HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL20MIG Raida Building Code Online non MINIM-, eamxnna i Iwm : usaasymaem ' nutapm svmweswnrva srmafkev dUpr productApprawl MINTU nAeraaae � wdsoa . eon sdHrP i u� • s..a�' G'.vEm Amwel Neon,>rmal,a .be&anm.S�>Pooam,bn Un>AppaodonpMall �`a, ���� FL 6 FI5374-RS C Appgcation Type AffiOnadon Code Verslan 2017 ApPkMtkn Status Approved Comments Archived Produce Manufacturer Bast Coatt Mamis, IM Address/PhomfEm00 2301 West 8 Lane Hialeah, FL 33010 (305)885-9991 amste8ams0eastaast-metal&curn Authorized Signature Technical Representative AddresslPhonelEmell Quality Assurance Represont3tlM AddresslPhomIfta0 Category Subcategory Compliance Method Rorlda Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quay Assurance Entity QUaBty Asserarrm contract Expiration onto Validated By Certificate of IndependerM Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) 7orrr Castellanos aces W IanoS®>asbmaR-memlAcem Tam Caste0erms 2301 Writ 8 tare Hialeah, FL 33020 (305) ee5A991 tastellenpsfleastmast-mehfsam Hawerd CoNander Jr. 2301 West 81ane Hialeah, FL 33010 1305)a85-9991 haallenderleasimasFinafats.mm a� DEC 012918 Sl LLucie County, permitting SC, St 4UN&g -0F® nPY Roofing Roofing Accessorlas that are an integral Part of the Roofing System Eraluatian Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a licensed Florida ProfesslGoal Engineer Evaluation Report- HMdcepy Receved Robert Nlaminen PE-59166 ArNhemRal Testing. Ind., ao Intertek cempanY 12/3MO18 John W, Knezavidy PE V&Mtlan eheddht- limdapy Received at COI WIMMIUM&E sM RS OIL Standard yeav FRSVM April 2012(0412) 2012 PAS Lis 1995 RA5119 1999 RA9120 1999 SBCU SSID 11 1997 TAS 201 19115 h0pslhv milar dabrdl mgtpdpLepp_Ompx7pQMD,pMn70DFYITAII,Il llp1e6Y8w7*Y,'d 112 2117l2018 EquiWence of Product Standards Culgied By Sections frorn the Code Florida SUadilg Cade ONtite I amrm tint there am no changes In the new Florida Building Code which affed my pmdud(s) and my product(s) are In comp0mm vnth the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A (20171.0 e Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Data Submitted 0910InD37 Date Validated O9106/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Appmwad 09/10/2017 Summon of Products FL* ModaL Number or Mama Description 5374.1 East Coast Metals Channel Metals Preformed metal channels designed for ose as a hip B ridge base to which mof tiles are bulled. Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVMZs Yes A 74 RS D 2019 03 FINAL ER SCM Thm, Lock R 5374• B4dl4I Vadfied By: Robert Memmeo PE-59165 Approved for Was outside HVHZ: yes Impact Resittantr WA Design Pressurat+WAf-178 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Othm: 2.) Refer to Evaluation Report Section 5.2 and 53 far Evaluation Reports Lack 0.<374- Limits of Use In HVHZ and non-HVN2)urisdldins, 115374 AS Ali 201S 01 FINAL ER ECM Td respectively. 2.) The design pressure heroin Pettelns to use In nap-HVHZlurisdictions in conjunction with Table 1A of 84.gdf Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). Refer to Tables 2A and 213 in the Evaluation Repot far 00 options and assadated allowable - design pressures. ' Sm➢anawn MI ^ �� a0 tfiN0..� mqo wm 050�7reta lee suazd NNa Nan AVRD.Mew .c=W�ti+`MW aft*N.:: PM Senemmt 1! rimesi SA.Cat:i M• d_ems.._.. ' P,o4aq:ApprvvlAmyb, _ Credo Card Safe htlpsJkw .fioddpbuddlgarg/pdpr pp dUAspx?pammaGEIMQmtDgtV&an7a0F%fMzVGGMEbUOP186y8w7vk%3d 2)2 ,i TRINITY I ERD BmR=REl ROI&=cK,LLC. FL CWWoWE OF AUI )WWA=N W,W September 6, 2017 RE: East Coast Metals, Inc East Coat Metals Channel Metals 6' Edition (20M FBC HV14Z Affirmation of FL5374-1114 To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves to documentthat we have reviewed Florida ProduttApproval File No. Fl5374-R4, and the Evaluation Reportwhich forms the basis thereof, with respectto thee Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, High Velocity Hurricane Zone sections setforth in Section 2 of our Evaluation Report. There are no changes to the Code that affect the Evaluation Report, and we have authorized the applicant, East Coast Metals, Inc, to document compliance with the 6d, Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, HVHZ through the Affirmation Process. Please contact our Connecticut office with any quesdonL Respectfully submitted, Robert Nieminen, P.E. Vice President Florida Reg. No. 59166 roh�:...iem[nm(alMnitverd,rom COUmrAI MONNDOMINO: L TrinitylERD doesnothave, nordaes ltildend to acquire orwRl it arquim,a Rnandal Tnteresttn airy company manufacturing or dlstdbuttrg products it evaluates. 2. TdnRylERD is not owned, apamtedarcontrolled by any company manufacturingordbulbuthg produdsttewluatts. 3. RobeRNleminen,P.Ldoes nothavenorwill acquire,aenandaltnoveutnaywmpanymamdactuftordtudhWngpmductsfar which thawaluadon reports are beingluued. 4. RobertNleminev,P.Edoamthav%mrvAtacquimaMardallntumttnmWDdwmatyim Wlndeapptmralpma afdw product. S. Thisisalno'Idingmdaevahation. NelbwTrb*VIERD nor RobertHieminem P.E.are, In anywr&the DaslgnerofRecord forany pmjt aonwhlchtMsEvaluatlm RepoMwpmWawvemfdmthecmf,lomuodforpermRdngordedgngWdanmunlmmtamed spedRcallyforthatpurpose. BUILDING SCIENCE RESEARCH I DESIGN I CONSULTATION MAIN OFFICE: 80 TESLER WAY. SUITE 200 1 SEATTLE. WA 98104 1 TEL 206 467 0054 1 FA"06 267 0261 CONNECTICUT. 353 CHRISTIAN STREET. UNIT 13 1 OXFORD. CT 06470 1 TEL• 203 262 964S I FAX: 203 262 9243 LABORATORY: 10 MAUNEY COURT I COLUMBIA. SC 29201 1 TEL 003 988 8133 1 FAX:803 988 a 111