HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARDIE PLANK PAPERWORKDEC 10 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting PROJECT RIO-2683-17 ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE@ BRAND FIBER -CEMENT PLANKS TO WOOD OR METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTF1 'oxr�iiilo AF 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 LE U TABLE OF CONTENTS SCANNED BY St. Lucie County COVER PAGE EVALUATION SUBJECT EVALUATION SCOPE EVALUATION PURPOSE REFERENCE REPORTS TEST RESULTS TABLE to and1B, RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING SUMMARY OF FASENTER DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS TABLE 2A THROUGH TABLE 20, ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES TABLE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p TABLE 4, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B TABLE 5, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C TABLE 6, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D TABLE 7, ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED (MPH) FOR HARDIEPLANK SIDING LIMITATIONS OF USE PAGE 1 3 3-4 5-6 7-11 12 12 13 13 13 14-57 57 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7 -10, THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. Tc ESE Fl-/DNS AND ALL PROPOSED INORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS PREPARED BY: REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE COMPLY WITH ALLNECESSARY INORDER APPLICABLE CODES. RONALD 1. OGAWA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PC G ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUL REVIEWED FOR COMPLI LH_1 OGAW4 Qom• ',...y�. •...- o :• STATE OF I 90 •. FLORXID �-cNiO—NA%- �,''� PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) ' MADE RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16935 ALGONQUIN STREET 11443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 9264E 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: R10.2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-088-S42-7343 infogameshardie.mm EVALUATION SUBJECT HattlI0Pla islD Lap Siding James Hardie Product Trade Names covemd In this valuation: HardiePlank® Lap Siding, CemPlenik® Smug, Prevaaw Lap Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7-10 2017 Flafda Scalding Code 20151mema0aNl Bitldmp Cade® EVALUATION PURPOSE: This WMIYSIS Is to delermind the maximum design 3aewd guslvAnd speed to he resist by an assumbly t HadePLank (CemPle k, Proved Lap) sidem festered to vwod a metal Naming with rings or REFERENCE REPORTS: 1. Imertek Report=7913 (ASTM CI186) Material properties HerdiePmnk SkWg 2 Ramlech Laboratories, Inc Report 1059341611395 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test, 61160 Thick by 7.5 inch We HardmPUnk Lap Sk@g installed an 2X4 V LRrwood sleds spec, M 16 Inches on cemer Wth a 0.093 kWh shank by 0,222 inch heed diameter by 2.5 Nch long galvanized suing read 3. Remtech Laboratories, Irm Report IC-1634418 (ASTM E330) Transverse Load Test, 5116• Tldrk by 9.5IM Wtle HardlePlak Lap Siding managed an 2X4 Hem-Fbwood studs sPacem 16 Inches on mmaw4h a Number 11 gauge 1.T4 inch long galvanied roeTmg cal 4. Rmntedi Laboratories, lM Report IC-1020A8 (ASTM E330) Trarrsvase Load Test WIG' Thick by 9.5Inch vAde HadeAank Lap MOM Installed on 2X4 HemFbwood stuns site at 16 haters on center with a 6d cerement nod 5. Remtech Laboratories. Int. Report 214907-10 (C) (ASTM E390) Transverse Load Test SNe• TNdk by 825Inch Wale HaNiaPlenk Lap Siring Installed an 2X4 Doug-Fo-Lard, wmtl shads space at 16 Inches an center WIn an Ild ring shank box nod, 0.113 inch shank by 0.260 Inch head diameter by 2.375 Inds long 6. Ramtech Laboratories, Ire. Report 2149A7.10 (E) (ASTM E330) Trmouerse Load Test 5MW ThIcks by 825 chi, Wde HardiePlan k lap Siding instated an 2X4 Doug-Fb-Imo, wood sods space at 16 Inches an wrier vw h a 0.092 6rch shark by 0222 inch head diameter by 2.5 inch lag gahwared a" ray 7. Ramtech Laboratories, t2 Report 2341-0&06 (ASIM E330) Tra evorme Load Test &16' TNdk by 825 inch wide HardieRak Lap Siding b¢teBed on 2X4 Do gFw-LmN wood suds space at 16 inches on render vAh a 0A192 inch shank by 0222Inch Lead dianetm by 2Inch long galvanized siding red 3 Ravmech Laboratories, Inc Report 214907-10 (F) (ASTM E330) Tmaaverae Load TesL 5fIW Thick by 1125 Nit, vide HardePl ak Lap Sift Installed on 2X4 Spr ce_PMaFur wand studs space an 16 Inches on wrier Wth a 0.092Inch shank by 0.222"hand diameter by 2.5 hich long galvanized siding nag A Rwlech Laboratories, Inc. Report 11140554 (ASTM E330) Trarsverse Load Test 5116•TMrk by 6.25 inch vAde Had',ePlaik Lap S" Installed an 20 gauge meted sods spaced at 16 end 24 Inches on intervAth EW kraeled pin fastener 10. Ramtedi Laboratories, Irrc Report 11149115548 (ASTM E330) Traareme Load Test Still -Thick by I25 hRh wide HardePlo k Lap Sift bataW an 20 gauge metal suds spaced at 10 end 24 Iles 06AN `i STA .FLOF ,FSSION RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 9443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT. RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-088-542-7343 irdoMamesherdiaoom TEST RESULTS: Table 1A Resells of Ttansronse Load Testing forCmIlge2tlons with Stael Framing Report Nmnber 11148 11149 11149 11149 11149 71149 IP103588 11654 11554 f1654B ,we 11554A f1554A Test Agency Ramtech Ramlerh Reattach Rambxh Rmnbch RamtKh Romtech Thickness(hLI 0.3125 0.312E 03125 0.3125 03125 0.3125 0.3125 With (h) 625 6.25 &25 825 12 12 9.6 Frame Type 20 go. sled 20 a g 20 ga steel 20 sa 20 ga. sled steel 20 ga steel 20 ga. sled 6tlld9 Sled SIU ld9 studs stub shuts labs eNtls Frame Spacing (In.) 16 24 16 24 16 24 16 ETdF ETBF ETBF ET&F ETBF ETBF No. eX1- lauded 0.1w 0.7O0d 0.100• DAW 114•Iwo X lauded kniale banned loxvled londetl FesimterType sly shankdims shank s� shaled shank shank beed head dmnetmx wametetx d1me elder dimnelerx diameter diameter 025WNO 0.26TNO x13' 03 0.313d HD x0.250• x0.25W xd.250• fibbed xlz" xu.5•long HDx1.S xlSd log NO x 1.5' NO 1.5d wafer head lag btg 1or9 screw Fastmvng Method Face real Few ne9 Blind and Ofitd nail Face na7 Face nail BLrw Teri 1110mme Load (psQ 317 1 173 1 64 1 SD I 157 a1 1692 Design Lead (ps) 10.4.7 51.7 21.3 18.7 60.9 27.0 66.4 EgaFastctiva TOUWarylVeB (s0B) 0.556 O.B33 0.7/8 1.u67 1.194 1.782 0.817 as lasted Wishner) Wishner) 517 48.1 18.6 19A 60.1 48A 51.7 1. Allowable Design Land Is the Ultlmete Load divided M a Fetlor of sally of 3. 2. HeNkSlirgk Slwng cempiles vAm ASTM C7186, Standard Spemmatkn for Grade 11, Type A Nomesbestas FiberG.mmn Flat Slxrefs. o -�FFssioNa�g'I �1 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 0443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-26D2 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT: R162553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-8N.S42-7343 info@jemeshsrdie.wm Table 18. Results of Transverse Load Te"b"' fpcEogDO- onswim Wood Framing Report Nnmhber 105 10f034-88 1 1020• 2149-07- 214M7- 2341-08- 214%W-10 96h BB 10 C lom w In Test Agency Runs Reattach I Rimtech Ramlech Ra n ech Ramtedl Reattach Thldmess (in.) 0.312 1 0.3125 1 C13125 0.3125 0.3125 03125 0.3125 Wtlth(N.) 7.5 9.5 9.5 825 &25 0.25 825 Frame Type 2X4W d 2X4 wood 2) wood 2X4 wood 2X4woed 2X4wood 2X4wood H Hern-Fir- H TeFir DFL DFL DFL SPF Frame Spacing W 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ed sl ' 1 3R' 8d ring 8d siting 6d sideg w aiding na7, 0. No. 11 ga. 6d stmnk bnx �' net.rW, 0.p92' Fastener Type X 0. X RuofNg co on sell, 0.117 0.09r x 0.09r X X 022r X 25' nag soX0.260•X 02=X 0.222'X 25' 2375' 2.5' r Fastener Length(m.) 2. 1.75 2 2375 2.5 2 2.5 Fastening Methad Blind t g Blind net FYp.M Face.0 Few nag Few ne7 Fete nag Ult mate Load (Pat) 92 146.6 1199 296 263 165 168 Design Load (PA 30. 4&9 166.3 88.7 84.3 65.0 56.0 Effective TdbLbryAm(syft) 00 1 0.917 10.917 0.778 0.778 0.778 0.778 Festerrer Load. as tested 21 44.8 60.8 7&7 65.8 42.8 43.6 (Blfastenes) Adjusted ve0drewal desgn load (9Mastener). W 51.1 43.6 39.2 84,0 67.0 49.1 43.0 Net Fastener Penetration (in.), P 2.1 1.438 .375 1.750 1.875 1.375 1.875 Wood Specific Graft G 0.42 0.42' .42' 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.42 Nag Shenk Diameter (in.). D Om 0.120 1.113 &113 0.092 0.092 0.092 Withdrawal design valw per NDS 2015 or ESR-1539(6fn. pene1rsGon), 14. 18.9 17.111 30.0 223 22.3 14.3 W CW. dihtl fd4fe11CYid1684d I6tl13 oary9PL VMaRte9t rm1M �me ms mare mnwatNe aio wh9 Oe use4 *The assgnedspedScgmNycf Hem Firin ND 015190.43,howe 0.42 is used in this analysis In order to a" the specifiegramy of SPF IOrMo. vAch is move popular. 1. Allowable Design Lead is me UNmate Load drvidM a of safely of 3. 2. HardiesNngie Skfmg corroesw0h ASTM C718& standard Spedrmabbn for Grade I( Type Nonasbestos Fiber -Cement Fiat Sheets. 3. Calrasated fester erxttherasol betl Is mnperea with the test resit and the move camansdh t me wit be used. Fa a0 cases in the table, the sAusted %ffhdrawal design value, W. is calculated as W-CD-W-P Where. CD - load duration fades per NDS-2015 Table 232 fa whWeadnquake bad =1.8 W =v&Urawai design value, calculated per NDS-2015 or ESR-1639, 4i haver applicable P = fastaw embadment depth, In. When nag shank, D. 2 0.099Inch but Si 0375Inch for smooth shank nags, NDS-2015 equation (1 t.2-3) is used to wlWate wMWavol design val m W-1380-G(W) D Where. G =vvead specific gravgypar Table 11.3.3A D = na7 shank diameter. In. Man ne0 shank, Di is less umn 0.099 mdh, a in the case of rhg shank togs, fire withdrawal design vakms were obtained from ICC-ES ESR-1539 TOble, 2. 1. OGAw9 o =. STATE 0 `�FSS1pNAI-ExuM'�J �7 '- RONALD I. OGAW4ASSOCIATES, Ih 16835 ALGONO IN STREET 4443 HUNTIN( EACH, CA 92649 FAX JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-ti8B-542-7343 info@jameshanliemm Summary based on Report 10593-86M393lZ5 In. Imm by 0.083 In. shank by 0.222 In. land diameter) siding nails blh d nailed Into wood studol, Nag withdrawal design load was determined to be 14.6 and. penetration, based an ESR-1639 Taisho 2, for 0.097sm oath shank call with 0.42 wood specific gravity. The adjusted fastener vtthdraxal design value Vy= Co' W -P- s 51.1 Ito. The tested design fastener bad with a factor of safety applied Is 21.3 pounds per fastener, which Is less than the adjusted fastonervdlhdrawd design value of 51.1 pounds, so to be cCrsenva6ve, the tested fasters load of 21.3 ponds w5 be used for the cala latim Celwlation for lid sitting nag (2In long by 0.0931a shank by 0.222 in. head dismetor) blind nailed Into wood studs: Using it. same frnber. but dargag the nag Mngth to a 6d siding nag (2 4. long by 0.093 in. shank by 0.2221n. head diameter) yields an adjusted fadenerwlihdaxal design value of 42.0 pounds parfaderiur Ne0 withdrawal design vakre. W =14.6 ain penetradom Net Pmabation for a 2'ral through 5116' lam cmnerd. P=1.688•; W - Co' W - P - IA- 39.4 Westener). Based on the rationale below, a lid slung net can be directly subsumed for the lid skiing net 1)Ths mode of falure fin the 2.5 inch long by 0.093Inch shank by 0.222 Inch head diameter shdug nags Is fastener head q0 through the faer-mhmnl the Mad dwneter mnNols tre (same, Me 66 and 8e sidng nal have tre same head diameter (0.2M. and 2) The adusted fastener vetldrawal design value for th 2 inch long by 0.093Inch shank by 0.222 Inch Mad rfmneng siding rag is 39.4 Wagons, this exceeds the teat fastener design teed of 21.3aseastener. For to two reasora above. the fig sitting rag blind railed rah duedysu bsttae t e ed siding rag of the same shank and had dimnetens. Results InTebls 2F mused to calculate shareable basis wind speed forthe 6d going nag (2 inch larg by0.093Iyh shank by 0.222Inch head dames) bkW nailed Into wood st ds. ''1- OGAWq Q� '..>K......- ko •.• STA OF ,r• 4, ��� -=FS'SIONA\- g' 1 j JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888S42-7343 Inca@jemeshardia.com RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 0443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2563.15 Summary based an R"amt IC•10:1448 (No 110 1 m jot rappm, poll blimin.1jes, into wand atuds) The adjusted fastener withdrawal design values, W. Is calculated per NDS2015: SPOeOc gravity, G-0.42 (use are specific graft of SPF lumber hstead of 0.43 for Hem Fit); Not shank diameter, D=0.120` Nag Penetration depth for 1.75' nag Instated an 5116' flaw cameo plank, P=1.438 Calculated Wbdm A design value, W-1380 • G(5)2) • 0 = 1380'(0A2)V.5.0./20-18.9 WM peretra ors: Adjusted withdrawal design value, W - CD • W • P = - 43.5 b. The tested design festeran load with a fact" of safety 3 applied W 44.8 pounds per fastener, which Is larger than the NDS adjusted fastener withdrawal design value of 43.5 ponds. Herert for tshda9an of a9mwabb basic wind speed, tested fastener load of 43.5 Pounds for a No. 11 gouge 1.75 truch long manna, nag wil be used. In TOW 2G below, the fastener bed Is held canstam at 43.5 Wsaastener for each plank width. the agmxable siding design bad is beck calculated from the tested fastener design bad. Sitting design lead is equal to fostevm design load divided by fastener tributary. Results in Table 26 ere used W calculate plowable basic wind speed for tie Number 11 gauge 1.751nch long rooltrro nail. Calculation for No. 11 gal 1.26- long roofing nail blind nallod Into wood studs: Report IC-1034-08(1.7Slong llga. aofure nag)yielded a tested fastener bad o144.79loftmterer with the failure mode hemp fastener head pug through to fib"+zmem. Therefore via know gal the fibuo- erd fastened bbW nailed with a roofng nd is funded la 44.79 WAastener. Using the same timber as Specifed in Report 16103448, butclanging the nal length to a 125Inches lent yields ea adjusted fasterr rwithdmwal design value of 29.4 pounds perfestener. Calculated WWhdmwal design value. W =18.9 Mft penetrdK Nail penetration depth f" 1.25 red Instated over 5116' fiber cmnW plank, P = 0.988'; Adjlated WAhdrawal design value, W - CD • W • P=1, 28.4 bRasfener. In tlds ease, the adjusted withdrawal design value is pre eanaul faster, since its less than the tested design fasener load. Siding design Wad is equal to fastener design bad of28.4 bRastererdaddedbyfast"t"tributary. See Table 2H balm, far the calculated siting design Wads for each plank with. Results nTebie 2H mused ocalalateaso ablewhd speed f" the Number 11 gauge 1.25Inch I"g roofing nod used in a bind tm0 eppleation, Summame based on 8222A 1020-M (6d common nail face n,Ikd into d hid 1 The adjusted festenerw ithdrewd design value based an NDS-201515392 pounds per fastener. The tested design festers, Wad with a to=of sdet3 applied is 60.8 pounds per faste er. The NOS acqusox!festenerwi0grawad design value of39.2 pounds is mere rpseryatae Wen compared against to tested fastener Wad. Hemefmcaiculationafa0wrable basic wind speed, the sing design load fen a 6d common nail face wiled wil be calculated hazed on the NDS2015 adusted fasterwrwghdrevsl design value 39.2 rWastener. Sere Table 21 belmvfm the randated skimp design beds for each plank width using a 6d common. Results In Table 21 mused to calculate allowable basic wind speedfor the 6d common nag, face idled. Calculation for 8d common na0 face nailed boo wood soda: We would As to use the ultimate test values obtained in report 102088. to do pis we propose substitaft an Sd common nag fen the tested 6d common nat. Doing this substitution resolves,the disparity between the NDS and tested values an fasteners. Below are the rationale for substlamhg to ed smuts, far to 6d common nail used in testing report 1020-88 to achieve the stated climate test lead of 199 Pat, a design load of 66.3 pst. 1) Use the same timaer as In the report, but change the red to a lager 8d c mmorf nag (2.5' lung x 0.131-shank diameter 0281' head diameter); 2) The 8d common yields an NDS acqasted fave erwitd rawal design vale of 65.8 pads per fastener Speetic grevihy, G=0.42; Shad( diameter, D-0.131'; Net Pae4redon two 2.5' nag 0wmgh two, layers"6116' finerramend =1.875'; Withdrawal design value, W =1380 • GA5(1) • D - 26.67 min penetrators, Adjusted withdrawal design vobe,W - CD•WP = 1.6. 62.0 b. 3) The mode of fad"ef"the 6d corm an nag (report 1020-M) is ostererwithdatial from timber. Snse the 8d merman nag has a lwgu beam0 errs "dm Oeodemm head then to 6d comm"h, via ash anbcpee m bast tie same fasten Pul Osough capaatyfmm poi 8d common nak • Sd common head bearing area (head diameter= 0.265InMro, shank diameter 0.113Inches) = 0.0455 aq IMes; • Bd common head bearing area (head diameter= 0.281 Inches, &hard( diameter 0.131 roams) - 0.0485 sq mches; 4) The NDS adjusted festemerwithdrawai design value for the ed common Is 52.09ulaslenar, this exceeds the tested fastener design load of 60.8 thsflastuer (f, a lid common In repot 102DA8).0eref"e m rant use gal ulmnate feAm preavxe of 199 pdo mbigm a design pressae 68.3 psf wldh en Bd common na0 (6Dg WsBastei f).0ds vr71 beused to rak,W91e wind ktesig , For War4reasonsabove,ge BdcmnmomcanbecheatwbSWt dfmthe6dcommonusedinfelW1020E See TaW,2JfurtheralnlaWsidingdesgnbadeforeachpLMwddlh. Results In Table 2J am wed to calculate allowable bask what speed for tie 8d common nad fete wood into wood sods. Summsm board on Report 2149,07-10 (C) led ins shank has nail fact nailed low wecod stud.), Nag withdrawal design bad was determined to be 30 Wfms penetration, based an ESR-1639 Table 2, for 0.113' deformed WeNc null Wth 0.50 vnod specific gravity. Ned Penetration depth f" 2.375' Yong nail dro gh vim layers of 511W fiber corned planks, P=1.7S; The adjusted fastenwerwOMawal design value W - Co • W - P-1.6`30.1.75= 04.0 W. The tested design fsstm"lood vim a factor of safety applied is 78.7 pmads per fast"", which la less than the adjusted fasteer vdthdmwat design value calculation of aOowaNe basic wind speed, tested fastener lead of76.7 pounds wA be used In Table 2K below, the festmu bad is held consent m 76.7 lbsnaslefer for each plank widen, the allowable sldag design load is bark calculated foal the tef Siding design load is equal to fastener design bad divided by fastener tributary. Results in Table 2K are used to maculate allowable basic wind speed fen 801 nailed into wood skids. M J RONALD I.OGAWAASSOCIATES. INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUN7INGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2553-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888542-7343 info®jameshert ie.mm Table 2G, Allowable Design Leads Based on Constard Fashnor d:N-611g& Roofing nail 13p' L, SPF led; faslsneve concealed (bMd nail) gmck fm reaGs usi g 9.5Inch plank values ember 16103488. Design bad - IAtMble lagers badIFOS--146.6psM -49.9 pal Effective tdoutM • ((plank vAM exposed b weafber X stud spacirg)1144)- ((8.25-/15) X 16YI44 =0.9167 sq.R Fastener had = design bad X b0gdary area =48.9 X.0167=44.79 Pam%. which vet be iced for the oM1. "cn P4uned fastenerw withdrawal bad ban NDS-2015 =43.5 h7asVml. in this case n am maerva5ue and will be used for the calculation CaWdated allowable design oad- fastener bed tested mdition dadby eras bibubuy fir the 1111 to be calculated � a o e v HarmePleN[N70N O'c'aga c @� 6 a fi 5.25525 ri m w S 7.?w 30 16 0.4141 -97.88 4 4350 6.25 16 0.6656 -78.30 43SO 725 16 0.6667 -fi5.2S 43.60 7.5 16 0.6944 -62.64 43.60 e 16 0.7500 56.00 4350 8.25 I6 0.7778 55.93 43.50 9.25 16 0.8889 48.94 43.50 M5 -14&e 18 0.MoT 47.45 4350 12 18 1.1941 38.42 I 43.50 1 0 g w^ w CLC . SSA =a6 m 24 0.6667 3525 Z4 0.11m S2.20 24 1.0000 43.60 24 15417 41.76 24 1A250 39.67 24 1.1667 3728 24 1 1.3333 1 32.63 24 1.3760 -91.W 21 1 1.7917 1 -2428 Table 2H, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastanar load. No-11ga. Roofing col 14]V 4 SPFSUA%fastenem concoaled (blbW nail) The design bad In bids case Is limited by both test m u t of mpm IC-103488 and Adjusted wshthavei load germ NDS2015 Siffm desinloed in this case Is equal to the s tested faslenmvAOnbawd dmirin100(30.11DXast=) divided by fastener hbmervarea. 3 .� �abo.7ma �W ti3 c9HardiePlank4rfidth At amrlms5.25 16 -63.80 -WA 6.25 16 -61.12 -29,4 725 16 4260 -MA 7.5 16 40.90 41L4 8 16 37.87 -MA 8251fi 35.61 -20A 9.25 18 0.6%8 31.95 -2&4 &5 18 09167 3mm -25.4 12 16 1d944 -2Jli -".4 m h o 2• a s w m4 w 4 oa 24 0.6687 42.80 24 0.8333 34.08 24 i1iow -2&40 24 1.D417 -27.26 24 1.1250 45,24 24 1.1667 -21.34 24 1.3333 41.30 u ta760 -20.65 24 Milli I -15-M Table 21, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, 8d common nail T L, SPF Studs, fastanom exposed Ifeco nail) Check: for resins using 9.6 hrch plank values foam Repon Nernher 16102038. Design load - uAhnde (ague bedIFOS--199Pst7J e-i6.3 psf Effective pit tmye((plank width exposed to weadeu X shall spadrgV144)=((9.66125) X 16)1144 - 0.9167 sq.0. Fastener load =design load XNbulmyarea -A&33 X 0.9167 --0181 palls Adjusted fastenterwi Mmwel bad from NDS2015 a 392 btfastatm, In this rase it's mom consava6ve all wit be used fen the coloulatlon Cdalatedallowabledesi nlead=a usted tostenm WWfg"108ddMdedbvemebWm farthbC dbnbbe CdMff3led HordiePlerd( Width nches) g = c 9 ci w 4 mgg g EmE ¢ 8 w 3 m 9was ri a v LL 6.25 16 0.4444 -MM -3920 625 16 0.5558 -70.% 3920 725 16 0.6667 -58.80 3920 7.5 16 0.6944 -56.45 3920 8 16 0.7600 -62.27 3920 825 I6 0.7778 50.40 3920 925 16 0.88&9 4d.10 3920 9.6 499 18 O.B187 4Z78 3920 12I 18 I mi*a I 32.82 1 3920 S X 'o kw$v 0 boa 24 0.6667 S&80 24 0.8333 47.04 24 1.u000 39.20 2A t.0417 37.63 24 1.12% 34.M 24 1.1667 33.fi0 ?• 1.3339 -29A0 24 1.37% I -M.51 24 1 1.7917 1 -21.88 1 y v STATE OF �D,t -.FLORID? FSStONA�` (1 RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714.8474595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2653-15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1.808-642-7343 irda(djameshardie.corn sxcumn nmv r nm FBercemem aiding bansverse bad tapedt9(wind bad capatlg) B determined w compliance testing W transverse bad reticent tad s awsds. Vie the homMorae bad motion an allowable design bed Is determined based an a factor of solely of 3 applied to the ultimate test bed. Since the allowable design betl is based an factor of solely of 3, allowable design kinds an fglencemem siding rxoreide directly to mqu6ed design presses for Allowable Stress Design, and thereiom shoiid be used -eh combination loading equations for Allow" Stress Design (ASO). By using the combination loading equations for Allowable Sows Design (ASD), the tested allowable design bads farflber mnem siding are a5gned With the wind speed requlremerds In ASCE 7-10 Figure 26.5•1A Figure 26.648, and Figure 26.5-IC. Forthisanalysis,tocaWd,0 the pressures In Tables 4,5,and 6, the lead combination 14 be in accordance with ASCE 740 Section 2A wmbnng nominalloads using allowable stress obsgn, load combnagm 7. Load combination 7 uses a bed factoraf 0.6 applied to the wind vdocitypressure. Equation 1, g=0,00256•K,•K.•K'VW (ref. ASCE 7-10 equation 30.3-1) C4 • veiodlypressure W height z K„ , vdDdty pressure egianae coelfident evaluated at height z K. , IopogmpNc factor K, , Mid directine6ty, factor V , basic MW speed (3- Equation 2, V-VW (ref. 20151BC 82017 FBC Section 1602.1 defirtgons) V,a , ultimate design W IW speeds (3-send gust MPRI determined from j20151BC, 2017 FBC) Fimaes 1609.3(1). 1609.3(2), or 1609.3(3). ASCE 7-10 Fgures 26.&IA. B, or C Equation 3, p-V(GCe-GCA) (ref. ASCE 7.10 equation 30.6-1) GCe . Product of external WaSSW a coemdera and gustelf cs factor GCy , product of Internal Pressure, coefficient and gust -effect factor P . design pressure (PSF) for siding (agomable design load for sding) . To determine design pressuro, subsof rID q, into Equation 3, Equation 4. P--0.W256M( *K.* . V.' (GC,-GC0j Allowable Stress Design, ASCE 7-10 Sector, 2.4.1, load comboaWn 7, Equation 6, OAD • 0.6W fief. ASCE 7-10 section 24. 1, toed coitbinstion 7) D , dead load W ,vied land (land due b W d pressure) To delermlrre the A/bwable Stress Dosgn Prossum, apply the lead Warier (wiW) from Equation 4 to (design premne) defirmined hum agowan 4 Equation 6, P.e= 0.61P) Equation 7, P. = 0.6'10.OD256•K,•Kd1c *V. •(GC,-GCO)I Equation 7 is used to populate Table 4, 5, and 6. To delennlne titre allowable Wtimeb basic wind speed for Hardie Siding in Table 7, solve Equation 7 for V,., Equation e, Vw=(P-,•K.9(i•(GCe-GCy)f6 Applicable to methods speOWIn Exceptions 1 through 301`120151BC, 2017 FBC)Sectbn 1809.1.1., b delerrnire Ihea0owaDle nominal design wind speed (Vasd) forflarde Sidi hrg in Table 7, apply tie conversion fermate below, Equation 9, Vm-V.•(0-fir fret 20151BC 82017 FBC S."44 Vie , NMM design wind speed (3-second gust mph) pet. 2015 /BC B 2017FBpL�clpn tQ'AZf)IVVd L_ Table 3, Coefficients and Constants used In Deco mlntng V and p, K Zoe Height (fl) Etgr B End C GNr D K. Ke G GC 0-15 0.7 0.85 1.03 h5W 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 20 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 •1.4 0.18 30 0.7 0.98 Its 1 0.95 -1.4 0.78 35 0.73 1.01 T19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 0.78 1.04 I.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 0.785 1.IXi.5 1245 1 am -1.4 0.18 50 0.81 1.09 I27 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 55 0.83 1.11 128 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 12 A =. _�pF •.•FLOW. FssrO�w�-, 11 - RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES. INC. - 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTNGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4695 FAX PROJECT: RIO2553.15 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 infa(gjemesherdemm Spends -Wind Exposure Category B, Wine Speed (3- semnd 100 105 110 itsN-2O.8 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height(11 .a B B B B B B B B B B B B 0-15 -14.4 -15.9 475 -19.1 -24.4 -28.3 32.5 37.0 413 46.8 52.1 57.8 .63.7 20 -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -24A -28.3 32.5 37.0 413 46.8 52.1 57.8 5&7 25 - 444 16B -17.5 -19.1 -24A -28.3 -32.5 37.0 41.7 A6.8 52A 57.8 -63.7 30 -14.4 -15.9 -175 .19.1 -24.4 -20.3 a2.5 37.0 41.7 46.8 52.1 57.8 -63.7 35 -15.1 -16.6 -182 -19.8 -25.4 -29.5 a3.9 38.6 43.5 -48A 54.4 502 -66A 40 -15.7 -17.3 -19.0 -20.7 -26.5 30.7 35.3 40.1 45.3 50.8 %.6 .62.7 59.1 -162 -17.9 49.6 -21A -77.4 -313 WA 4" -489 52A 583 -64.6 -71.4 50 -1&7 -1&4 -20.2 .22.1 -28.2 a2.7 37.6 42. 483 54.1 410.3 -66.8 -73.7 55 -l7.1 -10.9 -20.7 -22.6 -28.9 33.6 38.5 439 49S S5S 519 58.5 -75.5 11 0.7 100 -25.6 -252 I a1.0 I a39 I 3&9 I 4 A I502I 57.6 I55S -76.0 329 -92A 402.4 -1129 Table 5, Allowable Stress Design -Component and Cladding (C8C) Pressures (PSF) to to Resisted at Vadeus Wind Spends -Wind Exposure Category C. Wind Speed (3- Semnd us0 100 105 110 115 12D 130 140 150 1W 17D 180 190 1 2W 210 Hen le (R) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0-15 -17.5 -10.3 -212 -232 -252 -29.6 -34.4 4r9.5 41.9 50.7 -66.8 -63.3 -70.1 -77.3 20 -1&6 -2115 -22.5 -24.6 -28.7 31.4 36.4 41.8 -47.5 5&7 -611.2 .67.0 -74.3 -81.9 25 -19.4 -21A -2&5 -25.6 -27.9 32.8 38.0 4 A -49.6 56.0 52.B -70.0 -77.6 45.6 30 -202 -22.3 -24.5 -26.7 -29.1 34.2 39.6 1.5 51.8 5&4 55S -73.0 -809 39.2 35 -20.8 -23.0 -252 47.6 a0.0 _3" 40.8 -48.9 5&3 402 -61.5 -752 33.3 -91.9 40 -215 -23.7 -25.0 -2&4 30.9 a8.3 42.0 4&3 -549 -62.0 -69.5 -T7A -W.8 -94.6 45 -22.0 -242 -26.6 .29.1 -31.6 -37.1 43.1 49.4 582 53.5 -712 -79.3 -87.9 -96.9 50 -22.5 -24.8 -27.2 -29.7 32.4 38.0 44.1 -50.6 -57.6 -65.0 -72.9 -81.2 -89.9 -992 55 -22.9 -252 -27.7 -30.3 33.0 38.7 44.9 -51.5 -58.6 -662 -742 -82.7 -91.6 -101.0 60 -28.2 49. Z 9. -6 100 a2.6 a5.9 a9.4 43.1 4&9 55.0 539 -73.3 r=4 34.1 -1105. -117.6 -130.3 -1416 Table 6, Allowable Shaw Design - Competent and Cladding (CSC) Pressures (PSF) to be Resisted at Various, Wlyd Spends -Wind Exposum Category D, Wad Speed (3- second gust) too 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 18D 190 200 210 Heigm (it) O D D D D D D D D D D D D D 0-15 -212 -23.4 -25.7 48.1 a0.6 35.9 41.6 47.8 54.4 -61.4 -68.8 -76J -85.0 -93.7 20 -22.3 -24.6 -27.0 -29.5 41V 377 43.7 50.1 57.0 -64A -72.2 -80.4 39.1 -W2 25 -23A -25.5 -28.0 410.6 -33.3 39.0 45.3 32.0 59.1 -66.8 -74.9 -W.4 -924 -101.9 30 -23.9 -26A 29.0 31.6 -34.5 40.4 46.9 53.0 -61.3 592 -77.5 36.4 -95.7 -105.5 35 -24.5 -27.1 -29.7 32.5 ai3 41.6 48.1 -652 52S -70.9 -795 418.E -982 -108.3 40 -252 -27.7 -305 -33.3 3&2 42.5 4913 56.6 -64A -72.7 A1.5 5&9 -100.7 -111.0 45 -25.7 -28,3 a1.1 -34.0 37.0 43A 5&3 57.8 -65.7 -742 -832 -923 -102.7 -113.3 50 -262 -28.9 31.7 34.6 37.7 44.3 51.3 53.9 -67.1 -75.7 -54.9 -94.6 AD4.8 .116.5 55 -2&6 �29.3 322 352 a8a 45.0 522 59.9 468.1 -7&9 4362 418.1 -10&4 -117.1 100 az9 40.8 44.7 4 J) 532 52, -725 -&i2 - .6 -106.e -11&8 -133A -147.9 -16& Tables 4, 5, and 6 ere based on ASCE 7-10 and consistent wfth the 20151BC. 20151RC and the 2017 Florida Building Code. Q\ E 1 1 ac OF 13 J JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888342-7343 info@jemeshardie.coni RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-947-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-266347 Design Wmd, Speed, 1 Design Wind, Speed. Amin C�5165 ADG6ratlato n�etlmd, 2017 FB016ec69n sp°dlledNEaroyJ°nsi lO9.1.1. a, detwrmmedby 2017F8 Section FiIM3(1), 1809.1.1. Product ProduC Thickness pritlies) W1dlh (inches) Fastener Type Fas1e11u Spacing Frame Type Shed Spacing (Inches)Qee,) Bu0dm9 HeighP7 e C D B C D ABava6h B 6,mc FAD Xm X, c � (PS9 HangePlank 5116 725 No. 41 ga. X 13W long Roofing nag Blind rah 2X4 Wood SPF° 16 0-15 213 193 175 165 149 136 .M3 0.7 nay 1.03 hB0 t Ma5 -IA M16 20 213 IN 171 165 145 133 a7 a9 1.06 1 0.m -1.4 0.18 25 213 184 168 165 142 130 E53 07 OW 1.12 1 065 -1A 0.18 30 213 180 165 165 139 128 4d3 a7 0.98 1.16 1 MSS -tA MIS 35 208 177 163 16l 137 126 d5.9 n73 1.01 1.19 1 OAS -,A M18 40 204 174 161 158 135 125 66.9 Mm 1JH lag 1 0.85 -1A a18 45 201 172 159 156 134 124 r.53 0.85 1.065 12" 1 OAS -,A MIS 50 198 170 158 153 132 122 4 3 "1 1.09 12/ t MES 4.4 ale 55 195 169 157 151 131 121 4163 Om 1.11 ,29 , 0.m 4A ale fi0 193 167 155 149 130 120 6i3 0A5 1.13 131 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 100 160 142 133 124 111) 103 .4L3 0.99 128 1.43 N6D 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardlePlank WIG 7.5 No. 11 go. X 1374- long Roofing nag Blind Will 2X4 Wood SPF° 16 615 208 189 172 161 146 133 4Q.9 a7 0.85 1 1.03 MW 1 ON -1A ate 20 208 184 168 161 142 130 4.Y.9 0.7 GO 1.08 1 0.85 -IA &18 25 208 180 165 161 139 128 6 a &7 nor 1.12 1 am -IA 0.18 30 208 1T6 162 161 136 125 426 0.7 aW 1.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 204 173 160 158 134 124 818 773 1.01 1.19 1 am AA MIS 40 200 171 158 155 132 122 @e 0.78 1.09 122 1 n&5 -,A 0.18 45 197 169 156 162 131 121 432A MM 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 Mla 50 194 167 155 ISO 129 120 4QA M ,27 1 OAS -1.4 0.18 55 191 165 153 148 128 119 4t26 Om 1.11 129 1 0.0 -1A 0.18 0 189 164 152 146 177 118 4 6 0A5 1.13 131 1 ON -IA M18 100 156 139 130 121 107 101 44A 0.99 129 1A3 Iroml 1 IMSG -1A US HardieF,ank 5/16 8 No. 11 g& X 141w lore Roofing rag Blind nag 2X4 16 0-15 200 182 IN 155 141 128 -5&0 n7 0m I t.Ml IG86 1 ON -1.4 n18 20 200 1T7 161 155 137 125 -%a 0.7 9 1.m 1 0.m -1A MIS 25 200 173 158 165 Im lit Sao 0.7 094 1.12 1 0.m AA 0.18 30 200 169 156 155 131 121 -&10 0.7 0.m 1.16 1 ON -1A 0.18 35 198 167 154 152 In 119 S o 5 W1.01 7,a 1 685 -1A 0.18 Wood SPF° 40 192 161 152 149 127 118 S&o M78 Im 122 1 065 -tA 0.18 45 189 162 150 147 IN 116 .S&O 0.785 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 MIS 50 186 161 149 144 124 116 Z&O Om 1.09 127 1 OA -IA MIS 55 184 159 148 143 123 114 S&O 0m 7.11 128 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 60 182 158 147 141 122 113 480 a&5 1.13 tA1 1 0.m -IA 0.16 1m 151 tm ,25 117 103 97 4i60 099 126 tA9 ro6o 1 0.85 -1.0 ata HardlePlank WIG 825 Na 11 ga. X 13N• " Roofing nab Blindred 2X4 Woad SPF° 16 0.15 197 179 162 152 138 us -5&9 a7 0.85 1.03 InW 1 0.85 -IA M10 20 197 174 158 162 134 123 S 9 0.7 09 1.05 1 065 -IA &IS 25 197 170 156 152 132 120 559 M7 0W 1.12 1 ON -1.4 &IS 30 197 166 153 162 129 118 -5&9 0.7 09& 1.18 1 am -lA MIS 35 193 164 151 149 127 117 4i59 M73 1.01 1.19 1 085 AA MIS 40 189 161 149 14a 125 6 -659 an Ia 122 1 1 am 0.e5 -IA -,A &IS a18 45 186 160 M 144 124 114 d 9 M m t.0&S 1.245 50 183 168 148 142 122 113 4i5.a n61 t.09 127 1 Gas -1.4 0t8 55 181 156 145 140 12l 112 SSA Om 1.11 129 1 TM-1.4 0.18 60 179 155 144 138 120 111 4iS.9 0.95 1.13 1.91 1 0m -1.4 0.18 100 148 131 123 114 101 95 -%a Meal 128 1.43 N60 1 Me5 -1.8 0.18 HaMeP)ank WIG 926 No. 11 go. X 13w long Roofing na0 Blind nad 2X4 Wood oo SPF° 16 0-15 164 167 152 143 129 118 -4&9 0.7 a55 1.03 4,60 1 0.m -,A 0.18 20 104 162 148 143 126 115 -4&8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 am -1.4 0.18 25 184 159 145 143 123 113 -4&9 0.7 0.W 142 1 0.85 -,A MIS 30 184 156 143 140 120 111 -4&9 a7 am 1.16 1 am -IA ale 35 180 153 141 140 119 109 �&9 M73 ton 1.19 1 ON -IA 0.18 40 1T7 151 139 137 117 1m 4&9 0.7- tW 122 1 0A5 AA ale 45 IN 149 IN 135 116 IV - 9 E-m 1.065 1245 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 50 171 147 137 133 114 106 �9 Mal 1.W 127 1 M85 AA 0.18 55 169 146 136 131 113 IDS �9 0.m t.II 129 1 0.85 -1.4 Ode 60 167 145 135 129 112 104 �9 Om 1.13 131 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 100 138 123 115 107 95 69 -4&9 Meal 128 ,AS loeol 1 ass -1.8 0.18 18 S� DEC 1 (0�201a V. § L ii, C6i LAY, Permitting 6 _a EFFECTIVE MAY 2016 --E 100 oonnt lrTe Visit wANw hardiemstallaboncom forthe most recentversion. SELECT CEDARMILL• • SMOOTH • CUSTOM COLONIAL- SMOOTH • CUSTOM COLONIAL" ROUGHSAWN - CUSTOM BEADED CEDARIll • CUSTOM BEADED SMOOTH • STRAIGHT -EDGE SHINGLE PLANK IMPORTArNT. FAIWRETO INSTALL AND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND JAMES HARDIE WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY,AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES,AND VOID THE PRODUCTONLYWARRANTY.BEFOREINSTALLATION,CONFIRRMTHATYOUAREUSINGTHECORRECTHARDIEZONE" PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION OF HZ100 PRODUCTS OUTSIDE AN HZ1P LOCATION WILLVOID YOUR WARRANTY. TO DETERMINE WHICH HARDIEZONE"' APPLIES TO YOUR LOCATION, VISIT WWIld.HARDIEZONE.COM OR CALL 1-866-942-7343 (866 9HARDIE) STORAGE & HANDLING: nj GUI 11113ta IIVJ 1 MUL'I lbi Store gat and keep dry and covered prior OUTDOORS 1.Podoncuting station se that wind Wit bbwdustawayhom user INDOORS 1. Cut only using score and snap, or shears (manual, electric or pneumatic), to Installation. Installingsiding wet or g and sheers in working area 2. Position cutting station In well -ventilated area saturated may result in shrinkage at butt 2. use we offhe fopowmg methods: joints. Carry planks an edge. Protect edges and corners from breakage. James a. Best. I. Score and snap u. Shears (manual, electric or meumatc) - NEVER use a power saw indoors Fiardeeladesaw bade trademark NEVER a circular sawblade tot does not carry the Hardie is not responsible for damage b. Better. i. Dust reducing circular Saw equipped with a HardieBlada' saw blade and HERA Vacuum exiactian - use -NEVER dry sweep- Use wet suppression cr HEPA Vacuum caused by improper storage and handling c. Good: I. Dust reducing circular saw with aHar ieBladesaw blade of the product. (oNy use for law to moderate culling) Fiarde using°Best"-level cutting methods where feasible. ,�o .'>vays'T Important Note: for maximumprotecton powest respirabledustproductiortJ,James recummendsaWays uTyf,i ".rya' vPohahweurctting method ftryVuxredwzdmderQoswommin O eletgosum exposure levels aiYOU appmedreepimtors can boned it ire he methodfaryrwrjab reconladJamecarcems00 ebsls abamation. re terelskers d at ma meet you hould lwayscpmpriateuAtlrg s,determine do rotco plywitdeheabove practices, do notcomplywth the above practces, you should aAvayswnsuttaqualified industrial hygienist or wntactJames Hardie for fuMerinformatien. swom� GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • HardiePlank• lap siding can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24 in. D.C. or directly to minimum 7/16 in. thick OSB sheathing. See general fastening requirements. Irregularities in framing and sheathing can mirror through the finished application. • Information on installing James Hardie products over foam can be located in JH Tech Bulletin 19 at wwvviamehardle corn • A water -resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water -resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements. James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. James Hardie does manufacture HardaWrap• Weather Barrier, a non -woven non -perforated housewrap', which complies with building code requirements. • When installing James Hardie products all clearance details in figs. 3-14 must be followed. • Adjacent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local building codes - typically a minimum of 6 in. in the first 10 ft.. Figure 1 Double wall Single Wall • Do not use HardiePlank lap siding in fascia or trim applications. construction construction Do not install James Hardie products, such that they may remain in contact with standing water. water-owlstive baffler let -in bracing p�,� m • HardiePlank lap siding may be installed on flat vertical wall applications only. osas odor g • For larger projects, including commercial and multi -family projects, where the span of the wall is significant in length, the designer and/or architect should take into consideration the coefficient of thermal expansion and moisture movement of the product in their design. These values can be found in the Technical Bulletin "Expansion Characteristics of James Hardie• Siding Products" at www.JamesHardie.com. • DO NOT use stain, o�iVal�asecd 'ng James Hardie® Products. t� INSTALLATION: JOINTTREATMENT self Figure Nall tine(if nail '; One or more of the following joint treatment options line is not r are required by code (as referenced 20091RC dud �• present place r , R703.102) A. Joint Flashing (James Hardie recommended) fastener between314 .-""'� In. & 7"from - - B. Caulking` (Caulking is not recommended rr�sulerve $ k 1ei Nail from top of planW far ColorPlus for aesthetic reasons as the amen^r edge of plank Caulking and ColorPlus will weather yr; oo wa er-resistor differently. For the same reason, praasnntmg �• o , bonier , ,� do not caulk nail heads on Hamiezone'" a o 0 00o 0 o fastener ColorPlus products.) HardelPerik'sli ing - o°ov aas Install a 11/4 in. starter to C."H" jointer cover 0 krip o ensure a consistent le '- Install planks in waste contact at butt o 0 0 FILE joints Q'7 /t�y�1^ , Q L9I I leave appropriate gap between planks and vim, then caulk— t; t(JI .-,-. k, r...,Ik:.n f n in rhaen inet.,,nr ns.. For Field painting over caulking may produce a sheen omerence wneicompareu w mr �roru pannuu r�^n° , ••.����••••V---_.....-..___..._____._. Nate: ' additional information on HaNieWrap Weather Barrier, consult James Hardie at 1-866-41-lartlie or www.hardiewrap.com V'IARNING: AVOID BREATHING SILICA DUST James Hardiee products contain respirable crystalline silica, which is Immm to the Slate of California to cause cancer and is considered by Me and NOSH to be a cause of cancer from some accupationel sources. Breathing excessive amounts of resemble silica dust can also cause a disabling and potentially fatal lung disease called silicosis, and has been linked with other diseases. Some studies suggest smoking mayincream these risks. Duringinstallatin or handling: (1) work in outdoor areaswilh ample ventilation(2)use fiber cement shears for cutting or, where not feasible, use a Hardiealade• saw blade and dust -reducing circular saw attached to aHEPAvacuum; 0) wain others in the immediate area; (4) wear a praDedydmed, NOSH -approved dust mask or respirator fe.g. N-95) in accordance with applicable government regulations and manufacturer instructions to further limit respirable silica exposures. Dunngdean-up, use HEPA vacuums or wet cleanup methods - never dry saep. For fethermformatwn, refer to our installation instructons and Material Safely Data Sheet available at www.jamershardie.com or by calling 1-80D-9HARDIE (1-800-942-7343). FNWRE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNNGS, MSDS, AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. H571119-P7/4 05116 CLEARANCE AND FLASHING REQUIREMENTS Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Roof to Wall Horizontal Flashing Fickout Flashing Slabs, Path, Steps to Siding Z-Flas ks' u Ired iy jpqc9de !Q,4 WIL X4 le. 4' In. '4 caulk 7 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Deck to Wall Ground to Siding Gutter to Siding Sheltered Areas Mortar/Masonry Z-FI; .-Flashih it shireM+ Mint 'A �"W n L Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Drip Edge Block Penetration Valley/Shingle Extension FASTENER REQUIREMENTS ** Blind Nailing Is the preferred method of installation for HardiePlank® lap siding products. Face nailing should only be used where required by code for high wind areas and must not be used in conjunction with Blind nailing (Please see JH Tech bulletin 17 for exemption when doing a repair). Pin -backed comers may be done fon aesthetic purposes Only. Pin -backs shall be done with finish nails only, and are not a substitute for blind or face nailing. BLIND NAILING FACE NAILING Nails -Wood Framing Nails - Wood Framing * Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HD x 2 in. long) - 6d (0.113 in. shank x 0.267 in. HID x 2 in. long) * 11 ga. roofing nail (0.121 in. shank x 0,371 in. HD x 1.25 in. long) - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HID x 2 in. long) Screws 11 Steel Framing Screws - Steel Framing - Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 11/4 in. long x 0.375 in. HID) Screws e Ribbed Bugle -head or equivalent (No. 8-18 x 1 -5/8 in. long x must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. 0.323 in. HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing Nails - Steel Framing - ET & F'Panelfast• nails or equivalent (0.10 in. shank x 0.313 in. HD x 1-1 /2 in.. • El & F pin or equivalent (0.10 in. shank x 0.25 in. HD x 1 -1/2 in. long) long) ' Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4 in. into metal framing. Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4 in. into metal framing. OSB minimum 7/16 in. OSS minimum 7/16 in. - Siding nail (0.09 in. shank x 0.221 in. HD x 1-1/2 in. long)* • 11 ga. roofing nail (0.121 In. shank x 0.371 in. HID x 1.75 In. long) 24 bn.----� • Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 15/8 in. long x 0.375 in. HD). Stud 1---O.c. M. Overlap When t Also see 0.2'. Figure 15 Figure 16 Minimumoverlap for Both Face Nail Line/ L and Blind Nailing Blind Nail overlap WaterResislive Banner water -resistive barrier 114 in. min. overial, Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after installation of each course for ColorPlusla' products. to OSB, planks must be no greater than 9 114 in. wide and fasteners must be 12 in. o.c. or less. toning Requirements; and when considering alternative fastening options refer ' to James Hardle Technical Bulletin USTB 17 -Fastening Tips for HardiePlank® Lap Siding. HS11119-P214 05116 GENERAL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS Fasteners must be corrosion resistant, galvanized, or stainless steel. Electro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion. James Hardie recommends the use of quality, hot -dipped galvanized nails. James Hardie is not responsible for the corrosion resistance of fasteners. Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing James Hardie® products near the ocean, large bodies of water, or in very humid climates. Manufacturers of AGO and CA preservative -treated wood recommend spacer materials or other physical barriers to prevent direct contact of ACQ or CA preservative -treated wood and aluminum products. Fasteners used tc attach HardieTrim Tabs to preservative -treated wood shall be of hot dipped zinc -coated galvanized steel or stainless steel and in accordance to 2009 IRC 8317.3 or 2009 IBC 2304.9.5. • Consult applicable product evaluation or listing for correct fasteners type and placement to achieve specified design wind loads. • NOTE: Published wind loads may not be applicable to all areas where Local Building Codes have specific jurisdiction. Consult James Hardie Technical Services if you are unsure of applicable compliance documentation. • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. • Fastener heads should fit snug against siding (no air space). (fig. A) • Do not over -drive nail heads or drive nails at an angle. • If nail is countersunk, fill nail hole and add a nail. (fig. B) • For wood framing, under driven nails should be hit flush to the plank with a hammer (For steel framing, remove and replace nail). • NOTE: Whenever a structural member is present, HardiePlank should be fastened with even spacing to the structural member. The tables allowing direct to OSB or plywood should only be used when traditional framing is not available. • Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, or clipped head nails. PNEUMATIC FASTENING James Hardie products can be hand nailed or fastened with a pneumatic tool. Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended. Set air pressure so that the fastener is driven snug with the surface of the siding.A flush mount attachment on the pneumatic tool is recommended. This will help control the depth the nail is driven. If setting the nail depth proves difficult, choose a setting that under drives the nail. (Drive under driven nails snug with a smooth faced hammer - Does not apply for installation to steel framing). ® countersunk fill & addna l �a snug flush DO NOT DO NOT Figure Figure under drive nails staple PAINTING DO NOT use stain, oiValkyd base paint, or powder coating on James Hardie® Products. James Hardie products most be painted within 180 days for primed product and 90 days for unprimed.100% acrylic topcoats are recommended. Do not paint when wet. For application rates refer to paint manufacturers specifications. Back -rolling is recommended if the siding is sprayed. CUT EDGE TREATMENT Caulk, paint or prime all field cut edges. James Hardie touch-up kits are required to touch-up ColorPlus products. CAULKING For best results use an Elastomeric Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C920 Grade NS, Class 25 or higher or a Latex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C834. Caulking/Sealant must be applied in accordance with the caulking/sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Note: OSI Quad as well as some other caulking manufacturers do not allow tooling. COLORPLUSO TECHNOLOGY CAULKING, TOUCH-UP & LAIMINATE • Care should be taken when handling and cutting James Hardie® COIorPIus@ products. During installation use a wet soft cloth or soft brush to gently wipe off any residue or construction dust left on the product, then rinse with a garden hose. • Touch up nicks, scrapes and nail heads using the ColorPlus• Technology touch-up applicator. Touch-up should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up, replace the damaged area with new HardiePla*' lap siding with ColorPlus Technology. • Laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. • Terminate non -factory cut edges into trim where possible, and caulk Color matched caulks are available from your ColorPlus• product dealer. • Treat all other non -factory cut edges using the ColorPlus Technology edge coaters, available from your ColorPlus product dealer. Note: James Hardie does not warrant the usage of third party touch-up or paints used as touch-up on James Hardie ColorPlus products. Problemswith appearance or performance arising from use of third party touch-up paints or paints used as touch-up that are not James Hardie touch-up will not be covered under the James Hardie ColorPlus Limited Finish Warranty. PAINTING JAMES HARDIE" SIDING AND TRIPA PRODUCTS WITH COLORPLUS® TECHNOLOGY When repainting ColorPlus products, James Hardie recommends the following regarding surface preparation and topcoat application: • Ensure the surface is clean, dry, and free of any dust, dirt, or mildew • Repdming is normally not necessary • 100% acrylic topcoats are recommended • DO NOT use stain, oiValkyd base paint, or powder coating on James Hardie® Products. • Apply finish coat in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage, application methods, and application temperature • DO NOT caulk nail heads when using ColorPlus products, refer to the ColorPlus touch-up section HS11119-P3/4 05/16 I 4.9 COVERAGE CHART/ESTIMATING GUIDE Number of 12 ft. planks, does not include waste COVERAGE AREA LESS OPENINGS HARDIEPLANK® LAP SIDING WIDTH SQ 5114 6114 7114 71/2 8 8114 91/4 9112 12 (1 SQ=100 sq.ft.) (exposure) 4 5 6 6114 6314 7 8 81/4 10314 1 25 20 17 16 15 14 13 13 9 2 50 40 33 32 30 29 25 25 19 3 75 60 50 48 44 43 38 38 28 4 100 80 67 64 59 57 50 50 37 5 125 100 83 80 74 71 63 63 47 6 150 120 100 96 89 86 75 75 56 7 175 140 117 112 104 100 88 88 65 8 200 160 133 128 119 114 100 100 74 9 225 180 150 144 133 129 113 113 84 10 250 200 167 160 148 143 125 125 93 11 275 220 183 176 163 157 138 138 102 12 300 240 200 192 178 171 150 150 112 13 325 260 217 208 193 186 163 163 121 14 350 280 233 224 207 200 175 175 130 15 375 300 250 240 222 214 188 188 140 16 400 320 267 256 237 229 200 200 149 17 425 340 283 272 252 243 213 213 158 18 450 360 300 288 267 257 225 225 167 19 475 380 317 304 281 271 238 238 177 20 500 400 333 320 296 286 250 250 185 This coverage chart is meant as a guide.Actual usage is subject to variables such as building design. James Hardie does not assume responsibility for over or under ordering of product. and Tw Family D,reltings, and Florida ristiru FLk889. Dade C< © 2016 James Hardie Building Products. All rights reserved. TM, SK and 0 denote trademarks or registered trademarks of James Hardie Technology Limltetl.l7 is a registered trademark of James Hardie Technology Dmited. Panelfast Is a registered trademark of ETBF Fastening Systems, Inc information concemirg the suitebikty Additional Installation Information, Warranties, and Warnings are available at www.jameshardie.com n International HS11119-P414 05/16