HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE1 08-08-'19 08:44 FROM- 7728787656 T 833 P0002/0003 F-354 8�2CIN 5 RECEIVED B1�tM�'i�L��,+.0' ��`f4"i�I111�7fTf1 AUG 0 8 ?ntq Permitting Depattmr RM77Z-462,66443 St. Lucie c ram. Reque&fbe"j'l-' �rPdwerMidase Petrti4�Niarritrer SCANNED St. eLucCount THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL Pow FR TO THE ABOVE DESc. UZED . PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TQ ExcEED THIRTY m)—DAys, FOR THE PUR20SE a TEmmgG S1'Sf m ME) EQUIPMENT IN PWARATION FOP AFINALYi3PEMON m coNSiS9awmN OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUE57WE•HE kACK OWLE0WANDAimPSFOLLO%S: 1. 7itis temporary PDwer ►easy is requEsied for #te above d pwp mob', anfl th2 t4�i1 be Ito occupancy of arty type, other than that permitted by wh5lu on during this time period. Z. 4!rwrmess by our 314rmWr% w e herby agree.tb abide bya i>rr m and aonddfons of this lMemeM inchidltig Building pivls5on P.aficy, Which is incorpd[a1?rd here"vt by reference. 3. ' All conditbns.'and'Mq*e 0rits 115%ed in the pttaihed decurbent muted "Requtrmtetltsfor 30 Day POW'fbr Tung" Have been fulfilled drid the premise is reWyfor compliance.inspe=n. 4. All 2quests for ah eidension beypnd 30 days must rae made in wlUng too the "ding Mc;wl staling the reksoti for the rBgi(eSt Power may be removed tram the site and/or a Stop Wnrkorder issuedaf the rJnal Inspection has not been approved within 36 -days. A fee of $100.00 wv l he required to Et the Stop Work Order. W`5 HEREBY RELEASE•AND AGM TO 14C1L6. MRMLESS, St; LU¢E COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLQYEES FROM ALI L?ARILtfIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY T4'PE.OF NATURE WHICH MAY A[iiSE NOWQR IN I meF(IfIJRE 0111 OF ice$ TR4INSACiION, INCLUt?IlVG Ai l' i7A7?IIAGE V{11;JIfx1 M*AY BE I1VGiJ9RED qUE Tk7 TI E I)ISCONNECMN OF ELELMC AL POVVM IN -D EEVENT OF VIOLAITON OFTHIS AGREEMMr "1