HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCREEN ENCLOSURE DETAILS PAGE1. Building Occupancy Category, Paragraph 16D4.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk Cateaory 1. 2. Basic Wind Speed, Table 1609C, State of Florida Debris Region R Basic Wind Speed, Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Bask Wind Speed, VLaT=150MPH - Exposure Category, Paragraph 1609A.3 : C Applicable Codes. Reaulation and Standards 1. The 6tt1 Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design, Chapter 20 Aluminum, and Chapter 23 Wood. 2. AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structure, Part 1-A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association, Inc. Washington, D.C., 2010 Edition 3. ASCE 7-10 General Notes: 1. The contractor shall verify all dimensions prior to construction 2. All work shall comply with all local and regional ordinances. 3. Any deviation from this plan shall be reviewed by the engineer of record and is subject to approval. Specifications The following specifications are applicable to this projects: 1. Where concrete specification are required, whether In the screen enclosure scope or not, by one or more regulatory agency, the following specifications are applicable. 1.1. Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for following components: 1.1.1. Portland Cement Type 1, -ASTM C 150 1.12. Aggregate - Large Aggregate 3/4' max -ASTM C 33 1.1.3. Air entraining +/-1%-ASTM C 260 1.1.4. Water reducing agent-ASTM C494 1.1.5. Clean Potable water 1.1.6. Other admixture not permitted 1.2. Metal accessories shall conform to: 1.2.1. Reinforcing Bars - ASTM A615, grade 60 1.2.2. Welded wire fabric-ASTM A185 1.3. Concrete slump at discharge per chute not less then 3' or more than 6. Water added after belching is not permitted. 1.4. Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parts 1, 2 and 3 Including hot weather recommendations. 1.5. Moist cure or polyethylene wring permitted. 1.6. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for temnites in compliance with the FBC. 1.7. Concrete shall be placed over polyethylene vapor barrier. 1.8. All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be mated with a bituminous paint or epoxy. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. 3. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better zinc plate to ASTM B633, or stainless steel series'300". 4. All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either #14 screws 6' from end 24' on center or #12 screws 6' from end 12' on center. 5. Screened enclosures containing swimming pools shall comply with the applicable requirements of FBC R4501.17 Residential Swimming Barrier requirements. 6. Door location shall be determined by contractor in the field. 7. When Instating pavers over concrete stab or footing which are supporting aluminum members, such as continuous screen tracks or upright, the pavers must be bonded to the concrete with an epoxy, thinset, or 3,000 PSI grout to ensure full positive contact with concrete. 8. All Hashing and waterproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 9. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of fiability not to exceed design and engineering fee. to shall be a minimum 2.500 psi. Rebar 31' lap splice. Use 3' chairs. Per mi of the Florida Building Code, Residential, Section 401A.1, soils testing is not tl for design using the presumptive bearing pressure of 1,500 psi. HOLLOWSECTONS SELF MATING BEAU ISNn) 2x22•x TRD.UF 2x4SW Tx4•x P011•x0.1W Y+S Tx Tx0.050' 2R55MB: TXVXDN 10.1W x 20: Tx4•x0.050• 2xOBM& TxBtD x0.12R 2 x5 Tx Sx0Z 2x7sm; Txrx 0115Tx 0.1M 2x8SUB: rxa• R DarTR0.124• OPEN BACK SECTIONS 2x Tx Dor2•x0.124• 1xz r1Tx0.010' 10 sum 1D 2: t0sMB: zx1MD.WTx 03BA 1x3: rx Ti0.WT CxPMu- I CONCREIESCREWANCHOR: SHEETMATELSCREWS(SMS)- GOaON TRrz060 SWNHDGREQUNAIENr r SUBDEx OREx1NAl131r 2•R 4•ROWS .jam• r` A c o® 1.M. 41 NIL t<®Lm. oq\RR®pL OMm{LL LIU CLRIf 01Y109[IIm\PLm IfR911�01 ®.'IOI OIA4 YR4� am uL N�xL a�n�wr c °Lwvmeoa-�vmm omiu PO°mi'rm dIR No IOi W. .Nu osLa•w-¢ rr�rmaN,ry rotxd POOL SCREEN ENCLOSURE FOOTER RECEIVED DEC 2 7 9nrn Perrnittin St. 4uc/Q Cguntyyent W FQIMWFEROBF JONES St. Luce l ��TT LUCIE COUNTY BU ING DIVISI N IEVIEWED FOR COM ��E EVIEWED BY art ATE LANS AND PERMIT MUIV BE KEPT ON JOB ITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL BE MADE THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED 8Y FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. CONCEALED FAST ENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD. 21 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS FOR N. CABLE aRA iiNG MAES. TERMINATE NOT LA FILE C ®PY SCALE. USE DIMENSIONS OCATI CABLEBRACINGMAYTERMINATE AT SLAB IN DIFFERENT LOCATION. MAINTAIN ANGLE PER -0ETAIC. REVISIONS LU li LU W V N (.) y J m OK �N V O V) U. CL2 al UU CM G C LL O m amto mo S to F mmNIL A jQLOLL m 0 O EL` A-1 'f —NOTE - NOT ALL DETAILS ARE USED FOR THIS PROJECT. SEE PLAN FOR DETAIL CALL OUTS"' lWxrx2'FXTRUDEDb(4)014x3/4'SMS MOLE 5062 Hat ALLOY INTO POST BRICK PAVERS BONDEDTO CONCRETE SIABIFOOTING ' a,U SEE PION SIDE VIEW (4)014x314'SMS 2'xr DJ BRICK PAVERS. MAY NOT BE INTO POST (1) 3.6' DIA.CONCRETE PRESENT. FOLLOW ANCHOR MINIMUM SCREW ANCHORS CONCRETE EMBEDMENT 012 CONC. EMBED) l'xr SASE PLATE ANCHORED TO CONC W 1/4- CONCRETESCREWANCHOR (LION.I IIV MBED) 6- MAX EACH SIDE OF POST AND 24.O.C. MAX d ' 4. . C FRONT VIEW DJ-1 DOOR JUMB TO CONCRETE W/PAVERS DETAIL A-2 SCALE:NTS 24.O,C, r EMR UDED ANGLE W52 CORNER POST HatALLOY EACORNER W/(2).P14x2- _ 6MS INTO POSTS (1) 3/B' DIA CONCRETESCREWANCHORINTO 'P CONCRETE (2) i1B x flR' SMS THRU SCREW BOSSES BRICK PAVERS. MAY NOT BE PRESENT. FOLLOW ANCHOR MINIMUM jr. , CONCRETE EMBEDMENT SLAB/FOOTING <• SEE PLAN SIDE VIEW CONCRETE POST W 1'X2' BACKSIDE LB'x LENGTH AS REQUIRED FOR 21W USED CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR INTO CONCRETE 1'x2-BASE PLATE ANCHORED TO CONC W 1/4 CONCRETESCREWANCHOI (MIN.11/r EMBED) 6- MAX EACH SIDE OF POST AND 24' O.C. MAX FRONT VIEW CP-1 CORNER POST TO CONCRETE WAVERS DETAIL A-2 SCALE:NTS I (B) 614 1/8' PLATE OI 6060-T6 ALU1 EYE CAE H-2 CABLE CONNECTION AT CORNER A-2 SCALE:NTS tl6'xz'X2-E4A�OY (1)1W GIA THE BOLT WNYLOCK ANGLE 5062 JAM NUT414 LIEU OF NYLOCK JAM EASIDENUT. JAM NUT WTHREADLLOCKER MAY BE USED BRICK PAVETIGHTEN TO CONTACT. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN BONDEDTO CONCRETE BRICK PAVERS. MAY NOT BE A PRESENT. FOLLOW ANCHOR MINIMUM CONCRETEEMSEDMENT SLAB/FOOTISEEPLAN<•• SIDE VIEW (21/4-CONC. EMBED) 15G' BASE PLATE ANCHORED TO CONC W/ 114 CONCRETESCREA?MCX01 (MIN.1 1/4' CONC. EMBED) V MAX EACH SIDE OF POST SLASIFOOTING SEE PION �� FRONTVIEW / o \2' x 4' OR LARGER UPRIGHT TO CONCRETE W/PAVERS DETAIL p-2 SCALE:NTS \ 1R'S.S. CABLE 11/4'x561B'x U6'ALUM. FLAT BAR. 6063-TB ALUM. W/ (2)3 DIA. x 2 TI DBL COMPRESSION SLEEVES EMBEDMENT CONCRETE ANCHORS BRICK PAVERS. m w� PRESENT,FOLLOW PRE ' ANCHOR MINIMUM cOi CONCRETE EMBEDMENT 4d' . n2 . SLAB/FOOTING SEEPLAN (4) 010 x 1 SC SELF - 11M'x 5 LB-• 1/B-ALUM. FLAT BAR. 6063-T6 ALUM. A. a (2)W'DIA.x3'EMSEB LSLABIFOO CONO SCREWANCHOR SEE PLAN H-1 CABLE CONNECTION AT FOUNDATION A-2 SCALE:NTS EMBER L+ \PURLIN OR GIRT BEAM OR POST DETAIL A-2 SCALE:NTS m REVISIONS N J t2 J � OO O ` � U 0 (D M Jxmm UU CEO Q C LL W a m Z w W 9 HdN1 N W uO.O O a LL 47 U O O �A v a` v� NO. A-2 I ***NOTE -NOT ALL DETAILS ARE USED FOR THIS PROJECT SEE PLAN FOR DETAIL CALL OUTS ­ WOOD: CIO.W WOOD SCREWS, 6' FROM GIRT 6 ®12'O.C. GIRT 8024'O.C. xlIWINTO 2' HOLLOW SECTION 410xSWOODSCREWS,6' FROM GIRT & Q 12'O.C. HOLLOWSECTION CONC. T OR PURUN WV DIA x WCONCRETE SCREWANCHOR,6' 2. FROM GIRT 8 ® 24' O.C. G1 IX2 TO HOST STRUCTURE DETAIL A-3 SCALE: NTS EACHSIDE Vx2' OPEN SACK IN SCREWED TO BEAM 2'x 2' 1/B'ANGLE W (2) 014 X INTO BEAM & l 4x 2-SI TAPPING SCREW INTO HEAL 1/4' x7 LAG SCREWS, 6' FROM END B 02V O.C. CONC. TIV DIA. X 21/4' CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR,6' FROM END e 0 24' O.C. (1) WB' DIA CONCRETE SCREW ANCHORS EACH SIDE (2-1/4-CONCRETE EMBEDMENT) ROOF BEAM CONC. 21/CONCRETE SCRE SCREWANCANCHOfl, B' 11Y1x215'i0.062606b FROM END B®24'O.C. UM RECEIVING CMNNELM 114 x WV SMS EACH FLANGE G 2 BEAM TO HOST STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT A-3 SCALE: NTS DETAIL #2 MAX DETAIL #1 CONTRACTOR SHALL RUN 11V RU BOLT TOATTACH W NYLON WASHER & STAINLESSSTEELNUT H-3 ROOF BRACING CONNECTION DETAIL A-3 SCALE: NTS 4 4 4 �a. x � •.ax.: . A B-1 _ COLUMN TO SLAB CONNECTION DETAIL A-3 SCALE:NTS DIATHRU BOLT W/ JAM NUT. DO NOT 1/4' LAGS, 4' FROM ENDS 61B' O.C. MAX. V MI LONGERTHAN THE PANEL THIOMNESS. WI NEOPRENE WASHER ON EACH LAG S'X0.082AW"` RECEMNG CHANNEL WI H2 X WVTOPAND BOTTOM AS END CAP I;T•T•lan_0411111 `1' X V X 15'ALUM ANGLE (2) WV DIA THRU BOL W (S) P12 X WV SMS EACH SIDE ;GREEN WALL BENEA� OMPOSITE ROOF, 1' x 2' RRV BEAM. BEE PLAN WI (2) 010 x 2' SMS I WO SHEET FOR MEMBER SCREWROSSEBINTO INFORMATION UPRIGHT OR POST. SEE PLAN SHEET FOR MEMBER INFORMATION 5 \CARRY BEAM CONNECTION A-3 SCALE: NTS 0'X 0.062 EXTRUDED (2)11V DIA X W LAG SCREWS ® 6' EXISTING B S-, COMPOSITE ROOF CONNECTION A-3 SCALE: NTS m REVISIONS J � } O U p U J U. N CD cl y 1�all 9 x� Z 00 LAD 0 d C if LLmrm _ y�M1 d F N L V a W S910O W 0a LL m V 0 N IL A-3