HomeMy WebLinkAboutSURVEYS. e re , � FND PK&D i /-�E' L.B. 6790 EIVED �I < SiD'EFND 1/2" IR&C 1 CNRO 4 1019 OPEN WATER �l e f� /TIDAL CANAL�V RLS 2391 # Liaunty, Permitting �� p STREET ADDRESS LB s� Srq FND PK&D LOo. 10 CASTLE COURT TECH. _ k/ ryNC® N89631'45"E LB 6790 r I r. ey 50.0( 0.06' N, 0. N WOOD LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4n� 8' WOOD CK �W� LOT A I"a LU Being all of Lot B, Block 19, according to the plat 0 of QUEENS COVE UNIT 1, as recorded in Plat Book FENCE OCCUPIED vari m 11, Page 12-B of the Public Records of St. Lucie D 1010 20 330 OX INSIDE P County, Florida. PROPERTY GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SET 5/8" IR&C COVERED FENCE z LB 4286 O) 9.92_ 10' OFFSET SOUTH o �12 LEGEND 8c ABBREVIATIONS 4' CHAINUNK I CONIC DENOTES CONCRETE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK FENCE r.:3r.• j!Mj •.� P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT aU. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK �� �1 I,J C DENOTES CALCULATED FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS CAN DENOTES CABLE TETEVISION CONC AC PAD Q DENOTES PROPERTY LINE PO DEN01ES PAGE ` & STOOPP 1 STORY �5,0 j n (M) DENOTES MEASURED DATA COIL DENOTES CORNER {y1 / / A� ID DENOTES IDENTIFICATION NUMBER P.O.B. DENOTES POINT OF BEGINNING O CBS OJ �) DENOTES FLOW LINE P.O.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMMENCEMENT O RESIDENCE 'ar ?2a N TOB DENOTES TOP of BANK PKdd DENOTES PARKER KALON NAIL & DISK LOT C !`� v, F I o FND DEENNOTES TES OUND AL UE DENOTES UTTIIILLITYY EEAASEMEET CAP OCCUPIED �M Z LB. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS P.I. DENOTES POINT OF INTERSECTION O.N.U. DEN07ES OVERHEAD UTILITIES RLS DENOTES REGISTERm LAND SURVEYOR •3/per PSM DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER . o c0 ai16.65j9 0.2' INSIDE Z /�0.75/_•. Z / LOT B Xo.MIMI _50_C FND PK&D PSM 4049 0.1' NORTH OF N.E. CORNER LOT F ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY 14.751' P "' o' GENERAL NOTES WATER F� FND 1/2" IR METER A -Rlffil RTC SET 5/8" IR&C 1. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to the South property line of Lot B having NO ID u o LB 4286 a bearing of N89'31'45"E, according to the plat of QUEENS COVE UNIT 1 as recorded in _ Plat Book 11. Page 12-B, Public records, St Lucie County, Florida. 30.00' 150.09 N89'31 45 E FIRE 2. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. AT&T. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone "AE"(EL 4), according to T H'rDRANT PEDESTAL � G, 3. Underground utilities and utility" services have not been located on this survey. CAIV WATER PEDESTAL EOP VAL`MES the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 1211100089 J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation gg• 5•. 3g ¢5' 6 G IT-0 certificate. - '' t �.< \ ' u• �5. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal W - EDP of a Florida Licensed Surveyor & Mapper. FND 5/8" IR NO ID sp 0 _ 6. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights -of -way, easements 0.2' NORTH z READ of record, ownership, abandonment's deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. RIGHT-OF-WAY 7. The lost date of field work was March 26, 2012. LOT J B. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party LOT K Eem IC vftr to ohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. b rings and distances are the same as the plat, unless -otherwise shown. I Ll F..: . THOMAS PTHOMAS P. KIERNAN DATE Professional Surveyor & Mcpper Florida Certificate No. 6199 boundary Survey For: William B. * Janet Tiernan Fort Pierce, Florida File:12-080. CULPEPPER & TERPENING INC Date:3/29/12 Scale: 1"=30' CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS M80 M)UR[ 3fri St10hT • PORT PIFRCG 1ZOKIDA N981 Drawn by. GLM PLron,Em-Ncuw•PAxm�sNr, •+..�� 15JSW PIAGIFAAVENUE •SNAAT.FIOIUDAN99N PFiONEnLffilJF6•PAX m-\6F914J xvcsaR.mm FFAIEOFFlDFmA QIIlIFlG11DNNcFICY JAN 04 2019 ST, Lucie COUREV. ph,. RIGHT—OF—WAY RADIUS POINT OF CUL—DE—SAC 50.00' I FND PK&D PSM 4049 0.1' NORTH OF N.E. CORNER LOT F OPEN WATER TIDAL CANAL FND PK&D N8931'45"E LB 6790 50.00'•� 1'06 N. o ooD a" woo0 Do SEAWALL 1 FENCE OX INSII PROPER! SET 5/8" IR&C LB 4286 10' OFFSET SOUTH- 4' CONC AC &S LOT C OCCUPIED FND 1/2" IR NO ID PEDESTAL — CAN PEDESTAL FND 5/8" IR NO ID 0.2' NORTH LOT J 2 /Z THOMAS P. KIERNAN DATE Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6192 1 STORY CBS RESIDENCE RIGHT—OF—WAY f MTh', S�T[iACK AEQC� n �G FND PK&D mow �— -1 J{ �lJ� L.B. 6790 m -- ----- - a !r, TIDES — ILt FND i/2" IR&C 1 CNR SID - - e RLS 2391 i REp, —1 1 STREET ADDRESSZdG• 4 10 CASTLE COURT ThCH' SCANNED N SY J LEGAL DESCRIPTION St'CuC1eCDunty LOT A I `1 LAN I Being all of Lot B, Block 19, according to the plat A. of QUEENS COVE UNIT 1, as recorded in Plat Book OCCUPIED MWi ° 11, Page 12-6 of the Public Records of St. Lucie 0 10 20 30 CO _P County, Florida. h=A 3' IRON p GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET FENCE Z ' LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS / CONC DENOTES CONCRETE P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK /rMj •.9 P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT /h 6' (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK C DENOTES CALCULATED FROM-nELO MEASUREMENTS CAN DENOTES CABLE TETEMSION /cc 7t L''1 11((�� DENOTES PROPERTY LINE PG. DEN07ES PAGE /§// A,AI M EDM1 DENOTES �ENTIRCA ON NUMBER PaB DENOTES PODENOTES MEASURED DATA 00R. DENOTES NT OF BEGINNING ca DENOTES FLOW UNE P.O.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMMENCEMENT '01 �• y TOB DENOTES 70P OF BANK PK&D DENOTES PARKER KALON NAIL & DISC Z T1P. DENOTES TYPICAL IR&C DENOTES 5/8' ICON ROD & CAP \- ENO. DENOTES FOUND U.E. DENOTES URLITY EASEMENT LB. DENOTES UCENSED BUSINESS P.L DENOTES POINT OF INTERSECTION UY // O.H.U. DENOTES OVERHEAD UTIU7IES RLS DENOTES REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR l� I j _ PSM DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER �N"';// LOT B 14.751' n' GENERAL NOTES LB e SET 5/ " 4286 .;- 1. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to the South property line of Lot B having L a bearing of N89'31'45"E, according to the plat of OUEENS COVE UNIT 1 as recorded in t6 1� / Plat Book 11, Page 12-B, Public records, St Lucie County, Florida. 30.00• N89'31 45 E FIRE 2. All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. HYDRANT 3. Underground utilities and utility services have not been located on this survey. WATER EOP _ VALVES 4. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone "AE"(EL 4), according to - - - the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO089 J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. N' LOP 5. Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor & Mapper. 6. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights -of -way, easements — = of record, ownership, abandonment's deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. 7. The last date of field work was March 26, 2012. 8. Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party LOT K ; '-s-s or 1 ohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. gg{J 9.RI e , I rin s and distances are the same as the lot, unless -otherwise shown. �I9 P Boundary Survey For: William B. * Janet Tiernan Fort Pierce, Florida File: 12-080. CULPEPPER & TERPENING INC Date:3/29/12 Scale: 1"-30' CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS zsao sOTnx ss�t snuEr • Poar Plrxce, PwnmA a+seG Drawn by. GLM exomm�wasv•P.vcm�cawn .".. ssT sw PTwcTm Avwue . srOAar, L¢oamw xssG pHOC➢;m-ID)J))6. PAX m�rA9I9! .avv.ca&mm rFAIEOFROYIDA Qli6IC\i"N NSUI.N6