HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASEk 11-06-'19 10:21 FROM- 7728787656 T-153 P0001/0001 F-956 RECENED 1a PNOV'0 61019 6. F:ak772�.j.,j%Permitting Department T St. Lucie County Dabs: \ U Pmii'Ntimber, �\��� 1 ectRckioz �� �o _ P� fCluno� along 'lS ❑9NNVOS THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBEp PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT V g)MD TWRTY,(30) DAYS, FOR THE. PURPOSE O7FTESMG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A F� IAL.INSPEC1140N. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF T14E REQUEST WE- HUOY AGNOMMtE AND AGREE AS FILOWS: 1. Thisterrtporary power release is regwsted far the atttovee meted pnpose only, and "IA line � �` SC�� oec[tpancy of any type Other than that permfited by Con; [ruction daring this time period �Gc, eJ-'L�`O a. Mwitness by our sigroi s, W$ hetft agree.fb abide by-4 Leans and c o6ditlons of this agreement, inrlt . Mg Building DlviSion Pblicy,, Which is incorporated hereirt by rfferertce. Co 3. AO as t"tions:and require ents listed In tM, Mimed document enlffled"Re ftnentsfor 30 Day 4%1� Power'for'Tta rig` FkAe baPn fulfiped'&' d the premise is ready Por Compliance.inspecffon. 4. All requests for an a tension beyond 3b days -must be:made in writing to the BuOding Affidai stating fhe reasotr for thisrequest. POW81' may be retntbved'from'tYie sh ancgbr a Step Workorder Issued of the Ffnal hWeWon haS Itot Ueen appmved wiiftia 3d'days. Ake_*of W%Vd WJII be' required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE -AND {tGk2EETO Ii016 FYQ{3MLE3 , ST. LUM COUNTY, AND THEIR EMpLQYEE3 FROM ALL LLt96iC11TES AND CLAIMS OF.ANY TYPE OF itiATU}E VfFE7itIr1 MAY ARISE NQW OR IM THE F1ITURE OUT ORTHjS 11fAN_SACiIQN, INCL UDING MYIIA1�iACyE lf(hlldQf N.1AY $E IN11GU (t1E TO' THE DTSLbNNECIION t]F H ECTftYGAB_ A Eft iFwi'THE'eveff OF vmLATjDjj OF THIS AGREEMI�1'f. OWNER'SIGM GATE