HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSri4we- the C- (Type For the project located at PLANNING & DEVE)LOPAIENT SERVICES S SCgN . Btliiding & Code Coneptianee 33iietistton f ( 9YNF0 BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Uc/e Covey RECEIVED DEC 17 2018 sT. Lucie county, Permitting have agreed to .be a. / Sub -contractor for lit)t„? I -e %e&e— ewe- oe;e� (Prim Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above.mentione'd— project, the .Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. . CONTRAeCTOkRSIGNATURE (Qualifier) lmmr COUNTY CEItTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County of ... TO foregoing instrumentwas signed b�efoorpe me thiskday of who is personany Imawn-Kor has produced a as identification. SiguaturemotarypubGe . A� 6-zr i C � 6 Pr,ntName ofNotary Public ,,��aa++ �NolatYPu6tic6l°Sd ag ptodda �F� K9ld BUdka F978543 v t�,ypommtsstoel€ 1levised111162016 orad� Explieao �a0Z0 4nAORSIGNAT (Qualifier) 1a�rYn« PR NNAW COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of- c %-L The foregoing iustrument:was signed before me this day of Ad C _Cby J-QWIIC. kU �5 � who is person0yd known jLor has produced. ��ga(s(�i�devb'rca_tiov. (� p �1 c0.i�allbA STAMP S,gnatvre ofNotary Public Print Name of Notaryrpnuc aN:1tt•"''- U1111PA R. CU68EDIiE _''.;. ,;Commi9ston#GGC2Z016 ,'''R,cdkiygsa`��, �,��7n�7'Fetn4°�srrms6fi "'. • 0039670t9 IM .777T�Ug PA TF; cp® ONO 7 l -vM ty, rm] I buinty, Permitting St'4 g tw-BIJ114140 od cod@ St LW - Nam wj@ woo 4go - Th - Ow Book,' WAAV D HYANNBASK19 4M,. 'OROT--'z'myc6mMisslQN#GGDS045 M.. EXPIRES; Octo.W2,2020 - Robed. HAOMM Wynna p&vF*pftrA* iR vlow-fifflw— , =,R . forw. . IAR djum whq f AERMITt# ISSUE DATE - PLANNi NG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance, Division RECEIVED • 13UMDIiiTIG PERMIrr I SUB-CONTRACFDRAGREM NT DLC I72018 . SCANNED I ST: Lumlttlt _de Countyy e.ri Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Inic. CCUnfi- have agreed-tq'be (Company Name/Individual Natne) the HVAC Sub-oontractorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our participation with the above,mentfbned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie 'County will be advised pucsu=Aw the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COCO (Q Matthew Li*le Wynne PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM PR state oflnortd%Coantyof .LV�,�•� The faregoingwtMotittwasdEncdbeforemetbb)2 Qof wpo is personnny known IN/or hesprodnccda as identification. W COUNTY CP.RTIFICATIO/NNUMBER Stat�!ofFforida, 4. y1,� Tbe`fofegaiueindramenf� signedhefaremethie� � Y `dayof • .zt�` yy�Q.��l �:�aa,•�,t-e.�v✓t4.C� yN who is pasonally known —Zor has produeeda ' as identification, .(/l/yLH Q l JL STAMP- Cl.r die., (it�ryr7lu. 9TAMF gnatnre ofNom ablic Sig�oature of Notary Pobl' 9 g� , oRo71f4 QA/A/ �A•SKIn! Ondeo lF t 4 IJASe,el PsintM9d00fN tffPdbIio: _ _ _-- -- — PrintNameoYNotatyPuhh'e ' MYCOMMISS(ON#GG030145 VANE, I. EXPIRES:Octo6er2,2020 ' ; MYCOMMISMDN#GG030145 ''d�„praiq. Bonded1niuN0teryPUN0,UndeiwdIM s5;• ag EXPIRE5:0ctober2,2020 Bonded ThNNotary PebGcUMerwftm' Fs*cd 11n5/1018 L66-d Z000/ZOOOd t+LO-i 999L8L8ZLL dao0 suipiin8 euuAM -woad 9L:Z.6 9ie-60-ZL SCANNED St. Lucie Co unty 4. SZarYtatifi::r::.rr'; tJre3k�set 'o'a";: 'o •T� ��up;�Cerst�ait'',EFta�;;t#"ei�'.£�aliy'���4g�rst�ir'ta;z�+g;�ti%:t�pB�kbYti "v�iit�i tl� aboveitYettjzetk�` 4,)�.,r�:�i��U�d'�;,Cat���il�t}u.��5t #�'� �U�i� Count:�1TIi�;adt�seclpvrsmant�'�fi .lit re inil�mFpt:�ass�gn?d ke' Se 1ii5��v \ mlho-isra�lk��enwu�.��uss:��+i�s���.. � ...:.:•....;..' "�'�e;�ilcegaiu��huoYetits�`3%g�'t'd IrsFbre•'i60'Hu"��}'.• xau;�pers¢us4j�kauv�-✓�%expt�aueea�: as�:rfaalii'1¢aeiaa . :?�bE'N>fWmkiuGNoi&tyPu6liN ..'F;nuf3�`ateN:6Y:A'fffsi�+FdbSfi� � . n, n, iS�.,... MY COMMIS IONgGGD30145 DOROTHYANNSASKIN +,� oEXPIRES: Obtober2, 2020 �.: ,; MYCOMMISSION#GG030145 i$f11'3YlstziuS:.PPF° emred mN?�omryrueuau¢ag m�e s. a� •,+,•;; ;�; EXPIRES:O¢Wber2,2020 PpP, t°•'�• �S¢OdgA JhIU NolzryPubPc.Dryj¢nv�1„yg.