HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E..SMITE, `CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT CO T — SAINTt FILE # 4508924 OR BOOK 4210 PAGE 2329,@Tc� nr.an wu.omm�onet uv ,... PFAMRNI1MBEn• NOTICE OF COMI The Undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made It Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of cc 1. DESCRU'TION OPPROPrRly fugal description and street adds River. SUBDIVISION! Fr^^t ,BIACB TRACT / QLGQ\2ekg Sectic 2.GENMULDESCRnYnONOFBeltOVEMENC: single 3. OWNER INFORMATION:- a. Name n�, b.Addrsss 8000 S. USl, Suite 402, PSL 1 d. Name and address.ofhe simple titleholder (if other char owoer)_ 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER:. 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE -NUMBER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notio Seuioa 713.13 (q(aj 7, Florida Statues: NAHZ ADDRESS AND PHONE NUnmER:Doug .Brantley 1 S. In addition to himself or herself. Owner designates; the following to receive 713.13 (1)(b). Florida Statutes: 9. Expiration date of rodse of sammu.eement (the esplcadoncram if 1 SPc66ed) _'20, Signsluct of Owner or print Owner's Authorized OfDur/Dlreemr/PortaerlMaaager State of Flarida Countydf_$ . 1.11rle. 1 V The fortgoing in tcument was acknowtrdged before me this _ref dal By Matthew Lvle Wynne ,as, V (Name orpersan) - '('type of pot Wynne. Buildinq Corporation (Name: ofparty on behaifof whom iostrument was executed), Personally 10?e0Tsw AA(N BAaK, (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signature oIN Public Under penalties of perjury. I declare that 1 have read the foregoing and that belief (aeedon 92.525, Fladda Statutes). Signatures) of Own or Owner(s)' Authorized OffieedD! r• , By. By— ni.. etdarmmtasmsHal .. LVCIE COUNTY 2/07/2018 11:50:4o AM 9 real property, and inaedordancecwith Chapter 713. NUMBER' 3427-111-0002— 000/5 LDG— UNIT _ a. interest in property may be served, as,prov)ded by provided in Section date. of recording unless 2 different date is and Provide Sigr atory's'Title/Offiee 2o�. y..x.g. Owner, officer. trustee. attorney in fact) �orproduccd thcIallowing type of ID: it are free to the but of my lmo%vltdge and sinned above: t SCANNED BY Lucie County