0 27-4-0 30-9-8 37-1— 12 6-0-1 8-03 &10-0 &5-B 6-5-8 Plate Offsets (X Y)-- 12:0-2-12 0-1-81 [3:0-3-0 03-01 [5:0-3-0 0-2-0) [6:0-4-0 0-2-81 18:0-3-0 0-2-01 LOADING (pso SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) -0.14 15-16 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL t25 BC 0.58 Vert(CT) -0.2115-16 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WE 0.96 Horz(CT) 0.02 11 n1a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/rPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 224 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOTCHORD WEBS REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 11=765/0-6-10, 2=230/0-7-10, 16=1798/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=257(LC 12) Max Uplift 11=-299(LC 13), 2=-95(LC 12), 16=-560(LC 12) Max Grav 11=787(LC 24), 2=323(LC 23), 16=1798(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-211/278, 3-4=-407/669, 4-5=-219/618, 5-6=404/460, 6-7=-536/384, 7-8=-10541730, 8-9— 1265/834 BOT CHORD 13-15=-691/1063, 12-13=-597/964, 11-12=-687/1092 WEBS 3-18=0/250,3-16=-543/457,4-16=-240/404, 5-16=-1215/838, 5-15=-634/888, 6-15=-175/278, 7-15=-758/624, 8-12=.288/379, 9-12=-266/330, 9-11=-1189/748 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-9 oc putting, except end verticals. Rigid calling directly applied orb-0-0 oc bracing. 1 Row at midpt 5-16, 5-15, 9-11 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.OpsF h=15ft; Cal. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 14-10-0, Extedor(2) 14-10-0 to 26-6-0, Interlor(l) 26-6-0 to 29-4-0, Extsdor(2) 29-4-0 to 30.9-6, Inlenor(1) 30-9-8 to 37-1-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed;C-C. for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.0psf. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at jolnt(s) 2 except (jt=1b) 11=299, 16=560. ENg.., 34869 C E LIFfI l�A�l llA �il.�� e At - Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. R. Cart 6634 69D4 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 A WARNING -Verify design peremelersandREADNOrES ON THIS AND INCLUDEDINEKREFERANCERAGEMb747a my. 10113cefsaEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MITeM connectors. This deslgn is based only upon parameters III and is for on Individual building component not a truss system. Before use, the bullcling designer must vent' the appllcabllly of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall buldlrgdesign. Bracing indicated Istoprevent bucklirgoflndlvklualthrsweband/or chord members only. Addlllonalternwo,yondpeanonentbracing i•�Y® MiTeW Is always required for atablilly and to prevent collapse with posmle personal inh4y anal property damane. For general r uldance regarding the 6904 Parke East Blvd. fabrication. storage, delivery. erection and bracing of throes and Inns systems. seeANSI/f cif OrlaDy, CrBarb, DSB 69 and SCSI Bugderg Componmf Tanga, FL 33s1D Sahy fnrennaBonavdicde tram Trus Rate ImI1Me. 218 N. lee Street, suite 312, Atexand tVA 22314. 550192-PSLP-5808 A70 (Roof Special " T15212877 2018 scale =lNi8.7 5xs ' Sx6 = 3z4 = 4 5 19 6 20 7 21 36 = 2,01 11 3x6 = 14 3z8 = 3x6 2x4 11 ST1.5x8 STP = ST1.5z8 STP= 6x8 = 8z14 MT20H5 = 6-4-12 12-2.0 1 -1 -0 22-6-0 2&4-0 37-3.0 6-4-12 5.34 -8- 9-8-0 AN 7-11-0 Plate Offsets (x Y)-- 14:0-1-150-0-0115:0-5-40-2-8117:0-3-00-2-0118:0-5-40-3-4119:Edge0-1-81 LOADING (pS0 SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. in (roc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) -0.27 13-14 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.74 Vert(CT) -0.46 13-14 >640 180 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress [nor YES We 0.92 Horz(CT) 0.02 10 Na rVa BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/rP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 211 Ito FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOTCHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 6-0.0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at micipl 6-14.8-10 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 10=700/0-6-10, 2=128/0-7-10, 14=1965/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=231(1-0 12) Max Uplift 10=-271(LC 13), 2=-119(LC 24), 14=-555(LC 9) Max Grav 10=728(LC 24), 2=245(LC 23), 14=1965(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompJMax Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-298/500, 3-4=-543/891,4-5=-332f736, 5-6=-365/739, 6-7=-451/435,7-8=-592/359 BOT CHORD 2-16=-420/193, 14-16=-420/193, 11-13=-741/1199, 10-11= 737/1205 WEBS 5-14=-403/171, 6-14- 1119/846, 6-13=-467/751, 8-13= 814/609, 8-11=01294. 8-10=-1224/751, 3-14=-548/495,4-14= 377/660 .NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vu11=.160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psP,, BCDL=S.Opsf; h=15h; CaL II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) antl C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5.0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 12-10-0, Extedor(2) 12-10-0 to 18-10-0, Intedor(1) 18-10-0 to 22-6-0, Exterior(2) 22-6-0 to 28-6-0, Interior(1) 28-6-0 to 37-1-4 zone; cantilever left and dght exposed ;C-C for members, and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) All platesiare MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.Opst. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 to uplift at joint(s) except Qt=1b) 10=271, 2=119, 14=555. r %% \JQU S e (Elp NSF•. ALn 34869 �' i NAIL % Julius Lea PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL fart 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 A WARNING -Verify Ceslgnpemmefcmmd REAONOTES ON TNISANO INCLUDED MIFEIVREFERANCEPAOEMIF74T3rev. IbUM15BEFORE USE. Design vand for use only with MITek9 connectors, Ws design Is basetl oNy upon parameters shown. and Is for an M10dual WOding component not a Imss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the appacolos ly of design parameters and mopetly Incorporate this design Into the overall WOdWcesIgn. Boeing lndk:ated is to WCklhxlof[ouvidual fmssweb and/or chortl members only. Additional temporary and permatlenf bracing MiTek' prevent Is always rogllretl for staWllty and to prevent collalxsevvith possiNe Personal injury antl property dznage. Fw general guidance regamHrg the labrlcafbn storage. delNery. erection and bracing of lnrssesantl huss systems, seeANSf/lPII 0lrpllty G9ub, OSB-0p antl BCS/BuadNp Comt>onenf 69N Puke Ease Brad. SOfoty WopnOtblWdlode hom truss Plate Institute. 218 N. Lee Sheet Suite 312. Alexendrio. VA 22314. Tampa. FL 33310 Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T15212878 1550192-PSLP-5808 At 1 Roof Special Girder 1 2 Job Reference o tional Builders FIVASOUPCe, 1'011 Piece. FL 34e40 Z'F"' ••Y ^ "•'•"'r-- --- -- -' - ID:OKJbFeldnbtsJ7lpVjIW mDyYolL-whvgXJ6M•AM22udKFcJ29cornVDFAbOeuPzih4SyYlgc 1-0- 5-e-4 10-10-0 12.5.1 18-5.0 24-6-0 31.4.0 37.3-0 -0.0 68-4 5-1-12 1-7-13 6113 60.15 60 5.11.0 6.00 FIT 2x4 II 3 m 2 � 1 0 1711 19 20 17 21 22 STlEx8 STP= NAILED 4x6= 4.6 = NAILED 5x6 = 2x4 11 5x6 = 5x8 = 4 5 6 7 23 15 242625 27 1228 B 74 13 ST1.Sx8 STP= 5x8 = 618 = HTU26 6x8 = 7x10 = HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 5x8 = HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 Scale =1:68.7 5x8 = 5x8 = 8 NAILED 9 If 18 jIIIm v N 28 30 17 31 32 33 10 ` RTU26 HTU26 5x8 = ST1.5x8 STP = HTU26 NAILED 3x8 II NAILED LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr NO Code FB02017frPI2014 CSL TO 0.70 BC 0,54 We 0.91 Matrix-SH DEFL. in (loc) Udefl Ud Van( LL) 0.27 11-13 >999 240 Vert(CT) -0.38 11-13 >776 180 Horz(CT) -0.02 16 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 2441190 Weight: 480 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-4-1 oc purling, BOT CHORD 2x6 SP M 26'Except' except end verlicals. 2-15: 2x6 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 6-0.0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* WEBS 1 Row at midpl 6-16, 8-13 9-10: 2x8 SP 240OF 2.OE, 9-11: 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=2945/0-6-10,2=-503/0-7-10, 16=8128/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=181(LC 8) Max Uplift 10= 1475(LO 9), 2= 755(LC 20), 16= 4252(LC 5) Max Grav 10=2966(LC 20), 2=346(LC 6), 16=8128(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 Qb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-780/1857, 3-4= 722/1833, 4-5=.1838/3722, 5-6- 1838/3721, 6-7=-1074/710, 7-8=-3721/1872, 8-9_ 7376/3549, 9-10= 2703/1334 BOT CHORD 2-17=-1631/740, 16-17=-2989/1617, 14-16=-589/1074, 13-14= 1647/3364, 11-13=3586f7433, 10-11=-176/308 WEBS 3-17= 340/319, 4-17=-1549/2251, 4-16_ 2495/1435, 5-16=-357/245, 6-16=-6378/3391, 6-14=-2108/3970, 7-14=-3090/1522, 7-13= 1597/3305,8-13=-4320/2128, 8-11=-775/498, 9-11=-3588/7514 `\� ,J ES�II�� NOTES- with follows: ,`, , 14�.•••�� 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together 10d (0.131°x3') nails as �� �k Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc, 2xe - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. 4 •i 34869 •: Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 Do. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0.9.0 Go. * ; 2) All loads are Considered equally applied to all plies, except If noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to _ ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. : •• •• Wind: ASCE VuIt=160mph Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf, BCDL=5.Opsf, h=1 Sit: Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., 4) 7-10; (3-second gust) GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 ��,�� 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. , • O R , •�� 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. • •• i// ,�� O 7) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide /// N AI- ��% 118111 will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. I I till" 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) Julius Lee PE No.34869 10=1475; 2=755, 16=4252. MRek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 9) Use Simpson Strong -Tie HTU26 (2040tl Girder, 11-10dx1 1/2 Truss, Single Ply Girder) or equivalent spaced at 2-0-0 oc max. 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 starting at 14-0-12 from the left end to 32-3-4 to connect truss(es) to back face of bottom chord. Date 10) RII all nail holes where hanger is In contact with lumber. October 1,2018 11) 'NAILED' Indicates 3-10d (0.148'x3') or 3-12d (0.148x3.25') toe -nails per NOS guidlines. ®WARNING- Verify design pammefamand READ NOTES ON MIS AND INCLUDED Mf7EKREFERANCE PAGE 111II7473.a, 1"3OOI5 BEFORE USE Drake volld for use only w h Went) connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual bracing component, net �R• q` a Voss system. Before use. the building designer must vasty the appilcabYlly of design paameters and properly Incorporate Inks design Into the overall bWdrgdesign.Bracing Indicated is to prevent bucking of Individual tmseweband/or chord members only. Addilonaitempoiaryandpeimanentdacig p/� Met( Is dways tendred for Mercury oriole prevent collapse YAM possilde personal Inlury and property damage. For genefd gdtlance regardig the fadbolbn. storage. delivery. erection and bracing of trusses and busssyslems, socAMVII,1l Ouallye2efb, DS849 and SCSIBUBdhi Component 69M Parke Easl BNd. Sotefr WofmafbrPvdlade hem To. Pete Inslllute, 218 N. Lee Sheet, suite 31Z Alexandra, VA22314. Tampa, FL 3361e Job Truss Truss Type Oly Ply T75212878 1550192-PSLP-5808 All Roof Special Girder 1 2 Job Reference o tional Builders FirslSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 a.ccu s way a. �V,a wo i —n muou:u——F—.-.- -.- •-.-a-- ID:QKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-whvgXJ6xMM22udKFcJ29cornVDFAbaeuPzih4SyYlgc NOTES- 12) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 759 lb down and 520 lb up at 6-0-12, and 583111 down and 355111 up at a-0-12 on bottom chord. The designtselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-4=-54, 4-7=-54, 7-8=-54, 8-9=-54, 2-10=-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 15=-522(B) 13=-520(B) 18=14(B) 19= 107(B) 20 15(B) 21= 759 22=-583 23= 5221B) 24=-520(B) 25_ 520(B) 26= 520(B) 27= 520(B) 28=-517(B) 29= 520(B) 30=-520(B)31=-1137(B) O WARNING- Verllydea/SnparenrefemaodREAO NOTES ON THISMI)MCLUOEO 4IREKR£FERANCEPAGEM67473.v... IMMOIS BEFORE USE Design vallal for use only with MlToM connectoni. Ns design Is based only upon Parameters shown, antl Is for an hxtividual Wilding component, not a truss system. Before use. the buildng designer must verify the apin icaulity of design Paramofem and (properly hcoTorate This design Into the overall bulldngdesign.BracinglixlicatetlktoproventWadingofindMdualMisswebanalorchordmembersonly. A 11tionallemporaryandpelmanenl1xaclrg Well( B always reaulredIor stadily and to prevent collapse with ponrcle Wwrwl hjiny and popery dancge. for generd guldance regarding me fabnociflon.storage. ddNery, erection and bracing of Ines and tuns systems.s AMSMJI Quality CrEerb,BSS-B➢ and ECSI Buldbrp Camponmf 69U ParM East BNd. SaletyfnformalbnrvdiaWe ham Trm Nate Munro, 218 N. tee Sheet. Win 312 Alexandria. VA22314. Tanpa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oly Ply T15212879 1550192-PSLP-5808 BO1 Hip 1 1 Job Reference o (option .. e„ e,... oe w.atrea oma Pnna 1 Builders FlrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 Xi 24.....,-, ....r..,..-,_-,r-e o. S8= 46 = 6.00 F1-2 _ 18 17 16 3x8 = 3x8 II 3x12 MT20HS = zx4 11 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/IPI2014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* 5-16: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 Scale=1.61.7 CSI. DEFL. in (lot) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TC 0.88 Vert(L-) -0.1212-14 >999 240 MT20 244/190 BC 0.60 Vert(CT) -0.2412-14 >999 180 MT20HS 187/143 WB 0.60 Horz(CT) 0.08 10 n/a n/a Malnx-SH Weight: 224 lb FT=20% BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-1-0 oc pudins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-2-14 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-12 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1 8=1 275/Mechanical, 1 0=121 1 /Mechanical Max Herz 18=223(LC 12) Max Uplift 18=-421(LC 12), 10---356(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All tortes 250 (lb) crises; except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1356/931, 3-5-1966/I524, 5-6=-153GtI284, 6-7— 1180/1074, 7-8=-1370/1144, 8-9=-1365/1004,2-18=-1224/958, 9-10= 1151/912 BOT CHORD 17-18=-250/134, 5-15=231/373, 14-15=-1270/1706, 12-14-877/1340, 11-02-782/1160 WEBS 3-17=-838/742, 15-17=-974/1238, 3-15= 409/610, 5-14— 5641599, 6-14= 328/572, 6-12-322/230, 7-12=-179/347, B-11= 320/338, 2-17=-753/1197, 9-11= 786/1184 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.OpsF h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0. Intedor(1) 5-0-0 to 14-10-8, Extenor(2) 14-10-8 to 30-11-5, Intedor(1) 30-11-5 to 32-10-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber COL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) All plates,are MT20 plates unless otherwise Indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.0psf. 7) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at Joint(s) except (t=lb) 18=421, 10=356. ,,,�����V1 lUS LF�; �;�ji G E N g4s, '1i No 34869 -•11111111114' Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Paike East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Data: October 1,2018 ®WARNING-VedrydvVgapammetemwdREAD NOTES ON THIS ANOINCLUOEDMIIEKREFERANCEPAGEM1474"mv 1bDaRp159EPOR£USE DedOn valitl for the oNy wilh Mliek conneci0rs. rhjdesign8basetl ody upon parameters shown and Isfor an IntllNtlual Wetling component not �� a lnmsyslern. Batwe use, Ine bullring designer must verify the app4lcpbYlly of derlgn parameters antl properly Ncomorate ih5 tle5gn Info the overdl buildixl design. aracbs0 indloatetll5 to prevent buckling of lrstllvkiuol imssweband/or chord members only. Adtlllional temporary antl permanent bracng MiTek' 9alwaya rogibI frn slab0lty antl to prevenlcdlapse with posside persorpl NJury and propeMdom�e. Fa generpl gultlmce regardrvl the fabrbafkxl.storage. tlelNery. esect'on and brocln9 of lnrssesasstl imssyslems, seeAN51/tpli Ovafly CrMlb, DBB-0g and BC51 BUBd4i9 Component 59o4 Palle Easf BNd. SeletykrlelmDlbN]vdio.. from Tnas Mate rrai'uufe. 218 N.lee Sheet. Sdte 312 PJexaMdo. VA 2z314. Tanya, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oly Ply T15212880 1550192-PSLP-5808 B02 Hip 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 ^ ^ f 8.220 s May 24 2018 MiTek Indu=stries, Inc. Sat Scale = I to.8 5z6 = 2x4 II Sx8 = 5x6 17 16 15 14 3x6 11 5.8 = 20 II 6-60 11-6-9 2-6- 18-64 24-5-8 3&0-8 6-5-0 5-1-9 1-0- 5.11-11 5-11-0 8.7-0 Plate Offsets (X Y)-- 14'0-3-0 0-2-71 16:0-6-0 0-2-81 113:0-2-8 0-3-01 LOADING (pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL in (fee) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.16 9-10 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.69 Vert(CT) -0.33 9-10 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress [nor YES WB 0.98 Horz(CT) 0.08 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20177TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 223 lb FT=20% LUMBER- ' TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* 3-15: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4.0-4 oc purims, except end verticals. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-11-0 oc bracing. Except: 10-0-0 oc bracing: 13-15 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 17=1226/Mechantcal,9=1220/Mechanlcal Max Horz 17=163(LC 12) Max Uplift 17=-363(LC 12). 9-331(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-1448/995, 2-3=-1860/1421, 3-4-1803/1545, 4-5=-1563/1327, 5-6= 1563/1327, 6-7= 1407/1113,1-17— 1166/853 BOT CHORD 3-13=-141/275, 12-13-988/1482, 10-12-741/1209, 9-10=-743/1020 WEBS 2-16-768(701, 13-16= 997/1321, 2-13=-185/445, 4-13= 496/593, 4-12— 1581254, 5-12=-355/410, 6-12=-419/586,7-10=-90/346, 1-16-799/1238, 7-9=-1402/1053 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vul1=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.OpsF, h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl.. GCpi=0.18: MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) 0-1-12 to 6-5-0, Intedor(1) 6-5-0 to 12-10-8, EMedor(2) 12-10-8 to 21-4-5, Inledor(1)'21-4-5 to 24-5-8, Extedor(2) 24-5-8 to 32-10-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending, 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.Opsl. 6) Refer to girder(s) for truss to Russ connections. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) except 01=11b) 17=363, 9=331. %%%�'\30use�4t' ���i \ 34869 Julius Lee PE No.34869 Mrfek USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 89M Parke East 8tvd. Tampa R.33610 Daze: October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type cry Ply T15212881 1550192-PSLP-5808 B03 Roof Special 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Bulidei FlrSIJOUme, tort Haas, VL U`IV40 4x6 Sx8 = 2x4 II 3r4 = 5x8 = 5 6 20 7 8 21 18 17 16 15 3x6 11 3x4 = 5x8 = 2x4 11 Scale=1:61.6 22 11 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (roc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.82 Van( LL) 0.12 13-14 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.53 Vert(CT) -0.2213-14 >999 ISO BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.67 Horz(CT) 0.07 10 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 MalWeight: 2241b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-4 oc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* except end verticals. 6-15: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-7-9 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 18=1212/Mechanical, 10=1212/Mechanical Max Horz 18=106(LC 12) Max Uplift 18=-357(LC 12). 10-361(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-1 S=-11461815, 2-3=-1472/1O11, 2-4— 1374/937, 4-5=-1377/1053, 5-6=-1790/1385, 6-7-1802/1392, 7-8=-1743/1357, 8-9=-1401/993, 9-10-11491896 BOT CHORD 16-17= 854/1218, 6-14=-277/322, 13-14— 1109/1743, 11-13=-743/l 176 WEBS 4-17=-243/303, 546=-545/333, 14-16-837/1327, 5-14= 729/1165, 743=-434/397, B-13=-498/824, 8-1 1=-255/303, 9-1 1=-715/1180,3-17=-752/1165 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; CaL II; Exp C; Encl., ,, ��1)S1 GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) 0-1-12 to 2-6-7, Interlor(1) 2-6-7 to 10-10-8, Exterior(2) 10-10.8 to 16-10-8, ,� �J.1 Intedor(1) 16-10-8 to 26-5.8, Extedor(2) 26-5.8 to 32-5-8, Inter-or(l) 32-5-8 to 32-10-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C ,�� .. G•.EIV g for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 �� �,� 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3486 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Refer to girders) for buss to truss connections. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at Joint(s) except 61=11b) 18=357, 10=361. Q 8) Graphical puffin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puffin along the top and/or bottom chord. ,(� ��i�6`S; O R I 'D Julius Lee PE No.34869 M111'ek USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 69D4 Parke East8WL Tampa FL 33810 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING -VM#ydedemperemefexce.dREAD NOTES ON TH/SAND INCLUDED MIIEKREFERANCEPAGEMS-74"... IIAU42015eEFOREUSE Design valid fa use only Win MITek& connectors, This design Is based only upon parameters shown. and Is for an Individual Wilding component, nor � a truss system. Before ace, the b llmrg designer must verify the appllcaWly of design parameters and properly Incorporate IM design Into the overall bWdW design. &acing Indicated is to prevent bucMing of Individual bass web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is alwaysrequlred for stability and to prevent collapse v4lh possible personal ln)ury and nfor edy damage. Ta generd guldonce regardlrg the fobrkalbn.storage. delivery. erection and tracing of rmssesond husssysfems, seeANSM11 Quality Creado, DS114F and8C5I Bu7dhg Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Sooty NlormalbravcJlable from Truss Rate Institute. 218 N. lee Street. 9nte 31Z Alexandria, VA22314. Terry., FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Ory Ply T75212882 1550192-PSLP-5808 B04 Roof Special 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34M 6.00 r 3.4 6.LLV J IVICy C CV IO IVII1Cr, I,lYuau, , uat vap co Scale=1:60.1 3x4 i 46 = 5x12 = 2.4 11 3.4 = 3x4 = 5x8 = s e 7 o 9 10 22 21 20 19 25 26 18 17 3x6 It 5x8 = Gx12 MT20HS= 7.10 =3x8 11 7xto = LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TPI2014 CSI. TC 0.81 BC 0.69 WB 0.96 Matrix-SH DEFL. in (too) Well Ud Vert(0.39 7 >999 240 Vert(CT) -0.71 17 >552 180 Hmz(CT) 0.11 12 n/a n/a Attic -0.21 18-19 426 360 PLATES MT20 MT20HS Weight: 2431b GRIP 244/190 187/143 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-5-6 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* except end verticals. 20-22,17-20: 2x6 SP M 26, 7-17: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-3-6 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-21, 4-23 4-19,4-23,6-18,16-18: 2x4 SP No.2 2 Rows at 1/3 pis 18-23 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 22=1577/Mechanical, 12=1393/Mechanical Max Horz 22=72(LC 12) Mar Uplift 22-45(LC 9), 12=-252(LC 8) Max Grav 22=1705(LC 2), 12=1393(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2= 519/178, 2-3= 460/186, 3-4=-2431/522, 4-5= 1025/399, 5-6— 902/356, 6-7— 3080/966, 7.9= 3117/985, 9-10=-2481/1062, 10-11=-1461/695, 1-22=-1288/424, 11-12=-13521701 BOT CHORD 19-21=-42B/1695, 18-19--423/2201, 16-17=-464/495, 15-16=-887/2481, 13-15=-520/1245 WEBS 3-21=-2202/436, 3-19= 17/961, 4-19=0/467, 4-24=-1370/250, 18-23=-2369/1212, 6-23=-2339/1224,16-18=-552/3156, 6.16= 1053/2516, 9-16=0/810,9-15= 783/331, 10-15_ 455/1554, 10-13=-502/305, 1-21=-333/1131, 11-13=-555/1376, 5-24=-7/392, 6-24=-1231/153 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psk BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=O.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Elrierior(2) 0-1-12 to 4-6-0, Inledor(1) 4-6.0 to 8-10-8, Exterior(2) 8-10-8 to 14-9-9, Interior(1) 14-9-9 to 28-5-8, Exterlor(2) 28-5.8 to 32-10-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 13 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) 400.0Ib AC unit load placed on the bottom chord, 11-0-0 from left end, supported at two points, 2-0-0 apart. 4) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 5) All plalesare MT20 plates unless othervdse Indicated. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 7) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opst on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will 6t between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Ceiling dead load (5.0 psi) on member(s). 4-24, 23-24 9) Bottom chord live load (40.0 pso and additional bottom chord dead load (5.0 psi) applied only to room. 18-19 10) Refer to: girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 11) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb upl III at joint(s) 22 except 01=11b) 12=252. 12) ATTIC SPACE SHOWN IS DESIGNED AS UNINHABITABLE. 0V1JUS1[Etp r.. 34869 i �1 /ONA%� 111111111111 Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA Inc. FL Cert6634 89M Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type Oly Ply T15212883 1550192-PSLP-5808 B05 Roof Special 1 1 Job Reference a tional Builders FirstSouroe, Fort Piece, FL 34M 6.220 a may 24 2016 MiTwk n iwoa,00, Mc.., ocy co e,. . ID:OKJbFeldnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYolL-krGxnNBryCpCCYnOya9Zr35mOeGt77Mnov9716yYlgW 8.44 3-6-0 6-6-0 6-1 a 15.742 18.6-9 26-7-12 33-0-B 3-6-0 NNP4-8 7-3-8 2.1o.13 7.14 74-12 1-5-12 Scale=1:60.5 6.00 72 5x6 = 2x4 6x8 _ axis II 4 5 20 5x6 = 2x4 11 46 = axis = 6 7 8 9 21 19 1817 16 M 23 15 14 6x8 — 5x6 = 5x6 = SO 11 4x6 = 7x10 = 6-6-0 8-0-4 15-7-12 1&6.9 25-7-12 33-0-8 6-6-0 1-00-4 7-3-8 2-00-03 7-1.4 7-4-12 axe = 10 Plate Offsets(XY)-- f2:0-1-90-0-12] 13;0-2-120-1-12) (8:0-3-OEdge1113:0-2-120-2-121116:03-80-4-121 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (lac) Vdell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.87 Vert(LL) 0.37 14-15 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.65 Vert(CT) -0.7114-15 >554 180 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.99 Horz(CT) 0.06 11 n1a n1a BCOL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Attic 0.1415-16 629 360 Weight: 241 lb FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* 1-3: 2x4 SP M 31. 4-8: 2x6 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.2 *Except* 7-14: 2x4 SP No.3, 14-17: 2x6 SP M 26 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* 5-16,6-15,13-15,9-13,10-12: 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: 7-5-9 oc bracing: 12-13. WEBS 1 Row at midi t 4-18. 10-12, 2-19 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 11=1383/Mechanical, 19=1515/Mechanical Max Harz 19=89(LC 12) Max Uplift 11— 353(LC 9), 19=-170(LC 9) Max Grav 11=1383(LC 1), 19=1637(LC 2) FORCES. (III) - Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1538/484, 3-4-1687/491, 4-5=-2502/560, 5-6=-2526/574, 6-7— 3957/1167, 7-9— 3975/1186,9-10=-2513/971, 10-11=-1312/646 BOT CHORD 18-19=-401/968, 16-18=-504/1739, 15-16-579YL526, 7-13=-471/286, 12-13=-971/2513 WEBS 3-18=-205/1491, 4-18= 2010/147, 5-16-867/493, 6-15— 1639/912, 13-15= 648/3001, 6-13=-945/2246,9-13=-267/1613,9-12=-996/534,10-12=-1030/2731, 2-19= 1813/473, 4-16=-2462507 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL--4.2pst•, BCDL=5.Opsk h=15ft Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterlor(2) 0-1-12 to 9.6-0, Interior(l) 9-6.0 to 32-10-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed;GC for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) 400.01b AC unit load placed on the bottom chord, 12-0-0 from left end, supported Silvio, points, 2-0-D apart. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in at] areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bottom chord live load (40.0 psi) and additional bottom chord dead load (5.0 psi) applied only to room. 15-16 7) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100111 uplift at joint(s) except 6t=lb) 11=353, 19=170. 9) ATTIC SPACE SHOWN IS DESIGNED AS UNINHABITABLE. %%%%"5 -1US, W No 34869�;. e 7t "ON AL �� ���• Julius Lee PE No,34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q WARNING -Verify Eedgnpammetercand READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDEDUITEKREFEHANCE PAGE UP747amv. 104012015BUORE USE �■� Design vallb for use only YAM ViTek®connectors. this design M based only upon parameters shown. and Is (or an hxilAdual wilding component a mess system. Before use. the Wick g designer must vorly the applicability of design fxuamefers ontl properly Incorporate Inh design Into the overall bWtlIngdesign.&achOln atedistopreventbucMlWoflntlMdualhussweband/oreWTdmembersody.Admtionaltemporaryandpemanentbracing MiTeW k always re the posscl Fx tausollallnlWRINSWpertydomoge. elivelryantltonand racing of mrss DSUP and Sanaeregardilg foMcafbn storage, delivery. erection and bracing of storage,truss systems.. DS&8➢an0 BW Eugdbrp Component 6904 East aNtl. 18 N. L s A..aU1P1r VAp 31C2aDu, SahlybbnnafbnavUlade from Truss Hale InsilMe. 218 N. Lee Sheer.6Wfe 312 NexaMd¢ VA22314. a,ParkaFL Terrya, FL 33510 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212884 1550192-PSLP-5808 C01 Roof Special Girder 1 2 Job Reference (optional) noon SM-1104201 H Mf I-4 lnriiionwe Inc_ Sat SAP 2913:30:542018 Pace eunaers Firsioource, run rroce, F=awwo -1-0-0 3-7-8 64-8 9-1-8 11-4-0 ----- - -.- ------------ - ID:OKJbFextnbISJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-C2gJ?jCKjVx2EiMbWHgoOHe?a2dikaywOZuYgYyYlgV 14.7.8 16-4-2 22-8.0 1-0-0 3.7-8 2-9-0 2-&0 2-2-8 3-3-8 3-8-10 4-3-14 Scale = 1:42.2 4x6 II 6 3x8 q 8x14 MT20HS 1 2x4 4x12 5 6.00 12 7 8 9 4x6 i 4 n 3x4 i e 3 4 8xl2 = 1813 19 1220 21 11 22 23 ST1.5x8 STP = iN 8x10 = 14TU26 3x8 II HTU268x14 MT20HS = HTU26 5x8 11 2 1 HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 0 5Y1.5x88TP= 17 16 15 2x4 II 6x8 = 3x4 It 3x6 _ LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr NO Code FBC2017/TP12014 CS]. TC 0.58 BC 0.61 We 0.96 Matrix-SH DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) In (loc) I/dell Ud 0.28 12-13 >948 240 -0.50 12-13 >529 180 0.18 10 n/a n/a PLATES MT20 MT20HS Weight: 316 lb GRIP 244/190 187/143 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 "Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-6 oc purlins, 7-9: 2x6 SP No.2 except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. 2-15: 2x6 SP No.2, 10-14: 2x6 SP M 26 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3'Except' 9-10: 2x8 SP 240OF 2.OE, 14-16,6-13: 2x4 SP No.2 7-11,9-11: 2x4 SP No.1 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=6064/0-7-10, 2=3141/0-7-10 Max Harz 2=245(LC 8) ' Max Uplift 10=-1792(LC 9), 2=-901(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) -Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-6063/1656, 3-4=-6124/1694, 4-5— 11456/3226, 5-6= 909612517, 6-7= 9160/2537, 7-8=-10493/3023,8-9=-10493/3023, 9-10=-4982/1477 BOT CHORD 2-17=-1633/5307, 16-17=-1633/5307, 15-16=-89/310, 5-14=-947/3159, 13-14=2908/10187,12-13-4094/14794,11-12=-4062/14657, 10-11=-209/681 WEBS 3-16=-180/263, 4-16=-4332/1286, 14-16-1985/6705, 4-14=-1388/5064, 5-13=-2909/966, 6-13=-2147/7892,7-13=-7703/2233,7-12=.454/1847, 7-11=-4698/1228,8-11— 169/252, 9-11=-3115/10862 NOTES- 1) 2-ply truss to be connected logetherwith 10d (0.131"x3") nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0.7-0 ca. 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 no, 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-7-0 oc, 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face In the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=i 60mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psF BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cal. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18: MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 6) All plates are MT?O plates unless otherwise Indicated. 7) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 He uplift at joint(s) except Ql=lb) 10=1792.;2=901. 10) Use Simpson Strong -Tie HTU26 (20-10tl Girder, 11-10dx1 1/2 Truss, Single Ply Girder) or equlvalent spaced at 2-0-0 no max. starting at 10-11-4 from the left end to 20-11-4 to connect truss(es) to front face of bottom chord. ,wO��VGIUSI�FF ���i 34869 "� • * • ir` 00, . I�I111111111�1, Julius Lea PE No.34869 MRek lJK Ina FL Cmt 6634 6984 Parks East Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING-Ven/y tleslgn paremefereantl REAL NOTE50N iR54NDINCLUGEG M1II]EKflEFFAANCE PAGEm4]4]]rev. 10/OYL0156EFOflE USER Design volld for use onlywllh Mnett®connectors.7his design6bosetl oNyupon parameters shown, antlisfor an hxllNtluai bu0tlhxl componenf.rrof e` a buss system, Before use, the gilitllixl deslgrser must verify Ilse apoll_Uilty of design paramelersantl poperly Incomorate thus design Into the overall bullNng design. &acing lntllcatetl is to prevent bucklln0 oflntlivltluol truss web and/or chord members only. Atldtllorwllemporary antl pennanenl braclrxl •1� M�IBk• 6 always required for stability and to prevent collapse with posse>le persrnwlln)uryantl wopeny danage. Forgeneral gultlance regardIng the fobrkatbnl storage, delNery, erection antl bracing of busses antl buss systems, seeANSUlP71 C7/allty CrRarb, 05ad9 antl BCSI BuOtling Component 6904 Parke East BNtl. sen wmrom,aeb,vvdlable hem r. Rare InstlNle. 218 N. Lee Sheer, sun. 312. Nexantl.a, VA 22" Tempe, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Ory Ply T15212884 1550192-PSLP-5808 C01 Root Special Girder 1 2 Job Retarence (opt onaq I Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 t1.22g s May 242018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 2913:30:54 2018 Page 2 ID:OKJbFexlnbtsJ71PVji W mDyYoIL-C2gJ?jCKjVx2EiMbW H90CHe?a2dlkaywOZuYgYyYIgV LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Uve (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-6=-54, 6-7=.54, 7-9=54, 2-15= 20, 10-14=-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 18_ 1363(F) 19— 1373(F) 20-1192(F) 21=1200(F) 22— 1191(F) 23_ 1184(F) ® WARNWG-Verify dnefga parameters andREAO NOTES ON TNISANOWCLUOEO UREKREFERANCEPAGEMIP74TSmv. 1aNiYa15 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use My With MITek® connectors. lNs design Is based My upon parameters shown and Is for an Individual buRtlkg component. net a foss systym. Befae ace, the building designer must verly the applICONIN of design parameters and properly ARcogwrOle Ih5 design Into the overall buildingdealgn. Wooing Indicated Is to prevent buckllrgOflydivdIdJIUswebard/or chord members only. Addllior hemp mr mdpermanentldacing MiTek' Is always requlredfor staWilly and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and properly dame. For general gddmce regardnr; the fabrication!storage. delivery, erection and bracing of lrussesand tusssysfems, seeANSI/Ml CualGyWaffa, OS94F and BMI Bugdhi, Comports 1 a904 Parke Eastabd. astO SafolymlOfmofbmvmlable tom Truss Rake InsltMe. 218 N. Lee Steel. Strife 312. Alexandra. VA 22314. Tampa,lk Job Truss Truss Type Ory Ply T15212885 1560192-PSLP-5808 002 Roof Special Girder 1 1 - Job Reference o tional Builders Vrrstsource, Von Vlece, TL a WtO .__...._ "."""""""","•,,,`"•••""""•` ". '"".'"""" Scald=1:42.2 4x6 = 3.4 II 4 5 6.0D /2 NAILED 5x12 = 3N` = 2x4 I f5i'�6 7 NAILED e 16 I^4 3i f 12 4x10 MT20HS = 11 19 t0 18 ST1.S. STP = o 2 6xB = 2x4 13x4 = NAILED 3x6 = m 1 NAILED o ST1.5x8 STP = 15 14 3x4 = 2x4 II 3x4 = LOADING (psf) TOLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BOLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress [nor NO Code FBC2017/TPI2014 CS]. TO 0.47 BC 0.75 WB 0.47 Matrix-SH DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) in (lot) Well Ud 0.20 11-12 >999 240 -0.3511-12 >762 180 0.11 9 n/a n/a PLATES MT20 MT20HS Weight: 123 lb GRIP 244/190 187/143 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-15 oc pudins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* except end verticals. 4-14: 2x4 SP No.3, 9-13: 2x4 SP No.1 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 5-11-13 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3'Except* WEBS 1Row at midpt 6-12 8-9: 2x6 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (IWsize) 9=816/0-7-10, 2=892/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=218(LC 27) Max Uplift 9=-301(LC 9), 2= 320(LC 8) FORCES. gb) - Max_ CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 gb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1434/455, 3-4- 1571/549, 4-5=-1323/510, 5-6=-1486/536, 6-7-1888/683 BOT CHORD 2-15= 523/1210, 12-13=-393/1207, 11-12=-1098/3181, 10-11=-1087/3181, 9-10-683/1888 WEBS 3-15=-3621258,13-15=-533/1230,5-12=-274/815,6-12=-1925/773, 6-10=-1375/442, 7-10=-1311541,7-9-1921/693 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psft BCDLS.Opsf; h=150; Cat. II; Exp Ct Encl.. GCPI-0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise Indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live land nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 10011b uplift at joint(s) except Ut=lb) 9=301, 2=320. 8) "NAILED" Indicates 3-1 Od (0.148"4") or 3-12d (0.148"4.25") toe -nails per NDS guidlines. 9) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front IF) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-5=-54, 5-6=-54, 6-8=-54, 2-14-20, 9-13-20 `11111111111j O GENS. I//JA* /Jp Julius Lee PE No.34869 Mirek USA. Iftc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNNG-Vedyydoslgnparamefsrsand READ NOTES ON THISANDINCLUDEDM1(REKREFERANCEPAGEN674TJmv. 1M3M15BEFOREUSE Design valld for use only vAth MIIek conrectors. lhlsdesign Isbased onlyupon parametersshown,andlvforan Individual buNdIng component, not a truss W3oTm. Before use, the bulidlng designer must ver fy the aWlicnbPity of dedgn parametersord properly Incorporate Mia design Into the overall bulldingdedgn. Bracing lndlcatedlstoprevent buckling oflnalvldualhussweband/or chord membersody. Addlflonallempororyadpermonenibracing MiTek' Is always reaulred(or stability and to prevent collapse with possH%e personal injury and properly damage. For general gudance regarding the 6904 Parka East Blvd. fabrication, storage, delivery, ereclfon and bracing of lasses and truss systems. seeANSUM11 Cualgy CrRmb, DS949 and BCS1 Building Component Tanya, FL 33610 5ofety Nlomlafbnr'allade from I= Rate InstlMe. 218 N. lee Sheet. State 312. Nexandlta VA 22314. JOD uum lv" T15212886 1550192-PSLP-5808 CO3GABLE 1 1 ,-` - Style = 1:42.0 5x8 = ST1.5xa STP = Sx8 = 6x8 = M = LOADING (par) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. in (too) I/dell Ld PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.56 Vert(LL) 0.12 9-10 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL y.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.50 Vert(CT) -0.18 9-10 >999 160 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress [nor YES WB 0.95 Hoa(GT) 0.05 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 128 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-1 oc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-11-8 oc bracing. 7-8: 2x6 SP No.2 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 8=903/0-3-8,2--875/0-7-10 Max Harz 2=265(LC 12) Max Uplift B= 302(LC 13), 2=-304(LC 12) FORCES. (Ile) - Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3= 1386/934, 3-4=-945/748, 4-5=-242/281, 5-6=-229/317 BOT CHORD 2-11=-995/1165, 10-11=-995/1165, 9-10=-1322/1765, 8-9= 1396/1852 WEBS 3-10_ 459/418, 4-10=-376/642, 4-6=-772/511, 6-10= 1029(724, 6-8=-1846/1405 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psp BCDL=5.0psf; h=1511; Cat II; Eyy C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterlor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Intertor(1) 5-0-0 to 11-4-0, Extedor(2) 11-4-0 to 16-10-4, Intedor(1)', 16-10-4 to 21-9-10 zone; Cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and tomes & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI7rPl 1. 4) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 5) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise Indicated. 6) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 Co. 7) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 8) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of Withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 8=302, 2=304. 10) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 581b down and 491b up at 18-11-4; and 1321b down and 91 lb up at 20-11-4 on top chord. The designtselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-4=-54, 4-5=-54, 6-7=54, 2-8=-20 Julius Lee PE No.34869 I USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Paris East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING-fRrUydeslynpammefer8=d READNOTES ON MIS AND INCLUDED NREKREFERANCEPAGEMLL7473ree. IM3AMPISBEFOREUSE ��- Cosign valldfor use only WIhMlTeWsconnectors. This design is based oNy upon parameters shown, and is for an lntlMdual bonding componentnot a imss system. Before use. the bulldog designer must verify the applicability of design parameters arul propeily Incorporate his design Into the overall bUlding deslgn. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckllml of lrxllvktual trussweb and/or chord members only. Adtlilloml temp mW and M manentbrmlW MiTek' Is always regdredfor sfaWllly arW to prevent collapse with PossaNe personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the 6904 Parke East Blvd, fabrlcatlom storage. delivery. erection arty bracing of trusses and truss systems, W0ANSI/IPI1 Cuamy Crifeda, DS849 and SCSI Bu9dtur Componanl Tarrya, FL 33610 SCMIy Inlormpfbrnvdlable fiom Truss Male Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212HH6 1650192-PSLP-5808 CO3 GABLE 1 1 Job Reference o tional ,. eer enn ao w.¢n.cv 9MN Pnnn 9 Builders FlrslSource, 1-011 Piece, 1-1- U4N4b ". a' i """^""""""""""""' —""�-- "-'--'-' ---- " ID:QKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-ddW SdkED?QJd595ABQDV?vFXBFgCxy2MiX7CRlyYlgS LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 21— 20 22= 97 Q WARNING- Vedtydeslgnpammeteraend READ NOTES ON MIS AND INCLUDED MTTEKREFERANCEPAGEW-7473me. itVMISBEFORE USE Design valld for use only wllh MITeld connectors. TNs tle9gn Is based only upon parametersshown. and Is form Individual bul d 1ng component net a tmssystem. Before use, the WIdng designer must wary the appllcobillly of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall bulldlrgdeNOn. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent bucklingofIndividual haswebandlorchord membersonly. Addillonaltemporary and permanentbracing rs MiTekc h always required for stablllty and to prevent collapse with poslble personal him, and property damage. For general guidance renaming the fabrk:atbn. storage. delivery, erection and bracing of fuses and truss systems, seeANSglpll CrmIM CrMrb, DS849 and SCSI BuRtl/ng Component 6904 Parke East BHd. Saloy Ntolmoffomvollable from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Sidle 312, Mexandrla. VA22 14. TaWa, FL 33610 Joe ,.., m - . T15212887 1550192-PSLP-5808 C04 Common 4 1 Job Reference (optional) LOADING test) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TPI2014 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 2=886/0-7-10, 6=886/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=122(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-319(LC 12), 6=-319(LC 13) Scale=1:40.4 46 = CSI. DEFL. in (fee) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TC 0.50 Ved(LL) -0.10 8-10 >999 240 MT20 244/190 BC 0.57 Vert(CT) -0.18 6-8 >999 180 WE 0.28 Horz(CT) 0.04 6 n/a n/a Matrix-SH Weight: 104111 FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-7-12 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rlgld telling directly applied or 7-0-6 oc bracing. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3_ 1386/902, 3-4=1221/890, 4-5=-1221/890, 5-6= 1386/902 BOT CHORD 2-10=-666/1169, 8-10=-305/785, 6-8= 691/1169 WEBS 4-8= 319/474, 5-8=-280/403, 4-10= 319/473, 3-10=-280/403 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exlerior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 11-4-0, Extedor(2) 11-4-0 to 17-4-0, Interior(l) 17-4-0 to 23-8-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = IO.Opsf. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 2=319, 6=319. ♦�� G.E N S i 34889 411 Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITekUS& Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parka East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q WARNING -Ved/y Eesignpemmetmand REAONOTES ON TH/SANORyCLUOEO AMKREFERANCEPAGEM1F7475rev. f0/03O015BEFOREUSE Design vaild for use adywilh MIIelg connecfors. This design 6 based only upon paromeaasshown, and Is form Individual bottling component, not ��- aft. system. Before use, me bWidln t designer musf verify the opplicablllly of design paramefersand properly Incorporate thisdeslpn inlo the overall bdidegdesign.Machu Indicated! lstopreventbucklingofkrtlMdualfmssweband/or chord members only. AtltllllonalfemporaryantlpermaneNbraclrg MiTek' Isalways required for stabillly and to prevent collapse with posslbie Me l hlury and FaOParry damage. For general guidonceregarding the laNk Lion,storage,delNery.erectionandbracingoflms andbusssystems,seeANSWPII awl Critelli, OS94F and SCSI Bu00mg Component VA 22514. 6904 Parke East aNtl. Tama, FL 33610 Safety lnfonnalblgvallable from buss Rate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street. Suite 312, Alexerada. Job Truss Truss Type GN Ply T15212888 1550192-PSLP-5808 C05 Common 1 1 Job Reference(optionah Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s lay ---MiTek IndusVies, Inc. Sat Sep 2913:30:59 2018 Page 1 ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVIiW mDyYOIL-Z?eC20GTX2ZLKTFYJfGz6KLt23LW P?7fAgcJW my)'Ig0 11d-15 -t-ap Stt-0 11.0Y i 2 to&12 Y2-&0 23-e0 4ap Stt-0 Bata 0 5 5-a13 541.4 4 P315 Scale = 1:40.8 4x6 _ 3x6 = LOADING (psf) TOLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BOLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TPI2014 CSL TO 0,54 BC 0.57 W B 0.33 Matrix-SH DEFL. in Vert(LL) -0.10 Vert(CT) -0.18 Horz(OT) 0.04 (too) Well Ud 8-10 >999 240 6-8 >999 180 6 n1a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 1041b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-7-12 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-8-9 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=886/0-7-10, 6=886/0-7-10 Max Ho¢ 2=122(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-319(LC 12), 6-319(LC 13) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1386/966, 3-4-1221/947, 4-5— 1221/947, 5-6=-1386/966 BOT CHORD 2-10=-744/1169, 8-10=-303/785, 6-8=-739/1169 WEBS 4.8=-372/474,5-8=-280/452, 4-10— 372/473, 3-10=-280/452 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Inledor(1) 5-0-0 to 11-4-0, Exieflor(2) 11-4-0 to 19-9-13. Interior(1) 19-9-13 to 23-8-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactlons shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL=10.0psf. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ito uplift at jolnt(s) except Ot=lb) 2=319, 6319. `.%%%Sp lUS1(F� * — I( // '811111115`- Jullus Lee PE No.34869 MrIek USA, Into. R. Cert 6634 6994 Parl sEast Blvd. Tampa FL 33810 Date: October 1,2018 ®WAFNING-Varlly design perdmererc antl NEAP NOTES GN THS AND INCLUOEp MREKREFENANCEPAGEMIf-T4TJrev. tdNaQ015eEFORE USE, 50Mn' Design valid for use oNy with Mliel� connectors. ihls based ordyupon par0melers strowrt antl is fa m NdlNtlual butltling compo�nt. rpi a eus sysi?�m. Betorethe bWlUlrx)deyg-'must v5 the apPlkatdlN oftlesign ParOmefersrntlpfopeny Incorporate Ih'design Into the overall bugdirg design. &acing in"'m-c'n'preventtwckllrq ofindMtluai huss web and/or cfnrtl members oNy. Addlaorwl temporary antl permanent bracing MiTek' 'always requlretl for stability antl to prevent collapse wllh possible persorwllnjury and property tlan�e. For general guWonce regartllrxl the fabrk-otbn storage. dolNery. erecllon antl bracing o/irussesontl imssrystems, seeANSUIPII Oua/tly ClRalb, OSad9 antl BC51 BUOCdrg Componen/ 6904 Parke East eHd. Soretylnfannofblgvtllable ham truss Plale Iasi 21aN. Lee Street. 9ulte 312 Nexarxitla VA22314. Ta FL 33610 nPs Job Truss Truss Type Cry Ply T75212889 1550192-PSLP-5B08 C06 Hip 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FlrslSource, Fort PIOCO, FL 34945 nay c-r cu io nn,vn,uuuau==„r.c. 5XB = Scale =1:44.6 4x6 = ST1.5x8 STP = " ST1.Sxe STP = 5 v 2x4 dx6 4x6 3x6 = 3x6 = 3-1-10 9041 i&8-0 19.6.6 22-8-0 3-tan seas 4-6-0 5.10-6 3-1-10 Plate Offsets (X,Y)- 12:0-2-12 0-1-81 )3:03-10 Edae7 15:0-6-D O-2-81 18:0-3-10 Edger 19:0-2-12 D-1-81 H3:0-0-0 0.3-07 f 17:03-8 03-01 118:Edge 0-3-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (roc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.64 Ved(LL) 0.24 16-17 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Verl(CT) -0.38 16-17 >695 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.37 Horz(CT) 0.26 9 n/a n1a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017fTP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 119 lb FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-4-0 oc pudlns. BOT CHORD RlgId calling directly applied or 3-11-1 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-16.7-14 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=886/0-7-10, 9=BB6/0-7-10 Max Holz 2=99(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=301(LC 12), 9=-301(LC 13) FORCES. (lb) -Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3= 887/683, 3-4- 2824/2061, 4-5= 1392/973, 5-6=-1194/973, 6-7=-1393/971, 7-8=-2823/2052, 8-9=-BB8/6B6 BOT CHORD 2-19=-461/642, 18-19= 461/642, 17-18= 233/370, 3-17=-1375/1904, 16-17=-1838/2562, 14-16=-610/1194,13-14=-1822/2560,8-13= 1364/1903,12-13=-230/370,11-12- 456/642, 9-11=-456/642 WEBS 4-16=-1388/1241, 5.16=-122/349, 6-14=-131/350, 7-14=1387/1236, 7-13=-153/590, 4-17=-156/591,8-11=-488/348,.3-19=-488/351 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL--4.2psh BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15f ; CaL 11; Exp C; Encl., GCpi-0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exlerlor(2) -1-0.0 to 5-0-0. Inledor(1) 5-0-0 to M-0, Extedor(2) 9-0-0 to 2243, Intedor(1' 22-4-3 to 23-" zone; cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at )olnt(s) except Gt=lb) 2=301, 9=301. i 34869 ' Q � -a i_ I �GI j;, j nl a = '•�Illllll••- Julius Loa PE ND.34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL Dert 6634 6904-Parke Fast BIA Tampa R.33810 Data; October 1,2018 Q WARNING -Verily declgnpnmerelers end REAONOTES ON MIS AND INCLUDED MIAEKREFERANCEPAGEM0.7473... ID MUNISBEFORE USE. Dedirn valld for use only WIh MITedi) connectors, Ns dedgn h based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an ksdlvidual Wilding component, nor a this system. Before use, the building designer must verify the appllcabillly of design parameters and properly Incorporate this deslpn Into the overall burldigdesign.Brachi, Indicated is to buckling of Indlvklual tmesweb and/or chord members only. Addltlonol temporary and permanent bracing KWIC prevent is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with tomseNe personal injury and property domage. For general guldonce regarding the 6904 Parka East Blvd. fabdcatbn.' storage, delivery, erectian and bicatmg of trusses and truss systems, seeANSUTPII Quality Crteda, DSS-89 and SCSI Su9dM9 Component SatetyNbrtnofblgvdloble from Russ Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street suite 312, Nexondmla. VA22114. TaWa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type cry T15212890 1550192-PSLP-5808 C07 Hip Girder 1 �72 ob Reference o tional BUllders Frrsl60UI Fort Mace. l-L 34V4b 5.220 a 1242013 m., oia.....N.G.,^„ ---,- --^ ------,- ID:OKJbFexlnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-_AJLgSlMgz Bwz7_zpgiuOgGHCcMr6sogz65yYlgN -10 7-0-0 11.4.0 15-8-0 19-6-6 22-M 23-8-0 1-0-0 3-1-10 a-10-6 4-4-0 4-0.0 3-1" 3-1-10 1-PO Scale=1:41.7 NAILED Special 4z6 = NAILED Special NAILED 3x4 =. NAILED 4z6.- 5 21 6 22 7 6.00 12 3x4 G 3x4 8 0 q 3 a7 2 10 �3 Hf 7.10 = �17 23 24 25 16 15 if 19 6 Sz8 - NAILED NAILED 3z4 = 5x8 = , 13 12 STI.4ASTP=20 19 Special Special ST1.Sx8 STP= 3x4 = 2x4'11 3,6 NAILED NAILED 3.4 = dz8 -Sx8 // 2x4 II 3-1-10 7-0-0 is -so 19-66 22-8-0 3-1-10 3-10-6 8-8-0 3-10.6 3-1-10 Plate Offsets (X Y)-- 114'0-0-0 0-2-01 118'0.3-8 0-2-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In (loc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.32 Vert(LL) 0.26 15-17 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.96 Vert(CT) -0.38 15-17 >689 180 ' BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO We 0.27 Horz(CT) 0.18 10 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 237 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-15 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2'Excepl• BOT CHORD Rlgld ceiling directly applied or 8.1-14 oc bracing. 18-19,13-14: 2x4 SP No.3. 3-16,9-16: 2x4 SP No.1 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 2=172610-7-10, 10=172710-7-10 Max Horz 2=-79(LC 25) Max Uplift 2=-876(LC 8). 10=-876(LC 9) FORCES. fib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2675/1338, 3-4=-5744/3001, 4-5=-4017/2069, 5-6=-3652/1936, 6-7=-3655/1914, 7-8-402012046, 8-9=-5748/2925, 9-10- 2677/1345 BOT CHORD 2-20=-1141/2214, 19-20-1181/2280, 18-19=-1034/2010, 3-18=-2454/4662, 17-18=-2675/5101, 15-17- 2109/4026, 14-15= 2536/5104, 9-14=-2327/4665, 13-14= 974/2011,12-13=-1114/2282,10-12=-107612215 WEBS 4-17=-1545/907, 5-17=-633(1390, 6-17= 511/429, 6-15=-508/426, 7-15=-629/1391, 8-15-1546/861, 4-18= 482/999, 3-20=-351J210, 8-14= 446/1000, 9-12= 352/203, 3-19=-2488/1294,9-13=-2490/1218 NOTES- 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d (0.131'x3') nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 20 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (8). unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Wind: ASCE 7-10; VuIt=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh, BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GOpl=0.18: MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 6)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other Ilve loads. 7) . This truss has been designed for a Ilve load of 20.0psl on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=1b) 2=876. 10=876. 9)'NAILED' indicates 3-10d (0.148'x3') or 3-12d (0.148'x3.25') toe -nails per NOS guidlines. 10) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)119 lb down and 1691b up at 7-&0. and 119lb down and 169 lb up at 15-8-0 on top chord, and 428 lb down and 2571b up at 7-0-0, and 428 lb down and 257 lb up at 15-7-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. %%0-iiuS1[F GENS. ��i 34869 1. * n 0 R Jullus Lee PE ND.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Vert 6634 6904 parka East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212890 1550192-PSLP.5808 C07 Hip Girder 1 2 Job Reference (optional) Builders Flrst5ource, Fort Piece. FL 3494b o.ccv a nmy 24 ca,o ,n„cn �r. US65, ,,.....•....=y ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-_aJLgSlMgz By 7_zpgimQgGHCcMr6sogz65yYlgN LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plt) Vert: 1-5=-54, 5-7= 54, 7-11=-54, 2-19= 20, 14-18=-20, 10-13=-20 Concentrated Loads Qb) Vert: 5=84(B) 7=-84(8) 16= 80(B) 17=-428(B) 6— 169(B) 15=-428(B) 21=-84(B) 22= 84(B) 23=-80(13) 24=-80(B) 25=-80(B) ®WARNING. Vedfydes/gnparmehvsand READ NOTES ON THISAND INCLUDED MMISKREFEIMAICEPAGEM1474"mi, IMMO1SBEFOREUSE ■R Design valid foruseonlywlih MBelseconneclors. IDisdesgn is based onlyupon paromemmshown,andhform individual Wildig component, not atranssystem. Beforeuse, the bullring designer must ver the appllcablily ofdesign paramotelsand properly, Incorporate Ihbdesign Intothe overall bUldngdeslgn. EtraclnnIndicated IStobuckling oflndMdualfruavieband/or chord membersody. Addltlon011emporaryantlpelmanenibraclrg ■.Y®�■] MiTek' Prevent halways mcidred fw stabllly and to prevent collapse with possible personal In1uryantl properly damme. For general gWdance regardlg the fabrkallan:storage, caltvary, erection and beldrg of tweesond Was systems. seeANSUIPII OuaNy Cdfedo, DSB49 and SCSI Bugdtng Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. SaNtyfnbnnafbnrvdbble #am lms %ale Inslllute. 218 N. Lee Street. Wte 312. Alexcama, VA 22314. Tairya, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type cry Ply T15212891 1550192-PSLP-5808 CJ1 Corner Jack 18. 1 _ Job Reference (optional) Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.22g s May 24 2018 MiTek IntlusVies, Inc. Sal Sep 29 13:31:03 2018 Page 1 ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYoIL-Smf uoJ_bG3np4YJYgKvFAViZggFUEF5SaXfXyYIgM 4-0-0 1-u-u OO 1-0-0 Scale = 1:7.0 2x4 = ST1.Sx8 STP= Plate Offsets (X Y) [2:0-1-4 Edge] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. In (loc) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.12 Vert(L-) -0.00 2 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.01 Ven(CT) -0.00 2 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a WE BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017frP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 5Is FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=-8/Mechanlcal, 2=125/0-7-10, 4=9/Mechamcal Max Harz 2=44(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-B(LC 1), 2=-63(LC 12) Max Grav 3=18(LC 8).2=125(LC 1), 4=1 B(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown NOTES- 1) Wind: ASIDE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0psf; h=15fC Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterlor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. ,'k1111111111"1' ,0\.Ius L�F 34869 .13 RX ONALE `�� �U1p n �� Julius lea PE No.34869 MITek USA, Inc. E. Cert 6634 6904-Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Data: October 1,2018 ® WARNING-VertlydestgnparameremanLREADNOTES ON THIS AND WCLUDEDM/TEKREFERANCE PAGE ARP7473rev. IoV=0155EFORE USE Design void for use only with MBek®connectors: lh6 design b boxed oNy upon parametersshown, and h loran hidlNdual WYding comnonent, not a truss system. Before use, the bullding designer must verify the oWlicab0lty of design Parameters and properly h corDarate 1W design info the overall bulldlrgdeslgn. Bracing Indicated is to Prevent buckling oflndlvidual trussweb and/or chord members only. Addiilonaltemporawandpermanenitormirg MiTek' Is always reaulred for stablllty and to prevent coitapse with p,cdofe personal in]ury and property clamWe. For general guldonce regarding the fabrication:, storage, delivery. erecllon and Inswing of Musses and truss systems, WeANSYM11 Quality Ctrorb, DSBd9 and BCS1 Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety/ nfmmsmolavollable from inns Rate Institute. 218 N. tee Sheaf. Sidle 312. Nexondtla, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qly PIY T15212892 1650192-PSLP-5808 CJ3 Corner Jack 12 1 Job Reference o tional Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8220 a May 24 2018 MI Iek industries, nic. ear any ce 13.31.04 2c,a sae= , ID:QKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVliW mDyYolL-wzR557JCMaBeQE7W5Or8oO2pU49Q4KUOJ6J4BryYIqL 3.0-0 _ 3.0.0 Scale: lr=I' 2x4 = STI.5xB STP = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (too) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.17 VertI CL) -0.00 2-4 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.08 Vert(CT) -0.01 2-4 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WE 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-P Weight: ll lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/slze) 3=53/Mechanfml, 2=186/0-7-10, 4=26/MechanimI Max Horz 2=92(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-63(LC 12), 2= 71(LC 12) Max Gray 3=53(LC 1), 2=186(LC 1). 432(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) - Max Comp.lMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDLU5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.1B; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girders) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. �348/699/� tl t V. I //� n /I 6 / • ! LT• � Jullus Lee PE No.34869 Mfrek USA Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Dale: October 1,2018 A WARNING. Vedlydectgnparametarc and READ NOTES ON MS AND INCLUDED MNEKREFERANCE PAGE M&7473 ev. la=015 BEFORE USE Design valld for use only v.41h MITeks0connoctors. This design h based only upon Parameters shovm, and Is form IndINdual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the buiding designer must vent' the applicanally of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall bUldingdoslm. Bracing Indicated! is to prevent buckling of Indlvldual imssweb and/or chord members only. Addlllonalferrporaryandpermanent bracing �B Welk' Is always Foal (or stabillty aIW to prevent collapse with poslble personal inpny and properly dasnage. For general guidanceregardext the 6904 Parke Easl Blvd. fabricatlon;storage. dellvery. erecfionand bracing of truces and trus systems. seaANSVIPI1 Qua,pyC,DaM, DSB49 and SCSI SuBding Component Tarnpa, FL 33610 SaMy Mran ationavaliabie from Truss Rate Institute. 218 N. Lee Steel. 5ulte 312 Alexandda, VA 22314. Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T75212893 1550192-PSLP-5808 CJ4 Comer Jack 1 1 Job Reference o Donal Builders FrslSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 2.4 = 500 8.220 s may 24 em o Mien nmuaurey uw. Be, Sep 2e M31:05 2. ,., roe= , ID:OKJbFexlnbtsJ7lpVji W mDyYoIL-09?TJTKE7 W V20iif5MNKbbrcUSFpnkYYm3e)OyYIgK scale=1:17.0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL In poc) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.72 Vert(LL) -0.03 1-3 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.29 Vert(CT) -0.07 1-3 >863 160 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 2 n/a We BCDL 10.0 Code FB02017frPI2014 Matrix-P Weight: 16lb FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=180MMechanical,2=132/Mechanical,3=49/Mechanlcal Max Horz 1=124(LC 12) Max Uplift 1=44(LC 12), 2=-132(LC 12) Max Great 1=180(LC 1). 2=132(LC 1), 3=98(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except When she=. BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TOOL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Ops1; h=151t; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girders) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at Joint(s) 1 except Qt=lb) 2=132. . Se�EICG��i O E N �q 34869 IGn*-pA, Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek USA, Inc. R. fart 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Dam: October 1,2018 Q WARNING- Verify design Patamaters antl READNOTES ON MIS AND INCLUDEDMREKREFERANCEPAGENLL7473res,. 1"MISBEFOREUSE Design wild for use only vAth MlTekO connectors, lyds design Is based only upon parameters shown. and Is for an hdMdual Wilding component, not �� a buss system. Before use. Iho bdlding designer must wetly rise appllcablllN of design parameters and papally Incorporate Ihk design Into fire overall WOdirxldeslgn.&acing Indicated is to Wck11W of lndlvklual tiussweb and/or chord members only. Additiomitempbfoymdmmamntdmlrxl MiTek' prevent Is always required for stadliy and to prevent collapse Win possible persoml Nfwy and propedy carnage. For general guidance regarding the robk:allon: storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, saoANSy7Pl1 Ouohly Crdedo, DS8-09 and BCSI BuBOhag Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Sp/etybrradnallalWalobie Rom Truss Plate Instuve, 218 N. Lee street, Suite 31Z Alexandd¢ VA22314. Tawa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type cry Ply T75212884 1550192-PSLP-5808 CJ5 Corner Jack 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders RrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 24 2018 MITek Ind as, Inc. Sal Sep 29 13:31:06 2018 Page 1 ID:OKJhFextnbtsJ7lpV)lNmDyYoIL-sLZrWpLsuBRMgYHuDpuctp72cuo YE_hnpoBFsyYlgJ -1-0-0 5-0-0 ao sae 3x4 = ST1.5x8 STP = 6 0.0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. In (loc) Well Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.58 Vert(LL) .0.03 2-4 >999 240 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.26 Vert(CT) -0.05 2-4 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 Na Na BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/I'PI2014 Matrix-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/slze) 3=115/Mechwlcal, 2=252/0-7-10, 4=46/Mechanlcal Max Horz 2=142(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-122(LC 12), 2=-85(LC 12) Max Grav 3=115(LC 1), 2=252(LC 1). 4=92(LC 3) FORCES. (I e) -Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. Scale=1:19.2 PLATES GRIP MT20 2441190 Weight: 18lb FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD Rigid celling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0psf; h=151t; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.1,8; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b Uplift at joint(s) 2 except Qt=1b) 3=122. %,%1.IUS� (FlpOi�i OE • NG 34869 Julius Lee PE No.34969 MRek USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 69M Parks, East Blvd Tampa FL 33610 Oats: October 1,2018 ®WARNING- Veredesfgapammfem.dREAD NOTES ON THXMDWCLOD£DMNEKREFERANCEPAGEMlF7473mx 1":201SHEFORENSE *� Deslgn valid for use only with MITeM connectors. TNs design Is basetl only upon pofomelers shown and is for an IndIAdaal building component, not a truss system. Before use. the building desgner must verity the apPllecohly of design pawmefers anal propery incoiporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to buckling of Individual nus web and/or chord members only. Addlllonal femporary and permanent braclrg MiTek' prevent baiways required for stablllty and to prevent collapse with possible personal hury and property dam For general guidancererfarding the fabfkgflom storage, delivery. erection and bracing of hussesand nusssystems, seeANS&VIi Quafly Cfllofb, DSB.89 and SCSI BugCdfg Compononl 6904 Perks East Blsd. Sebtyln/ofmatbllwdloble from Truss Rate Inslitute. 218 N. lee Sheet. Suite 312. Alexandra, VA 22314. Tarry., FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212895 1550192-PSLP-5B08 CJ11 Corner Jack 2 1 Job Reference o tional Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL M45 8.220 a May 242018 MlTek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 2913:31:03 2018 Page l ID:OKJbFexmbtsJ7lpVji W mDyYolL-SmquoJ_bG3np4YJYgKvFAVgSggFLtEFSSaXfXYYIgM 1-D-0 � 1-0.0 Scale =1:7.0 2x4 = ST1.5xs STP = Plate Offsets (Y Y)— 11:0-1-4 Edgel LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0.0 CSI. DEFL. In (too) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grp DOL 1.25 TC 0.02 Vert(LL) -0.00 1 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.01 Vert(CT) -0.00 1 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress [nor YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 2 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-P Weight: 3lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-0-0 oc purins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=34/0-7-10, 2=25/Mechanical, 3=9/Mechanical Max Horz 1=26(LC 12) Max Uplill 1= 7(LC 12), 2=-26(LC 12) Max Grav 1=34(LC 1), 2=25(LC 1), 3=18(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=S.Ops$ h=15it', Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed Iola 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0.0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joints) 1, 2. `,111111111/l1j'?I (FF 34869 i ��i tCsi O R 1 O•��\,�� �Ilnnnull Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc FL Cart Ti634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33510 Date; October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212896 1550192-PSLP-5808 CJ31 Corner Jack 2 1 Job Reference Loptionall Builders Fustsource, Fort Piece, FL'3494b 2x4 = 3-ao viay c-r ev io nn,�n nrvmuico, rw. .,.....oY ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVji W mDyYolL-09?TJTKE7 W V20iif5MNKbbzW U VTpnkYYm3ejOyYlgK Scale: 1'=1' LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (too) Hall Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate G 1p DOL 1.25 TC 0.22 Vert(LL) -0.00 13 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.09 Vert(CT) -0.01 1-3 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 2 n/a rVa BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-P Weight: 101b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0.0 oc puriins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid celling directly applied or 10.0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 1=103(0-3-8, 2=75/Mechanical, 3=28/Mechanical Max Herz 1=74(LC 12) Max Uplift 1=-23(LC 12), 2=-77(LC 12) Max Grav 1=103(LC 1), 2=75(LC 1), 3S6(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a Ilve load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 to uplift at joint(s)1, 2. 0��1 �USr (E 34869 •�I -s'"'ONALE� .�`�,,, Julius Les PE Nd.34869 MITek USA, Inc. R. Dert 6634 6904 Parks East Blvd Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type Ory Ply T75212897 1550192-PSLP-6808 CJ51 Corner Jack 4 1 Job Reference (optional) ,lu iaers rnstSource, ran VIOCe, rL ZVT 9 2.4 = STI.5x8 STP= Scale=1:19.2 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) Udell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.24 Vert(LL) 0.03 6 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.30 Vert(CT) -0.03 6 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-R Weight: 21 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dlrectlyapplied or 10.0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4=86/Mechanical, 2=26810-7-10, 5=86/Mechanical Max HOM 2=142(LC 12) Max Uplift 4= 76(LC 12), 2= 77(LC 12), 5=-17(LC 12) Max Grav 4=86(LG 1), 2=268(LC 1). 5=110(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=D.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterlor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girders) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) 4, 2, 5. wr(F� 1.lUS NA 34869 * A* i10 . * A`i Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek LIK Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke East BIATampa FL33610 Data: October 1,2018 A WARN0IG- Verify 4estgnpammefers endf? ADNOTES ON TNISANO WCLUD£O MMEKREFERANCEPAGEMIP7473 rev. fUNffi2015BEFOREUSE valld for use only Win MITeM connectors. this design Is based only upon parameters shovm and Is for an individual buflding component not IMF a teas system. Before use. the balding designer must verily the appllcablllly of design parameters and properly hrcowrate this design Into Iho overall building design. &acing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web anci/or chord members only. Addltlonal temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' b and toonn wliss possmle e. ForDgSeBn89 peaydaQualiticasib, yOfiVono.nrdelivery, storage,and bracing of trunsystems.Component non/ torage. weANSYNIIand BCSIBUMV 6904 Eosl Blvd. Sfaaab/lerwkfyaa hom Truss Plate InIMe. 218 N. Lee Street. sale 312. Alexandre. VA22314. Tanya, FIL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Ory PIY T15212898 1550192-PSLP-5808 D01 Hip Girder 1 2 Job Reference Loptionalf Builders HrstSource, von vises, rL aasRa 8x14 MT20HS i and MT20HS 5 Scale = 1.46.1 )e ST1.5x8 STP= HTU26 HTU26 V HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 HTU26 ST1.5x8 STIR= Ax12 G 412 II 8x14 MT20HS = 012 II 4x12.1 HFU26 HTU26 HTU26 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. In (lot) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grlp DOL 1.25 TO 0.88 VerIL-) 0.25 8-9 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.73 Ved(CT) -0.49 8-9 >611 180 MT20HS 1871143 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO W B 0.89 Horz(CT) 0.10 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/rP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 296 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 'Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-4 oc purilns. 3-5: 2x6 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10.0-0 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2x6 SP M 26 WEBS 20 SP No.3 *Except' 3-9,5-9:2x4 Ste No.2 WEDGE Left: 2x4 SP No.3, Right: 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=5566/0-7-10, 6=7377/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=-76(LC 6) Max Uplift 2=-1604(LC 8), 6— 1807(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp]Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1088812986, 3-4-14206/3254, 4-5— 14206/3255, 5-6=-13716(3077 BOT CHORD 2-10-2632/9639, 9-10=-2594/9548, 8-9=-2620/11960, 6-6=-2660/12166 WEBS 3-10=-855/2060, 3-9=-777/5534, 4-9=-389/286, 5-9=-684/2662, 5-8-931/4655 NOTES- 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d (0.131'x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-7-0 oc, 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 - 2 rows staggered at 0-6-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise Indicated. 3) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=151t; Cat. If: Exit C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and fight exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gulp DOL=1.60 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 6) All plates, are MT20 plates unless otherwise Indicated. 7) This Imes has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) ' This Imss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=1604, 6=1807. 10) Use Simpson Strong -Tie HTU26 (20-1 Od Girder, 11-1 Odxl 112 Truss, Single Ply Girder) or equivalent at 22-11-4 from the left end to connect truss(es) to front face of bottom chord. 11) Use Simpson Strong -Tie HTU26 (20-1 Od Girder, 11-1Odxl 112 Truss, Single Ply Girder) or equivalent spaced at 2-0.0 oc max starting at 2-11-41rom the left end to 20-11-4 to connect trusses) to back face of bottom chord. 12) Fill all nail holes where hanger Is in contactwith lumber. ,`�p%0ilusI�FF No 34869 ' •••/111111••" Julius Lee PE NII34869 MITek USA, Inc. R. Gent 6634 69M Parker East Blvd Tampa FL 33610 DaM: October 1,2018 ,&WARNING-Vadfydasfro paramatareand BEAD NOTES ON TNKANDWCLUDEDMNEKBEF£RANCEPAGEMIF74Mmv. IGIX12e16B£FORE USE *R Design volid for use only with MlTeIkO connectors. Ills design is based only upon parameters shown and is for an Individual bulldIg component.not a buss system, Before use, 8applicability re Wiener designer must verily the of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall leAdilgdoslgn.&acing Indicated is to prevent bucidig ofindlVdual irumvieb and/or chord members only. Addillonalfemporaryandpelmanenfbfacing �R^71Yq{■� MiTek' h always requeed for sloblillyand topreventeoltapse Wth possfole persorwl lnlo<yaid properly tlmnage. For general gWtla�eregan9ryn the 6904 Parke East Blvd. fabrbaiWn storage, delivery. erection and bracing of tuesesand I usssystems, weANSUlpli OuofRy Crterb, DS9419 and SCSI nuOdh g Component Tarrya. FL 33610 SafetyWormofk nn,aflable from Truss Hate Institute. 218 N. Lee Sheet. Sure 312. Alexand0a, VA 22314. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212898 1550192-PSLP-5808 DOI Hip Girder 1 2 Job Reference o Clonal Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 a May 242018 M11 ik indusWtlS, l nu. oat Sep cv wai.vo cam rayoc ID:OKJbFexlnbisJ7lpVjiWmDyYolL-okgcxVN7Poi3vrRHKEw4yEDKShNAOxtl EkH]I"YlgH LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plt) Vert: 1-3=-54, 3-5=-54, 5-7— 54, 2-6=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 9=-996(8)8=-1192(B)11— 575(B) 12=-564(B) 13=-561(8) 14=-561(B)15=-999(B)16= 1495(B)17=-1557(B) 18=-1206(8)19=-1255(F) ®WARNING -VerlfydesiBnparemetermmdREADNOTE MMISANDINCLUDEDAIREKREFERANCEVAGEM674MJ l.. IMM)ISBEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MRekHconnectors. ihls design k Wsed oNy upon parametels shown, and Is for an Irxilvltlual Wilding component. not a trusssyshmi. Before use, the building designer mmf vetlry the appllcabllRy, of design Parametersand properly IncorPorate Ink design Into the overall MAldingdedgn. among lndlcated is to Wcklirg of lMllvldual trussweb and/or chord members only. Addltlonoltemporaryandpermanenibracina M(Tek( prevent Is always required (or stablityand to prevent collapse With possQxe personal hlury and plowrty damage. For general9Wtlance regarmlp the fabrication, storage. delivery, erection and bracing of hussesand truss systems seeANSUMIJ Quality Crtrefb, DS849 and BCSI BuBdbrB Component 69N Parke Grist Blvd. Salety NMrtnalbarvallable from truss Rate Institute. 218 N. Lee Street. State 312. Alexantlllo, VA22314. Tanya, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type ory Ply T15212899 1550192-PSLP-5808 D02 Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional B011deM FRStSearee, tan YIeC9, FL J4a4> Scale = 1:46.1 Special NAILED Special NAILED NAILED NAILED 2x4 II NAILED NAILED NAILED Sxe 6.00 12 3 /1 12 13 4 14 15 16 5 3%6 = 2x4 It NAILED NAILED NAILED 5� = NAILED NAILED NAILED kX4 II 3x6 = Special NAILED Special LOADING (psf) TOLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BOLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr NO Code FBC2017/TP12014 CSI. TO 0.88 BC 0.83 We 0.64 Matd%-SH DEFL. In Vert(L-) 0.30 Vert(CT) -0.41 Hoa(CT) 0.08 (too) Well Ud 9 >996 240 9-10 >724 180 6 n/a rVa PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 114 Ito FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 *Except* TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied. 3-5: 2x4 SP M 31 BOT CHORD Rigid celling directly applied or 5-8-6 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-9, 5-9 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (I alsize) 2=1502/0-7-10, 6=1502/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=59(LC 26) Max Uplift 2=-721(LC 8), 6=-721(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompfMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2766/1373, 3-4=-3955/2138, 4-5=-3955/2138, 5-6=-2766/1373 BOT CHORD 2-1 0=-1 19312383. 9-10=-1186/2398, 8-9=-1143/2398, 6-8=-114912383 WEBS 3-10=0/468, 3-9=-996/1677, 4-9= 7611749, 5-9=-997/1677, 5-8=0/468 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcumenl with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opst on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide w41I fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joint(s) except atdb) 2=721, 6=721. 7) "NAILED" Indicates 3-1 Do (0.148°xX) or3-12d (0.148°x3.25") toe -nails per NDS guidlines. 8) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shell be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 184 lb down and 255 to up at 5-0-0, and 184 Ib down and 2551b up at 20.6-0 on top chord, and 114 lb down at 5-0-0, and 114 Ib down at 20-5-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) Is the responsibility of others. 9) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Root Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-54, 3-5=-54, 5-7=-54, 2-6=-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 3=-137(F) 5=137(F)10=-70(F) 9=-26(F) 4=-61(F) 8=-70(F) 11=-61(F) 12=-61(F)13=-61(F) 14=-61(F) 15=-61(F) 16=-61(F) 17=-26(F) 18=-26(F) 19=-26(F) 20=-26(F)21= 26(F)22=-26(F) ,,%%%% %VLkUS4(FF .,% �.• \'�G E M `Sic•••• *: p6Q 34869 •-* ORI'D Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek US& Inc. R. Cert 6634 69M Parke East Bh%L Tampa R 33810 Oats: October 1,2018 Q WARNING -Verity design parameters anCREAO NOTES ONTNIa ANOWCLUOEO AU FEKREFERANCEPA GEMI 7473 rev. fN9a2916 BEFORE USE Design vallyy for use oNy with MITek6� connectors. M deslpn h based only upon parameters shown, and is for m InorNtluaI WOdlrg component, not tr�corrwrale Ih6 destpn Into Iha a busssystAm. galore use, the building designer must veIt the appllcablllly oftledpn Parameters aril properly overall buudlrlp design.&_',Indknted is to prevent Wckllrg of lrAlvlduOl huss weband/or chord members oNy. Atldlllonai temporary mtlpermanenf brmind MiTek' baiways requiredfofslabillty mtl to preventcollapse withlwrsible personal Njury and property damage. For general gr4tlonce regartllrg the fabrka" storage. clellvery. erection and bracing of trusses and Vuss systems. seegNSl/IpIF OualBy'cra , DSo 9 and BCSI BUPCbry Component 6904 Parke Eest M. SaM1fymfoirnoeprTrvdlade fiom Truss Rale "IIMe, 2to N. Lee street. Suite 312 P1exaMrkL VA22314. Tame, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Cry Ply T75212900 1550192-PSLP-5808 EJ1 JACK -OPEN 2 1 Job Reference (olabonal Builders RrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 e.ezus May2420ISMneainuasmes,nro-. oa[3epee,3.31.!v2vIo image, ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVji W mDyYo1L.17oMM BONxOyn89agStyY1 flgeVBvU2zHi2mOOdyYIgF -1-1-0 13.0 LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (loc) Vdefl Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.19 Ve art -0.00 5 >999 240 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.14 Vert(CT) -0.00 5 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.01 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-R LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x6 SP No.2 BOT CHORD REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=-4/Mechanlcal, 4= 5/Mechaniral, 5=154/0-3-8 Max Herz 5=82(LC 9) Max Uplift 3=-04(LC 9), 4=-38(LC 9). 5= 46(LC 8) Max Grav 3=25(LC 10), 4=35(LC 10). 5=154(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All farces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. Scale =1:14.8 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 9lb FT=20% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-3-0 oc purlins, except end verticals: Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vu11=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=S.Opsf; h=150; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for' members, and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) `This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 4, 5. ...I...... 34869 1* Julius Lee PE No.34859 MITek USA, Inc- FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WAHNWG-VMry tleslgnpmamerercandR- NO-aONTNIa ANO/NCLUOEO M!lEK flefffl4NCE PAGEM0.)4)J mv. fdD32016 aEFOflE USE. Design vpllel for use onlywtlh MlTek®connectors.7Ns design bbasetl oNyupon parameters shown, antl is for on lMlNtlupl WOdirg componen6 not MK a truss sysigm. Before use, the bWltling tleslgner must vetlry the appilcabYly of tledgn parameters antl properly Incorporate m6 design Into Ine overall bulltling tledgn. H.luo'xl c, is to prevent buck" of lrxilvkfuol lnm web and/or ctard members oNy. Atltllllolwl temporary and permanent bracng i•�Y■ iwiTek' 5 always requlretlroratobildymrl to prevent collapse w4lh possible personal inhiry antl properly tlomage. Por general gultlance regordpg the 6904 Parke East Blvd. fabrkwibn. storage, delWery, erecllcu cr brat.. o..'u.¢es and buss systems. seepN51//yli OYaley CrEeM, DSe-09 anC BC31Bu@dNy Componoe! S.Mtxrofprmcdo ' ,g hom Truss Rate lnoWte, 218 N. Lee Sheet. SAle 312. Alexantlrl¢ VA22314. Tampa, FL 3361e Job Truss Truss Type G ry PIY T15212901 1550192-PSLP-5608 EJ2 Jack -Open 2 1 Job Refererae optional) Builders FirslSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 aeausmay 4. 4u 1 o wi:: exomaaaieo, Inc. Ust,+GP 2 e-• ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-DJMkZXP?ij4erWgsaMTnasrlZVZkOVDQm yx3yYlgE -1 -0-0 t-108 1.0-0 1-108 2x4 = ST1.6x8 STP = LOADING (Pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. In ([cc) Vdefl L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.12 Vert(L-) -0.00 2 >999 240 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.03 Vert(CT) -0.00 2-4 >999 180 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a nta BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Maldx-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=32/Mechanical, 2=141/0-7-10, 4--l&Mechaniral Max Horz 2=66(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-38(LC 12), 2= 60(LC 12) Max Grav 3=32(LC 1), 2=141(LC 1). 4--36(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Man Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 Ob) or less except when shown. Scale = 1:9.3 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 8lla FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-10-8 cc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid celling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vu1t=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft1 Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-&0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girders) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. lUS1(FF i CEPS. _ i�i 34869 Julius Lea PE No.34869 MMk USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parka Fast Bind. Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING-Veytleslgnparam.I..d READNOTEBONTRISAND/NCLUDEDMNEKREFERANCEPAGEMI74"mre IMMOISBEFORE USE Deslgn volld for use only with M1leMconnecfors. INs design b basetl only upon parameters shown, antl h for on Individual Wilding component rat a buss syd9m. Before use, the Wilding designer must verity the appltcabYlly of design parameters and propetly hcorpolale Ihb deWn Into file overall Wlicingdeslgo. Bracing hsdicatetl is to prevent Wckllng ofinc lAdual hussweb antl/or chord members only. Addlllonaltempororyandpermanentbracirxl MiTek' balwoys required for gaMllty and to prevent calopse with poefole personal Injury antl properly damage. For peneM 9uldonce regartling the faWcafbn storage,dellvery, erection and bradng ofimssesand lmasystems seeANSUIPII GaaIEyCrDada, DS"PaatlaCSISuShcnDCempanant 69N Perk. East BNtl. Saley WDnnalbmvdiaGe ham inns Rate institute, 218 N. Lee Sheen. sole 312. Alexandria. VA 22314. Tanya, FL 3351D Job Truss Truss Type cry Ply T75212902 1550192-PSLP-5808 EJ3 Jack -Open 7 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FuslSource, Fen PleCO. FL 34945 6.220> Miay 242!G Mi k; , is .63, F,a. ..a �.. �........ .. . ID:OKJbFeslnbtsJ7lpVliWmDyYoIL-DJMk2)(P?ij4erNgsOMTnasrOjvYADVDOwiW yx3yYlgE 2-10.8 i-0.0 2-10-8 Scale=1:11.8 2x4 = ST1.Sx8 STP= 2-10.8 2-10-8 Plate Offsets MY)-- 12:0-1-4 Edgel LOADING (psp SPACING- 2-0.0 CSI. DEFL. in (lot) Men Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.17 Vert(LL) -0.00 2-4 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.07 Vert(CT) -0.00 2-4 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-P Weight: 11 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-10-8 oc pudlns. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=49/Mechanlcal, 2=182/0-7-10, 4=25/Mechanical Max Horz 2=89(LC 12) Max Uplift 3= 59(LC 12), 2=-71(LC 12) Max Grav 3=49(LC 1), 2=182(LC 1). 4=50(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vas 1=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf, BCDL=5.Ops1; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. GENS. 34869 Jullus Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 69M Path East BML Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T75212903 1650192-PSLP-5808 EJ5 Jack -Open 11 1 Job Reference loptionap Builders FlrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 6.220 s May l)2018 MiTek Rt?e Dd Inc. Sat Sep 29 13:31:14dgkc Pagel ID:OKJbFextnbisJ7lpVji W mDyYoIL-du21CYRt?eSDdmuRhU 7 UCVTOb6XsOsyttlgkcXOyYIgB 3x4 = ST1.Sxe STP= LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.58 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.26 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20171TP12014 Matrix-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=115/Mechanical, 2=252/0-7-10, 4=46/Mechanical Max Horz 2=142(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-122(LC 12), 2=-85(LC 12) Max Grav 3=115(LC 1). 2=252(LC 1).4=92(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. Scale=1:17.0 DEFL. In (roc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(L-) -0.03 2-4 >999 240 MT20 244/190 Vert(CT) -0.05 2-4 >999 180 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a Weight: 181b FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will tit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to glyder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100111 uplift at joint(s) 2 except Qtdb) 3=122. CEN,9*-. No 34869 Iz S•:0R1DPj��,� '"pS�ONAL Julius Lee PE No.34869 MiTek USA, Inc. FL I 6904 Parke Est Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING- Verity deslgnparameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MREKREFERANLEPAGEMIP7473as. 10N3201SEEFOREUSE Dedgn valid for use only vAth Muck) connectors. TNs design h based only upon parameters strowrt and 6 for an Individual building component, not a truss system. Micro use, the bullding designer must verity the applicability of design parameters arvi piopedy Incorporate this design Into the overall buildlgd9s1gn, Bracing III Istoprevent bucklirgoflydlvldualhurzweband/or chord members orgy. Adcrilf altemMraryandpermanentlxaclrg MiTek' Is dwarp required for stabtllty and to prevent collapse with possflNe personal Injury and property doral For general guidance regarding the fabicatton. storage. delivery. erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems. seeANSUFRI Greatly Criteria, DSBd9 and BCS1 Bugding Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. 6904 P, rk Cost B EalatyerrortnatlOtWdiabie Bonn Try Rate InshMe: 218 N. Lee Streel. SLlte 3M Alexardrla. VA 22314.33610 Job Truss Truss Type cry Ply T15212904 1550192-PSLP-5808 EJ6 Jack -Open 2 i JobReference (optional) ----- dunaers rusmource, ron necu, rL ereva I 3,c4 = 4 ST1.5x8 STP = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in ([cc) Vdefl L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.47 Vert(L-) -0.11 2-4 >730 240 TOOL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.55 Vert(CT) -0.21 2-4 >365 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a rVa BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017)TP12014 Matrlx-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. Qb/slze) 3=168/Mechanica1, 2=319/0-7-10, 4=65/Mechanloal Max Horz 2=188(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-173(LC 12), 2=101(LO 12) Max Grav 3=168(LC 1), 2=319(LC 1), 4=130(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) -Max Comp.lMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. Scale = 1:24.4 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 241b FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 6-9-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at Joint(s) except Qtdb) 3=173,2=101. E fV3. 34869 Julius Lee PE No.34869 ll USA, Inc. R. Cart 6634 8904 Parka East Blvd. Tampa FL 33810 Dare: October 1,2018 AWARNING-Vert/yd ssgnperem.N..dREADNOTW ON TH/SAND/NCLUDEDU? KREFERANCEPAGEM674TJme 1O02942015BEFOREUSE R Deflgn MIT for use only vMh Mifek connectors. Ihls design is hosed only upon Parameters shown. and is W an individual building component. not a truss so m. Before use, the Wicing designer must verity the oppllca uy of design paramefels and proloorly Incom mte ihls design Into the overall bWdhgde!slgn.gracing 1xilcated is to prevent buckling otlndlvldual trussweb and/or chord members only. AddlilondternWroryandpermanentbracing MiTek' halwaysreaulred(orstWUltyandloprevenlcollapsewllhpossiblepersorwllnlWand VoW"yd=Me. Forgeneralguldanceregardingihe fabrication; storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and lmss systems, weANSUMIJ Gua/Gy CiBeilo, DSB41S and SCSIBu0din9 Component 6904 Parke East Blvd.. SaletyNtomrallwgvdlaWe from Truss Plate Institute. 218 N. tee Street. suite 312 Aexan,fila. VA 22314. Tairya, FL 31610 Job Truss Truss Type ON Ply T75212905 1550192-PSLP-5808 EJ7 Jack -Open 2 1 Job Reference optional S tS 2913 umb 2018 Pa a Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34M 8.220s May242018MiTeklndusbtes, m. a ep g ID:OKJbFextnbts17lpVjiWmDyYoIL-ZG9dcET8xGixs42pov3yHwYh9w6pumS94_DjcHYYlg9 -1-0-0 7-0-0 0-0 7-0-0 Scale =124.8 axe = 3T1.5x8 STP = LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. In (loc) Vdefl Ld PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate GOP DOL 1.25 TC 0.96 Ve art 0.15 2-4 >534 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.68 Ven(CT) -0.19 2-4 >424 180 BCLL 0.0 " Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 No Na BCDL 10.0 Code FB02017frPI2014 Matdx-SH Weight: 24 lb FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. gb/size) 3=159/Mechanlcal, 2=323/0-7-10, 4=78/Mechanical Max Holz 2=191(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-151(LC 12), 2=-102(LC 12) Max Grav 3=159(LC 1). 2=323(LC 1), 4=122(LC 3) FORCES. Qb) - Mac CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 Qb) or less except when shown. BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied. BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-0-0 0o bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf;, BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15f ; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5.0-0, Interlor(1) 5-0-0 to &11-4 zone; cantilever left and night exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) "This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all area where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0.0 vide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to d(rder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 3=151, 2=102. GENs*-. 34869 Julius Las PE No.34869 Milk USA. Inc FLCert 66M 69N Parke East BNd Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ® WARNING. Vortfy EosfgnpemmefercanCREAGNOTESON TNISAND INCLUDED MREKREFERANCEFAGEMI 7473 row. IMIXWOM BEFORE USE Desl,n voltd for use only Wfin Mirei&connectors. iNs case, 6 based only upon parameters shown. and Is form Individual building component not � a truss system. Before use. the caldron designer must vanity the applicability of design porameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall buildingdedgn. Bracing ltbkatec is to prevent Wckling oflndIvldual hussweb and/or chord members only. AddlllonaitemporaryandpermanedlIxecing Mel( bolways required for stobllitydnd to prevent collapse with possalle persorwl boy and property corrodes. Forgeneialgaidanceregardingihe faNicatbrk, Marano. dellvew. erection and bracing of trussesond Was systems, seeANSlyM Cuatty CrSaab, OSB49 and SCSI BuBdbrg Component 69N Parke East BNJ. 5'alalyfnyarmalbmvdlatie hone Inns Rate Institute. 218 N. Lee street. State 312. Nexcoci a. VA22314. Tarrya, FL 33610 Job s Truss Type Oty Ply T15212906 1550192-PSLP-5808 �EJ362 Jac&Open 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders RrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 242D18 MITek Industries, Inc. Sal Sep 2913:31:12 2018 Page 1 ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVji W mDyYolL-hVw7ntpdTl CVOTk2Z3_064NBOIvuyyTa9MFVTWyYIgD -1-0-0 2-0.8 1-60 2-0 e Swie = 1:9.7 2-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. in (loc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.14 Vert(LL) -0.00 2 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.04 Vert(CT) -0.00 2-4 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FB02017/rP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 811b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-0-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=36/Mechanical, 2=144/0-1-8, 4=19/Mechanical Max Horz 2=69(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-42(LC 12), 2= 60(LC 12) Max Gmv 3=36(LC 1), 2=144(LC 1). 4=38(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -Aft forces 250 (11b) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.1B; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exlerior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom. chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for muss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate at joint(s) 2. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of Withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. ♦♦♦��'liV,41US(E�;O��i No 34869 Julius Lee PE No,34869 MITek USA. Ina R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 AWARNING-Vertlyaeslgnparametemaedr EADNO7ES ON 7NISANDINCLUDEDMg KREFERANCEPAGEM67473rev. tog 2015EEFORE USE Design Valid for use only vAlh MITek® connectors. this design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an IntlMtlud Widing companion, not a truss system. Before use, Ine buliding designer must veilty the oppllcablily of desgn parameters ontl properly Incotporate Itils design Into the overall bu0dtrgdesign.&ochg Indicated is to prevent buckling oflWividual tnrssweb and/or chord members only. Additlonaltemporaryandpeimanentbradrg MOW Is always requlred for stabllltyand to prevent collapse with nossble personal hLay antl property carnage. rw generd gWtlarlce regardng the fabrloalbn: storage. delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeAAkVW1f Quality Criteria, DSO-89 and SCSI &tgderg Component 6904 Parke East BNE. Safetyln maul rovdlabie eom buss Rate Institute, 218 N. Lee Streel, Sdte 31Z Alexandria, VA22314. Tanya, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T15212907 1550192-PSLP-5808 EJ33 Jack -Open 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FlfslSOurce, Fort Piece, I-L 3494b 2 0-0 6.223 may 24 cv,.,,.�,.����wo.�o.,, ..... ..,.....r _., ._..,...___._ . . ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYolL-9iUV_COFELKM?cJE7nW FfHwNPiF7hPjjOO?3?yyYlgC Scale -1:9.7 LOADING (Pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (roc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.10 Vert(LL) -0.00 1 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TOOL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.04 Vert(CT) -0.00 1-3 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 2 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/rP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 7lb• FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (III/size) 1=71/0-1-8, 2=52/Mechanir 1. 3=19/Mechanical Max How 1=51(LC 12) Max Uplift 1— 16(LC 12), 2= 53(LC 12) Max Grow 1=71(LC 1), 2=52(LC 1). 3=38(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-0-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterlor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pelf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate at Joint(s) 1. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at Joint(s) 1, 2. pOVil.(USe(F� = � No 34869 9 A► - Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, In FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Dam: October 1,2018 ®WARNING -Verity dedgnparametersend READ NOTES ON MIS ANDWCLDDEDMN KNEF£nANCEPAGEMP74M.. 1209R0ISSEFOA£ USE. Design voll�d for use only wllh MITeM connoctors. Ns design Is based only upon parometers shown and Is for an Individual bonding component, not F`� �R a Imes system. Before use. the building designer must verify the applicaUlly of design parameters and property Incorporate this design Into the overall is buckling huss only. Addlllonaltemporaryandramonentbracing p/F MOW butdingdeslgn. Nmhg indicated to prevent oflydlvidual web and/or chord members h always re ulred for stability and to prevent collapse with pos4ble personal Injury coo! property damage. For general gddance tegardrg the 69M Parke East BNd. fabdcailoe, storaae,delivery. erection and bracing of trusses and Uuss systems. woRINstyplr CuofBy ClMdo, DBBdg and BC51 Building Component TaWa, FL 33610 SablyfnlomrorblPvdloble from Truss Role Ins1IMe. 218 N. Lee Street. Suite 312. Alexandra. VA22314. Job Truss Truss Type Cry Ply T15212908 1560192-PSLP-5808 EJ34 Jack -Open 3 1 Job Reference o tional Builders FlrslSource, Fort Piece, FL 3494b ocman,uyc.ao,onu,cnn,,.ua.i.ea,,,.c...o...ora-• ID:OKJhFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYOIL.9iUV_COFELKM?cJE7nW FfHwN3iF6hPbOO?3?yyYlgC 1.0-o z 0 2MO 1-o- 2u4 = ST1.5x8 STP= LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.12 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.04 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 BCDL 10.0 Code FB02017/TP]2014 Malrlx-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=36/Mechanlca1, 2=144/0-7-10, 4=19/Mechanlcal Max Ho¢ 2=69(LC 12) Max Uplift 3--42(LC 12), 2=-60(LC 12) Max Grav 3=36(LC 1), 2=144(LC 1), 4=38(LC 3) FORCES. gle) - Max. Comp_/Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. Scale =1:9.6 DEFL in Ooc) Udell Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.00 2 >999 240 MT20 244/190 Vert(CT) -0.00 2-4 >999 180 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a Weight: 8lb FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-0-0 oc pudlns, BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vu11=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124ni TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Fxp C; Encl.. GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and tight exposed ;C-C for members and forces $ MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wrote will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanlcal connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at jolnt(s) 3, 2. DENS' R' �1 .�` 34869 -10 -10 Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek USA. Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING. Verity dedgnporamerercand REAUNOTES ON THISANOWCLUOEOMRKR£FERANCEPAGEMP-74nmre. IMMOISBEFORE USE �wR Design valid for use only Win MITel connectors. iNsdesign E based only upon parameters shown, and is tot an erdMdual Wilding component not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verb, the opplcabl ity of dedgn parameters and properly Incomorate Ibis design Into the overall butdingdedgn.Br=hg lndIcated Is to prevent buckNa ofIndivldual nus web and/or chord members only. AddlflorallemporcWcndpelmanenibracing ii�•Y[,�r`� MtTeW RaiwaysregUte (wslabllllyandto Wevenlcollcps hpossmlepersonallnluWaWpiope"y age. Forgeneralguldaceregardlialhe Iobk tl n. storage. delNery. erecflon and braclW of tmssesand tW z wstem& "ANSVlp1I QVO//CByy CrBodo, DSO.89.dBCSI BYBdhrg Componont 69N Paika Easl Bird. Sarofy WormyLbixrvalable from Truss Nate Inslllule. 218 N. Lee Sneer, Sulte 3L Plexandtla. V x 22514. Tanpa, FL 3361 D Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T15212B09 1550192-PSLP-5808 EJ61 Monopilch Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Builders FrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 3x4 = uxo n ST1.5x8 STP = 8.220 s may 24 2018 rvw en a 1.... . ,u.. oa. icy — c_:.. . Scale = 1,25.3 LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0.0 Plate GOP DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr NO Code FBC2017ITP12014 CS]. TC 0,18 BC 0.53 WB 0.42 Matdx-P DEFL. In Veng-L) -0.02 Vert(CT) -0.03 Horz(CT) 0.01 (loc) Udell Ud 1-5 >999 240 1-5 >999 180 4 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 39 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-12 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1236/0-7-10,4=925/Mechanlcal Max Horz 1=164(LC 23) Max Uplift 1=-401(LC 8), 4=-390(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 gb) orless except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-1369/411 BOT CHORD 1-5=-484/1183, 4-5=-484/1183 WEBS 2-5=-331/1113, 2-4=-1366/559 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.OpsG h=15f; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.1B; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and fight exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for alive load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at loint(s) except Qt=lb) 1=401, 4=390. 6) Use Simpson Strong -Tie HTU26 (20-1Od Girder, 11-1Odxl 1/2 Truss, Single Ply Girder) or equivalent spaced at 2-0-0 oc max. starting at 0-114 from the left end to 4-114 to connect truss(es) to front face of bottom chord. 7) RII all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Root Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert: 1-3=-54, 1-4=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 6=-565(F) 7=-561(F) 8= 561(F) No 84869 OplQQ jN iS/ONAI.O�% Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. H. Cert 6634 6904 Parks East MI. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type Dry Ply T15212910 1650192-PSLP-5808 EJ71 Jack -Open 6 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FlrstSouree, Fort Piece, FL 3,1M o.cco s may c•rcu,o,vu,en mvum......... oo...or��•�� ��•�••-a-•• ID:OKJhFextnbts17lpVjiW mDyYoIL-1TIOgaTmlZgoUEdOMdaBp74VJODdDpJJezGejyYlge 3-1-10 7-0-0 1-0-0 3-1-0p 310.6 2x4 = 2x4 II ST1.5x8 STP = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Gap DOL 1.25 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL . 1.25 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES BCDL 10.0 Code FB02017frP12014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 `Except' 7-8: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 Scale=1:24.8 CSI. DEFL In (too) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TO 0.57 Vert(LL) 0.21 6-7 >371 240 MT20 244/190 BC 0.80 Vert(CT) -0.18 6-7 >452 180 WB 0.06 Horz(CT) -0.07 6 n/a n/a Matax-SH Weight: 281b FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puains. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-7-2 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 5=138fMechanical, 2=323fO-7-10, 6=100/Mechanical Max Horz 2=191(LC 12) Max Uplift 5-117(LC 12), 2=-102(LC 12), 6= 27(LC 12) Max Gmv 5=138(LC 1). 2=323(LC 1), 6=114(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompdMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-310/142 BOT CHORD 2-8=-368/291, 3-7=-291/368 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opst; h=15tt; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 6-11-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gap DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 3)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 6 except Qt=1b) 5=117, 2=102. 0�j1.lUSr �APt�i���i 34869 �rrrrnnnt��� Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek USA, I= FL Dert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33BIO Date: October 1,2018 QWARN/NG-Vorl Cealgnparemerersned REAONOTESONTHI ANO/NCLUDED MREKREFERANCEPAGEMIF74)a rev. iNe3/Nf3DEFOREUSE Oestrus vailli for use only sNlh MITeIdDconnectors. This ded0n is based only upon paromeien shown, and b for an hdlNtlual bWtllnO component, not n Imss system. Beforo usoJhe bW1 127 dedgner must vetlfy the appllcaUllity of desl0n Parameters antl properly Incorporate ihE design Into the overdl WIIOInO ddslOn.&acN0lrW�atedis to WckllnnoflndMtlual imssweb and/or chordmembers only. AtldltlonOliemporcry and permanent braclts0 MiTek' prevent 6 always regUred for stoblllNantl io prevent collapse with poa¢xe personal h4ury antl propedy danoge. For peneral9uitlonce regordirxl the fabrbatron:storage, delNery. ereceon arW bracing ofnucaii tlinm systems.seeAN6VlP110uaIEy C2edD, OSa-0➢OnO BCSI aurdbry Cpmponml 6904 Parke E.MSW. SDIefyWopnaPornvdladefram Trim Rate IretIMe. 218 N. lee Street. State 312. PlexarxIIla, VA22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type cry Ply T15212917 1650192-PSLP-5808 EJ72 Jack -Open 2 1 Job Reference o tlonal a D e Builders FlralSource, Fort Piece, FL 3494b k iE Z4...... ........., __._._.... __ ID:OKJbFexbrbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYolL-ITjOga r lZgoUEdOMdaBp741ZJObdDiJdezGejyYlge LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (roc) Well Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.79 Vert( 1) 0.18 1-3 >454 240 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.77 Vert(CT) -0.22 1-3 >384 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES We 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 2 n1a n1a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20177TPI2014 MaMx-SH LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=254/Mechanlml, 2=171/Mechanical, 3=83/MechanlmI Max Horz 1=173(LC 12) Max Uplift 1=-62(LC 12), 2=-158(LC 12) Max Grav 1=254(LC 1). 2=171(LC 1), 3=126(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. Swle=1:21.8 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 221b FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-6-9 oc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 9-4-8 oc bracing. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) 0.0-12 to 6-0-12, Interior(l) 6-0-12 to 6-11-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed jC-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) 1 except (It=lb) 2=158. ptijuS4 LFF *: �Wp 34869 :* Julius Lee PE N0.34669 MITek USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q WARNING - VexIIydWgnpammeiers.ndREAD NOTES ON THISANOWCLUD£DMNEKREFERANCEPAOEMX74Mmr 1NDY2015BEFORE USE DeslgnvalTd for use orgy Win Mrfek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown and is form Individual bu0ding component,not a inas system. Before use, the bullalng designer must verify the 001cobBlly of design Wrameters and property Incorporate this design Into itre overall �R bu0dingdesign.Bracing lndicatedlstoprevent bucklligofIndividual tnlssweband/or chord members only. Addllionaltemporarymdpcunmenibracing Mew Is always required for stmIlly and to prevent collapse with posatcle personal injury and property damage. Fm general guldmce regarding lie fabrlmlkxi storage, dervery, erection and bracing of trusses and farm systems, seeANSIgPIi Oua@y Cndedo, DSBdP and BCV BuBdeig Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety lafennafbnxvollable from Truss Rate aslllute. 218 N. Lee Street, suite 312, Alexandra. VA 22314. Tarry.. FL 33610 Job Truss Oty Ply T75212912 1550192-PSLP-5808 Got �Truss`rype Monopitch 5 1 Job Reference (optional Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 24 2018 MITek Industries, Inc. Sal Sep 29 13.31.18 201 B Page 1 ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYoIL-WfHOiwUO3ty16OBCwK50MLd7tjlOM%ySYligg9yYlg7 -1-0-0 6-104 13.1-10 16-100 1-0-0 610.1 63 9 q�1 - 2x4 II 3x8 = ZO6 = Style=1:43.4 LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FB02017/TP12014 CS]. TC 0.50 BC 0.86 WB 0.51 Matdx-SH DEFL. in verb(t)0.07 Ven(CT) -0.11 Horz(CT) -0.09 Coo) Vdefl Ud 2-11 >999 240 2-11 >999 180 7 Na n/a PLATES MT20 Weight: 881b GRIP 244/190 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* except end verticals. 5.10: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-8-6 oc bracing. Except: WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 9-6-0 oc bracing: 8-10 REACTIONS. (Ito/size) 7=540/Mechanical, 2=607/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=383(LC 12) Max Uplift 7=-308(LC 12), 2=-171(LC 12) FORCES. (Ib) - Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-783/202, 3-5=-256/1 BOT CHORD 2-11=-537/627, 10-11=-537/627, 8-10= 199/346, 5-8=-116/324 WEBS 3-11=0/276,3-10=-542/457, 5-7_ 472/482 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASIDE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL-5.Ops1; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl., GCpI=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Intedor(1) 5-0-0 to 14-8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with anyotherlive loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) except Ot=lb) 7=308, 2=171. ,`,,\IIIIIII/llllll 34869 it; • •71k �.'O : lilt !/ /A 1 A JA iR' R�\ Julius Lea PE No.34869 MRek USA Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke East BNd.Tampa R. W610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WABNIµG-Verify daegnpammemrcand BEAD NOTES ON TNi3ANDWCLUDEDMDEKBEFEBANCEPAGEMIF74Tares. 140111016BEFOBEUSE. }��� Deslm valid for use only wlih Welds connectors. This design is based onlyupon parameters shown, and is form Individual b fldlig component.rwf a hues system. system. Before use. Iho budiding designer must verifyblly the appllcaof design parameters and properly InCalpalate Iris design Into the overall building design. &acing Imicoted is to McMinn of lMlvidual buss web end/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is.�YF� MiTek' prevent Is always regUred for stmIlly and to prevent collapse with povZie persow hiI mc! property dame. For general guldonee regardlm the 6904 Padre East Blvd.febtkalbn storage, delivery. erection and bracing of trusses and tress systems weANSUMil Quality CMada, DS949 and SCSI Building Component Tanya, FL 33810 SafetylnlorinausnaNdtable horn Trues Rate IntiiMe, 218 N. Lee Sleet Fella, 31Z Alexmdda VA 0314. Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY I T15212913 1550192-PSLP-5808 002 Half Hip 1 J­ 1 Job Reference o tional Builders First50urce, ran Ylece, l-L 3 b 4x6 = 4 2x4 II 30 = 3x6 = 3x4 = 6 Scale=1:40.6 LOADING (Pat) TOLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber COL. 1.25 Rep Stress [nor YES Code FSC2017/TPI2014 CS]. TC 0.58 BC 0.77 WB 0.56 Matrix-SH DEFL. in Vert(L-) 0.07 Verl(CT) -0.10 Horz(CT) -0.08 (roc) Vdefl Ud 2-10 >939 240 2-10 >999 180 6 n/a rVa PLATES MT20 Weight: 66 lb GRIP 2441190 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 *Except* except end verticals. 4-9: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-10-12 oc bracing. Except WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 8-5-0 oc bracing: 7-9 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 6=537/Mechanical, 2=607/0.7-10 Max Horz 2=342(LC 12) Max Uplift 6= 261(LC 12). 2=-189(LC 12) FORCES. (Ib) - Max Comp./Max. Ten. -Aft forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 23=-790/332, 5-6=-430/435 BOT CHORD 2-10=-676/636, 9-10=.676/636, 7-9= 264/344, 4-7_ 145/297 WEBS 3-10=0/282, 3-9= 565/597, 5-7=457/436 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0ps1; h=15ft1 Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5.0-0, Inieriof(1) 5-0-0 to 13-0.0, Extedor(2) 13-0-0 to 14-8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C formembers and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pall bottom chord live load nonconcumenl with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a reclangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 6=261.2c189. \\\\\I111 No 34869 i N �lOII,�///NA�\O Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek USA Inc. FL cart 6634 6904 Parlor Past Blvd Tampa FL 33BIO Date: October 1,2018 A WARNING -VsdlydadBnparemsrenaod READNOTES ON THISAND INCLUDED MMEKREFERANCEPAGEMb7473rev. lroDYLa16BEFORE USE. }��R- DesignvolidforuseonlyvUhM1706connectors. ih6 design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is far an individual burning component not a truss systyym. Before use, the Widen designer must vent' the appilcablllly of design parameters and properly Incorporate inh design Into the overall buldina tlesll.n. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual lmssweb and/or chord members only. Addilionottemporaryandpermanentbracing i,'Yr.�k`� MiTek' k always requlretl(or stabllityand to prevent collapse wah possible personal injury and properly damage. For general guitlanco regarding the 6904 Parka Ea;t BNd. fabrication. storage.delivery. erection and bracing of bastes and fors; systems seeANSWIf Qualify CdfaM, DS11d9and SCS18v8ding Component saterybuennallonava amble from ina Rate Institute. 218 N. Lee Street. suite 31% Alexandlics. VA22314. Tempe, FL 3W10 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212914 1550192-PSLP-5808 G03 Halt Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional aunaers nrsiaaurce, ran Wean,"a v'o 3 3x4 = 5.6 = 2x4 11 3x4 = 4 5 6 3xu = Scale=1:37.4 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (too) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.47 Verl(LL) -0.07 2-11 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Vert(CT) -0.15 2-11 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.33 Horz(OT) 0.07 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FB02017/TP12014 Matnx-SH Weight: 89 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* except end verticals. 510: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 6-7-10 oc bracing: 2-11. 6-10-0 oc bracing: 8-10 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 7=540/Mechanlcal, 2=607/0.7-10 Max Horz 2=292(LC 12) Max Uplift 7=-209(LC 12), 2= 203(LC 12) FORCES. gb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-801/489, 3-4=-643/473, 6-7=-445/446 BOT CHORD 2-11=-764/656, 10-11= 302/276, 8-10= 435/423 WEBS 3-11=-279/481, 4-11=-390/437,4-10=-372/476, 6-8- 394/411 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vul1=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCOLS.Opsh h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exlenor(2) -1.0-0 to 5-0-0, Inledor(1) 5-M to 11-0-0. Exterlor(2) 11-0-0 to 14-8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to thus connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withslanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Gt=lb) 7=209, 2=203. 34869 ' ;OR10P, �ONW* Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek USA Inc- R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 A WARNING- Vedydasignparametmand READ NOTES ON THISANDINCLUDED MIIEKREFERANCE➢AGEMIFTdT3mv. 1,M)MVI58EFOREUSE Design valid for use oNy Wih MITeMconneclors. ROsdeslgn 6 based only upon parameters shown and Is for an IMivldual Wilding component, net ��- a truss system. Before use. the Wilding designer must verily the applicabOlN of design parameters and piopedy Incorporate Ihls design Into the overall WOdingcesl9n. &achgiMlcatMistopevenl WcklergoflndM mlhuwweband/orchordmembersoNy. Addllionalfemporaryandpermanentbracing MOW Is always requiredlorstabllity and to prevent collapse Win possible personal hjuy and piopetly damage. For general gNdage regarding the faWoolion,storage. delivery, erection and bracing of imssesand truss systems. weANS&VII Ouo/Ry CreOM, DSB49 and SCSI SD9dlrrp Camponenf 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safo/y Wormonor avdlable from runs Plate holiMe, 218 N. Lee Street. Suite 312. Alexandria. VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T15212915 1550192-PSLP-5808 G04 Half Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional BUllders Flrst5ource, Fon HMO. FL 34B90 rr. 3x6 = 3x4 = 6 Jxe = Jx4 II 3x4 = 6 Scale=1:34.0 9-0-0 14.1-10 1-8-6 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. In (too) 9defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.41 Ved(LL) -0.14 2-11 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.64 Vert(CT) -0.30 2-11 >572 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.22 Horz(CT) 0.09 7 n/a rVa BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 84 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD REACTIONS. (lb/size) 7=540/Mechanical, 2=607/0-7-10 Max Herz 2=243(LC 12) Max Uplift 7=-205(LC 9), 2=-209(LC 12) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 Qb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-796/617, 3-4_ 536/367, 4-5=-425/399, 5-6= 270/253, 6-7=-429/410 BOT CHORD 2-11=-817/675, 5-8=-410/441 WEBS 3-11=-283/464, 5-11=.328/356, 6-8=-437/464 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0.0 oc pudins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: 6-5-6 oc bracing: 2-11. 10-0-0 oc bracing: 8-10 NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf, h=15ft; Cat. II; Fxp C; Encl., GCpl-0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-" to 5-0-0. Intedor(1) 5-0-0 to 9-0-0, Extedor(2) 9-0-0 to 14.8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pet bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Peter to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) except Utdb) 7=205, 2=209. 0.pt'IUSa ``�� ; ��GENBF.• .� • No 34869 n* OR10P, ..........e -••nm�n• Julius Lee PE No.34969 MfTek USA. Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date. October 1,2018 ®WARNWG-V df destenpnmmotorsand HEAD NOTES ON TNISANDWCLUDEDMNEKNEF£BANCEPAGEMO-74".. 10=015 BEFORE USE Design valld for use only W h MITeM connectors. This dedgn Is based only upon parameters shown and Is for an IMINdual bu9dirtg compononl. not a Inca sWo.. Befae use. the building designer must vedy the aWICQUIly of design parameters and propelty hcoipoiate this design Into the oveidl bWdflh,, 9gn.bracing indicatedistobuckllrxloflndlvlau tiuswebantl/or chord members orgy. AdtMbnaltemporaryandpelmorembracing MiTek' prevent 6dwaysrequtredfmstabNtyandtoVevenlcdlapsewithpo epersoncghjwyandpopeityd=n e. FmWnefalguldanceregartlAgihe 69N Parke East BNd. fo icallom storage. delNeW. erecfb antl bracing of Inrssesond tma Tema. seeANSUIF/1 Q=My Cfflo b. DS"9 wCBCSI Bu9EhQComponent Tarce. FL 33610 SDPo/y0dortnelbmvdlable 8om Tray Rate InsIIMe. 218 N. Lee Street. Sulte 312, Alexandria. VAM14. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212916 1550192-PSLP-5808 G05 Half Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference (optionaq ......,. _ .. .,, e,.., oa 13 31:21 only P2ee 1 Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 Special 5xe = NAILED 11 3x4 = special 242 mDyYol L,wizW gxXGMoKOzrwnbSf7_zFZoxpOZtkvEFxUHUyYlg4 4-1 D0 NAILED 12 NAILED 3x4 = 3X8 = NAILED Scale = 1:30.9 LOADING (psl) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (too) Mail Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.77 Vert(LL) 0.10 2-10 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -0.13 9-10 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO W B 0.64 Horz(CT) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FB02017RP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 80lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-15 be pur ins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* except end verticals. 4-9: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 6-8-13 oc bracing: 2-10. 10-0-0oc bracing: 7-9 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 6=1157/Mechanical, 2=1007/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=194(LC 23) Max Uplift 6=-559(LC 5), 2= 461(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3= 16211711, 3-4=-13351754, 4-5=-1253/661, 5-6=-1071/532 BOT CHORD 2-10=-702/1358, 7-9=0/296, 4-7= 556/533 WEBS 3-10=0/381, 7-10=-741/1342, 5-7= 893/1672 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASIDE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vwd=124mph; TCDL=4.2pst; BCDL=5.Ops1; 11=151t; Cal. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi-0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip D01--7.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 vide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girders) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to basing plate capable of withstanding 100 Its uplift at joint(s) except 6t=lb) 6=559, 21461. 7) 'NAILED" indicates 3-10d (0.148°x3°) or 3-12d (0.148°x3.25') toe -nails per NDS guidlines. 8) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 172 Ib down and 3001b up at 7-0-0 on top chord, and 3361b down and 1331b up at 7-0-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) Is the responsibility of others. 9) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3=-54, 3-5=-54, 2-9=-20, 8-9=-20, 6-7=-20 Concentrated Loads Qb) Vert: 3=-172(B) 9=-58(B)4= 105(B) 10=-336(B) 11=117(B) 12= 105(B) 13=-63(B) 14=-58(B) ii No 34869 L Julius Lee PE No.34869 MiTek USk Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parks East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING-Verhydes/enparemelercm REAONOTESONTHISANDLVCLUD£DM"EKREFERANCEPAGEUlh7473'e.` p1Y¢15BEFOREUSE. Da90n vollp for use oNy wfm Mliek§+connecto3 lNs tleslgn b Wsetl onlyupon parameters shown, and krorof htllvlduol Wllru component,rgt T ME a Inm systr{m. Be1oe use, the I INrx1 tlovgner must verify rho appilcabYlty of design parameters and properly Incaporale IhSdedgn Info the overall bulitlllxl design. aracln0 indk:afetl k to buckilrxl of lntllvidual imss web and/or chord members oNy. Adtllllorwl temporary and pelmaneni braclrxl �AT prevent h always regiiietl f_r ,.brlty antl to prevent collapse wlih possNNe persorwl inhvy antl propeM tlamape. Fat general gWdance regodnA the fab7calbn storage. tlelNery. erection arW Dradng of hussesand fins systems, seeAN51/fpif OualEy CdfedD, D$8 P and BCSI BuederQ Component IYltlek• 6904 Parke East BNtl. SehfylNormDlblpvt8lable Irom Lus %ale Ins11Me.219 N. Lee Street, 5ilis 312 Alexand4a VA22314. Te�rye, FL 3361p Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212917 1550192-PSLP-5808 G06 Monopitch 2 1 Job Reference o l nal builders rlrsibource, ran rleGn, 11.naao 1 1r�* ST1.5xe STP = 3x6 = 6.f10 r12 17 3x4 i 6 7 i 6xe = 4 3x4 = 8 15 zxa II 2x4 112-0-0 1-26 900 2 11 2x4 II 2x4 11 2x4 II Scale = 1:43.4 LOADING (psi) TOLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grp DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress ]nor YES Code FBC2017/rP12014 CS]. TC 0.59 BC 0.84 WB 0.60 Matrix-SH DEFL. in Vert(LL) 0,49 Vert(CT) -0.59 Horz(CT) 0,20 (100) Vdell Ud 16 >353 240 16 >293 180 8 n/a n/a PLATES MT20 Weight: 91 lb GRIP 244/190 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 'Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0.0 oc purlins, 5-7: 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-10-11 oc bracing. Except: 3-16: 2x6 SP No.2, 3-13: 2x4 SP No.1, 12-14,6-11: 2x4 SP No.3 10-0-0 oc bracing: 9-11 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 8=542/Mechanioal, 2=619/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=383(LC 12) Max Uplift 8=-307(LC 12), 2-165(LC 12) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-325/5, 34-984/420, 4-6=-278/19 BOT CHORD 3-15=756/879, 14-15=-756/879, 13-14-778/904, 9-13=-221/374, 6-9=-1541375 WEBS 6.8-500/507, 4-15=-43/322,4-13=-772/635 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL11.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Interlor(1) 5-0-0 to 14-8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcument with anyotherlive loads. 3) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle a-B-o tall by 2-0-0 wide will 0t between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Reter to girder(s) for fares to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Gt=lb) 8=307, 2=165. �V41USe i ND 34869�:� n* Julius Lee PE No.34869 M(Tek USA, In FL Gert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING- Vedtydestgnparemerersand RF.1D NOTES ON THISANDWCLUDEDMDEKREF£BANCEPAGEMLL74nmre 10DY1015BEFOREUS£. Oaslgn Valhi for use only Win MnelkO connectors. lnls design Is boxed only upon noramoters shown and Is for an IncMduol bufldlt component not a hues syst .Biafora use, the buildng designer must vent' the appllcaUlly of design parameters and property Incorporate thls design Into the overall bullding Ign. &whg(Md atedktopreventbacktlWofhdlvidualimzwebard/orch rdmemb moNy. AddlllawlfemporoWmcip rmamntbrwing KWIC h always required for stablllty and to prevent collapse with posslUle personal lniay and property domgae. For general gNtlance regarding the fabrtcatton. storage, delivery. erection and bracing of trusses and trusssystems, seeANSM11 OuaIBy Criteria, DSBdg and SCSI Bugdinp Component 6904 Parke East BNd. Sarofy MlomsalbrAvallade eom Truss Plate Im11Me, 218 N. Lee Street, Sulte 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tempe, FL settle Job Truss Truss Type Dry Ply T15212918 1550192-PSLP-5808 G07 Monopitch 2 1 Job Reference o tional 2 ge Builders RrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 24 2018 Milek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 29 13.3123 a ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mOyYolL-sd4H4dYXtPbxC949jth630KzpkTgl rBBhZObMNyYlg2 -1.0-0 2-7-12 7-1-13 11-7-10 14-2-0 i-0.0 2-7-10 46-3 4-5.13 2-56 �1 O ST1.5xe STP= 2x4 II axe = 6.00 12 Scale=1:41.6 LOADING lost) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017ITP12014 CS]. TC 0.55 BC 0.79 WB 0.32 Matrix-SH DEFL. in Vert(l) Vert(CT) -0.39 Horz(CT) 0.20 (fee) Vdefl Ud 13 >491 240 3-12 >420 180 8 n/a nta PLATES MT20 Weight: 83 He GRIP 244/190 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP 140.2 *Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, 1-5: 2x4 SP M 31 except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 `Except' BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. Except: 3-13: 2x6 SP No.2, 3-10: 2x4 SP No.1, 6-11: 2x4 SP No.3 10-0-0 oc bracing: 9-11 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 8=543/0-6-0,2=594/0-7-10 Max Hom 2=366(LC 12) Max Uplift 8= 280(LC 12), 2= 159(LC 12) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-314/0, 3-4=-904/389, 4-6=-355/72 BOT CHORD 3-12=-706/807, 11-12_ 706/807, 9-11= 239/419, 6-9=-198/437, 8-9= 261/285 WEBS 4-12=-60/264, 4-11=-652/571, 6-8=-503/462 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Inte4or(1) 5-0-0 to 14-0-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed 'C-C for membersand forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Wmber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other Ilve loads. 3) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opst on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3.&0 tall by 2-0-0 wide Wit fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joint(s) except gt=lb) 8=280, 2=159. ,,,�\,G ESN S*F ,,,,10:0 i No 34869 G *: 1F * 0 ':tu P: 2. SA140RX$ ��,�. ppS�ONA� E�%�• Julius Lse PE No.34869 MRak USA, I= FL Cart 6634 6904 Packs Fast Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212919 1550192-PSLP-5808 G08 Half Hip 1 1 Job Reference (optional) bullaeR Flrslaource, rorr rrcw, rr. oeara 3 2x4 11 3x6 = 2x4 11 3x4 = 3x4 = 2x4 11 Scale=1:38.3 5 6 7 8 LOADING (psl) SPACING- 2-00 CS'_ DEFL. in (roc) Wall Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.87 Vert(LL) 0.33 14 >444 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.94 Vert(CT) -0.37 3-13 >397 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.33 Horz(CT) 0.15 10 n/a Na BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight 86 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.1 'Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins, 6-8: 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-2-0 oc bracing. 3-14: 2x6 SP No.2, 5-12; 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=521/0-7-10, 10=62310-10-13 Max Horz 2=317(LC 12) Max Uplift 2= 151(LC 12), 10=-315(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) -Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-265/0, 3-4= 699/345 BOT CHORD 3-13=-644/619, 12-13_ 644/619, 11-12=-323/352 WEBS 7-10=-290/386, 4-13=-69/296, 4-12=-666!/21 NOTES I 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psF BCDLS.Opsh, h=15ft; Cal. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Intedor(1) 5-0-0 to 12-0-0, Exlerior(2) 12.0-0 to 14-8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 lost bottom chard live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on fire bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 vide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=151, 10=315. y No 348690 ;OR\N 10NAU Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc, R. Cert 6634 6904 Parka East Blvd. Tampa R.33810 Data: October 1,2018 ®WARNING. Vadlydes/9apemmatareeadREAD NOTES ON THIS AND WGLUOEDMREHREF£RANCEF'AGEMIF7473rev. 1aV3Q015VEFORE USE Design valid for use arty Wth MI1eM connectors. INS design is based orgy upon parameters shovm, and Is for an I dMdual WIIOIng component, not a Russ system. Before use. the Wilding designer must verity Ithe appllcorMlN of design parameters and property Incorporate this design Into itre overall W[laingdbsign. Bracing Indicated Istoprevent bucklingofhdlvldualtrusweband/or chord members orgy. Addillonaltempomrymdpennanenibracing MiTek' IS always required for stability and to prevent collapse with poslWe personal Iresy and properly damage, For general grldalce regarding Inc fabrlcalion. storage. delivery. erection and bracing of huses and Russ systems seeANSVIPIi Oua@y Calloft DS049 and BCS1 Suedlny Componen! 69N Parke East BNO. SaPotylNoanalbinvalode Rom Truss Place Rrslllute, 218 N. Lee Street. Sol 312. Alexandria, VA22314. Tarrpa, FL 33810 Job Truss Truss Type Dry Ply T75212920 1550182-PSLR-5808 G09 Half Hip 1 1 Job Referenceo tional Builders FlrstSOUrce, Fort Piece, I-L 3494b 6.2m a rvmy 242013 Mi. k;,, uacu, uw. ouwvy. • -e•- ID:CKJbFexlnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYoIL-a7ClWanP1 rfSSEYglj3BpOHuYAnVnuU9NhOFyYIgO -1-DO 2d-10 8-s-6 10-0-0 14-10-0 1-0-0 2-7-10 61-12 1-2-10 4-10-0 4x6 = 5x6 = 5 6 2x4 3x4 = k scale = 1.36.2 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. In (roc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 2D.0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.25 TO ' 0.70 Ven(LL) 0.32 3-12 >365 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.75 Ven(CT) -0.36 3.12 >329 180 BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress [nor YES WB 0.24 HOrz(CT) -0.13 9 n/a We BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 80 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except' except end verticals. 3-13: 2x6 SP No.2, 4-12: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. Except: WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 10-0-0 oc bracing: 10-12 REACTIONS. Qlatsize) 2=37210-7-10, 9=799/0-10-13 Max Horz 2=268(LC 12) Max Uplift 2=-113(LC 12). 9=-480(LC 9) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CempJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-296/0, 3-4=-388/29, 4-5_ 464/209, 5-6=-464/236 BOTCHORD 9-10=-122/292, 8-9=-175/371 WEBS 4-9= 5091490, 6-9=462/720, 6-8=-494/232 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Dps1; h=15fq Cat II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 5-0-0, Intedor(1) 5-0.0 to 10-0-0, Extedor(2) 10-0-0 to 14-8.4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opst on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 316a0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=1b) 2=113, 9=480. 4 i 34869 C* AII�.I���a� � •:OR Q �N 01 Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parks East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q IVARNM-VedfydoclgaparametemandREAD NOTES ON TH/SANDINCLUDEDMrr£KNEP£aANCEPAGEMII-74".r .fa/0 ISEE£ON£USE Design valid for use arty Win MITek& conractors, inns design Is based only upon paramotem shown cod is for an hWlvlduol Wilding component. not a Russ system, Before use, the bWlmng designer must verity the applicaMity of design parameters and properly incomorate Ihls design Info the overall buadingdeslgn. &acenglndlcateefistopreventWcklirgofindivldualfirms webantl/or chord memWaody. Addlilomaltemporaryondpermanentlume1W MiTek' h always requiredfor slabllityaad to prevent collorma with possible personal Injury mad Property damage. Forgeneralguldance,regarcHWthe foNl tbm slorooe, delNery, erectbn mad braclW of tmsses0r truss systems s 9ANSUMIl QuaQy Cr@nb, DSBd9 and SCSI BuOdbg Compon.nt 69N Pmke Eest Blvd. SalaryedoimaNOlAvallaNe from Truss Net. InstlMe. 216 N. Lee Shest. sale 312. Aloxarxide. VA 22314. Tanpe. FL 33610 Job Truss Type Oly Ply T15212921 ]Truss 1550192-PSLP-5808 G10 Halt Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 24 2018 MlTek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 29 13:3126 2018 Page 1 ID:OKJbFextnbtSJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL.HCmPjlaPAKzW3cpkODFIhlyScyS8EBbeNKeFziy' lq7 -1-0.0 2-7-10 8-0-0 8-9L 14-10-0 1-a0 2a-10 H 0-96 6-a10 3x4 = 6x8 = 2x4 II Sx4 = Scale: 318-=1' LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL '7.0 BCLL 10.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress [net YES Code FBC2017/TPI2014 CSL TC 0.64 BC 1.00 WB 0.41 Matrix-SH DEFL. In Vert(ILL) 0.26 Vert(CT) -0.29 Horz(CT) -0.06 (loc) Udell Ud 3-12 >429 240 3-12 >389 180 8 We n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 701b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-7-11 oc puriins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 `Except' except end verticals. 3-13,5-12: 20 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. Except: WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 2-2-0 oc bracing: 10-12 REACTIONS. (Iblsize) 8=113IMechanica1, 2=274/0-7-10, 9=998/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=218(LC 12) Max Uplift 8=-166(LC 19), 2=-41(LC 12), 9=-459(LC 12) Max Grav 8=148(LC 12), 2=274(LC 1), 9=998(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-4=-450/324, 4-5= 264/218, 5-6=797/670, 6-7= 7971670 BOT CHORD 3-12=-218/264, 9-10_ 368/431 WEBS 7-9=443/881, 5-9>665/806 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10: Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Fxp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) -1-0-0 to 5-M, Interior(1) 5-0-0 to 8-0-0, Extedor(2) B-0-0 to 14-8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This Inks has been designed for a 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This muss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Refer to girder(s) for buss to truss connections. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) 2 except jt=1b) 8=166, 9=459. �%O0w1,IUS�[E� .DENS. 34869 i ,.Of DIVA► ��"% �4umm+„ Julius Lee PE No.34869 MiTek USA Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 A WARNWG-Vad/ydeslgnpemnrelereeed READNOTES ON MIS ANDINCLUDEDM?EKREFERANGEPAGEMM174TSme f"N ISSEFGREUSE Design valid for use only with MITekW connectors, Ns design b based only upon parameters shown and Is for an MlAdual building connPonoal, not �� a Jim system. Before use, the bWltllng designer must verify Ite appllcoWlty, of design parameters and proporly Incorporate Ihls desgn into Ile overall bWldingodagn.BrmhglndicatedlstopreventbuckilWoflndivkluallmssweband/or chord membersoNy. Addltloreltemporary and permanent lorooN KWIC k always required for stablllty arW to prevent colloose with possible personal lniury and Property damage. For general guldonce smarcung the 6904 Parke East BNd. faWkalbn storage, delivery, ereellon and bracing of Imses and truss systems. seeANSU/P11 Cuagy ClDeda, DSB41P and SCSI BuBding Component Tampa, FL 33610 SablylnbnnafblWalloble from Ttus Plate Indilute. 21a N. Lee street, sJte 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T75212922 1550192-PSLP-5808 Gil Halt Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference (optional Bmltlers FlrsiSource, non niece, rL;wano ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-IOKnw4blxeSNhmOxyjmXDEVhDLz5zi7ncBOOVByYIq_ 6.0.0 8-9-6 14-10-0 1-0-0 6-0-0 2-94 6.0-10 Scale=1:28.4 NAILED 46 3x = _ 4 = 2x4 I NAILED � NAILED 4x6 ST1.5xe STP= 3x4 = 2x4 11 3x4 = 6-0-0 2-9�6 1-2-10 LOADING (psQ SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL In (roc) Vdefl L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Gdp DOL 1.25 TC 0.39 Vert(LL) 0.04 2-11 >999 240 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.31 Vert(CT) -0.07 2-11 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.13 Horz(CT) 0.00 7 n/a Na BCDL 1'0.0 Code FBC2017frP12014 Matrix-SH LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORb 2x4 SP N0.2 *Except* 4-10: 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 7=127/Mechanical, 2=392/0-7-10, 8=616/0-740 Max Harz 2=169(LC 8) Max Uplift 7=-61(LC 4). 2=-144(LC 23), 8=-256(LC 5) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3= 342165 WEBS 4-11=-163/345, 5-8=-393/272 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 70 lb FT=20% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=158; Cat II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.l8; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This tmss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will 01 between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 7 except (It=1b) 2=144,8=256. 7)'NAILED' Indicates 3-1 Oil (0.148•x3') or 3-12d IDA 46'x3.25') toe-nalls per NDS guidlines. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3=-54, 3-6=-54, 2-10- 20, 7-9=-20 %J%�vlljus r,F�O���' GENg�.• 34869 OR10P, -•nm�u••- Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parka East Blvd. Tampa R.33810 Date: October 1,2018 AWARNWG- Verify designpdrxmetemandREAD NOTES ON THKANDWCLUDEDMN KREFERANCEPAGEMP74nmre i1YXL1015 BEFORE USE Design valld lot me only vAlh Mliek®connectors. His design Isbased only upon parameters shoe and Is for on htdlNdual Wilding component net �' a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and propery incorporate Inc design into line overall lndkated is to buckling Individual now web andfor chord members only. Addlllorwl temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' bullding deslrin.&acing prevent of Is olw6W required! for stadilly and to prevent collapse with posdde personal bjwy and property damage. For general gWtlalce regarding line 6904 Parke Earl BNd. fabrication. storage, delivery, erectbn end bracing of frutses and truss System WeANSYMIi Quality pDetb, DS849 and SCSI Building Component Ten.. FL 33610 SOhtyfntdlmarbnavNlode hem leas Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Slreel. SWie 312. Alexandria. VA22314. Job Truss ype Oty Pry T15212923 1550192-PSLP-5808 G12 THUlcSHTpSpPdd 1 1 Job Reference o tional Builders FirslSoume, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 24 2018 M7ek Industries, Inc. Sal Sep 29 13:31:27 2018 Page 1 ID:OKJbFexlnbtsJ7IpV1 W mDyYol L.IOKnw?bl xe5NhmO*mxDEM2LJ1zi6mBOoV8yYlq_ Scale = 1:19.3 US = 2x4 11 2x4 II 2x4 II 4 6 6 3x6 = 2x4 11 2x4 11 2x4 it 2x4 11 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. In (too) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.34 Vert(LL) -0.00 1 n1r 120 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.25 Vert(CT) 0.01 1 n/r 120 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES W B 0.13 Horz(CT) -0.00 7 n/a We BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/IPI2014 Matrlx-SH Weight: 41 to FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. All bearings 9-4-6. (Ib) - Max Horz 2=119(LC 12) Max Uplift All uplift 100lb or less at joints) 7, 2, 8, 9 except 10=-122(LC 12) Max Grav All reactions 250lb or less at joint(s) 7, 2, 8, 9 except 10=263(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. WEBS 5.8-1201259, 3-10=-161/445 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pudlns, except end verticals. Rigid calling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15f ; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Comer(3) zone; cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads In the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (none] to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSIITPI 1. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pet bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 7, 2, 8, 9 except Qt=lb) 10=122. J1.IUS�t .if.�i 34869 * 4ORID !0NA1-i� Julius Lee PE No.34669 MiTek USA, Inc. R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke Fast BNnL Tampa R.33610 Date; October 1,2018 AU WARNWG-Vodlydosign parameters and REAONOTE50NTNI5 ANO /NOLUOEOMNEKREFERANCE AGEMM1747arev. IdO]rz015aEFOREOSE Design vailtl for use oNywAlh Mdelv�conneclors. iNs tlesign h basetl only upon parameters shown, and h br an hldlNduai bu'ding component, rwt M, {■� a inns sysiGm. Boforo tae, it- taIIdW tledgner must vetlfy the OpplicaW Ity of tlesign parameters antl gopedy Ncoiposate this design Info the overall bulltlxxldeslon. aachg lndkateel trio lxevam tackling of lndlNdualbusswebrnd/or cf "art a .oNy. AMLIIawl temporary and permanent Wacing MiTek' 5olways regWretl 1. a tobOlNarultopreven, collapse wish pas IDlel>ersorwllnpay antl lxoperly damage. For general gWdance regortllrxg the fobrbatioh, storage. delNery, erectlon Oriel Ixocing of Imssesontl Vussyslema seeANSI/IPIi QuaNy Ctealb, 0584W and BCSI BUStlNg Component 6904 Parka East Btrd. Safety 0rM/mafbrpvailable horn Irus Rote institute. 216 N. lee Sheet suite 312 A1exaMAa VA 22314. Ten.. FL W610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212924 1550192-PSLP-5808 HJ2 Diagonal Hip Girder 2 1 Job Reference o Bonal Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34M 2x4 = 8.220 s May 24 2018 MlTek Industries, Inc. Sal Sep 29 13:31:28 2018 Page 1 ID:OKJbFextnbW7lpVji W mDyYoIL-DauA8LcfiyDEJwy7VOHmmS2v_IMLiBOwr7L0ay'tlpz Scale = 1:9.1 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFL. in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grp DOL 1.25 TC 0.20 Vert(LL) -0.00 2-4 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.06 Ven(CT) -0.00 24 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 10lb FT=20% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=12/Mechanical, 2=203/0-10-7, 4=22/Mechanical Max Horz 2=79(LC 4) Max Uplift 3=-16(LC 19), 2=-163(LC 4) Max Grav 3=44(LC 22), 2=203(LC 1). 4=44(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-1 oc purins. BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0psf; h=151t; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl.. GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girdev(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3 except at=lb) 2=163. 6)'NAILED* indicates 3-10d (0.148'x3') or2-12d (0. 1 48'x3.25') toe -nails per NDS guidlines. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Root Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (foil) Van: 1-3=-54, 2-4=-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 5=20(B) 1 (F�O��i� 34869 ' NAL Julius Lee PE No.34869 Mak USA, Inc. FL CArt 6634 8904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Data: October 1,2018 O WANN/NG-Verily deergnparameferc andflFAO NOTES ON INIS ANp/NCLDOEO hIREKflEFERANLE PAGEMM1]OArev. 1WDLS015 BEFONE USE. �■� Deslpn valltl foruse oNywm Mnek�conno to. ruts tleri bbasetl oNyupon parameters shown, and lstor on krdMduaI Wlldlrxt componer" nor a truss svugm. Before use, the MJItlinD tled9nor must verify the appllcabOlty oftleAOn parameters antl properly Inconwrale Bill tlesl0n Into the overall tledmn. Wacbalr fo(xevent buckllna lntlivltlual tmsweb and/or chortl members oNy. Atldltbnal temporary and pemsanenlbraclrxl ai}e1�n iviiTek' buBGssO .o,is of E always requlretlroc stobillWantl to preventcNlapse calm poalble persorwI in jury and Woperiy tlomaae. For Denerol9ultlonce re0artllig the toblicalbn dorart.delivery.erectron and braGn9 of lenses antl truss systems. seeANSVIPIi Oua2y CrBeM, DSB-09 a ad BCSI BUPdbry Cpmponmt 6904 Parke East Md. SafetyN/omrafbmvdlable from truss Rate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street. S ffe 312, Alexandrla. VA MI 4. Ta�rya, FL 3361e Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212925 1550192-PSLP-5808 HJ3 Diagonal Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference o aonal Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 2x4 = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CBS. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.30 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.17 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP NO.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=61/Mechanical,2=220/0-10-7,4=36/Mechanical Max Horz 2=104(LC 4) Max Uplift 3=-49(LC 8), 2=-117(LC 4) Max Grey 3=61(LC 1), 2=220(LC 1), 4=72(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. 8.220 s may ea Zola MITex muuswus, Inc. oar any co 13:31:—co,o raeo, ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYcIL.hnSYLhdITFL5w4XJ38o71fa379grReg43VNY0yYlpy Scale = 1:11.6 DEFL. in Qoc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.01 2-4 >999 240 MT20 244/190 Ved(CT) -0.02 2-4 >999 180 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n1a Weight: 15 to Fr=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-0-1 oc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 3) ' This tmgs has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girders) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of Buss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3 except Gtdb) 2=117. 6)'NAILED" indicates 3-1Od (0.148'x3') or 2-12d (0.148x3.25') toe -nails per NDS guidlines. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3=-54, 2-4= 20 Concentrated Loads 01b) Vert: 5=44(F=22, B=22) IV i 34869 f'/�NAI t1011111111� Juilus Lea PE No,34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL cent 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Bate: October 1,2018 ® WARNING- VsvBYdeLsnpararnetercend READ NOFES ON THISAND INCLUDED MREKREFERANCEPAGEM1P747i?rc, 1 N32015 BEFORE USE Design vall(1 for use only weh MileMconnectors. Wsdesign Ls based oNy upon parameters shown, antl is (man individual Wilding component rroi a to ct system. Before use, the bWlding designer must vedry the aprellcatonty, of design parameters and poperly Incorporate IDk design Into I. overall building design. Orating Indicated! Is to prevent buckling of Individual trussweb and/or chord members only. Addlilorol temporaryand permanent bracing MtTek 6 always regWretl for stabllltyand to pevent coilq ea vilh posdble persona] Injury antl poPeM damage. For general gWdance repardlnO me fabrication, storage, delivery, erection a,rl bracing of trusses and truss systems, weAN MIJ OUOMy Crferb, DSB2pand BCDBuederg Component 6904 Pe,kB East Blvd. Solely lnloimaWlPvdlabie from In8 Rate Institute. 218 N. Lee street. Site 312, Plexancirkt VA 22314. T.W., FL M10 Job Truss Truss Type Ory Ply T15212926 1550192-PSLP-5808 HJ5 Diagonal Hip Girder 4 1 Job Relerenc¢ o tional P Builders FrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 3x4 = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.63 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.50 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-SH LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=153/Mechanlcai, 2=315/0-1D-7, 4=72/Mechanical Max Horz 2=157(LC 4) Max Uplift 3=-126(LC 8), 2=-131(LC 4) Max Grav 3=153(LC 1), 2=315(LC 1).4=118(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -Aft forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. 8.220 s May 24 2018 MITek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 29 13:31:30 2018 age 1 ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-9zOwYOewEZTyYE6WdrJErt79mZVASW D19cS5TyYlpx Scale=1:17.5 DEFL. in (loc) Wag Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.08 2-4 >971 240 MT20 244/190 Vert(CT) -0.17 2-4 >468 180 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a Weight: 24 lb FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15fC Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will tit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for trues to truss connections. 5) Provido mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) except Qtdb) 3=126, 2=131. 6)'NAILED' Indicates 3-1 Od (0.148'x3') or2-12d (0.148'x3.25°) toe-nalis per NDS guitlllnes. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3=-54, 2-4= 20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 5=44(F=22, B=22) 's s%�,IUSI(FF 34869 7 •M s l ll-* _ l A C r1- -11111111111•' Julius lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Dert 6634 6904 Padre Fast Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARM No-V%tl Ee9gnparamer0rc anOHEAO Nomss ONTNIS ANa INCLUOEO MREKREFERANCE PAGEMM1AIamv. 10NYL0156EFORE USE. Deslpn valitl for use oNywllh Milele®connectors. u"' design b basetl oNy upon parameters shown, and Is loran IndlNtlual bu9tllrxl campOrtenf, not 19! a t_ system. Before use, the txilltllrrp tledpner must verity the appllcab9lty of tlesign paramelersarxt properly Ncorporate ihB tleslpn Into tiro overall tleslgn. &acing truncated isio buckling buss web and/or ctwrtl members oNy. Atltllllorsal temporary antl permarmnl braclrxl MiTek' buAlding rxevenl o(IntliNdual bOlways'o"red for stabilnyantl to prevent wllapse sWlh posmie personal inlay antl property danaga. For general OWtlance regarding the fabdcatbN storage, delivery. erection antl bracing of trusses antl truss systems, seaAN4UlPII Gw/Oy C@orb, 05941VOnO8C51 Bv9d9r8 COmPenenl 6904 Parke Earl BWtl. SOhlybbnnafbrt�vOilaMe hom r us Rate Irsstllute. 216 N. Lea Sheet. Site 312. PlexorWrla, VA22314. Tanya, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type 01Y PIY T15212827 1550192-PSLP-5808 WIT Diagonal Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 o.ecasmay c. cu�o n�unnnwu�u,eo, uie.=a SP2U1=,..,�a .veo. ID:OKJbFextnbLSJ7lpVji W MDYYoIL-d9ZImMeY7tboANhiBZgTO4gNOzIHVT2NXpMOdvyYlpw -1-5.0 b1-9 9-10-1 1-SO &1-9 4-8-7 Scale=1:23.0 3x4 = NAILED NAILED NAILED 5-1-9 14-8-7 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. In (loc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.45 Vert(LL) -0.03 6-7 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.43 Vert(CT) -0.06 6-7 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.33 Horz(CT) 0.01 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 4211b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib/slze) 4=131/Mechanical,2=449/0-10-7,6=302/Mechanlcal Max Herz 2=206(LC 4) Max Uplift 4=-134(LC 4), 2=491(LC 4), 6= 118(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3-679/267 BOT CHORD 2-7-343/608, 6-7=-343/608 WEBS 3-7=0/274, 3-6_ 657/371 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-11-12 oc bracing. NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL.4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=1511; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for muss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except fjtdb) 4=134, 2=191, 6=118. 6)'NAILED" indicates 3-10d (0-148'x3') or2-12d (0.148'x3.25') toe -nails per NOS guidlines. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASES) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plo Vert: 1-4=-54, 2-5-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 8=44(F=22, 3=22) 10-93(F— 38, B=-55) 13=-38(F= 18, B=-20) i 34869 ' I Julius Lee PE NG.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33010 Date: October 1,2018 AU WARNING- VeritydealgnparametersandHEAD NOTES ON THISANDINCLUDEDUNEKNEFENANCEPAGEMUf74nmre 101MVIISBEFOFE USE w� Design valld for use only Wth Mbe1oD connectors. INs design Is based only upon parameters shown. and Is for an In ilNtlual building component, not a tens system. before use, the bWkang designer must verity the aWllcab0lty of design parameters and properly IncoOwrate this deslgn into the overall budingdleggn.BrmbgindtoedhtopreventMekiingof]WMduallusewebaM/orcWdmembersody. AddblonaltemporaryandpermoneMbracing MiTek' Is always regalmd fa stabl6ty and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property tlanage. For general guldonce regardkrg the fabrk:atbn, storage, delivery. erection and bmcing of trusses and Russ systems. seeANSilmll Quality CrEaria, DS"P and BCSI BuBd610 Component 69N Perk. East Blvd. Salafylnformalionwefl.N. from 1. Plate tnsfllule. 218 N. Lee Sheer. Wt. 312. Alexadtla. VA 22314. Tama; FL 33610 Job Truss Trus Cry PlyT15212928 1550192-PSLP-5808 7DI.g.r.1'HipGirder 2 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FrstSoures, Fort Piece, FL 34945 2 2%4 c-"'-- 2x4 II 3x4 II NAILED NAILED NAILED u.LLu s May 242018 MIIBR muusme5,uw. aa,anpm Scale=1:23.1 LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress [nor NO Code FBC2017rTP12014 CS'. TC 0.27 BC 0.93 WB 0.23 Matdx-SH DEFL. In Vert(LL) 0.08 VerICT) -0.12 Horz(CT) 0.04 (lot) VdeB Ud 9 >999 240 8-9 >935 180 7 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 44111 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD' Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pur ins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 `Except* BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 8-11-3 oc bracing. 9-10: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5-59/Mechanlcal, 2--150/0-10-7, 7=377/Mechanical Max Horz 2=206(LC 4) Max Uplift 5=-55(LC 4), 2=-185(LC 4), 7=-182(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 glo) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-475/120, 3-4— 792/344 BOT CHORD 2-11=-190/402, 10-11= 190/402, 3-9=-232/325, 8-9= 398/727, 7-8=-398/727 WEBS 4-8_ 94/388, 4-7=-813/445 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDLS.Opsf; h=151t; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip D0L--1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-&0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100111 uplift at joint(s) 5 except at -lb) 2=185, 7=182. 6)'NAILED* indicates 3-10d (0.148°x3') or 2-12d (0.148°x3.25•) toe -nails per NDS guldlines. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASES) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase rl.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-5=-54,.2-10=-20, 6-9= 20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 12=44(F=22, 8=22) 14= 20(F= 10, B=-10) 16=-116(F=-58, B= 58) %J%v\JU S, CEF4i��� /Jt,7.34869 *•••r ••.* �OR10P:��0�, Julius Leo PE No.34369 MfrekUBA, Inc. FL Gert 6634 69D4 Parke East BNd, Tampa FL 33DI O Date: October 1,2018 ,&WARNING-VerHydadgnpammote and READ NOTES ON THSANDWCLUOEOMIIEKREFERANCEPAGEM1 74nmre 1"MOISB£FOR£ USE Desl9n vdld for use only with MReMDconnectors. MclesIm S locend ody upon parameters shovm and Is form InolvIdual banding component not a truss system. Before use, the bantling designer must vestry the appllcablllry of design parameters and popedy Incorporate this design Into the overall bdldn8 tle9gn. Wadng Indicated is to pevent buckling oflndMduai truss web and/or chord members only. AddlifondtemMorymdpermar nfbrming Mew kalwaY re LAredfwstabllryandlopeventwllcp Wthpossrolep wmlhilurymdptopedyd toe. For general gultlmce recording the fabicatlon, storage. delivery. erection and bracing of tmssesarW truss systems, seeAMyn,11 etrn/ey Cr9erb, DSD49 and 8C5/aDOtlNy Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. SalotyftifopRpffOm]VdlaNe from Irus Rate Institute. 218 N. Lee Street. Win 31Z Nexandna. VA 22314. Tanga, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T75212929 1550192-PSLP-5808 K01 Roof Special 1 1 Job Reference (optional) P 1 Builders FrslSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8.220 s May 242018 MITek industries, Inc. Sat Sap 2913.31.332018 age ID:OKJbFexmbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYoIL-ZYh3B2goXUrW Phr41_MTVlefmz4NFag_7r6hoyYlpu 4-6-0 7-1-8 8t4 15-7-12 21-1-14 4-6-0 2-7-8 1-2-12 7-3-8 Scale=1:42.0 6.00 ri2 3x6 Axe = 2x4 II 3x8 = 4x6 = 3x4 = 6x8 = 2x4 II LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TPI2014 CS1. TC 0.65 BC 0.47 WB 0.84 Matrix-SH DEFL. in Vert(LL) -0.13 Vert(CT) -0.29 Horz(CT) 0.01 Attic -0.07 (too) "deftIf 8-9 >999 240 8-9 >852 180 7 n/a n1a 8-9 1191 360 PLATES MT20 Weight: 1441b GRIP 2441190 FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-9-12 oc pudins, BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.2 *Except' except end verticals. 7-10: 2x6 SP M 26 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 6-0-0 oc bracing: 7-6. REACTIONS. (Ielsize) 7=1087/0-2-12,12=1016/Mechanlcal Max Horz 12=67(LC 12) Max Uplift 7=-35(LC 13), 12= 38(LC 13) Max Grav 7=1231(LC 2),12=1100(LC 2) FORCES. (lb) - Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-874/254, 2-3= 844/278, 3-4=-1568/134, 4-5=-1569/135, 5-6=-1569/135, 6-7=-1356/236, 1-12=-1057/354 BOT CHORD 9-11=-172/1381, 8-9=-135/1569 WEBS 2-11=0/600, 4-9=-354/311, 5-8=-465/399, 6-8=-159/2036, 1-11=-153/941, 3-11=-1257/0, 3-9-0/732 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.0psf; h=15ft Cat. It: Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) 0-1-12 to 7-1-8, Intedor(1) 7-1-8 to 21-0-2 zone; canWever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) 400.01b AC unit load placed on the bottom chord, 12-0.0 from left end, supported at two points, 2-0-0 apart 4) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 6) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Ceiling dead load (5.0 psi) on member(s). 3-4, 4-5 8) Bottom chord live load (40.0 psi) and additional bottom chord dead load (5.0 psi) applied only to room. 8-9 9) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 10) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate atjolnt(s) 7. 11) Provide mechanical Connection (by others) of Imes to hearing plate capable of withstanding 100111 uplift at joint(s) 7, 12. 12) ATTIC SPACE SHOWN IS DESIGNED AS UNINHABITABLE. 01jusr REF y No 34869�;. Oi% ��S,0NA; E10% Julius Les PE No.34869 MfrEk USh Inc. R. Cert 6634 6984 Parke East Bind. Tampa R.33BIO Data: October 1,2018 ® WARNINO- Verllydasignpnramarmaend READ NOTES ON TN/SAND INCLUDED MNEKREFERANCEPAGEMLL747j n y.. 1603IZ015 BEFORE USE R Dedgn valid for use only with MITek000nnectors. this design h based only upon parameters shown and is for an Individual buiding component rat �■( a truss system. Before use. (he bullerng designer must verify the oppllcablllly of deign Warnafers and properly Incorporate this design Into Inc overall bWtlingdeslgn. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of lndlvalual franweb and/or chord members only. Addtlorwltemporarymdtl nnonenibracing Mew Isaiwaystec Ured for stabflllymd loprevenlcollapsevAlh possHSle personal injury andprope"dernWo. ForgeneralguddonaeregardInglhe 69N Parke East Blvd. faNIcalkIn,Storage, delivery, erecibn and bracing of IN4e3 and run system%woAN51/1PIr QuT CrMM,DSO-09 and BCSIBUBdNg Component Tampa, FL 33610 SGfetyWormalbnavdlode from Truss Plate Insflfute. 218 N. tee street, suite 312, Alexandria VA 14. Job Truss Truss Type Cry Ply T15212930 1550192-PSLP-5808 K02 Roof Special Girtler 1 i Job Reference (optional) Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34M 6.2zu s May 242ul8 MNex industries, Inc. aeroepzs 1131a42018 rage ID:QKJhFexmbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYoIL-2kFROOhQIozNirQHshOA?jlkPAF46j2pDnagEEyYlpl 3-10-8 5-1-8 9-1.8 14-10-15 21-1-14 3-10-8 1-&0 4-0.0 6&7 6-2-15 4,,6 = 6.00 12 4.6 = 3x4 15 13 12 11 10 e 8 18 19 20 7 3x6 II 6x6 = 3x4 = 3A = 4.6 = 6x8 = NAILED 5x6 II LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/rP12014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except' 6-7: 2x4 SP No.2 OTHERS 2x6 SP No.2 HTU26 NAILED Scale=1:40.2 CSI. DEFL. In (loc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TC 0.97 Vert(L-) 0.11 7-8 >999 240 MT20 244/190 BC 0.74 Vert(CT) -0.18 7-8 >999 180 WB 0.82 Hoa(CT) 0.06 15 n/a n/a Matrix-SH Weight: 151 lb FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. ob/size) 13=1019/Mechanical, 15=1730/0-2-12 Max Hotz 13=-41(LC 4) Max Uplift 13= 368(LC 9), 15=-803(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2= 821/334, 2-3= 702/326, 3-4=-831/318, 4-5=-18327733, 5-6=-2212/954, 7-14=-30/354, 6-14=-30/354, 1-13=-1070/425 BOT CHORD 11-12=-232/702, 10-11-729/1818, 8-10=-954/2212, 7-8= 185/361 WEBS 3-11=-119/267, 4-11=-1452/651, 4-10=-107/342, 5-10=514/429, 5-8=-319/400, 6-8=900/2162, 1-12=-357/938, 6-15=-1834/862 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASIDE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0psi; h=15ff; Cal. II; Ecp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gdp DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurent with any other live loads. 5) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Refer to glyder(s) for truss to truss connections. 7) Bearing at joint(s) 15 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/rPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate at joint(s) 15. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except jt=11b) 13=368, 15=803. 10) Use Simpson Strong -Tie HTU26 (20-1 Did Girder, 11-10dx1 112 Truss, Single Ply Girder) or equivalent at 16-0-12 from the left end to connect truss(es) to back face of bottom chord. 11) Fill all nall holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. 12) 'NAILED' Indicates 3-10d (0.148°x3') or 3-12d (0.148°x3.25°) toe -nails per NDS guldlines. 13) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the thus are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard � GEHS• �i No 34869 =..a V, Q: n i Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Paden Fast Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q WARNING -V&rNds/gnparametercendHEADNOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MREKBEF£B41NCEPAGEMIF7423mv. 12DJ/1O168EFGflE USE Design valid for use only vAfh MlTeM connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters sholm and Is for an Individual Wlldi g component, not �� a truss sysfem. Before use, the Wilding designer must verily the apPlicalonty of design parameters and properly Incorporate mLs design Into the overall blldingdaslgn.Bracing Idicated is to prevent Wcklig ofhdrAdual truss web and/or chord members only. Addlllonalfernwaryandpetmonenfbraclrg MiTek' katw pTecRAredforstabllltyandtopreventcoll�Wlhpossmleparsoral Nluryandpropadyd=We. Forgeneralixidanceregarcig the fobrlcaflom storage,delivery. erection and bracing of trusesand lrussysfemz seeAMUIPO QUOMyCIfalb. DS849 and SCSIBUIVIng Component 6904 Parke East BW. Safely Udolmarnrrvaiiable from inAs Rate Institute, 218 N. lee Sheet. W to 312 Nexard4a, VA 22314. Teeea, FL 331110 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212930 1550192-PSIP-5808 K02 Roof Special Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Builders RrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-2=54, 2-3=-54, 3-4_ 54, 4-6=-54, 7-13=-20 Concentrated Loads Qb) Vert: 16=114(B) 17=-124(B) 18_ 906(13) 19=-45(B) 20= 50(B) 8.220 s May 24 2018 MlTek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 29 13:31:34 2018 Page 2 ID:OKJbFexlnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYoIL-2kFROOhOlozN1 rOHshOA7jIkPAF46j2pDnagEEyYlpl ®WARNWG-Verify desfgapammetnannd READ NOTES ON THASANOWCLUOEOMrrEKREFERANCEPAGEM&7473rev 1M"15 BEFORE USE Design vall l for use only with MlleM connectors. lNs design Is based only upon Parameters shown and Is for an Individual Wrding component, lot a truss system. Before use. the Wlldnp designer must witty the arplicoUlly of design parameters and properly Incorporate fhk design Into the overall Wlidirgdedgn. &acing[WkatedlstopreventWckllr oflndlviduollmnweban loret rdmemb Mr y. Addlllonaltemporaryandpermaronibracing MiTele Isalwaysreaulred for stabllltyand to preventeollapsewilhpossUe personal lnjuryontl property renege. Forgeneral Puldanceregardingthe 5a1ode.fron,storage. doWery, erection and bracing of trussesand Muss systems. weANSVFP11 Oua@y CReM, OSB49 and BC51Bu0dN9 Component 6904 Parke East Bkd. SoleryWo'mtalbrwdlable from Truss Nate Inslltute. 218 N. Lee Street, Salle 312. Alexandra, VA22314. Tenpa, FL 33610 Job —j' Truss Truss Type cry Ply T75212931 1550192-PSLP-5808 K03 Root Special 1 1 Job Reference Loptionalft Builders FirstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 8220 S May 24 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Sat Sep 29 13:31:35 2018 Pagel ID:OKJbFexmbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYo1L-Wwppckh2355Ee47TOPvPYwglOaamrF2ySRKDmgyYlps 1 -70-8 74-8 11-1-8 16-0-0 1-10-8 b3u 4.0-0 4-10-8 6.00 FIT Sx6 = 2x4 6x8 = 4x6 = 5,6 = Scale=1:29.4 LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/rP12014 CSI. TC 0.47 BC 0.71 We 0.46 Matrix-SH DEFL. In Vert(LL) -0.15 Ven(OT) -0.31 Horz(CT) 0.01 (lot) Vdefl Ud 6-7 >999 240 6-7 >603 180 6 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 94 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD RlgId telling directly applied or 7-6-10 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ha/size) 6=581/Mechanical, 8=581/Mechanlcal Max Horz 8= 71(LC 13) Max Uplift 6=-200(LC 13), 8=-164(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) -Max. Comp./Mm. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-541/472, 3-4=-650/448 BOT CHORD 6-7=-587/754 WEBS 2-7=-300/453, 4-7=-250/316,4-6=-800/655, 2-8=-5501494 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.0psh h=15ft; Cat. I];�Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) 0-1-12 to 11-1-8, Interior(l) 11-1-8 to 15-10-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 drainage 3) Provide adequate to prevent water policing. ,, %� FF 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chore live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. ' � �J �� 5) This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle &" tall by 2-0-0 wide �. P'• '�� G E! g •�,� V ill fit between the bottom chord and any other members. �� ; �:`•••• 6) Peter to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) except Ot=lb) L 34869 •1 6=200, 8=164. 7`' .a ONAL Julius Lee PE No.34869 Mirek USA. Ina FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Bind. Tampa FL33610 Date: October 1,2018 ®WARNING. Verily design peremelere and READ NOTES ON iH/SANDWCLUDWMDEKREFEMNCEPAGEMII-747amv. 1OVaf10ISHEFORE USE Design valid for use any with MITeM connectors, nits design Is based only upon parameters shown and Is for on IndiAduol bulidlrg component net a buss system. Before use, the bulling designer must verily Ilre apWlcabOlty of design parameters and prope ly Incorporate this design Into the overall bUldingdeslgn.Brmhglndlcatedistoprevent buckllWofindMdualTmssweb and/or chord members any. Additional temporary and permanentbrecing 1k MtTeW Is always required for stabllityand to prevent collapse Win possible personal injury and Voperty darnexTe. For general guldmce regarding the fabria0non, storage, delivery, erection and Wacing of tmssesond bustsystems, weANSUIPIf QuayC2edo, DS"9 andlICSI Sugdbrq Component 69N Parke East Blvd. Sayety/nbrtnOfbmvtllaMe from Tens Rate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street. Win 312, Alexandria, VA 22114. Tampa, FL 331110 Job Truss Truss Type Cry PIY T15212932 1550192-PSLP-5808 K04 Root Special 1 1 Job Reference o tional Bunaers nrstaource, roil necn, 11 cYnro Scale=1:27.0 2x4 11 3x4 = 4x6 = 1 9 2 10 3 6.00112 6xB'= 7 6 e 3x8 = 3x4 = 9-1-8 LOADING (pso SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL. in (loc) Well Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.45 Ven(LL) -0.16 7-8 >999 240 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.68 Ven(CT) -0.32 7-8 >592 180 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.42 Horz(CT) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20171TP12014 Matrix-SH LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD REACTIONS. (lb/size) 8=581/Mechanical, 6=581i'Mechanical Max Horz 8= 99(LC 13) Max Uplift 8=-234(LC 8), 6= 181(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3= 692/521, 3-4_ 814/500 BOT CHORD 7-8=-334/542, 6-7= 642/869 WEBS 2-8=-649/592, 2-7=-61/270, 4-7= 193/298, 4-6=-955l730 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 86 lb FT=20% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlms, except end venlcals. Rigid calling directly applied or 7-2-15 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10: Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.0psf; h=1511; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) 0-1-12 to 6-1-12, Intedor(1) 6-1-12 to 9-1-8, Extedor(2) 9-1-8 to 13-1.8, Intedor(1) 13-1-8 to 15-10-4 zone; cantilever left and light exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This Imss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of buss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) except Qtdb) 8=234, 6=181. ���� ,,,`�J 34869 *18111111P"- Jullus Lee PE No.34869 Mffek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date; October 1,2018 A WARNING-VetltydedgepammetersanCREAD NOTES ONTWSMDWCLUBEOMITEKREFERANCEPAGEM674"MK 1dD!OVIS BEFORE USE Design vdltl for the only with Mnelt� connectors, ids design h basetl only upon Parameters shown antl Is for an hdlNdual bAltllrg component. rat a Luss sve'd"Before use, the bWlding desglner must vedy the aprxlcablllly of design parameters and propetly Incorporate fhb design Into the overall bulltlirg desi0n. &acN0lndkaletl Rto buckllrx3 oflntllvitlual inmweb arw/or chord members only. Atltllllorwi temporary and peilndnent bracing MiTek' prevent 5,ways req,retl for stadllty and to firevenl cdlZis with posside personal N)ury and property damage. For general guidance regartllrig the 69M Parke East Blvd. fabrk:atbn.storage. delNery.erecf'on andbraclig o/hussesand lmsssyslems, seeAN51/1P11 Crm@y CrMM, OSBd9 anCBC51 BGBLing Component Tempe, FL 33510 So"y(Nolot.M v,bble from Tma Plate katiMe. 218 N. Lee SM1eel. Suite 312 Plexontldo. VA22314. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212933 1550192-PSLP-5808 K05 Half Hip 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders Flfs[Souree, eon elece, eL'svavD i 5x8 = 8 2r4 II 3 Scale=1:26.8 3x6 = 4 7 6 5 3x4 = 2x4 I I axe = 3x6 11 LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TP12014 CS]. TC 0.41 BC 0.34 WB 0.52 Matdx-SH DEFL. in Vert(LL) 0.05 Vert(CT) -0.07 Horz(CT) 0.01 (too) Vdefl Ud 1-7 >999 240 6-7 >999 180 5 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 75 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-5-7 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 6.6-5 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 1=584/Mechanlcal, 5=584/Mechanical Max Horz 1=123(LC 12) Max Uplift 1=-181(LC 9), 5=-241(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-9961717, 2-3-913/731, 3-4=-913/731, 4-5-531/455 BOT CHORD 1-7=-727/834, 6-7=-726/842 WEBS 3-6= 331/402, 4-6=-781/968 - NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vu1t=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2pst; BCDL=S.Opst; h=1 Sit; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) 0-0-12 to 13-4-5, Intedor(1) 13-4-5 to 15-10-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 fall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 1=181, 5=241. �iffill 11 &juSe GEIV 34869 00�i, �ONA1.E�o` ��nnnna Julius Lee PE Np.34869 MITek USA, Ina. FL 0ed 6634 8904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: October 1,2018 AWABN/Nd-Verity daNgn pammesers nndpFAp poT£s Op THIS AND INCLUDEa M!/EKpEFERANCE PAGE41/A7413 mv. 1M1DYlof58EFopE pSE Des10n voila fonrse oNywler Mlielt� connecbrs. 11V5 tleslgn Is basetl oNy upon parameters shown, and Is for m IndlWtlual bu0ding component, not a truss syafgm. flefore use, the bulldhxl tleslgner must vetlTy the appllcabYlTy of tledgn poiameters and prope0y Incomorate this tleslgn Info the overall bWtang tlesign. &acing lndlcato, b fo prevent buc'rl cnruiry _, tmsweti and/or chord membersoNy. Adtllllonaltempomry and permanent braGng iwiTek' G always requlretl (or afablllty and to prevent collapse with possible personal lnlury and propaMdtlotnnR"Ie. For general guldance regartllW lha roMkatbn. storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/IPI/ Oua@y GR�lb, DSBAP and BCSIeuSdGtp Component 6904 111 Sooty Nlonnafbm`nLlable ham rsuss Rafe InsliNfe. 219 N. Lee Sheet. State 312 Alexantl4a. VA22114. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T75212B34 1550192-PSLP-5808 K06 Half Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional BLOWS I-IrStSOUM0, 1-on Face, FL S4U t, Scale =1:28.5 Special NAILED 5xs = _ NAILED NAILED 2.4 11 NAILED NAILED NAILED SxG Gm f17 3 9 10 11 4 12 13 14 5 ST1.Sx8 STP= 2x4 II NAILED NAILED 5x8 NAILED NAILED NAILED 3x411 3z4 = Special NAILED LOADING (pat) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress [nor NO Code FBC2017/TPI2014 CSI. T , 0.57 BC 0.51 WB 0.65 Matdx-SH DEFL. In Vert(LL) 0.13 Vert(CT) -0.18 Horz(CT) 0.01 OGG) Vdell Ud 7-8 >999 240 7-8 >999 180 6 n/a n1a PLATES GRIP MT20 2441190 Weight: 74 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 20 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-10-3 oc purllns, BOT CHORD 20 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-7-14 oc bracing. REACTIONS. Ob/size) 6=595/Mechanical,2=671/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=92(LC 8) Max Uplift 6=-304(LC 5). 2=-283(LC 5) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp fMax. Ten. -All forces 250 Ob) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1090/490, 3-4=-1654/839, 4-5= 1654/839, 5-6=-518/329 BOTCHORD 2-8=-456/920, 7-8=-450/932 WEBS 3-8=0/255, 3-7=-427(740, 4-7=-385/364, 5-7=-807/1590 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.0psi; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi-0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent With any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at Joint(s) except Oldb) 6=304, 2=283. 7) "NAILED' Indicates 3-1Od (0.148'x3') or 3-12d (0.148'x3.25) toe -nails per NDS guldlines. 8) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 67Ib do= and 93Ib up at 2-10-8 on top chord, and 22111 down at 2-10-8, and 15 Ito down at 3-0-12 on bottom chord. The deslgn/selection of such connection device(s)iis the responsibility of others. 9) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Goof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pll) Vert: 1-3- 54.3-5= 54, 2-6=-20 Concentrated Loads Ob) Vert: 8=-13(F) 14= 0(F) 15=-5(F)16=-5(F)17=-S(F) 18=-5(F) 19_ 5(F) 20= 7(F) JGIU S 4 (F C.ENS. 34869 Julius Lee PE No.34869 Mrrek USA, Inc R. Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33B10 Date: October 1,2018 AWARNING-Vedlydes/gnpammetersand READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MTIEKREFERANCEPAGEFUF74T3rev. I"JI2015 BEFORE USE R Design valitl for use onlywlih MlTek43 connectors. llVs tleslgn is basetl a upon parameters shown. an is form lrWlvltlual Wdtling component.not a Irsystpm. Before use, the building designer must verify INC aPPilcoblllry of design parameters antl properly Incorporate Ih6 design Into the overall bueding dedgn. Bracksg Indicated lsto prevent buckling ofln3lvldual lrusswebcnd/orchordmembersonly. AddltboaltemrommyoldpelmanentbraGng M(Tek' Is always factored for stobelly and to prevent collapse with"No persorwl Injury and property damage. For general guidonce regarding The faNbalbrt storage, delivery, erectbn and Lancing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSt/Iplf CuaRy CAeps, DSBdg and BCSf Buird/ng Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety lnfemralbluvdloble from Truss Bate act1Me, 218 N. Lee Street. Suite 312 Alexandit VA 22314. Terry.; FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T75212935 1550192.PSLP-5808 Lot Flat 1 1 Job Reference o tional tlWloats rll'Stbource, con rleca, rL J9a4O 2x4111 2K4 II 1 2 LOADING (pso TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 3x4 = 9 3 Scale=1:20.4 3x6 = 4 2x4 II SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (roc) Mail L/d PLATES GRIP Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.38 Vert(LL) -0.02 5.6 >999 240 MT20 244/190 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.32 Vert(CT) -0.05 5-6 >999 180 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.39 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a rVa Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 66 to FT=20% BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid calling directly applied or 9-3-2 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=409/0-3-8, 7=465/0-4-15 Max Uplift 5= 171(LC 9), 7= 219(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMm. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-4= 528/403, 4-5= 359/361 BOT CHORD 6-7=-4031528 WEBS 2-7=-213/391, 3-7=-547/431, 4-6=-411/547 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psh BCDL=5.0psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCPI=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exlerlor(2) 0-1-12 to 6-4-13, Interlor(1) 6-4-13 to 11-11-6 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces 8 MW FRS forreactionsshown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-" tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except gt=lb) 5=171, 7219. \\%...USr \ GEES. \ No 34869 P. NAt- Julius Lee PE No.34869 MITek NSA Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa FL 33510 Data: October 1,2018 A WARNING-Vedlytleslgn paramerorcandREAO NOTES ON THISAND INCLUDED MDEKR£FERANCEPAGEMIF7470rev. 10AQUISDE£OREUSE Design valid for use only Wit, MIP,100connectors. INs design it based only upon parameters shown, and h for an Intllviduol building component not a buss sysiyym. Before rae, the building designer must verify the oWlicaldllty of design ,oramefeauncl properly Incomomfe INs design info the overall binding design. Bracing lndtcatedlsto Prevent buckling ofindMdual buzweband/orchord membersonly. Additional lemporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always regired for stoblllty and to Prevent collopse wlth pos Me personal hjw and Properly damage. For general guidance wgardkg the fall llm storage, delivery, eremion and UmInr, of lasses and truss systems, s ,fNaUtp1F Gmllfy ClBorld, DSBdP and SCSI SuBOasg Componml 6904 Parke East Blvd. SO/efyNbmpfbNvdioble from Inns Rate Imlltole, 218 N. Lee Sheol. Site 312. Al"arxMa, VA22314. Tanya, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Gry Ply T15212936 1550192-PSLP-5808 L02 Roof Special 1 1 Job Reference(optional builders rlrsr ource, ruff ra!ae, r, ogaw Scale =122.4 4x6 = 6.00 FIT 4 5xg = 3x4 = LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 10.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate GOP DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC2017/TP12014 CSL TC 0.14 BC 0.30 WB 0.15 Matrix-SH DEFL. In Vert(LL) -0.02 Ved(CT) -0.05 Horz(GT) 0.01 Qoc) Udefl Ud 7-8 >999 240 7-8 >999 180 7 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 641b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 9-1-5 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Iblslze) 7=396/0-3-8,9=479/0-" Max Harz 9=24(LC 11) Max Uplift 7= 138(LC 13), 9= 172(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMaX. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-4= 476/333, 4-5= 477/336 BOT CHORD &9=-404/507, 7-8_ 4171518 WEBS 2-9=-1341254, 3-9— 560/451,4-8=-128/277, 5-7_ 555/456 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Ops1; h=15fh Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCp1=0.1,8; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exlerfor(2) 0-1-12 to 4-1-14, Interfor(1) 4-1-14 to 6-6-12, Exledor(2) 6-6-12 to 8-11-10, Interior(1) 8-11-10 to 11-11-10 zone; cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gnp DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 5) ' This muse has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ito uplift at joint(s) except gt=lb) 7=138, 9=172. %30us LFF 4% • \'\ i 34869 CA I I : i %VP. .,� ION Al- '00' Julius Les PE No.34869 MrTek USA IBG R. Dert 6634 6904.Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33810 Date; October 1,2018 A WARNING. Ver/rydes/gnparametersand REAONOTES ON THIS AND HCLUDEDMMEKREFERANCEPAGEMI474"on, 1eM002015 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only a ffn MITeW connectors. TNs design Is based only upon parameters shovm, and Is for an eidivldual building component, not a if=sysam. Before use, the billing designer must very the opolconally of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall buildingdesign. Bracing Indicated IstoWoksoltoflMlvitlualtressweband/or chord members only. Atldlllonaltempomryandpermanentbrocing MiTek' prevent 5 always required for stab9ly and to prevent collapse with possitNe personal injury and property damage. For general gr0corc, regarding the fabrication. storage, delivery, creelron and bra i g of trusses and truss systems, seeANSy7pj1 Quality CrBeM, DSB-89 and SCSI BuShcng Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. SofNNlonnalbnwUlode from Truss Plain Institute, 218 N. Lee street. 3ulte 312, Alexandra. VA 22314. Tampa, i. 33410 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T15212937 1550192-PSLP-5808 L03 Roof Special Girder 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders FlrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 6220s mcy ee mio Mi,ennmuauma, urv. uu•vup .5 ID:OKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYoIL-sucitRlBtekXlmtRCyVaF-XwWbNoW b_ibjl_RuyYlpn 2-0-6 6-0-6 7-1-2 12-1.2 2-0-6 4-0-0 1-0-12 5-0-0 Scale=1,21.0 special Special 4,16 = 4x6 = 3x4 i _..... _... . 3x4 = Special Special MA 2-n-6 7-1-2 12-1-2 I11 1.0-6 1-0-0 4.0-0 1-0.12 5-0.0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. In (lac) Udell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.36 Vert(LL) -0.04 5-6 >999 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.40 Vert(CT) -0.07 " >999 ISO BOLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO We 0.09 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n1a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017rrP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 47lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* BOT CHORD 1-9: 2x6 SP No.2 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 5=603/03-8, 8=679/0.3-8 Max Horz 8- 64(LC 28) Max Uplift 5=-281(LC 9), 8=-313(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib)-Max. Comp./Max. Ton. -All forces 250(Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-8=-1027/509, 2-3= 9751489, 3-4=-848/461, 4-5=-10091486 BOT CHORD 7-8=-383/840, 6-7= 379/848, 5-6=-380/840 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-4-3 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid telling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.Ops1; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcument with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 fall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 5=281, 8=313. 7) Graphical pur in representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top and/or bottom chord. 8) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)184 Ito down and 253111 up at 6-0-6, and 184 Ito down and 253 lb up at 7-1-2 on top chord, and 114 Ito down at 6-0-6, and 114 Ib down at 7-0-6 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 9) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-2=-54, 2-3=-54, 3-4= 54, 4-5=-54, 5-9=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3= 137(F) 4=-137(F) 7=-70(F) 6=-70(F) ,ee ,pp�j��tUS� No 34869 1. i*• * '(u� a 0 Julius Lee PE No.34869 MiTek USA, Inc. H. Cert 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa H.33DIO Date: October 1,2018 A WARNWG-VerBy dealgaperamefers and REAONOTES ON TNISANOINCLUDED MUEKREFERANCEPAGEULLI473ray. 1"112015BEFOREUSE Design valib fa use any With Weida connectors. WS design is based only upon Parameters shown, and is fa an hdivldual Wilding component, got �R a Ima, system. Before use, the building designer must yours, one opolcobilly of design parameters antl properly Incorporate lints design Into the overall bulldirgdeslgn.WacNgindicated lstotxovent buckling oflndlvldual tmsswebond/or chord membersoniy. Addlllonaltemporanamdpetmanenibracirg MiTek' Is always required fa slabelty, and to prevent collapse calm porlbie Personal injury erW property damage. For general guldarae regarding the fabrication; storage. tlelNery, aecflon and brwi g of trusses and truss systems, seeANS171P11 Cua@y CRorfp, OSB-09 and BCSI Buildbp Component 6904 Parke East Bbd. Salary Wolmallolavdlable from Truss Plate hstilute. 218 N. Lee Street, suite 312. Alexandria VA22314. Tama. FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty PIY T75212938 1550192-PSLP-5808 Mal Common 1 7JbR,1,1,nc, (optional) Builders First5ource, Von Flocs, 1'1-'J4940 ,.....,...o....,.........,_" )tSd7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-K4A4snmpexsOMWSdmtOpoB45U d1 F2SrgNnX_KYYIpm 9-4-0 1 104.0 Scale=1:21.7 4x6 = 3 ah 0 ST1.SxB STP= "`4 11 ST1.&B STP= 3x6 = 3z6 = LOADING (Pat) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 ,Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC20171rP12014 CSL TC 0.34 BC 0.72 WB 0.08 Matrix-SH DEFL. in Vert(LL) -0.01 Vert(CT) -0.02 Horz(CT) 0.00 (roc) Wall Ud 4-6 >999 240 4-6 >999 180 4 Na n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 361b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ito/size) 2=393/0-8-0, 4=392/0-7-10 Max Horz 2=56(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-152(LC 12), 4=-151(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. ,. TOP CHORD 2-3-4181365, 3-4=-418/365 BOT CHORD 2-6=-155/316, 4-6=-155/316 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.Opsi; h=151t; Cal. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exledor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opst on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joint(s) except (It=lb) 2=152, 4=151. EN&* No 34869 P Julius Lee PE ND.34869 M ak USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 A WARNING -Verily desrgn paramatem and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MREK REFERANCE PAGE MS7473 me IMMOI6 BEFORE USE Deslgn volld foruse only with MnekO connectors. INsdoffIn Is based onlyuPon parameters shown. and is for an individual busdint, compenent,.1 a truss system. Before use. ins bustling designer must verity the applicability of dedgn parametersand properly Incorporate ihhdeslgn Into the overall busdingdeslgn. Brocbglodicatedatobuck9ngofadMdualants web and/or chodmembers only. Addlllonaltemporaryandpamanenibraelk KWIC prevent Is always ryarared for stability and to prevent collapse win possible personal Injury and Mopery damage. For general guidance regarding the 6904 Parke East Blvd. fabrication. storage, doWery, erection and bracing of trusses and imss systems seeANSVIVII Qua NV CrRerlo, DSB a? and BCS1 BuPDing Component Tampa, FL 3361D somalyNbanafbrRvdloUle from truss Plate Instlfute. 218 N.1Re, Street. Suite 312 Alexandra, VA 22 14. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T75212939 1550192-PSLP-5808 M02 Common 2 1 Job Reference o tional bulloers rrrstCouma, rar, nece, ra uee.a 2 4x6 = 7 ST1.5x8 STP= "4 '11 ST1.5x8 STP= 3.6 = 3x6 = Scale=1:21.7 LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr YES Code FBC20171rP12014 CS]. TC 0.33 BC 0.21 WB 0.08 Matrix-SH DEFL. in Ven(LL) -0.01 Ven(CT) -0.02 Horz(CT) 0.00 (lot) Udell Ud 4-6 >999 240 4-6 >999 180 4 n/a n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 361b FT=20% LUMBER- I BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pudlns. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib/slze) 2=393/0-8-0,4--39310-8-0 Max Horz 2=56(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-152(LC 12). 4=-152(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. ComplMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-416/363, 3-4=-416/363 BOT CHORD 2-6=-154/314, 4-6=-1541314 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=S.Opsf•, h=15f1; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.1,8; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (byothers) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) except Ot=lb) 2=152, 4=152. m ar J% '4p .IUS� (EF0. i 34869 ID ONAL Ofinnntd% Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Pall East I iL Tampa FL 33510 Date: October 1,2018 Q WARNING-Ved/y daslgn pexemeferc antl READ NUTESON THISAND WCLUDED M/rEKNEPEFANCEPAGEA047473 mv. 1"xzo15BEFONE USE Design validforuseonlywilh M11ek0connectom. lNsdesgnE based onlyupon pommeomshov and Isform Individual bulding component.not a rose system. Before rae, the building designer must verily Ilre appllooWly of design parameters and property ktcomorate ihts design Into the overall bating design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of lWlviduol truss web and/or chord members only. AdNlional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is olwaW required for stabllilyand to prevent collapse Win pontole personal Inlay and! properiydamage. For general gddant o regard no the faNktbn.storage.dellvery,erectbnandbmlc oftmssesandtru-s temsweANsWIl Quay CrMM,DSa-09mdOCSIBEderg Compononf 6904 Parke Eesl 8W. WNIy Woormr b dlable from ➢sas Male IDsiilute. 218 N. Lee Sheet, suite 312, Alexancirlo. VA22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job T75212940 cuss „u» ,rv� i 1550192-PSLP-5808 M03 Common Supported Gable 1 2 4x6 = 3x4 3x4 — 2x4 11 2x4 11 2x4 It Scale =1:20.8 I� LOADING (psi) SPACING- • 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (100) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.17 Vert(CL) -0.00 6 n/r 120 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.06 Vert(CT) 0.00 6 n/r 120 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.13 Horz(CT) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017ITP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 40 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. All bearings 9-4-0. (Ib) - Max Harz 2=56(LC 11) Max Uplift All uplift 1001b or less atjoint(s) 2, 6 except 10=-114(LC 12), 8=-114(LC 13) Max Gmv All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 2, 6, 9, 10, 8 FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. WEBS 3-10=-154/422, 5-8=-154/422 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2ps1; BCDL=5.OpsF h=1511; Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Comer(3) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0. oc. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) 2, 6 except Qt=lb) 10=114, 8=114. i. 34869 '60Nt� C O �?t R 1ID P �ONA�E�% � 1fill � Julius Lee PE No.34869 MRek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parks East Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Data: October 1,2018 ®WARNING. geNly deslgnpararnataa tNd READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MREKREFERANCERAGEMIF74T3 rev. 10A04i015SEFORE USE. *R Design valid for use only W h MITek8 connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual building component. nor N`t Nil' a truss system. Before use, the bu is na designer must velty the appllcoMilty of design parameters rope rs and properly Incorporate lh6 design Into the overall bWtllWceslgn.&ach9 Indicated is to prevent buckling of lvdivkival hussweb chafer chord members only. Addlllonaltempororyandpenmcnentbracing MiTek' Balways required for staLNlity and to prevent collapse with possible personal hlury and properly damage. For Oeneralgulda`roaregardwihe lobricatlom storage. delivery, erecllon and bracing of basses and truss systems. seeANSU1P1r Coalay Clleda, USBdg and BCSIBuating Component B e EaztNtl. 6904 Perk East Safety Nblmaflonavailable from truss Plate Institute. 218 N. Lee Street, Sulte 312, Alexandria. VA22314. Torras,rk Job Truss Truss Type Cry Ply T75212941 1550192-PSLP-5808 N01 Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference (optional) e 0­t Builders First8ource, Fort Piece, FL J4UA 6.fx 12 NAILED 4x6 = NAILED 2 7 oy . �.�..._..,....,_r __ ._._..._ __._ -'- . ID:GKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiW mDyYOIL-HTIrHTo4AZ66cDc?u42Htc9UMoPDimBHhGe2DyYlpk 4x6 = NAILED NAILED 8 3 HILLV 3X4 _ ST1.Sxe STP= ST1.5x8 STP= 3x4 = scale= IA3.9 n 10 0 LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 7.0 BCLL 0.0 ' BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Incr NO Code FBC20171TP12014 CS]. TC 0.19 BC 0.35 WB 0.14 Matdx-SH DEFL. In Vert(L-) -0.02 Vert(CT) -0.03 Horz(CT) 0.01 (too) Vdefl Ud 5-6 >999 240 5-6 >999 180 4 n/a n1a PLATES GRIP MIT20 244/190 Weight: 31 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pudlns. BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=534/0-7-10, 4=543/0-7-10 Max Harz 1=18(LC 5) Max Uplift 1=-152(LC 8), 4=-152(LC 9) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2= 973Y284, 2-3=-892/268, 3-4=-974/283 BOT CHORD 1-6=-243/835, 5-6=-253/892, 4-5=242/834 WEBS 2-6=-69/365, 3-5=-71/371 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=1511; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water Fondling. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at joint(s) except (It=lb) 1=152, 4=152. 7) "NAILED' Indicates 3-1Od (0.148"x3') or 3-12d (0.148x3.25") toe -nails per NDS guidlines. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumberincrease=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-2_ 54, 2-3= 54, 3-4- 54, 1-4=-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 2=24(B)3=24(B)5=-234(F)9=-160(F) 11= 234(F) so-luS�L�F 0..". ;-\GEN3F.a No 34869//� n* Julius Lee PIE No.34869 MITek USA, Inc. FL Csrt 6634 6904-Parke East Blvd.Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q WARNING -Verllydas/gnpanunefem and READ NOTES ON THISANOINCLUDED MITEKREFERANCEPAGEMIP74" rev. f0/gMISEEFONEOSE Design valld for use only with MITeW connectors. Ns design Is based oNy upon parameters shown, and Is for an IrdMdual Wlding component not a tors system. before use, One bWlding designer must verity the oppllcoWlty of design parameters and properly hrcorporafe this design Into the overall bullaingdesign.DrmhglndlcatedIstoprevent WcMIWoflydlviclualhusswebond/or chord membersoNy. Additlonalfemporaryondpermanenibradng MiTeW It always required for stability and to prevent collapse Win possible personal ln)ury and properly damage, For general 9Wdarce regarding the fabdcatbn; storage. delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and ims systems. WeANS1011 Quality CitleM, OSBd9 and OCR BUOd/ng Compononf 6904 Parke East Blvd. East0 SololyhrfplmOlfolpvdlaMe from Tim Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street. State 312. Alexandria. VA 22314. Tama, FL v Truss Truss Type Cry Ply T15212842 FJob,—,— -PSLP-808 V01 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) .a,.nn Dena oo�ot Builders Fbsl5ource, Fort Visors, FL 34e4b Y a 0 2x4 i 2 .....r I —.,,.... ._.-...___...__. ..._. __.- ID:QKJbFextnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYoIL-IfsDUpoix EyDNBCRoZWPgigOCoeSQOHWL?CafyYlpj 3x4 = 2x4 Scale =1:7.7 LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. In (too) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.07 Vert(L-) We - n/a 999 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.15 Vert(CT) n/a - ale 999 BOLL 10.0 Rep Stress lncr YES W B 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 10lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORb 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=101/3-11-0, 3=101/3-11-0 Max Harz 1=14(LC 11) Max Uplift 1= 35(LC 12), 3=-35(LC 13) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=S.Opsf; h=15ft; Cal. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100IS uplift at joint(s) 1, 3. ie'', b\G No 34869 •: N AL Julius Lee PE No.34869 . MITek USA Inc. FL Dert Woo 89D4.Parka East Blvd. Tampa R.33610 Date: October 1,2018 Q WARNING -Verily designpammetersen✓READNOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MDEKRE7ERANCEPAGEMI47473 rev. I&M12015BEFOREUSE Design valid for use only with MITeM connectors. tNs design is based only upon parameters shown, and is far an hdivldual building component,net ��• a bus¢ system. Before use, the building designer must verify the apPHCONlry of design parameters and properly incorporate his design Into me overall bulldingdedgn. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individuallnrssweband/or chord members only. AccillonallemporaryandpennaneNbredw MiTeW IsalwaW required for stablilty and to prevent collapse with possible personal lour, and properly damage. Forgeneralguidanceregardinglhe fabrlceflort storage, delivery. erection and brodrg of trusses and truss systems seeiANSURs11 OuaMy Cdodo, DSB-69 end SCSI Building Component 69N Parka Esel Blvd. Salalyint,mopo,evdiable from Truss Role Instlluie. 218 N. Lee Street Sulle 312, Alexanddo. VA22314. Tanya, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Cry Ply T15212943 1550192-PSLP-5808 V02 Valley 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Builders RrstSouce, Fort Piece, FL M45 0. v s may 24 ea i o ml1 en i nuubmub, h w. oar Zvp ab 13.31A5 cv,e ray= ID:OKJbFexlnbtsJ7lpVjiWmDyYo[L-DsObigpKAMprXmO?V41y1 Fs7cAjBteRl_II75yYlpi LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CST. DEFL. in (loc) Well Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.05 Vert(L-) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL '7.0 Lumber DOL t25 BC 0.03 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES We 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 2 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0, Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matdx-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib(size) 1=51/1-11-8, 2=37/1-11-8, 3=14/1-11-8 Max Horz 1=34(LC 12) Max Uplift 1= 13(LC 12), 2= 37(LC 12) Max Grav 1=51(LC 1). 2=37(LC 1), 327(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) -. Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 fib) or less except when shown. Scale =1:7.8 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 5lb FT=20% BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD Rigid telling directly applied or 10-0.0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL-4.2psf; BCDL=5.Ops1; h=151t; Cat II; Exp G; Encl., GCpl=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Extedor(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle "-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Bearing at joint(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSVTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001b uplift at joint(s) 1, 2. N 34869 C � �• Alf � •i� •1444�4\�\• Julius Lea PE Nm.34869 MITek USA, Im FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke Fast Blvd. Tampa FL33610 Bate: October 1,2018 ®WARNING- Verity desfgn peremere. dREAO NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M/TEK R£FERANCE PAGE MIF7473 rev. ilVMOIS BEFORE USE DeeIgn valid for use only Win MITeM connectors. msdesign G based only upon Womefels shown, and Is for On Indlvidual bildlrg component not a imss syM6m. Before use, she blliding de9moT must verify the oppllcablilly of design parameters and properly hcorpolale Inh design Info the overall buildlrg d29gn. Bracing lndicoled is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Mel( bbricat rmgoTde,delblllryar ttinrave ihpossmle lnluryandproperlydamege. nor the miingoff SMalndBCScBuldhiding systems, DSBAp Dpd SCSI BUPddlg ComponpN bbrkatbn, storage, delNery. erection bracing of zsWte Tamp Parke Easl10 More Ale andda VA 2231CrDerb, SafctylnlolmONbmvallab:e hom Truss Rafe Btt11Me. 218 N. Lee Street. Stile 312 PlexantlA¢ VA 22314. 18 N. use Meet. Terrya, FL 33T10 J� h Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply T75212944 1550192-PSLP-5808 V03 Valley 1 1 Job Reference optional) Builders FlrstSource, Fort Piece, FL 34945 2x4 i o.eeusrviay [a eu io rvn ten inuuamee, na-. oar oep ce ,o.o i.-.��o,e roye, ID:OKJbFmdnbtsd7lpVjiW mDyYoIL.DsObi9pKWMprXmO?V41yl FrdcALBteRI_II75yYlpi �11 LOADING (Pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) Vdefl Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.08 Ve I(LL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.06 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES We 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.00 Na n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/FP12014 Matrix-P LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BOTCHORD REACTIONS. (rolsize) 1=6512-6-0.3=65/2-6-0 Max Horz 1=44(LC 12) Max Uplift 1= 16(LC 12). 3= 38(LC 12) FORCES. (Ib) - Max CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. Scale =1:9.2 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 811b FT=20% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-6-8 oc pullins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=5.Opsf; h=15it; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl.. GCpl=0.18; MW FRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Ops1 on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1001Is uplift at jolnt(s) 1, 3. \\\\III111/11j, V `\GENg�.. 0 No 34869 j'Innlln\\\ Julius Lee PE No.34869 Mink USA, Inc. FL Cent 6634 6904 Parke ran Bled. Tampa FL 33810 Date: October 1,2018 A WARNING-Vedfydedgnpommfercend READNOTES ON THISAND/NCLUDEDM?EKREFERANCEPAGEMM174"Sm. 1aN]21015BEF0REUSE Design vaild for use only Wh tATeM connectors. This design b based only upon Parameters shown, and is for an individual building component.net �R a Inns system. Before use. the building designer must verify the applicablefy, of design patametais and Properly Incorpolate thb design Into the overall bulldingdoslgn. BrmhgiWk tedlstopreventWckllWoflndtvlduol"mwebaW/oroWdmembersoNy. Addlllonaltemporaryardpermanentixacing ■'{ MOW h always roe"red for stability and to Prevent collapse with possible peneseal injury and properly damage. For general m9dar eregordlnd the fabrication storage, delivery, erection and bracing of tomes and fora systems, weANSYM11 Quality CfdefN,DSB-0p and Best Building Component 69M Parke East Blvd. SafelyNblmalblWuiade from 1= Plate Institute. 218 N. Lee Street. Suite 312. Alexandra VA 22314. Table, FL 33610