HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST;4 ,,�i BbARD OF PLAtJP11NG & DEVELOPMENT cOuhiy SERVI:CES.DEPARTMENT COMnIIfSSION(=RS e a BuHding &.Code.Regulatio,n CHECKLIST FUR RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT ProtectLocation: Date: )A-1 %-I Permit Number:' $ oZ- Le TechnicianLl,b.2i y SCANNED St.Luc RetYuired-Docutnentsc County/ Application coinpletely filled out with Notarized Signatures..:.......:. .. Yes V No N/A, _ _ Sub Agreements with Notarized Signatures (prior'to issuance) .......................... Yes /No N/A Owner / Builder Affidavit (signed in `office) ..................... Yes ' No N/A: Filled Land Affidavit(prior.to'issuance).....:.......................... :c........ :..:.. _ ......Yes'/No N/A - Recorded ' ` WaminyDeed,ifapplicable ...................:.........................:.........Yes:. Wo_BNJA06 Recorded Mtice of Cominencemement (prior to issuance or inspection) ..........:.... Yes_ No V% N/A_/ Utility. Agreement or Payment Receipt (prior. to.issuance)..:................................. es _ No N/A �/ Vegetation Removal Application:with copy of survey ........:....:.......... ........... Yes . No N/AV Plans:`Calculations &Attachments (3 copies'commercial, 2 copies residential), Complete set of plans with Engineer / Architect Raised. Seal ................. / _ _ .......... Yes'V/No .' N/A • . Truss Plans.reviewed and approvedby Engineer / Architect :........:...............:.. Yeses 'No N/A Landscaping and:Parkingplan (under '6 000 — s f)...........:............................ Yes No N/A,.,/ Approved Site Plans ...::...:......... Yes Y No ^N/A .. Sealed.Survey, with Dimensions, Finished floor ........................................... Yes_ Elevations and Setbacks ............. :.............................. :.......:....:... YesYNio o. N/A Plot plan with Setbacks .....:.......:......... ........... Yes N/A,:-. ti Health Department approval stamped on survey and floor plan ..... . ................:. Yes No N/A N�/ Health Department Food Establishment Permit stamped on floor plan ................ Yes_ No _ N/A Manual "J" or Manual "N" Calculations....................................I .............. YesyNo _ N/A_ Signed Energy Calculations (1 original signature) ....................................... Yes ZNo _ N/A_' Sealed Wind Load Compliance Certification ............................................... Yes / No N/A_ Product Review Affidavit..................................................................... Yes_7No N/A Other: Health Department Permit Paperwork....................................................... Yes— No N/A V _ CD for Fire Department if commercial or multi -family ................................... Yes_ No N/A vP DEP, SFWMD or Army Corp of Engineers (dock, seawall, SF on beach)............ Yes— No — N/A ,17d"'F PoolBarrier Affidavit.......................................................................... Yes No N/A. Ground Sign Landscape Affidavit (signs) ........................................... Yes— No N/A._/ ... — Burn Rate for Sign Cabinets ..........................................: .. Yes— No — N/A V RV and Mobile °Home Tie-DownOnly (2 copies) Permit Worksheet (Tie -Down Diagram) ................................................... Yes No N/A Manufacture Set -Up and Installation Manual .............................................. Yes No NIA Manufacture Blocking Documents .................................. :........................ Yes No N/A Signed Penetrometer Test (1 copy)......................................................... Yes No N/A StairDetails.. . ....... 6 .................... 6 ............................ t ....................... Yes No N/A Mobile Home Inspection Report for Relocation (used only) ........................... Yes No N/A Copy of Title for Relocation (used only) ......................... 6......................... Yes No N/A Private Property not in a mobile home park Class "A" Approval from Planning or file # ................................:............... Yes— No N/A — COMMENTS Revised 7/27/18