HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING SITE PLANSCOPE OF WORK CONSTRUCT NEW SHED PER PLANS AS SHOWN THIS IS AN ALTERATION LEVEL 2 AND MUST COMPLY WITH THE FBC 2017 FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS CHAPTER 7 AND 8. NOTES: 1) THE CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, ECT. SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS AT JOB SITE, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ECT. 2) STRUCTURAL FEATURES NOT DETAILED ON THESE PLANS WILL BE ADDRESSED BY THE ENGINEER AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES. 3) ALL WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS TAKE. PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. 4) ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUII DING CODE (FBC) 2017,.FBC 2017 RE, SIDENTIAL, FBC 2017 PLUMBING CODE, FBC 2017 MECHANICAL. CODE, FBC 2017 ENERGY CONSERVATION, AND THE NEC (NFPA 70) 2014 EDITION. 5) RESIDENCE LOCATED IN NEGLIGIBLE WEATHERING AREA, AND IN VERY HEAVY TERMITE INFESTATION AREA PER FRC 301. 6) ALL ADDITIONS, REPAIRS, AND ALTERATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH THE F.B.0 2017 FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS. STRUCTURAL NOTES 1) DESIGN LOADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASCE7-10• 2) SOIL BEARING CAPACITY: 2500 PSF (MIN.). 3) ALL STRUCTURAL CONCRETE IN BEAMS; LINTELS, VERTICLE CELLS, AND COLUMNS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS. 4) SLAB / FOOTINGS TO BE CONCRETE WITH A MINIMUM 2500 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS. SEE PLAN FOR SIZES &c STEEL REQUIREMENTS. 5) MINIMUM CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCING BARS: FOOTINGS: 3" BE, I i/z" SUSPENDED SLABS: 1 Vzz" 6) ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. 7) SPLITING OR CRACKING OF STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS DUE TO INSTALATION OF HARDWARE IS NOT PERM TED. A) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE INSTALLATION OF SPECIFIED HARDWARE SHALL CONFORM TO THE MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND STANDARD PRACTICIES. 9) ]UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ROOF SHEATHING TO BE NAILED WITH 8d RING - SHANK NAILS AT 4" O.C. PERIMETER AND 6" O.C. FIELD, 10) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED FOR EXTERIOR WALLS, EXTERIOR PLYWOOD SHEATHING IS TO BE NAILED WITH 10d OR BETTER NAILS 6" O.C. EDGES, AND 6" O.C. FIELD, OR SCREWED WITH DRYWALL SCREWS 1.5" LONG AND 0.131 D.IA. T1-11 NOTE 1) EXTERIOR FRAME WALLS TO BE 5/8" T1-11 W/ LOD NAILS AT 6" O.C. PERIMETER AND FIELD OVER 1.5# FELT Planning & Development Services Department ty Building & Code Regulations Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 - (772) 462-1553 Certification for Design Load Compliance Project Name: Project Address: 4712 REGINA DR Permit #: Occupancy Type: R Construction Type: V INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: • This certification must be completed, signed, and sealed by the design professional of record. • Submit (2) copies for residential, (3) copies for commercial with all, permit applications involving the following: o New Residences (single or multi -family) o Residential Addition a Any accessory structure requiring a building permit o Any non-residential structure. * Note: Form not required for interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and certain minor building permits at the discretion of the local building official. Contact the If above for questions. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: (complete all that apply) 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida Building Code 2017 Edition with 20 _Supplements using ASCE 7-10 2. Structure Designed as (check one): X Enclosed _ Partially Enclosed _ Open 3. Risk Category: —1 X ll_ III_ IV Exposure Category: —8 X C D 4. Design Wind Velocity 160 mph 124 ASO N/A LRFD End Zone Width: 5 it S. Mean Roof Height: 10 ft Roof Pitch: 2 12 Parap t: N/A ft 6. Components & Cladding Design Pressures Used: (PSF, based on I sqk @ 15'MRH, clearly label on all plan openings): 19.3 19.3 19.3 3 6 33.6 31.8 Zone 1: 30.7 Zone 2: -53.5 Zone 3: 79 1 Zone 4: -36.4 Zone 5: 44 9 Garage: -41.5 7, Design Loads: Floor: N/A PSF Roof/Dead: 5 PSF Roof/Live: 20 Balcony: • N/A PSF Dock: N/A PSF Deck: N/A PSF Stairs: N/A PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: N/A PLF / CONCENTRATED 8. Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? X Yes _Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 9. is A Continuous Load Path Provided? X Yes _Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: 2500 PSF Soil Test Reports Submitted? Yes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the attached plans & specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these pia a;provide adequate resistance to the design forces specified: Paul Welch P.E. 29945 / 5115 Print Name Cert # & Co. Cert Auth. Paul Welch Inc. PION PLAN 12/5/2018 Signature, Date, and Seal 1984 S.W. Biltmore St. Suite #114 Port St. Lucie, FL FILE COPY LE COPY Company Name &Address CONCEALED FABMNERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR RECORD 1 1'DLGfiDvvUIJ �00 FIIJ t! l��P) _ e O, Il - - tit, S FR RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION TI-11 �Ib1tJL! L-(YP) T ELEVATION4 i.LE F A SCALE N ST, LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DI IO REVIEWED FOR COM LIANCE REVIE D Y DATE PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPTA B SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL DE -r�tt♦ c0(n,� I (YKR) LEFT SIDE ELI4VATION ,,,SCALE Building Permit # Planning & Development Services Department Building & Regulations Division Product Review Affidavit Owners Name 406151 h1 S Applicant: Product Opening Design Pressures Product Ratad Deal n Pressure Manufacharer _ Modal Number Product Approval NARnber Glass T ype Method of Attachment Windows Mullions Fixed Glass - BlockGlass S II hts Sliding Glass Doors swing Type Doork • Ir$'f -f+.td SU N/A IIAMIIA"MIM.En� .�SG¢�wsdT•'F I(m"O,G,Pr French Doors Garage Doors t31,1f-/{I.5 k`j0!-GO DAg D°ae- 42F oil Ir.Se7I,q r✓ Q HIM, EntgClj LACI 5c4126YUS Hurricane Protection oN Y 9- ' tZAtit C- jr Roof Ventilation Roofing Material it?. =-Si,S 7.S=-}9,4 2! -2_ - ,-S,I Sao -19,33 GE2TAINT€ r(ob.61T,)n M°A�l14-loo3.oh N/A fit% ' ATTAc1aMtE4-f t•-tef&-\eh N0TF &6I.c•w I have reviewed the above components or cladding and I have approved their use in this structure. These products provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Name: VA U L V, V- L- C. ( P lr Signature: 0 Cr' L A iJ Design Prof. ?4 \) V W F L4\,k 1 A (,Cert. No. Z 101 + S Date: o AJ (F* ► i _J ROOF ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FILE C 0 PY ROOFDATA: FILE COPY Manufacturer: CERTANTEED CONGEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE ORD HE Type: MODIFIED BITUMEN NOA#: 17-1003.04 System Type : E(3) Base sheet Mechanically fastened page 23 of 42 Design Pressure: 52.5 (-PSF) PER NOA Membrane Type: APP MODIFIED Deck: 19/32 " Plywood Base Sleet: Weather / Empire Base Sheet Fasteners: 11 ga. annular ring shank nails and approved tin caps (spacing per base sheet attachment requirements) - BASE SHEET ATTACHMENT REOUIREMENTS THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ZONE I : Base sheet attached to deck with Fasteners as specified above ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS (Field) at 8 " O.C. in ( 4 ) rows. One row is in the side lap. The other rows REQUIRED FIELD INSPECTORS THAT RAAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO are equally spaced approximately 9.8 " O.C. in the field of the sheet. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. (METHOD PER NOA) Design Pressure (-PSF): 515 Z p L 5 " ZONE 2: Base sheet attached to deck with Fasteners as specified above l 0 2112" to,- 01,11 y^ (Perimeter/ Ridge) at 7 " O.C. in ( 4 ) rows. One row is in the side Ian The other row are equally spaced approximately 9.8 " O.C. in the field of the sheet, lr i (ENHANCED FASTENERS) Design Pressure (-PSF): 53.9 a Base sheet attached to deck with Fasteners as specified above. (Corners) at 4 " O.C. in ( 4 ) rows. One row is in the side lap. The other rows q are equally spaced approximately 9.8 " O.C. in the field of the sheet. (ENHANCED FASTENERS 1' o Design Pressure (-PSF): 94.33 o MEMBRANE REQUIREMENTS: One ply of Flintlast FR Cap 30 TCOOIStar torch adhered to base sheet. SURFACING Any of the approved surfacing options as per Table 4 of the Product Approval 11 ti Y TABULATION SHED 3401 Sq. Ft. WENDOW / DOOR SCHEDULE f MAR SIZE /TYPE NOTES I 3068SOLHICOREDOOR z s 0 7 0 OVER HEAD DOOR' By�L� St Lucie County. WITN 86 ACHMENTS TRECE-IVED RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RACTOR OR RECORD 18 ��iS DEC 0 2018 ST, LUCIe caNltBY Ee�,Pt19�@flog , SHEET NUMBER PAUL WELCH INC. MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CIVIL E•NGLIVEERING f9845.W. BIL7MOREST: SUITE#k f f4 PORTS7- LUCIE, FL 34984. lJ PHCxVE(772)785-9888 5-MAIL PWEL'CHINC@AOf..COM PAUL WELCH, P.E,..FLA i4EG IYO. 29945 w PLYWVOOD WALL SWATHNG GRADE D FELT PAPER PROVIDE BEAD OF SEALANT'/1' FROM EDGE OF OPENING UNDER FELT APPLY FELT TO EXTERIOR OF OPENING AND FOLD FELT OVER JAMBS FUSS; •�g16�1Ni RETAIL... 3 USED IN LIEU OF GRADE D FELT. SIMPirnJ wI'Tsll® w/ t+4a IOd eAcM:ra ti�C.t3"uv,00b�ooF JDI�'( �E��ijP..aP At ?W'04. (�4'S� 'SFf�'• cYE� 1�d�32"GD7� - Fgo_,C-le woze � �----•--" DPEN s©FF+? -- oP514 FjZAA11 (4 or- womb 0951- WJ(2, 42"l'H�n1 �a (2�•tlox3"5��8vd'�= (it4 " pr P'o<i( E60H s)�� EMaEtsbED iIl'{a " RI�II SiM�IU v>I i12"�bx a"EMS AWe iMPyaN yPG i �owTs w/ 2"K Z., A IW sa�� (t91 10�1 �161L5 a7 wAsygleAT 24'49.e ' � ,/� e yihl—\\:si\\�.+11 1i 11=��1 �\\�'�" �h, �. I���-i l�lil:'I\`rill®i�. +'h�`siii+'.,-\�l%..✓�� " ,'.+l1 �11i� III Flaw . — it, I\I �(l�lll%U1�1\t PLau TYPICAL SECTION DETAIL NTS. " 00,- I w 6 AvOF AOitilip Af tv's�V. law^+ OUNDATION SCHEDULE P-1 24" DEEP X 18" ROUND CONCRETE. PAD ' FOOTING S-1 6" THK (2500 PSI) CONCRETE SLAB W/ FIBERMESH OR 0/6" 10/10 WWM OVER TVAPOR BARRIER ON CLEAN COMPACTED +O' 2+/y" CHEMICALLY TREATED SOIL �1_ ATI N PLAN /»SCAz,E RAW. WELCHINC. / MECHAMICAL ELECTRICAL CIVIL ENG/NEERlJVG f984S.W. B/LTMOREST. SUITE # r 14 POR7-ST LUC)E, FL 34984. PHONE(772)785.9888 E-MA/L PWELCH/NC@AOL.COM O C Q 2018 PAUL WELCH, P.E.-FLA REG NO, 29945 �J