HomeMy WebLinkAboutJOINT EVALUATION REPORTDIVISION: 0600.pQ O., =igm ST N COMPOSITES 'SCANNED DIVISIQW' 7*;000000—THERMAL AND MOTS hU 3 ECTION LUC/e Co SECTION: 07 46 23—WOOD SIDING'!- unl REPORT 414 SUBJECT: TION LP SMARTSIEfE® STRAND SU,95 IIA`TECA NDI ING AND LP SMAk�% OES STRAND a� SUBSTRATE P. k QING ...,-ol oil ICC, ]cc '"� ICC � ) CPN G 0` LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council l`W5SPC) Award in Excellence" w tE A Subsidiary of ooEMcauMOICxcir ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implfet4 as to arty finding or other matter in this report, or as to arty product covered by the report. Copyright® 2017 [CC Evaluation Service, LLC and APA—The Engineered Wood Association. All rights reserved. Joint Evaluation Report ESR-1301 Reissued February 2016 Revised July 18, 2017 This report is subject to renewal February 2018. www.icc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION:; 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 0616 00—Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 6746 23—Wood Siding REPORT HOLDER: LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION 414 UNION STREET, SUITE 2000 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37219 (888) 520-0325 www.LPcorp.com m a rketino.center0l o coro. corn EVALUATION SUBJECT: LP SMARTSIDE® STRAND SUBSTRATE LAP SIDING AND LP. SMARTSIDe STRAND SUBSTRATE PANEL SIDING 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: e 2015 2012, 2009. 2006, and 2003 International Building Code (IBC) r 2015, 2012, 2009, 2006, and 2003 Internatori& ReskienBal Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: ■ Exterior siding ■ Structural 2.0 USES LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSidee Strand Substrate Panel Siding are used as exterior wall covering materials on buildings where combustible materials are permitted LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panei Siding may be used as bracing method 3 for conventional woad -framed walls as specified in the 2006/2009/2012 IBC Section 2308.9.3 and IRC Section R602.10, or the WSP method as specified in the 2015 IBC Section 2308.6 and IRC Section R602110, LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding may be used as sheathing for wood structural panel shear walls having allowable shear loads specified for P82-compliant wood -based sheathing in accordance with 200312006 IBC Section 2306.4.1, and 2009/201212015 IBC Section 2306.3. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding are engineered - mod exterior wall covering materials that are suitable for long -tern exposure to weather or conditions of similar severity, when fastened to vertical supports or approved nailable wood substrates In accordance with their span ratings and this evaluation report The lap siding and panel siding products consist of a mat -formed wood substrate preservatively treated with zinc borate in accordance with AWPA Standard T1, and a resin -impregnated overlay material bonded to the face of the lap and panel siding products intended to be exposed to the weather. Additionally, all panel and lap siding edges are factory - sealed with a sealer in accordance with the approved quality -control manual. 3.2 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding is available in widths of 6, 8 and 12 Inches (152, 203 and 305 mm); categories 31a and 7/1e, and lengths of 12 to 16 feet (3658 to 4877 mm). The S-inch-wide. (203 mm), 7116 category lap siding is also available vuith an optional self -alignment edge. 3.3 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding is 4 feet (1219 mm) wide and 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 feet (1219, 1829 2134, 2438, 2743 or 3048 mm) in length LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Panel Siding is available in %, 7/Is, and 19/32 - categories. The 3/a.category panel has grooves spaced at 8Inches (203 mm), with a minimum thickness at the grooves of 0.164 inch (4 mm) and a minimum thickness at the shiplap of 0.136 inch (4 mm). - The 7/1s category panel has grooves spaced at 4 or 8 inches (102 or 203 mm), with a minimum thickness at the grooves of 0.235 inch (6 mm) and a minimum thickness at the shiplap of 0.150 inch (4 mm). The 79132 category panel has grooves spaced at 4 or 8 inches (102 or 203 mm), with a minimum thickness at the grooves of 0.311 inch (8 mm) and a minimum shiplap thickness of 0.194 inch (5 mm). LP SmartSidee Strand Substrate Panel Siding is classified as Exterior Rated Siding or Exterior Rated Siding -Sheathing. The classification Is noted in the label on the panel. Exterior Rated Siding is intended to be installed In applications in accordance with the 200612009/2012 IBC Section 2308.9.3'and IRC Section 011 WI Copyright ® 20171CC Evaluation Service, LLC. Al rights reserved. Page 1 of 7 ESR-1301 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 7 R602.10 or 2015 IBC Section 2308.6 and 2015 IRC Section R60210 as an exterior siding suitable for long- term exposure to weather or conditions of similar severity. In addition to the intended application for Exterior Rated Siding, Exterior Rated Siding —Sheathing is intended to be installed in applications in accordance with 2003120061BC Section 2306.4.1, and 2009/2012/20151BC Section 2306.3. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions (titled Appfrcation Instructions LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate pane! Siding) and this report. In the event of conflicts, this report governs. A copy of the manufacturers installation instructions must be on the jobsite at all times during installation. LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be Installed with an approved water -resistive barrier as required by the applicable code. Openings in, penetrations through, and terminations of the LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding are outside the scope of this report and must be specifically approved by the code official in accordance with thelappllcable code. Unless otherwise noted in this report, fasteners and fastener spacing must be as noted in the applicable code. 4.2 LPSmartSidee Strand Substrate Lap Siding: LP SmartSide° Strand Substrate Lap Siding must be attached td1raming members spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) bn center. for'/s category siding and a. maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center for 7/is category siding. Self -aligning LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding is installed with nails placed. at the top of the LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding,'/2 inch (13 mm) down from the upper edge. Each successive course of lap siding must rest on the back rabbet and must self -align at an overlap of "/,e Inch (21 mm). g Nails must be of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 11/2 inches (38 mm) through the sheathing and Into framing at each stud location. 4.3 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate .Panel Siding must be installed with its long dimension oriented vertically. When LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding is applied; directly to the framing, the maximum spacing of the framing must be consistent with the span rating of the LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding, which Is identified on the panel's label. Allowable loads for shearwalls sheathed with LP SmartSidee Strand Substrate Panel Siding —Sheathing are noted in Table 1. Four-foot-by-S•foot (1219 mm by 2438 mm) LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding —Sheathing installed vertically, directly to framing, with a single row of nails penetrating both laps, spaced 6 inches on center at panel edges and 12 Inches (305 mm) on center at intermediate supports may be used to satisfy the wall bracing requirements for conventional light frame construction specified in the code for prescriptive construction. Install per code requirements for bracing method 3 with wood structural panels or WSP bracing method. All LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Panel Siding joints must occur at framing members and must be protected with a continuous wood bait, approved caulking, flashing; or vertical or horizontal shiplap, or otherwise made waterproof. 4.4.Component and Cladding Wind Pressure Capacity: Maximum allowable component and cladding wind loads (wall, zone 5) for LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding based on a minimum fastener schedule, are provided in Tables 2 through 5. Tables 2 and 3, for lap and panel siding, respectively, are based on full fastener penetration into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration = fastener length - siding thickness. Tables 4 and 5, for lap and panel siding, respectively, are based on a minimum fastener penetration into the wall studs of 02 inches. 6.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSIdeP Strand Substrate Panel Siding described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding must not be used to satisfy the bracing requirements specified. in the code. 5.2 LP SmartSide° Strand Substrate Panel Siding — Sheathing, when installed as set forth in this report, may be used as method 3 bracing'specified in Section 2308.9 of the IBC and Section R60210 of the IRC, or. the WSP method as specified in 2015 IBC Section 2308.6 and IRC Section R602.10. 5.3 In areas where seismic analysis is required by the applicable code, the applicable code requirements for wood structural panel shear walls must be consulted for additional detailing requirements, restrictions concerning certain usages, required modifications to the allowable shear loads tabulated in this report, and additional inspection requirements. 5.4 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must not be installed In contact Wth concrete or masonry. 6.5 LP SmartSide° Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be installed with a minimum 6 inches (152 mm) of clearance from finished grade. 5.6 When field cuts are made to LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding, all exposed surfaces must be finished according to the paint or caulWsealant manufacturers' specifications. 5.7 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding are manufactured by Louisiana-Pacific Corporation in Hayward, Wisconsin (Mill No. 357);' Newberry, Michigan (Mill No. 416); Tomahawk, Wisconsin (Mill No. 435); Two Harbors, Minnesota .(Mill No. 399); and Swan Valley, Minftonas, Manitoba, Canada (Mill No. 457); under a quality -control program with inspections by ICC-ES. ESk-1301 1 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 7 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance fifth the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Treated -engineered -wood Siding (AC321), dated October 2005 (editorially revised December 2015). 7.0 IDENTIFICATION LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be labeled with the product designation and the name of Louisiana- Pacific Corp. The stamp shall provide the following information: 1. Mill number. 2. The evaluation report number (ESRA301). 3. Grade/exposure. 4. Span rating. 5. Performance category (based on customary inch fractions). TABLE 1—ALLOWABLE RACKING SHEAR (pit) FOR LP SMARTSIDEs STRAND SUBSTRATE PANEL SIDING —SHEATHING SHEAR WALLS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING'" PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MINIMUM NAIL PENETRATION IN FRAMING (inches) PANELS APPLIED DIRECTLY TO FRAMING Nail Size (Common or Galvanized Box) Nail Spacing at Panel Edges (inches) 6 4 3 24 51165.5 iffy 6d 180 270 350 450 e/a5,6 200 300 390 510 616,6 1'12 8d 220 320 410 530 '/is6 240 350 450 585 191n61 151, 10d 340 510 665, 670 For SI: 1 Inch =25.4 Mm, 1 plf= 14.6 Wm. 'For framing of other species: (a) Find spec'rfrc gravity for species of lumber in AF & PA National Design Specification; (b) find shear value from table for nails size; c) multiply value by 0.82 for species with specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 but less than 0.49, or 0.65 for species with specific sgraviy less than 0.42 All panel edges must be backed with 2-inch nominal or wider framing. Panels must be installed with the tong dimension oriented in the vertical direction. Space nails 6 inches o.c. along intermediate framing members for 'fa category and'11s category panels installed on studs spaced 24 inches me. For other ccadNons and panel thicknesses, space nails 12 inches me. on intermediate supports 'The valuesiare for short-term loads due to wind or earthquake (133% increase) and must be reduced by 25 percent for normal duration of loading. 4Framing atl panel edges must be a inches nominal or wider and nails must be staggered where palls are spaced 2 Inches mm, and where i0d nails having penetration into framing of more than 151e inches are spaced 3 inches, or less, o.c. Exception: Unless otherwise required, 2-inchnominal framing may be used where full nailing surface is available and nails are stggered. 66cept as noted in Footnote 7, panel thickness at point of nailing at panel edges determines applicable shear values, except Drat 6/6 category panels nailed at shiplap edges use shear values for 5116 category panels, and'116 and s/22 category panel sidings nailed al shiplap edges use shear values for 516 categorypanels. SShiplap edges must be double -nailed; one nail must be placed in the undedap and a second nail must be placed in the overlap at thenail spacing specified for the applicable shear, value. 'Fasteners must not be installed in panel siding grooves in the field of the panel siding orwhen the panel siding grooves occur at cut edges of the panel siding. TABLE 2a—LAP SIDING - MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V,,n'-2 PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACINGS .(inches) SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WIND PRESSURE (psi) MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) WIND SPEED, V. * (mph) Wind Exposure Category B C D 51, 16 6 80 170 150 140 8 79 170 150 140 12 50 140 120 110 7716 16 6 80 170 150 140 8 76 170 150 130 12 49 140 120 110 24 6 71 170 145 130 8 51 155 120 110 12 32 110 90 90 For Si: 1 inch = 25.4 arm. 1 psf = 47.88 PA 1 mph = 1.6 kph. 'One fastener per stud located '4 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 inches (ad box nail). 'Tabulated values assume ful penetration of the fastener into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration = fastener length - siding thickness. SWall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 4Three-second-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2 of the 2009/20121RC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. ESR-1301 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 7 TABLE 2b—LAP SIDING - MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V,sr'' PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACING' (inches) SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM ULTIMATE WIND PRESSURE (P MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„ a4 (mph) Wind Exposure Category S C D 310 16 6 133 200 180 160 8 131 20D 180 160 12 83 180 150 140 r t16 16 6 133 200 180 180 8 127 200 180 160 12 61 180 150 140 24 6 119 200 180 160 8 85 180 150 140 12 54 140 120 115 For sl: 1 inch "= 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 1.6 kph. 'One fastener par stud located 3/4 inch from the lop edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 Inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch, a minimumshaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 inches (8d box nail). 'Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the wall studs. I.e., fastener penetration =fastener length —siding thickness. Wail studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.4Z Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1:1 of the 2012t2015 IBC. TABLE 3a—PANELSIDING -MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE)-COMPONENTAND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„a' PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUDSPACING= (Inches) FASTENERSPACING3 (inches b.c.) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLEWIND PRESSURE (psf) MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) WIND SPEED, V„a4 (mph) Edges Feld Wind Exposure Category B C D 318 16 g i2 46 130 110 105 6 80 170 150 140 24 6 12 31 110 90 85. 6 61 150 130 1201 7116 16 6 12 45 130 110 105 6 80 170 150 140 24 6 12 30 110 90 85 6 59 150 130 120 ist, i6 6 12 41 130 110 100 6 80 170 150 140 24 6, 12 27 105 90 - 6 55 150 125 110 Fur SG i non = zo.4 mm, 1 psf = 4Lt;d Pa. 1 mph = 1.6 kph. 'Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration - fastener length —siding thickness. Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 3Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch; a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches i8d box nall). Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2 of the 2009/20121RC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC• ESR-1301 1 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 7 TABLE 3b—PANEL SIDING - MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„ h' PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUDSPACING2 FASTENER S PACING3 (inches c.c.) MAXIMUM ULTIMATE WIND PRESSURE MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED, V6t (mph) (inches) (Psf) Edges Field Wind Exposure Category 6 C D 3/' 16 6 12 77 160 150 130 6 133 200 180 180 24 6 12 51 140 120 110 6 102. 200 160 150 r116 16 ,6 12 74 160 _ 140 130 6 133 200 180 180 24 6 12 50 140 120 110 6 99 200 .. 160 150 19132 16 6 12 69 160 140 130 6 133 200 180 180 24 6 12 46 130. 115 - 6 92 180 180 150 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 1.5 kph. 'Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration = fastener length —siding thicialess. "Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches (8tl box nai0. `Three -second -gust;. based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7.10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012/2015 IBC. TABLE 4a—LAP SIDING - MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„2'2 PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACING' .(inches) SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NAND PRESSURE (Pat) MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) WIND SPEED, V."' (mph) Wind Exposure Category B. C D 31. 16 6 78 170 150 130 8 56 150 125 110 12 35 120 100 90 r/I6 16 6 78 170 150 130 8 56 160 125 .110 12 35 120 100 1 90 24 6 52 145 120 110 8 37 120 100 90 12 24 90 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.68 Pa, 1 mph - 1.6 kph. 'One fastener per stud located 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 Inch and a minimum length of 2.5 inches (8d box nai0. Tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of *2 inches Into the wall studs. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. `Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in. Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section.R301.2 of the 2009/2012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. ESR-1301, I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 7 TABLE 4b—LAP SIDING - MAXIMUM ULTIMATE -COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, Von'"2 PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUDSPACING' (inches) SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM ULTIMATEWIND PRESSURE (psf) MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„h (mph( Wind Exposure Category B C D , 3/a 16 6 130 200 180 180 8 93 180 160 150 12 59 150 130 120 i/16 16 6 130 200 180 180 8 93 180 160 150 12 59 150 1 130 120 24 6 86 180 160 140 8 62 160 130 120 12 39 120 - - For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm,1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph =1.6 kph. 'One fastener per stud located'/4 Inch from the top edge -of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0297 Inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 inches (8d box nail). 'Tabulated values assume afastener penetration of 1'12 inches Into the wall sheds. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. - 'Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zane 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 201212015 IBC. TABLE 5a—PANEL SIDING - MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V,w' PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACING' (inches) FASTENER SPACING' (inches o.c.) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLEWIND PRESSURE (psf) MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) WIND SPEED, V,a `(mph) Edges Field Wind Exposure Category_ B C D 3/6 16 •g 12' 32 110 90 90 6 65 150 130 125 24 6 12 22 90 - - 6 43 130 110 100 7/16 16 6 12 32 110 90 90 6 65. 150 130 125 24 6 12 22 90 - - 6 43 130 110 100 is/ 16 6 12 32 110 90 90 6 65 150 130 125 a 24 6 12 22 90 - - 6 43 130 NO 100 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.B8 Pa, 1 mph = 1.6 kph. 'Tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of 1'I6 inches into the wall studs. 'Wad studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 Inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches s8d box nail). Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet in Zone 5 with smallest effective area par Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R3012 of the 200912012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC, ESR-1301 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 7 TABLE 5b—PANEL SIDING -MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, Vurtl PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL FASTENER SPACING' MAXIMUM ULTIMATE MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN CATEGORY STUD SPACING' ' (Inches o.c.) WIND PRESSURE WIND SPEED, Vux° (mph) (inches) (psl) Edges Field Wind Exposure Category. B C D 12 . 54 140 120 . 115 16 6 6 108 200 160 160 '/9 12 36 120 - - 24 6 6 72 160 140 130 12 54 140 120 115 16 6 6 108 200 160 160 r rib 12 36 120 - - 24 6 6 72 160 140 130 16 6 12 54 140 120 115 6 108 200 160 160 24 $ 12 36 120 - - 6 72 160 140 130 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm,.1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 1.6 kph. 'Tabulated -values assume a fastener penetration of 1'12 inches Into the wall studs. 'Wail studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of-0.297 inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches (8d box nail). 'Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from bunding surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012/2015 IBC. DISCLAIMER APA Product Reports is a trademark of AAA - The Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma, Washington. [CC -ES Evaluation Report is a trademark of ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES). The information contained herein is based on the product evaluation in accordance with the references noted in this report. Neither [CC -ES, nor APA or Its members make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the use, application of, and/or reference to opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations Included in this report, The joint ICC-ES/APA Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. Consult the local jurisdiction or design professional to assure compliance with code, construction, and performance requirements. Because neither APA, nor ICC-ES, has any control over quality of workmanship or the condition under which engineered wood products are used, it cannot accept responsibility for product performance or designs as actually constructed.