HomeMy WebLinkAboutFL SOLAR ENERGY CENTER PAPERWORK12/14/2018 Photovoltaic Systems Certifica FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER® `1,� J 11 Creating Energy lndependence ST.LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW BLDG: EAT EL Photovoltaic D System Certification � a �! _ �d i DATE: Photovoltaic System Certification Support PLUMB: DATE: Email: pvsystem@fsec.ucf.edu T MECH: CERTIFICATION 1 / /� t Z7 <)V 1 /��D DATE: The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) is responsible for approving all photovoltaic systems that are sold or manufactured in Florida. The FSEC standards program has been designed to meet the intent of the legislation while also helping the Florida solar industry to develop quality products, aiding building departments in product approval, and instilling confidence in the consumer who chooses to use solar energy in their residence or business. Apply for Photovoltaic Systems Certification using our online application SCANNED SV Apply for Photovoltaic Systems Certification using our legacy application St. Lucie COUnty >>Exemptions: Memorandum on Small PV Systems and Module Certification Photovoltaic Certification Standards If your photovoltaic system is going to be sold in Florida, the system must be certified by FSEC. The process applied are described in this section. System Listings This publication is a listing of the photovoltaic systems that are currently approved by FSEC for sale or manufacturing in Florida. Testing and Certification Fees By Florida Statute, FSEC is required to set fees that recover the costs of the testing, certification and rating services required for solar equipment and systems in Florida. Click here to view fee structure [136KB, Adobe Acrobat PDF). https://secure.fsec.ucf.edu/entcertificafion-testing/pv/PVsystems/index.htm 1/1 12/11/2018 Certification and Testing - Florida Solar E. Center \*FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTERm X Creating Energy Independence Testing and Certification The Laws of Florida i§33 7. 03, S, require that all solar systems manufactured or sold in the state of Florida comply wit of E Ipment Standards promulgated by the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC). These standards cover both solar thermal equipment and solar electric equipment. FSEC works closely with industry, the research and development community and other interested stakeholders to ensure that its Standards encourage the effective use of renewable energy j resources and protect the consumers of the state of Florida. Find answers to Notice Regarding FSEC Solar Thermal Certification Program: rrequently asked resting & Certification questions. The Florida Solar Energy Center has revised the FSEC Standards for solar thermal collectors and solar thermal systems. The revisions allow FSEC to accept certifications from the Solar Rating & Certification CorporationT (SRCC), or the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO); The streamlined certification program removes barriers between the FSEC certification process and the SRCC and IAPMO certification processes. Existing FSEC certifications will be valid and maintained. The FSEC Standards for solar thermal collectors and systems are available here: FSECstd 101-15. Questions about the FSEC solar thermal certification program should be directed by electronic mail to: thermal@fsec.ucf.edu Important notification regard ing_photovoltaic (solar)_panels sold under the trade name Advanced Solar Photonics (ASP) on behalf of Bluechip Energy LLC On February 13, 2013, the Florida Solar Energy Center revoked its module registration of ASP modules, having discovered that documentation asserting Underwriters Laboratories (UL) testing was not substantiated by UL. (more on this story) FSEC Strives for Improved Service We encourage you to provide feedback to help us provide better service to you. Please submit your feedback using our Feedback Form. If you've have any difficulty with our services, please let us know, using our Complaint Form. https:fsecure.fsec.ucf.edu/en/cerdficafion-testing/index.htm Ili 12/11/2018 - Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : C Sunshine Select Year: 2018 Go The 2oi8 Florida Statutes Title XXVIII Chapter 377 NATURAL RESOURCES; CONSERVATION, RECLAMATION, AND ENERGY USE RESOURCES 377.705 Solar Energy Center; development of solar energy standards. — View Entire Chapter (1) SHORT TITLE. —This act shall be known and may be cited as the Solar Energy Standards Act of 1976. (2) LEGISLATIVE INTENT. —The Legislature intends to ensure that solar energy systems manufactured or sold within the state are effective and represent a high level of quality of materials, workmanship, and design. (3) DEFINITIONS. —As used in this section, the term: (a) "Center" means the Florida Solar Energy Center of the Board of Governors. (b) "Solar energy systems" means equipment which provides for the collection and use of incident solar energy for water heating, space heating or cooling, or other applications which normally require or would require a conventional source of energy such as petroleum products, natural gas, or electricity and which performs primarily with solar energy. In such other systems in which solar energy is used in a supplemental way, only those components which collect and transfer solar energy shall be included in this definition. (4) FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER TO SET STANDARDS, REQUIRE DISCLOSURE, SET TESTING FEES. — (a) The center shall develop and adopt standards for solar energy systems manufactured or sold in this state based on the best currently available information and shall consult with scientists, engineers, or persons in research centers who are engaged in the construction of, experimentation with, and research of solar energy systems to properly identify the most reliable designs and types of solar energy systems. (b) The center shalt establish criteria for testing performance of solar energy systems and shall maintain the necessary capability for testing or evaluating performance of solar energy systems. The center may accept results of tests on solar energy systems made by other organizations, companies, or persons if such tests are conducted according to the criteria established by the center and if the testing entity does not have a vested interest in the manufacture, distribution, or sale of solar energy systems. (c) The center shall be entitled to receive a testing fee sufficient to cover the costs of such testing. All testing fees shall be transmitted by the center to the Chief Financial Officer to be deposited in the Solar Energy Center Testing Trust Fund, which is created in the State Treasury, and disbursed for the payment of expenses incurred in testing solar energy systems. History.—ss. 1, 2, 3, 4, ch. 76.246; s. 1, ch. 78-309; s. 400, ch. 2003-261; s. 45, ch. 2007-217; s. 56, ch. 2008-227; s. 1, ch. 2017-149. 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