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From: Joy Yancy <summerlinsmarineconstruction@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 9:58 AM
To: Angela Huff
Subject: Fwd: Dock replacement SCANNED
Attachments: Tiernan dock replacement drawings.pdf BY
St. Lucie County
Summerlin's Marine Construction
200 Naco Rd, Suite C
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
PH: 772-464-6090
Fax: 772-464-7470
---------- Forwarded message---------
Date: Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 9:13 AM
Subject: Dock replacement
To: Eugene Jaeger <GENEDJAEGEZ@gmail.com>, Joy Yancy <summerlinsmarineconstruction@gmail.com>
Gene & Ginger,
The application for the dock replacement has been submitted to DEP. DEP will generate emails as a result of
the submittal and I will handle all correspondence associated with the request. If you see that I have not been
copied on the email, please forward it to me. Also, just FYI, the plans that were submitted to the building
department for the replacement of the dock actually called out a larger size than what is currently there (based
upon the measurement to what appears to be the neighbors dock) so I am permitting a dock that is slightly larger
than the current dock based upon those plans. You can always build less than shown in these plans but to do
more would result in going through the process again so I have erred on the side of caution and assumed the
dock would be slightly larger. A copy of the drawings for the DEP submittal are attached (these are not
intended to be structural).
Danna Small
DLS Environmental Services, Inc.
1901 SW Yellowtail Avenue
Port St. Lucie, FL 34953
Phone: (772)215-3997
Email: danna@dlsenvironmentalservices.com
199 Virus -free. www.avast.com
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