HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSi PERMIT# ISSUE DATE the For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . BniidW9 & Code CompHanee D vb1an BUILDING PERMIT SC.J Vw8Q SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Sy toe a COUn ,31 c_ X7:4 C_ have agreed to be Sub -contractor for W 4.., ,? n t /ewo^ (Primarly Contractor) S NNNQ Iiect Street Address or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the abovd.mentioned"• project, the.Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 44 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNOWER State of Florida, County of , I.y The foregoingioshvmentwa9signedbefore mefQi %of 1�rPC , z��, hr�csre_ �u11 Ecw.4, who is persmslty haowa � or has produced a .. as identification. I ° Eu � �� STAMP Signature 6f Notary Pubfie 1/.9-rt pi Lc-� 6 PnatName'ofNotary Public y NolawPOW o46brWa MyC 9udke y� v° idy d BUdksiollFF 90543 Revised 1 V1 2016 �Fpp� EvIrea0912N?w' O RA ORSIGNAT foomsoer) IC- Ui."i--cn � a e/' .5 Tom, 6ki PRINTNAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NEW= State of Florida, County of�]�Lk. q Thethregoiogiostramentwas signed before me this\n daypf rby JQN*1AtJ1&p Who is personagylmowu)/--or has produced a ,�-a�sirdeolscadon. (� p V ,�JB 2(VY60 STAMP Sigoature ofNofaryPohBa eT' PrmtName orf4unny Public ;y�,�"e �RAR.QU6BEOl3E _.)' �Ccmnilssfon#GGG220y8 tie s°�EzDli'esCclb6er21;2020 '•PmG�.`�': B07dedtMliioyFa3dMiIhI1CB If038br019 i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE CQU(NgT� F L D .R I D A rt: Control PLANNING & DEvELOPMENT SERVICES 130ding & Codes Compliance Division )3UHJD*G PERMIT SMI-CONTRACTOR AGRERMNT Lucie Cauntv. I et 4UC�Y1%4) ce cOWh have agreed-tq'be •. the HVAC Sub-contfactorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) ftimm Contractor) For the project Ideated at '(Project Street Addressor PxoperW Tax IDO) it is understood that, if them is any change of status regarding our participation with the above. mentioned,.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Luele'Cotntty will be advised pursuantw the Sling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. cow— tQuaiifietij. ,Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 $288 _ CODNTYCERTIttICATIONNOINEER COUNTY MrIPICATIONNI RIM state ormorida,county SYatvofmoHda.Conaty.CCL c 5 The foregoingidstrumentwasattiedhefiiremetm)s) of Ther:110:, iaEiostrutoent��tlgaedbefonmethis�� ilayof /�\Q •,-� ��.�",�t�`•C•�""'rZ '�2C. .z�� iy Q� Z� �f'wl� wpoispersonaByknown �IOrhmprodneeda who ispetaonallylmown �rhasprodnttdA as idthfifiestian D,O�q, . ,„ t,„ 490 STAMP' SSignatureofN • none Rea[sed 11/1642016 as identification. Q., ,, rya V, STAMB Signature ofNotuyFabi , I n o2oTl l y 41 MY J6&el d Print Name of Notary Pubne DOROTHYANNBASKIN .. :� MY COMMISSION p CG 030145 %i•, '„ EXPIRM October2.2020 &nded ThNNotaryPublIrUndemW&W , L66-d 3000/3000d t�LO-1 898L8L8ZLL dJOO sulpiln8 euuAM -Woad 91:Z.6 96e-60-Z6 6 $' '" ' As rx�v-""b ,� " CSC o SeMY VW(g Fa.g -*projag bod tit r�6�4k1�F:�7�7�ti��3�tr�l�kf� '— . .'lFdStaaF�iaY79a,.�nnA�eF-�WC.G-C� 'FbaiaraKsiAgfAa�rnante�i�asAbsfn�methis�aF ' ':�93,9�ALSQ�I��A96•A��aFk�S®1'a{1NBR9A�� esa2ol�lN (4-Nhf &Y FltlA) n aFlfalar4 F'aw DOROTHYANNBASK19 MYG6MMISSION#GO030945 EXPIRES: Octaber2, 2020 ROW !!/i6/�9l6 , %;$pFftg' Bonded•TbmNdteryPubitc.UndetvAW 1m" Ouial�oia �tatgoLb7alid�,�SBAfyaf � ��'kxfaEageiag3s�trarARaF�o/rasaiFisfaiarnathEs�? ref arhaas�srssAaD�xtA�9ay®�arbssp�s�AFB@a� . WOM ormforypillK4 .. _ x�ROIT* A M M 'SCANNED St. 13Y Lucie count)e Cow rAU STAMP, , wftbrid Imno, ,A0 A DOROT",,Al IASIN �I$ ON�ll, MYCOMI 466030145 DOROTHYANNSASfaN rN EXPIRES: OdtoberP- 2023 somm MY COMMISSION#GG030145 ru NO FXPIR98: OatoberZ 2020 0_ TuNotalypub