HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOOL PAPERWORKPEN U LT RAT I M P HIGH PERFORMANCE HEAT PUMP" Simply the most economical way to heat your pool and spa pentairpoot.com Z. e` IN CLASS PERFORMANCE AND EFFiaENcv ENviRONriENraur suPFRiaR MORE STANDARD FEATURES THAN ANY OTHER. With today's record energy costs, there's never been a better time to invest in a heat pump. Compared to gas, oil or electric heaters UttraTemp" High Performance Heat Pumps use just a fraction of the energy to generate the same amount of heat. In fact, just 204 worth of electricity produces $1.00 worth of heat generated by other methods. That means more comfortable water temperatures and longer swimming seasons for you and your family. i Why should you choose an UltraTemp heat pump? That's easy. It offers the longest list of standard features available. • The UltraTemp heat pump provides 100% titanium heal exchanger assures Perfect companion to IntelliToucli" or an AutoSetT" Temperature Control corrosion -free performance for extra long EasyTouch" Control Systems—alilheat feature as standard. It monitors water life and value. pump instructions and displays can temperature and turns the pump on and LCD control dislasan intuitivebe transferred to a centralized control coopy, off as needed, overriding the time clock system that manages all your pool/spa to maintain desired temperature. It's menu -driven readoulwith easy to follow, full operations and poolscape features. the ultimate in convenient, hands -free word messages —no codes to memorize. ETL listing is your assurance of safer. comfort control. • The UltraTemp heat pump features the - legendary Emerson" Copeland Scroll" Compressor that's more efficient, durable, reliable and quieter than any piston -driven compressor. It's the best of the best. • Pentair heat pumps have been using the EPA -recognized, environmentally safe, non -ozone depleting R-410A refrigerant for over 10 years. This has allowed the UltraTemp heat pump to be awarded the Eco Select" Brand for environmental responsibility. • Self -diagnostic software continuously monitors system for peak performance. • Thermostatic Expansion Valve ITXVI controls refrigerant flow for optimum efficiency and BTU output over a wider operating temperature range. Automatic defrost feature senses refrigerant temperature and helps prevent the UltraTemp heat pump from freezing, allowing the unit to operate effectively at even lower temperatures than many competing products. dependable operation BTU and efficiency independently; certified by the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute IAHRII,. The AHRI Certified mark is applied only to HVACR equipment and components that have been independently tested to certify that manufacturers' performance claims are accurate. • 10-year compressor parts and labor warranty and lifetime warranty on the titanium heat exchanger. See limited warranty for details. Clearly, a heat pump is the best choice for pool healing. Also clear is the best -in -class performance and value of the fully -featured UltraTemp heat pump. Contact your pool professional today to learn which model is right foryour pool. Select co—n-c—/ .� PENTAIR The UltraTemp heat pump has earned the Ern Select brand, indeating it is one of our -greenest -and most efficient equipment choices. I INSTALLATI OWAN D- LOCATION ,At When pool equipment Is kceledbelow 09pool Audeoe,ilea hors any amponealcan Came fulge Aare water lonargoedng, PenlaUWaler.Pal and Spa, UiccW..0I be tespons8le lorsudlweterlass crowlinil wNd,mayause damage Is Iteprodoxl Only a qualified servlcef person should Install the LnlraTempe Heat Pump, Before Installing this product, refer to the Important Warning and Safety fnsfrucrrons • on page II, Materials Needed for Installation , The following Items are needed and are to be supplied by the Installer for all heat pump Installations: 1• Plumbing connections (2 inch). '2, Levelsudacefor proper drainage, ' 3, -Suitable electrldal supply line, See rating plate on . unit for electrical speclficallons.AJuncilon box Is not needed at the heal pump; connectlons'are made Inside of the heat pump elechlcal.companmerlL Conduit may be attached directly to the heat pump Jacket. 4. Electric cutout switch that will Interrupt all powerto the unit. This switch must be within line of sight of the heat pump. Checklocal codes fotrequiremenls, 5. Watertight conduit to run the eletculeal supply line. Equlpment Pad For proper drainage af•epndensauon and rain water, . place me heal pump on a gat slightly pitched sddace, -such-as a concrete or fabricated slab (pad). 11"posslbla, place the pad at the same level or slightly higher than the filter system equipment pad, NOfe: Be sure that the pad Is pitched not more than 1/4 In. per foot In any direction as needed for runoff. Heat Pump Dimensions MODELS 70, go, 901 1001 120C,1E11210j0l 140.140 DIMENSION"A" 33.5' (851 ram) 41,5' (1054 map) . 46.5" (i 15B ram) Drainage and Condensation , Condensation Occurs from the evaporator toll while the unit Is running, and drains at a steady rate (usually three to No gallons per hour), depending upon ambient air temperature and humidity. The more humid the ambient conditions, the more condensation wlH be produced. The bottom of the unit acts as a tray to catch rainwater and condensation. Keep the drain holes, located on the bottom pan of the base of the unit, dear of details. Roof Runoff , -Make sure the hdat pump Is not located where large innounts of watermay mnroff from a roof Ihto the unit. Sharp sloping roofs without gutters will allow massive amounts of rain water, mixed with debris from the roof to be forced through the unit: A gutter or down spout may be needed to protect the heat pump. Lawn Sprinklers Avoid placing lawn sprinkler near the heater - they can spray water Into the heater and void the warranty. Be sure to direct any spraying water away . from the healer Note the wind direction to be aura. water from sprinklers Is not &awn (award the heater, Sprinkler heads can produce high water pressure and Location and Clearance's ;• AgcdterlaglvenlnlhelollovAngsecUbnsrelleciminlmum clearances, However, each Installallon'must 2r If the heat pump Is19beInstalledunderacove• also be•, .evaluated, lakfng'Into account• lia-prevaiiing local •' of -under a vertical overhang, the unit must hay a minimum Of W-A feet (1.52 m) clearance ' condQons such as proximity and halght of walls, and proximity to public accitss areas, from the top of the heat pump, (Manufacturer's The 111traTemp' Heal Pump must be placed to provide clearances on all sides formainlenance Inspection, recommendaVon). 3. Install a minlmuM of five (5) fast (1,52 m) from and the Inside wall of the pool or -spa unless the 1. Atleasl241n.J510mm]access mestbeavailable In the front and 12 In.1305 mm] on all the other sides heal pump Is Separated from the Pool or spab) a five (5) foot (1.52 m) high solid fence of the heat pump for service and proper air flow. (Manulaclurees recommend ' eum)• or other • permanent barrier. Canadian Installetlons-requl a minimum of three (3) MOWS 19.84 u] from poi •o, o•p water. 4. Install heat pump it minimum of a In, (153 mm]h the wall of the house, :a OPEN ' iMNm1H, l usnowaur o'NMMO r I spray at an angle, dderent from typlcal rain and humid # sue sue weather, Also, sptlnklere connected to a well water , f Heal Pump Location and Clearances system can cause mineralbulldupontheenporalor . 1 . Anchor Clamp Installation tolls and electronics. Salt water. can also be an Issue If P. located near the coast, i Installation of the anchor clam s Is L p recommended In )• ail Installations. Installation of the anchor clamps le 1 faqulied In Flodde(see Florida Building Code 301.13). .. Anchor Clamps hold the heat pump to the equipment pad In order to withstand high winds caused during I extreme we (i.e. hdrrlcanes),. p To Instal) the anchor clamps: r .: j 1. Be sure the heat pump Is In 119 permanent location 6I on.theequipmenlpad. I 2 Place the clamps at the base of the heat pump In the four (4) locations, shown In the image to the f . right I':. Note: tolls anti bolt anchors ere nal Included with the heat puMP:The ldstallefmus(provlde 1/4'x . ' `•ti-JB°slainlass steel anchor bolls and the apprO• I pdale size concrete anchor to mount V a clamp to. - ' tha equipment pad. Be sure 10 check local cbdss. 3. Fit thehOAOfOechClampoverthellpontha ;j. base panel bfthe heat PUMP. The hookshouldfit . t• between the lln nfthe haao,.,.,,t.,... d 0 Anchor Clamp lnstalladoon •rt , •., •• 1T ,w '. 0 Water Pressure Switch Adjustment, Continued 4, ' Remove the UltmTemp° Heal Pump's left front panel and remove remaining right front panel. The water pressure switch Is located In the water plumbing In the lower right comer of the heal pump. 5. Slowly relate the adjustment wheel on the water pressure switch Id a counterclockwise direction until the "LOW WATER FLOW" Alarm and -Red Sdrvlce LED vanish, time delay counldown will start. S. Once the heat pump Is running, turn on the filter pump, The heat pump should turn off immediately, 7, 11the beat pump pon9nuestooperate when the filter pump Is off, turn the adjustment wheel on the water pressure switch In a clockwise direction until the °LOW WATER FLOW" Alaml shows on the LOD, the Red Service LED turns ON, and the heat ' pump stops. a. Check the setting of the water pressure switch by starting and stopping the filter pump and checking the control panel and operallon of the heater between each flow change. 9. II the water pressure switch cannot be adjusted to accommodate the conditions listed above, an sAarnal now switch must be added to the plumbing system to ensure that the heat pump wlll not operate without the proper flow through the heat exchanger. ' HEATEfl ' POOL RETURN SPA WAW Pant rCHSCKIN60L SPA FILTFA PETURN 0 POOL D LN Multiple Unit Installation 1. Heat Pump, Heater- and/or Solar Combination In certain regions of the cobnlry It may more economical to con a heal pump dudng the wannermonths and a gas heater dudng the cooler months. In some siluetlons it may be'desfrable to run the heatpump In the Chlier'mode, Ilso equipped, during the hottestpordan of the year and a heater during the cooler months, The Pentair heal pump may be used In conjunction wlth a •gasorelecirlc hsateroranycombination of healsources Including e'oler All heal sources must be plumbed In seiles to work correctly and efficiently. A recommended plumbing layout for a heal pump / heater / solar ccmbinallon healing system for a pool / spa combination Is shown below, Your system may not contain ell of theso'components, but the basic plumbing will apply byellminaling the coinponenlln the Illustration that Is not a part of yaur system. 2 Multiple Heat Pump Connections All plumbing on multiple heat pump Installations must be done In parallel (sae Image belotv).An equal flow olwater to each heat pump Is Important for optimum operation. Note: Il maybe necessary to adjust the water pressure swdich If a unit Is Installed below the water level. Refer back.to page slot datalls an when and how to adjust the pressure switch. Each heat pump In a multiple unit Installation allows a maximum now rate of 100 gpm (380Ipm) and requires a minimum of 3o gpm (1101pm), I i I I 1 Multiple Unit'Installatlon two Heal Pump Plumbing Layout cHE—O^R IriI hy VALVE leonHrdht l • ' Faendl7 tpIneaIeuellrc l��W , F a ldelrwroauh 120GPpm) bsbmVq FrMr PadwNeerleu Minimum '' T0SOLAR To Paol j • , , Pod Pump . kwffum ' 7'PYOPIpe -III PUMP Multiple Unit lnstaeallon; I I Heater endfor Solar Combination Four Heal Pump Plumbing Layout °' 4. Mark the position of the hole In each damp on the equlpmenlpad, 'S, Useamasonrydrlllbitandddllahoialnlhe cement with a clameteras determined by the can. crele anchor, at each of the marks on the equip; marl pad. The hole should be approximately Ili In, deep, •. 6. Insert a boll anchor Into sash ofdhe hol the anchors are set completely Into aura he es. es. Be Be 7, Position the anchorclamps60that the holes lnihe clamps era over the boll anchors, Be sure that the clamp hooks ere over the up of Ills heat pump base, 8. Insedanandrorboflllirougheach clamp Into the enchorand tighten to secure the clamp and heat Pump to the equipment pad, Anchor Clamp installation 111 TRATGtms n,.: o,,,.. "Lcl WrIneclions and Plumbing', The Image below shows the standard plumhingleyoul with a single UnraTemp• Hgat Pump unit. Fallow the Image from right to left for the standard plumbing sequence. , Arrangement 11 nPapl` of poalsyslem componens(oherhanfh binemeandthe faumbovorblowhopoolwatrsudace)an affect the operetlon of the heat pumpv water pressure switch, The pressure switch can be adjusted to accommodate this effect It the heat pump water connecti mare than sot (6) feat 11.82 in] are no sudace. ] below the pool water 9e9 instructions forpressure switch adjustment on Iha next page. It the heat pump Is Installed outside of this range, an axioms[ pressure switch May need to be Installed In the plumbing upstream of the heat pump, Nate; 8e advise'd that wlien pool equipment H located below Ihe.pool sudace a leak can result In large-scale waterless or flooding, Pentalr Is notrespanslble forsuch water loss or flooding or damage, Automatic Flow Control Valve The inlevomlet header of the heat pump comas equipped with an Internal automatic now control valve. The automatic Haw control valve maintains the proper flow through the heal pump at rates up to 120 gpm (456IA. If the Illersystem How rate is higher than 120 gpm (456 Ipm), Install a manual bypass valve, see Image below, Note; Be advised that If your circulation pump Is over 2 HP•or If the total flow exceeds 120 gpm (455Ipm), YOU will have to add an external bypass valve, Excess water now will damage -fin; heat exchanger. Standard Plumbing Layout I I 1 , I I Water Connections to the Heat Pump 2In. Ouick Canned filutigs have been Inslalled on the water Intel and cutlet connections, Filtered cool water Is plumbed to the Inlet, located orrlhe right side of the UltraTempeRsal Pump, Heatedwaterflows through the outlet, located crileft side ofthe heat pump, ,• Plastic piping{PVC Schadula 46) should be connected to the heat pump, The unions, provided with the unit, ROOM 21n. PVc pipe, , WA OUnEMNION WATER INLEl"UNION Heel Pump Waler Connections !Nm" sow nQulnmenu eM podcen he mglnlelned wah Oraalheelpumpsmdplumhing ,Water Pressure Switch Adjustment The pressure switch Is preset at the factory for activation at 1,5 psi 110 kPa], This rectoryselling works for most basic installations. Only edjusl the water pressure switch It the hunt pump does not operate when the properlyow is applied to unit ,or It the heat pump does not shut off,when the filler pump Is off, Occasionally, unusual plumbing configurations ortiscessary restrictions In the Plumbing may causepressuresensing problems. In these rare slluailons, the plumbing system configuration may'require edJbsuri of the water Pressure switch, 'Adjustment of the pressure switch maybe necessary It any part of the Intersystem piping is 3 feet (O,ei ml or more above the top of I,o heat pump. In general, II the heat pump Is Inslalled'more than e feel (1,83 m) below the pool sulfa as, an external water flow switch must be added le the plumbing system, On some Installations, the piping from the heat -pump 10 the pool Is very short. The back pressure 0 too low•lotrlgger the pressure switch. It this h; Inslall a directional lifting or elbow where the r fine enters the pool. This will increase back pre; ha heat pump to operatepropady, Ba sure to ct the system cowls above the minimum requlremi elan (1101pm) after the directional fining Install, • Be sure the pool filter Is clean before making a. • pressure svAlch ad]uslmenn A dirty filter will to., Iho walbr flow ar the pressure switch cannot 1 adlUsleof property, To edlust the pressure switch; The following adJustment Is for installations the heat pump le belowpool water level. I. easurethatativalvesInthe system are sot 1, }eater flow through the heat pump. Start th PUMP. _ 2, Set the heat pump temperature above the temperature tocall forheal.7urn the heat Pam 3. Once the heat pump Is running, turn off the Pump. The heat pump should turn of( Immedf 4. If the beat pump continues to operate when the 'Pump Is off, then the walergressure switch nos tie acqusled, i. Removathe heat purop'sleryfronfPanel and rer remalrlingdghtfrantponel,The walerpressurest Is located In the water pldmbing in the lower, corner of the heat pump, , Slowly rotate the adJustment wheel on the w ,pressure switch In a clockwise direction drill "LOW WATER FLOW Alarm shows an the U the Red Service LED turns ON, and the heal pu stops, Check the sefting•of the water pressure switch staining and stopping the niter pump and chackl Ihecontrolpanelandoperallon oflheheaterbelwe eachflowchange. 8. If the water pressure switch cannot be adjusted accdmmodalethecancrigonsilstedabove, an extern 410w switch must tie added to the plumbing sysle to ensure that thsheatpump will not operate withal the proper flow through the heat exchanger, The following adjustment Is for Installations wher, the heat pump is above pool water level, 1, 8e'sure Thal au values In the system are sal to allow WatergOW through the heal pump. Start the fllterpump, 2. Be' the heal pump femperefure above the actual temperature 10 call forheat.Turn the heal pump ON, 3, if the LCD shows a "LOW WATER FLOWAlarm and Red Service LED 13 present then the water 7. icc Con] I By! ON a:r• onservario R4035.6 Water heater efficiencies (Mandatory). R4035.6.1 Storage water heater temperature con- trols. 403. Automatic controls. Service water -heat- ing systems shall be equipped with automatic tem- perature controls capable of adjustment from the lowest to the highest acceptable temperature settings for the intended use. The minimum temperature set- ting range shall be from 100°F to 140'F (38°C to 60°C). R4035.6.1.2 Shut down. A separate switch or a clearly marked circuit breaker shall be provided to permit the power supplied to electric service sys- tems to be turned off. A separate valve shall be pro- vided to pemut the energy supplied to the main burners) of combustion types of service water -heat- ing systems to be turned off. R403.5.6.2 Water -heating equipment Water -heating equipment installed in residential units shall meet the minimum efficiencies of Table C404.2 in Chapter 4 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, Com- mercial Provisions, for the type of equipment installed. Equipment used to provide heating functions as part of a combination system shall satisfy all stated requirements for the appropriate water -heating category. Solar water heaters shall meet the criteria of Section R403.5.6-2.1. R4035.6.2.1 Solar water -heating systems. Solar systems for domestic hot water production are rated by the annual solar energy factor of the system. The solar energy factor of a system shall be determined from the Florida Solar Energy Center Directory of Certified Solar Systems. Solar collectors shall be tested in accordance with ISO Standard 9806, Test Methods for Solar Collectors, and SRCC Standard TM-1, Solar Domestic [lot Water System and Com- ponent Test Protocol. Collectors in installed solar water -heating systems should meet the following criteria: L- Be installed with a tilt angle between 10 degrees and 40 degrees of the horizontal; and 2. Be. installed at an orientation within 45 degrees of true south. R403.6 Mechanical ventilation (Mandatory). The building shall be provided with ventilation that meets the requirements of the Florida Building Code, Residential, or Florida Building Code, Mechanical, as applicable, or with other approved RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY means of ventilation including: Natural, Infiltration or Mechanical means. Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall 1 have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the venti- t lation system is not operating. R403.6.1 Whole -house mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy. When installed to function as a whole -house mechanical ventilation system, fans shall meet the efficacy requirements of Table R403.6.1. Exception: Where whole -house mechanical ventilation fans are integral to tested and listed HVAC equipment, I they shall be powered by an electronically commutated motor. R403.6.2 Ventilation air. Residential buildings designed 1 to be operated at a positive indoor pressure or for mechan- ical ventilation shall meet the following criteria: 1 1. The design air change per hour minimums for resi- dential buildings in ASHRAE 62.2. Ventilation for 1 Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, shall be the maxi- mum rates allowed for residential applications. 1 2. No ventilation or air-conditioning system make-up 1 air shall be provided to conditioned space from 1 attics, crawlspaces, attached enclosed garages or 1 outdoor spaces adjacent to swimming pools or spas- 1 3. If ventilation air is drawn from enclosed space(s), 1 then the walls of the space(s) from which air is drawn shall be insulated to a minimum of R-I I and 1 the ceiling shall be insulated to a minimum of R-19, 1 space permitting, or R-10 otherwise. 1 R403.7 Heating and cooling equipment (Mandatory). 1 R403.7.1 Equipment sizing. Heating and cooling equip- t ment shall be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual S 1 based on the equipment loads calculated in.accordance 1 with ACCA Manual J or other approved heating and cool- ing calculation methodologies, based on building loads for the directional orientation of the building. The manufac- 1 turer and model number of the outdoor and indoor units (if 1 split system) shall be, submitted along with the sensible 1 and total cooling capacities at the design conditions described in Section R302.1. This Code does not allow 1 designer safety factors, provisions for future expansion or 1 other factors that affect equipment sizing. System sizing 1 calculations shall not include loads created by local inter- mittent mechanical ventilation such as standard kitchen I and bathroom exhaust systems. New or replacement heat- I ing and cooling equipment shall have an efficiency rating equal to or greater than the minimum required by federal TABLE R403.6.1 ee Af ecCICACv FAN LOCATION AIRFLOW RATE MINIMUM (CFM) MINIMUM EFFICACY' (CFM/WATI) AIRFLOW RATE n)MAXIMUM Range hoods Any 2.8 cfm/watt Any In -line fan Any 2.8 cfm/watt Any Bathroom, utility room 10 1.4 efudwatt <90 Bathroom, utility room 90 28 cfm/wau Any 1 For ST: I cfm = 28.3 Umin. a. When tested in accordance with RVI Standard 916 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE— ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6lh EDITION (2017) R-25 C.pyoghtolat7lCC AILRIGInSPMERVED. Aaaupu—Mm Ul—m A17—m f.td,1CC No&Ma ?,.dud ana...ne...nn��.,n.,n.n��,.,mn.�,e.,,,n, .,.n�ne.a.c.cnco., cne.•e,.:�.� ..... ems' RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY law for the geographic location where the equipment is installed. R403.7.1.1 Cooling equipment capacity. Cooling only equipment shall be selected so that its total capac- ity is not less than the calculated total load but not more than L-15 times greater than the total load calculated according to the procedure selected in Section 403.7. or the closest available size provided by the manufac- turer's product lines. The corresponding latent capacity of the equipment shall not be less than the calculated latent load. The published value for ARM total capacity is a nominal, rating -test value and shall not be used for equipment sizing. Manufacturer's expanded perfor- mance data shall be used to select cooling -only equip- ment. This selection shall be based on the outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for the load calculation (or entering water temperature for water -source equip- ment), the blower CFM provided by the expanded per- formance data, the design value for entering wet -bulb temperature and the design value for entering dry-bulb temperature. Design values for entering wet -bulb and dry-bulb temperatures shall be for the indoor dry bulb and rela- tive humidity used for the load calculation and shall be adjusted for return side gains if the return duct(s) is installed in an unconditioned space - Exceptions: 1. Attached single- and multiple -Family residen- tial equipment sizing may be selected so that its cooling capacity is less than the calculated total sensible load but not less than 80 percent ofthatload. 2. When signed and sealed by a Florida -regis- tered engineer, in attached single- and multi- ple -family units, the capacity of equipment may be sized in accordance with good design practice. R403.7.1.2 Heating equipment capacity. R403. Heat pumps. Heat pump sizing shall be based on the cooling requirements as calculated according to Section R403-7.L1, and the heat pump total cooling capacity shall not be more than 1.15 times greater than the design cooling load even if the design heating load is 1.15 times greater than the design cooling load. R403. Electric resistance furnaces. Electric resistance furnaces shall be sized within 4 kW of the design requirements calculated according to the pro- cedure selected in Section R403.7.1. R403.7.1.23 Fossil fuel heating equipment. The capacity of fossil fuel heating equipment with natu- ral draft atmospheric burners shall not be less than the design load calculated in accordance with Sec- tion R403.7.1. R403.7.13 Extra capacity required for special occasions. Residences requiring excess cooling or heating equipment capacity on an intermittent basis, such as anticipated additional loads caused by major entertainment events, shall have equipment sized or controlled to prevent continuous space cooling or heating within that space by one or more of the fol- lowing options: 1. A separate cooling or heating system is utilized to provide cooling or heating to the major entertain- ment areas. 2. A variable capacity system sized for optimum performance during base load periods is utilized. R403.8 Systems serving multiple dwelling units (Manda- tory). Systems serving multiple dwelling units shall comply with Sections C403 and C404 of the [ECC—Commercial Provisions in lieu of Section R403. R403.9 Snow melt and ice system controls (Mandatory). Snow- and ice -melting systems, supplied through energy ser- vice to the building, shall include automatic controls capable Of shutting off the system when the pavement temperature is above 50'F (10'C), and no precipitation is falling and'' an automatic or manual control that will allow shutoff when'the outdoor temperature is above 40'17 (4.8'C). R403.10 Pools and permanent spa energy consumption (Mandatory). The energy consumption of pools and perma- nent spas shall be in accordance with Sections R403.10.1 through R403.10.5. R403.10.1 Heaters. The electric power to heaters shall be controlled by a readily accessible on -off switch that is an integral pan of the heater mounted on the exterior of the heater, or external to and within 3 feet (914 min) of the heater. Operation of such switch shall not change the set- ting of the heater thermostaL Such switches shall be in addition to a circuit breaker for the power to the heater. Gas -fired heaters shall not be equipped with continuously burning ignition pilots. R403.10.2 Time switches. Time switches or other control methods that can automatically turn off and on according to a preset schedule shall be installed for heaters and pump motors. Heaters and pump motors that have built-in time switches shall be in compliance with this section. Exceptions-. ' I- Where public health standards require 24-hour pump operation. 2. Pumps that operate solar- and waste-heat-recov- cry pool heating systems. 3. Where pumps are powered exclusively from on- 1 site renewable generation. I R403.10.3 Covers. Outdoor heated swimming pools and 1 outdoor permanent spas shall be equipped with a vapor- 1 retardant cover on or at the water surface or a liquid cover or other means proven to reduce heat loss. Exception: Where more than 70 percent of the energy for heating, computed over an operation season, is from I site -recovered energy, such as from a heat pump or r 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I R 26 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE— ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th EDITION (20171 , , 0FRII , • . fbn.rieM o.nv rm .....�.....�.......... .. ( solar energy source, covers or other vapor -retardant Imeans shall not be required. I R403.10.4 Gas- and oil -fired pool and spa heaters. All ( gas- and oil -Fred pool and spa heaters shall have a aunt - mum thermal efficiency of 82 percent for heaters manu- factured on or after April 16, 2013, when tested in accordance with ANSI Z 21.56. Pool heaters fired by natu- 1 rat or LP gas shall not have continuously burning pilot 1 lights. 1 R403.10.5 Heat pump pool heaters. Heat pump pool 1 heaters shall have a minimum COP of 4.0 when tested in 1 accordance with AHRI 1160, Table 2, Standard Rating Conditions -Low Air Temperature. A test report from an 1 independent laboratory is required to verify procedure 1 compliance. Geothermal swimming pool heat pumps are t not required to meet this standard. R403.11 Portable spas (Mandatory). The energy consump- tion of electric -powered portable spas shall be controlled by the requirements of APSP-14. R403.12 Residential pools and permanent residential spas. Residential swimming pools and permanent residen- tial spas that are accessory to detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses three stories or less in height above grade plane and that are available only to the house- hold and its guests shall be in accordance with APSP-15. SECTION R404 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS R404.1 Lighting equipment (Mandatory). Not less than 75 percent of the lamps in permanently installed lighting fixtures shall be high -efficacy lamps or not less than 75 percent of the permanently installed lighting fixtures shall contain only high -efficacy lamps. Exception: Low -voltage lighting. R404.1.1 Lighting equipment (Mandatory). Fuel gas lighting systems shall not have continuously burning pilot lights. SECTION R405 SIMULATED PERFORMANCE ALTERNATIVE (PERFORMANCE) R405.1 Scope. This section establishes criteria for compli- ance using simulated energy performance analysis. Such analysis shall include heating, cooling and service water heat- ing energy only. R405.2 Mandatory requirements. Compliance with this section requires that the mandatory provisions identified in Section R401.2 be met. All supply and return ducts not com- pletely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated to a minimum of R-6. R405.2.1 Ceiling insulation. Ceilings shall have an insu- lation level of at least R-19, space permitting. For the pur- poses of this code, types of ceiling construction that are considered to have inadequate space to install R-19 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY include single assembly ceilings of the exposed deck and t beam type and concrete deck roofs. Such ceiling assem- blies shall be insulated to at least a level of R-1.0. r R405.3 Performance -based compliance. Compliance based on simulated energy performance requires that a proposed residence (proposed design) be shown to have annual total t normalized Modified Loads that are less than or equal to the 1 annual total loads of the standard reference design as calcu- t lated in accordance with Appendix RC of this standard. R405.4 Documentation. Documentation of the software used for the performance design and the parameters for the building shall be in accordance with Sections R405.4.1 through R405.4.3. R405.4.1 Compliance software tools. Computer software t utilized for demonstration of code compliance shall have 1 been approved by the Florida Building Commission in 1 accordance with requirements of this code. R405.4.2 Compliance report Compliance software toots shall generate a report that documents that the pro- posed design complies with Section R405.3. A compli- ance report on the proposed design shall be submitted with the application for the building permit- Upon com- pletion of the building, a compliance report based on the as -built condition of the building shall be submitted to the code official before a certificate of occupancy is issued. Batch sampling of buildings to determine energy code compliance for all buildings in the batch shall be prohibited. Compliance reports shall include information in accordance with Sections R405.4.2.1 and R405.4.2.2. Where the proposed design of a building could be built on different sites where the cardinal orientation of the building on each site is different, compliance of the proposed design for the purposes of the application for the building permit shall be based on the worst -case orientation, worst -case configuration, worst -case building air leakage and worst- case duct leakage. Such worst -case parameters shall be used as inputs to the compliance software for energy analysis. R405.4.2.1 Compliance report for permit applica- tion. A compliance report submitted with the applica- tion for building permit shall include the following: 1. Building street address, or other building site identification- 2. A statement indicating that the proposed design complies with Section R405.3. 3. An inspection checklist documenting the building component characteristics of the proposed design as indicated in Table R405-5.2(t). The inspection checklist shall show results for the proposed design with user inputs to the compliance soft- ware to generate the results. 4. A site -specific energy analysis report that is in compliance with Section R405.3. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — ENERGY CONSERVATION, Sth EDITION (2017) R-27 •. r, L Cc"rlS1,*,o,,ICCALLR..tiVi FSERVED.A:usstd by,M1^m..ty^b°��t°Rb^ayv.zo,eur»AM punutntto t'u�nte TBr�"ent xith lGC N°fuMerrrpr°ducti 1 1 1 1 1 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 5. The name of the individual performing the analy- sis and generating the report- 6. The name and version of the compliance software tool- s Exception: Multiple orientations. When an other- wise identical building model is offered in multiple 1 orientations, compliance for any orientation shall be 1 permitted by documenting that the building meets the performance requirements in each of the four 1 cardinal (north, east, south and west) orientations, or 1 the "Worst' orientation. Compliance software tools 1 may calculate the "Worst Case" orientation by rotat-ing the building through the 4 or 8 cardinal orienta- tions. R405.4.2.2 Compliance report for certificate of occupancy. A compliance report submitted for obtain- ing the certificate of occupancy shall include the fol- lowing: 1. Building street address, or other building site identification. 2. A statement indicating that the as -built building complies with Section R405.3. 3. A certificate indicating that the building passes the performance matrix for code compliance and listing the energy saving features of the build- ings. 4. A site -specific energy analysis report that is in compliance with Section R405.3. 5. The name of the individual performing the analy- sis and generating the report. 6. The name and version of the compliance software tool. R405.4.3 Additional documentation. The code official shall be permitted to require the following documents: L. Verification that an EPL display card signed by the builder providing the building component character- istics of the proposed design will be provided to the purchaser of the home at time of title transfer. 2. Documentation of the component efficiencies used in the software calculations for the proposed design. R405.5 Calculation procedure. Calculations of the perfor- mance design shall be in accordance with Sections R405.5.1 through R405.5.3. R405.5.1 General. Except as specified by this section, the standard reference design and proposed design shall be configured and analyzed using identical methods and tech- niques. R405.5.2 Residence specifications. The standard refer- ence design and proposed design shall be configured and analyzed as specified by Table R405.5.2(I). Table R405.5.20) shall include, by reference, all notes con- tained in Table R402.1.2. R405.5.3 Calculation requirements for glazing. t R405.5.3.1 Glass areas. All glazing areas of a resi- dence. including windows, sliding glass doors, glass in 1 doors, skylights, etc., shall include the manufacturer's 1 frame area in the total window area. Window measure- ments shall be as specified on the plans and specifica- tions for the residence. 1 Exception: When a window in existing exterior walls is enclosed by an addition, an amount equal to 1 the area of this window may be subtracted from the 1 glazing area for the addition for that overhang !and orientation. R405.5.3.2 Overhangs. Overhang effect is measured 1 by Overhang Separation, which is the vertical measure 1 of the distance from the top of a window to the bottom 1 of the overhang. The overhang for adjustable exterior 1 shading devices shall be determined at its most extended position. Nonpermanent shading devices such 1 as canvas awnings shall not be considered overhangs. 1 Permanently attached wood and metal awnings may be 1 considered overhangs. R405.5.3.3 Doors with glazing. For doors that are 1 opaque or where the glass is less than one-third of the area of the door, the total door area shall be included in 1 the door calculation. For unlabeled sliding glass doors 1 or when glass areas in doors are greater than or equal; to orie-third of the area of the door, the glazing portion shall be included in the glazing calculation and the opaque portion of the door shall be included in the door 1 calculation. When glass areas in doors are greater than 1 or equal to one-third of the area of the door, the door 1 shall be included in the glazing calculation as a total fenestration using the tested U-factor and solar heat 1 gain coefficient 1 R405.5-3.4 Maximum fenestration SHGC. The Pro- 1 posed Design must have either an area -weighted aver- 1 age maximum fenestration SHGC of 0.50 or a windoww 1 area -weighted average overhang depth of 4.0 feet of 1 greater (all conditioned space windows must be included in the calculation). The area -weighted average 1 maximum fenestration U-factor permitted using 1 tradeoffs from Section R402.1.5 or R405 shall be 0.48 1 in Climate Zones 4 and 5 and 0.40 in Climate Zones 6 through 8 for vertical fenestration, and 0.75 in Climate 1 Zones 4 through 8 for skylights. The area -weighted 1 average maximum fenestration SHGC permitted using 1 tradeoffs from Section R405 in Climate Zones I 1 through 3 shall be 0.50. R 26 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE— ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th EDITION (20171 • @ , _ _ .. fnrni.:eA. P.n..•m ... n......... --------- ._ RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE R405.5.2(1)n= n oononccn nFSIGNS SPECIFICA 1 ruNb Fun a nc „..•.•�..• •.. • •-• -• •---- --- - STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN PROPOSED DESIGN BUILDING COMPONENT Type: mass wall if proposed wall is mass; otherwise wood frame As proposed Gross area: same as proposed As proposed Above -grade walls U-factor as specified in Table R402.1.4 As proposed Solar absorptance = 0.75 As proposed Emittance = 0.90 As proposed Type: same as proposed As proposed Basement and crawl space Gross area: same as proposed As proposed U-factor. from Table R402.1.4, with insulation layer on interior side of walls As propose walls Type: wood frame As proposed Above -grade floors Gross area: same as proposed As proposed U-factor as specified in Table R402. LA As proposed Type: wood frame As proposed Ceilings Gross area. same as proposed As proposed U-factor: as specified in Table R402.1.4 As proposed Type: composition shingle on wood sheathing As proposed Gross area: same as proposed As proposed Solar absorptance=0.75 As proposed Roofs Emittance = 0.90 As proposed Attics Type: vented with aperture = I ft- per 700 fP ceiling area As proposed Type: same as proposed As proposed Foundations Foundation wall area above and below grade and soil characteristics: same as As proposed proposed As proposed Area: 40 fr' .. Opaque doors Orientation North As proposed U-factor same as fenestration from Table R402.1-4 As proposed Vertical fenestration area° = As proposed (a) The proposed vertical fenestration area, where the proposed fenestration area is less than 15 percent of the conditioned floor area, or (b) The adjusted vertical fenestration area, where the proposed fenestration area is 15 percent or more of the conditioned floor area. The adjusted vertical fenestration area shall be calculated as follows: AVF,, =AVF- 0.I5. CFAIAF where: AVF,�r = adjusted vertical fenestration Vertical fenestration other AVF = proposed vertical fenestration area than opaque doom CFA = conditioned floor area AF=proposed total fenestration area Orientation: equally distributed to our cardinal compass orientations As proposed (N,E.S&W) U-factor as specified in Table R402.1.4 As proposed SHGC: as specified in Table R402.1.2 except that for climates with no As proposed requirement (NR) SHOC = 0.40 shall be used Interior shade fraction: 0.92 - (0.21 x SHGC for the standard reference 00..92 --)(0.21 x SHGC as pro - design) External shading: none As proposed (continued) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE— ENERGY CONSERVATION, EDITION (2017) R-29 _C3 _ - Gpyri9ha02aa7lCC ALLIaG[RB pmIRVFRVEO. 'Olt 62133 AM ........Waa�naa„ ewvel ABctc^'anl`^TIOC-^-lillih-a9-duv 0 AUTOMATIC HFATING/COOLING FFATURF! Pentair H/C model heat pumps are equipped to automatically heal or cool your pool water based on temperatures you set. Select the AUTO mode and the intelligent thermostat will automatically command the heat pump to heal or cool the water to your selected temperature ll.h! Pi _ni:ur c, ndr. nl he Air Coodn anmg. lcatmg nnil liO....' 17411n1„ Digital controls with dual thermostats offer precise temperature control for pooUspa combinations and avoid overheating and energy waste Self -diagnostic controls monitorand troubleshoot heat pump operat ons to ensure safer, dependable operation Long -life, corrosion -resistant composite cabinet retains a like -new appearance foryears st �a s� �" ,fig •-._ - 2" plumbing connections for easy installation COMPARING THE COST TO HEAT YOUR F This chart illustrates how an UltraTemp heal pump generates 2.75 to 5.8 limes more heal for the same cost. Costs are based on 2014 national average fuel costs and efficiencies (Source: Federal Register). Please consult your local provider for current pricing. ORDERING INFORMATION 70 460930 "i90 460937 110 460932 _140 46D934 140 H/C .460958 140C 460928 132,000/5A 132,000/5.6 60 40 1 10 230 60 50 1 8 230 60aj 150 -1'y�,8 230 :a 3 ^ 60 _ 504__� 60 50 1 8 230 An 60 Color: Black 70 EILK 460960 75 000/5 8 _`_ 70 000/5 6 . 50 000/4 0 „ '60 90 BLK 460961 90.000/5.7 84.000/5.5 60,000/4.0 60 1.106LK 460962 . .`_108000/60 ,? 101.000/58; 72000/40„ ;:i. ;bQ 120 ELK 460963 127.000/5.7 120.000/5.5 82.000/4.0 60 120 127000 Heat/5i 120000/5.4 82000/40' -' 60' H/CBLK ,460965 7j;000C9oU4)' .. . 120 C 460967 123.000/5.6 115,000/5.3 81.000/4,0 60 BLK' 140- 460964 �..140000/5.8.:,.._,_" 134,000/5.6. 88000/40-,;� ,.r60 140 H/C 460959 140.000 Heat/5.6 132,000/5.4 85,000/4.0 60 80.000 C00114.1 132,000/5 6, 86 000/4 0 —Rating in accordance with ARE Standard 1160 [air temp. F° 1%relative humidity/water temp, F°I boi PENTAIR 320 50 3 8 230 1 320 40 1 10 ,230 230 , 50 1 8 230 230 50 1 8 230 270 . 50 1 �. 8 230 n278 . 50 3 8 230 280 50 1 8 230 320 230 ,�, .rc1320 AVAILABLE FROM: 1620 HAWKINS'AVE, SANFORD. NC 27330 800.831'M33 WWW.PENTAIRPOOL.COM All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair of one of its global affiliates. Ultmlemps, IntclliTouch', EasyTouch'. Eco Select'. and AuloSel" are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa. Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United Slates and/ or other countries. Emerson! is a registered trademark of Emerson Electric Co.. Copeland Scroll' is a registered trademark of Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. Because we are continuously improving our products and services. Pentair reserves the night to change specilications without prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. - pumps • filters • heaters • heat pumps • automation • lighting • cleaners • sanitizers • water features • maintenance products 3/15 Part P1-04602015 Pentair Water Pool and Spa. Inc. All rights reserved. J 1 Aqua Pill: 5olarPill Page Number. 2 of 6 i INGESTION: Not likely to be hazardous by ingestion. CHRONIC EXPOS.URE/CARCINOGENICITY: None of the componbnts present in this material at concentrations of equal to or greater than 0.1 % are listed by [ARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH as a carcinogen. A component may affect genetic material (mutagenic) and may cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects (teratogenic) based on animal test data. SCANNED BY AGGRAVATION OF PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: None known. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: Ndne FIRST AID PROCEDURES St. Lucie County. EYE CONTACT: Remove contact lenses (f applicable), flush with water for 15 minutes. Call a physician. . SKIN CONTACT: Cleansing the skin after exposure is advisable. INHALATION: If large amounts of fumes are inhaled, remove to fresh air and consult a physician. INGESTION: Consult a physician if necessary. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: None. FLASH POINT: >93°C (>2000F) UPPER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not available FLAMMABLITY CLASS (OSHA): Not applicable UNIQUE FIRE PROPERTIES: None known or expected. AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not available LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not available FLAME PROPAGATION/BURNING RATE: Not available HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Releases carbon monoxide when burned. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water spray, COZ (carbon dioxide), foam or dry chemical. PROTECTION OF FIREFIGHTERS: Water can "be used to cool fire -exposed containers, to protect personnel and to disperse vapors and spills. Water run off from chemical fires can cause environmental damage. Dike and collect water used to fight chemical fires_ Fire fighters should wear normal protective equipment and positive -pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: See Section 8 (Personal Protective Equipment). ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: None known - METHODS FOR CLEANING UP: Spilled material should be absorbed onto an inert material and scooped up. Flush spill areas thoroughly with water and scrub to remove residue. If slipperiness remains apply more dry -sweeping compound. k,HALOSOURCE Manufacturers Name: Corporate Address: Manufacturers Telephone: Emergency Telephone (24 Hours): MateriaUTradelProduct Name: Synonyms: Chemical Name: Chemical Formula: CAS No.: EPA Registration #: Product Use: Material Safety Data Sheet AquaPill: SolarPill Date: 1 /10/2011 Revision: 00 HaloSource, Inc. 1631 220' St BE, Suite 100, Bothell, WA 98021 (425) 881-6464 (Monday -Friday, 8AM-5PM_PDT) 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC (Domestic, North America) 703-527-3887 CHEMTRE_C (International, collect calls accepted) AquaPill: SolarPill None Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Reduces heat and chemical loss by preventing water evaporation. CAS NO. COMPONENT % OSHA HAZARDOUS? Trade Secret Trade Secret Trade YES Secret All other components are either non -hazardous or below de mimmus uantities. NO NOTE See Section 8 for permissible exposure limits. Yellow liquid with a slight-fatty/waxy odor. irritating to -eyes.: Not likely to be hazardousd to skirt; respiratory tract, or by ingestiori- POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS EYE: May be mildly irritating to eyes. S KIN: Not likely to be hazardous to skin. INHALATION: Not likely to be hazardous by inhalation. AquaP-ill: SolarPill SAFE HANDLING RECOMMENDATIONS VENTILATION: General ventilation should be sufficient. - Page Number: 3 of 6 FtRE-PREVENTION. No-unigaa-fm- ........... SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIREMENTS: No special handling requirements. SAFE STORAGE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINMENT: Keep container closed whey not in use. STORAGE ROOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Store at room temperature. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS: To avoid product degradation and equipment corrosion, do not use iron, coppbr or aluminum containers or equipment ENGINEERING CONTROLS: General ventilation should be sufficient PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) EYEIFACE PROTECTION: Eye protection is recommended. SKIN PROTECTION: Special skin protection should not be needed. .HAND PROTECTION: Gloves are recommended any time handling chemicals. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI ZB8.2 requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use. GOOD HYGEIENEIWORK PRACTICES: Always follow good hygienetwork practices by avoiding dusts, vapors, or mists and contact with eyes and skin. Thoroughly wash hands after handling and before eating or drinking. EXPOSURE GUIDELINES PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMITS INGREDIENT— OSHA `ISITA (I EVT— CAS NO. Not A licable Not Applicable Not Applicable I Not licable Not A ricable Not A licable Not A licable COLOR: Yellow SHAPE: Not applicable, liquid PHYSICAL FORM: Liquid ODOR: Mild fatty -waxy pH: 6— 8 VAPOR PRESSURE: Not available AquaPill. SolarPill Page Number. 4 of 6 VAPOR DENSITY: Not available BOILING POINT: Not available MELTING POINT: Not available FREEZING POINT: Not available SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Incomplete SPECIFIC GRAVITY OR DENSITY: 0.98 —1.02 NOTE_ These physical data are typical values based on material tested but may vary from sample to sample. Values should not be construed as a guaranteed analysis of any specrfc lot or as specifrcallons. CHEMICAL STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None known. MATERIALS TO AVOID (INCOMPATIBILITY): Aluminum, copper, iron, strong oxidizers, and acids. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide_ HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. uKAL LD50 (rat): Not available. DERMAL LD50 (rabbit): Not available. SKIN IRRITATION: Not available. EYE IRRITATION: Not available. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None. ECOTOXICITY. Not available. - MOBILITY: _Not available. PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY: Not available. BIOACCUMULATIVE POTENTIAL: Not If this product as supplied becomes a waste, it does not meet the critgda of a hazardous waste as defined under the, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261: Please be advised that state and local requirements for waste disposal may be more restrictive or otherwise different from federal regulations. Consult state and local regulations regarding the proper disposal of this material. AquaPill: SolarPill Page Number. 5 of 6 NOTE: Chemical additions, processing or otherwise altering this material may make the waste_management information presented in this MSDS incomplete, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT): Proper -Shipping -Name. - Noti2ego Hazard Class: Not Regulated " "-- laent3ficdt on Number (UN Number): Not Regulated Packing Group (PG): Not Regulated TSCA STATUS: All components are listed. CERCLA REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ): CHEMICAL NAME RQ Not applicable Not applicable SARA TITLE III SECTION 302 EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (EHS): CHEMICAL NAME TPQ... RQ Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable SARA TITLE III SECTION 3111312 HAZARD CATEGORIES: Does this product/material meet the definition of the following hazard classes according to the EPA'Hazard Categories' promulgated under Sections 311 and 312 of SARA Title III? ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH FIRE HAZARD REACTIVE HAZARD SUDDEN RELEASE , HAZARD HAZARD OF PRESSURE YES NO NO NO NO SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 TOXIC CHEMICALS INFORMATION: CHEMICAL NAME I CAS NO. CONCENTRATION (%) Not applicable —L---ao—tappficabie Not applicable —CAL-IFOR-NWPROPOSITION-65-The o lovAng c emlca s Is are Known to the state o a 1 omla to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. . • CHEMICAL NAME CAS NO. CONCENTRATION (%) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Techko USA - ALARM PROTECTION PRODUCTS - MODEL: S 187D Page 1 of 1 ® :RECEIV:ED ST. Luty,itting [vvylt j Model., S1$70 - SAFE POOL SCANNED BY m MaQnae8csehsorentry etartn St. Lucie County b "Ahvays on' alarm protection P AdUft pass -through auto reset bu0or P• High output 110-115 dB alarm wateaveather resistant housing YY` b- Magnetic sensorforadditional doodscreendoor .f Low batteryLED dtsplity d Addittonal Pass -through ldtton for delayed entry from eftherside dooror fence 8• Additional magnetic sensor for screen door atdNentry INIM C Fri 9,wo 20 FT: 800 pcs. ft- Intended for Interior or Wedor use 40 Fr. 19,680 pcs. 40 HQ 22,890 pcs. A BY battery operation (riot Included UPC Barcode: 01457518701 1 Q Pool Guard Alarm USA Patent No. 5,473,310 and No. &,727,8.19 P" ETL Approved tinder UL 2017 Standards t www techkomald.com Office Products I Security Products