HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE07-31-'19 15:54 FROM- 7728787656 dbT 817 jrv. Wan I' "ve i AiW. 5 FaX 772�62-66443 P0002/0002 F-323 RECEIVED JUL 3 1 21119 Permitting Department St. Lticle Couph, Temposly; ower Rekan WS: Rank Morriber- 1 1 0 36P 0 PMeZtAddreM S 6?rM S SCANNED St. Luc 71 ie County THE UNDEPSMNED HERESY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELEMCAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) DA-M FOR THE PURPOSE AND EQLAPMENT IN PREPARATION FOP A FINAL " OSE OFTESTING SYSTEMS Il'MECTrON. 'IN 001\193WIION 0FAPPRaVAL OFTHE REQUEST WE'HEIMY AMOWLEME AND AMM J16-FOLLOWS: 1- 7Ns'WM0mfY POM reWm is Mquested ftirtheabove sued purpose only, and Umwo be no 0=PanCV Of any type, other than dzt permfftd by Doi sbixtion during ft time period. 2. As witness by our 0-cinabves, vie, hereby agree fo abide by -M tarmi and ociiiditlons of ft agreemerk Ind,411hq StAtring DMsIon Pbricy, wbkh Is incorporated hdWm by reference.3- All cOnCliticnVand raPir . citents Ifsted In th6 otfaOed decum" ent enftled -Requirement; for 30 Day Power fbr'Tesbnr hftM Piave been ed and the premise is ready for compliance. inspecuon, 4. All requests far an extension b4pnd 30 days must be: made in writirig to th. e Builiding staling the re240d for fhe request power ' oftw may be teMOSITMm ftsqTa andfor a Stop Work order issued.If the Final lrlsPeWbri has not been rPPvved WitHn 30 days. Afee or$100.170will 1)6required to lift the Slop Work Order. i ST. LUPE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLqYEES FROM VL�UCH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE RITIM OUT —TTT4AY BE IN003 . ft'DUE'rdMjE - I OF WLA710W OF THIS AGREEMENT. -7-3,