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1 � � All i� A' der Product Approval Ya..: public User > proevd arpov roe n > Aamo-min� > AppllmYan Deun • FI2531-P20 app ryw 2017 2D1] // ' O P FILE Y M1a ^ �� Im CCercalmeee Wryora c,lioanna l/ R � •v n4mm�anne 20 Moores M it I lw Malvern, PA 19355 ftfo) R�[ann mark6.hamm@salntyobaln.mm Iwo.ea'as'v'w"'. maps Hamer wdwm-gwsntyabeln.mm Mark D. Hamer ua^vp°e'•A'^r 18 Mcome Mad Mahmm, PA 193SS SIM 6[ py] Mark.D.Hamer®samgobaln.tom ww.wwmwewe cave,Reefing amnew., Modified Bitumen Roof System c-lemse xaw Evaluation Mport from a partial Registered Architect or Urensed Florida Professional Engineer o &W uaupn Report- Hudson, Received Mew m w me Robert hammer atlma - ecru. e rwua w PE-59166 n-ey Beres, UL ILC putty " we orn° renew sew 03/09/2030 wmwaan Sohn W Rn¢CNdp, IT V Wall CheWIR- HaNwpy ReaeNed wwk..mMwww� Rx[.. wD tea 2me � urEanx6Mm1 wn,rsn unaw we w is owemI suaaW por Aernew, ow note Mama wome McNM l OptlonD 061 O6/20/2018 e awco.ern.41-1 06/27/2018 e O2 erc an. //18 SUDIrItgl Mo st �. - Deecdptl Modified dm tuen Red System: s�a•w Loweenine a manpn 2naennertmpm � 61>�.27018 M Rival At PR QFyTalwT66n MDnEMT F12i31 B20Sdt ewww_ehemeneW. Verined By: Robert asininen, PE PE-59166 a w m,w a Created by Independent Third Party: yes Evaluation Repoab '^, a w fL][[n B20gc. Lj yq-.q6 FINp!-EgIficro ISED 110.1.1 wow-ld81, ,111511_ v0 evuniv,m Created by Independent Trial Party: yes on m..w m.p eme emnan ema,p ea, Contact Im::xehl aa. Nn.en FL'axxg3 Phann 9[n<e>-lexa The State of Flarlda Is an AP/EEO empbya. [ooyrcgnr xnox�x ,:: Pri 5[ypmgpa:; prre[enlih [e .. M1•ne[at ee under Flonea law, email someone are public records. If you do rot want your a -mad address released In response to a publlimmoves media, do not no ele¢mnic mall to Na entity. InMco ntact ntact Me sense ay phone v by traditional mall. If you hem any quemons, please con so 850 snot eryyrsuentto Section A55R35(l), FlVlda Settles, eReRIve COober 1, m1; loonies noweea under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department Won an email wall If they have one The amalis pmvmed may be used for afidal communication wish Me Ileenum. Hmvever email addresses are public record If you do not wish to supply. personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made rvneble to the pull',. To dmen him, If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dlev typed, Produce Approval Accomn EMMIRME0 Coo Gd Sa(O Sc ,) St. 4uciiCoun ty RecFIV"a DEC 2 71010 Perm' n St. Ge�e°�eoun gent NNEMOjetc. APPENDIX 1: ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND UPUFr RESISTANCE TABLE DECK APPLICATION TYPE DESCRIPTION PAGE 1A Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 5-6 1B Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 7 1C Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 8-9 1D Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 10-12 3E-1 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 13-15 lE-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 16-17 1F Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 17 2A Steel or Structural Concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 18-20 2B Steel or Structural Concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 21-25 2C Steel or Structural Concrete New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 26-28 3A Concrete New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 29-36 38 Concrete New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-3 Bonded Temp Roof/Vapor Barrier, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 36 3C Concrete New or Reroof (Tear -Off) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 37 4A LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 38-39 4B LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 40 4C LWIC New, Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 41-44 SA CWF New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 45 5B CWF New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 46 5C CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 46 SO CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 47 6A Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 48-49 6B Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 50 6C Gvosum Reroof (Tear -Off) C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 51 6D Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 51 7A Various Recover A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 52-57 7B Various Recover F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 57 The following notes apply to the systems outlined herein: 1. The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. 2. Unless otherwise noted, fasteners and stress plates for insulation attachment shall be as follows. Fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following engagements: ➢ Wood Deck: OMG #14 Roofgrip with Flat Bottom Plate (Accutrac), OMG HD with OMG 3 in. Galvalume Steel Plate, Dekfast #14 with Hex Plate or 3" Round Insulation Plate, Trufast HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates or FlintFast #14 Fastener with FlintFast 3" Insulation Plates. Minimum 0.75-inch plywood penetration or minimum 1-inch wood plank embedment. ➢ Steel Deck: OMG #12 or #14 Roofgrip with Recessed or Flat Bottom Plate (Accutrac), OMG #12 Standard or HD with OMG 3 in. Galvalume Steel Plate, Dekfast #12 or #14 with Hex Plate or 3" Round Insulation Plate, Trufast DP or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates or FlintFast #12 or #14 Fastener with FlintFast 3" Insulation Plates. Minimum 0.75-inch steel penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. ➢ Structural Concrete: OMG #14 Roofgrip with Recessed or Flat Bottom Plate (Accutrac), OMG HD or CD-10 with OMG 3 in. Galvalume Steel Plate, Dekfast #14 or DekSpike with Hex Plate or 3" Round Insulation Plate, Trufast HD or CF with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates or FlintFast #14 Fastener with FlintFast 3" Insulation Plates. Minimum 1-inch embedment. Fasteners installed with a pilot hole in accordance with the fastener manufacturers published installation Instructions. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6r"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Preparad by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 1 of 57 - NNEMOjetc. 3. Unless otherwise noted, insulation may be any one layer or combination of polyisocyanurate, polystyrene, wood fiberboard, perlite, GlasRoc Roof Board or gypsum -based roof board that meets the CIA requirements of F.A.C. Rule 61G20.3 and is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam plastic, FBC Chapter 26, when installed with the roof cover. 4. Minimum 200 psi, minimum 2-inch thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for, or installed beneath rigid insulation board for System Type D (mechanically attached base sheet, bonded roof cover), whereby the base sheet screws and plates are installed through the LWIC to engage the structural steel or concrete deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck listings. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. S. Preliminary insulation attachment for System Type D: Unless otherwise noted, refer to Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016). 6. Unless otherwise noted, insulation adhesive application rates areas follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application; the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's published instructions. D Hot asphalt (HA): Full coverage at 25-30 lbs/square ➢ Ashland Phodeck (A-PD): Continuous 0.75 inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. Ribbons of subsequent layers shall be perpendicular to those in the layer below. ➢ Dow INSTA-STIK Quik Set Insulation Adhesive (D-IS): Continuous 0.75 to 1 inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. D Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive (M-OSFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. ➢ Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (M-PGS): Continuous 0.5 to 0.75-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. D OMG OlyBond 500 or OlyBond Green (O8500): Continuous 0.75-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. (Pace Cart or SpotShot) D ICP Adhesives CR-20: Continuous 2.5 to 3-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. ➢ Note., When multiple layers(s) of insulation and/or coverboard are installed in ribbon -applied adhesive, boards shall be staggered from layer -to -layer. ➢ Note., The maximum edge distance from the adhesive ribbon to the edge of the insulation board shall be not less than one-half the specified ribbons spacing. 7. Unless otherwise noted, all insulations are flat -stock or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanurate at the following thickness limitations may be substituted with the fallowing Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) limitations. In no case shall these values be used to 'increase' the MOP listings in the tables; rather if MDP listing below meets or exceeds that listed for a particular system in the tables, then the thinner board listed below may be used as a drop -in for the equivalent thicker material listed in the table: D Ashland Pliodeck (A-PD) @ 12-inch o.c. MDP -105.0 psf (Min. 1.0-inch) ➢ Ashland Pliodeck (A-PD) @ 6-inch o.c. MDP -277.5 psf (Min. 1.0-inch) ➢ Dow INSTA-STIK Quik Set Insulation Adhesive (D-IS): MDP -120.0 psf (Min. 1.0-inch) ➢ Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive (M-OSFA): MDP -157.5 psf (Min. 1.0-inch) ➢ Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (M-PGS): MDP -157.5 psf (Min. 1.0-inch) ➢ OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): MOP -45.0 psf (Min. 0.5-inch Multi -Max FA3) ➢ OMG OlyBond 500 (OB5o0): MDP -187.5 psf (Min. 0.5-inch ISO 95+GQ ➢ OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): MOP -315.0 psf (Min. 0.5-inch ENRGY3) ➢ OMG OlyBond 500 (OB500): MDP -487.5 psf (Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam 11) ➢ ICP Adhesives CR-20: MDP -117.5 psf (Min. 1.0-inch) 8. Bonded polyisocyanurate insulation boards shall be maximum 4 x 4 ft. 9. For mechanically attached components or partially bonded insulation, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16, and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD3, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Assemblies marked with an asterisk• carry the limitations set forth in Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016) for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 10. For assemblies with all components fully bonded in place, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16, and no rational analysis is permitted. 11. For mechanically attached components over existing decks, fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing and analysis shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FX-1 or Testing Application Standard TAS 105. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization N32455 6r"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Niernmen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 2 of 57 NNEMO I etc. 12. For existing substrates in a banded recover or re -roof installation, the existing roof surface or existing roof deck shall be examined for compatibility and bond performance with the selected adhesive, and the existing roof system (for recover) shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ANSI/SPRI IA-1, ASTM E907, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard TAS 124. 13. For Concrete Deck or Recover Applications using System Type D, the insulation is optional. 14. Lightweight Insulating Concrete (LWC) shall be cast in accordance with FBC Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. For systems where specific LWC is referenced, refer to current LWC Product Approval for specific deck construction and limitations. For systems where specific LWC is not referenced, the minimum design mitt shall be 300 psi. In all cases, the minimum top -coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWC over structural concrete, reference is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1, Paint 1 15. Unless otherwise noted, refer to the following references for bonded base, ply or cap sheet applications. MODIFIED REFERENCE LAYER MATERIAL _ APPLICATION BP -AA (Base and Ply sheets, Asphalt -Applied) Base ply Glasbase; All Weather/Empire Base; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Base 20 One or more Flintglas Ply 4; Flin[glas Premium Ply 6 Hot asphalt at 204016s/square BP-AA2 Base Yosemite Venting Base Hot asphalt in 24-inch diameter spots in 30- (&a e, Spot -Asphalt -Applied) inch grid pattern BP-AA3 Base Yosemite Venting Base Hot asphalt in 9-inch diameter spots in grid (Base, Spot -Asphalt -Applied) pattern noted herein. BP-AA4 Base Yosemite Venting Base Hot asphalt in 9-inch wide ribbons spaced (Base, Strip-ASPhalt-Applied) I as noted herein. BP-CA2 Base/Ply Glasbase; All Weather/Empire Base; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Base 20 Henry #903 Adhesive at 1.5 gal/square BP-CA3 Base/Ply Glasbase; All Weather/Empire Base; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Base 20 Millennium Hurricane Force Membrane Adhesive, beads spaced 6-inch o.c. Base Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Ply One or more Flintlastic Base 20, Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base SBS-AA (SBS, Asphalt-Applled) Hot asphalt at 2G40lbs/square Cap Flintlastic Cap 30; Flintlastic Cap 30 CoolStar, Flintlastic FR Cap 30, Flintlastic FR Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Dual Cap; Flintlastic FR-P; Flintlastic FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic Premium FR-P; Flintlastic Premium FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic GMS; Flintlastic GMS CoolStar Base Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Note: Base ply cures overnight prior to application of the ply or cap ply. FlintBond Brush or Karnak No. 81 Cold SBS-CAS ISM, Cold -Applied) Process Modified Bitumen Adhesive Brush Grade at 1 gal/square Ply Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Cap Flintlastic FR Cap 30; Flintlastic FR Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Dual Cap; Flintlastic FR-P; Flintlastic FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic Premium FR-P; Flintlastic Premium FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic GMS; Flintlastic GMS CoolStar Base Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Ply Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base SBS-CA2 ISM, Cold-ApplMd) Henry #903 Adhesive at 1.5 gal/square. Cap Flintlastic Cap 30; Flintlastic Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Cap 30; Flintlastic FR Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Dual Cap; Flintlastic FR-P; Flintlastic FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic Premium FR-P; Flintlastic Premium FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic GMS; Flintlastic GMS CoolStar NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FLZS33-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Niernmen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic* Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 3 of 57 NNEMO I etc. METHODS REFERENCE LAYER MATERIAL APPLICATION Base Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base SBS-CA3 Ply Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Millennium Hurricane Force Membrane (SEES, Cold -Applied) Cap Flintlastic Cap 30; Flintlastic Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Cap 30; Flintlastic FR Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Dual Adhesive, beads spaced 6-inch o.c. Cap; Flintlastic FR-P; Flintlastic FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic Premium FR-P; Flintlastic Premium FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic GMS; Flintlastic GMS CoolStar Base Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Base 20 T SBS-TA Ply One or more Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Base 20 T Torch -Applied Cap Flintlastic FR Cap 30 T; Flintlastic FR Cap 30 T CoolStar; Flintlastic GTS; Flintlastic GTS CoolStar, Flintlastic GTS-FR; (SBS,Torch-Applied) Flintlastic GTS-FR CoolStar; FlintClad Base One or more Flintlastic APP Base T; Flintlastic STA; Flintlastic STA Plus APP-TA (APP, Torch-Applled) Torch -Applied Cap Flintlastic STA; Flintlastic STA Plus; Flintlastic GTA; Flintlastic GTA CoolStar; Flintlastic GTA-FR; Flintlastic GTA-FR CoolStar SBS-SA-H Base/Ply Black Diamond Base Sheet; Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA Self -Adhering (SBS, Self -Adhering, Hybrid Syrtems) Base Flintlastic SA PlyBase; Flintlastic SA Mid Ply SBS-SA Self -Adhering Ply Flintlastic SA PlyBase; Flintlastic SA Mid Ply (SBS, Self -Adhering) Cap Flintlastic SA Cap; Flintlastic SA Cap CoolStar; Flintlastic SA Cap FR; Flintlastic SA Cap FR CoolStar 16. Vapor barrier options for use over structural concrete deck followed by adhered insulation carry the following MOP limitations. The lesser of the MDP listings below vs. those in Table 3A applies: r VAPOR BARRIER r • e . DP Ii , stin;s below vs. those, in Table 3A applies) OPTION R - PRIMER VAPOR BARRIER INSULATION ADHESIVE MDP(PSF) _ - TYPE ATTACH VB-1. FlintPrime Flintlastic SA PlyBase Self -adhering OB500, 12-inch c.c. -82.5 VB-2. FlintPrime Flintlastic GTA Torch -applied M-OSFA or M-PG1, 12-inch o.c. -420.0 VB-3. FlintPrime Flintlastic Base 20 T, Flintlastic FR Cap 30T or Flintlastic GTS Torch -applied M-OSFA or M-PG1, 12-inch o.c. -495.0 17. "MDP" = Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads. Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-1121 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 0 EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Niernmen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic- Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5947 Appendix 1, Page 4 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE IA: WOODOECKS — ION OR SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY .. .. BONDEDINSULATION,BONDED ROOF . Sys. Deck Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover (Note14) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (P _ ... SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS. Min. 19/32- Glasbase, All 32 ga., 1-5/8- 9-inch o.c. in 4-inth Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.25-inch inch Weather Empire, inch dia. tin lap and 12-inch o.c. ACFoam 11, Dens Deck (Optional) W-1 plywood at Plexiglas Base, caps with 11 ga. in two (2), equally FlintBoard ISO, HA primed with HA SBS-SA SBS-SA SBS-SA -45.0' max. 24 Flintlastic Base 20; annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield FlintPrime or inch spans Poly SMS; Ultra Poly shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 FlintPrime SA SMS; Yosemite Min. 19/32- Glasbase, All 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch Min. 1.5-inch HA full Min. 0.25-inch HA full inch Weather Empire, inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. ACFoam II, coverage or OBSOO, M- Dens Deck coverage or OB500, M- (Optional) W-2 plywood at Plexiglas Base, Poly caps with 11 ga. in three (3), equally FlintBoard ISO, OSFA, A-PD, primed with OSFA, A-PD, D- SBS-SA SBS-SA SBS-SA -52.5 max. SMS or Ultra Poly annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGYti- DAS or CR-20, FlintPrime or IS or CR-20, 6- inch spans pa SMS shank nails center rows ax FA3 or Multi -Max FA3 flinch o.c. FlintPrime SA inch o.c. Min. 19/32- 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.25-inch inch inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. ACFoam It, Dens Deck (Optional) W-3 plywood at Yosemite Venting caps with 11 ga. in three (3), equally FlintBoard ISO, HA primed with HA SBS-SA SBS-SA SBS-SA -52.5 max. 24- Base Sheet annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield FlintPrime or inch spans shanknails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 FlintPrime SA HA full Min. 0.25-inch HAfull Min. 19/32- Glasbase, All 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch (Optional) Min. SECUROCK inch Weather Empire, inch dia. [in lap and 8-inch o.c. 1.5-inch ACFoam coverage or 08500, M- -Fiber coverage or OBSDO, M- (Optional) W-4 plywood at Plexiglas Base, Poly caps with 11 ga. in three (3), equally II, FlintBoard ISO, OSFA, A-PD, Roof BoGypsum Roof Board OSFA, A- D- 5B5-SA 5B5-SA SBS-SA -60.0 max. 24- SMS or Ultra Poly annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield D-IS or CR-20, primed with IS or CR-2, 6- 0 inch spans SMS shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 4-inch o.c. FlintPrime or inch o.c. FlintPrime SA Min. 0.25-inch Min. 19/32- 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch (Optional) Min. SECUROCK inch inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. 1.5-inch ACFoam Gypsum -Fiber (Optional) W-5 plywood at Yosemite Venting caps with 11 ga. in three (3), equally II, FlintBoard ISO, HA Roof Board HA SBS-SA 585-SA SBS-SA -60.0 max. 24- Base Sheet annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield primed with inch spans shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA HYBRIDSYSTEMS: . 2- Glasbase, All Weather Empire, 32 ga., 1-5/8- 9-inch o.c. in 4-inch Min. 1.5-inch (Optional) SBS-AA, Plexiglas Base, inch dia. tin lap and 12-inch o.c. ACFoam II, BP -AA, SBS- SBS-TA TW-6dat Base 20; caps with 11 ga. in two (2), equally FlintBoard 150, HA None N/A SBS-SA-H AA, SBS-TA orAPP- -45.0Flintlastic Poly annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-ShieldPMS,Yosemtra or APP-TA TA s shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 SMS; Yosemite NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-RZO Certificate of Authorization #32455 6TH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepa2d by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 5 of 57 NNEMOjetc. IA: WOOD,DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOFI(TUR-OFF) ATTACHEDTABLE SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ANCHOffSHEET,BONDED • BONDED ROOF COVER Sys. Deck Anchor Sheet Base_ insulation Top Insulation ' Roof Cover (Note14) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners, Attach Type Attach Type Attach .Base Piy Cap (psn Min. 19/32- 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch Min. 1.5-inch inch Glasbase; Flintglas inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. ACFoam It, (Optional) SBS-AA, W-7 plywood at Premium Ply 6; caps with 11 ga. in three (3), equally FlintBoard ISO, HA None N/A SBS-SA-H BP -AA, SBS- SBS-TA -60.0 max. 24- Yosemite annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield AA, SBS-TA orAPP- inch shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 or APP-TA TA CONVENTIONALSYSIEMS. Min. 19/32- Glasbase, All Weather Empire,Bp-AA, ga., o.c. inch o.c. Min. inch Min. 0.25-inch (Optional) SBS-AA, inch Plexiglas Base, inch dia. tin in .tin lap an lap and 12 inch o.c. ACFoam II, am Dens Deck SBS-AA, BP -AA, SBS- SBS-TA W-8 plywood at Flintlastic Base 20; caps with 11 ga. in two (2), equally FlintBoard I50, HA primed with HA SBS-TAor AA,SBSTA or APP- -45.0' max. 24- Poly SMS; Ultra Poly annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield FlintPrime (ASTM APP-TA or APP-TA TA inch spans SMS; Yosemite shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 D41) primer Min. 19/32- Glasbase, All 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch Min. 1.5-inch HA full Min. 0.25-inch HA full inch Weather Empire, inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. ACFoam II, coverage or Dens Deck coverage or BP -AA, (Optional) SBS-AA, W-9 plywood at Flexiglas Base, Poly caps with 11 a. g in three (3), equally FlintBoard I50, OB500, M- primed with OB500, M- SBS-AA, BP -AA, SBS- SBS-TA -52.5 max. 24- SMS or Ultra Polyannular ring g s aced, sta p ggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield OSFA, A-PD, FlintPrime (ASTM OSFA, A-PD, D- SBS-TA or AA, SBS-TA or APP- inch spans SMS shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 0.15 or CR-20, D41) primer IS or CR-20, 6- APP-TA or APP-TA TA 4-inch o.c. inch o.c. Min. 19/32- 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.25-inch inch inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. ACFoam II, Dens Deck BP -AA, (Optional) SBS-AA, W-10 plywood at p yw Yosemite Venting caps with 11 a. p g in three (3), equally () q y FlintBoard ISO, HA primed with HA SBS-AA, BP -AA, SBS- SBS-TA -52.5 max. 24- Base Sheet annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield FlintPrime (ASTM SBS-TAor AA, SBS-TA orAPP- inch spans shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 D41) primer APP-TA or APP-TA TA Min. 19/32- Glasbase, All 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch (Optional) Min. HA full HA full inch Weather Empire, inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. 1.5-inch ACFoam coverage or Min. 0.25-inch coverage or BP -AA, (Optional) SBS-AA, W-11 plywood at Flexiglas Base, Poly caps with 11 ga. in three (3), equally II, FlintBoard ISO, OB500, M- SECUROCK OB500, M- SBS-AA, BP -AA, SBS- SBS-TA -60.0 max. 24- SMS or Ultra Poly annular ring spaced, staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield OSFA, A-PD, Gypsum -Fiber OSFA, A-PD, D- SBS-TA or AA, SBS-TA or APP- inch spans SMS shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 D-IS CR-20, Roof Board IS CR-20, 6- APP-TA or APP-TA TA flinchh o.c. inch o.c. Min. 19/32- 32 ga., 1-5/8- 8-inch o.c. in 3-inch (Optional) Min. inch inch dia. tin lap and 8-inch o.c. 1.5-inch ACFoam inch (Optional) SBS-AA, W-12 plywood at Yosemite Venting caps with 11 ga. in three (3), equally II, FlintBoard ISO, HA SECUMin. ROC HA SBS-BNAA, SBS-AA, BP-AA,SBS- -60.0 max. 24- Base Sheet annular ring spaced,staggered ENRGY-3, H-Shield Gypsum -Fiber Gypsum -Fiber SBS-TA or AA, SBS-TA or APP- or APP inch spans shank nails center rows or Multi -Max FA3 Roof Board APP-TA or APP-TA TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6TH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Niernmen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 6 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 1B: ... r CONSTRUCTION, • .. (TEAR -OFF) . OVER SYSTEM TYPE B: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE INSULATION, BONDED TOP INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Base ply Cap MDP (psf) HYBRID SYSTEMS: _ Min. 15/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam FlintFast 1112 or 1.5-inch ACFoam II, MlintBoard HA, D-IS, M- W-13 exterior grade II, FlintBoard ISO, H- #14 with 1 per 1.33 FI50, H-Shield or OSFA, M-PG3 SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA 5in. -67. plywood at max. 24- Shield or FlintBoard FlintFast 3" ftr FlintBoard ISOx. or OB500 inch spans ISOx. Insulation Plates C_ONVENTIONALSYSTEMS: _ Min. 0.5-inch Structodek Min. 23/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam High Density Fiberboard (Optional) BP -AA, W-14 exterior grade II, FlintBoard ISO, Note 2 1 per 2 ft r Roof Insulation, min. 0.75- HA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or A, SBS- -45.0 plywoods max. 24- ENRGY 3, H-Shield inch FescoBoard SBS-BP-AA SBS-AA APPTA TA or TA Dr APP-TA inch spans (homogeneous) Min. 23/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Min. Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, W-15 exterior grade II, FlintBoard ISO, Note 2 1 per 2 ftz Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, HA AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -45.0' plywood at max. 24- ENRGY 3H-Shield Dens Deck or Dens Deck ar APP-TA APP-TA TA or APP-TA inch spans , Prime Min. 15/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam FlintFast #12 or Optional additional layer(s) W-16 exterior grade II, FlintBoard ISO, H- #14 with 1 per 1.33 of base insulation followed HA, '-IS'M- OSFA, M-PG1 APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA -90.0 plywood at max. 24- Shield or FlintBoard FlintFast 3" ftr by Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK or OB500 inch spans ISOx. Insulation Plates Gypsum -Fiber Roof board NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-1121 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 67" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 7 of 57 NNEMOjetc. IC: WOjD DE�CKS"- NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER F BONDEDTABLE SYSTEIVITYPEC: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, ROOF COVER System Deck. Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) - MDP No. (Note 1) Base Insulation layer (Psf) Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap SEIF-ADHERING SYSTEMS: - Min.15/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Flintfast 3 in. Insulation (Optional) SBS- W-17 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Plates with FlintFast #12 1 per 3.2 it' SBS-SA SA SBS-SA -30.0* inch spans loose laid or#14 Min. 19/32-inch (Optional) One or more Apply FlintPrime or W-18 exterior grade plywood layers, any combination, Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Note 2 1 per 1.33 ft2 FlintPrime SA to (Optional) SBS- SBS-SA -45.0 board & plates, SA at max. 24-inch spans loose laid followed by SBS-SA Min. 19/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 3/8-inch SECUROCK Flintfast 3 in. Insulation (Optional) SBS- W-19 exterior grade plywood layers, any combination, Plates with FlintFast #12 1per 2.7 ft' SBS-SA SBS-SA -45.0* at max. 24-inch spans looselaid Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or #14 SA Min. 19/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Apply FlintPrime or W-20 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, ENRGY 3, H-Shield, Multi -Max Plates with FlintFast #12 1 per 2 ft' FlintPrime SA to board & plates, (Optional) SBS- SA SBS-SA -45.0- inch spans loose laid FA3 or FlintBoard ISO or#14 I followed by SBS-SA FlintFast #14 HD with Min. 15/32-inch (Optional) One or more FlintFast 3" Insulation Apply FlintPrime to (Optional)SBS- W-21 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, Min. 1.5-inch FlintBoard ISO Plates or Trufast HD 1 per 1.6 ft2 board & plates, SBS-SA -52.5 inch spans loose laid with Trufast 3" Metal followed by SBS-SA SA Insulation Plates Min. 19/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, Apply FlintPrime or W-22 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, ENRGY3, H-Shield, Multi -Max Note 1per 1.45 ft2 FlintPrime SA to (Optional)SBS- SBS-SA -60.0 board & plates, SA inch spans loose laid FA3 or FlintBoard ISO followed by SBS-SA HYBRID SYSTEMS:, Min. 15/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck; Flintfast 3 in. Insulation (Optional) BP- SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-23 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, Dens Deck Prime Plates with FlintFast #12 1 per 2 ft' SBS-SA-H AA, SBS-AA, SBS- or APP-TA _30.0* inch spans loose laid or#14 TA or APP-TA FlintFast #14 HD with Min. 15/32-inch (Optional) One ormore FlintFast3"Insulation (Optional)SBS- SBS-TA or APP- W-24 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, Min. 1.5-inch FlintBoard ISO Plates or Trufast HD 1 per 1.6 ft2 SBS-SA-H -52.5 inch spans loose laid with Trufast 3" Metal TA or APP-TA TA Insulation Plates Min. 15/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, (Optional)BP-AA W-25 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or Note 2 1 per 1.33 ft2 SBS-SA-H SBS-AA -52.5 inch spans loose laid Multi -Max FA3 or SBS-AA Min. 19/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, 1 (Optional) BP- SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-26 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, FlintBoard ISO, H-Shield, I Note 2 I 1 per 1.45 It SBS-SA-H AA, SBS-AA, SBS- I or APP-TA inch spans loose FlintBoard ISO, TA or APP-TA MEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6'"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 8 of 57 NNEMOjetc. ....REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEMTYPEC: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Base Insulation layer (Psi Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Min. 15/32-inch (Optional) Min. 1.5-inch, One Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, Flintfast 3 in. Insulation (Optional) SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-27 plywood at max. 24- or more layers, any FlintBoard ISO, H-Shield, Plates with FlintFast#12 Iper 1.33 ft' SBS-SA-H AA, SBS-TA or -75.0 Inch spans combination, loose laid FlintBoard ISO" or#14 APP-TA or APP-TA Min. 19/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Il, (Optional) SBS- SBS-TA or APP- W-28 exterior grade plywood layers, any combination, FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or Note 2 1 per 1.33 it' SBS-SA-H TA or APP-TA TA 82 5 at max. 24-inch spans loose laid Multi -Max FA3 CONVENTIONALSYSTEMS: Mteriorn. h (Optional) more ornation, Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High W-29 grade exterior grade plywood combiOne layers, any combination, Density Fiberboard Roof Note 1per2ftz BP-AA or SBS-AA AA AA, SBS-AA, S SBS-AA, SBS-TA -45.0 at max. 24-inch spans loose laid Insulation, min. 0.75-inch TA or APP-TA or APP-TA or APPTA FescoBoard(homogeneous) Min. 15/32-inch (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK FlintFast #12 or #14 HD BP -AA, SBS-AA, (Optional) BP- W-30 plywood at max. 24- layers, any combination, Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, with FlintFast 3" 1 per 2 ft' SBS-TA or APP- AA, SBS-AA, SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA _45.0' inch spans loose laid Dens Deck or Dens Deck Insulation Plates TA TA or APP-TA or APP-TA Prime Min. 15/32-inch (Optional for Recover) Min. . . Min025-inch SECUROCK FlintFast #12 or #14 HD (Optional) APP- W-31 plywood at max. 24- 1.5-inch, One or more layers, Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board with FlintFast 3" 1 per 1.45 ft' APP-TA TA APP-TA -60.0 inch spans any combination, loose laid Insulation Plates Min. 19/32-de (Optional for Concrete or FlintFast #12 or #14 HD BP -AA, SBS-AA, (Optional) BP- W-32 exterior grade plywood p Recover) 2-inch ACFoam 5-inch with FlintFast 3" 1 per 1.78 ft' SBS-TA or APP- AA, SBS-AA, SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA -60.0 at max. 24-inch spans II,FlintBo ard, H-Shield or Gypsun. m-Fiber Roof Board Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Insulation Plates TA TA or APP-TA or APP-TA loose ENRGY 3, loose laid. Min. 15/32-inch (Optional for Recover) Min. Min025-inch SECUROCK FlintFast #12 or #14 HD (Optional) APP- W-33 plywood at max. 24- 1.5-inch, One or more layers, . . Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board with FlintFast 3" 1 per 1.33 ft2 APP-TA TA APP-TA -67.5 inch spans anycombination, loose laid Insulation Plates NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-RZO Certificate of Authorization #32455 6`"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 9 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 16. OF15EIK� — NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEIVITYPED: INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE BONDED ROOF System Deck Insulation Layer(s) Base or Anchor Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Attach Base Fasteners Attach Ply cap (Psf) SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: _ 8-inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 8- Min. 19/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One prelim. inch o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, (Optional) W-34 plywood at max 24- or more layers, Flintlastic SA NailBase Note 2 staggered center rows; Stress plates SBS-SA -82.5' inch spans any combination Attach shall be primed with FlintPrime SBS-SA (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates 6-inch o.c, at min. 2-inch lap and 6- Min. 15inch Min. inch, One with FlintFast #12 or #14; inch o.c. in three (3), equally spaced, W-35 plywoodd at at max 24 or more re flayers, Prelim. Flintlastic SA NailBase Trufast 3" Metal Insulation staggered center rows; Stress plates (Optional) SBS-SA -97.5• inch spans any combination Attach Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 shall be primed with FlintPrime SBS-SA in. Round Metal Plates with (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA. OMG #14 HD Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates 6-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and 6- Min. 15/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One with FlintFast #12 or #14; inch o.c. in four (4), equally spaced, W-36 plywood at max 24 or more layers, Prelim. Flintlastic SA NailBase Trufast 3" Metal Insulation staggered center rows; Stress plates (Optional) SBS-SA -127.5' inch spans anycombination Attach Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 shall be primed with FlintPrime SBS-SA in. Round Metal Plates with (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA. OMG #14 HD HYBRIDSYSTEMS: Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates 6-inch o.c. at flinch lap and 6-inch Min. inch Min. One Glasbase; Plexiglas; with FlintFast #12 or #14, o.c. in three (3), equally spaced, W-37 od at plywood at max 24- re finch, or more layers, Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; Poly SMS Trufast 3" Metal Insulation staggered center rows; Stress plates SBS-SA-H SBS-r A, 5B5- -97.5 inch spans any combination Attach Base; Ultra Poly SMS Base Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 shall be primed with FlintPrime TA or APP-TA in. Round Metal Plates with (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime 5A. OMG #14 HD Min. 19/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One Glasbase; Flexiglas; 7-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 7-inch W-38 plywood at max 24- or more layers, Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; Poly SMS Note 2 o.c. in three (3), equally spaced, SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS- -105.0 inch spans any combination Attach Base; Ultra Poly SMS Base staggered center rows TA or APP-TA I Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates 6-inch o.c. at flinch lap and 6-inch Min. 15/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One Glasbase; Plexiglas; with FlintFast #12 or#14; o.c. in four (4), equally spaced, W-39 plywood at max 24 or more layers, Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; Poly SMS Trufast 3" Metal Insulation staggered center rows; Stress plates SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS- -127.5 inch spans any combination Attach Base; Ultra Poly SMS Base Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 shall be primed with FlintPrime TA or APP-TA in. Round Metal Plates with (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA. OMG #14 HD CONVENnoNALSysTEMs: Min. 23/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One Glasbase; All 12-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 36-inch BP -AA, SBS- W-40 exterior grade or more layers, Prelim. Weather/Empire Base; Note 2 o.c. in two (2), equally! paced, AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -30.0• plywood max. 24 any combination Attach Base; Flintlastic staggered center rows APP-TA TA or APP-TA inch spans s BaseFlexi0; Base 20; Yosemite NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6n` EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 10 of 57 NNEMOletc. TABLE ID: WOOD DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR -OFF) oR RECOVER rINSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED: BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Insulation Layer(s) Base or Anchor Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Attach Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap (psf) Min. 23/32-inch Glasbase; All exteriorgrade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Weather/Empire Base; 12-inch stag at 4-inch lap and 24-inch BP -AA, SBS- SBS-AA,SBS- W-41 plywood at max. 24- or more layers, Attach Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Note 2 stag in two cent equally spaced, AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -45.0' inch spans anycombination Base 20; Yosemite staggered center rows APP-TA Min. 23/32-inch exterior grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly 12-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 36-inch BP -AA, SBS- SBS-AA, SBS- W-42 plywood at max. 24- or more layers, Attach SMS Base Note 2 stag in two (2), equally spaced, AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP TA -45.0' inch spans anycombination staggered center rows APP-TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates Min. 15/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One Flintlastic Base 20; All with FlintFast #12 or #14; 6-inch stag at 4-inch lap and 6-inch (Optional) BP - W-43 plywood at max 24- or more layers, Prelim. Weather /Empire Base; Trufast 3" Metal Insulation stag in three (3), equally spaced, AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- -97.5 inch spans any combination Attach Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 staggered center rows. SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA SMS Base; Yosemite in. Round Metal Plates with APP TA OMG #14 HD Min. 15/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch W-44 plywood at max 24- or more layers, Attach Flintlastic APP Base T with OMG #14 HD o.c.in three (3), equally spaced, APP-TA APP-TA -97.5 inch spans anycombination staggered center rows. One more Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates (Optional) BP - Min. 15/32-inch layers, any s, Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; All with FlintFast #14; Trufast 3" 8-Inch stag at 4-inch lap and 8-inch AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- W-45 plywood max 24- thickness or Attach Weather / Empire Base; Metal Insulation Plates with stag at three (3) equally spaced, SBS-TA or TA or APP TA -97.5 s inch spans combination Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Trufast HD staggered center rows APP TA SMS Base; Yosemite Min. inch Min. One Glasbase; Flexiglas; 7-inch stag at 3-inch lap and 7-inch BP -AA, SBS- W-46 od at plywood at maz 24- re finch, ar more layers, Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; Poly SMS Note 2 o.c. in three (3), equally spaced, AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -105.0 inch spans anycombination Attach Base; Ultra Poly SMS Base; staggered center rows APP-TA TA or APP-TA Yosemite Min. 19/32-inch Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim.Flintlastic OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates 7-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 7-inch W-47 plywood at max 24- or more layers, Attach APP Base T with OMG #14 HD or Dekfast stag in three (3), equally spaced, APP-TA APP-TA -105.0 inch spans anycombination Hex Plate with Dekfast#14 staggered center rows Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates Min. inch Min. One Glasbase; Flexiglas; with FlintFast#12 or #14; 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch (Optional) BP - W-48 od at plywood at max 24- re finch, or more layers, Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; Poly SMS Trufast 3" Metal Insulation o.c. in four (4), equally spaced, AA, SBS-AA, 5B5-AA, SBS- -127.5 inch spans anycombination Attach Base; Ultra Poly SMS Base; Plates with HD;OMG3 staggered center rows. 5B5-TA or TA or APP-TA Yosemite et l in. Round Metal Plates with APP-TA OMG #14 HD Min. 15/32-inch Min.1.5-inch, One Prelim. OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 5-inch W-49 plywood at max 24- or more layers, Attach Flintlastic APP Base T with OMG #14 HD stag in four (4), equally spaced, APP-TA APP-TA -127.5 inch spans any combination staggered center rows. C0LD-APP1J SYSTEMS: NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6'" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic* Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 11 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 1D: ... r .. OR RECOVER SYSTEMTYPED: INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED RO System Deck Insulation Layer(s) Base or Anchor Sheet _ Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP- No. (Note 1) Type Attach Base Fasteners Attach -Ply Cap (Pso Glasbase; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Base 20; All Fiintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates Min. 15/32-inch Min. 1-inch, One Weather/Empire Base; 8-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 8-inch W-50 plywood at max 24- or more layers, Loose- Yosemite Venting Base; with Flin[Fast #12 or#14; o.c. in three (3), equally spaced, (Optional) SBS-CAS -52.5 inch spans any combination laid Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Trufast 3" Metal Insulation staggered center rows SBS-CA3 Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Plates with DP or HD Base NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 EP EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21:06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 12 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 1E-1: WOOD DECKS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEIVITYPEE: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 3) Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap (Psf) SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: 9-inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in W-51 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at Flintlastic SA NailBase Simplex MAXX Cap two (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows; (Optional) SBS- SBS-SA -45.0• max 24-inch spans Stress plates shall be primed with FlintPrime SA (ASTM D41) primer. W 52 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at Flintlastic SA NailBase Min. 1-inch long, 12 ga. Simplex 6-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS- SBS-SA -52.5 max 24inch spans Metal Cap Nails four (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows SA Min. 19/32-inch plywood at 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps 8-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS- W-53 max. 24-inch spans Flintlastic SA NailBase with 11 ga. annular ring shank three (3), equally spaced, staggered center SA SBS-SA -52.5 nails rows Min. 19/32-inch plywood at 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps 8-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS- W-54 max. 24inch spans Flintlastic SA NailBase with 11 ga. annular ring shank three (3), equally spaced, staggered center SA SBS-SA -60.0 nails rows 8-inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in W-55 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at Flintlastic SA NailBase Simplex MAXX Cap three (3), equally spaced, staggered center (Optional) SBS- SBS-SA -67.5 max 24-inch spans rows; Stress plates shall be primed with SA FlintPrime (ASTM D41) primer. Min. 19/32-inch plywood at 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps 6-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS- W-56 max 24-inch spans Flintlastic SA NailBase with it ga. annular ring shank four (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows SA SBS-SA -75.0 nails Cap nails: 1-inch diameter, W 57 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at Flintlastic SA NailBase 0.032-inch thick metal cap with 7-inch o.c. at min. flinch laps and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS- SBS-SA -75.0 max 24inch spans 0.120" shank diameter, annular five (5), equally spaced, staggered center rows SA ring shank nails Min. 19/32-inch plywood at 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps flinch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and flinch o.c. in (Optional) SBS- W 58 max 24inch spans Flintlastic SA NailBase with 11 ga. annular ring shank four (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows SA SBS-SA -105.0 nails HYBRIDSYSTEMS: Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., india. tin caps W 59 Min. 19/32-inch exterior grade Base 20; All Weather/ Empire with 11 ga. annulul ar ring shank annular 9-Inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS-TA _45.0` plywood at max. 24inch spans Base; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly nails (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows or APP-TA SMS Base Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Min. 15/32-inch plywood at Base 20; All Weather/ Empire Min. 1-inch long, 12 ga. Simplex 5-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in four SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-60 max 24-inch spans p Base; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Pal y y Metal Ca Nails p (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-SA-H or APP-TA -52.5 SMS Base NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6'" EDrTION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic- Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (620) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 13 of 57 NNEMO I etc. TABLE 1E-1: WOOD DECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E; NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap (Psf) Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps Min. 19/32-inch plywood at (3), equal) at flinch lap and 8-inch center r in three or APP-SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-61 Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank SBS-SA-H -52.5 max 24inch spans Poly SMS Base nails (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows or APP-TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps W 62 Min. 19/32-inch plywood at Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank B-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in three SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS-TA -60.0 max 24inch spans Poly SMS Base nails (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows or APP-TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps W-63 Min. 19/32-inch plywood at Base 20, Poly SMS Base; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank 6-incho.c.s flinch lap and (-inch o.center r in four SBS-SA-H or APP-, SBS-TA _82.5 max 24inch spans Poly SMS Base nails (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows or APP-TA Min. 19/32-inch I Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps plywood at flinch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 4-inch o.c. in four SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-64 max 24inch spans Base M Poly SMS Base; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank (4) equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-SA-H or APP TA -105.0 Poly SMS Base nails CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: _ Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-Inch dia. tin caps BP -AA, or APP- SBS-AA W-65 , -45.0 Min. 19/32-inch exterior grade Base 20; All Weather/ Empire with ll ga. annular ring shank SBS-TA 9-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two 585-AA, SBS-TA * plywood at max. 24-inch spans Base; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly nails (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA or APP-TA SMS Base; Yosemite Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic (Optional) BP - Base 20; All Weather/ Empire Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c. a[ 2-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in two AA SBS-AA, SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA 45 0* plywood at max. 24inch spans Base; Poly SMS Base; Yosemite (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA or APP-TA or APP-TA W 67 Min. 15/32-inch exterior grade Flintlastic APP Base T Simplex MAXI( Cap 9-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in two (Optional) APP- APP TA -45.0* plywood at max. 24-inch spans (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic (Optional) BP - Min. 15/32-inch plywood at Base 20; All Weather/ Empire Min. 1-inch Ion& 12 ga. Simplex 6-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in four SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-68 max 24inch spans Base; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Metal Cap Nails (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows AA, SBS-AA, SBS- or APP-TA -52.5 SMS Base; Yosemite TA or APP-TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps BP -AA, SBS-AA, W 69 Min. 19/32-inch plywood at Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank 8-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in three SBS-TA or APP- SBS-AA, SBS-TA -52.5 max 24inch spans Poly SMS Base; Yosemite nails (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA or APP-TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic (Optional) BP - Min. 15/32-inch exterior grade 9-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-70 plywood at max. 24inch spans Base 20; All Weather/ Empire Simplex MAXX Cap (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows AA, SBS-AA, SBS- or APP TA -52.5 Base; Poly SMS Base; Yosemite TA or APP-TA W 71 Min. 15/32-inch exterior grade Flintlastic APP Base T Simplex MAXX Cap 9-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two (Optional) APP- APP TA -52.5 plywood at max. 24inch spans (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA Min. 19/32-inch I Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps BP -AA, SBS-AA, p ywcod a[ 8-inch o.c. at flinch lap and 8-inch o.c. in three SBS-AA, SBS-TA W 72 max 24inch spans Base M Poly SMS Base; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank SBS-TA or APP- -60.0 p Poly SMS Base; Yosemite nails (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA or APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6'H EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 14 of 57 NNEMO I etc. TABLE IE-1: WOOD DECKS —NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap No. (Note 1) (Psf) Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Cap nails: 1-inch diameter, (Optional) BP - Min. 15/32-inch plywood at Base 20; All Weather/ Empire 0.032-inch thick metal cap with 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. at five SBS-AA or SBS- W-73 max 24-inch spans Base; Ultra Poly Base; Poly SMSSBS 0.120-inch shank diameter, (5) equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-AA or TA -67.5 SMS Base; Yosemite annular ring shank nails. BS-TA Min. 19/32-inch plywood a[ Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in four BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS-TA W-74 max 24-inch spans Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank (4) equally spaced, staggered center rows 585-TA or APP-' or APP-TA -82'S Poly SMS Base; Yosemite nails TA W 75 Min. 15/32-inch exterior grade Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Base 20; All Weather/ Empire Simplex MAXX Cap 6-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in two (Optional) BP- S-AA, AA,SBS-AA, 585- SBS-AA, SBS-TA _90.0 plywood at max. 24-inch spans gases Poly SMS Base; Yosemite (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA or APP-TA W 76 Min. 15/32-inch exterior grade Flintlastic APP Base T Simplex MAXX Cap 6-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in two (Optional) APP- APP-TA -90.0 plywood at max. 24-inch spans (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA Min. 19/32-inch plywood at Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps 4-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 4-Inch o.c. in four BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS-TA5 W-77 max 24-inch spans Base 20; Poly SMBase; Ultra with 11 ga. annular ring shank (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-TA or APP- or APP-TA -105.0 poly SMS Base; Yosemite nails TA W-78 Min. 15/32-inch exterior grade Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Base 20; All Weather /Empire Simplex MAXX Cap 6-inch o.c. at 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in three (Optional) BP - AA, SBS-AA, SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA -105.0 plywood at max. 24-inch spans Base; Poly SMS Base; Yosemite (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA or APP-TA or APP TA W79 Min. 15/32-inch exterior grade Flintlastic APP Base T Simplex MAXX Cap 6-inch o.c.at2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in three (Optional)APP- APP-TA -105.0 plywood at max. 24-inch spans (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 19"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 15 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 1E-2: ....RER06F(TEAR-OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E: NON -INSULATED, IVIECHANICAULYATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet 77- Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Nate 1) Base Fasteners Attach Ply cap (Pso SELF-ADHERINGSYSTEMS: 8-inch o.c. at min. 3-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in W 80 Min. 19/32-inch plywood Flintlastic SA NailBase Note 2 two (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows. (Optional) SBS-SA -82.5" at max 24-inch spans Stress plates shall be primed with FlintPrime SBS-SA (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates with 6-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in W-81 Min. 15/32-inch plywood Flintlastic SA NailBase FlintFast #12 or #14; Trufast 3" Metal three (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows. (Optional) SBS-SA -97.5' at max 24inch spans Insulation Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 Stress plates shall be primed with FlintPrime SBS-SA in. Round Metal Plates with OMG #14 HD (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA. Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates with 6-inch Oc. at min. 2-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in W 82 Min. 15/32-inch plywood Flintlastic SA NailBase FlintFast #12 or #14; Trufast 3" Metal four (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows. (Optional) SBS-SA -127.5' at max 24inch spans Insulation Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 Stress plates shall be primed with FlintPrime SBS-SA in. Round Metal Plates with OMG #14 HD (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA. HYBRID SYSTEMS: _ Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates with 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in three W 83 Min. 15/32-inch plywood Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra FlintFast #12 or #14; Trufast 3" Metal (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows. SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS- 97 5 at max 24-Inch spans poly SMS Base Insulation Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 Stress plates shall be primed with FlintPrime TA or APP-TA in. Round Metal Plates with OMG #14 HD (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA. W-84 Min. 19/32-inch plywood Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Note 2 7-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in three SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS- -105.0 at max 24inch spans Poly SMS Base (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows TA or APP-TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates with 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in four W 85 Min. 15/32-inch plywood Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra FlintFast #12 or #14; Trufast 3" Metal (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows. SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS- -127.5 at max 24inch spans Poly SMS Base Insulation Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 Stress plates shall be primed with FlintPrime TA or APP-TA in. Round Metal Plates with OMG #14 HD (ASTM D41) primer or FlintPrime SA. _ CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: _ Min. 23/32-inch exterior Glasbase; All Weather/Empire BP -AA, SBS- W-86 grade plywood at max. Base; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Note 2 12-inch o.c. at flinch lap and 36-inch o.c. in two SBS-TA or AA, BS SBS-AA, SBS- -30.0" 24inch spans Base 20; Yosemite (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows APP TA TA or APP-TA Min. 23/32-inch exterior Glasbase; All Weather/Empire BP -AA, SBS- W-87 grade plywood at max. Base; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Note 2 12-inch o.c. at flinch lap and 24inch o.c. in two AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -45.0 24inch spans Base 20; Yosemite (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA TA or APP-TA Min. 23/32-inch exterior Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly SMS 12-inch o.c. at flinch lap and 3Ginch o.c. in two BP -AA, SB5- SBS-AA, SBS- W-88 grade plywood at max. Base Note 2 (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows AA, or TA or APP-TA -45.0' 24inch spans - APPTA TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 16 of 57 N V co n r` O N r 0 0 0 IY m 0 J a 812-64 z= Z a o FILE COPY 3 NCMfI � n4r TABLE IE-2: WOOD DE�K5�NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF(TEAR-OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E: NON-INSULATEO, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Peck Base Sheet Hoof Cover (Note 14) MOP No. (Note 1) Base Fasteners - Attach Ply .Cep (P0, Glasbase; Flexldas, Fllntlastle FlintWt3In. Insulation Plates with (Optional) ON W-89 MIn.x24-ich pins Base 20, Poly SMS Base; Ultra FIIntFast$122 or 414, Trufast 3- Metal S-Inch o.c. at flinch lap and 6-inch o.c. In three AA,SBS-AA, SBS-A4, SBS- at Max 24-inch spans Poly SMS Base; Yosemite Insulation Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 (3), equally spaced, staggered center ram 5B5-TA or TAof APPTA 975 in. Round Metal Plates with OMG 414 HD APP-TA W-90 MIn.1S/32•Inch plywood Flintiastie APP Base OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates with DMG 6-inch o.c. at 4-Inch lap and 6-Inch o.c. In three at max 24anch spans 414 HO (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows. APP TA APP-TA -97.5 Gl�e lllWeather/ W91 Min.75/32-inch plywood Elastic 20, Base 20; All Weather/Empire Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates with FllntFastkl4;TNfast 3°MetallnsUlatidn 4; TruTrufa 8-inch o.G at 44nch lap and 8-Inch o.c at three a SOS -AA or at rrwx 24inch spans Base; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Plates With t HD (3) equally spaced, staggered center rows A(Optional) SBS-TA g75 SMS Base; Yosemite SBSTA W-92 MIn. 19/32-inch plywood Glasbase; Flexiglas; FFintlastic I325e 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Note 7-inch o.c. at 3-inch rap and 7-inch o.c. in three BP -AA SBS- SRS-AA, SBS• at max 241nch spans PolySMS Base; Yosemite (3), equally spaced, staggered centerrows pp TA ai SB9 TAor APP-TA -105.0 APP-TA W93 Min. 19/32-inch plywood FFintlastic APP Base OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates with OMG 414 HD or 0ekfast Hex Plate with Dekfas[ 7-inch o.c. at 3-Inch lap and 7-Inch o.c.In three APP-TA at max 24inch spans (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA -105.0 Glasbase; FlePoly Flintfast3 in. Insulation Plateswith (Optional) BP - ) W 94 . Min. I5132-inch I plywood Base 2D; Poiy SMS Base; URra SI S Base; ultra Flin[Fast 412 or 414; Tmfast3° Metal 6-inch o.c, at 4-inch lap and 6-Inch o.c. In four AA, Sg5-AA, SBS-AA, 565- at Max 24-Inch spans Poly SMS Base; Yosemite Insulation Plates with DP or ND; OMG 3 (4), equally spaced, staggered centerrom SRS-TA or TA or APP-TA-127.5 In. Round Metal Plates with OMG H14 HD ppp_7p W-95 Min. inch plywood Flntlastic APP Ba9P T OMG 31n. Round Metal Plates with OMG 6-Inch o.c, at flinch lap and 6-Inch o.c. in four x24-I at max 24inch spans 414 HD (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows. APP TA APP-TA -127.5 Cots-APPuEo SrsstMs: Glasbase; Flexiglas Base, W-96 Min. 15/32-Inch plywood Flinllastic Base 20; All Weather/ Fgntfast 3In. Insulation Plateswith 8-inch o.c. at flinch lap and &Inch o.c. in three (Optional) at max 24-inch spans Empire Base; Yosemite Venting Base; Flntlastic Poly SMS Base; FnntFas[ 412 or414; Trufast 3' Metal Insulation Plates with OP or HD (3), equally spared, staggered center rum SBS-CA1 SBS-CAI -52.5 Flntlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base system No. . Deck (Note 1) Primer Base Base Cover (Nita 14) Ply Cep MOP(Psf) W-97 Min.15/32-inch plywood at max 24inch spans FIIntPrime or FllntPrime SA SETS-SA-H (Optional) SgiTA, APP-TA SBS-TA, APP-TA -112.5 W-98 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at max 24-Inch spans FIIntPrlme or Fllntprime SA SBSSA (Optional) SSSSA SEIS-SA -127.5 NEMO ETC. LLC Certificate of Aulhodution 432455 Prepared by; Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 V"EOPTION (2017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION CBrtalnTeed Fllndastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (620) 651-5847 Evaluation Report 3520,03.04-R21 for 1`112533-120 Revision 21: 06/20/201S Appendix 1, Page 17 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE IE-2: ....REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE E: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap (Ps9 Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates with (Optional) BP - Min. 15/32-inch plywood Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic FlintFast #12 or#14; Trufast 3" Metal 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in three AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- W-89 at max 24-inch spans Base 20 ; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Insulation Plates with DP or HD, OMG 3 (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -97.5 Poly SMS Base; Yosemite in. Round Metal Plates with OMG #14 HD APP-TA W 90 Min. 15/32-inch plywood Flintlastic APP Base T OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates with CMG 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in three APP-TA APP-TA -97.5 at max 24-inch spans #14 HD (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows. Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic Flintfast3in. Insulation Plates with (Optional)BP- W-91 Min. 15/32-inch plywood Base 20; All Weather/Empire FlintFast #14; Trufast 3" Metal Insulation 8-inch O.C. at 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. at three AAor 5B5-AA or 5B5-AA or -97.5 at max 24-inch spans Base; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Plates with Trufast HD (3) equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-TA SBS-TA SMS Base; Yosemite Min. 19/32-inch plywood Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic 7-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in three BP -AA, SBS- 5B5-AA, SBS- W 92 at max 24-inch spans Base 20; Poly SMS Base; Ultra Note 2 (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows AA SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -105.0 Poly SMS Base; Yosemite APP TA Min. inch plywood OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates with OMG (-inch o.c. at lap and (-inch in three W 93 at max 24-inch spans x 24-i Flintlastic APP Base T #14 HD or Dekfast Hex Plate with Dekfast aced, ceo.nter r (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows APP TA APP-TA -105.0 #14 Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Plates with (Optional) BP - Min. 15/32-inch plywood Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintlastic FlintFast #12 or #14; Trufast 3" Metal 6-inch Oc. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch o.c. in four AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- W-94 at max 24-inch spans Base 20SMS Base ; Poly ; UltraInsulation Plates with DP or HD; OMG 3 (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -127.5 Poly SMS Base; Yosemite in. Round Metal Plates with OMG #14 HD APP-TA W 95 Min. 15/32-inch plywood Flintlastic APP Base T OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates with OMG 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch c.c. in four APP-TA APP-TA -127.5 at max 24-inch spans #14 HD (4), equally spaced, staggered center rows. COLD-APPUEO SYSTEMS: _ Glasbase; Flexiglas Base; Min. 15/32-inch plywood Flintlastic Base 20; All Weather/ Flintfast3 in. Insulation Plates with 8-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 8-inch o.c. in three (Optional) W 96 at max 24-inch spans Empire Base; Yosemite Venting FlintFast #12 or #14; Trufast 3" Metal (3), equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-CA1 SBS-CAI -52.5 Base; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Insulation Plates with DP or HD Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Y� !�A� �,L� 2T_�! TABLEIF.WOOD DECKS —NEW SYSTEM TYPE F:rNON-INSULATED, CONSTRUCTION on REROOF (TEAR -OFF) BONDED ROOF COVER I System No. Deck (Note 1) Primer Roof Cover (Note 14) Base Ply MDP (psf) Cap W-97 Min. 15/32-inch plywood at max 24-inch spans FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA SBS-SA-H (Optional) SBS-TA, APP-TA SBS-TA, APP-TA-112.5. W-98 Min.15/32-inch plywood at max 24-inch spans FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -127.5 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 17 of 57 -- NNEMOjetc. TABLE 2A: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS— NEW CONSTRUCTION, REROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEIVITYPEB: MECHANICALLY A17ACHED BASE INSULATION, BONDED TOP INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer77- Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (Psi) ,SELF-A_OH_ERING SYsrEm: _ _ Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, 1 per4 Min. HA, DAS, M- 5-1 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Note 2 OSFA, OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -37.5• structrual concrete H-Shield ft' um -Finch Roof Board Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or CR-20 Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min.1.5-inch ACFoam 1 per 2 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK HA, DAS, M- 5-2 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 OSFA, OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -45.0 structrual concrete orH-Shield ft2 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or CR-20 HYORIUSYSTEMS: Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min.1.5-inch ACFoam 1 per Additional layer(s) base HA, DAS, M- Flintlastic (Optional) 585-AA, SBS-AA, S-3 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 1.45ft insulation OSFA, OB500 Ultra SBS-TA, APP-TA SBS-TA, -37.5 structrual concrete orH-Shield or CR-20 Glass SA APPTA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 1 per Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK HA, D-IS, M- Flintlastic (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, 5-4 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 1.45 ft z Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board OSFA, OB500 Ultra SBS-TA, APP-TA SBS-TA, -52.5 structrual concrete or H-Shield or CR-20 Glass SA APP-TA Min. ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Min. inch ACFoam II, HA, DAS, M- 5-5 33 steeell min. 2,500 psi II, FlintBoard I50, H- FlintFast #12 or #14 with 1 per FlintBoard I50,Shield or OSFA, M- SBS-SA-H (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA -67.5 Shield or FlintBoard FlintFast 3" Insulation Plates 1.45 it'. PGl er structruall concrete FlintBoard ISO". ISOx. OB500 Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam FlintFast (steel only) or DAS, M- Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Il, FlintBoard ISO, H- HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 1.6 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK OSFA, M- (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA or 5-6 40steel min.2,500 psi Plates or Trufast #12 (steel only) ft' Gypsum Roof Board PGl SBS-SA-H APP-TA APP-TA -75.0 structruall concrete Shield or FlintBoard HD with Trufast 3"Metal -Fiber or or ISOx In Insulation Plates OB500 FlintFast #12 (steel only) or #14 Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 1 Min. 0.5-inch SECUROCK OB500, 4 (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA or S-7 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 Plates or Trufast #12 (steel only) it, Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. SBS-SA-H or APP-TA APP-TA 90.0" structrual concrete or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, D-IS, M- BP-AAHA, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-8 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Note 2 1 per4 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK OSFA, OB500 SBS-AA, SBS AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -37.5' ft i Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA or structrual concrete H-Shield or CR-20 APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Min. 0.5-inch Structodek Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam High Density Fiberboard (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-9 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi II, Flinteoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 1 per 2 ft' Roof Insulation, min. 0.75- HA BP AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0" structrual concrete orH-Shield inch FescoBoard SBS-AA APP-TA APP-TA (homogeneous). NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6-EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 18 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 2A: STEEL ORREROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER ATTACHEDSYSTEIVITYPEB: MECHANICALLY BASE INSULATION,BONDED TOP INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP System Deck Base Insulation Layer No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Base ply Cap (Pso Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam BP -AA, (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-AA, 5-10 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 1 per Min.0s Dens Deck HA SBS-AA, SBS-AA, 5B5-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0 , ftz Deck or Dens Deck Prime SBS-TA or structrual concrete or H-Shield APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam HA, D-I5, M- BP -AA, (Optional) BP -AA, 5B5-AA, 5-11 33 steel or min. 2,5O0 psi II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 1 per2 Min.0.25-inch OSFA, OB500 SBS-AA, 585-AA, 5B5-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0 „ ft RoofSECBoar Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA or structrual concrete or H-Shield or CR-20 APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Min. 0.5-inch Structodek Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, High Density Fiberboard (Optional) BP -AA, 585-AA, 5-12 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Note 2 1 per 3.2 ftz Roof Insulation, min. 0.75- HA BP -AA or 5B5 AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0' structrual concrete H-Shield inch FescoBoard APP-TA APP-TA (homogeneous). Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, BP -AA, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-13 33 steel or min. Z500 psi FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Note 2 1 per 3.2 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck HA 5B5-AA, SBS-AA, 585-TA or 585-TA or -45.0 - ft z or Dens Deck Prime SBS-TA or structrual concrete H-Shield APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 1 per Min. FescoBoard BP -AA Or (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, 5-14 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi 11, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 1.33ft (homogeneous) HA 85-inch SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -52.5 structrual concrete or Mult-Max FA3 APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, HA, 0.15, M- BP -AA, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 1 per 1.6 SBS-AA, 5-15 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Note 2 ft z -Fibernch Roof BoardROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Gypsun. m-Fiber OSFA, OB500 SBS-TA or SBS-AA, 585-TA Or SBS-TA or -60.0 structrual concrete H-Shield or CR-20 APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 1per Min. 0.5-inch Structodek BP -AA or (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, 5-16 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 Note 2 1.33 ftz High Density Fiberboard HA SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -67.5 structrual concrete or Mult-Max FA3 APP-TA APP-TA Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam FlintFast #12 (steel only) or#14 D-IS, M- BP -AA, Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade II, FlintBoard I50, H- HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 1.6 Min. OSFA, M- SBS-AA, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-17 40 steel or min. 2,500 psi Shield or FlintBoard Plates or Trufast #12 (steel only) ft z um-Finch oofBo Board Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board PGl or SBS-TA or 585-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -75.0 structrual concrete or HD with Trufast 3' Metal APP-TA APP-TA ISOm Insulation Plates OBSOO APP-TA FlintFast #12 (steel only) or #14 BP -AA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 1 Min. 0.5-inch SECUROCK OB500, 4- 565-AA, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-IS 33 steel min. 2,500 psi Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3 Plates or Trufast #12 (steel only) It, Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA Or SBS-TA or -90.0" structruall concrete HD with Trufast 3" Metal gpp_Tq qpp-Tq Insulation Plates APP-TA COLD -APPLIED SYSTEMS: NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-1121 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: O6/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed FlintlasticO Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5947 Appendix 1, Page 19 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 2A: STEEL . • .. .. RECOVER SYSTEMTYPEB: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE . BONDED TOP INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note.14) MOP No. (Note 1), Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (psf) Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, FlintFast #12 (steel only) or #14 Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam III, Min. ga., type B, Grade FlintBoard ISO, H- HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 2 FlintBoard Iso Cold, H- 08500 or 5-19 el 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Shield FlintBoard Plates or Trufast #12 (steel only) ft' Shield CG FlintBoard Iso CR-20 SBS-CAI None SBS-CAI -45.0' structrual concrete or or HD with Trufast 3" Metal or ISOH Insulation Plates ColdH Min. 2-inch ACFoam ll, FlintFast#12(steel only) or #14 Optional min. 1.5-inch D-IS,M- Min. ga., type B, Grade and ISO, H- HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 2 additional layer(s) base OSFA, M- 5-20 el 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Shield FlintBoard Shield Plates or Trufast#12 (steel only) ft2 insulation, followed by OB500 SBSCAl None SBS-CAI -45.0 structrual concrete or or HD with Trufast 3" Metal min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK pGl, ISOH Insulation Plates Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or CR-20 Min. 1.5-Inch ACFoam FlintFast #12 (steel only) or #14 D-IS, M- Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade II, FlintBoard ISO, H- HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 1.6 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK OSFA, M- 5-21 40 steel or min. 2,500 psi Plates or Trufast#12 (steel only) ftr f SBS-CAI None SBS-CAI -75.0 structrual concrete Shield or FlintBoard or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Gypsum -Fiber Roo Board PG3 or ISOH Insulation Plates OB500 FlintFast 1112 (steel only) or #14 Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation 1 per 1 Min. 0.5-inch SECUROCK OB500, 4 5-22 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY3 Plates or Trufast #12 (steel only) fP SBS-CA3 None SBS-CA1 -90.0 structrual concrete or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. Insulation Plates NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6TM EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 20 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE213: STEEL ORREROCIF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE C: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Base Insulation Layers) (Psf) Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply cap SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch 5-23 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Note 2 1 per 3.2 ft' SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -30.0• structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" 5-24 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast#12 1per 2.7 ft' SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -37.5• structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 3/8-inch 5-25 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Note 2 1 per 2.7 ft2 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -45.0` structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Apply FlintPrime or 5-26 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Note 1per 1.33 ft2 FlintPrime SA to board &plates, (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -45.0 structrual concrete loose laid followed hySBS-SA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more FlintFast #14 HD with FlintFast Apply FlintPrime to 5-27 40 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Min. 1.5-inch 3" Insulation Plates or Trufast 1 per 1.78 ft2 board & plates, (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -67.5 structrual concrete loose laid FlintBoard ISO HD with Trufast 3" Metal followed by SBS-SA Insulation Plates Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch FlintFast #14 HD with FlintFast 3" Insulation Plates or Trufast Apply FlintPrime to 5-28 40 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- HD with Trufast 3" Metal 1 per 1.6 ft2 board & plates, (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -82.5 structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board Insulation Plates followed by SBS-SA HYBRIDSYSTEMSt Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch Dens (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-29 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Deck; Dens Deck Note 2 1 per 2 ft' SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -30.0• structrual concrete loose laid Prime APP-TA APP-TA FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, 5-30 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 2.7 ft2 SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -37.5• structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast APP-TA APP-TA 3" Metal Insulation Plates Flintl'ast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 3/8-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-31 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 2.7 ft2 SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0• structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast APP-TA APP-TA 3" Metal Insulation Plates NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6rH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 21 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE29: STEEL ORREROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEIVITYPEC: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP No. (Note 1) Base Insulation Layer(s) (Psf) Type Fasteners Attach Base - Ply Cap Min. 22 a., a B, Grade g type (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 5-32 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, II, FlintBoard ISO, Note 2 1 per 1.33 It'SBS-SA-H (Optional) BP -AA SBS-AA -52.5 structrual concrete loose laid ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max or SBS-AA FA3 Min. 22 a., type B, Grade g yp (Optional) more FlintFast #14 HD with FlintFast 5-33 40 steel or min. 2,500 psi combination, layers, any combination, Min. 1.5-inch 3" Insulation Plates or Trufast 1 per 1.78 h' SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TAor -67.5 structrual concrete loose laid FlintBoard ISO HD with Trufast 3" Metal or APP-TA APP-TA Insulation Plates Min. 22 a., type B, Grade g yp (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam FlintFast #12 (steel only) or SBS-AA, 5-34 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, II, FlintBoard ISO, H- #14 HD with FlintFast 3" 1 per 1.45 h' SBS-SA-H (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -75.0 structrual concrete loose laid Shield or FlintBoard Insulation Plates 585-TA or APP-TA APP TA ISOH. Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch FlintFast#14 HD with FlintFast S-35 40 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- 3" Insulation Plates or Trufast 1 per 1.6 It' SBS-SA-H (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA or 82 5 structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board HD with Trufast 3" Metal or APP-TA APP-TA Insulation Plates FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" (Optional) 5B5-TA or S-36 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 1.45 h' SBS-SA-H 82 5 structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast or APP-TA APP-TA-TA 3" Metal Insulation Plates Min. 22 a., g type B, Grade (Optional) One more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 5-37 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi bi layers, any combination, II, FlintBoard ISO, Note 2 1 per 1.33 k' SBS-SA-H (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA or 82.5 structrual concrete loose laid ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max or APP-TA APP-TA FA3 FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" (Optional) SBS-TA or S-38 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 ' 1 per 1 It'APP-T SBS-SA-H -135.0 structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast or APP-TA PP -TA 3" Metal Insulation Plates ' CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: " Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.75-inch (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-39 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, FescoBoard Note 2 1 per 2.67 h' BP -AA, SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -30.0' structrual concrete loose laid (homogeneous) APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 5-inch 0. (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-40 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Structodek High Note 2 1 per 4 ftz BP -AA, SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor SBS-TAor -37.5' structrual concrete loose laid Density Fiberboard APP-TA APP-TA Roof Insulation NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6rH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 22 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABUE2B: STEEL ORREROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER I SYSTEIVITYPEC: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER Roof Cover (Note 24) MDP System Deck Top Insulation layer No. (Note 1) Base Insulation Layer(s) (Psi Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, S-41 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCKGypsum- Note 1per 4ft' BP -AA, SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor SBS-TAor -37.5` structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 2-Inch ACFoam II, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-42 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, FlintBoard or ENRGV 3 Note 2 1 per 1.6 ft' BP-AA2 SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -37.5` structrual concrete loose laid APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch BNAA, SBS-AA, (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, S-43 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCKGypsum- Note 1per 4 ft2 SBS-TA or APP-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor SBS-TAor -45.0` structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA Min. 0.5-inch Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Structodek High (Optional) BP -AA, 585-AA, 5-44 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Density Fiberboard Note 2 1 per 2 ft' BP -AA or5B5-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor SBS-TAor -45.0` structrual concrete loose laid Roof Insulation, min. APP-TA APP-TA 0.75-inch FescoBoard (homogeneous) Min. 22 ga., type. B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch Dens BP -AA, SBS AA (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-45 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Deck or Dens Deck Note 2 1 per 2 ft'SBS-AA, SBS-TA or APP-TA SBS-TA or SRS-TAor -45.0` structrual concrete loose laid Prime APP-TA APP-TA Min. 1-inch Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more FescoBoard (Optional)or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-46 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Note 2 1 per 1.6 ftz BP-AA2 SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TAor -45.0e structrual concrete loose laid min. 1.5-inch FescoBoard APP-TA APP-TA (laminated) Min. 0.5-inch Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Structodek, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-47 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, Structodek HD, GP HD Note 2 1 per 2It' BP-AA2 SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0` structrual concrete loose laid Roof Fiberboard or APP-TA APP-TA Temple HD1 or HD6 Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam BP-AA3, 24-inch (Optional) BP -AA S-48 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, II, FlintBoard Note 2 1 per 1.45 ft' grid or SBS-AA SRS-AA -52.5 structrual concrete loose laid Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam BP-AA3, 24-inch S-49 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, II, FlintBoard Note 2 1 per 1.45 ft z grid BP -AA or SBS-AA SBS-TA -52.5 structrual concrete loose laid Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional for Concrete or Min. 0.25-inch FlintFast #12 (steel only) or 5-50 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Recover) Min. 1.5-inch, SECUROCK Gypsum- p14 HD with FlintFast 3" 1 per 1.45 ftz APP-TA (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA -60.0 structrual concrete One more layers, any Fib er Roof Board Insulation Plates bior comnation, loose laid NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FLZ533-RZO Certificate of Authorization #32455 6n' EDITION (Z017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-SS47 Appendix 1, Page 23 of 57 -- — ONEMOletc. TABLE 2B: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS — EW CONSTRUCTION, REFOOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER :. r . ROOF COVER' System Deck Top Insulation layer -1 Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Base Insulation Layer(s) (Psfl Type, Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap (Optional for Concrete or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Recover) Min. 2-inch Min. 0.5-inch (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-51 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi ACFoam It, Flint Board, H- SECUROCK Gypsum- Note 2 1 per 1.78 Rz BP AA SBS AA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor SBS-TA or -60.0 structrual concrete Shield or ENRGY 3, loose Fiber Roof Board SBS-TAor APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA laid. FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-52 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 1.45 fti BPAA SBS AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -82.5 structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast SRS-TAor APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA 3" Metal Insulation Plates Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional for Concrete or Trufast HD with Trufast 3" 5-53 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Recover) Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.5-inch Dens Metal Insulation Plates or 1 per 1.33 fti BP -AA, SBS-AA (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA -112.5 structrual concrete ACFoam II, Flint Board, H- Deck Prime FlintFast #14 with FlintFast 3" SBS AA Shield Insulation Plates FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S-54 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCKGypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1per 1ft' BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS-TAor SBS-TAor -135.0 structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast SBS-TA or APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA 3" Metal Insulation Plates Min. ga., type B, Grade (Optional for Concrete or Min. 0.5-inch Trufast HD with Trufast 3" " 5-55 el 33 steel min. 2,500 psi Recover) Min. 1.5-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- Metal Insulation Plates or 1 per 1.33 R' BP -AA, SB5-AA (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA -157.5 structruall concrete ACFoam II, FlintBoard, H- Fiber Roof Board FlintFast #14 with FlintFast 3" SBS AA Shield Insulation Plates Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional for Concrete or Trufast HD with Trufast 3" 5-56 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Recover) Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.5-inch Dens Metal Insulation Plates or 1 per 1 ft' BP -AA, SBS-AA (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA -157.5 structrual concrete ACFoam II, Flint Board, H- Deck Prime FlintFast #14 with FlintFast 3" SBS-AA Shield Insulation Plates Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional for Concrete or Min. 0.5-inch Trufast HD with Trufast 3" S-57 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi Recover) Min. 1.5-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- Metal Insulation Plates or 1 per 1 R ' BP -AA, SB5-AA (Optional) BP -AA, SB5-AA -172.5 structrual concrete ACFoam II, Flinteoard, H- Fiber Roof Board FlintFast #14 with FlintFast 3" SBS AA Shield Insulation Plates COLD -APPLIED SYS1EMfi FlintFast #12 (steel only) or ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" =S--"33rl ormin.2,500psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 2.7 it' SBS-CAI None SB5-CAI -37.5• al concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 24 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 2B: STEEL . • .. .. RECOVER L SYSTEM TYPE C: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP ease Insulation Layer(s) Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap No. (Note 1) (Psf) Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more III, FlintBoard Iso Cold, #14 HD with FlintFast 3" 5-59 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, H-Shield CG or Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 2 ft2 SBS-CA1 None SBS-CAI -45.0• structrual concrete loose laid FlintBoard Iso ColdH (steel only) HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation ation Plates FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 3/8-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" , 5-60 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 2.7 ft' SBS-CA1 None SBS-CA3 -45.0• structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates FlintFast #12 (steel only) or Min. 22 ga., type B. Grade (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch #14 HD with FlintFast 3" 5-61 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi layers, any combination, SECUROCK Gypsum- Insulation Plates or Trufast #12 1 per 1.45 ft' SBS-CAI None SBS-CA3 -82.5' structrual concrete loose laid Fiber Roof Board (steel only) or HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certeicate of Authorization #32455 6TH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic' Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 25 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 2C: STEEL ORRIEROOF (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D: INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER NOTE; INSULATION OPTIONAL FOR. 0 System Deck InsulationLayer(s) Base or Anchor Sheet _ Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. .(Note 1) Type Attach Base Fasteners' Attach Ply Cap (Psf) SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. 9-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and (Optional) SBS- 5-62 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Flintlastic SA NailBase Note 2 18-inch o.c. in two (2), equally 5B5-SA -45.0* structrual concrete combination Attached spaced, staggered center rows SA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. 12-inch o.c. at min. 2-inch lap and (Optional) SBS- 5-63 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Flintlastic SA NailBase Note 2 12-inch o.c. in two (2), equally SBS-SA -52.5* structrual concrete combination Attached spaced, staggered center rows SA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. 12-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap and (Optional) SBS- 5-64 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Attached Flintlastic SA NailBase Note 2 12-inch o.c. in two (2), equally SA SBS-SA -60.0* structrual concrete combination spaced, staggered center rows Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min.1.5-inch, One Prelim. Flintlastic SA NailBase 8-inch o.c. at min. 4-inch lap and 8- (Optional) SBS- 5-65 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more la ers, an y y (laid parallel to deck Note 2 inch o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, 5B5-SA -82.5* structrual concrete combination Attached flutes) staggered center rows SA CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: Min. 22 ga., type 8, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Glasbase; All Weather/Empire Base; 12-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 36- BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- 5-66 steel or min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Note 2 inch o.c. in two equally spaced, 585-TA or APP- 30.0* structrual structrual concrete co combination Attached Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic staggered centerr rows TA TA or APP-TA Base 20, Yosemite Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Glasbase; All Weather/Empire Base; 12-inch o.c. at flinch lap and 24- BP -AA, 5B5-AA, 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Attached Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Note 2 inch o.c. in two equally spaced, SBS-TA or APP- TA or APP-TA TA or -45.0* structrual concrete co combination staggered centerr rows TA Base 20; Yosemite Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One 12-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 36- BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-68 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Prelim. Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Note 2 inch o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, SBS-TA or APP- SBS-AA, SBS- 45.0* structrual concrete combination Attached SMS Base staggered center rows TA TA or APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One prelim. Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly 18-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 18- BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- 5-69 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Note 2 inch o.c. in one (1) staggered SBS-TA or APP- -45.0 structrual concrete combination Attached SMS Base center row TA TA or APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min.1.5-inch, One Prelim. Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Dekfast IF-2-SB plates with 12-inch o.c. within the min. 44nch SBS-AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS- 5-70 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any -45.0* structrual concrete combination Attached SMS Base #14 Dekfast wide, heat -welded side lap or APP-TA TAor APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type e, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Glasbase; FlexiglaS Base; 12-inch o.c. at 3-inch lap and 12- BP -AA, 585-AA, 5-71 steel min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; All Note 2 inch o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, 585-TA or APP- 585-AA, SBS- -52.5 structrual concrete co combination Attached Weather/ Empire Base; staggered center rows TA TA or APP-TA Poly SMS Base; Yosemite NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21:06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic- Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 26 of 57 NNEMOletc. TABLE 2C: STEEL OR STRUCTURAL CONCRETErCONSTRUCTION,•.. (TEAR -OFF) OR RECOVER SYSTEMTYPED: INSULATED, NOTE: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER INSULATION OPTIONAL FOR RECOVER OR Base or Anchor Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP System Deck Insulation.Layer(s) No. (Note 1) Type Attach Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap (Psf) Trufast 2" Barbed Metal Min. 22 ga., type B, 40 ksi Min. 2-inch, One or Prelim. Seam Plates with Trufast the min. 4-inch hat (Optional) SBS- or SSS-TAPP-TA 5-72 steel or min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Attached Ultra Poly SMS Base #15 EHD (steel only) or -within wide, heat -welded side lap wide, TA or TA or APP-TA APP-TA -52.5 structrual concrete combination Trufast#14 HD (concrete only) Trufast 2.4" Barbed Metal Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Seam Plates with Trufast 12-inch o.c. within the min. 4-inch (Optional)SBS- SBS-TA or 5-73 80 steel min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Attached Ultra Poly SMS Base EHD (steel only) wide, heat -welded side lap TA or APP-TA APP-TA -60.0 structruall concrete co combination Trufast Trufast #14 HD (concrete te only) Trufast 2.4" Scoop Seam Min. 22 ga., type B, 40 ksi Min. 2-inch, One or Prelim. Plates with Trufast #15 12-inch o.c. within the min. 4-inch (Optional) SBS- SBS-TA or 5-74 steel or min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Attached Ultra Poly SMS Base EHD (steel only) or Trufast wide, heat -welded side lap TA or APP-TA APP-TA -67.5 structrual concrete combination #14 HD (concrete only) Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One OMG Flat Bottom Plates 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5-75 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Prelim. Glasbase; Yosemite with OMG #14 HD o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, SBS-TA or APP- A, SBS- -67.5 structrual concrete combination Attached (Accutrac) staggered center rows TA TA or APP-TA TA or Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- 5-76 33 steel or min. 2,5DO psi or more layers, any Attached Base 20; Yosemite Note 2 o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, SBS-TA or APP- TA or APP-TA -67.5 structrual concrete combination staggered center rows TA Glasbase; Flexiglas; Flintfast 3 in. Insulation Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Flintlastic Base 20; All Plates with FlintFast #14; 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 6-inch (Optional) BP - SBS-AA or 5-77 33 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Attach Weather / Empire Base; Trufast 3" Metal Insulation o.c. at three (3) equally spaced, AA, SBS-AA or SBS TA -97.5 structrual concrete combination Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly Plates with Trufast HD staggered center rows SBS-TA SMS Base; Yosemite Trufast 2.4" Scoop Seam Min. 22 ga., type B, ksi Min. 2-inch, One or Prelim. Plates with Trufast #15 6-inch o.c. within the min. 4-inch (Optional) SBS- SBS-TA or 5-78 steel or min. psisi more layers, any Attached Ultra Poly SMS Base EHD (steel only) or Trufast wide, heat -welded side lap TA or APP-TA APP-TA -112.5 structrual concrete combination #14 HD (concrete only) Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly 12-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 12- SBS-TA or APP- or 5-79 80 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Note 2 inch o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, -112.5 structrual concrete combination Attached SMS Base staggered center rows TA APP-TA APP-TA Min. 22 ga., type 8, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Prelim. Poly SMS Base; Ultra Poly 12-inch o.c. at 4-Inch lap and 12- SBS-AA or 5-80 80 steel or min. 2,500 psi or more layers, any Attached SMS Base Note 2 inch o.c. in two equally spaced, SBS-AA SBS-TA -120.0 structrual concrete combination r r staggered center rows NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 27 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE2C: STEEL OR .. oR RECOVER SYSTEM TYPE D: INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER • , , RECOVER • • System Deck Insulation.Layer(s) Base or Anchor Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14). MDP No. (Note 1). Type Attach: Base Fasteners Attach _ Ply Cap (Psi. 6-inch o.c. within the min. 4-inch Min. 22 ga., type B, 40 ksi Min. 2-inch, One or Trufast 2.4" Scoop Seam wide, heat -welded side laps and 5- 5-81 steel or min. psi more layers, any Prelim. Ultra Poly SMS Base Plates with Trufast #15 inch o.c. in one (1) center row, (Optional) SBS- SBS-TA or -165.0 concrete structrual concrete combination Attached EHD steel only) or Trufast ( Y) stripped -in pped-in with 6-inch side strips TA or APP-TA APP-TA #14 HD (concrete only) of torch -applied Poly SMS Base or Ultra Poly SMS Base. CHID- -APPLIED $YSTEMSt i _ ,�.. ,. .` . _ _ ,.,, - _ •. i Min. 22 a g type B, Grade Min. 1.5-inch, One Glasbase; All 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 12- 5-82 steel min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Prelim. Weather/Empire Base; Note 2 inch o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, SBS-CA3 SBS-CAl -45.0` structrual st concrete co combination Attached Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic staggered center rows Base 20 Glasbase; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Base 20; All = FlintFast #14 HD with Min. 22 ga., type B, Grade Min. 1-inch, One or Weather / Empire Base; FlintFast 3" Insulation 6-inch o.c. at 4-inch lap and 12- 5-83 40 steel or min. 2,500 psi more layers, any Loose -laid Yosemite Venting Base; Plates or Trufast HD with inch o.c. in three (3), equally (Optional) SBS- SBS-CAl -75.0 structrual concrete combination Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Trufast 3" Metal Insulation spaced, staggered center rows CAI Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Plates Base NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6^' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic' Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 28 of 57 NNEMOjetc. Sys. Deck I Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) DIP Primer No. lone r) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (ps8 C-1 C-2. C-3. C-4. C-5. C-6. C-7. C-8. C-9 C-10. C-11. C-12. C-13. C-14. I C-15. Structural FlintPrime concrete (ASTM D41 Structural FlintPrime concrete (ASTM D41 Structural None concrete Structural None concrete Structural None concrete Structural (Optional) concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41 Structural (Optional) FlintPrime concrete (ASTM D41 Structural (Optional) concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D4: Structural None concrete Structural None concrete Structural None concrete Structural FlintPrime concrete (ASTM D4: Structural None concrete Structural None concrete Structural None concrete Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield HA Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max FA3 HA Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max FA3 A PD Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield A PD Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, A-PD ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max FA3 6-inch o.c Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max FA D-15 Min. 1.5-Inch ENRGY 3 1 D-IS Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or FlintBoard I D-IS Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY3 or H-Shield D-IS Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, M-OSFA or ENRGY3 or H-Shield M-PG1 Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, M-OSFA or ENRGY3 or Multi -Max FA M-PG3 Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO OB500 or ENRGY 3 Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO OBS00 or ENRGY 3 Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield 08500 Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H- Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max CR-20 FA3 or Ultra -Max Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- Fiber Roof Board HA Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA HA Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA A PD Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum - Fiber Roof Board A PD Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed A-PD with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA 64nch o.c. Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA D-IS Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA D-IS Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA D-IS Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum - Fiber Roof Board D-IS Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFAor Fiber Roof Board M-PG1 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed M-OSFA or with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA M-PG1 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA OB500 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA OB500 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- Fiber Roof Board 08500 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum - Fiber Roof Board CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -192.5 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SOS -SA -105.0 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -192.5 SBS-SA I (Optional)SBS-SA I SBS-SA I -67.5 SBS-SA I (Optional) SBS-SA I SBS-SA I -112.5 SBS-SA I (Optional) SBS-SA I SBS-SA I -120.0 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -192.5 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -120.0 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -150.0 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 SBS-SA I (Optional)SBS-SA I SBS-SA I -172.5 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FLZ533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6r"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 29 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS � NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED1NSULATION, BON DED ROOF COVER Sys. Deck Base Insulation layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP Primer No. (Note 11 Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (PSO Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H- Structural Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch C-16. None CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -192.5 concrete ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA FA3 or Ultra -Max HYBRIDSys,rEMs:Flintlastic Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA,5B5- C-17. HA HA IAtra Glass -322.5 concrete (ASTM D41) 150, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH insulation SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA SA Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base Black (Optional) SBS-AA, 4, 585- C-18. HA HA Diamond -375.0 concrete (ASTM D41) ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH insulation Base Sheet SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, TA, APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- C-19. None A PD A-PD SBS-SA-H -180.0 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard I50x insulation SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C 20 None A PD A PD SBS-SA-H _117.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard A-PD, 6-inch Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6-inch (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C 21 concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH O.C. Fiber Roof Board O.C. SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -217.5 C22 Structural None Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6-inch None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- _395.0 concrete Fiber Roof Board O.C. SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-23. None D-IS D-IS SBS-SA-H _135.0 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH insulation SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C24 concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOx D-IS Fiber Roof Board D-IS SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -217.5 C-25. Structural None Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- D-IS None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- -195.0 concrete Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-26. concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH M-OSFA insulation M-OSFA SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -232.5 Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C 27 concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOx M-OSFA Fiber Roof Board M-OSFA SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA _217.5 C28 Structural None Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFA None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- -195.0 concrete Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-29. None M-PGl M-PGS SBS-SA-H -270.0 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH insulation SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA C-30. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard M-PGS Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-PG3 SBS-SA-H (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- -217.5 concrete I50, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOx Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA C-31. Structural None Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-PG1 None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- _195.0 concrete Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6^' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 30 of 57 NNEMO I etc. F_ TABLE 3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS - NEW CONSTRUCTION .. REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BON DED INSULATION, BON DED ROOF COVER Sys. Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP No. (Noce L) Primer Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (Psfl Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-32. concrete None 150, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH OB500 insulation OB500 SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -135.0 Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional)SBS-AA, 5B5-AA,SBS - C-33. concrete None 150, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH OB500 Fiber Roof Board OB500 SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -217.5 Structural None Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OB500 None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- C-34. concrete Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -195.0 Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard (Optional) Additional layer(s) base (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-35. concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH CR-20 insulation CR-20 SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA 270.0 Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-36. concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH CR-20 Fiber Roof Board CR-20 SBS-SA-H SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA _217.5 C-37. Structural None Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- CR-20 None N/A TSB (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- -195.0 concrete Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, ENRGY 3, H- (Optional) Additional layer(s) of BP-AA3, 24- (Optional) BP -AA, C-38. concrete (ASTM D41) Shield, FlintBoard ISO HA base insulation HA inch grid SBS-AA SBS-AA -37.5 Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens C-39. concrete (ASTM D41) ISO. HA Deck Prime HA SBS-TA (Optional) SITS -TA SBS-TA -180.0 Structural FlintPrime (Optional) Min.1.5-inch ACFoam II or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SP-AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-40. concrete (ASTM D41) FlintBoard ISO. HA Fiber Roof Board HA AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -180.0 or APP-TA APP-TA Structural FlintPrime (Optional)Min. 2-inch ACFoam Il, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 505- C-41. concrete (ASTM D41) FlimBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield HA Fiber Roof Board HA SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _225.0 APP-TA (Optional) Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, C-42. Structural FlintPrime oard I50, H-Shield, FlintBoard HA Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- HA APP-TA (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -252.5 concrete (ASTM D41) Fiber Roof Board ISOH ISO Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA or (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- C-43. concrete (ASTM D41) 150, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield HA Density Fiberboard HA SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -227.0 APP-TA Structural FlintPrime (Optional) Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-TA or (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA or C-44. concrete (ASTM 041) FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield HA Fiber Roof Board HA APP-TA or APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard BP -AA or (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- C-45. concrete (ASTM D41) ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield HA Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck HA SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor TA or APP-TA -240.0 APP-TA Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or FlintSoard Min. 0.75-inch FescoBoard BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-46. concrete (ASTM D41) 150 HA (homogeneous) HA SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -412.0 APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6'"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 31 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS- NEW CONSTRUCTION OR .. (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER Sys. Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Primer Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (Psf) (Optional) BP -AA, Structural FlintPrime Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch DuraBoard BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS- C-47. concrete (ASTM D41) ISO HA (homogeneous) HA SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -430.0 APP-TA 0.5-inch Structodek High Density C 48. Structural FlintPrime Fiberboard or min. 0.75-inch Fesco HA None N/A BP -AA (Optional)BP-AA or SBS-AA -437.5 concrete (ASTM D41) SBS AA Board (homogeneous) C 49. Structural FlintPrime 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck Prime HA None N/A SBS-TA (Optional) SBS-AA SBS-AA or -302.5 concrete (ASTM D41) or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board or SBS-TA SBS-TA Flintlastic (Optional) Flintlastic C-50. Structural FlintPrime Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- HA None N/A Ultra Poly Ultra Poly SMS SBS-TA -487.5 concrete (ASTM D41) Fiber Roof Board SMS Base, Base, torched torched Structural FlintPrime 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck Prime (Optional) BP -AA or C-51. HA None N/A BP -AA SBS-AA -537.5 concrete (ASTM D41) or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SBS-AA Structural Min. 1. ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP or (Optional) BP -AA, A, SBS- C-52. concrete None RGY 3 ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield A PD Density Fiberboard or Min. 0.25- A-PD -A SBS=AA SBS-AA, 5B5-TA or TA or APP-TA TA or -105.0 inch Dens Deck APP TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard A-PD Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High A-PD BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-53. None Density Fiberboard or Min. 0.25- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -217.5 concrete ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield 6-inch o.c. 6-inch o.c. SBS-AA TA or APP-TA inch Dens Deck APP TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP-AA, SBS- (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, 5B5- C-54. None A PD A-PD AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, 585-TAor -117.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISO, Fiber Roof Board TA or APP-TA or APP-TA APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Il, FlintBoard A-PD, 6-inch Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6-inch BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA,SBS- C-55. concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISO, O.C. Fiber Roof Board O.C. AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TAor APP-TA -217.5 ar APP-TA APP-TA Structural 0.5-inch Structodek High Density A-PD, 6-inch SP-AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C-56. None None N/A SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -195.0 concrete Fiberboard O.C. AA TA or APP-TA APP-TA Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck BP -AA, SB5- (Optional) BP -AA, C-57. Structural None Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -195.0 concrete Board O.C. or APP-TA APP-TA TA or APP-TA C-58. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or FlintBoard D-IS Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck D-IS SBS-TA (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA -112.5 concrete ISO. Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA or C-59. None DAS Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime D-I5 297 5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISO, AA SBS-AA or SBS-TA SBS-TA C-60. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam It, FlintBoard D-IS Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime D-IS SBS-TA (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA -302.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISO, NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for Ft2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6TH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic- Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 32 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS- NEW CONSTRUCTION REROOF (TEAR -OFF) BONDEDSYSTEM TYPE A-1: INSULATION, BONDED ROO Sys. Deck Base Insulation layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Rote 1) Primer Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (Psf) (Optional) BP -AA, Structural Min. 2-Inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard l50, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP -AA or SBS-AA,SBS- C-61. None D-IS D-IS SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -225.0 concrete ENRGY 3 or H-Shield Fiber Roof Board SBS AA TA or APP-TA APP-TA Structural Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-TA or (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA or C-62. concrete None ENRGY 3 or H-Shield D IS Fiber Roof Board D-IS APP-TA or APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 C-63. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard D-IS Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- DAS APP-TA (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -252.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH Fiber Roof Board Struc[ural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Il, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP -AA, SBS- SBS-AA or C concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH D-IS Fiber Roof Board D-IS A or SBS- rBS-TA SBS-AA or5B5-TA SBS-AA or SBS-TA -297.5 (Optional) BP -AA, C-65. Structural None 0.5-inch Structodek High Density D-IS None N/A BP -AA, SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -195.0 concrete Fiberboard AA APP-TA TA or APP-TA BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, Structural None Min. 0 inch SECUROCK Gypsum- D-IS None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, -195.0 concrete Fiber RoofoofBoard or APP-TA APP-TA TA or APP-TA (Optional) BP -AA, Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP-AAor SBS-AA, SBS- C-67. concrete None ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-OSFA Density Fiberboard M-OSFA SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -127.5 APP-TA (Optional) BP -AA, Structural Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS- concrete None ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-PGi Density Fiberboard M-PGS SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TAor APP-TA -180.0 APP-TA (Optional) BP -AA, C-69. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard M-OSFA Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck M-OSFA BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, 5BS- -232.5 concrete ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield SBS-AA APP-TA TAor APP-TA (Optional) BP -AA, C-70. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard M-PGi Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck M-PGi BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -240.0 concrete ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield SBS-AA APP-TA TAor APP-TA C-71. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard M-PG1 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime M-PG1 BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA or 297 5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH AA SBS-AA or SBS-TA SBS-TA C 72 Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard M-PGS Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime M-PG3 SBS-TA (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA -302.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH (Optional) BP -AA, Structural Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard 150, M-OSFAor Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFAor BP -AA or SBS-AA,SBS- C-73. concrete None ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-PG3 Fiber Roof Board M-PG3 SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor TA or APP TA -225.0 APP-TA Structural Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard ISO, M-OSFA or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFAor SBS-TA or (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TAor C-74' concrete None ENRGY3 or H-Shield M-PGi Fiber Roof Board M-PGi APP-TA or APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for F1.2533-1120 Certificate of Authorization A32455 6" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 33 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS- NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER Sys. Deck Base Insulation layer _ Top Insulation layer Roof. Cover (Note14) MOP No. (Note s) Primer Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (ps" C-75. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard M-OSFA or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFA or APP-TA (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -252.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH M-PG3 Fiber Roof Board M-PGl Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard M-OSFA or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFA or BP -AA, SBS- ;Bs- (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA or C-76. concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH M-PGS Fiber Roof Board M-PG3 AA or S SBS-AA or SBS-TA SBS-TA 297.5 TA (Optional) BP -AA, Structural inch Structodek High Density BP -AA, SBS- A, SBS- G None M-PG3 None N/A SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -195.0 concrete Fiberboard Fiberboard AA APP-TA TA or APP-TA TA or Structural Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime or BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- C 78. None M-PG1 None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -195.0 concrete SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board TA or APP TA or APP-TA APP-TA (Optional) BP -AA, Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA or SBS-r A, SBS- C 79 concrete None ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield OB500 Density Fiberboard 08500 SBS-AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _120.0 APP TA BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, C-80. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or FlintBoard 08500 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck or Dens OB500 AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or A, SBS- -150.0 concrete ISO Deck Prime TA or APP-TA TA or or APP-TA APP-TA Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard BP AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA or C-81. None OB500 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime OB500 AA or SBS- 297.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH SBS-AA or SBS-TA SBS-TA TA (Optional)BP-AA, C-82. Structural None Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard ISO, OB500 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OB500 BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA,SBS- _225.0 concrete ENRGY3 or H-Shield Fiber Roof Board SBS-AA TA or APP-TA APP-TA Structural Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-TA or (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA or C-83. concrete None ENRGY3 or H-Shield OB500 Fiber Roof Board OB500 APP-TA or APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 C-84. Structural None Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard OB500 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- 08500 APP-TA (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -252.5 concrete ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISO" Fiber Roof Board Structural Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Il, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP -AA, SBS- (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA or C-85. concrete None 150, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISO" OB500 Fiber Roof Board OB500 A or 5B5- SBS-AA or SBS-TA SBS-TA 297.5 (Optional) BP -AA, Structural Structural 0.5-inch Structodek High Density BP -AA, SBS- SBS-AA, SBS- concrete None Fiberboard OB500 None N/A AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -195.0 APP-TA Structural Min. 0 inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, None OB500 None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -195.0 concrete Fiber RoofoofBoard TA or APP-TA or APP-TA I APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6r"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 34 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE3A: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS - NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER Sys. Deck Base Insulation layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP No. (Note tl Primer Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (psf) Min.1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H- Min. 0.5-inch 5tructodek High (Optional)BP-AA, Structural None Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch CR-20 Density Fiberboard or DuraBoard CR-20 BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -180.0 C-88. concrete ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max (homogeneous) or min. 1.5-inch SBS-AA TA or APP-TA FA3 or Ultra -Max FescoBoard (laminated) APP TA Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H- (Optional) BP -AA, C-89. Structural None Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- CR-20 BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA,SBS- -225.0 concrete ACFoam 111, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max Fiber Roof Board SBS-AA TA or APP-TA FA3 or Ultra- APP TA Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H- Structural Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-TA or (Optional) 5BS-TA SBS-TA or C-90. concrete None ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max CR-20 Fiber Roof Board CR 20 APP-TA or APP-TA APP-TA -232.5 FA3 or Ultra -Max Min. 1.0-inch 150 95+GL, H-Shield, H- (Optional) BP -AA, Structural Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS- C-91. concrete None ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck CR-20 SBS-AA SBS-AA, 5BS-TA or TA or APP-TA -240.0 APP TA FA3 or Ultra -Max (Optional) BP -AA, C-92. Structural None inch 5tructodek High Density CR-20 None N/A BP -AA, 585- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or 5BS-AA, SBS- -195.0 concrete Fiberboard Fib AA APP-TA TA or APP-TA BP -AA, SBS- (Optional)BP-AA, Structural None Min. 0 inch SECUROCK Gypsum- CR-20 None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -195.0 concrete Fiber RoofoofBoard or APP-TA APP-TA TA or TA or APP-TA COLD -APPLIED SYSTEMS: Structural (Optional) Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam 11, OB500 or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam III, OB500 or C-94' None FlintBoard ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard FlintBoard Iso Cold, H-Shield CG or SBS-CA3 None SBS-CA3 -82.5 concrete ISOH CR-20 FlintBoard Iso ColdH CR 20 A-PD, D-IS, A-PD, D-IS, Structural Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard M-OSFA, M- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFA, M- C 9S concrete None ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOH PG1, OB500 Fiber Roof Board PG1, OB500 5BS-CA3 None SBS-CAS -105.0 or CR-20 or CR-20 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-RZO Certificate of Authorization #32455 61H EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 35 of 57 -- NNEM0 I etc. TABLE 3B: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS — W CONSTRUCTION .. . ... . SYSTEM TYPE A-3: BONDED TEM P ROOF, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) Primer/Temp Roof MDP (psf) Type Attach Base Ply Cap No. (Note 1) Type Attach COLD -APPLIED SYSTEMS: (Optional) Min. 5-inch 0. FlintPrime Flintlastic SA Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Ill, C-96. Structural (ASTM PlyBase, self- ACFoam II, FlintBoard OB500 FlintBoard Iso Cold, H-Shield 0B500 SBS-CAI None SBS-CAI -82.5 concrete D41) adhered ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard CG or FlintBoard So ColdH ISOH Structural FlintPrime Flintlastic SA Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam It, Min.um-Fiinch ROCK C97 (ASTM PlyBase, self- FlintBoard ISO, H-Shield, OBSOO 0B500 SBS-CAS None SBS-CAS -82.5 concrete D41) adhered FlintBoard ISOH RoofSECBoard Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-1121 for F1.2533-1120 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6TH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21:06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic' Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 36 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 3C: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS— NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE F: .BONDED ROOF COVER System No. Deck Primer (Note I) Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP (psf) Base Ply Cap SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: _ C-98. Structural concrete FlintPrime SA SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -555.0 C-99. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -630.0 HYBRIDSYSTEMS: C-100. Structural concrete FlintPrime SA Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-TA, APP-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA, APP-TA -52.5 C-101. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA (Optional) SBS-AA SBS-AA -135.0 C-102. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) Black Diamond Base Sheet (Optional) SBS-TA, APP-TA SBS-TA, APP-TA -150.0 C-103. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA (Optional) SBS-TA, APP-TA SBS-TA, APP-TA -322.5 C-104. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) Black Diamond Base Sheet (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA SBS-AA -240.0 C-105. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) BP -AA, SBS-AA SBS-SA-H SBS-AA, SBS-TA, APP-TA -635.0 CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: C-106. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) APP-TA (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -420.0 C-107. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) SBS-TA (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA -542.5 C-108. Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM 041) BP -AA, SBS-AA (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS-TA or APP-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or APP-TA -635.0 COLD -APPLIED SYSTEMS.. C-109. 1 Structural concrete FlintPrime (ASTM D41) SBS-CA1 (Optional) SBS-CA1 SBS-CA3 -262.5 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVH7. EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 37 of 57 NNEMOjetc. ...... (TEAR -OFF) I SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Lightweight Concrete Base Insulation Layer ' Coverboard Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP Type Attach Base Ply _Cap (Psf) No. (Note 1) (Note 13) Type Attach SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: LWC-1 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, A-PD, 6- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK A-PD, 6- SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 Elastizell FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield inch o.c. Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck LWC-2 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max A-PD, 6- , 6- primed with FlintPrime or 6- A-PD, 6- SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -187.5 Elastizell inch o.cFlintPrime inch FA3 SA Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck LWC-3 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, ACFoam11, Min.Flint.5-incard OB500 primed with FlintPrime or OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -150.0 Elastizell O or ENR FlintPrime SA Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam Il, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK LWC-4 Concrete Elastizell FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield OB500 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board OB500 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+ GL, H-Shield, LWC-5 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 Celcore, Elastizell or Celcore inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max Min. 1.0-inch 150 95+ GL, H-Shield, Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck LWC-6 Concrete CR-20 p rimed with FlintPrime or CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) SB5-SA SBS-SA -180.0 Celcore, Elastizell or Celcore inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max FlintPrime SA CONVENTIONALSYSTEMS:_ _ Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, A-PD Min. 0.5-inch Structodek A-PD (Optional) BP -AA, Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch BP -AA or SBS- SBS-AA, SBS- LWC-7 Concrete Elastizell FlintBoard I5O, ENRGY 3 or H- 6-inch High Density Fiberboard or 6-inch AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _187.5 Shield O.C. Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck O.C. APP-TA Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, BP -AA or SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, LWC-8 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or H- A-PD, 6- Min. A-PD, 6- AA SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- _217.5 Elastizell inch o.c. um -Finch Roof Board Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. TA or APP-TA Shield APP-TA APP_TA Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 5B5- LWC-9 Concrete OBSDD OB500 AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA Or -150.0 Elastizell Flint Board ISO. or Dens Deck Prime APP-TA APP-TA TAor APP-TA LWC-SO Concrete Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II or OBSOO Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK OB500 SBS-TA (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA -180.0 Elastizell FlintBoard ISO. Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, S8S- LWC-11 Concrete OB500 OB500 AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -225.0 Elastizell ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board TA or APP TA APP-TA APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-RZO Certificate of Authorization H32455 6TH EDITION (2017) FBC NON.HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed FlintlasticO Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 38 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE4A: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE rREROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROO Coverboard Roof Cover (Note 14) System Deck Lightweight Concrete Base Insulation Layer Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (Note 1) (Note 13) Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High Density Fiberboard or (Optional) BP -AA, FMDPNo. LWC-12 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch H-Shield CG, ENRGY3 or min. l.3- CR-20 DuraBoard(homogeneous) CR-20 BP -AA or SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- Celcore, Elastizell or Celcore inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch or min. l.5-inch AA APP-TA TA or APP-TA Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max FescoBoard (laminated) Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, Min. 200 psi, min. 2-inch H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SBS-AA, SBS- LWC-13 Concrete Celcore, Elastizell or Celcore inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 or Dens Deck or Dens Deck CR-20 AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -180.0 Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max I I Prime APP-TA APP-TA COLD APPLIED SYSTEMS: Min. 22 ga. Min. 350 psi, min 2-inch steel at max Range 11 Elastizell Lightweight OB500, (Optional) Additional OB500, or (Optional) BP-CA3 LWC-14 5 ft spans or Insulating Concrete with Zell Min.1.5-inch H-Shield CG 6-inch layers of base insulation 6-inch D.C. BS-CA3 SBS-CA or SBS-CA3 SBS-CA3 -60.0 structural Fibers. D.C. concrete Min. 350 psi, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell Lightweight Min. 22 ga. Insulating Concrete with Zell steel at max Fibers. When walkable, OB500, (Optional) Additional OB500, or (Optional) BP-CA3 LWC-15 5 it spans or attach LWC with Flimfast Min. 1.5-inch H-Shield CG 6-inch layers of base insulation 6-inch SBS-CA SBS-CA3 or505-CA3 SBS-CA3 -67.5 structural P#14lates and Flimfast 3" Round Plates D.C. D.C. concrete at 1 per 8 ft'through to the structural deck. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 39 of 57 -NNEMO I etc. TABLE 4B: LIGHTWEIGHT •REROOF (Tear -Off) F SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOWSHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROCIF COVER System Deck LWC Anchor5heet .Insulation Roof Cover (Note .14) No. (Note 1) (Note 13) MDP (psf) Type Fasteners Attach Base Top Attach Base Ply_ Cap Min. 22 ga. 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch (Optional) steel or Minimum 350 psi, Yosemite ES FM-90 side lap and 7-inch o.c. Min. 1.5- Additional Hot BP-AA3, 18- (Optional) LWC-i6 structural minimum 2-inch Venting Base Ply at two, equally spaced, inch layers base asphalt inch grid BP -AA, 56S-AA -37.5- concrete deck. Elastizell cellular LWIC Base Fasteners staggered rows in the ACFoam II insulation SBS-AA center of the sheet Minimum 350 psi, minimum 2-inch Approved or existing _ Min. 22 ga. cellular LWIC Note: To 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch (Optional) steel or qualify the LWIC under Yosemite ES Twin -Lac side lap and 9-inch o.c. Min. 1.5- Additional Hot BP-AA4,18- (Optional) LWC-17 structural this assembly, the Venting Nails at two, equally spaced, inch layers base asphalt inch o.c. BP -AA, 5BS-AA -60.0 concrete deck. subject fas[enersha/l Base staggered rows in the ACFoam II insulation SBS-AA achieve an average center of the sheet withdrawal of 88lbf when tested per TAS 105 orANSI/SPRI FX-1. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6r"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: O6/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 40 of 57 NNEM0 I etc. TABLE4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS— NEW CONSTRUCTION REROOF (TEAR -OFF) F SYSTEIVITYPEE: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) Lightweight Concrete (Note 13) MDP(psf) No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Ply Cap SEIFADHERING SYSTEMS: Min. 22 ga. Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch Approved cellular 7-inch o.c. at the min. 2-inch lap and 7-inch steel at max lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Trufast Twin Lac -Nail o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, staggered LWC-18 5 ft spans or the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufost Flintlastic SA NailBase Assembled Fastener center rows; Stress plates shall 6e primed SBS-SA SBS-SA -60.0 structural Twin Loc-Nail Assembled Fostenersholl achieve an (min. 1.8") with FlintPrime (ASTM D41) primer or concrete average withdrawal of 73 lbf when tested per TAS FlintPrime SA 105 orANS1/SPRI FX-1 Min. 22 ga. Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch Approved cellular 9-inch min. 2-inchlap and steel at max lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Trufast Twin Loc-Nail rinch two o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, staggered LWC-19 5 It spans or the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast Flintlastic SA NailBase Assembled Fastener center rows; Stress plates shall be primed SBS-SA SBS-SA -60.0 structural Twin Loc-Nail Assembled Fastener shall achieve an (min. 1.8") with FlintPrime (ASTM D41) primer or concrete overage withdrawal of 93lbf when tested per TAS FlintPrime SA 105 orANSI/SPRI FX-1 HYBRID SYSTEMS: Min. 26 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas Trufast FM-90 Base steel at max Min. Min. 200 psi, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell mint-insulating Base; Flintlastic Base Sheet Fasteners or 7Y-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7Y-inch SBS-AA, LWC-20 5ft spans or 20; All Weather/ Trufast Twin Loc-Nail D.C. in two (2), equally spaced, staggered SBS-SA-H SBS-TA or -30.0 structural Lightweight Concrete. Empire Base or Poly Assembled Fasteners center rows APP-TA concrete SMS Base (1.8 inch) Min. 22 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas Trufast FM-90 Base steel at max Min. 200 psimin 2-inch Range II Elastizell Base; Flintlastic Base Sheet Fasteners or 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in SBS-AA, LWC-21 5 It, spans or 20; All Weather / Trufast Twin Loc-Nail two (2), equally spaced, staggered center SBS-SA-H SBS-TA or -45.0 structural Lightweight Insulating Concrete. Empire Base or Poly Assembled Fasteners rows APP-TA concrete SMS Base (1.8 inch) Min. 300 psi, min. 2-Inch Approved cellular Min. 22 ga. steel at max lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Glasbase; Flexiglas Trufast Twin Loc-Nail 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in 585-AA, LWC-22 5ft spans or the LWlCunder this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast Base; Flintlastic Base Assembled Fastener two (2), equally spaced, staggered center SBS-SA-H 5B5-TA or -60.0 structural Twin Loc-Nail Assembled Fastener shall achieve an 20; All Weather/ (min. 1.8") rows APP-TA overage withdrawal cf881bf when tested per TAS Empire Base concrete 105 orANSI/SPRI FX-1 Min. 350 psi, min. 3-inch Approved cellular Min. 22 ga. steel at max lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Flexiglas Base; 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 10.inch o.c. 5B5-AA, LWC-23 5 ft spans or the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast Flintlastic Base 20 or Trufast Base in two (2), equally spaced, staggered center 585-SA-H 5B5-TA or -67.5 structural Twin Loc-Nail Assembled Fastener shall achieve an Poly SMS Base Sheet Fasteners stone rows APP-TA overage withdrawal of 9716f when tested per TAS concrete 105 orAN51/SPRI FX-1 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 eh EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 41 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS— NEW . ORRERO SYSTEM TYPE Ev MECHANICALLY, .: :...... . System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 24) No. _ (Note 1) Lightweight Concrete (Note 13) MDP (psf) - Type Fasteners Attach Ply Cap Min. 22 ga. Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch Approved cellular steel at max lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Trufast Twin Loc-Nail 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in SBS-AA, LWC-24 5 it spans or the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast Poly SMS Base; Ultra Assembled Fastener two (2), equally spaced, staggered center SBS-SA-H SBS-TA or -75.0 structural Twin Loc-Nail Assembled Fostenershall achieve an Poly SMS Base (min. 1.8") rows APP-TA average withdrawal of 1101bf when tested per TAS concrete 105 orAN51/SPRI FX-1 CONVEM16NAL SYSTEMS:. - Min. 26 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas TrufastFM-90 Base (Optional) steel at max Min. 200 psimin 2-inch Range II Elastizell , Base; Flintlastic Base Sheet Fasteners or 7h-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7h-inch BP -AA, SBS-AA, LWC-25 5 ft spans or Lightweight Insulating Concrete. 20; All Weather/ Trufast Twin Loc-Nail o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, staggered SBS-AA, S85-TA or -30.0 structural Empire Base; Poly Assembled Fasteners center rows SBS-TA or APP-TA concrete SMS Base; Yosemite (1.8 inch) APP-TA Min. 26 ga. steel at max Min. 200 psi, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell Trufast FM-90 Base 7Y.-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7Y-inch (Optional) LWC-26 5 it spans or Lightweight Insulating Concrete. Flintlastic APP Base T Sheet Fasteners o.c. in two (2), equally spaced, staggered APP TA APP-TA -30.0 structural center rows concrete Min. 22 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas Trufast FM-90 Base (Optional) steel at max Min. 200 psi, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell Base; Flintlastic Base Sheet Fasteners or 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in BP -AA, SBS-AA, LWC-27 5 ft spans or Lightweight Insulating Concrete. 20; All Weather/ Trufast Twin Lac -Nail two (2), equally spaced, staggered center 565-AA, SBS-TA or -45.0 structural Empire Base; Poly Assembled Fasteners rows SBS-TA or APP-TA concrete SMS Base; Yosemite (1.8 inch) APP-TA Min. 22 ga. steel at max Min. 200 si, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell p Trufast FM-90 Base 7-inch c.c. atthe 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) LWC-28 5 ft spans or Lightweight Insulating Concrete. Flintlastic APP Base T Sheet Fasteners two (2), equally spaced, staggered center APP TA APP-TA -45.0 structural rows concrete Min. 22 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas steel at max Base; Flintlastic Base 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS-AA, LWC-29 5 ft spans or Min. 250 psi, min 2-inch Mearlcrete. 20; All Weather / OMG OR Base Ply two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP -AA or SBS-TA or -45.0 structural Empire Base; Poly Fasteners (1.7) rows SBS-AA APP-TA concrete SMS Base; Yosemite Min. 22 ga. steel at max 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS-AA, LWC-30 5 ft spans or Min. 250 psi, min 2-inch Mearlcrete. Poly SMS Base OMG CR Base Ply two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP -AA or SBS-TA or -52.5 structural Fasteners (1.7) rows SBS-AA APP-TA concrete NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for F12533-1120 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6r"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21:06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 42 of 57 NNEMOletc. TABLE4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS— NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE E: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) Lightweight Concrete (Note 13) MDP (psf) Type Fasteners Attach Ply Cap No. (Note 1) Min. 22 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas steel at max Base; Flintlastic Base OMG CR Base Ply 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS-AA, LWC-31 5 ft spans or Min. 300 psi, min 2-inch Mearlcrete. 20; All Weather/ Fasteners (1.7) two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP -AA or SBS-TA or -52.5 structural Empire Base; Poly rows SBS-AA APP-TA concrete SMS Base; Yosemite Min. 22 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas steel at max Concrecel Bonding Agent on deck; Min. 300 psi, min Base; Flintlastic Base OMG CR Base Ply 7-inch o.c. at the 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) SBS-AA, LWC-32 5 ft spans or 2Y.-inch Concrecel Concrete. 20; All Weather/ Fasteners (1.7) two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP -AA or SBSTA or -52.5 structural Empire Base; Poly rows SBS-AA APP-TA concrete SMS Base; Yosemite Min. 22 ga. Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch Approved cellular Glasbase; Flexiglas (Optional) steel at max lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Base; Flintlastic Base Trufast Twin Loc-Nail 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in BP -AA, SBS-AA, LWC-33 5 ft spans or the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast 20; All Weather/ Assembled Fastener two (2), equally spaced, staggered center SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -60.0 structural Twin Loc-Nagewithl Assembled Fastener Empire Base; p (min. 1.8") rows SBS-TA or APP-TA concrete tastehall average withdrawal of 8816f when tested per TAS per Yosemite APP-TA 105 orAN51/SPRI FX-1 Min. 22 ga., type B steel Min. 300 psi, min 2-inch Celcore MF Cellular All Weather/ Empire 9-inch o.c. at 4-inch laps and 12-inch o.c. in (Optional) LWC-34 at max. 5 ft Concrete with Celcore HS Rheology Modifying Base; Flintlastic Base Trufast Base two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP -AA, SBS-AA or -60.0 spans Admixture. After setting to support foot traffic, 20; Poly SMS Base stoneM-90 Sheet Fasteners rows 5B5-AA or 5B5-TA-F structural Celcore PVA Curing Compound is applied. SBS-TA-F concrete Min. 22 ga. Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch Approved cellular Glasbase; Flexiglas steel at max lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Base; Flintlastic Base Trufast Twin Loc-Nail inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch In 585-AA, LWC-35 5 ft spans or the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast 20; All Weather/ Assembled Fastener t two (2), equally spaced, staggered centerer BP -AA or SBSTA or -67.5 structural Twin it Assembled e halltest achieve an Empire Base; p (min. 1.8") rows SBS-AA APP-TA concrete average withdrawal of 7716f when tested per TAS ge wit lbf n Yosemite 105 orAN51/SPRI FX-1 Min. 350 psi, min. 3-inch Approved cellular Min. 22 ga. lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify Flexiglas Base; BP -AA, steel the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast Flintlastic Base 20; Trufast FM-90 Base o.c(2), at the 4-inch lap and ce SBS-AA, SBS-AA, LWC-36 a s ormax 5 ft spans or Twin Loc-Nail Assembled Fastener shall achieve an Poly SMS Base; Sheet Fasteners in in two (2), equally spaced, staggered center eyed ter SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -67.5 structural average withdrawal of97 lbf when tested per TAS Yosemite rows APP-TA APP TA concrete 105 orANS1/SPRI FX-1 Min. 300 psi, min. 2-inch Approved cellular Min. 22 ga. lightweight insulating concrete. Note: To qualify BP -AA, steel at max the LWIC under this assembly, a 1.8-inch Trufast Poly SMS Base; Ultra Trufast Twin Loc-Nail 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in SBS-AA, SBSAA, LWC-37 5 ft spans or Twin Loc-Nail Assembled Fastener shall achieve on Poly SMS Base Assembled Fastener two (2), equally spaced, staggered center SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -75.0 structural average withdrawal of110 lbf when tested per TAS (min. 1.8") rows APPTA APP-TA concrete 105 orAN51/SPRI FX-1 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization A32455 6rH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 43 of 57 ONEMO I etc. TABLE4C: LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE DECKS -NEW CONSTRUCTION oR .. (TEAR -OFF) 11 SYSTEMTYPEE: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET,.BONDED ROOF COVER 1 System Deck _ Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) No. (Note 1) Lightweight Concrete (Note 13) MDP (psf) Ply Cap Type Fasteners Attach _ Min. 22 ga. Glasbase; Flexiglas steel at max Min. 300 psi, min 2-inch Celcore Cellular Concrete. Base; Flintlastic Base 7-inch o.c. at the 3-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in SBS-AA, LWC-38 5 ft spans or After setting to support foot traffic, Celcore PVA 20; All Weather/ Trufast FM-90 Base two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP -AA or SBS-TA or -75.0 structural Curing Compound is applied. Empire Base; Poly Sheet Fasteners rows SBS-AA APP-TA concrete SMS Base; Yosemite .. _ .. Coto APPDED SYSEEMS: Min. 22 ga. steel at max Min. 350 psi, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell Flintlastic Base 20; Trufast FM-90 Base 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) LWC-39 5 ft spans or Lightweight Insulating Concrete with Zell Fibers. Poly SMS Base Sheet Fasteners two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP-CA2 or SBS-CA2 -45.0 structural rows 5B5-CA2 concrete Min. 22 ga. Min. 350 psi, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell Glasbase; Plexiglas Trufast FM-90 Base 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) LWC-40 steel at max Lightweight Insulating Concrete with Zell Fibers. Base; Poly SMS Base Sheet Fasteners two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP-CA3 or SBS-CA3 -52.5 5 ft spans rows SBS-CA3 Structural Min. 350 psi, min 2-inch Range II Elastizell Glasbase; Flexiglas Trufast FM-90 Base 7-inch o.c. at the flinch lap and 7-inch o.c. in (Optional) LWC-41 concrete Lightweight Insulating Concrete with Zell Fibers. Base; Poly SMS Base Sheet Fasteners two (2), equally spaced, staggered center BP-CA3 or SBS-CA3 -60.0 rows SBS-CA3 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 44 of 57 ONEMOjetc. FSYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROO System Deck Base Insulation layer77777- Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) No. (Note 1) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap MDP (psf) SELF-ADHERINGSYSTEMS: Min. 1.5-inch FlintBoard ISO, ACFoam II, ENRGY 3 or Multi- Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with CWF-1. Tectum OB500 FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA; or SECUROCK OB500 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -45.0' Max FA3 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed with CWF-2. Tectum or min.1.3-inch ACFoam 111, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max FA3 CR-20 FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA; or SECUROCK CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -52.5 or Ultra -Max Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: - -_ Min. 1.5-inch FlintBoard ISO, ACFoam II, ENRGY 3 or Multi- Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High Density BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, CWF-3. Tectum Max FA3 08500 Fiberboard OB500 SBS AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0• APP-TA APP-TA Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, Min. 1.5-inch FlintBoard ISO, ACFoam II, ENRGY 3 or Multi- CWF-4. Tectum 0BSOO Roof Board or Dens Deck or Dens Deck OB500 AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SSS-TA or -45.0' Max FA3 Prime or APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Min. 1.0-inch 150 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High Density (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, CWF-5. Tectum or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max FA3 CR-20 Fiberboard or DuraBoard (homogeneous) CR-20 BP AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -52.5 or Ultra- I I or min. 1.S-inch FescoBoard(laminated) SBS-AA I APP-TA APP-TA Min.1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber BP -AA, SBS- (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, CWF-6. Tectum or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi -Max FA3 CR-20 Roof Board or Dens Deck or Dens Deck CR-20 AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -52.5 or Ultra -Max Prime or APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-RZO Certificate of Authorization #32455 6n' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-S9166 CertainTeed Flintlastic' Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 45 of 57 -- ONEMID I etc. .. REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEMTYPEA-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR SHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover (Note 14) No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Type Attach MOP (psf) Base Ply Cap HYBRIDSYSTEMS: _7-inch Trufast Twin o.c. atthe 4- Min. 1.5-inch Glasbase; Flexiglas Loc-Nail inch lap and 7-inch ACFoam II, (Optional) Min. 0.25- (Optional) SBS-AA, CWF-7. Tectum Base; Flintlastic Base Assembled c.c. In two (2), FlintBoard l50, HA inch SECUROCK HA SBS-SA- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -60.0 20; All Weather/ equally spaced, Gypsum -Fiber Roof H SBS-TA or Empire Base; Yosemite Fastener staggered center ENRGY 3 or Multi- Board APP-TA APP TA (min. 1.8") Max FA3 rows CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: - - Trufast Twin 7-inch o.c. at the Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.75-inch Glasbase; Flexiglas Loc-Nail inch lap and 7-inch ACFoam It, Fescoeoard BP -AA (Optional) SBS-AA, CWF-8. Tectum Base; Flintlastic Base Assembled o.c. in two (2), FlintBoard l50, HA (homogeneous)or min. HA or SBS- BP -AA or SBS-TA or -60.0 EiWeather/ equally spaced, Empire Base; Yosemite Fastener staggered center ENRGY 3 or Multi- 0.5-inch Structodek AA SBS-AA APP-TA (min. 1.8") Max FA3 High Density Fiberboard rows TABLE SC: CEIVIENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER rCONSTRUCTION,••• • o SYSTEM TYPE C: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) No. (Note 1) Base Insulation Layer(s) MDP (psf) Type Fasteners Attach _ Base Ply Cap (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High OMG Polymer GypTec with 3" BP -AA or SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, CWF-9. Tectum layers, any combination, Density Fiberboard Roof 1 per 2 ftz SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0* loose laid Insulation GypTec Plate AA APP-TA APP-TA (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck or OMG Polymer GypTec with 3" BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, CWF-10. Tectum layers, any combination, Dens Deck Prime GypTec Plate 1 per 1.78 ft' AA, SRS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0* loose laid APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch Structodek Hi h g Trufast Twin Loc-Nail (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, CWF-11. Tectum layers, any combination, Density Fiberboard Roof Assembled Fasteners Sper2It' BP -AA or 5B5- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0* loose laid Insulation (minimum 1-inch embedment AA APP-TA APP-TA into deck) I (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck or Trufast Twin Lot -Nail Bp -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, 5B5-AA, CWF-12. Tectum layers, any combination, Dens Deck Prime or Assembled Fasteners 1per Eft' AA or 585-AA, SBS-TA or 585-TA or -45.0" loose laid SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber (minimum 1-inch embedment , -TA APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Roof Board into deck) NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T"EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic- Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 46 of 57 NNEMOjetc. ... .. (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEIVITYPEE: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Base Sheet Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP (psf) No. (Note 1) Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: Trufast Twin Loc-Nail 7-inch o.c. at the flinch lap and 7-inch o.c. in two CWF-13. Tectum Flintlastic SA NailBase Assembled Fastener(min. (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows SOS -SA SBS-SA -60.0 1.8") CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: CWF-14. Tectum All Weather/Empire Base; Yosemite Trufast Insuldeck Loc-Nail Base 9-inch o.c. at the flinch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two BRAA or SBS-AA SBS-AA -30.0• Sheet Fastener (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows CWF-15. Tectum All Weather/ Empire Base; Yosemite Trufast Insuldeck Loc-Nail Base 7Y.-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7Y.-inch c.c. in BP -AA or SBS-AA SBS-AA -45.0 - Sheet Fastener two (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows Glasbase; Flexiglas Base; All Weather / 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two SBS-AA, 585-TA or SBS-AA, CWF-16. Tectum Empire Base; Yosemite Simplex Turbo Tube-Lok (2), equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA SBS-TA or -05.0• APP-TA Trufast Twin Loc-Nail SBS-AA, CWF-17. Tectum Glasbase; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Base Assembled Fastener(min. 7-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 7-inch o.c. in two BP -AA or SBS-AA SBS-TA or -67.5 20 or All Weather/Empire Base; Yosemite (2) equally spaced, staggered center rows 1.8") APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6^' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 47 of 57 NNEM0 I etc. TABLE 6A: GYPSUM DECKS .. SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROO System Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) Deck MOP (psf) No. _ Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: - Existing sound G-1. gypsum or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or H- M-0SFA Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK M-0SFA SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 gypsum plank Shield Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Existing sound Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, ENRGY 3 or Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed G-2. gypsum or Multi -Max FA M-0SFA with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA M-0SFA SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -192.5 gypsum plank Existing sound Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed G-3. gyp sum or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO or ENRGY 3 OB500 with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA OB500 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -135.0 gypsum plank or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Existing sound Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, G-4. gyp sum or ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK CR-20 SBS-SA(Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 gypsum plank Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Existing sound Min. 1.0-inch 15095+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, G-5. gypsum or ENRGY 30r min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SASBS-SA -192.5 gypsum plank Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: Existing sound (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or Min. 0.5-inch S[ructodek High BP -AA or SBS- G-6. gypsum or H-Shield M-0SFA Density Fiberboard M-0SFA AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -127.5 gypsum plank APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, G-7. gypsum or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam It, FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or M-0SFA Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck M-0SFA BP -AA or SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -232.5 gypsum plank H-Shield AA APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound BP -AA or SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, G-8. Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK gypsum or H-Shield M-0SFA Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board M-0SFA AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -202.5 gypsum plank APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, G-9. Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA or SBS- gypsum or H-Shield OB500 Density Fiberboard OB500 AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -120.0 gypsum plank APP TA APP TA Existing sound Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard ISO, ENRGY 3 or G-10. gypsum or OB500 Deck Prime or SECUROCK OB500 AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -135.0 gypsum plank H-Shield Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, G-11. gyp sum or ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck or Dens CR-20 SBS-TA (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA -180.0 gypsum plank I Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max I Deck Prime I NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 48 of 57 ONEMOjetc. TABLE 6A: GYPSUM DECKS .. SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation. layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) No. Deck Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap MDP (psf) Existing sound Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, Density Fiberboard or DuraBoard BP -AA or SBS- G-12. gypsum or ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 (homogeneous) or min. 1.5-inch CR-20 AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -180.0 gypsum plank Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max FescoBoard (laminated) APP TA APP TA Existing sound Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, G-13. gypsum or ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK CR 20 BP -AA or 565- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -2 55.0 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board AA gypsum plank Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound Min.1.0-inch 15O 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK SBS-TA or (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA or G-14. gypsum or ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board CR-20 ppp_TA or APP-TA ppp_Tp -232.5 gypsum plank Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max Existing sound Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, H-Shield CG, (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, G-15. gypsum or ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3-inch ACFoam 111, Min. 1.5-inch CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck CR-20 BP AA or SBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TAor -240.0 gypsum plank Multi -Max FA3 or Ultra -Max AA APP-TA APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FLZS33-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6TM EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 49 of 57 NNEMO I etc. .. SYSTEM TYPE A-2: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ANCHOR SHEET, BONDED INSULATION, BON DIED ROOF COVER System Deck Anchor Sheet Base Insulation Top Insulation Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Type Fasteners Attach Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (pso HYBRID SYSTEMS: - _ Glasbase; Flexiglas Trufast Twin 7-inch o.c. at the 4- Min. 1.5-inch sound Base; Flintlastic Loc-Nail inch lap and 7-inch ACFoam II, (Optional) SBS-AA, G - ]16.Existing G-16. gypsum or Base 20; All Assembled o.c. in two (2), FlintBoard ISO, HA None N/A SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -60.0 gypsum plank Weather/Empire Fastener equallyspaced, ENRGY3 or Multi- H SBS-TA or APP-TA Base; Yosemite (min. 1.8") staggered center Max FA3 APP-TA rows CONVENTIONA_ESYSrEMS: 9-inch o.c. at the 4- (Optional) Min. 1.5- Min. 0.75-inch Existing sound All Weather/ Trufast FM-75 inch lap and 18-inch inch ACFoam II, FescoBoard (Optional) SBS-AA, G-17. gypsum or Empire Base; or FM-90 D.C. in two (2), FlintBoard ISO, HA (homogeneous) or min. HA BP -AA or A or SBS-TA or -45.0• gypsum plank Yosemite Base Sheet equally spaced, ENRGY 3 or Multi- 0.5-inch Structodek SBS AA SBS- BS-AA APP-TA Fastener staggered center Max FA3 High Density Fiberboard rows Glasbase; Flexiglas Trufast Twin 7-inch o.c. at the 4- Min. 1.5-inch Min. 0.75-inchnch Existing sound Base; Flintlastic Lac -Nail lap and 7-inch i ACFoam II, FescoBoard (Optional) 585-AA, G-18. gypsum or Base 20; All Assembled o.c. in two (2), FlintBoard 150, HA (homogeneous) or min. HA or BP -AA or SBS-TA or -60.0 gypsum plank Weather/Empire Fastener equallyspaced, ENRGY3 or Multi- 0.5-inch Structodek SBS-A BS-AA SBS-AA APP-TA Base; Yosemite (min. 1.8") staggered center Max FA3 High Density Fiberboard rows NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6'" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic' Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (620) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 50 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 6C: GYPSUM DECKS — REROOF (TEAR -OFF) SYSTEM TYPE C: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) Base lnsulationLayer(s) MOP (psf) Type Fasteners Attach Base Ply Cap No. (Note 1) Existing sound (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch Structodek OMG Polymer GypTec with 3" BP -AA or SBS- (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, G-19. gypsum or layers, any combination, High Density Fiberboard GypTec Plate 1per2ftz AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0` gypsum plank loose laid Roof Insulation APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound (Optional) One or more Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck or OMG Polymer GypTec with 3" BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, G-20. gypsum or layers, any combination, Dens Deck Prime GypTec Plate 1 per 1.78 ft' AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0` gypsum plank loose laid APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound (Optional) One or more Min. 0.5-inch Structodek Trufast Twin Loc-Nail Assembled (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, G-21. gypsum or layers, any combination, High Density Fiberboard Fasteners (minimum 1-inch 1 per 2ftz BP -AA orSBS- SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0` gypsum plank loose laid Roof Insulation embedment into deck) AA APP-TA APP-TA Existing sound (Optional)One or more Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck or Trufast Twin Loc-Nail Assembled BP -AA, SBS- (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, G-22. gypsum or layers, any combination, Dens Deck Prime or Fasteners (minimum 1-inch lper 2ftz AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-TA or -45.0` gypsum plank loose laid CK Gypsum-Fiher embedment into deck) APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA R Roof Bo RoofBoard TABLE E GYPSUM EREROOF (TEAR -OFF) ATTACHEDSYSTEM TYPE E: MECHANICALLY BASE SHEET, BONDED ROO System Deck Base Sheet _ Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP No. (Note 1) Base Fasteners Attach Ply Cap (psf) SELF -ADHERING SYSTEMS: Existing sound gypsum Trufast Twin Loc-Nail 9-inch o.[. at the 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in two (2), G-23. or gypsum plank Flintlastic SA NailBase Assembled Fastener equally spaced, staggered center rows SBS-SA SBS-SA -60.0 (min. 1.8") CONVENTIONAL SYSTEMS: Existing sound gypsum All Weather / Empire Base; Trufast FM-75 or FM-90 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and Minch o.c. in two (2), G 24 or gypsum plank Yosemite Base Sheet Fastener equally spaced, staggered center rows BP -AA or SBS-AA SBS-AA -45.0` G-25. Existing sound gypsum Glasbase; Flexiglas Base; All Simplex Turbo Tube-Lok 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in two (2), SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- -45.0` or gypsum plank Weather/ Empire Base; Yosemite equally spaced, staggered center rows APP-TA TA or APP-TA Existing sound gypsum Glasbase; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Trufast Twin Loc-Nail 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch lap and 9-inch o.c. in two (2), SBS-AA, SBS- G-26. or gypsum plank Base 20, All Weather /Empire Assembled Fastener equally spaced, staggered center rows eP-AA or SBS-AA TA orAPT-TA -67.5 Base; Yosemite (min. 1.8") NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-RZO Certificate of Authorization #32455 bra EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Niernmen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic' Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 51 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP Substrate (Notes 1 & 11) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap (Pso No SEl ADHERING SYSTEMS: Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed Existing fully bonded BUR or with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA; or R-1 modified bitumen roof cover SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof -HA None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SASBS-SA -105.0 Board. MinISO,. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed Existing fully bonded BUR or with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA; or R 2 modified bitumen roof cover ENRGY 3, H-Shield or Multi -Max HA SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof HA SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -105.0 FA3 Board. Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed Existing fully bonded, smooth with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA or A-PD, 6- R-3 surface BUR or modified bitumen SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof inch o.c. None N/A SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -105.0 Board Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6- R 4 surface modified bitumen Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. None N/A SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed A-PD, 6- R-5 surface modified bitumen with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA inch o.c. None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -180.0 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed Existing fully bonded, smooth Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, A-PD, 6- with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA or A-PD, 6- R-6 surface BUR or modified bitumen ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max FA3 inch o.c. SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof inch o.c. SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -52.5 Board Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, A-PD, 6- with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA or A-PD, 6- R 7 surface BUR or modified bitumen ENRGY3 or Multi -Max FA3 inch o.c. SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof inch o.c. SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 Board Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA or R-8 modified bitumen roof cover ENRGY3 or H-Shield M-OSFA SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof M-OSFA SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -157.5 Board Existing fully bonded, smooth -or R-9 granule -surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inchSECUROCK Gypsum- M-PG1 None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 bitumen Fiber Roof Board Existing fully bonded, smooth- or R-10 granule -surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed M-PG3 None N/A SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -180.0 bitumen with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA Existing fully bonded BUR or Min.1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard, Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- R-11 modified bitumen roof cover ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-PG3 I I Fiber Roof Board M-PGI SBS-SA (Optional)585-SA SBS-SA -172.5 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-1121 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6T" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Fiintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 52 of 57 NNEMOletc. TABLE7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE'A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MDP Substrate (Notes 1 & 11) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap No. (Psfl Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard, Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed R-12 M-PGS M-PG3 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -180.0 modified bitumen roof cover ENRGY 3 or Multi -Max FA with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA Existing fully bonded, smooth- or Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed R-13 granule -surface BUR or modified with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA or OB500 None N/A SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA SBS-SA -120.0 SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof bitumen Board Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA or R-14 modified bitumen roof cover ISO or ENRGY3 OB500 SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof 0B500 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SASBS-SA -120.0 Board Existing fully bonded, smooth -or R-15 granule -surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- CR-20 None N/A SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 Fiber Roof Board bitumen Existing fully bonded, smooth -or a a Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed R-16 granule -surface BUR or modified CR-20 None N/A SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -192.5 bitumen with FlintPrime FlintPrime Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, R-17 Existing fully bonded BUR or H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -172.5 modified bitumen roof cover inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi- Fiber Roof Board Max FA3 or Ultra -Max Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, R-18 Existing fully bonded BUR or H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck primed CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA SBS-SA -192.5 modified bitumen roof cover inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi- with FlintPrime or FlintPrime SA Max FA3 or Ultra -Max HYBRIDSYSTEMS: Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- HA None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- modified bitumen roof cover Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -105.0 Existing fully bonded, smooth Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6- None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional) SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- surface BUR or modified bitumen Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA -105.0 Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6- (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- None N/A SBS-SA-H -180.0 r surface modified bitumen Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Existing fully bonded, smooth -or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- granule-surface BUR or modified M-PG1 None N/A SBS-SA-H Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA-180.0 bitumenExisting fully bonded, smooth -or granule-surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OB500 None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA,SBS -120.0 Fiber Roof Board SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA bitumen NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for Ft2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6TH EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 53 of 57 -- NNEMOjetc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note.14) MOP Substrate (Notes 1 & 11) No. Type Attach (PSI Type Attach Base Ply Cap Existing fully bonded, smooth -or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- R-24 granule -surface BUR or modified CR-20 None N/A SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-AA, SBS-AA,SBS- -195.0 Fiber Roof Board bitumen SBS-TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA {ONVEMIONAL SYSTEMS: Existing fully bonded BUR or 0.5-inch Structodek High Density BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-25 modified bitumen roof cover ogeneou.75-inch Fesco HA None N/A AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -105.0 Board Board (homogeneous) APP-TA Existing fully bonded BUR or 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens Deck BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-26 modified bitumen roof cover Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber HA None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _105.0 Roof Board or APP-TA APP-TA Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High (Optional)BP-AA, R-27 Existing fully hooded BUR or ISO, ENRGY 3, H-Shield or Multi -Max HA Density Fiberboard, Min. 0.75-inch HA BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA,SBS- _105.0 modified bitumen roof cover Fesco Board (homogeneous) or Min. SBS-AA TA or APP-TA FA3 0.5-inch DuraBoard (homogeneous) APP TA Existing fully hooded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, 505-AA, SBS- R 28 modified bitumen roof cover ISO, ENRGY 3, H-Shield or Multi -Max HA Fiber Roof Board, Dens Deck, Dens HA AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _105.0 FA3 Deck Prime or APP-TA APP-TA Existing bonded, smooth Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High A-PD, G BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R 29 surface BUR or modified bitumen Density Fiberboard inch o.c. None N/A AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TAor APP-TA -105.0 APP-TA Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High A-PD, 6- BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, SB5-AA,SBS- R-30 surface modified bitumen Density Fiberboard inch o.c. None N/A AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TAor APP-TA -180.0 APP-TA Existing fully Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens A-PBP-AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, A,SBS- R-31 or modified surface BUR or modified bitumen bite Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum- inch o.c. inch o.. None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TAor TA or TA or APP-TA _105.0 Fiber Roof Board or APP-TA APP-TA Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Dens A PD, 6 BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, 585-AA, SBS- R-32 surface modified bitumen Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum- inch o.c. None N/A AA, SBS-TA SB5-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _180.0 Fiber Roof Board or APP-TA APP-TA Existing fully bonded, smooth Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard A-PD, 6- Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High A-PD, 6- BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, 585- R-33 surface BUR or modified bitumen ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield inch o.c. Density Fiberboard inch o.c. SBS-AA 5B5-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -52.5 APP-TA BP -AA or (Optional) BP-AA,o Existing fully bonded, smooth Min. 2-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard A-PD, 6- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6- SBS-AA,SBS-AA, SBS- R-34 surface BUR or modified bitumen ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield inch o.c. Fiber Roof Board or Dens Deck inch o.c. SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TAor APP TA -52.5 APP-TA APP-TA NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 V"EDITI0N (2017) FBC NON-HVH7 EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic• Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 54 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP No. Substrate (Notes 1 & 11) (Psf) Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard A-PD, 6- Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High A-PD, 6- BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS- R-35 surface BUR or modified bitumen 150, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield inch o.c. Density Fiberboard inch o.c. SBS-AA SBS-ASBS-AA, SBS-TA TA or APP-TA -172.5 APP-TA, APP-TA BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, R-36 Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 2-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard A-PD, 6- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6- SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBSAA,585- -172.5 surface BUR or modified bitumen ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield inch o.c. Fiber Roof Board or Dens Deck inch o.c. SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA APP-TA APP-TA Existing fully hooded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS R-37 modified bitumen roof cover ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-OSFA Density Fiberboard M-OSFA SBS AA SBS-AA A, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -127.5 APP-TA BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-38 modified bitumen roof cover ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-OSFA Fiber Roof Board or Dens Deck M-OSFA SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -157.5 APP-TA APP-TA Existing fully bonded, smooth- or Min. inch Structodek High BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA , A, SBS R-39 granule -surface BUR or modified M-PG3 None N/A SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -180.0 bitumen Densityity Fiberboard AA APP-TA TA or APP-TA or Existingfully bonded, smooth -or Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime or BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, R-40 granule -surface BUR or modified SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof M-PG3 None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- _180.0 bitumen Board or APP-TA APP-TA TA or APP-TA Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-41 modified bitumen roof cover ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-PGl Density Fiberboard M-PGS SBS AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -180.0 APP-TA BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-AA, 5B5-AA,SBS- R-42 modified bitumen roof cover ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield M-PGl Fiber Roof Board or Dens Deck M-PGl SBS-TA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA TA or APP-TA -180.0 APP-TA APP-TA Existing fully bonded, smooth- or Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-43 an granule -surface BUR or modified OB500 None N/A SBS-AA, SBS-TA or -120.0 bitumen Density Fiberboard AA APP-TA TA or APP-TA Existing fully bonded, smooth -or BP -AA, SBS- (Optional)BP-AA, R-44 granule -surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- OBSOO None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA,SBS- -120.0 bitumen Fiber Roof Board or APP-TA APP-TA TA or APP-TA BP -AA, R-45 Existing fully bonded BUR or Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard OB500 4dek High Min. 0.5-inch Structodek OB500 BP -AA or SBS-AA, SBS-TA or SBS-AA, 585- -120.0 modified bitumen roof cover ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield Density Fiberboard SBS-AA TA or APP-TA APP-TA Existingfully bonded BURcr Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP -AA, SBS (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-46 modified bitumen roof cover ISO, ENRGY 3 or H-Shield OB500 Fiber Roof Board, Dens Deck or Dens OB500 AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _120.0 Deck Prime or APP-TA APP-TA NEW EIC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6^' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 PrepSred by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 55 of 57 NNEMID I etc. 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS BONDEDTABLE SYSTEM TYPE A-1: INSULATION, BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) Substrate (Notes 1 & 11)Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Cap Existing fully bonded, smooth- or (Optional) BP-AA,Min. R-47 granule -surface BUR or modified 0.5-inch Structodek High CR-20 None N/A BP -AA, SBS- 565-AA, 5B5-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- Density Fiberboard AA APP-TAExisting TA or APP-TAbitumen FMDNo fully bonded, smooth- or BP -AA, SBS- (Optional) BP -AA, R-48 granule -surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- CR-20 None N/A AA, SBS-TA SBS-AA, 5B5-TA or SBS-AA, SBS- bitumen Fiber Roof Board or APP-TA APP-TA TA or APP TA Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, R-49 Existing fully bonded BUR or H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck or Dens modified bitumen roof cover inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi- CR-20 Deck Prime CR-20 SBS-TA (Optional) SBS-TA SBS-TA -180.0 Max FA3 or Ultra -Max Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, Min. 0.5-inch Structodek High Existing fully bonded BUR or H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- Density Fiberboard or DuraBoard BP -AA or (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-50 modified bitumen roof cover inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi- CR-20 (homogeneous) or min. 1.5-inch CR-20 SBS AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA -180.0 Max FA3 or Ultra -Max FescoBoard (laminated) APP TA Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, Existing fully bonded BUR or H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- BP-AAor (Optional) BP -AA, SBS-AA, SBS- R-51 modified bitumen roof cover inch ACFoam III, Min.1.5-inch Multi- CR-20 Fiber Roof Board CR-20 SBS AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _225.0 Max FA3 or Ultra -Max APP-TA Min. 1.0-inch ISO 95+GL, H-Shield, Existing fully bonded BUR or H-Shield CG, ENRGY 3 or min. 1.3- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- SBS-TA or (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA or R-52 modified bitumen roof cover inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.5-inch Multi- CR-20 Fiber Roof Board CR-20 APP-TA or APP-TA APP_TA -232.5 Max FA3 or Ultra -Max Min. 1.0-inch I5O 95+GL, H-Shield, Existing fully banded BUR or H-Shield CG, ENRGY3 or min. 1.3- BP-AAor (Optional) BP -AA, 505-AA,SBS- R-53 modified bitumen roof cover inch ACFoam III, Min. 1.54nch Multi- CR-20 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck CR-20 5B5 AA SBS-AA, SBS-TA or TA or APP-TA _240.0 Max FA3 or Ultra -Max APP TA COLD -APPLIED SYSTEMS: Existing fully banded BUR or (Optional) Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam II, Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam III, FlintBoard R-54 modified bitumen roof cover FlintBoard ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard OB500 ISO Cold, H-Shield CG or FlintBoard OB500 SBS-CA1 None SBS-CA3 -82.5 ISOm ISO Cold, Existing bond fully banded BUR or (Optional) Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam II, Min. 1.5-inch ACFoam III, FlintBoard R-55 modified roof cover FlintBoard ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard CR-20 ISO Cold, H-Shield CG or FlintBoard CR-20 SBS-CA3 None SBS-CA3 -82.5 ISOH ISO Cold, Existing fully bonded, smooth -or R-56 granule -surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCKGypsum- A-PD,6- None N/A SBS-CA1 None SBS-CA1 -105.0 bitumen Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. Existing fully bonded, smooth Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam 11, FlintBoard A-PD, 6- Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6- R-57 surface BUR or modified bitumen ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard I! inch o.c. I Fiber Roof Board inch c.c. SBS-CAS None SBS-CA1 -52.5 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2.533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6n' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic' Modified Bitumen Roof systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 56 of 57 NNEMOjetc. TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS SYSTEM TYPE A-1: BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER System Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover (Note 14) MOP No. Substrate (Notes 1 & 11) (psf) Type Type Attach Base Ply Cap Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- A-PD, 6- R-58 surface BUR or modified bitumen ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISDN IM-CSFA, Fiber Roof Board inch o.c. SBS-CAI None 505-CAI -105.0 Existing fully bonded, smooth -or R-59 granule -surface BUR or modified Min. 0.25-inchSECUROCK Gypsum- None N/A SBS-CAI None SBS-CAI -105.0 Fiber Roof Board bitumen Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- M-OSFA, R-60 surface BUR or modified bitumen ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISOn M-PGS Fiber Roof Board M-PG3 5B5-CAI None 5B5-CAS -SO5.0 Existing fully bonded, smooth -or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- R-61 granule -surface BUR or modified OB500 None N/A SBS-CA1 None SBS-CA3 -105.0 bitumen Fiber Roof Board Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.5-inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- R-62 surface BUR or modified bitumen ISO, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISDN OBS00 Fiber Roof Board OB500 585-CAI None SBS-CAS -305.0 Existing fully bonded, smooth -or Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- R-63 granule -surface BUR or modified CR-20 None N/A 5B5-CA3 None SBS-CAS -105.0 Fiber Roof Board bitumen Existing fully bonded, mineral Min. 0.5-Inch ACFoam II, FlintBoard Min. 0.25-inch SECUROCK Gypsum- R-64 surface BUR or modified bitumen 150, H-Shield, FlintBoard ISDN CR-20 Fiber Roof Board CR-20 SBS-CAS None SBS-CAI -SO5.0 RECOVERTABLE 7B: •NS — NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF- SYSTEM TYPE F: • r BONDED System No. Substrate (Notes 1 & 11) Primer Roof Cover (Note 14) Base Ply Cap MOP (psf) R-65 Existing fully bonded BUR over structural concrete deck I (Optional) FlintPrime (ASTM D41) SBS-CA3 I None SBS-CA3 -187.5 NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3520.03.04-R21 for FL2533-R20 Certificate of Authorization #32455 6 H EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 21: 06/20/2018 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic° Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 57 of 57 Florida Building Code Online •, PIpPICA CfipAgTjnSNt Otl r '.r e+ 3 r- Business 81 Professional Regulation - 31I�I�ia1 �pSPR'NOME, Ae01n pSPR .pSP0. p1VISIDN3 CORTA[t p9PR dbapr � UP FILE COPY '?I ProductA roval p USER: Public User E'.+�.�i�'�,yib� Product Aoomwl Menu > Product or Aoolicaton Seamh > &pOmtlon List > AppllcaUon r(a'etall FL18355-R4 1�% �4k.\ 1 l 2 ®� �i FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archlved Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF CONTRACTOR OR RECORDTME Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Revision 2017 ST. LUCIE COOT Approved REVIEWED FOR PFVTFWEDiBY_ SITE OR NO INSPECTIONb� TAMKO Building Products, Inc. PO Box 1404 Joplin, MO 64802 (417) 624-6644 Ext 2305 kerri_eden@tamko.mm Kern Eden kerrLeden@tamko.com Kern Eden PO Box 1404 Joplin, MO 64802 (417)624-6644 Ext 2305 kerri_eden@tamko.com Permitting Department St, L"10 Count,, ARE SUBJECT TO ANY ALL PROPOSED REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO Roofing COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Asphalt Shingles Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/18/2021 Validated By Locke Bowden P.E. Certificate of Independence Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FI IB355 R4 COI TBP15001 4 2017 FBC Eval Report Shinples final.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ASTM D 3161 ASTM D 3462 ASfMD D 71SB TAS 100 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Year 2016 2010 2011 1995 Approved Testing Lab FLIS355 R4 EOuly UL letter for standards for FBC 2017 httpsl/floddabuilding.org/prlpr ppp_d8.aspx?param--xGEVXQwtDquvosrHazGXQW83MPT3uofCzDlM2XugwuWmY6POIJiukQ%3d%3d 1/2 12/1912018 Sections from the Code Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved SummarV of Products Method 1 Option D 09/25/2017 09/27/2017 10/08/2017 12/12/2017 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 18355.1 Glass -Seal, Elite Glass -Seal, ASTM D 3462 asphalt shingles and hip and ridge shingles Heritage, Heritage Premium, Heritage Woodgate, Heritage Vintage, Hip and Ridge, and Vintage Hip and Ridge Shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL18355 R4 II TB1315001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report Shin g es Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes final.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL18355 R4 AE TSP15001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report Shinplgs final.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Rack Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Coovreint 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address rdersed in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees Ilmnsed under Chapter 455, F.S. mart provide the Depar enerd with an email addres if they have one. The emalts provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the DeNotment with an email address whIdh can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick ) rlr . Product Approval Accepts: M ® ® x©— "securit. httpsJfflofidabuilding.org/prlpr app_d0.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquvosrHazGXQW83MPT3uofKzDlM2Xu9wuWmY6POIJiukQa/o3dp/o3d 2/2