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w 7,E 0' 30' 60, 90, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 15, CARLTON COUNTRY ESTATES ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLOTIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES 29 AND 30. LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS A A/C BM C CBS C/L CM CONC DEG OR ELEV FFE FND ID IP IR IRC LB LS M MON NAVD NO OR # N TS OHP ORB P PG(S) PLS POB POC PRM PSM R RCP RLS R/W A a ARC LENGTH AIR CONDITIONER BENCHMARK CALCULATED FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE LOTI3 CENTERLINE VACANT CONCRETE MONUMENT CONCRETE DEGREE ELEVATION FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FOUND IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IRON PIPE IRON ROD IRON ROD & CAP LICENSED BUSINESS LICENSED SURVEYOR MEASURED DATA MONUMENT NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM NUMBER NOT TO SCALE OVERHEAD UTILITIES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK PLAT DATA PAGE(S) PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF COMMENCEMENT PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER RADIUS REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SITE PLAN LOCATED IN SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA X-2-3-.1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---X--2aO-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------x- -&I.8------------------------------------------------------ x 21,2 FND 5/8 IRC HORSE TRAIL COSSON AREA AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT COMMON AREA RLS # 2391 70' R/W FND 5/8 IRC FND 5/8 IRC x-20;9-------------------- RLS # 2391 ---------------------------o -------)E-&1-8 ----- �C 21,2 RLS # 2391 ---- ---------------------------- N 89 54 26 E x 2 ---------- -- ----- - - - 2-&2 ----- ---- ----- -------- x 21.9 N_89'5476_"E n-u-n-,�-u-u- ' PLksn� F��Sc� 416.00 c�1.41 416.00'M 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT � 2;� 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT � 22-6� _ I x 22,6 x 22,5 x 22,63 MIN. SE K REQ. FRONT SIDES CNR SIDES REAR ZNG. TECH. IW WI IW al a a z a a Z o o o I ( w WI N W W W a a of 22 x 22.8 ,7 x 22:5 4' PLASTIC FENCE x 22,38 x 22.28 y t!A O O t>7 OO p 0 !V ch Iw O: Iw �I m 22.83 x x 22,3 12 .3-„-)[-„-it-„-,t-„-,t-„-„-,t-„- OT l4 LOT IS REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR FND 5/8 IRC RLS # 2391 RIGHT-OF-WAY -- - WATER METER 416.00' x AND N 89*52'33" E AT xE X DELTA FND NAIL & DISK UTILITY POLE LS # 2391 51M 5.85'23. 25 BENCHMARK _ N 89"52'33 E ELEV. = 23.87 BASE BEARING a SITE LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE I 14Pos M @qti ��O�QF STREET ADDRESS 18102 BRIDLE WAY ROAD, F TH PIFSRt LUCI@ 6'n4487 ou Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for OSTDS #66 5r,1811rofo8' & Well #6'� GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (I G S)NOTI 1. REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) METHOD WAS UTILIZED USING A TWO (2) DUAL FREQUENCY TOPCON HYPER GA II SYSTEM. 2. TYPICALLY, A BASE RECEIVER IS SET UP ON AN ESTABLISHED CONTROL STATION WHILE A ROVING RECEIVER LOCATES EXISTING MONUMENTS, IMPROVEMENTS AND CONTROL ON THE PROJECT. 3. CPS SURVEY MEASUREMENTS WERE PROCESSED AND ADJUSTED USING CARLSON SURVEY 2008. 4. THE HORIZONTAL TARGET ACCURACY FOR THIS SURVEY EXCEEDS MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE PER FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (F.A.C.) 5J-17-051. GENERAL NOTES ` �-+ vrvn 1. THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE 4' PLASTIC FENCE \ OCCUPIED 175.82' x 22.5 ELECTRIC --75.0'- - PROPOSED WELL WATERLINE I I 1 23.8< I 1 I I 1 �1 � It - ,• - 11 {'. ,�� -If 11 ,1 •• it 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT N 89*5233" E 21.00 PROPOSED SEPTIC 26.00 a PROPOSED 22.7 PORCH - x AREA A - --� ------ I I 0- 6 6.0o PROPOSED - - - - - - - 317 TANK x24. IQ a PROPOSED 1 STORY CBS RE IDENCE ty 1 MINIMUM FFE 24.80' '1 i PROPOSED'., ` << (CONCRETE _ 1&67 17.33• �J 23.5 PROPOSED --- ENTRY PRO OS -x 22.7 y ro a SET 1" IR NO ID BENCHMARK ELEV. = 23.11 oil n n ., n 22.9 416.00' _ ---- �EISTtNO-SWALE- ------------------------- - - - - -- x 22.9 x SET NAIL & DISK - BRIDLE WAY ROAD_ 89052.33" E 95 LB 7903 _ ELEV. = 23.23 60" RfW 20w ASPHALT 173.93' m C� A M O 00 x 22.8 4' PLASTIC FENCE 22.73 n ----------- PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE M2 CENTER LINE OF BRIDLE WAY ROAD, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK WELL &SEPTIC 46, PAQE 30, PUBLIC RECORDS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OUTOFRANGE HAVING A BEARING OF N89'52'33"E. 2. FLOOD NOTE: BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS IN ZONE "X", ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 12111C 0250 J, EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 16, 2012. THE EXACT DESIGNATION CAN ONLY BE DETERMINED BY AN ELEVATION CERTIFICATE. 21.55 x 22:46 3. ALL ABOVE GROUND FIXED IMPROVEMENTS, IF ANY, HAVE BEEN LOCATED AND SHOWN HEREON. 4. THE SURVEYOR HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OF UNDERGROUND FOUNDATIONS WHICH MAY OCCUPY LANDS OF OTHERS. 5. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND UTILITY SERVICES HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED ON THIS SURVEY, EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 6. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED BY THIS 22.40 x OFFICE FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS OF RECORD, OWNERSHIP, ABANDONMENT'S DEED RESTRICTIONS OR MURPHY ACT DEEDS. 7. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS MAP ARE NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR & MAPPER. 8. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO SURVEY MAPS OR REPORTS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES. 9. INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON PLAT AND FIELD MEAS�,-RED DATA. 10. THE LAST DATE OF FIELD WORK WAS OCTOBER 12, 2018. x 2252 FND 5/8 IRC RLS # 2391 FND 5/8 IRC RLS # 2391 11. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNITED itSTATES 1:�30 - - -- -- STANDARD, IN FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF. 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 2 416.00'M N 89`52'33 E 12. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE IN FEET AND BASED UPON E:0-----{*1STING-SWALE--------------- NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 2.9 FND NAIL & DISK LS # 2391 13. THE EXPECTED USE OF THE SURVEY AND MAP IS 416.00'M BENCHMARK ELEV. = 23.40 RESIDENTIAL. N 89'5233" E UIt ZW -a i�., a V Zoo: LU O / W i v/ J , Q I 93 O 1 j N I ZLLf w i �( tL a O M V Q W o � 0� M. a N V� W� d LL tW.1 U. W Na N C4 w LL wo Q f CO W r _ > 00 G ti Lou! y> N z N Y W z v Io LL co O w z a w E w F- A Qw'N G Z§Z {�/1 j a iE w'=9 U. 40 OWW9a _0 2 Q j � V1 0 � Ow O 'A 0 v+ o�oo o�w 2 W V1 l.-4 NIT IS. W UFm Z 7MZN� '.I ` Q r wz0sl J ' wz0zw0 Q r0z a Vuu ow W O :5 ago O � UZzp O r o-W0 Z Z ov f2 P Q J w 0 o ,,N :Nw V Wit oo&o �awx zooa "J QM>r owa� SCANNEDRV W o St. Lucie County DRAWN BY; CA CHECKED BYi CA DATE1 OCTOBER 21, 2018 HORIZONTAL SCALEi 1'=30' NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR & MAPPER. SEAL CHARLES ARNOLD PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER FLORIDA LICENSE NO. 4971 /o_ PRINTED DATE SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO. 18-549 Metal 5-V roof per manufacture spec's over Peel & Stick underlayment per manufacture spec's over 5/8" CDX plywood.CDX nailed w/ 8d nails ( twisted or ring -shank ) 3" edge, 6" field. Note 1 3/4" fascia over 2 x 4 w/ Al. drip �- Cont. Non Vented Soffit Note 7 Fiber Cement Siding Per Manufacture Spec's over vapor barrier Front Only #5 Re -bar in concrete filled cells each side of all openings and _ a min of 4'-0" on center. #5 Dowels @ each Vert. Re -bar. Lap 24" I L' 1'-4" J P_' / 12 R-z0 Spray Foam 6� Engineered Trusses -A- Truss Simpson Anchors Be arn block W'/ 1 #5 Re -bars in ach Beam block Con rete lintel @ all ope ings 1 /2" Drywall `1/2" Drywall over 3/4" pt furring 0 0 `Fi-foil Insulation Concrete per Structural 2 #5 Cont. 1 -8 Typical Wall Section 3/4" = 1'-011 Co i co O 0 N BId9 SF r\— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — / Living E7615F \ / Garage 655 5F ------------ - - - - -- LRear Porch 9205E \ / Front Porch 193 5F \ 14'-0" 14'-0" / Note 5 Volume 26,953.8 CF \ / \ \ PORCH I I \ \ \ 28'-0" / / / 20'-8" 66'-0" 4'-4" 14'-0" \ \ 27'-8" / / 13'4" - 6'-8" \ / ----------- -- \ 1'�� r— — — — — — — —_— —71 \ 3050 3050 \ 12080 12080 6030 3050 / ----------- \ o\ I \ I \ \ Mfi5TER 15EDROOM = _ - � � _ _ -_ _ — — — — — 1 L - -- - - -I / /NZ v v II II II / 81-611 \ -O,y 6'-0" GREfiT ROOM / ° / D \ \ V It LO 0., / / / GFGIlk GF£I GFCI M LdUnijfy \ \ 0 \ \d KITCHEN / / 8, 6 f \ / + 6-4 DININ iL----— I \ lid — —— �I�-- —llr � / --�i I + 14'-0" \ / c,Fr-I -' 1�88 2868 \ \ `O 2'_0" 1 o / (.0 d MI 2868 2868- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ \ � zasa zosa \ o_)t5_ fFn� a M N M N \ -- 6 8.--- O/ 3068 E 0- o 1 B4#"�,r i - 6 -� 3 •Linen 6'-6" 3-6 10-(]"'� fi/ti �yPantry r1 aoeet °/5'-0" 10'-6'zz EP \06a\ 10 -0" zssa 4'. "9'-0" 4'-0" 7'-0" \ Nate 2 Irrigation -4 1 N 1 0 / \ R-II1 1 / 0 91 1 Ceiling / 14 00 I / \ \ io / / OFFICE \ \ '\ \ CID M Bath #I / 0' II" x W-11' A \ N \\ 8 8� 2868 - \ o / 4' " 3469 �\ �346 \ \ v / \�wo w \�--------- 4_6 \ 2868 — 6-0 7/16" \ \ 22 0 00 1 � F ote 3 _4" 54p0 3050 \ 1 \ iCeiling MI:11'6 bi L# Two / 1 - \ 1 \ o L0 1 \ r BEDROOM # One \ \ — — — 3050 — —3050— — — — — — \, 15'0" \ 3050 3050 _ ? IC: X'C COI. —------- �Jl — — — — — — — — — — — — —J - 3050 3050 Option: Interior Doors 8'-0" high I— -------- -- — — —— —� 5'-0" 9'-4" 9'4" 111-4" 6_0" 161-4" 13'-8" - 18'-8" -- - 17'-4" 66'-0" 0 N LO Ir— LO M co a� i N 4-1 LL O Revised Date 12/13/1� U _ C Ul Lrl W O'� m Ln O LL 0 Uj- cbI nro LL L_ R V m ,W 00 � W C0 C'7 O L O L O 13 70 co O LL U Project Sheet Floor Plan 1/4 If = 1'-0" 0 Right EIEvabon REar EIEvabon WIMo f�1 I'UII� Left Elevation Date: 12/17/10 Sheet No. 2 of 3 Left Elevation REar Elc-wihon EronL Elcwihon LO d' M U C: H u U N E ^L, O _W 2 W o 0 o W L O T) V Revised Date ov c Ln ru c C> Ln n m 0 0 LL o` U 00 ro 0 W oQ � CO r�- 3 0 L 'i �� rn M O L L a� n COLL V Project Sheet Right EIEvahon 1 /4" = 1' - 0" U O N E C L' 66'-0" 14'-0" 14'-0" I 20'-8" 3 1'-4" 1 8F16 2B/2T 8F16 2B/2T C7 tO —� ----- 4 ------ �f 1 /I -007 TYP. 6"X16" BLOCK COLUMN W/ (4) #e BARS I H TIES: (2#304" TOP AND m I BOTTON B" OC TYPICAL I N IL I ILL 4'-4" 14'-0" °D I I 13'-4" 6'-8" I o I 8F16-2B 2T I 1 —4 I 8 18. IS IT 8F16. 1B 1T 8F16- 2B 2T—6Et6-,�B 2L — — 10 +32.6 - 35.5 3050 3050 12080 12080 6030 3050 101 10 • • • • • Q O • • • • '• • • • • • —� • I— 3 RECESS DOOR OPENING 4 °LL PER MFR SPEC. TYR. S+_1 8BLOCK COLUMN • I ( COLUMN BLOCK W/ ( (4) #6 BARS W/4 I__ • TIES( (2)6#3A04"O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM 8" TYR. TIES:RS (2)#304" D.C. TOP AND BOTTON 8" OC TYPICAL L W GFG �� one 1 I I • '1 I • GyCI T GFCI WALL REINFORCING TYPICAL SLAB TYPICAL • #5 BARS 04' OC MIN., ADDITIONAL EITHER 4" CONCRETE SLAB 3,000 PSI 28 DY STRENGTH WITH 6X6 + SIDE OF EACH OPENING OR AS SHOWN W2.OXW2.0 ASTM A1064/A1064M WWF SUPPLIED IN SHEETS I • I 5 DOWELS AT FOOTING AND BOND BEAM PER SUPPORTED WITH APPROVED MATERIALS AT A SPACING OF 3' I/ O.C. E.W. MAX. + DETAILS. r I • I CONCRETE GROUT FILLED CELLS PER DETAILS CONTROL JOINTS 10'X1O' SPACING GFCI J I • F' Oi I 1 6 MILL APPROVED VAPOR BARRIER REQUIRED OVER CLEAN o m TERMITE INFESTION TREATED FILL COMPACTED TO 95% MAX DRY Off' I N aD F-1 DENSITY MODIFIED PROCTER. ALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE Q �� + TYPICAL SEALED MIN LAP 6" ALL JOINTS TAPED. 1 _ y{e — p • W mM C� � 4" STEP w M I —1 "' "' d' — I (2 2X72 SYP! • O 1/< — FADER I C4 L—may I/ \I i I i—BEARING WALL: 2X4 SYP 016"OC I • • -------- —I I • m a 0 M �] II 5 1 I O ro I O -1 I LO • rt 7� I I GROUT PER NOTES: TYPICAL: DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE MIN. EXTERIOR GRADE � D SLOPE 5/8"per FT 'O I z E COMPACTED FILL AT� 45 Deg. j.1 3) #5 CONTINUOUS 6 MILL APPROV VAPOR BARRIER 1'-8" TERMITE TREATS COMPACTED CLEAN FILL 1 DD ETAL F 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT (4)#5 HOOK DOWELS (2)#5 CONT. TOP (2)#5 CONT. BOTTOM I � 0) CASTCR a. 8F16-2B/2T N 8X16 PILASTER —A 111F� N LATERAL TIES ER CODE SLOPE 4" MIN. 1 22'-0" 86 o •��� � :' I ®I I I Q I I 10 I til I K m N O I < I I N + N i I 1 1/2" DOOR • I QO�i I (2) #5 X 6• SLARECESS • B M • I REINF. TYP. ALL N REENTRANT CORNERS �� I co N 1 — — — —— — — — J N L — — (2) #5 % 6' SLAB REINF. o ui o ••• ♦• 11 ••• —507 00 I I 3 8F�601B/1T a 8F 6 1B/1T 5 8F 601B/1Y I I O • O i +33.0 - 35.9 I +32.5 - 35.2 w +31.5 - 34.4 — • I I� L D 6 ------------ e3050 3050 • L — — J U. 8F16"113 IT 1T • I • • • 3050 3050 • • • 8F16.1B 1T L-------5-1—� OBF16-18IT 4,. I 12"x12' BLOCK COLUMN • • +31.5 - 34.4 W/ (4) #6 BARS 3050 3050 o o 8F16.1BIT 16'-4" 13'-8" 18'-8" 17'-4" 0 PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = 1 FT O #5 WALL REINF. PE PLAN 8" CONCRETE BLOCK 6x6 W2.Oxw2.0 WWM^ (4)4 6x6 W Ln N ka) to wrvnrvuvua 4 DD ETAL F 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT 4" DIA. STEEL SOLLAR O I #4 TIE 12" SO. M 4" (D _I ID 6 MILL APPROVE VAPOR BARRIER 5 DETAPIL Ka —SCALE: NTS i LINTEL TYPE DESIGNATION A i - 2 3 ES: ,7:FILLED WITH GROUT EQUIRED #5 BARS BOTTOM OF U LINTEL CAVITY 8F16-1B///1T ----REQUIRED #5 TOP BARS NOMINAL WIDTH 1 NOMINAL WIDT 12' CLEAR 12Ij #5 FIELD ADDED TOP CLEAR --REBAR VI #5 FIELD ADDED TOP D*--REBARIII #5 FIELD ADDED #5 FIELD ADDED ° OTTOM REBAR °° OTTOM REBAR 8F16-1 B/1 T 8F24-1 B/1 T TYPICAL LINTEL Unless noted 4 5 6 1/2" ANDHOR BOLT W/2" SO. WASHER & NUT EPDXY SET w/ 7" EMBED. MIN. EDGE DISTANCE 1 3/4' Min.. nl I FFE SLOPE O 3) #5 CONTINUOUS 6 MILL APPROVE1 4 ! 7LFIB VAPOR BARRIER i - 2 3 ES: ,7:FILLED WITH GROUT EQUIRED #5 BARS BOTTOM OF U LINTEL CAVITY 8F16-1B///1T ----REQUIRED #5 TOP BARS NOMINAL WIDTH 1 NOMINAL WIDT 12' CLEAR 12Ij #5 FIELD ADDED TOP CLEAR --REBAR VI #5 FIELD ADDED TOP D*--REBARIII #5 FIELD ADDED #5 FIELD ADDED ° OTTOM REBAR °° OTTOM REBAR 8F16-1 B/1 T 8F24-1 B/1 T TYPICAL LINTEL Unless noted 4 5 6 1/2" ANDHOR BOLT W/2" SO. WASHER & NUT EPDXY SET w/ 7" EMBED. MIN. EDGE DISTANCE 1 3/4' Min.. nl I FFE SLOPE O 3) #5 CONTINUOUS 6 MILL APPROVE1 4 ! 7LFIB VAPOR BARRIER TERMITE TREATED COMPACTED CLEAN FILL 2a DDIETAL F 1 SCALE: 1/2" =1 FT 8X16 PILASTER w/ (4)#6 LATERAL TES PER CODE #9 HORIZONTAL JOINT REINF.- 16" OC VERT. TYR. PER SPEC SLOPE PER PLAN 1 6x6 W2.OxW2.0 WWM, �—KV y • COMPACTED FILL AT _ 45 Deg. 6 MILL APPROVE M I VAPOR BARRIER TERMITE TREA COMPACTED CLEAN FILL 3 DETAIL F 1 SCALE: 1 /2" =1 FT #5 LINTEL REINF. SEE PLAN AND SCHEDULE #5 VERTICAL REINF IN CONCRETE GROUT CELLS SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION Opening #9 HORIZONTAL JOINT REINF. 16" OC VERT. TYR. PER SPEC GROUT PER NOTES: (4)#5 HOOK DOWELS DOWAL EL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE CONCRETE GROUT PER NOTES: WALL PER PLAN TYPIC .4L: DOWE _ OW€L TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE 1��00TING TYPICAL SECTION REINFORCEMENT - FOUNDATION TION f - BOND BONBEAM • Fj1) SCALE: 1/7' =1 FT CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SCALE DRAWING IF DIMENSIONS ARE MISSING OR IF A DISCREPENCY EXISTS CONTACT ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION 7 r. Christopher Lintermann, PE ADDRESS: 505 Beachland Blvd. #234 Vero Beach, FP 32963 Lic # 85696 CONTACT: (802) 578-2709 Christopher Lintermann, PE ADDRESS: 505 Beachland Blvd. #234 Vero Beach, FP 32963 CONTACT: (802) 578-2709 Dave Golden Homes, Inc. 4900 INDRIO ROAD FORT PIERCE Florida 34951 772-466-0829 CBC1253198 Model: Caliandro 3 Bridle Way Fort Pierce, FI 34951 06 05 04 12.14.18 Permit Set 03 100% DID SET (Not for Construction) 02 90% DID SET (Not for Construction) 01 50% DID SET (Not for Construction) MARK DATE DESCRIPTION LOT NUMBER: UNKNOWN DRAWN BY: CPL CHECKED BY: COPYRIGHT: c lintertmann SHEET TITLE PLANS AND DETAILS E 0 C L 0 LOADING AND WIND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: 1. Florida building code 6th edition (2017) 2. Building Category II 3. Building design is enclosed 4. Mean roof height is 16.37' 5. Eve Height = 9.5' 6. Roof pitch 6/12 degrees 7. Internal pressure coefficient +/- 0.18 8. Width of end zone a = 5.7' 9. Wind speed is 160 mph 3 second gust (V ult.) 10. Wind exposure classification: C 11. Component & cladding wind pressures: See Chart 12. Design Loads: Floors Live : 40 psf Truss Roof Top Cord Dead: 10psf Truss Bottom Cord Dead: 5psf Truss Roof Top Cord Live: 40 psf Truss Bottom Cord Live: 10 Psf Wall: 48.17psf (qh) FOUNDATION NOTES: 1. Foundations are designed based on a presumptive minimum safe soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psi. Verification of bearing capacity is the responsibility of the contractor. 2. Fill under concrete slab shall be clean soil free of debris and other deleterious material. Fill shall be compacted for a density of 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 - Modified Proctor. Notify Engineer if poor soils are found during foundation excavations or other work. 3. Footings shall bear on undisturbed soil or fill compacted to the density required for a depth of at least three feet below the bottom of the footing unless otherwise noted. All fill shall be place in layers not exceeding twelve inches and be compacted and tested each lift for compliance with requirements. 4. Termite Protection: The initial chemical soil treatment inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. Upon completion of the application of the termite protective treatment, a certificate of compliance shall be issued to the building department by the licensed pest control company that contains the following statement: "The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services ". 5. All structural footers shall be a minimum of 12" below grade. Drainage shall slope sway from the structure. The grade shall fall a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm) within the first 10 feet (3048 mm). CONCRETE NOTES: 1. Concrete work shall be in conformance with ACI 318 " Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" as amended by FBC 2017, ACI 301" Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings" and ACI 302 "Guide to Floor and Slab Construction" : Latest Editions. 2. Concrete: All concrete work shall comply with Chapters 16, 19 and 21 of the Florida Building Code, 6th Edition. 3. Structural cast in place concrete shall comply with ACI 301 and shall achieve a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi. Footings and Slabs: At placement concrete shall have a slump of 4 inches plus or minus 1 inch with 3/4" large aggregate. "Pearock " concrete mixes are permitted only in grout cells. All concrete mixes that are field modified shall be re -tested. 4. The contractor shall review all architectural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings and provide all openings, sleeves, inserts, anchors, plates, hangars, etc. to accommodate the work of all trades involved prior to pouring concrete. 5. Reinforcing: All reinforcing shall be deformed new billet steel conforming to ASTM 615 Grade 60 reinforcing steel. 6. Reinforcement Placement: Provide chairs and bolsters as required to maintain minimum concrete cover per code. Where in contact with exterior elements chairs and bolsters shall be plastic coated. 7. Minimum Concrete cover: Footings - 3" Beams, slabs & walls - 1-1/2" Grouted masonry walls - 2" 8. Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be bent while embedded. 9. Reinforcement may be bent in shop or bent in field if less than #5 bar provided that the diameter of the bend is greater than 6 bar diameters. 10. All splices shall be lap splices of a minimum of 48 bar diameters, unless otherwi§e noted, using the diameter of the larger bar when splicing different size bars. Footing reinforcement shall be lapped 30" 11. Standard 90 degree hook -in reinforcing bars, terminating with a ninety degree bend and an extension from the bend at least 12 bar diameters shall be used at all vertical reinforcement terminations into tie beams and foundations. 12. Provide outside corner bars in all beams and footings to match reinforcing hook ends to top reinforcing in discontinuous beams. Provide corner bars each way at beam inter6ections. 13. A 6-mil (0.006 inch; 0.15 mm) polyethylene vapor retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches and sealed or taped shall be placed between the base course or subgradt and concrete floor slab. Vapor barrier shall be inspected for punctures immediately prior to concrete placement. 14, All Welded Wire Mesh (WWM) shall conform to ASTM A-185. Provide chairs and bolsters at a maximum of 3 ft O.C. each way to ensure that the mesh is embedded 1 1/4" (1/3 slab thickness) from top of slab, unless otherwise noted. Joints shall be lapped a minimum Of 8" and secured with ties. Vapor barrier shall be protected from puncture. 15. Concrete slabs -on ground shall be provided with contraction joints in accordance with AC1332 and comply with the plans and specifications. As soon as the slab has hardened sufficiently to prevent dislodgement of aggregate, provide 1" d. saw cuts at 400 s•f. maximum, or as identified by structural engineer. 16. Engineer of Record must be notified 48 hours prior to concrete placement and following completion of compaction and soil treatme WINDOWS AND DOORS 1. Windows, door, shutters and all components shall be designed and installed per the minimum design pressures as prescribed in these plans. 2. All exterior glazing shall be impact resistant or have protection per section R301.2.1.2 of the 2017 FBC residential. Protection shall be designed for the same wind design pressures as the windows or doors that they are covering. 3. All windows & doors are to be installed on 2x pressure treated bucks, and as per manufacturing specifications unless otherwise noted. 4. Window and Door Buck Attachment: Buck shall be installed as displayed in the window/door Notice of Acceptance (NOA) Option 1: 2x4 P.T. window bucks to be attached with 3/16" X 3 3/4" TAPCON screws at 12"o.c. and 6" from corners. Option 2: 3/16" TAPCON screws into window manufactured screw holes with minimum masonry penetration of 1 1/2" per product NOA. S. Garage Door Buck: Provide 2x6 P.T. door buck with (5) 1/2" anchor bolts each leg min. or as specified in door manufacturers Notice of Acceptance (NOA). 6. Weathersealing: Fluid -applied membranes are used as flashing. Fluid -applied membrane flashings shall comply with AAMA 714-15 Specification for Liquid Applied Flashing applied flashing used to provide a water -resistive seal around exterior wall openings. Apply to masonry opening and the back of each buck. Bucks all be bonded with one part polyurethane adhesive. MASONRY NOTES: 1. All masonry work shall comply with : TMS 602/ASCE 6-02/ACI 530.1 " Specification for Concrete Masonry Structures" , TMS 402-05/602 "Building Code Requirements and Specification for Concrete Masonry".AII masonry work shall comply with Chapters 16, 21 of Florida Building Code, 6th edition. 2. All concrete masonry units shall comply with ASTM C-90, hollow -load bearing concrete masonry units, Type II, Grade N-I, normal weight. Provide materials to achieve the net compressive strength of concrete unit masonry equal to or greater than 2,000 psi f'm. with 3/8" mortar joints. 3. Mortar shall conform to ASTM C-270 and be Type M or Type S. 4. All exterior CMU walls shall be grouted and reinforced with one reinforcing bar placed in the center of the grouted cell with bar size and spacing as shown on typical sections and plans. Bars shall be tied ti insure placement. Provide min. 3/4" clear distance between any inside cell wall and reinforcement bar. Ensure cells to be grouted line up properly and have a minimum clear area of 12 sq. inches. Mortar fins over 6 inch and any debris removed from each cell. Provide 3" (min )saw cut clean out opening at all filled cell locations at bottom course. Spaces to be grouted shall be free of mortar droppings, debris, loose aggregates or other deleterious materials. 5. All concrete used in CMU cell fills shall have a maximum course aggregate of 3/8" , "Pearock", shall be placed with a slump of 8" to 11" and shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. All grout shall be in accordance with ASTM C-476. Grout pour not to exceed 12 feet and be in in accordance with ASTM C-476. 6. Provide additional reinforcement on each side of openings and intersection of walls. 7. Where 2 vertical bars are specified for one cell install with 3/4" clearance from the inside and the outside of face of the cell. 8. All Reinforcing lap splice shall be 48 bar diameters minimum, unless otherwise specified. 9. Provide footing and tie beam dowels with standard hooks to match wall reinforcing size and spacing. 10. Provide Tie Beam/Bond beam at all CMU Walls located at the top of the wall at truss bearing. 11. Tie Beam shall be constructed with double "U" block with one #7 bar per course minimum. (unless otherwise noted in lintel specifications or details). 12. Tie Beam reinforcing steel shall terminate 8" from corners . Corner reinforcement shall be provided with 32" lap 13. Provide Minimum No. 9 gage " Dur-O-Wall Truss" or equal truss -type horizontal joint reinforcement at every alternate course (16 inch spacing) for all CMU walls. This reinforcement shall extend 4 inches into tie columns . Horizontal reinforcement shall comply with TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 and FBC. 14. All Reinforcing lap splice shall be 48 bar diameters minimum, unless otherwise specified. 15. Provide pre -cast "CAST- CRETE" concrete lintels reinforced per plan in grout fill over all openings in masonry walls. Lintels to have minimum 8" bearing at each end. See beam schedule for additional requirements WALL SHEATHING: 1/2 CDX PLYWOOD Ed RINGSHANk ® 6" oc PNL EDGE 4" oc FIELD SOLID BLOCKING PANEL EDGES 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT W/2" SQ. WASH & NUT OR EPDXY e w/ 7" EMBED. M OVER 5/8"CDX NAIL: 4" ON EDGES AND 6" FIELD SIMPSON RSP4 STUD TO WOOD PLATES(typ.) 2 X 4 #2 SYP or Equal STUDS ® 16 D.D. (typ.) 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT W/2" SO. WASHER & NUT OR EPDXY SET w/ 4" EMBED. MIN. 32" o.c. 2 X 4 BLOCKING (typ.) �H4 EACH STUD TO PLATE (typ.) 2X4 PT PLATE (typ.) 24" O.C. or 6" From End eyp. SHEAR WALL 13ETAL S SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT 1 -4 WOOD FRAMING IV 1. All wood framing shall be fabricated and installed per AITC and TPI National Design 3/4" FACIA OVER! 2X4SUBFACIA W/ Specifications for wood construction. All framing shall comply with Chapters 16, 23 AL.DRIP of Florida Building Code, 6th edition. 2. Unless noted otherwise, the following minimum lumber grades shall be used: a. Structural roof and wall framing - #2 SYP. b. Non-structural wall framing - stud grade SPF. C. Non-structural framing - #2 SPF. CEMENT FINISH PER 3. Provide minimum (2) 2 x 12 #2 SYP header at all opening in frame bearing walls, SPEC. unless noted otherwise on drawings. Provide minimum (2) stud post with hold-down anchor to slab and straps at each end of header to post. #5 VERTICAL REBAR IN CONC. FILLED CELLS 4. Roof sheathing shall be a min. Of 5/8" 5 ply CDX (32/16 span rating) Exp.1 PER SPEC AND 01 structural plywood, installed with face grain perpendicular to roof framing with 8d ring FLOORPLAN shank nails 4" o.c. at panel edges and 6" o.c. in the field. Provide 2" x 4' blocking at7-0 hips and valleys. Space nails at 4" o.c. at blocking. 5. Plywood sheathing for walls shall be min. 6" cdx sheathing, fastened with ringshank nails spaced in accordance with specifications in structural detail drawings. Block all horizontal joints ad nail 8d nails @ 4" O.C. 6. All nails and fasteners shall be hot -dipped galvanized or better. 7. All wood framing members resting on concrete or masonry shall be pressure treated with fasteners of hot -dipped zinc coated galvanized steel or stainless steel. Protection from decay shall be required per FBC R319.1 TYPICAL: 8. All Simpson fasteners shall be z-max with hot -dipped galvanized common nails or DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF better and installed per product approval standard. 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE l TRUSSES Truss System Engineering is delegated to the manufacturer in accordance with Statute 61G15-31.003 to applied loads shown in "LOADING AND WIND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS;" Truss System shall mean an assemblage of trusses and truss girders, together with all bracing, connections, and other structural elements and all spacing and locational criteria, that, in combination, function to support the dead, live and wind loads applicable to the roof of a structure with respect to a Roof Truss System. 9. Pre-engineered wood trusses shall be designed by a Florida registered engineer for all loads prescribed. Design of roof trusses shall include the uplift effects of wind load based on the 6th edition of the Florida Residential Building Code. 9.(1) Truss engineering shop drawings shall include truss layout, design loads, truss reaction, (dead load & live load and dead load & wind load), and all other information required for proper truss installation, erection per FBC R802.10.1 . Truss shall be engineered for concentrated loads imposed by equipment and other connected loads as required by the 6th edition Code where applicable . Erection and permanent truss bracing shall be noted on the truss drawings by the truss manufacturer. 9.(2) All members shall be a minimum of 2 x 4 #2 SYP. 9.(3) All valley sets shall be framed with valley set trusses and attached to trusses below per specified strapping @ 6' o.c. max. Roof plywood shall extend on trusses beneath all overlay framing. 9.(4) Trusses must be configured to properly attach all hangars shown on plans or in shop drawings. Truss engineer must specify all truss to truss connections. 9.(5) All roof trusses and rafters shall be anchored with a truss connector strap as per plan or schedule & a vapor barrier must be provided between trusses and concrete. 9.(6) Trusses shall stored, erected and braced in accordance with accepted industry practice such as the SBCA Building Component Safety Information (BCSI) Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. LINTEL BLOCK TIE BEAM W/ 1 #5 CONT. PER COURSE PER SPEC. PRECAST LINTEL AT ALL OPENINGS SEE PLAN FOR REINF REQUIREMENTS DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE 3 TVNCAL aLr=c- oo N S "1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT DRYWALL OVER PT REINF. 016" FOUNDATION DETAILS (2) GA2 WITH ANCHOR- QTY. (2) 5/8" Dia. THREADED ROD ANCHORS INSTALLED WITH SIMPSON TIE -SET XP EPDXY ADHEASIVE EMBEDMENT 8" IN CONCRETE THICKEND SLAB. INSATLL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MFR. LITERATURE. SIM #3 GROUT PER NOTES: GROUT PER NOTES: TYPICAL: DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE o I I TRUSS LAMINATION, 1 OD (.0131 "X3") TOP CORDS:1 ROW®7"oc BOTTOM CORDS 2X6: 2 ROWS STAGGARED 09"oc BOTTOM BORDS 2X4: 1 ROW 09" oc CS 16 STRAPS W/ (33) 10d SP POST PER PLAN S i SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT S SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT SP P.T. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SCALE DRAWING IF DIMENSIONS ARE MISSING OR IF A DISCREPENCY EXISTS CONTACT ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION E 7 N Christopher Lintermann, PE ADDRESS: 505 Beachland Blvd. #234 Vero Beach, FP 32963 Lic # 85696 CONTACT: (802) 578-2709 Dave Golden Homes, Inc. 4900 INDRIO ROAD FORT PIERCE Florida 34951 772-466-0829 CBC1253198 Caliandro 3 Bridle Way Fort Pierce, FI 34951 06 05 04 11.30. 18 permit Set 03 100% DID SET (Not for Construction) 02 90% DO SET (Not for Construction) 01 50% DID SET (Not for Construction) MARK DATE DESCRIPTION LOT NUMBER: UNKNOWN DRAWN BY: CPL CHECKED BY: COPYRIGHT: c lintertmann SHEET TITLE PROJECT NOTES DETAILS 1 2 7 E U C 0 k 1 t Christopher Lintermann, PE ADDRESS: 505 Beachland Blvd. #234 Vero Beach, FP 32963 Lic # 85696 CONTACT: (802) 578-2709 Dave Golden Homes, Inc. 4900 INDRIO ROAD FORT PIERCE Florida 34951 772-46-029 CBC1253198 Caliandro 3 Bridle Way Fort Pierce, FI 34951 06 05 04 11.30.18 Permit set 03 100% DD SET (Not for Construction) 02 90% DD SET (Not for Construction) 01 50% DD SET (Not for Construction) MARK DATE DESCRIPTION LOT NUMBER: UNKNOWN DRAWN BY: CPL CHECKED BY: COPYRIGHT: c lintertmann SHEET TITLE PROJECT NOTES SCHEDULES �o� WARNING* -THI=PLACEMENT PLAN FOR ENGINELKLU -BRACING: -SEE FINAL ENGINEERINZ! SHEETS FOR I HE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS OUR LL BEARING POINTS MUST BE COMPONENTS AS DEFINED BY WTCA 1 - 1995. DIAPHRAMS HAVE NOT BEEN ANALYZED BY 1) FOR THE ERECTION BRAN FOLLOW NSTRUCTIONS STRUCTURAL DATA, NUMBER OF GIRDER AND TRUSS D SIGN DEPARTMENT APPROVES THEM IN ADVANCE ON THE BCSLB1 SUMMARY SHEETS PLIES AND THE CONNECTION INFORMATION. AL HANGERS ARE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE OR USP NSTALLED PRIOR TO INSTALLING EAST COAST TRUSS. 2) PERMANENT BRACING FC)R THE STRUCTURE IS HE OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT MUST APPROVE JNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, INSTALL HANGERS NY TRUSSES! FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT FOR ERECTION AND INSTALLATION OF TRUSSES FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BCSI-B1 SUMMARY RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS 3) INSTALL WEB BRACING AS STATED ON SEALED ALTERATIONS AND/OR REPAIRS TO TRUSSES IN ADVANCE. C ORDING TO THE CURRENT SIMPSON STRONG -TIE DIR USP CATALOG N DAMAGED TRUSSES AND WILL VOID ALL WARANTIEJ SHEETS AND SEALED ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWINGS NGINEERING TRUSS DRAWI GS. u 1 � i/1/aiV"wdip IWiwiI%/.1 NMI %//1► 1%/i=04A0004MIM��1 �- ''�I�J�;��/I�//lid/iI/!.i/IJI%l/!�//JILT�51�1+If/.1///jl%//��/�i!��(%ll �� �I//./I��JI/./� f�l►�'!/�I��/!�� Illl ��i►/�I!I/�;%/JI ��I //fiI � 'ICa■IFt"��i�l�l�i�l��i�l�' ICaI�I�I� � -�� �� Ifsiml im I INSI�I/'r .- r i .. ( I :001, 0 1�1�1► ._ AN p all ,aOki MUM.I (' �ilrs��t►��.Ir��tri��i! 1 ,_� � its 711�] • ��! 1: 1 • =10 kinMIR k:11 to o &P Mimi .. 1 ' BEAM HEIGHT t =A,; Indicates Left End Of Truss On Layout & Engineering Sheets 6r r ENGINEERED TRUSS SYSTEMS TIMBER PRODUCTS EAST COAST TRUSS 5285 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 OFFICE: (772) 466-2480 FAX:(772)466-5336 TOMER:Dave Golden Homes NAME: Caliandro 3 RESS:xxx Bridle Way '/COUNTY:Ft. Pierce/St. Lucie # J36840 3 ! FT 4036 TE 10/09/18 :iSTF1.0IXi (3) (cj. &ASP CLASP THliSS u the "Trnfe D[6irf FArbl Y' 'Freon are daigyed u accordava avh tice Florida Botldma Cade NOTE: By approving this placement plan(s), signatured anywhere on this sheet, the customer or his representitive acknowledges that this placement plan complies with the structural intent of the project The customer also acknowledges that this approval authorizes EAST COAST TRUSS to manufacture these trusses and deliver them to the project indicated on this drawing. The customer also acknowledges that he/she accepts financial responsibility for any repair, engineering, and labor required due to errors other than those of EAST COAST TRUSS. Signed: Date: =FBC 2017ffP12014 ASCE 7-10 3N CRITERIA =MWFRS iPANCY CATEGORY= 11 SURE = C SPEED =160 )ING TYPE =ENCLOSED I HEIGHT: 15.00 FLOOR: DUR FACTOR= 1. PSF=TCLL-TCDL-BCLL-BCDL 40.0,10.0,0.0,5.0 IF: DUR FACTOR= 1.25 =TCLL-TCDL-BCLL-BCDL 20.0,7.0,0.0,10.0 *NON -CONCURRENT BC LL 10psf CONCURRENT BC STORAGE LL 20 psf MWF = MAIN WIND FORCE C&C = COMPONENTS AND CLADDING TOB = TOP OF BEARING TIC = TOP CHORD BC = BOTTOM CHORD LL = LIVE LOAD DL = DEAD LOAD psf = POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT # = POUNDS UNLESS SHOWN ON ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWING. ALL GIRDER/COLUMN LOADS MUST BY-PASS FLOOR TRUSS UNLESS SHOWN ON ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWING. RECOMMENDED ON FLOOR TRUSSES SPANNING 20'-0" OR MORE BE SET WITH A SPREADER BAR. THE kDER BAR SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1/2 IN LENGTH AS THE SPAN OF THE TRUSS NG SET. TO BCI-B1 FOR COMPLETE ON AND SAFETY PROCEDURES. SUPPORT ANY PLANT SHELVES 1- 12/03/18 Removed all LVL beams and replaced with lintel beams. 4- 5- 6- •❑ • n LL W 0. U) U) W z Z) W H U) 0 W 0 z F it TRUSS PLACEMENT PLAN rp a, II/ 1 8 I Z - 03Y� E 0 C 01 LOADING AND WIND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: 1. Florida building code 6th edition (2017) 2. Building Category II 3. Building design is enclosed 4, Mean roof height is 16A7' 5. Eve Height = 9.5' 6. Roof pitch 6/12 degrees 7. Internal pressure coefficient +/- 0.18 8. Width of end zone a = 5.7' 9. Wind speed is 160 mph 3 second gust (V ult.) 10. Wind exposure classification: C 11. Component & cladding wind pressures: See Chart 12. Design Loads: Floors Live : 40 psf Truss Roof Top Cord Dead: 10psf Truss Bottom Cord Dead: 5psf Truss Roof Top Cord Live: 40 psf Truss Bottom Cord Live: 10 Psi Wall ; 48.17psf (qh) FOUNDATION NOTES: 1. Foundations are designed based on a presumptive minimum safe soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psi. Verification of bearing capacity is the responsibility of the contractor. 2. Fill under concrete slab shall be clean soil free of debris and other deleterious material. Fill shall be compacted for a density of 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 - Modified Proctor. Notify Engineer if poor soils are found during foundation excavations or other work. 3. Footings shall bear on undisturbed soil or fill compacted to the density required for a depth of at least three feet below the bottom of the footing unless otherwise noted. All fill shall be place in layers not exceeding twelve inches and be compacted and tested each lift for compliance with requirements. 4. Termite Protection: The initial chemical soil treatment inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. Upon completion of the application of the termite protective treatment, a certificate of compliance shall be issued to the building department by the licensed pest control company that contains the following statement: "The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services ". 5. All structural footers shall be a minimum of 12" below grade. Drainage shall slope sWaY from the structure, The grade shall fall a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm) within the first 10 feet (3048 mm). CONCRETE NOTES: 1. Concrete work shall be in conformance with ACI 318 " Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" as amended by FBC 2017, ACI 301" Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings" and ACI 302 "Guide to Floor and Slab Construction" : Latest Editions. 2. Concrete: All concrete work shall comply with Chapters 16, 19 and 21 of the Florida Building Code, 6th Edition. 3. Structural cast in place concrete shall comply with ACI 301 and shall achieve a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi. Footings and Slabs: At placement concrete shall have a slump of 4 inches plus or minus 1 inch with 3/4" large aggregate. "Pearock " concrete mixes are permitted only in grout cells. All concrete mixes that are field modified shall be re -tested. 4. The contractor shall review all architectural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings and provide all openings, sleeves, inserts, anchors, plates, hangars, etc. to accommodate the work of all trades involved prior to pouring concrete. 5. Reinforcing: All reinforcing shall be deformed new billet steel conforming to ASTM €315 Grade 60 reinforcing steel. 6. Reinforcement Placement: Provide chairs and bolsters as required to maintain minimum concrete cpvet'fser coder Where in contact with exterior elements be plastic coated. 7. Minimum Concrete cover: Footings - 3" Beams, slabs & walls- 1-1/2" Grouted masonry walls - 2" S. Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be bent while embedded. 9. Reinforcement may be bent in shop or bent in field if less than #5 bar provided that the diameter of the bend is greater than 6 bar diameters. 10. All splices shall be lap splices of a minimum of 48 bar diameters, unless otherwise noted, using the diameter of the larger bar when splicing different size bars. Footing reinforcement shall be lapped 30" 11. Standard 90 degree hook -in reinforcing bars, terminating with a ninety degree bend and an extension from the bend at least 12 bar diameters shall be used at all vertical reinforcement terminations into tie beams and foundations. 1.2. Provide outside corner bars in all beams and footings to match reinforcing hook ends to top reinforcing in discontinuous beams. Provide corner bars each way at beam intersections. 13, A 6-mil (0.006 inch; 0.15 mm) polyethylene vapor retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches and sealed or taped shall be placed between the base course or subgrade and concrete floor slab. Vapor barrier shall be inspected for punctures immediately prior to concrete placement. 14. All Welded Wire Mesh (WWM) shall conform to ASTM A-185. Provide chairs and bolsters at a maximum of 3 ft O.C. each way to ensure that the mesh is embedded 1 1/4" (1/3 slab thickness) from top of slab, unless otherwise noted. Joints shall be lapped a minimum of 8" and secured with ties. Vapor barrier shall be protected from puncture. 15. Concrete slabs -on ground shall be provided with contraction joints in accordance with ACI332 and comply with the plans and specifications. As soon as the slab has hardened sufficiently to prevent dislodgement of aggregate, provide 1" d. saw cuts at 400 s.f, maximum, or as identified by structural engineer. 16. Engineer of Record must be notified 48 hours prior to concrete placement and following completion of compaction and soil treatme WINDOWS AND DOORS 1. Windows, door, shutters and all components shall be designed and installed per the minimum design pressures as prescribed in these plans. 2. All exterior glazing shall be impact resistant or have protection per section R301.2.1.2 of the 2017 FBC residential. Protection shall be designed for the same wind design pressures as the windows or doors that they are covering. 3. All windows & doors are to be installed on 2x pressure treated bucks, and as per manufacturing specifications unless otherwise noted. 4. Window and Door Buck Attachment: Buck shall be installed as displayed in the window/door Notice of Acceptance (NOA) Option 1: 2x4 P.T. window bucks to be attached with 3/16" X 3 3/4" TAPCON screws at 12"o.c. and 6" from corners. Option 2: 3/16" TAPCON screws into window manufactured screw holes with minimum masonry penetration of 1 1/2" per product NOA. 5. Garage Door Buck: Provide 2X6 P.T. door buck with (5) 1/2" anchor bolts each leg min. or as specified in door manufacturers Notice of Acceptance (NOA). 6. Weathersealing: Fluid -applied membranes are used as flashing. Fluid -applied membrane flashings shall comply with AAMA 714-15 Specification for Liquid Applied Flashing applied flashing used to provide a water -resistive seal around exterior wall openings. Apply to masonry opening and the back of each buck. Bucks all be bonded with one part polyurethane adhesive. nnAJUIY K T qr UI C2o: 1. All ma my work sllhacomply with: TMS 602/ASCE 6-02/ACI 530.E "Specification for Conc� l a Masonry Structures" , TMS 402-05/602 "Building Code Requirements and Specif ation for Concrete Masonry".AII masonry work shall comply with Chapters 16, 21 of Florida Building Code, 6th edition. 2. All con rete masonry units shall comply with ASTM C-90, hollow -load bearing concrete mason y units, Type II, Grade N-1, normal weight. Provide materials to achieve the net compr sslve strength of concrete unit masonry equal to or greater than 2,000 psi f'm, with 3/8" ry artar Joints. 3. Morta shall conform to ASTM C-270 and be Type M or Type S. 4. All ext rior CMU vIIails shall be grouted and reinforced with one reinforcing bar placed in the center, f the grouted cell with bar size and spacing as shown on typical sections and plans. Bars s II be tied tii insure placement. Provide min. 3/4" clear distance between any inside cell w 1 and reinfoircement bar. Ensure cells to be grouted line up properly and have a minirrI m clear area of 12 sq. inches. Mortar fins over o inch and Boy debris removed from each c ll. Provide 3" (min )saw cut clean out opening at all filled cell locations at bottom tours Spaces to be grouted shall be free of mortar droppings, debris, loose aggregates or other eleterious rhaterials. 5. All co rete used in CMU cell fills shall have a maximum course aggregate of 3/8" , "Pear k", shall bel placed with a slump of 8" to 11" and shall havela minimum compressive streng h of 3,000 psi at 28 days. All grout shall be in accordance with ASTM C-476, Grout pour nbt to exceed!, 12 feet and be in in accordance with ASTM C-4 6. 6. Provid¢ additional reinforcement on each side of openings and intersection of walls. 7. Wheiaj 2 vertical bars are specified for one cell install with 3/4" cle'arance from the inside and th outside of lace of the cell. i - 8. All Rei forcing lap lsplice shall be 48 bar diameters minimum, unless otherwise specified. 9. Provid footing and tie beam dowels with standard hooks to match wall reinforcing size and spacin . 10. Provid Tie Beam/Bond beam at all CMU Walls located at the top ©f the wall at truss bearin 11. Tie Be shall be constructed with double "U" block with one #7 bar per course minimum. (unless otherwise Dated in lintel specifications or details). 12. Tie Bern reinforcing steel shall terminate 8" from corners . Corner reinforcement shall be provid d with 32" lap 13. Provid Minimum No. 9 gage " Dur-O-Wall Truss" or equal truss -type horizontal joint reinfor ement at every alternate course (16 inch spacing) for all CMU walls. This ` men reinforcement shall extend 4 inches into tie columns . Horizontal reinforcement t shall comply with T S 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 and FBC. 14. All Reinforcing lap splice shall be 48 bar diameters minimum, unless otherwise specified. 15. Provld pre -cast "CAST- CRETE" concrete lintels reinforced per plash in grout fill over all openirs in masonry walls. Lintels to have minimum 8" bearing at each end. See beam schedule for additional requirements WOOD FR41MIING i 1. All wood framinglshall be fabricated and installed per AITC and T I National Design Specifications forlwood construction. All framing shall comply with Chapters 16, 23 of Florida Building Code, 6th edition. 1 2. Unless noted otherwise, the following minimum lumber grades shall be used: a. Structural roof land wall framing - #2 SYP. b. Non-structural iwall framing - stud grade SPF. c. Non-structural framing - #2 SPF. 3. Provide minimum (2) 2 x 12 #2 SYP header at all opening in frame. bearing walls, unless noted otherwise on drawings. Provide minimum (2) stud post with hold-down anchor to slab and straps at each end of header to post. 4. Roof sheathing shall be a min. Of S/8" 5 ply COX (32/16 span rating) Exp.l structural plywood, installed with face grain perpendicular tc z�� Pram!-; pith 8d ring shank nails 4" D.C. at panel edges and 6" o.c. in the field. Provide " x 4" blocking at hips and valleys. Space nails at 4" o.c. at blocking. 5. Plywood sheathing for walls shall be min. o" cdx sheathing, Paste ied with ringshank nail&spaced in accordance with specifications in structural detail drawings. Block all horizontal joints ad nail 8d nails @ 4" O.C. 6. All nails and fasteners shall be hot -dipped galvanized or better. 7. -Altm ood framing members resting on concrete or masonry shall be pressure treated . la^fasteners of'hot-dipped zinc coated galvanized steel or'stainiless steel etion from decay shall be required per FBC R319.1 8. All Simpson fasteners shall be z-max with hot -dipped galvanized common nails or better and install d per product approval standard. TRUSSES: Truss System Engineering is delegated to the manufacturer in accordance with Statute 61G15-31.003 to applied loads shown in "LOADING AND WIND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS:" Truss System shall meqn an assemblage of trusses and truss girders, together with all bracing, connections, and other structural elements and all spacing and locational criteria, that in combination, function to support the dead, live and wind loads applicable to the roof of a structure with respect to a Roof Truss System. 9. Pre-engineered wood trusses shall be designed by a Florida register6d engineer for all loads prescribed. Design of roof trusses shall include the uplift effects of wind load based on the 6th edition of the Florida Residential Building Code., 9.(1) Truss engineering shop drawings shall include truss layout, design loads, truss reaction, (dead load & live load and dead load & wind: load), and all other information required for proper truss installation, erection per FBC R802.10.1 . Truss shall be engineered for concentrated loads imposed by equipment and other connected loads as required by the 6th edition Code where applicable . Erection and permanent truss bracing shall be noted on the truss drawings by the truss manufacturer. 9.(2) All members shall be a minimum of 2 x 4 #2 SYP. 9.(3) All valley sets shall be framed with valley set trusses and attached to trusses below per specified strapping Cd 6' o.c. max. Roof plywood :shall extend on trusses beneath all overlay framing. 9.(4)Trusses must be configured to properly attach all hangars shown on plans or in shop drawings. Truss engineer must specify all truss to t ss connections, 9.(5) All roof trusses and rafters shall be anchored with a truss connector strap as per plan or schedule & a vapor barrier must be provided between trusses and concrete. 9.(6),Trusses shall stored, erected and braced in accordance with accepted industry practice such as the SBCA Building Component Saf ty Information (BCSI) Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bral ing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. l RSP4 STUD TO WOOD PLATES(typ.) 2 X 4 #2 SYP or Equal STUDS 0 16 O.C. (typ.) WALL SHEATHING: 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT W/2" SO. 1/2" COX PLYWOOD WASHER & NUT OR EPDXY SET 8d RINGSHANk ® 6" oc PNL EDGE w/ 4" EMBED. MIN. 4" oc FIELD 32" o.c. SOLID BLOCKING PANEL EDGES 2 X 4 BLOCKING (typ.) 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT W/2" SQ. WASHER & NUT OR EPDXY SET SPH4 EACH STUD TO PLATE (typ.) w/ 7" EMBED. MIN. 2X4 PT PLATE (typ.) OVER 5/8"CDX NAIL: 4" ON EDGES AND 6" FIELD SIMPSON V-4" 3/4" FACIA OVER 2X4SUBFACIA W/ AL.DRIP CEMENT #5 VERTICAL REBAR IN CONIC. FILLED CELLS PER SPEC AND FLOORPLAN TYPICAL: DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE a 24" O.C. or 6" From End i Typo SHEAR �naALL DD IETAL S 1 SCALE 1/2" = 1 FT LINTEL BLOCK TIE BEAM W/ 1 #5 CONT. PER COURSE PER SPEC. PRECAST LINTEL AT ALL OPENINGS SEE PLAN FOR REINF REQUIREMENTS DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE OVER PT DUO-O-WALL REINF. 016" OC. SEE SPEC. 3 ITVPI -AL mcnm S i SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT FOUNDATION DETAILS J a F- U W H U Q af Lu 0- (2) GANG TRUSS (2) GA2 WITH (6)SD#9X1 SIMPSon (18) 1Odx 1 GROUT PER NOTES: GROUT PER NOTES: TYPICAL: DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE IRUSS LAMINATION' 10D (.0131 "X3") TOP CORDS:1 ROW07"oc N BOTTOM CORDS 2X6: 2 ROWS STAGGARED 09"oc N BOTTOM BORDS 2X4: ROW ®9" oc L 1 `-(2) CS 16 STRAPS W/ (33) tad 4x4 SP POST PER PLAN ANCHOR: 2X4 SP P.T. QTY. (2) 5/8" Dia. THREADED ROD ANCHORS INSTALLED WITH SIMPSON TIE -SET XP EPDXY ADHEASIVE EMBEDMENT 8" IN CONCRETE THICKEND SLAB. -4 INSATLL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MFR. LITERATURE. 2 DD F-7A l' S 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT SIMPSON S 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SCALE DRAWING IF DIMENSIONS ARE MISSING OR IF A DISCREPENCY EXISTS CONTACT ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION I _ RFOF7VE0 pe JAN i 3 ?r719 -� "Itt/n9oe .. t6c/e C.��ent Christopher Lintermann, PE ADDRESS. 505 Beachland Blvd. #234 Vero Beach, FP 32963 Lic # 85696 CONTACT: (802) 578-2709 FILE COPY REVISION ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIA d/ REVIEWED BY 4 DATE i PLANS AND PERMIT h l T K TON ]GB SITE OR NO INSPEC ON(S) WILL BE MADE Dave Golden Homes, Inc. 4900 INDRIO ROAD FORT PIERCE Florida 34951 772-466-0829 CBC1253198 Caliandro 3 Bridle Way Fort Pierce, FI 34951 1.20.19 1 General Revisions 11.30. 18 P.- I sat sr , r u,n n) MARK DATE DESCRIPTION LOT NUMBER: UNKNOWN DRAWN BY: CPL CHECKED BY: COPYRIGHT: SCANNED c lintertmann BY 5t. Luoi✓3 County SHEET TITLE PROJECT NOTES DETAILS 1 3 El A 7 E U C 0 Fj l 1")Qel I I. 14' — 0" 1 4' — 0" 20' —B„ F-1 SF16 2B/2T BF16 2B/2T 921� 1� --- r4—�coTYP. 8"IW/ (4)10 LLLL4'-4" 14'-0" `� 3-46'-80W 1-411 8F16-1B1T 108F16-1B1T 8F16-2B2T SF16-2B2T — BI +33.0-41.3 +31.5 -3fi.1 — — +293 - 322 — — — 3050 3050 12080 6030 3050 • �• 378"x16" RECESS DOOR OPENING 4 " PER MFR SPEC. TYP. S-1 8X78" BLOCK COLUMN • COLUMN BLOCK W/ (4) #5 BARS/ (4)#6 BARS TIES: (2)#304" O.C. TOP AND BOTTON 8" OC TYPICALES: (2) $3.4"O.C. TOP AND BOTTOM B" TYP. aFC1 `� O� 1 • SLAB TYPICAL: -1 LT� CONCRETE SLAB 3,000 PSI 28 DY .STRENGTH WITH 6X6 + • -IN W2.OXW2.0 ASTM Al C64/A1064M WWF SUPPLIED IN SHEETS cn. cra Ln WALL REINFORCING TYPICAL SUPPORTED WITH APPROVED MATERIALS AT A SPACING OF 3' O.C.E.W. MAX. 0) • I SI BARS OC MIN., ADDITIONAL EITHER © + SIDE OF EACH OPENING OR AS SHOWN Fiber Reinforcement providing equivalent reinforcement is #5 DOWELS AT FOOTING AND BOND BEAM PER Permited in accordance with section 1907.2 FBC I • + DETAILS. 4 • CONCRETE GROUT FILLED CELLS PER DETAILS CONTROL JOINTS 1O'.X1O' SPACING oaci I • rn 1 6 MILL APPROVED VAPOR BARRIER REQUIRED OVER CLEAN m M TERMITE INFESTION TREATED FILL COMPACTED TO 95% MAX DRY F-1 DENSITY MODIFIED PROCTER. ALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE Q m • I TYPICAL SEALED MIN LAP 6" ALL JOINTS TAPED. S 1 a — m m - 4" STEP EADER O r LL +N III';`LJ'LiJ'IIIII + • O 0 • \ / O 14 _ i� NL N # M O • O • 1 -1 00 • S-1 • 3050 3050 5'-0" 1 8F16-1B1T 1 6' —4" 4 O 0 (2 REINFX TYP SLAB ALL REENTRANT CORNERS BEARING WALL: 2X4 SYP 016"OC L ! 2a o 5, 1 V d SLOPE 4" MIN. X N 3 O z_ M m 4, qO 4{Q 050 — � 5480 3050 3 SF316(%11T-- 4 8F161B/1T 5 8F161B/1 +33.0 - 35.9 +32.5 - 35.2 y +31.5 - 34.4 ----- L—----------�� • • • 8F16-1B 1T i 0 3050 J 8F16-1B1T 4" +31.5-34.4 12"%12" BLOCK COLUMN W/ (4) #fi BARS O 1 8' — 8" PLA SCALE 3/16" = 1 FT 1N I N 1 1/2" DOOR 1 RECESS N `- D] (2) #5 X 6' SLAB REINF. I o li o • O • 1 L- — — — — — • 3050 3050 O6 81`16-1B 1T *31.5-34.4 O I ¢ in 1 7'-4" #5 WALL REINF. 8" CONCRETE BI 6x6 W2.OxW2.0 WWM-\ GROUT PER NOTES: TYPICAL: DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE z MIN. EXTERIOR GRADE ,p SLOPE 5/8"per FT of "I COMPACTED FILL ATE" 45 Deg. 3) #5 CONTINUOUS M 6 MILL APPROVE VAPOR BARRIER 1'— 8" TERMITE TREATE COMPACTED CLEAN FILL 1 OCR uLaO� 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT (2)#5 (2)#5 BOTTOh /A\$4 Wnnie nnwELS ES: (4)h 6x6 W t31 1fo UUNIINUUUs 4 OCF rML F 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT 4" DIA. STEEL BOLLAR O I #4 TIE 12" SO. M �* — 4" I , (D v , I (01 6 MILL APPROVE VAPOR BARRIER F1 SCALE:NTS LINTELTYPE DESIGNATION FILLED WITH GROUT /—REQUIRED #5 BARS BOTTOM OF U LINTEL CAVITY F16-1B/1T �--REQUIRED #5 TOP BARS NOMINAL WIDTH NOMINAL WIDT 12' CLEAR 12' `I #5 FIELD ADDED TOP CLEAR EBAR ry� #5 FIELD ADDED TOP EBAR FIELD ADDED#5 FIELD ADDED OTTOM REBAR OTTOM REBAR 8F 16-1 B/1 T 8F24-1 B/1 T TYPICAL LINTEL Unless noted 1/2" ANDHOR BOLT W/2" S1 WASHER & NUT EPDXY SET w/ 7" EMBED. MIN. EDGE DISTANCE 1 3/4" Min.. N I It FFE SLOPE PER PLAN QD _ 3) #5 CONTINUOUS 6 MILL APPROVEDUI 4 VAPOR BARRIER TERMITE TREATED COMPACTED CLEAN nLL 2a OFTAL F 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT 8X78 PILASTER W/ (4)#6 LATERAL TES PER CODE #9 HORIZONTAL JOINT REINF._ 16" OC VERT. TYP. PER SPEC SLOPE PER PLAN 1 6x6 W2.OxW2.0 WWM—, COMPACTED FILL AT 45 Deg. r7 6 MILL APPROVE _ VAPOR BARRIER TERMITE TREATE COMPACTED CLEAN FILL 3 OC 7AL F 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT #5 LINTEL REINF. SEE PLAN AND SCHEDULE #5 VERTICAL REINF IN CONCRETE GROUT CELLS SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION GROUT PER NOTES: (4)#5 HOOK DOWELS O r.N UR I TYPICAL DOWEL TIE WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA.. LAP SPLICE CONCRETE GROUT PER NOTES: WALL Opening # 16" OC VERT. TYP. PER SPEC 9 HORIZONTAL JOINT REINF. TYPICAL: DOWEL TIE TO WALL REINF 48 BAR DIA. LAP SPLICE IFOOTING 7VIINC AL SECTON ON G�C�Ob�OO p�C��1CBl�T = I�OO Uf�dQ4l��l THRU BOND BEAM r4 I SCALE: 1/2" = 1 FT CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SCALE DRAWING IF DIMENSIONS ARE MISSING OR IF A DISCREPENCY EXISTS CONTACT ARCHITECT FOR CLARIFICATION E Christopher Lintermann, PE ADDRESS: 505 Beachland Blvd. #234 Vero Beach, FP 32963 Lic # 85696 CONTACT: (802) 578-2709 Christopher Lintermann, PE ADDRESS: 505 Beachland Blvd. #234 Vero Beach, FP 32963 CONTACT: (802) 578-2709 Dave Golden Homes, Inc. 4900 INDRIO ROAD FORT PIERCE Florida 34951 772-466-0829 CBC1253198 Model: Caliandro 3 Bridle Way Fort Pierce, FI 34951 I 06 05 1.20.19 &General Revisions 04 12.14.18 Permit Set 03 100% DO SET (Not for Construction) 02 90% DD SET (Not for Construction) 01 50% DD SET (Not for Construction) MARK DATE DESCRIPTION LOT NUMBER: UNKNOWN DRAWN BY: CPL CHECKED BY: COPYRIGHT: c lintertmann SHEET TITLE PLANS AND DETAILS IF 1 2 3 5 6