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=-- - = Aµ quali yi,heat�pump) pq a+C�a1-� -desrgned t fit anybudge tp M - SWIMINGPgR PFHFATPIIMPS • Optimum�p, ut hMm_ ll,footprint _ • Microprocessor controlled automatic defFost,allows, i • Largesurfacekandkcorrosioniresista�ntjevapiir`ator operation downpto tf a mid to lyower 40s ,_.., h - • Vinyl coated,fanrgrilh - • High performance t{taniumrheat exeh na ger y— ' __ F; (Paten[ted`Therrrff6 ink heatLexchang � in T90, T715?8iT135 mode -Is)',-"± ......... 45 {0 i BTUs T55 T75 T90 T715 T135 80/80/80 51,000 72,000 96,000 112,000 132,000 80/80/63 47,500 67,000 90,000 106,000 125,000 80/50/63 30,000 46,000 65,000 74,000 84,000 Coefficient of Performance j 80/80/80 5.6 5.4 6.0 5.6 5.7 f 80/80/63 5.5 5.3 5.8 5.4 5.6 I i 80/50/63 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.0 4.0 Refrigerant R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A 1 HeatExchanger TubeinTube TubeinTube ThermoLink ThermoLink ThermoLink i Electrical I kW Input 2.7 3.9 4.7 5.9 6.8 1 Voltage/Hz/Phase 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 Minimum Circuit Ampacity 19A 26.8 40.0 35A 43.3 Maximum Fuse Size 30 45 60 60 60 Water Flow { Minimum/Maximum (gpm) 20/45 20/45 30/70 30/70 30/70 i ♦A Heater Bypass Kit is required when flow rates exceed the maximum f Physical Weight (Ibs) 180 200 255 259 287 Length xWidth x Height (in) 36"x25"x28" 36"x25"x32" 38"x29"x40" 38"x29"x40" 38"x29"x44" 1 Shipping Weight (Ibs) 220 240 305 309 337 tengthxWidth xHeight (in) 38"x26"x33" 38"x26"x33" 40"x30"x45" 40"x'30"x45" 40"x30"x49" ',Decibels (dB) 65 65 65 65 65 f i RNed laGcmNaircevnlhrMl stanGGrtlp 1dOwnNr;lem{Vomhien} Gidrelalrve twiNmryj { __�ficabaas subjeglbch"nge _ _ U lAq aCal: AUTOPILOT: SALT CHLORINE GENERATORS - .. Pump - Quick Heat Start Guide Models: 035, 055, 075, 110, 120, 121, 155, 156, & 175 For product manuals and further installation / operation procedures visit www.AquaCal.com Important Read This Guide Before Installing or Operating Heat R.v� Page 1 SECTION 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACTING AQUACAL AUTOPILOT Web www.AquaCal.com Phone (727) 823-5642 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. Monday through Friday Fax (727)821-7471 If you should need to call AquaCal AutoPilot for questions, service, or parts, please have your model and serial numbers available. SAFETY For personal safety, and to avoid damage to equipment, follow all safety instructions displayed in this guide. Repair and service of your heat pump must be performed by qualified service personnel. Failure to properly install, operate, maintain, or repair the heat pump will void factory warranty. Safety signals are placed where particular attention is required. Please note "WARNING' signals relate to personal safety, while "CAUTION" signals promote avoiding damage to equipment. Follow all National Electric Codes (NEC) unless State or Local guidelines supersede. When installing and using your heat pump, basic safety precautions must always be followed, including the following: ©WARNING - Failure to heed the following may result in injury or death. • Heat pumps contain no owner -repairable components. • Electrical Installation should be by Licensed Electrician only. • Service to the refrigerant circuit must be performed only by qualified HVAC Technicians. • Heat pumps utilize high voltage and rotating equipment. Use caution when servicing. • Heater contains refrigerant under pressure. Recover refrigerant before opening system. • Prolonged immersion in water warmer than normal body temperature can cause fatal Hyperthermia. The use of alcohol, drugs, or medication can greatly increase the risk of fatal Hyperthermia. • Persons having an adverse medical history, or pregnant women, should consult a physician before using a hot tub or spa. In addition, children and the extreme elderly should be supervised by a responsible adult. ©CAUTION - Failure to heed the following may result in equipment damage. • Improper water chemistry can cause damage to pump, filter, pool shell, etc. To avoid equipment damage, maintain Pool/Spa water per standards detailed later in this manual. • Water flow exceeding 70-GPM requires a bypass. Damage due to excessive water flow will void warranty. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS SPECIFICATIONS Specification Description Water Flow Requirements 30 - 55 gallons per minute (gpm) ideal range. A heater bypass is required for water flow greater than 70 gpm. Electrical Service See data plate attached to front cover or behind front access panel on equipment. Table 1 AGENCY APPROVALS Agency Description NEC NFPA No. 70, and all applicable stale codes NEC Article 680. Swimming Pools, Fountains, and Similar Installations NEC Article 440, Air -Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment S, r----ETLrlr ' .` I^.U�L'd18g5.-__,mow`;- ,; Table 2 W FA Page 2 SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION For commercial or complete installation instructions please, visit www.AquaCal.com for equipment manual. EQUIPMENT CLEARANCES Keep the area immediately adjacent to the heat pump clear of items such as shrubs and bushes, lawn furniture, chemicals containers, etc. These items can prevent air from circulating properly through the heater, and will result in inefficient operation and/or damage to the heat pump. i Overhang with j " Gutter \� / a — Rain Run -Off Must Be Directed Away From Heater (Front) --► 30" Minimum j? Clearance I PLUMBING SCHEMATIC _ 5 feet Minimum Clearance Overhead (Rear) 12" Clearance for all IceBreaker / Heal & Cool Models 12° Clearance for All Tropical Models 6" Clearance for SQ "Heat Only" Models 1 (Rear) 12" Clearance for All IceBreaker / Heal & Cool Models 12" Clearance for All TropiCal Models 6° Clearance for SQ'Heat Only. Models 3 = Three Way Valve B = Bypass Check Valve (51b) for Water Flow Over 70 GPM C = Chlorinator D = Main Drain F = Filter H = Heat Pump P= Water Pump R = Return S = Skimmer ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1) Locate the equipment power disconnect within 6-feet of the heaters electrical enclosure. 2) Never mount power disconnects directly to heat pump. 3) Only use copper conductors. 4) Use sequencing controllers when multiple heaters are installed on site. 5) Local codes and regulations may require the use of a ground fault interruption device (GFI Circuit Breaker). Nuisance tripping of these devices is common and not covered under the terms of the Manufacturer's warranty. 6) Review online product manual when connecting external controller devices to heat pump. Page 3 SECTION 3 - OPERATION Pool •L _...rye.. Heating Temp \ -_ Spa ' 78 rIi enTemp I Cooling / v ® eatitlrtg POOL UP DOWN: . MODE SPA Figure 4 INDICATOR LIGHTS LIGHTS EXPLANATION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 'Poor Pool Thermostat Selected -Spa' Spa Thermostat Selected 'Cooling' Actively Cooling Water Not applicable for Straight Heat models. 'Desired Temp' Setting Desired Water Temperature 'Water Temp' Actual WaterTemperalure 'Heating' Actively Heating Water Table 3 BUTTONS BUTTONS EXPLANATION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 'Pool / Spa' Select between Pool and Spa Please note —this does not turn off equipment It only allows a user to toggle between the Pool thermostat and the Spa thermostat. 'Up' Select to raise temperature set point or move up in a menu choice 'Down' Select to lower temperature set point or move down In a menu choice 'Mode' Select a mode Modes available are 'ACH','COOL','HEAT', and'OFF'. Please note —'ACH' and'COOL' only available on some models. Table 4 DISPLAY MESSAGE EXPLANATION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION A numeric code Is required before any temperature adprstment can A user lockout code has been be entered. Use the'UP' or'DOWN' arrow to enter code, then select '000' activated activated. 'MODE' to temporarily unlock Heat Pump. If code Is unknown, a re- option is available in product manual. Manuals can be downloaded from wwwAquaCal.com. When this mode is active, the heat pump will automatically switch 'ACH' Auto -Change Over Mode between heating and cooling modes to maintain a set temperature pointwithin t 3 degrees. Feature available for Heat & Cool units. 'COOL' Cooling Mode Heat Pump Is set to coot the water. Feature avaiable for Heat & Cool units. 'HEAT' Heating Mode Heat Pump is set to heat water. Heat Pump can be turned off by using "MODE' button or setting 'OFF' Unit off temperature below 45 degrees. Heat Pump will not allow a set temperature to be programmed until turned on again. ,,. Current Water Temperature Temperature can be set from 45° F to 104' F. This can be displayed (Example 78°) In Fahrenheit or Celsius depending on programming. FLO No water flow through Heat Pump This can be a normal display depending on system settings. See Troubleshooting' H needed. Table 6 Page 4 PROGRAMMING Activity Steps Step 1: Soled the'POOL / SPA button to choose the thermostat to adjust 2: Select the "UP* or 'DOWN' button to Increase or decrease the desired set temperature. Adjusting Step 3: Step Once set, the current water temperature will be displayed. The Heat Pump will start to operate to most Temperature the desired temperature. Please note a time delay will be expedencad If Heat Pump has just been initialized. This delay is between 4 to 5 minutes. Step 1: Conffrrn Heat Pump has power. Turning Heat Pump Step 2. Select the'MODE'button. 'ON' Step 2• Using the'UP ar'DOWN' arrow, select 'ACW,'COOL','HEAT", or'OFF'. See section on Display for'MODE' usage. Turning Heat Pump Step 1: Step 2: Select the 'MODE' button. Using the'UP'or'DOWN' arrow, salad 'OFF' ,OFF, Please note— setting temperature below 45' F will also turn off Heat Pump. Step 1: Select and hold down both the 'UP and 'DOWN' arrow keys simultaneously until the Celsius / Selling to'Celslus' Fahrenheit code (CFI) appears an the display. or'FahrenheII7 Step 2- Selectthe'UP'or'DOWN'arrowtosalad*1'forFahrenheitor'TforCelsius. Step 3: Allow display to Omeout. SwitchIngfromPool Select the'POOLISPA'button. to Spa Table 6 SECTION 4 - MAINTENANCE POOL CHEMISTRY Maintain pool waterwith the following chemical levels. Commercial applications may vary from depending on locale. All values show in PPM (Parts Per Million). Chemical Pool Spa Chlorine 1 to 3 parts per million (PPM) 1.5 to 3 PPM Bromine 1 to 3 PPM 3 to 5 PPM PH 7.4to7.8PPM 72to7.8PPM Total Alkalinity 80 to 140 PPM 80 to 120 PPM Calcium Hardness 200 to 400 PPM 200 to 400 PPM Total Dissolved Solids 1.000 to 2.000 PPM 1,500 to 2,000 PPM Table 7 WINTERIZING In areas where freezing conditions are a rare occurrence, allow the filtration system to run continuously throughout the freeze period. Typically, during light freeze conditions, circulating (moving) water will not freeze. In areas where freezing conditions are prevalent and sustained, the heat pump must be winterized as follows: 1) Disconnect all electrical power to the heater, turn off circulating pump. 2) At the two (2) connection unions, disconnect the plumbing to the heater (removal is counter -clockwise). 3) If your unit has an external drain plug, remove plug. This plug would be located at lower, front comer of heater (position may vary between models). Allow water to drain out of the condenser. Replace the winterizing plug by threading the plug in clockwise until just snug, then apply an additional 1/8 turn. 4) If no drain plug is found, unit is self draining from unions. Check online manuals for appropriate winterizing procedures on heat pumps older than 2005. 5) To prevent insects and vermin from entering the plumbing during the winterized period, partially reconnect the two (2) plumbing connection unions: couple each union one or two threads; this will permit condensation to drain, but will prevent most insects and animals from entering the plumbing circuit. START UP To ready a winterized heat pump for use, simply retighten plumbing connection unions. Hand -tight is generally sufficient. Page 5 SECTION 5 - TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODES SYMPTOM RULE OUT RESOLUTION •FLo• . Insuffidentwaterflow through heater or circulation pump Is off -- - Insufficient Water Flow Step 1: - - - Confirm water pump Is on and water valves are in the correct position to allow water to flow through Heat Pump. If emrr persists, proceed to next step. Filtration Dirty Step 2: Confirm filtration system is dean. Backwash If needed. If error persists, proceed to next step. Possible Water Pressure Switch Step 3: Request Service CommuccationFault 1 WA Request Service . "ClIE" Error Control System Error WA Request Service "dPC" Error . De frostSensorShorted WA Request Service , "dPG" Error DefroslSensorOpen WA RaquestService ' aft" Error . unit in defrost mode. Normal defrost mode Step 1, If emir persists after air temperature is over 50' F, request service. "HP" Error _.. ..: High Pressure. Insufficient Water Flow Step 1: Confirm water pump is on and water valves are In the correct position to allow water to flow through Heat Pump. If error persists, proceed to next step. Filtration Dirty Step 2: Confirm filtration system Is dean. Badkwash if needed. if error persists, proceed to next step. Possible Refrigerant Issue Step 3: Request Service Equipment has registered high pressure five times and locked. Insufficient Water Flow and/or Filtration Dirty Slop 1: Fellow steps outlined In'HP' error, then reset circuit breaker to dear error. If error persists, request service. "LP"'Error.:.. .. .'.. Refrigerant Issue WA Request Service '9,P5"-Eiior Refrigerant Issue WA RequeslSerdce "OTA" - OverTemperature Alarm Temperature over 1100 F (Unit Locked) Other heating equipment Check If alternate heater (such as a eater heater) Is heating water leading to heat pump. If yes', turn off alternate heater and check if error dears. if error persists, request service. "PG"Error .. .... ._ ....._ Water Temperature Sensor Shorted NIA Request Service "POb�Error WaterTempereture Sensor Open NIA Request Service r When tamnomn Wume Comma rolo ilohtho ndl d on toot you ma11mPIDCO tho tWdtbaNaly, Tba aefo Pod'& pludo pans r411411 uhm*10112115 from dlmet aunEohlo wsure. Howovor; sll0hl dlloolcrctlon ovorumolsnormal, WARNING! THE SAFE POOLALARM la SMPMRLY LOUD WHEN ACTIYATEO. FORYOUR SAFETY, NEVER PLACE THE UNm CLOBETC YOUR EAR/,TOTESTTHEALARM, ALWAYS YBEFORETESTINCCIIACTIMATIµNO THEALMN UNIT IT18 PROHIBITED BY LAWTO REMOVE THE INSTALLED ALARM AFTER IT HAS PASSED INSPECTION I important warranty Infolmwon: Adated proof of purchase Is mqulrcd forwARanry, sarvlaa Customer service: 1.0 01 8•6 1 ECHKO(1.06SAM461)J Wabdto: www.taehkomold,00m Mlg. By 28YffiID' 0767 ResoeR41 Drive, IMne, CA92618 4626 MACE IN CHINA LL. A COYPLI95IIIWITM uLlon USA Patonll No, 0,473,310 No, 0,727,810 NOTICE THII PRODUCT 11 PROTIOTIO YNC IR FEDERAL PA ,iPADEYAn1tANDCOPYIIIOHTLAWJAND LAWS PPeYEHRNOYNiNfl OOYPETmon, DUPUCAn DX OR IINUTAnox OP iHl I PRODY m la PaRYO7ID nKCEPTDYwIVi7Ex AYINCLIwx OPTaCHKO,IHO, TECHKOAND TITS CONPIOURAnON OPTHIE PROOUOT ARa TRAORYAIKSOPTECHNOINO, COPYRIGHT IM TECHKO.INO. ALLfl1OHTIRODURYeD YADEINCHIHA r7 M 1 <• "' Safe POOP Model S1.8713 Area Entry Alarm ..I cCoonrqoMmtellons on your pumhago of the TECHKO Bofo Pea fmodal S187D to alamm.ThaBofo PoNcanbo used to sub hvduma elonn start anchlUmn have an a aeroa.Tho81870an be wad ond wl [asdlnp dlroWywild on N abpeWnWtlya.orlaepeosom �. The safe Pod Is designed la sound aloud died ddldmn'enter NrouGh a Bata Pod pmtoclod daarfuato. When propetInglalled me88fe poa1nd eliowe dilate I'm Vudg I the peeved dwdg;vlo and Imrnadmloy shut off the sandblg also. When powered, the Safe Paul isalNeys In prdoolon mode. Tha clam w al activate the Indent when the doodpomopena by mom then 121nch (when me magnetic s onsors am op ad mymors Then 121ndr). Onm the also eaftles here sound conllnuouctrunNmo BYPASS buBorttepresead. When pasemg through the dootlgalo press the BYPASS button, man open No m doorfgoW, slhrou handdoso ma dondgato %Amin 8.12 son and the a�an Yip not odivam. •W brlvm aelhoner forgnnl �orvAndow protection •BVdlbeary rholladUdad) • High gpnnppuu{{ 1 D•118 dB alarm den • Ldw BetlarrYYfsigal LED ineiceter OpnlbalodMand BYPASS WBan fordaloyod onbyhcrn •olhereide of doororfence • Oolbnel ade foal mognaVe sonar faeaoen doer a8 Vanity PARTS Irer arse j tee �� O i n rm �o1C. (Y \`Y�� r � F1P.1 raw O O ly •Alum given Is VERYIoed: NEVER floe the unit dam to Install tall the unit blob enough mbe at of math deaden Worhisharlsrocemmondod, , Keep this Manuel for future fafaMnaa. The Safe Pad an provide valuable prolocUan when used wrw*.. Hoveave , N aaolguorontea complain prolgdlon againslerdden �I`�udes, Thamfaed a�olarvalthat be hold MI s to for MY lose. unego. WARNING, old ell Ingtells8on ands Pane" IreWovens lharaughiybefore praOngdlIt Wilh Insl,Italian. role: Nolen pemte Inducted ere needed for Ins1e1181Ion, Pleeea food mo dllfaronlmounVng op0 collon lose. who, le nee dad faryourspau a a new B and ma the LED Ilahl lementln'PA99 through. In end released, the nix loss through and to MOUNnxO: WARNING: The sign should be puslUoned class to the door high enough to be out of the reach of chlldmn. As ouch ormll g application Vedas, TodOw suggests tolung the urns melollstlan locallon and effectiveness before permanently mounting the 8187D. MOUNANGINOOORS Using the provided mcutillrq template printed Inthis marvel, mark the position ofthe saw halos on the doilrod Mounting surface. *'rho Addlilonn doloybuttanmay be mounted on e other side of the ontronm. When pmnod,IIWdll delay the all 8.12socands before alarm Is tdgaorad. ollowins ume to loam the doadoalo . ili , y� g ►. `►' ILA �; no-s u Ason��ending oogedlhasmeoenllowtheunitmbo e an will sand onlywhen BOTH gate of magnetic eam=are oppen, ream foralluMnp me eider to be open while e01 pro ding pMledlon of me ecaon door. MOUNRNO INDOORS USING DOUBLE -SIDED TAPE Atoka HUM that Ua mounting SWANS far the doutAo-sWed toallloulianMuchaeaeuit enNe onto he ryhnli, id than secure onto e desired mounting surface. TEMPLATE 'MODEL8187D