HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHINGLE LAP SIDINGApplication Instructions Fiber Substrate " Lap Siding SCANNED' BY County the ground well supported, on a flat well -drained (Diagram Ia) - Additional support may be required to achieve a safe clearance from the ground. • Store products under roof or separate waterproof covering. (Diagram 1 a) • When the waterproof covering is removed, cut all unit banding. • Keep siding clean and dry, Inspect prior to installation: la wlcla? �rtautC At the time of manufacture, siding meets or exceeds the performance standards set forth In Composite Panel Association ANSI 135.6 and has achieved code recognition under ESR-3090 and CCMC 12353-L. For copies of these reports, call LP Customer Support at 800-648-6893 or go online at https://Ipcorp.com/resources/product-literature/f. LP's application Instructions describe the minimum requirements needed to assure LP° SmartSide" Limited Warranty coverage Failure to follow the LP application instructions could result in reduced product service life and may lead to denial of BeforeYou Begin • Minimum 6 inch clearance must be maintained between siding and finish grade. • Siding applied adjaceht to porches, patios, walks, etc, must have a clearance of at least 1 inch above any surface. Siding must not be In direct contact with masonry, concrete, brick, stone, stucco or mortar. Backer rod is recommended to properly space materials at these location. Minimum I inch clearancefrom roof surfaces. (Diagram 2a) Apply siding in a mannerthat prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. All exposed wood substrate must be sealed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water build up. To achieve this, use primer, paint, sealant and flashings asfollows in these application Instructions. • Do not use staples. • Sidinglis designed to be installed directlyto wood structural. panel wall sheathing. • Trims hould be thick enoug h so the siding does not extend beyond the face of the trim. • Trim and fascia must be applied in a manner that will not allow moisture intrusion or water buildup. Moisture Control • Moisture control and moisture vapor control are critical elements of proper housing design and construction. Check your local building codes for application procedures for handling moisture and water vapor in your area. • Follow all applicable building code specifications relating to prevention of moisture intrusion into the wall assembly. LP.° SmartSidew siding is a wood product, and, as with all wood products, must be kept free from excessive moisture. Lack of proper ventilation; exposure to constant or repetitive sources of water such as sprinklers, condensation, inadequate flashing; improper sealing; or failure to follow common building practices that prevent moisture intrusion into the wall system may cause damage, and products subject to such treatment will be excluded from warranty coverage. • As with all wood products, do not apply engineered wood siding to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such as drying concrete, plaster, or wet blown cellulose insulation. If such conditions exist, the building should be well ventilated to allow it to dry prior to the application of the siding. • Gutters with kick -out flashing and eave drip edge are recommended for control of roof water rurroff. Flashing, Windows, Doors & Openings • All openings must be properly sealed or flashed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion or buildup. Several examples that accomplish this are shown on the following pages. Secondary Water -Resistant Barrier • A properly installed breathable water -resistive barrier is required behind the siding. Consultyour local building code for details. • LP will assume no responsibility for water penetration, or damage it may cause Water Run -Off Control • Properly installed flashing materials will help direct water away from common water collecting areas. • All flashing material shall be metal or another durable material that under normal outdoor environmental conditions will last fora period of not less than 50 years. • All flashing materials must have a minimum 41nch upper leg. Add a 4 inch wide adhesive flashing to flashing legs less than 4 Inches. • Properly integrate flashing with the secondary WRB. Use housewrap, 2a flashing tape, kickout flashing, step flashing, Z flashing, drip edge, gutters or other items as needed to maintain the counter -flashing principle. • Install kitkoutflashing to direct the water into the gutter. (Diagram 2a) • Install stepflashing'that has a minimum 4 inch upper leg. (Diagram 2a) • Maintain a minimum I inch clearance between the end of the gutter and the adjoining wall to allow for proper maintenance of the siding. (Diagram 2b) • Do not extend the siding or trim into the kickout flashing or gutter. • Prime and paint ALL exposed cut edges of siding. For the cleanest cut and longer blade life, a fine-tooth carbide tipped blade Is recommended. Siding is manufactured with a special edge coating which reduces moisture -related issues. If siding is ripped you must take special care to prime, paint and seal all exposed wood fiber as described in the finishing section. Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the blade cuts downward on the primed or prefinished surface. Do not miter edges. General Application Equipment Ring Shank Diameter 2: 0.092" Not -Dipped Galvanized CONDITION CORRECTION Snug ,. OK_ Flush OK Visible Fiber Paint - Countersunk 1/16" 1/87(2 Apply Sealantff,,rrTT��iiSS��}} mm-3 mm) Countersunk �Nu Apply Sealant& more than 1/8' (3 mm) re -nail Table 3a Fastening Instructions -Sheathing Only • Install over wood structural panels a minimum 7/16 Category with an APA° Trademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC PS 1 or PS 2. Exception: LP' FlameBloce Fire -Rated OSB Sheathing. • Fastener length: Long enough tofully penetrate wood structural panel sheathing by at least 1/4 inch. Ensure that the ring shanks of the fastener fully engage the wood structural panel sheathing. (Diagram 3a) Fastener placement: A minimum 3/4 inch down from top edge of siding! Fasteners shall be placed 1 inch from ends, excluding the width of the shipla p. (Diagram 3a) • Fastener spacing: Space ring shank nails a maximum of 8 inches o.c. across the top of siding. (Diagram 4a) • Use a minimum 0.092 inch diameter shank, hot -dipped galvanized or stainless steel ring shank nail. Fasteners shall be corrosion resistant and capable of preventing rust, stain and deterioration under normal outdoor environmental conditions for a period of no less than 50 years. Fasteners: Minimum 0.092 inch diameter, hot -dipped galvanized (ASTM A-153) or stainless steel ring shank nail. Apply and correct overdriven nails as shown fnTable 3a. • Sealant: Use an exterior -quality, non - hardening, paintable sealant. Use a Class 25or higher exterforsealant meeting the ASTM C920 Standard for Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. Follow the sealant manufacturer's instructions for application. • Paint: An exterior -quality 100%acrylic latex paint, specially formulated for use on wood and engineered wood substrates, is highly recommended. Semi -gloss or satin finish off or alkyd paints are acceptable. • For flat alkyd paint, please check with the coating manufacturerfor their recommendations for use on composite wood siding. 3a Sheathing 3/40 min. (19 mm) Nail fully Penetration sheathing - at least 1 /4" (6 mm) Reveal 5-1/2' to 6-1/20 (140 mm to 165 mm) Water - Resistive Barrier 1-1/rmin. (38 mm) — overlap a 3 Fastening Instructions - Sheathing Only (continued) Apply siding to wall assembly directly to wood structural panel sheathing. Begin by,nalling a starter strip (approximately 3/8Inch thick 1-1/2 Inch wide) flush with bottom edge of sill plate. Starting from left to right, level and install the siding so the bottom edge is no more than 1/2 inch below the starter strip. Use the alignment bead In shiplap edge as a spacing guide. Do not overlap the alignment bead. (Diagrams4b & Sb) To obtain the best staggered joint appearance of siding, cut and fasten the starter pieces of each course according to the following steps: o Cut 1 st course starter piece 3/4 inch from the left, this will remove only the top shiplap from the overall length of panel, o Cut 2nd course starter piece 13 inches from the left, that measurement Includes the length of the shiplap, o Cut3rd course starter piece 6 inches from the left, that measurement includes the length of the shiplap, o Cut 4th course starter piece 8 inches from the left, that measurement includes the length of shiplap, o Repeat this same sequence every four courses. (Diagram 4a) Lap a minimum of 1-1/2 inches. This will vary based on siding reveal selected. Reveal can be between 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 inches. The siding should fit against corner trim boards leaving a 3/16 inch space, the opposite shiplap edge is facing upto receive the next piece of siding. Comertrim E In Cut off B" from left side Cut ,l'If from left side3rd course ti' Cut off 1 from left side 2nd course .e if 1 — _ >L �s� M r 4c LP Snar , ide Perfon Shingle Alternative Fastening Option: Rigid Foam insulation over Furring Strips, or on Concrete/Masonry Walls over Furring Strips • Install over a minimum tx4 nominal size Southern Pine furring strips with a specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.55, no more than 16 inches o.c. in wind speed areas less than or equal to 200 mph. Fastened with a minimum 0.120 inch shank diameter, hot dip galvanized (ASTM A153) or stalniess steel ring shank nail Nail a minimum 3/41nch down from top edge of the siding. • Lap a minimum of 1-1/2 inches. This will vary based on siding reveal selected. Reveal can be 5-1/2to 6-1/2 inches. • Blind nail with a minimum of two ring shank nails per furring strip. (Diagram 6a) • Shiplap;joints shall occur over furring strips. (Diagram 6a) • Fastener length shall fully penetrate a minimum 1 /2 inch into furring strips. Caution: fastener shall not bottom out on a masonry wall leaving the fastener headless than flush with the face of trim or siding. • Siding shall be installed to safely resist all loads,:lncluding wind loads, of the locally adopted building codes: The installation of siding shall result in a system that provides a load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point oforigin through the load -resisting elements to the structure. The mechanical connection of the furring strip to structure is the responsibility of a design professional. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the design of the mechanical connection of the furring strip to the structure and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. • The 2015 IRC and 2014 Florida Residential Code require a water-resistant barrier be used on all exterior walls, except over concrete or masonry walls per Exception 1 in Section R703.1,1 of both Codes. ,LP always requires the use of WRB behind LP' SmartSde® products. LP will assume no responsibility for any damage or condition arising from a failure to use a WRB. • Louisiana-Pacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or condition arising from the use of rigid foam insulation. E • Minirnum 2 fasteners per furring strip • Minimum 4 fasteners per furring strip at sh iplap Joint • Prime all exposed wood substrate before painting. • Thoroughly paint the bottom edges of siding, especially all cut ends next to the roof line. • Apply pant as soon as possible and within 180 days of application. • Followthe coating manufacturer's application and maintenance instructions. DO NOT USE: .Semi-tra sparent and transparent stain. Shake and shingle paints. Vinyl -based resin formulas such as vinyl acetate, PVA, vinyl acetate/acrylic copolymer paints. CAUTION: HANDLE PREFINiSHED LP SMARTSIDE PRODUCTS WTH EXTREME CARE DURING STORAGE AND APPLICATION. TOUCH UP ANY DAMAGETO THE FINISH THAT MAY OCCUR DURING APPLICATION PER PREFINISHERS SPECIFICATIONS. The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LP") LP" SmartSide°Trim and Siding (the "P.oducts")Limited Warranty (the "Warranty') applies only to structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and maintained in accordance with the published application, finishing and maintenance Instructions In effect at the time of application. Products affected by a failure to follow such application, finishing or maintenance instructions ("AffectedProducts") will be excluded from coverage under the Warranty. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the Affected Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss orliability. Any modification of the Warranty or the application, finishing and maintenance requirements is.void unless approved in writing by LP prior toapplication. For a copy of the warranty or Installation and technical support, visit the LP Web site at: www.locorp.com WARRANTY REMEDIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. or for additional support ca 11800-450-6106 Cal. Prop 65 Warning: Use of this product may result in exposure to wood dust, known to the State of California to.cause cancer. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 414 Union Street, Suite 2000 Nashville,TN 37219 www.ipcorp.com www.lpsmartside.com C 2017 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, All rights reserved: LP,. SmartSide, and FlameBlock are registered trademarks of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation. APA is a registered trademark of APA -The Engineered Wood Association.; NOTICE: Louisiana-Pacific Corporation periodicallyupdatesand revises its product information. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. To verify that this version is current, tali 800-450-6106. . LPZB0766 7/17 LF BUILDING PRODUM, LPID SmartSidell-38 Series Strand Substrate Vertical Siding for Board BattenApplications This Technical Note provides guidance for the application of LP° SmartSide° 38 Series Strand Substrate Vertical Siding for Board & Batten Applications. Additional application information may be found in LP® SmartSide° Strand Substrate Panel Siding Application instructions and LP° SmartSide® Trim and Fascia Application Instructions. LP SmartSide 38 Series Strand Substrate Vertical Siding for Board & Batten applications, according to the following requirements. Siding must be installed over a minimum 7/16 Category wood structural panels with an APA Trademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC PS 1 or PS 2. o Exception: LP° FlameBlock® Fire -Rated OSB Sheathing • Vertical Siding or Batten may only span one plate -to -plate. Due to plate shrinkage, each vertical application is not to span beyond one floor to ceiling distance, or one floor to top of gable distance. (See Figures 4 & 5) ■ Vertical Siding SHALL NOT be installed horizontally. Battens must be a minimum 0.5 x 2.5 Inches actual size. ■ Finish/Paint: o Prime and paint all field cuts and exposed ends following the paint manufacturer's instructions • Vertical Siding must be: spaced a minimum of 3/16 (See Figure 3) • Sealant is not required in any vertical joint covered by Batten and backed by a WRB. ■ Minimum Fastener Type for Vertical Siding: o Corrosion Resistant— Hot -dipped galvanized (ASTM A153) or stainless steel o Ring Shank o Shank diameter= 0.091 inch o Head diameter = 0.221 inch o Length = fastener shall be long enough to fully penetrate structural panel sheathing. Ensure that the ring shanks of the nail fully engage the wood structural panel wall sheathing. — Caution: Choose a fastener length that will not damage wiring or other utilities in the exterior wall assembly Page 1 of S Date Created: 12122 2016 Last Revision: nla ADDXW 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN TEL (815)986-SG06 M (615) 966-5666 VM w .Ipmrp.c • Fastener Placement for Vertical Siding: o Maximum 3/8 inch from ends and edges (See Figure 2) ■ Fastener Spacing for Vertical Siding: o Fastened a maximum of 6 o.c. along the perimeter (See Figure 2) s .Minimum Fastener Type for Batten: Corrosion Resistant - Hot -dipped galvanized (ASTM A153) or stainless steel Ring Shank - Ring Shank nails provide superior resistance to fastener pull -through. In Hurricane -Prone Regions or locations where negative wind, loads area concern, ring shank nails should be used. Trim nails may be used in other locations with the following cautions: Do not overdrive or counter sink the fastener, nail flush with the surface of batten. Batten nails shall be installed. per the length, placement, spacing and quantity requirements listed in this document. Detachment„ of batten is not covered by the LP SmartSide'limited warranty whether ring shank or trim nails are used. o Shank diameter= 0.091 inch o Head diameter = 0.221 inch o Length =fastener shall belong enough to fully penetrate Vertical Siding - Caution: Choose a fastener length that will not damage wiring or other utilities in the exterior wall assembly a Fastener Placement for Battens: o Maximum 3/8 inch from ends and edges (See Figure 1) ■ Fastener Spacing for Battens: Fastened with two nails at both ends, with additional fasteners spaced a maximum of 12 inches o.c. along alternating edges the length of the batten (See Figure 1) ■ Do not bridge floors with Vertical Siding or Battens. Create a'horizontal joint between floors. (See Figure 4) ■ Vertical Siding must be applied in a manner that will not allow moisture intrusion or water buildup. a Refer to LP° SmartSide° Strand Substrate Panel Siding Application Instructions and LPm SmartSidea Trim and Fascia Application Instructions for additional application information. Page 2of5 Date Created: 1212212016 Last Revision: n/a ADDRESS 414 Union Sheet Suite 2000 Nashville, TN TEL (815)966.5600 Lox (615) 986.5666 STAB vxrx.IPcocp.MM Batten LP® SmartSide° Trim/Batten 12" o.c. max: 3/8" max. from ends and edges Figure 1 Page 3 of 5 Date Created: 1212212o16 Last Revision: Na Vertical Siding Figure 2 LP° SmartSide° Vertical Siding 3/8" max. from ends and edges 6" o.c. max. ADD6$48 414 Union Street Su to 2000 Nashville, TN M (515) 986-5600 MAX (615) g86-5666 WM v Jpoorp.wm Figure 3 Date Created: 12t22/2016 last Revision: n/a Page 4 of 5 LP° SmartSide® Trim/Batten LPm SmartSide° Vertical Siding min. 3/16" space, Water -Resistive Barrier Wall Sheathing Fastener ADDFMS 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville. TN IML (615) 96&5600 YA% (615) 986-5666 WEE WWW.lpcory.com Two,Story One Floor to Ceiling Horizontal Joint between Floors LPm SmartSideO Trim/Batten — LP° SmartSide° Vertical Siding - 4" Wide Adhesive Flashing ed Metal Z-flashing Floor Sheathing Wall Sheathing Water -Resistive Barrier Floor Framing artSide® Siding artSide® Aten — Figure 4 Page 5 of 5 Date Created., 12122/2016 Lest Revision: n/a Orie Story One Plate -to -Plate Figure 5 ADDRESS 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN TEL (615)986.5600 1?A8 (616) 986-5666 1PEB mmipcorp.com Installing LP® SmartSide° Trim and Lap Siding on Concrete or Masonry Walls over Furring Strips in Florida (V,,It Wind Speeds) This Technical Note is an addendum to the LP' SmartSide" Trim and Fascia, and LP® SmartSide® Lap siding Application Instructions ("Instructions"). It is intended to provide an alternative fastening option for LP SmartSide trim and lap siding on concrete.or masonry walls over furring strips. The instructions remain effective except as may be modified by this Note. 'Refer to the Instructions for all other aspects of product installation. Trim and lap siding may be installed on concrete or masonry walls over furring strips: Trim and lap siding must be installed over a minimum 1x4 nominal size Southern Pine furring strips with a specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.55. o Install furring strips no more than 16"o.c. in wind speed areas less than or equal to 200 MPH' Siding shall be installed to safely support all loads, including wind loads, of the locally . adopted building codes. The installation of siding shall result in a system that provides a load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of origin through the load -resisting elements to the structure, The mechanical connection of the furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure is the responsibility of a design professional. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the design of the mechanical connection of the furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure and is expressly, released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. Minimum Fastener Type: o Corrosion Resistant —Hot Dipped Galvanized or equal (ASTM A153)2 o Ring Shank' o Shank diameter = 0.120 inch o Head diameter = 0.270 inch o Length =fastener shall fully penetrate a minimum 1/2 inch into nailable furring Caution: fastener shall not bottom out on masonry wall leaving the fastener head less than flush with the face of trim or siding. Page 1 of 3 Data Created: 12/0412015 Last Revision: 12/17/2015 dDDUM 04 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN TE-7 (81s)986-560o "AX (615) 98&5666 W10 w Jpcorp.com ` ■ The 2012 IRC and 2014 Florida Residential Code require a water-resistant barrier be used on all exterior walls, except over concrete or masonry walls per Exception 1 in Section R703.1.1 of both Codes. LP always requires the use of a WRB behind LP° SmartSides products. LP has no responsibility for any damage arising from a failure to use a WRB. Lap Siding ■ Limitations: o For use with Strand substrate lap (all widths) and/or Fiber substrate lap (up to 8 inches wide only) o Excluding Cedar Shake Fiber Lap, Bold Profiles Fiber Lap, Self -Aligning Fiber Lap, and SmartLock"m Strand Lap Fastening Requirements: o Place fasteners 3/4 inch from top edge of lap siding o Increase minimum lap siding overlap to 1-1/8 inch o Blind nail two fasteners per furring strip (every 16" o.c.) Page 2 of 3 Date Created: 12 /0412015 Last Revision: 12/17/2015 ADn8SS6 414 Union street Suite 2000 Nashville. TN (615) 9665600 E48 (615)986=5666 17ID w .lpmrp.wm � r a Trim Limitations: o In Florida where high negative wind loads area concern, box or common hails should be used. . — Trim nails may be used in Non -Hurricane -Prone Regions with:the following cautions: Do not overdrive or counter sink the fastener, nail flush with the surface of trim. Detachment of trim Is not covered by the LP® SmartSide® limited warranty whether common, box, or trim nails are used. Fastening Requirements: o Two fasteners spaced a maximum of every 24 inches o.c. along the length of the trim, or two fasteners at both ends with additional fasteners spaced a maximum of every 12 inches o.c. along alternating edges the length of the trim. o Trim under 7 inches wide use a minimum of 2 nails per width. Trim Ito 12 inches wide use a minimum of 3 nails per width. Trim over 12 inches wide use a minimum of 4 nails per width. L Wind speed is Ultimate Design Wind Speed/ Zone S/ 10 ftz/ 30 foot height. See 2014 FRC. z'Corrosion resistance and capable of preventing rust, stain and deterioration of the fasteners under normal outdoor environmental conditions for a period of no less than 50 years. For further information or guidance, consult your nail supplier/manufacturer. 3'Ring shank nails shall be capable of the performance specified in Table 1A Ring -Shank Nail Withdrawal Loads of APA publication TT-109, Wood Structural Panels Used as Noilable Sheathing when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1761, Standard Test Method for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood and NDS-2015. For further information or guidance, consult your nail supplier/manufacturer. Date Created: 12/04/2015 Last Revision: 12 I712015 Page 3 of 3 ADIMM 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville. TN 'f " (615)986-5600 FAX (615) 986-5666 1723 rJpcorp=n