HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSas PERMIT# ISSUE SATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division I RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT JAN 112019 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCA ST. Lucie County, Permitting St �ucie COJ n ty �o/1Zo/1ao7fl ��vr/G/G�/VC, / c 0fl �C!?�S� hav agreed to be (Company Namellndividual Name) the 6e�lel%fik Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) = e (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5 a$a 001l I a nti LA.lt.t U rc.I.er 'Ft. P i r-o P L 2 Lt'9 I (Project Street Address or Property Tax IiD #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the B:70f and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuantto the filing off Sub-Spntractor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State ofFlarldn,County of PALM BEACH The foregaiaginstrumentwas signed before me this iL,day of 20 by�R0BERT SMITHWICK who is persona y Imawn ✓ar Ims produced n (/as i�de\ntifiratio n. \—lLw , zk STAMP Wgunnture ofNGW Public ay-"KR-A Print Name of Notary Public i" ItNotary public State or Florida 'S Andrea Lambert 'f My Commission GG 184517 Revised 11/I62016 l0j wJ Expires 0220/2022 t" •CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE( alifier) S�// PRINT NAME s3o9a.3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Marble, County of d' I krou The foregoing instrument rr is signed before me this 1:) day er oJRt1 rar�2o43by, Inh^ 14rrn S who Is personally (mown _JZor has produced a as identification. Zl a �7 a t< JC -kl STAMP iggnature of Notary Public �„J i aria h4 D ad 1'rint Name of Notary public Junan K. Mlair g ' r- Gommisslon # 06151707 Expires: October 15, 2021 Bonded thru Awn Notary PERMIT # QUNT.Y F—L +O R 1, D A, Li PetersenDean (Company ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR ,AGRE1 And Solar Systems Inc. Scq DEC 21 2C18 ST• Lucie Cni ,,.«.... have agreed to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC, dba RYAN HOMES ('Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax FJ. 3 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildin Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a (;lie�1 Sub-co�rit'actor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK ITFI N-rNnSIL 28917 -jot :N9'1` CL• Rl'Ir CCA•I'ION NU VBRR Stoic of Florida, county of PALM BEACH The foregoing (instrument +vas signed before me this `A-V- of l ` Vt!✓�Y.20�yby�ROBERT. MITHWI�__ u•hu is personalty hnowrL/ur has produced a S'rA91P Signature of \glary Public — ERIKALEBMI i ""� ERIKALEBRIM "a�c`aStatenLFlorida-Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Commission t) GO 084371 My Commission Expires March 16, 2021 Revised 11/16/2016 In-x)NTwlcroRsicNaruxetQnasfier) _ Byron Keith McStoots_ PRI\'1'N:1HF, 29024 COUNTY �Lx'rIF[C:1'1'IO\ NLIIRER State of Florida, conntyof Palm Beach The fontiuing instrument was signed before me this 22 _ day of February __,2p18t,y Byron Keith M_ cstoots who is personally Anuwn ur has produced a is 1Jenti0cation. 51'A]1P ,A.,Notary Public Beth Wagner PrimNalne of Kotary Public -- +`°''++ BETHWpabkUrAew `x -� MY COMMISSION81027 i-."a'A EXPIRES: A1 "�f'�,•,S�` BmdedTiw Nolary mq�9 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES r C' Building & Code Compliance Division„ BUILDING PERMIT DEC 21 2018 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting SCANNE6 BY RIDGEWAY PLUMBING St. Lucie County have agreed to be (Coany Name/Individual Name) the PLUMING Sub -contractor fort- I LM, i dba R�&Irl HUmPS (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Address or Property Tax ID #) F It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of,S&b-contrdctor notice. (Vr)V-J0A Liz — PR , T NAME T NA EE 2 \"1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County orlp—\�", The foregoing instrument was siigg7ned before me this k� day of who is personally known ✓or has produced a as' tificatiun. STAMP Signature of Notary Public �y Notary Public State of Florida Nadia K Lefevre 9� • My Commission GG 246771 or Expires 6e(262022 Revised 11/162016 SUB-CONrCSIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORI DA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ day of , 20_, by GARY KOZAN who is personalty known X or has produced a as identification. �� Q Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public o°-{:r ry;��, ICATHLEEN Pvl. HALL S�°o , NOlary Public - 51a1e of Florida ;N „ 'T� a Y My Camm. Expires Jun 17, 2U16 �',- Commission N FF 133566 Bonded Titroueh National Notary Assn. ' STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE AC Quality Electric PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREFWENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie County DEC 21 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be the electrical Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary -Contractor) For the prof ect located at Property Tax ID t-.�'iaut�.FL It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildg d Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Sub-c tractor notice. CO RA GNATU '(Quaker) SUB -CONTRA OR SIGNATURE(Quaker) ROBERT sMITHWICIt Gary R. Evans PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH r�y-� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this A2 4lay of zo\ �,y, ROBERT SMITHWICK whoJspersonaBYknown '� orhaspreduceds _ aside ation. s STAMP Signature of Notary Public ERIKA LEBRINI '�r ""'PERIKA LEBRINI 'rant Name of Notary Public "�a''� of Florida -Notary Pub] .` Commission # GG 084371Y %,� P` M Commission Ex Tres p �"°I�`��� Marcfi 16, 2021 Revised 11/16/2016 . ., COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER State of Fldnida, County of Broward The toregouSg instrument was signed,betore. me this' 22 day of February 201`G by GaryR. Evans who is personally (mown _or has produced a as Identification. a^ '^ C - \ Y/f V STAMP Signature of Notary Public C-. Linden Laura G. Linden Commission i GG033695 Expift September 2000 Bonded thru Aaron Notary PERMITA! ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division "st�.CEIVED .ucie County, Permitting BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNEW,: BY St. Lucie County One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Mechanical/HVAC Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our project, the Buildinodp—d Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie filing of a C of Sub-cXractor notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME 28911 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH ��' The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this Gd d�p of U Z 20_f, by ROBERT SMITHWICK Who is personally known _or Ins produced a aside , tation.p !ti STAMP Signature of Notary Public KEVIN STIN_E PRINT NAME with the above mentioned be advised pursuant to the 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was was signed before me this 23 day of FEBRUARY 2B10 KEV.IN STINE who is personally known Kor Las produced a as Identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Pugl ERIKA LEBRINI a ERIKA LEBRINI Print Name of Notary Print of Notary Publi c•�S' tat�orida-Notary Publlcc•:Stbt�orida-Notary Public Print Inm,Q ofPry Public ��:. E Cammission 8 GG 084371 W'"N� KELLY WEBSTER ;.c My Commission Expiros ` Notary PuUlic-Stale of Florida March 16, 2021 commission N FF 978034 e;ea„ r MyComrnrEsplres Apr 4, 2020 !unn„ Revised 11/16/2016