HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOOL CONTRACTev* %&,Qtm &d as 823S-20 Bator Lane -1rim Beach, FL 33411 Phone(581) 7B8,.. Fact (561)798.7930 POOLS Y Eeneatercuewmcom CPOH1=11 SWIMMINCs POOL CONTRACT Craft Master Cuslli Pools, (Con clor) agrees to build a swimming pool, furnish and install all additional items as Ndin this contract. (Owner), ( i `}T' i Date: — 6 —1 - 1� Address: IS37a S114 Kr D '-t- clry' ��''(-st L�cf°c. , ZlpoDde: �y9a2 e� Bus. PH:���� Lo��—Bl/o�ck:od:�re�l�ti Coc A'f��nJt guild.pepl: li��ICATIONS: Poo) SWclure shell bereinforced gunite/ahoI details covered AFOWIAO this shell conform to standard Contractor's SWclurel and Mecnlass otherwise n ad: 3• I I toroth 3� BTEPa BENCH REM3�Maz 9tepe Tofo-'_ D L.�I' S.dmanBend: Bendl (yae_Na�gtyJ Fdter beay�Na_typ G?�o° POP Cape (ye6_ND Sun Shea DlfUns CNONubr(yi rl ✓type r Demuck (yee_Ne^1 Beach Entry (Yss_Ns+LJ saft3YMam (yes ✓Pfk--j e �... .rj�• Smal Mad6re(upte8hrs.) gs!_Na='J Umbirsh Sleeve (Ye•+�LN0._) cWe Oy (up to4hra) bea SPAB PA 09P MS• D.H.DehiWNm _Nai11 Ba BeddB (Yee ✓N�, W4Jate (yoe_Ne / 1 LED UghtNke tyoa�N�gyj,,L,��• Spa Slde Coned (yae_Ne-/ ) FinalCleampI (yae ✓ n!� Erbe Jab tyee_NtL-gty_-- Sell Cell only 'eq. Edge Baaln Per. (yma rVo Dip SDmp Haul Dress Block bea_N _� SPIIIvmYStre__,(Yes_N Fahe Pump bee_N�type_aae� Auldnelbn Dame EYJstlrg Fed (yes_Naa/J qyJ Blower bes_N PJ eyetam bes_Na�)Meks Model: _❑ _O _❑ COPING ITEMS- white tight (yea_Na_gy___) Canada: Hard wire ❑ Remote ❑ TableTop ❑ Braiese Brick' bee_Ne^t LED Color bes_Na_LgtyJ smalphone Interface ❑ HEATER RFMQ• oto Chkage (yea —Nat, M (yee_Na­,�-skeI DECKITEMS' Bam �—Nat. � SHPHNIRsnp (yea_N8/,BTU_ 5HP Hsatcod (yee_Ne /1BTU Pro Cad (yee_Na-'�—) Cregorc �Concrete, e,Do Deck p�rD Ust-NsiSlm_) �e�N� _ 258,g0a BTUGasHealer (ym_Ne1J Crete (Y"- -� (yee_Ne�/ ] 9pre rpmHDook �y�N�� 400,OWBTUGes Heeter(Ma_Na1, ITEM ITEMS' BondingNot Lp ❑ Nat ❑ WeeTILE na eq. fit. allow) (yee_�rila—J capping yae_Ne�rypeJ Rears (yas_N�lype� Oashookupby H10 tyea_Na ✓)lnibel_ Cap S hell Cep Sun shelf ((yes✓ri Cep Steps Renews eastdeddpad (yos_,Na-,LSga`j �yu,oEColam RIQR FINISH ITEMS (yae�GNq_� Cep Bench (yea_Na ✓r.) Cap Swim -Out (y99 ✓N�_elze J DeckGrede bee New If0M. Is not hall deck. WO is responsible foTgreding ammpeallan WD lnllle,_ U Upgrade Ouerh Colors (yea_Ne ✓ 1 Inserts (yes_Nk-J .,,,,q Deck Fader (Y.-,do_ak xn v _Ne / 1 Pebble Make (yeeF'�EVATION PO QMrWI-M Thickened Footer (yea Na_e_Size Pebbie Make (yes_Na---/-j f—j 6'(Mlshed both aids l.f� (yes_Na� Dam Dreln (yes�Na_J Expansion Jabt (yos_Ne v 1 ENCLOSURE: Remove costing omen by Wroe, �� fY(I.f- 1 &a rda1, 12'(Adehed both ode IJ,J bsa_N�� Handrail (yes_Na.,/J Ladder (yes_Na� 3„eenb kdW(T,-, 7- y � 18'(I.1,� bee_Ns� Concrete PUMP (yes_Z N� ICVff.o,4y ,yl`a_Na_t- Fenceby WOd CMD t8AB 7,5X?Sr 18'(MLUlsdbothsMelJJ (yas_rV / 1 24'0.1J (yae_N4_` PLUMBING ITEMS: Sklmmerw/Ilne (yea ✓rd, my-f-) Babyfeme, by WO D CM El Wry' dn� a, W S 24-(tldshed both side lJ (Yee —Neil Main Drmn wAlne Pool Daarslertne by WO,'�CM❑WA❑ p.1L.•�s4"' WA R a 0. Main Drain Spa (yea�Na-Lgty� EsLsgng is= (yes _Ne ✓ 1 ShaerOeecent (Slre__� (yas_Ne ✓qy_J Clean Une (yes-Zn/a_) Type: DWoodI Height 4'❑ zru Lighted Bubbleiorllon Had bea_Na,�gyJ Fountoln Line (yea_NeoLelze_j ❑Chet Unk 60 Rosettes (yse_Na. ✓oN ) #of Rotuma (yesj nla_gy�) []Aluminum e'❑ DarkJete (yes Auto Auto Fill (yes_Ne-_U r (yea_Na-.Y-gty--) WO responsible to bring fence up In Worried codes If being Bubblers 1; (yeQN.--gtyZj Jets on Bench used as primary barricade before pool will be plastered. waterfall yes❑ Na SUe__ Ovemow line (yes-b[ Na_ ) p„m8 (Yea—Na_J Pan for WaterFer YWEI Na Sae ADDITIONAL ITEMS: TamdbTreabmm &a nle.,e Other, Extra OR supplied byHfO (yea_wo-Zi Sho" .. bee_N4-'4 ELEOTiiIC REks• Sad Md epdnHemby WO bea_Na,.1 RepabstoevaiklICMbtean (yae_NaJG) Base electoral hock up am Clock, Shop removal(gy__) (yee_Ne^1 BeddbwPmventerbYWO❑ CM ❑ (W—nrai) J-Box LI0M Switch and Trensfomer Extra ofoi yB9 �� divg apgredeMd Relo®le has (yes_Na-, CM is notresponemle dhee does notsuMve rebolOon BaddlmvPmeaerEWGng bee_Na_� Cut& Cep SprNHers M pod aleepdor p�nelueuh peral8naeded by H/O (yas_N by SOB iep„lby WO DCM ❑ 6w_Na✓1 Chemka8ybodwater&dninpool bee ✓Ne_J to excavation by CM bm_Na� It Is understood that the terms ere cash and payments as set forth below ere due on billing unless special arrangements ere otherwise made Contract °r •, ••�-�� e f o. uay mJaematela• )r seen a7 / /Y Llo B. Day of Plaster 5% /_`)Sf Ills understood that C.M.C.P, reserves the right to atop all constructlon if progress pPayments ere not paid when due. If Contractor incum any e�xrppaanae In collection of pay- mentoorenforcingthetonsofthisagreement, whether sult be brought or nol, BI8 Owner agrees to pay all such costs and azpenses Indud[a reasonable attomeya fees, Interests, court coats and Incidental expenses. This agreement and the pmvlslms on the reverse side hereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto, helm, successors, and assigns, where signed by the parties hereto or their DfEW M or agents sompt as otherwise provided. There are no promises, agreements, or understandings between the undersigned peruse which are not expressed M this contract. agreements between purchaser and salesman). kC Repreeemathre _ x n`iY K DEC 04 2018 Lucie County, Permitting SCANNED Y St. Lucie County Whhe- Conafrucf/on •Yellow -Purchaser