HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS`e/'.�Afa.�Tl TJ I.)e.T mTT /'�{pnv. /l yryi1T, f1TTy/91'�Tm I9/)T �']T ._: On TVm TfTIITT! (.l)T1iTfpv C AP ✓9y✓ �o PERMIT # K +�v1��'TY � I D R the For the project located at. 'ISSUE.DATE, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY " St. Lucie County `�-- have agreedto be` Sub -contractor £or (Primaryc _ c r) 1 4 It is understood that, if there is any change of status' regarding our participation with the<above mentioned project;, the Building and Code Regalatidn Division of St. Lucie County will"be advised pursuant to the filing ofGi�ni ge of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER' State of Florida, Couotyof 1.a�\� The foregWrigiastrommt was atgied WOO me this.�d. daly�of 1:S0.r 20\by'r,rNt �b sPy\S.r�bi' who is persouaap Iwo" ur hasproduced a. {was idenBBcudoo. STAMP SlgnatureofNotary Pubilk Vg:a r r!% G%J'-r\ S Prtat Name ofNotaryPublic 6FANNNAMFRIEGNM Mycommmodomm Rev' I lfl ti- - FJlPIRES: [loeembet 16, 202d .. or BoMadlton.NMaryPOBk6Morwillera. eGGF 3�yre COUNTY CER MCATION NUMBER- . Efate ufPtortda, County of 1p The foregohtg loshumeotwas signed {b{W before nit this �1Y day of 20A'byr�Oh I) i s t o iJpoo who Is personally Imowa has.produced a Notary PuDlk6mot*iFWWa .« c 9Gm 5MCmWHe.PN65 EaPhas M/tat202T .. STAMP (glacotrsb PERMIT# Y/lam^ ISSUE DATE the For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SCANNED RECEIVED BY BUILDING PERMIT FEB 01 St. Lucie County SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 2019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County Sub -contractor for :&a %.D (Pn * Wh r) or Property Tax(D #) have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advisedpursuant to the filing ofgC *ge of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, county of 'Lll The foregoing lusttumentwas signed before me this dayof --sa a' .20�rr by aw<w%S VVL�0e who I personally known or bos produced o \ 1' 0 L C\es identlBntloa STAMP Signature of Notary Pubgk 'n-I1n' CT \hS Print Name of Notary Public m conDEWORIAMI1M#0002S kyf(XfI01USSION /fill o71023 Il/1 EXPIRES Derembet 10.2020 Gi♦gi" Banded'11vu yPu00oU0bmalara S-U-B^C-O CrOR SIGNATURE (Qualiaer) PRINTNAME" *25�A1(!1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State o[Florida, County of�'L- �. The foregaiogioutuaralwassigoed before me N(la.�l dayof FC>12+ aft who who A personally known _ erbssproduceda as ldendB 1 LCQL� y-X—C9-CZ-k— STAMP SignsureofNotery PublbU(e`, ' A W\ci f_rnc_ Print Name of Notary Public , ,Y w/e,. NATRINAKLWNEC _P `c��MY CUMMISSION/G603373g g, °e� E IRES:SopRitW2/,20 �'Fofc�°' BmdadTMFSudgelNo4rySeFams i PERMIT# `� 1 a d y 5V ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT _P/ theSub-contractor for For the project located at -3 i+ "rutl IF-- (Project Street Addres SCANNED BY St. Lucie County have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofpCWge of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of X.Q e'& . The foregoing instrument was signed before me this`ll day of ­3%v� .20"by CYA tvC\S who is personally known or has produced a Cass Identinra6on. - STAMP Signature of Notary PubKk Print Name of Notary Public DFANNAMARIE GNEK4 ?& GG 022 ¢23 • = MYCAMMISSION# SU&CONY . OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 7dbmv-� PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of� The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this n day of auar zol9 br �OhcrE Luo�/u� who is personally Imowal-?—or bas produced a as ldenN all. STAMP gnat o[Note blic rPrint Name of Notary Public LISA LESTER NOTARY PUBLIC ae STATE OF FLORIDA �Comm#GG127647 e1. Expires 7124f2021 PERMIT # ZZL ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SCANNED BUILDING PERMIT By SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St• Lucie County f U/"/i :,44 At O nPi.- C (MC, Or V I D _ .LW— have agreed to be (Company Name&dividualNain the Av\� I Sub -contractor for 3,sLL-C � ype of Trade) (PrimaryCon c t) For the project located at 3&��'roy � GT. (Proiect Street Address or Property Tax #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofp<Wge of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMER State of Florida, Comfy of+r VQ The foregoing instrumeotwassigned before methis ,Q dayof -:Sc a, 20It by 'q go, * %: S Pa�S�a P wboispermuallylmown or Imsprvdueedo l %'0L asfdeatsmtloa . \y\� •W�+�' SPAMP Sigmmre of Notary Pab' Yl� �T•\�l�v\ 5 Prlat Nome of Komry Mile iny� DEMMMARIE GNM. .-.•'2 MYCOMNIISSION8GG 02202a Revised llfl w;�?k E%PIRM0ecember16.2020 Baodod7truNo"PuN'e0ndens'UM SUWCOURACrOR SIGNA (Qm ¢r) PRINTNAME COUNTY \ q ` State of Florida, Comfy 4 !cult-e The foregoing insb®eatwassigned beforeure tbisdday oof �201 by_�LX511 a l'i el/1 wbo is persona mown ..-<�has produced a as idea�JtJdm/��tiom /i��Pbrm �.4rAMP �goatureo PERMIT # \<t 1 a �L� cJ ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 10HO, Building & Code Compliance Divisi Hu--=---� 'B'VID r BUILDING PERMIT )AN O •�49 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie county, Perr BY St: Lucie County have agreed to be' theSub-contractor for -R,i !' (Type of Trade) (P mn�'ary'Con c r) For the project located at 3����o�e, 6'mlye e (Project Street Address orProperty Tax D #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of filing ofpcwge of Sub -contractor notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing lostroment was signed before me this \Q day of -SO.. V,��. .20 %'by ��w��'16 fAsryb who is personally known _or bas produced a COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ,CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County oeS oto. \t The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this`' day of 5a�,,zo�,byFtwweis�.sho� who Is personally (mown _or has produced a F L�L as identification. as identification. ��l.V`=+S=+S' STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Pub Signature of l ury bllc �e.A T% Q1��T \\)' I\ S Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public DEANNAMARIEGNENS R�; DEANNAMARIE ONENS Y MY COMMISSION #00022029 , MY COMMISSION MGG 022027 EXPIRES: December 16, 2020 ='" r ` EXPIRES: December 16.2020 Revised 11/1 f Bondedlh N,"PubHc Undanviltew '' # BondsdThmNotary P�Ik Undenviilena