HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL1212812018 Florida Building Code Online � G � ,h' � ] . Y M ',t u' • 'rf , -- — BC1S'Home- —Log in—UserReg&tmban—HaLToplos_ Submit. Surrharge_Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us SCLS See Map Unks Search Florida a. Loor ` Product Approval a USER: Publi<User RECEIVED Prmuct AUMy.A Menu > ProEuct LApplication Snarcn > ABOGraUon List > AppUWtion Detan ^� `l FL # FL22202-R3 DEC 2 B 2019 Application Type Revision BT, Lucie County, Permitting Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved -Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Emall Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certlflmtlon Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By public comment:Door frame Jamb and header size, joint is not dear. How the frame Is attached to substrate is not dear.11/08/18 Tuff Shed, Inc 1777 South Harrison Street Suite 600 Denver, CO 80210 (303) 474-5524 licenses@tuffshed.com Tom Saurey licenses@tuffshed.com Patrick Kessler 1777 S Harrison Street Denver, CO 80210 (303) 753-8833 Ext 5617 pkemler@tuffshed.com Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Certification Mark or Listing Window and Door Manufacturers Association Window and Door Manufacturers Association Standard ASTM E330 TAS 202 scp'weD Y Gountl St u�Be Year 2014 1994 File Copy Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A 12128/2018 Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products I Florida Building Code Online 09/20/2018 09/24/2018 10/02/2018 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 22202.1 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Double Door) Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Double Door) Maximum Size 80.25" wide by 84" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL22202 R3 C CAC TUFF456CCL Ddf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +42/-42 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 R3 Ii AP-FL-PGEN-03 (Double Door),p-q( Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 22202.2 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Double Door) HVHZ (Outswing Double Door) HVHZ Maximum Size 80.25" wide by 84" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A FL22202 R3 C CAC 1VFF456CCL.Rd Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +54/-54 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 R3 11 AP-FL-PGEN-03 (Double Door - HVHZ),Rdf Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 22202.3 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Single Door) (Outswing Single Door) Maximum Size 56" wide by 83.75" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL2Z202 R3 C CAC TUFF456CCL R41 Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +42/-42 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 R3 II AP-FL-PGEN-02 (,5L(r gle Dcor),pQf Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by Intlependent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 22202.4 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Single Door) HVHZ (Outswing Single Door) HVHZ Maximum Size 56" wide by 83.75" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL22202 R3 C CAC TUFF456CCL odff Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +54/-54 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 R3 li AP-FL-PGEN-02 (Ingle Door- HVHZ),odf Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Bac' the# Contact Us :: 201 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 323" Phone: 8504187,1624 The State of Florida is an AA/EED employer. [opgnght 200]-2013 State of Fledde.:: N.cv StaMment :: AccessiblliN Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contad the office by phone or by traditional mail, if you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Flodda Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email addrea If May have one. The ema is provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do hot wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick ham. product Approval Ameptst i 6laU 12/28/2018 Florida Building Code Online Credit Card Sate E INSTRUCTION 01 'ROUGH #4 ARE TO BE FORMED IN FACTORY.' INSTRUCTION 051S TO BE FORMED ON JOB SITE SEE DETAIL W- FOR INSIDE VIEW ATTACH ITEM 1pllfi'iORFR FRAME WOOD SHEATHING) OF ASSEMBLY TO ITEM 2 (STEEL DOOR FRAME-1.. AND WITH AT ITEM 3 END 2'SCREWS)@8CHANNEL AS 3 AT EACH END OF EVERY STEEL CHANNELAS SHOWN 4 IN DETAIL'B'. ATTACH ITEM 4(3/8' MARTSIDEEXTERIOR / ENGINEERED WOOD SHEATHING)TO ITEM 2(STEELR DOOR FRAME -1-12' CHANNEL) WITH REM 3 (#8 x 1-1/2 �• ` SCREWS) ®6. O.C. AND (2) SCREWS AT EACH END OF ' EVERY STEEL CHANNEL AS SHOWN IN DETAIL W. �• I. ATTACH ITEM 5 (DOOR TRIM) TO REM 4 (3/8' SMARTSIDE EXTERIOR ENGINEERED WOOD SHEATHING) WITH EXTERIOR GRADE CONSTRUCTION 8 ADHESIVE AND ITEM 6 (NAILS) @ 6. O.C. AND (2) NAILS AT EACH END OF EVERY TRIM PIECE AS SHOWN. / ATTACH ITEM 15(HINGES) TO DOORASSEMBLYWITH 7 ITEM B (#8 X 2-1/4- SO DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON SHEET 4. (3)SCREWS PER HINGE. INSTALL OUTSIDE HANDLE (COMPONENT OF ITEM #7) TO THE DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH (2) ITEM 8 (#8 x 2414 SQUARE DRIVE SCREWS). INSTALL CAB LATCH (COMPONENT OF ITEM #7) TO THE DOORASSEMBLY WITH (4) #S x 2-1/4 SQUARE DRIVE SCREWS. ATTACH 5 INSIDE HANDLE (COMPONENT OF ITEM #7) AND SECURE WITH WASHER AND NYLOC ON HANDLE SHAFT (COMPONENT IS OF ITEM #7). SEE DETAIL'W. O 9 FXPI nDFn DDOR AARFMRI V PARTIAL INSIDE VIEW PARTIAL END VIEW PARTIAL OUTSIDE VIEW HANDLE DETAIL 2 _., TUFF SHED OdoCustomer. OBwn BY•PK koTage Buildings & Gazages Site Address: Dale: 5/24118 TUFF SHED, INC. Checked By. Bulldln9 Dale: tle Scale: N.T.S. DETAIL'B' I DOOR HANDLE AND STRIKE PLATE ATTACHMENT SIERRA PACIFIC PART #390209 INSTALL DOOR HANDLE USING #8 x 2-1/4' SQUARE DRIVE WOOD SCREWS. ATTACH SINGLE DOOR ASSEMBLY STRIKE PLATE WITH f2)08 x 2'SQUARE O 3 OP VIEW DRIVE WOOD SCREWS. SCREWS TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN. INSIDE / AN CAB LATCH NYLOC #gx2.1/4'SQUARE WASHER DRIVE SCREWS DETAIL'A' R TUFF SHED HINGES EACH HINGE WITH() #8 x 2-1/4' SQUARE DRIVE WOOD SCREWS. HINGES TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN. 4 HINGE ASSEMBLY DETAIL FRONT VIEW THESEDRAWINGS AND THE UIfAWIN(iS tlY: TITLE ORAWINGNO. DESIGNARE THE PROPQiTV TT IRF jJ�f(` OFTUFFSHEo,INC. THESE ORAWING9 ARE FORA •S`j-jjln 4'(4067)DOORASSEMBLY AP-FL-PG0NO2 BUILDINGTO BE BUPPUEO ANo BIIRTaYTUFFSHED. ANY OTHER USE IS FORBIDDEN BVTUFF SHED �p,P,p Bso:.olwso-le to ertek w,c W14128 IN HOUSE DRAFnNG DEPARTMENT 1777 S. HARRISON STREET' DENVER, COIAAAD060210 AND INSTALLATION 01 SNEET 303 753-TUFF ,INC &THE ENGINEER OF RECORD TsisxFn oc. AssNE4NLxF5POM.sl,wrvfox SHMM.,oF�,Fs�pwwwo umnE .VCR 1 nC o INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS; 1. ATTACH COMPLETE DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH HINGES TO WALL PANEL ASSEMBLY WITH ITEM I9(#8X2-1/4' SO DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATIONS SHOWN. (4) SCREWS PER HINGE. 2. ATTACH ITEM 18 (STRIKE PLATE) TO ITEM 18 (TRIMMER STUD) WITH (2) ITEM 19 (#B X 2-1/4' SO DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATION SHOWN. PARTIAL EXPLODED PARTIAL ASSEMBLY 6 OUTSIDE VIEW O OUTSIDE VIEW CRIPPLES OPTIONAL HEIGHT CONFIGURATION $ PARTIAL ASSEMBLY INSIDE VIEW TUFF SHED Ober#. PO# THESEDRAWNGSAND HE DRAWINGS BY: TITLE DRAW NO NO. OESIGNARETHE PROPERTY TUFF SHED, INC. Cust mer Drawn By: PK OFTHFF SHED. INC. THESE AP-FL-PGEN-02 StoTa a Buildin S &Gars e8 Date: 5/24/18 DRAWINGS ARE FORA 4' A087) DOOR ASSEMBLY B B 6 Slie Atltlress: BUH-DINGTOBESUPPDED IN HOUSE DRAFTING DEPARTMENT TUFF SHED, INC. ANDSWLTBYTUFFSHED. I777 S. HARRISON STREET AND INSTALLATION REV -LEVEL 01 Date: Checked ANY OTHER USE I3 c Issox.ox�so-re DENVER, COLORADO 80210 FORBIDDEN ENGINEER SHED ulte(tC`k me: osnane SHEET 2 Date: (303) 753-TUFF Building Slxe;vmm.u:mx.mmin.®n. RECORD. ENGINEER OF -r-v_ 1VeYnIkJW i P-..0 �. Stale: N.T.S. RECORD' cm. FxxrKM ?Emu,w—um SHEET 2 OF 3 (6 5/16) OTUFF SHED HINGE VENDOR: SIERRA PAC -ry PART#HTH6D99 r- 5 15 16 DOORTRIM VENDOR: LOUISIANA PACIFIC 0® OTUFF SHED "L" HANDLE_ VENDOR: SIERRA PACIFIC PART#390209 VARIES BASED ON DOOR WIDTH C C STRIKE PLATE VENDOR: SIERRA PACIFIC (1 12) �C- C OSTEEL DOOR CHANNEL VENDOR: QUAIL RUN 12') (112) r---{-1112) I � c 7n6.OSB SPACER VARIES BASED ON DOOR WIDTH ®3/8" SMARTSIDE PANEL SIDING VENDOR: LOUISIANA PACIFIC rre v-w FL APPROVAL#9190.6 I� (312) �{ C 1 7/16" APA ENGINEERED WOOD PANEL 13 2 X LUMBER HEADER 18 19 TOP & BOTTOM PLATES, STUDS VENDOR:"APA APPROVED" VENDOR: TUFF SHED VENDOR: MARKET LUMBER MINIMUM 2X4 SPF 92 TUFF SHED Storage Buildings &Garages TUFF SHED, INC. Odar#. Customer. Site AtltlR59: PO# DESIGNR THIE3ANDTHE oFTUFF RE THE PR THESE OFTUFF SHEO.ING THESE ORAwINGs ARE FORA BUILDING TO BE SUPPLED AN MiutBUILTYIDPF SHED. ANY OTHER USE Is FORSIDDENBVTUFFSHED INC&WEENGINEEROF DRAWINGS BY: Ti jj'i j7 TITLE 4' (4068) DOOR ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION COMPONENT DETAILS DRAWING NO. AP-FL-0GEN-02 OfG�M By. PK IN HOUSE DRAFTING DEPARTMENT ENVER.777 S. RRISON COLORADO EET 8021 DENVER-COIARAD080210 (303)753-TUFFnsh liar¢NE"mc. nsin6Nl PEetplsBWnFd1 cwrexrav �vstlaauvNOF�_ Dater 523/18 REV. LEVEL 01 ChedceC 6F s.Fmc I55"1."l<so-le V1F@FC6'Klm�: ue vLa�� � "�—" ` "e tlpy. _.l OZJ c— Building Slier ,xL �,n"Date: BNEET r] J Scale: N.T.S. RECORD. SHEET 3OF3 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 - - _ M--- . r E •aa - HOS Home Lap to I user RegIvervt(cm Hot Topla I Submit Surcharge I Statae Facts I Pumiaeons I eomnctus I eas site Map• unts search dbPral Product Approval s USER: Public User Product Approval Mena > Product or Application Search > Application LiSt > Application eetall FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence FL10674-R13 Revision 2017 Approved SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Owens Corning One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 (740) 404-7829 greg.keeler@owenscarning.com Greg Keeler greg.keeler@owenscorning.com Mel Sancrant 1 Owens Corning PKWY Toledo, OH 43659 (419) 376-8360 mel.sancrant@owenscornig.com Roofing Asphalt Shingles Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert J.M. Nieminen PE-59166 UL LLC 05/16/2020 John W. Knezevich, PE © Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL10674 R13 COI 2017 01 COI Nieminen.odf. Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ASTM D3161 ASTM D3462 ASTM D7158 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Year 2016 2010 2011 File Copy tact__... tr_______All ...._1inn In A1n Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products Method 1 Option D 16/10/2017 10/11/2017 10/15/2017 12/12/2017 FL 0 Model, Number or Name Description 10674.1 Owens Corning Asphalt Roofing 3-tab, 4-tab, 5-tab, laminated, starter and hip & ridge Shingles and Starters shingles. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No SHINGLES FL10674-R33.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert J. M. Nleminen PE - 59166 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Refer to ER, Section S. Evaluation Reports FL10674 R13 AE 2017 10 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT SHINGLES FL10674-R13.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ----1 next ormd Us :: 2601 Mel, Stone Road. Tallaha=_==-ee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The Stale of Florida 6 an AA/EEO ecepbyer. roovrlaM>o0]J013 Sate N Flodtla.:: Pdvacv Statement :: Amerslblllty Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released In response N a public-recortls request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to session 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2D32, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The smalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email addreei which can be made avaliable to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick ))Cct-. Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe , .. 11 A , 1 , . , , ,., r, ll—v 11l .T _.] ,, , "I 41r., r. Florida Building Code Online Pagel of 2 BuMness Professi o. •t u lati o `� II EMS Home I Login I User Registration I Hot Toplts Submit surcharge I State &Facts I Publications I canted Us I BaS site Map I Unks Search .� ° Product Approval +h re • USER: Public User Product Apnm l Mene> Product or Anollcation Search> Application Iat> Appareeon DOUR FL at F1.17206-114 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments SCPg�I Archived ❑ GDUn`y �UG\P.r St' Product Manufacturer WOODLAND INDUSTRIES, INC. Address/Phone/Email 1520 KALAMAZOO DRIVE GRIFFIN, GA 30224 (770) 228-6102 casey@waodlandroof.com Authorized Signature Casey CROWNOVER casey@woodlandmof.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Test Report Testing Lab PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date - 06/24/2024 Validated By Locke Bowden P.E. 96 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL17206 R4 COI PRI-CMT Certificate of Independence - 2014-08-29.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D 226 97A ASTM D 226 2009 ASTM D 226 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method I Option B Date Submitted 10/20/2017 Date Validated 02/14/2018 Pile Copy Date Pending FBC Approval 02/16/2018 - r 1_u____ //_ ___ _ Il _ ! 1_1. •1 1•_ _ _ _ I._ / _ _ _ _lil _!1 _ _ _ __ _!�T<1�)ll- iT _/1!1_ ,'�,'1_.•nr 1 /1 �1 //1 /11 /1 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Date Approved Date Revised -'Summary o! Products �I 04/10/2018 04/11/2018 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 17206.1 TYPE II underlayments-HVHZ #30 Asphalt -Saturated Organic Felt Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL17206 R4 11 Woodlands Industries W ITest Report - ASTM D 226 Type 11 No 30(1) odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: PRI Construction Materials Technologles, LLC Design Pressure: N/A Test Reports Other: For use under discontinuous roof I.e. asphalt shingles FL17206 R4 TR Woodlands Test Report - ASTM D 226 Tvoe It No. 30(1).Ddf with slope greater than 2:12. Far Use In HVHZ. sack Neat Contact Us :: f601 Blair Slane Road TallaM1assee FL 31399 Phone: 850-48M810 The State of Florida I5 an AA/EM employer. fenvrloht 2007-5013 State of FlotlEa :: Pnvacv Statement :: Acresslhlllb, Statement ;; Refund hnt m M Under Florida law, all addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the Woe by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to section 455.275 (1). Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emalis provided may be used for official communiceson with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide lye Department win an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick b=. produce Approval Accepts: ®99 P�R7011Z®-R M securi[yAlm'alcs hsa.....//......... a.._:.7..1_..:l,d:..,.....,./__/__ ..�_ , .I t In, rnnl n 12128/2018 Florida Building Code Online r s � 3',4x-"hi't"� .rs_ a7 � � �' =� 11 �� •-- YikiCH� iue�iibnkd -- --acts; mome- —Log in—Uwr Registraton—MOt-TOplcs--Submit SwcbargO--Staff&Facts_-publications —Contact Us.—C1S Site. Map__4nks SeaNt ba Xs Product Approval 'is USER: public User RECEIVED Pmd,Ct Approval Men, > Pt2d9U or 8PjiHCanon SearcT > eR llcaHOn L st > Application Detail DEC 2 8 2018 i� • • >, `: ,�,;,"• FL # Application Type FL9190-R6 Revision S"f• Lucie County, Permitting Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer LP Building Products Address/Phone/Email 414 Union Street - Bank of America PlazaSuite 2000 Nashville, TN 37219 (352) 4254 @Ipcorp.com <00/6 +— _Authorized Signature CW Macomber COUhy cw.macomber@lpcorp.com _ Technical Representative CW Macomber Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place Ocalo, FL 34474 - (352)425-7457 cw.macomber@lpcorp.com Quality Assurance Representative CW Macomber Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 425-7457 cw.macomber@ipcorp.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Do Kim, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity APA - The Engineered Wood Association Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2022 Validated By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering v Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By 1 Florida Licensed Professional Engine i r It �L FL9190 R6 Fpuiv ebuiva1 ncvof,J Sections from the Code 1405 1212812018 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Date Revised Summary of Products Florida Building Code Online 16043.1 1609.1 1616.3.1 1626.1 2304.6 Method 2 Option B 08/14/2018 08/22/2018 08/22/2018 10/08/2018 12/17/2018 FL # i Model, Number or Name Description 9190.1 LP SmartSide 38 Series Strand Vertical siding for board & batten applications. Substrate Vertical Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R6 II Strand Substrate Siding Fastener Tables.= EL9190 R6 II TN 028 Vertical Siding 12-22-16-Strand. -df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Verified By: APA -The Engineered Wood Association Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with approved FL9190 R6 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2017.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes impact resistant product except for uninhabitable structures such as sheds. 9190.2 LP SmartSide Cedar Shake Lap Architectural Collection Cedar Shake 76 Series Lap Siding Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R6 II Fiber Substrate Siding Fastener Tables. pdf FL9190 R6 II LPZ60507 - Cedar Shakes - Lao odf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with approved FL9190 R6 AE Evaluation Report of LP 5lding 9190-2017.odf Impact resistant product except for uninhabitable structures Created by Independent Third Party: Yes such as sheds. 9190.3 LP SmartSide Fiber Substrate Bold Architectural Collection Primed Bald Profile 120 Series Lap Profile Lap Siding Siding(DS,T4,D8,TS,Q4) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R6 11 Fiber Substrate Siding Fastener Tables.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes P.9190 R6 11 LPZB0SO4 - Architectural Collection - Bold Profile - Lap,pd Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product Is not Impact Created by Independent Third Party: Yes resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with approved Evaluation Reports Impact resistant product except for uninhabitable structures EL9190 R6 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2017.odf such as sheds. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.4 LP SmartSide Fiber Substrate Lap Foundations 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. Architectural and Panel Siding Collection 76 Series Primed Colonial and 120 Series Primed Self -aligning Lap Siding. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R6 II Fiber Substrate Siding Fastener Tables.odf FL9190 R6 II LPZB0510 - Foundations and Architectural Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Collection - Lap.,pEf Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for Panel Siding over SIP FL9190 R6 11 LPZ50511 - Foundations and Architectural Collection - Panel.pdf Installation detail. Product Is not impact resistant. In HVHZ, Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association must be used in conjunction with approved Impact resistant Created by Independent Third Party: Yes product except for uninhabitable structures such as sheds. Evaluation Reports FL9190 R6 AE Evaluation Reno[ of LP Siding 9190-116- 2017FBC.pd Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.5 LP SmartSide Perfection Shingle Fiber substrate lap siding. Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions FL9190 R6 II Fiber Substrate Siding Fastener Tables.odf 12128/2018 Florida Building Cade Online Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL9190 R6 II LP SS Perfection Shingle 7-31-17 FINAL Ddt Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with approved FL9190 R6 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2017.pf Impact resistant product except for uninhabitable structures Created by Independent Third Party: Yes such as -sheds— 9190.6 LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Lap Precision Series 38 and 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. Precision and Panel Siding 38,76,190 Series Primed Panel Siding including Silvertech & Smartfinish. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A FL9190 R6 fI LPZ80512 - Precision Series - Panel,oq( FL9190 R6 fI LPZBO515 - Precision Series - Lan Rdf FL9190 R6 II Strand Substrate Siding Fastener Tables.pfj[ Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for Panel Siding over SIP Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation detail. Product is not impact resistant. In HVHZ, Evaluation Reports must be used in conjunction with approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable structures such as sheds. FL9190 R6 AE Evaluation Reoort of LP Siding 9190-116- 2017FBC.pd Created by Independent Third Party: Yes aatA Q Contact US :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850.487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EED employer. Sppvdbht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Pnvacy Statement :: Atressibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses am public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response be a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 85f1.487.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(I), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public remns. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address welch can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please click btr_. Product Approval Accepts: d ��75 -: i� F=—�8 s �t�titll•i t Y,1b rill t SMARTSIDEa TRIM Er SIOING At the time of manufacture, siding meets or exceeds the per- formance standards set forth in ICC-ES-AC321 and has achieved code recognition under ESR-1301, CCNC 11826, APA recognition under PR-N124, and HUD recognition under HUD-MR-1318. For copies of ESR-1301, call LP Customer Support at1-800-648-6893 or go online at http://www.ice-es.org/reports/pdf_files/ICC-ES/ ESR-1301.pdf or http://www.apawood.org. • Precision Series panel sidingwith SILVERTECH or SMARTFINISH is specifically for sheds and other outdoor structures where the interiorwall cavities will remain permanently exposed. • Minimum 6 in. clearance must be maintained between siding and finish grade. • Siding applied adjacent to porches, patios, walks, etc. must have a clearance of at leastl in. mm above any surface. • Minimum 1 in. clearance at intersection with roof line • Apply siding in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • All exposed wood substrate must be sealed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • LP does not recommend LP SmartSide Panel for use in ICF and SIP assemblies. If used, LP will not warrant for Buckling and Shrinkage. However, balance of warranty does remain intact, • 00 NOT USE STAPLES • SIDING MUST NOT BE IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH MASONRY, CONCRETE, BRICK, STONE, STUCCO OR MORTAR. Store off the ground well supported, an a flat surface, under a roof or separate waterproof covering Keep siding clean and dry. Inspect priorto application. • Precision 38 and 76 Series panel siding must be installed on 16 in. O.C. framing only. When installing on24In. O.C. framing, Precision Series 190 Series panel siding is required. In all Installations over masonry or concrete walls, the wall shall be furred out and open at the top and bottom of the wall to allow for convective ventilation between framing spaced 16 in. O.C. The framing shall be of adequate thickness to accept 1-1/2 inches of nail penetration. A properly installed breathable water-resistant barrier is required between the siding and masonry or concrete walls. PRECISION 38,76 AND 190 SERIES PRIMED PANEL SIDING INCLUDING SILVERTECH Er SMARTFINISH Moisture control and water vapor control are critical elements of proper housing design. Check your local building codes for application procedures for handling moisture and water vapor in your area. • When using wet blown cellulose insulation, the insulation must not be Indirect contact with the siding and it must be allowed to dry a minimum of 24 hours or longer if specified by the insulation manufacturer. • As with all wood products, do not apply engineered wood siding to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such as drying concrete, plaster or wet blown cellulose insulation. If such conditions exist, the building should be well ventilated to allow it to dry prior to the application of the siding. • Siding must not be applied to green or crooked structural framing members. Do not apply siding over rain -soaked or buckled sheathing materials. • Gutters are recommended for control of roof water runoff. A properly installed breathable water -resistive barrier is required behind the siding. Consult your local building code for details. • LP will assume no responsibility for water penetration. • Precision Series panel siding with SILVERTECH or SMARTFINISH does not require a secondary water-resistant barrier. Limited to sheds and other outdoor structures. • Seal all gaps with a high -quality, non -hardening, paintable sealant. Follow the sealant manufacturer's instructions for application. • Use a high -quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTM C920, minimum Class 25 sealant • All openings must be properly sealed or flashed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion or buildup. Several examples that accomplish this are shown on the following pages. Application instructions (cont.) • Install kick -out flashing to direct the water into the gutter install step flashing with minimum 4 in.. upper leg • Properly integrate flashing with the secondary water -resistive barrier. Use housewrap, flashing tape, z-flashing, or other items as needed to maintain the counterflashing principle, • DO NOT extend the siding or trim into the kick -out flashing or gut- ter r Maintain a clearance between the end of the gutter and the ad- joining wall to allow for proper maintenance of the siding • Prime and paint ALL exposed cut edges 0 I LP Siding Minimum V clearance between trim and roofing Clean rain gutter Do not run trim or siding inside of the kick out flashing Trim should be thick enough so the siding does not extend be- yond the face of the trim. • Trim and fascia must be applied in a manner that will not allow moisture intrusion or water buildup. • LP° SmartSide° siding is not designed and/or manufactured to be used as trim or fascia. LP SmartSide trim and fascia are available in a variety of dimensions. DO • Prime and paint all exposed surfaces including all drip edges or where water will hang. • Apply finish coat as soon as possible or within 180 days of application. • High -quality acrylic latex paint, specially formulated for use on wood and engineered wood substrates, is highly recommended. Semi -gloss or satin finish oil or alkyd paints are acceptable. For flat alkyd paint, please check with the coating manufacturer for their recommendations -for -use on composite wood siding. • Follow the coating manufacturer's application and maintenance Instructions. DO NOT USE • Semi -transparent and transparent stains. • Shake and shingle paints. • Vinyl -based resin formulas such as vinyl acetate, PVA, vinyl acetate/acrylic copolymer paints. HANDLE PREFINISHED LP SMARTSIDE PRODUCTS WITH EXTREME CARE DURING STORAGE AND APPLICATION. TOUCH UP ANY DAMAGE TO THE FINISH THAT MAY OCCUR DURING APPLICATION PER PREFINISHERS SPECIFICATIONS. • In braced wall assemblies, use minimum 6d (0.113 in. shank diameter, 0.270 head diameter), hot -dipped galvanized nails for 38 and 76 Series panels and minimum 8d (0.131 in. shank diameter, 0.290 head diameter) for190 Series panels. Do not use electroplated fasteners. Refer to your local building code to verify the minimum allowable fastener size. • Penetrate structural framing orwood structural panels and struc- tural framing a minimum oft-1/2 in. • For 38 Series panels, double nailing procedure meets wall bracing requirements and 5/16 in. shearwall design values. 1in. from edge in, gap Figure 1 1 I Double row of nails For 76 and 190 Series panels, single nailing meets wall bracing requirements. To meet the equivalent 3/8 in. shear wall design values, double nailing procedures must be used. It may be nec- essary to angle drive the second nail In order to penetrate the framing. Seal nails driven below the surface. 3/g in. from edge Alignment bead 1/8 in. gap Nail penetration min. 1-1/2 in. Figure 2 1 I Single row of nails Application instructions (coot.) -Shear values for panels applied directly to studs shall be no greater CONDITION than noted in Table 1 of the ]CC -ES Report ESR-1301 or Table 1 of APA PR-N 124. Snug • Not warranted for application on SIP and ICF assemblies. Flush CAUTION • 38 and 76 Series panels must be Installed on 16 in. O.C. framing only. When installing an 24 In. O.C. framing,190 Series panels are required. • Backside of panel must not come in contact with masonry or concrete foundation. • Do not force siding into place. Maintain the illustrated 1/8 in. space behind the joint to allow for expansion whilethe panel equilibrates with the local environment. • LP® SmartSide° Panel siding must not be attached by stapling. • DO NOT INSTALL OVER ALIGNMENT BEAD. Install panels in light contact to the edge of alignment bead. (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) • Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the blade cuts downward on the primed orprefinished surface. • Where siding butts window trim, door casings and masonry, etc. leave a 3/16 in. gap and seal. Insulated Sheathings LP SmartSide Sidings may be installed over low -compression rigid foam or exterior gypsum. The following precautions must be followed: a) Adequate bracing of the wall in accordance with the International Codes or other ruling building code is required. b) For rigid foam sheathing up to T' (2SA mm) thick, siding may be nailed directly to the foam sheathing unless a drainage plane is required by the local building code. Nail length must be in- creased to ensure a minimum 1-1/2" (38.1 mm) fastener penetra- tion into the structural framing. c) For rigid foam sheathing greater than 1 in. (2SA mm), a minimum 1-1/2 in, (38.1 mm) thick by 3-1/2 in. (88.9 mm) widevertical strap- ping or furring strip must be installed over the sheathing to provide a solid, level nailing base for the siding. The strapping must be securely fastened to structural framing spaced no greater than 16 in. O.C. (406 mm) with a minimum nail penetration of 1-1/2 in. (38.1 mm) and a maximum nail spacing no greater than the width of the siding. Louisiana-Pacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or condition arising from the use of rigid foam or exterior gypsum. 6 in. max. v perimeter nailing Do not let panel 6 contact masonry Nail 3/8 in. from edge 121n. max. field nailing 6 in, max. perimeter nailing 6 in. min. ground clearance Visible fiber Countersunk,/,.- /. IN._ Countersunk more than 1/8 in. 4 in. min. vertical flashing 1 in. min. clearance from roofing CORRECTION OK OK Paint Apply sealant — Apply sealant and re -nail Figure 4 HORIZONTAL WALL JOINTS BUTT& FLASH LAP 3/g in. min. ea 1 in, min. / Sloped overlap Lapt flashing with over 4 in. vertical leg p Prime and paint bottom drip edges Figure SA Figure 5B LAPPED HORIZONTAL WALL JOINT •aming (band joist, truss chord, etc.) 1 in. min. / R -Wall Framing overlap JJ _' Figure 5 C Figure 3 LPSMARTSIDE. PANEL. SIDING JOINT DETAILS(coNT,) HORIZONTAL BELTLINE JOINTS —For multi -story buildings, make provisions .at -horizontal joints for "setting" shrinkage of framing, especially when applying siding directly to studs. BAND BOARD OVER PANEL FILLER Extend siding below sill plate\ Min. 1/8 in. or flashing between siding and masonry. _ Figure7A Interior Finish Space windov manufacturer's Figure 6 plate ling (4 ft. x B ft.) 3/8in. gap Sloped flashing with 4 in. vertical leg 2 in. x 10 in. band board Figure 9 SPACEIDINTI/8 Refer to nailing instructions Scant face width 1/8 in. gap /8 In. gap J -�, Filler Board — Siding (4 ft. x 8 ft.) LP panel sidings are accepted by the State of California as category 8140- Exterior wall siding and sheathing for Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) applications. For WUI compliance, install LP panel sidings in accordance with Louisiana-Pacific's printed installation instructions with the addition of fire retardant seal (UL Listed fire caulk, nominal V4"bead) in the vertical Joint and nailing pattern of 3" OC perimeter ' nailing/8" OCfield nailing. Look for the California State Fire Marshal Office label on oursiding. The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LP") LP SmartSide Siding (the OR "Products") limited warranty (the "Warranty") applies onlyto Sill plate structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and maintained in accordance with the published application, finishing and maintenance instructions in effect at the time of application. The failure to follow such application, finishing or maintenance Flashing ji instructions will void the Warrantyas to the portion of the Products affected bythevadance (the "Affected Products"). LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage sustained by the Masonry Affected Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner i ridation fromanysuch loss orliability. Any modification of the Warranty's application, finishing or Figure 70 maintenance requirements is void and unenforceable unless approved in writing priar to application by the Siding General Manager or his designee and a member of the LP Legal Department. Siding Code Approved Breathable Water -Resistive Barrier Is 3/e in. gap Sloped flashing with 4 in. vertical leg Trim Nail fin (do not damage) Figure 8 For a copy of the warranty or for installation and technical support, visit the LP SmartSide product support Web site at: www.lpsmartside.com or for additional support call 800-450-6106. WARRANTY REMEDIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. Cal. Prop 65 Warning: Use of this product may result in exposure to wood dust, known to the State of California to cause cancer. SMARTSIDE® TRIM a SIOINL 020M Loulelaro-Pacrflp corporation, All rights reserved. LP, SmartSide, SihnoTech and SmarUlnish are mgistamd trademarks of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation. Printed in USA. NOTE. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation periodically updates and revues Its product infarmatlon. Towrifythat this verslon Is mrrerd, call 800.4SO-MOO. LPZ80512 1114 Figure 10 • 6 `O' i♦ •,�i.♦ �y palm bottom course detail Figure ICE Figure ICA Y�I J• Sin. alternate inside corner details Gap 3/16 in. 3/ice in: — -and-seal— — and seal - — Shiplap Edga Panal panel joint Figure.100 Vapor Retarder if required tryrcncode A. Figure 10B Breathable water-resistant barrier 6 in. minimum ground clearance Figure IOC LPG' SmartSide, Precis! on.Series PR-N124 Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap & Panel Siding Louisiana-Pacific. corporation_ Revlsed'July 2; 201a " ..w.cu-wy,ncw carrvwu map auu raid awmy.• _ Louisiana-Pacific Corporation; 414 Union Street Suite 2000, Nashville; TN' 37219• . (800) 450-6105 , www.locoro.com 1: Basis of the product report: • 2012 and 2009 International building Code: Section 104A 1 Altemative.Materials e 2612 and 2009 International, Residential Code: Section R104.11 Alternative Materials ANSI/AF&PA SDPWS-2008 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic " " . • ASCE 7-1.0 and ASCE 7-65 Minimum Design. Loads for bugdings and Other Structures . ICC-ESAcaeptance`Criteria' for Treated-Engineered-Wo6d`Siding, AC321. APA PRP-108 erformance Standards and Qualification Policy for Stniaural-Use Panels " • NE$ Evaluation, Protocol for.Determination of Flood -Resistance Properties of Building. Elements APA Repotfs'k&D 876-1, T87645, T91 Q-1"1, T910-20, T97Q-4, T970-10, T98Q-13;' ' T980-17, T99Q-23, T2008Q-12; T2008P-73, T2dow-74, T2Q09Q-'S4, T2011 Q-% T2012P-22, and other qualification data. ' 2. 'Productdescription: .: Louisiana-Pacific, Corporahon (LPG SmartSide®Precision Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap and Panel siring is overlaid with a resin treated paper and is available with either a smooth or embossed surface texture. The siding is, available as laps or panels.' The siding is treated with Zinc Borate for'decay and insect resistance. All edges are factorysealed with a primer:': LP® SmartSide® Precision Series Treated -Engineered -Wood lap siding is available In 3!8 and 7116 Performance Categories; in nominal widths of 6, 8 and 12'inches and in lengths up fo 16 feet Le §martSide® Precision Series panel siding'is available in 3/0. 7/16 and 19132 Performance Categories, 4-foot width and in lengths of 8, 9, and.10 feet. The 318 Performance Category panels are available without grooves or with grooves Spaced 8 . in on center. The 7116 and 19/32 Performance Category panels are'evailable without grooves or with grooves spaced either 4.or $' inches on center. Minimum thicknesses at the groove and shiplap are documented in the plantQuality Manual. ' 3. Design properties: Allowable racking loads for LP® SmartSide® Precision Series panel aiding are listed in Table 1: For 3/8 Performance Category panels nailed atshiplap edges, use 5l1fi Performance• _" Category"shear values: For7118 and 19l32 Performance Gategory panel sidings nailed at_ . ' . ' shiplap edges, use 3/8 Performance Category shear values.' Design wind loads LP®" . ' SmarESide Precision Series lap"and panel sitling are Ilsted,in Tables 2 and 3,'[espactively. • 4 .: Product installation LP® SmartSide® Precision SenesTeeated-Engineered Wood Lap and Panel sidings shall be installed in accordance with recommendatlons,peovided by ttie manufacturer iwww.ipcoro.comismartside0aof and www lows corn/smartside/banelll and APA Engldeered WoodGonstrtrction Guide, Form E30 www.a awaod. r / ubl tali n . The © 2014 APA - The engineered Wo6l Association APA Product Report® PR-N124 Revised July 2, 2014 ' Page 2 cf'7 . — -- - =maximum -span shall be in accardadoe_with the-Span-Rating.shown-in'the trademark, —The LP® SmartSide® Precision Serleslap siding shall be permitted to be installed over the facer of structural insulated panels (SIPS) in accordance'with Table S. Fire-resistant construction: Wood structural panels that are not fire -retardant -treated •haire been shown to meet a Class III (or Cj category for Flame spread.' Unless otherwise specified, fire-resistant construction, shall be in accordance with the recommendations in APA Fire -Rated Systems, Form W305 (see link above). B. Flood resistance evaluation: Selected properties critical to flood resistance of 3/8 and 7116 Performance Category panel..: siding, including uniform, loads, concentrated static loads, concentrated hard body and soft body impact loads, fastener perrongance, wall racking resistance, edge thickness swell,• linear expansion, Hygroscopicity, exterior bond performance and large panel and small specimen bending properties were evaluated at a 16 o.c: Span 12ating in accordance with NES,Evaluation Protocol forDeieiminallon of Flood -Resistance Properties ofBuildJng Elements. Test results in the dry (as -received) condition and after moisture cycling in accordance with the NES protocol were compared to the requirements specified in 16C Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) Acceptance Cr6 is for Treated -Engineered -Wood Siding (AC321). 7. Limitations: a) LP® SmartSide. Precision Series Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap and Panel siding used outdoors must be finished in accordance with recommendations provided by the manufacturer. (see links above) and APA Engineered Wood Construction Guide, Form' E30 (see link above). b) LP® Smart$ide Precision Series Treated -Engineered -Wood panel siding is flood resistant on the following properties: uniform loads, concentrated staticlaads; concentrated Bard body and soft body Impact loads, fastener performance; wall'racking . resistance, edge thickness swell, linear expansion, hygroscopicity, exterior bond performance and large panel and small specimen'bending properties. This evaluation applies to 316 and 7/16 Performance Category panel siding at a 15 o.c. Span" Rating: c) LP® SmartSide® Precision Series Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap and Panel siding is produced at Louisiana-Pacific Corporation facilities -at Hayward, W1,: Newberry, MI, . Tomahawk, VW,and Two Harbors, MN under a quality assurance program audited by APA. d) This report is subject to re-examination In one year: 8. identificatiorc .. = LP' SmartSide® Precision Series Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap and Panel siding described in this report'i's identified, by a label bearing the iianufaduiers name (Louisiana , Pacific Corporation)' andfor trademark, the APA assigned plant number (357 for'the Hayward plant, 4.16 for the Newberry plant, 435 for the Tomahawk plant, or 399for the Two Harbors plant), the product Performance Category,'the Span Rating; the Exposure Rating, the APA logo; the report number PR-N124, and a means of identifying the date of manufacture. 0 2014 APA - The Engineered Wood Assadalton 07.02 Product ReporP PR-N124 led July 2; 2014 3 Table 1, Allowable Racking Shear (plf) for LP® SmartSide® Precision Series Treated -Engineered -Wood Panel Siding" —Sheathing Shear Walls with Framin of Do las-Fir-Larch or Southern Pine for Wnd-or Seismic Loadin lt•2• t •P 6 N Minimum Panels Applied Directly to Framing Panels Applied over 112-inch or . Pertoananoe Nail - .5/8-inch Gypsum Sheathing . ' Category.. penetration Nall Size Nail Spacing at Panel Edges Nail Size, Nail Spacing atilt at Panel Edges In Framing. (Common or 'Galvanized (in.) ' . m (Common or (in.) Box) Galvanized Box) 6 4 3 " 2S°i .6 .. 4- '- 3 5118(s•e) 1414 6d � 180 270 -350 - 450'". as 180 270 350 '450 3/8rs•� � .200 900� - 390- 510 200 300 :390. 510 , 3/8rs.el 1-1/2 Sit . - 220, ' 320 410 530 10d 260 380 - 490r4r'- 649 7/161s1 240- '350 - . 450 '585 260 380.' 4901 640 19l321s1 ` 1-5/8 10d $40 510 6651°l. 870 For Sl' 1 iach = 25 4 i if —14 mm' . P /m. For -framing of other species:.(o) Find specific gravity for species of lumber in AF&PA Nationsl Design Specification(b) find shear valuefromtable for nags size; (c)multiply value by* 0.82 for species with specifid gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 but less than 0.49, or 0.65 for species with specific gravity less than 0.42 ""AD panel edges must be backed with 2-inch nominal or wider framing:.Panels must be Installed with the long dimension oriented In the vertical direction. Space nails 8 inches.o.cJ along intermediate framing members for 318 and 7116 Performance Category panels Installed on stude spaced 24 Inches o.c. For other conditions and panel Performance J ' ' Categories, space nails 12 Inches o.c; on intennediatesupports., - r'i For shear loads of normal or permanent load duration, the values In thetableshag be mul8pged by 0.63 or 0.56; respectively. - -fo 'framing at panel edges must be 3 inches nominal or and nails must be staggered where nags are. spaced 2 inches mc., and wherel0d nags having vailframing of more staggers inches are spaced3.Inches or less, o d. Exception: Unless otherwise required, 2-inch nominal flaming may: he used where fug nsging surface is available enc( ' nails are staggered. - � . � � � � - • rs� Except as noted in Footnote 7, panel thickness at point of naiBng st panel edges determines applicable shear values, except that 3/8 Performance Category panels nailed at shiplap _ edges use 5/16'PerformsrtceCalegory shear values, ant17H8 and t9d3TParformance Category panel sidings natledat shiplap edges use 3/8 Performance Category sbearvalues. ' lei ShiplaP edges must be double-naged; one. nag must be placed in the underlap and a second nail must be placed in the overlap at the nag spadng specified for the applicable shear value - . nr = Fasteners must nol be installe8ta panel siding grooves in the field of the panel siding br when the panel siding grooves ec=al M edgesofthe panel siding. 82014APA-The"Engineered Wood Association 07 2 APA Product Report® PR-N724 Revised July 2, 2014 Page 4 of 7 Table 2a. LOD Sidin — Maximum nominal Ilowfiblel deli n winds eed v n1 Performance Category. Maxuhum Wall Stud (� Spacing in. Siding Width (inJ Maximum Allowable, Wind Pressure ad Maximum Nominal 4A110wable) Wind --.'Speed. Vr:d dt m h Wtnd Exposure Cate or 6' D 3/8 16 6 80 - 170 .. 150 140 8 79 170 150 140 12" 50 140 , 120 110 7116 16 61" 80 ' 170 150 140 8 76 170 150 130 12 49 140 120 •110 F24 6 71 170, 145 130 ' 8 51 145 120• 110 12. 32 110 90 90 For Si. 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa,1 mph = 0.447 m1s.. ; nt . One fastener per stud'Wested 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive odutse of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 Incl. Fastener must have a minimum head -diameter of 0.297 inch, a minimum shaft diamster ' of0.113 inch and a mWmlml length of2.5.filches (8d box nail). ia Wag studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. in Ttiree-seEerid-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward andaway from building surfaces, at 90-0 height In Zone 5 with smalibst effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2 of the 2009 and 20121RC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC.' - Table 2b. Lae Sidina— Mazimurii uO nv.,+. Ac lr tn*' anA cse v (1) Performanoe Category Maximum Wall' . Stud Spacing ht• Siding Width. (in.) Maximum Ultimate Wind Pressure s Maximum Ultimate Design Wind Speed, . -Vmt"' (mph) Wind Exposure Cateqory g • C D 3/8 .16 6 - 133 200 .'. 180 18D 8 331 200 - 18 .' 180. 12 83 -180 150, 140 7f16. - 16. 6 133 200 180 180 8 127 200 180 160 12 81 180 150 140 ' F24 6 •. 119 200 180 '60 8 85 180 150 ' 115 12 54 140 120 115 For St 1 inch = 25.4 mm,1 psf = 47.85 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m/s. or One fastener per stud located $14 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive coo se of lap siding must ' overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum Bead dlameterof 0.297f ich, a minimum.shaft diameter ' of 0.113 lnch iind a minimum length of2,5 inches (ad box nag).,' - - m Wall studs must have a minimum spedfic gravity of 0.42.' ' M Three -second -gush, based ai,wlnd pressures acting, toward and away from building' surfaces, at 30-ft height in Zone *5 " with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012 IBC. ©2014 APA -,The Englneered WoodAssociatlon 07-02 APA Product Report® PR-N124 Revised July 2, 2014 ; page 5 of 7 Table 3a._Panel_$idi - Malrirnum.nofiiinal. aflowebie desl n wind s eed V Maximum Fastener Spacing Maximum MatamumNominal Performance 9wY Wag Stud Spaa;gjzt in. o.a Allowable Wind Pressure 4AUowable}. Wind Speed, Va'ea st m h Edges'. Field Wind osCreCat o D g 16 g 12. 46 132 110 - 105 6 80 170 150 140 24 6 712 31 110 90 :85 . .6 61, 150 130. 120 7116 16 6 12 45 130 110 .105 6 • 80 . - 170 - 150 % 140 24 . 6 12 30 110 '. 90 .85 6 59 160 130 120 19132 1fi 8 12 41 130 . 110 ' 100 fi - 80 170 150 140 24 . ' 6. 12 27- 105 90 6 55 150. 125 110 r'I Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch, a minimum shaft dtam tar, of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.6 inches (6d box nai0. - - M Wag studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. -.. . Three-seeand-gust based an wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30•fl height in Zone 6 with smalleat effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R8012 of the 2000 and 26121RC, and Section, 1609.1.1 of the 200916E - .. Tahle.th Performance Category Maximum • Wall Stud Spacingtz?. (in } Fastener in. Spa dn o.a Maximum" Ultimate Wind Pressure . Maximum Ultimate Design Wind Speed. V.,P) m h . Edges , Field .Wind osureC 'd ' • 6 G 1) 3/8 . •' 16". '6 12 77 ': 160 150 130 6 133 200 1 180 180' 24 6 12. 51 140 ' . i120 , 110 6` 102 200.: 160. .150 7/16 .16 6 12 74 160 140' ' .. 130 6. 133 200 ISO. 180 • 24 .' 6 --6 - 50 - 140 -120 - ,. 110 ' so 200, 160 150 19132 i6 6 12 69 160 ' '140 f30 6 133 ' 200 180 • 180 . 6. 12 46 130 . 115 6 92 ".1 00. 160 150. Fer Isr,1 mch = 25.4 tnm, 1 psi= 47.88 Pa,1 mph = 0.447 mis. r'r Fastener must have,a minimrim head diameter of 6297 inch, a minimum shaft dismeier of 0:113 in and a minimum 'length of2.5Inches (8dbcx nail). - m Wall studs must have a minimum sped8c gravity of OA2. wr Three-secdnd-gust based on wind pressures acting toward "and away frum building sudaces, at 30-ft he(gM in Zone 5 - with smallesl'effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7.10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012 IBC. © 2014 APA - The Engineered Wm d Assocfatfon. 07.02 APA Product Reports PR-N(124 . Revised July 2, 2014 Page 6 of 7 <Table 4a. Lap_Siding_Installed-Over_the_Facer_ of SIP_ 1�- Maximum nominal (allowable) n wal -_ - —_ . dadnind anaadV _ - ' Perfonriance Category Maximum Ring . Shank Nail Spacing(3) (in.) Maximum Wdod Screw Spacing(!) (in:) Siding Width (In.)_ ,' Maximum Allowable • Wind Pressure (PSQ Maximum Nominal Allowable) Wind Speed, V„d 1) (mph) Wrid Exposure CategorV B C D _ 3!8 '' ' B 12 6 80 170 150' 140 8 63 150 ' • 130 125 12- ' 40 - .125 105 90 . .7116 ' 12 16 6 se 150 130'- 120 8 42 13o 110 100 12 27 1 105 85 unn, l ppl — .1.Q0 rd, l ippn = U.44r m15. 1". The facer of the structural insulated panels (SIPS) shag be 7/16 Performance Category or thicker OSB sheaihing meeting DOC P52 requirements. (2)The tabulated values represent the capacity of the LP Lap Siding installed in acrnrdance with the requirements of this, table. The tabulated wind speed Shalt not axeeed the SIP capacltyfor wind load resistance. n) One 6d ring'shank nail (0.12a inch in diameter) located 112 inch from the top edge of the siding. The Ong shank nails .must have a minimum head diameter of 0297 inch, a minimum shank diameter of 0.12p inch and a minimum length of 2 inches. ' . k0h One #8 wood screw (0.164 inch In diameter) located 1/21nch from the top edge of the siding maybe used. The wood screws must have a` minimum head diameter of 0107 inch, a minimum shank diameter of 0.164 inch and a minimum length of 2 inches.. : uh Three-sacond-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, M 30-H height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7.05, Section R301.2 of the 2009 and 2012:IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC.. Table 4b. Lap Siding Installed Over the Fatter of SIPiP — Maximum uitimate'design wind speed. V-.(a) Performance Category ' Maximum Ring .Shank Naif Spadngd) • ' (In.) Maximum Wood Screw Spacing(") .. on-) , Siding Width (in.) : Maximum UWmate Wind Pressure (pso Maximum Ultiimits Design Wind Speed, V n(s) (mph) ) Wind Exposure Cate o ' 6 : _- C D ..318. • ' 8 12 6 A33 ' 200 ' 180. .180 8 105 •200 .. `,• 160 160 12'6T 160 140 a120 7J76 12 - 16 6 107 .. 200 160 .150 8 70 160: 140 130 12 45' 130 . . 115 ipw- 9r.00 rd, i mim= IL44r m/e. , n) The facer of the structural insulated panels (SIPS) shag be 7/16 Performance Category or thicker OSB sheathing meeting DOC:PS2 requirements. ' . m The tabulated represent the capacity of the LP Lap Siding installed in accordance with the requirements of this loi table.. The tabulated wind, speed shall not exceed the SIP capacity for wind ioed resstance. One 6d Ong shank nail (0.120 inch In diameter) located 112 inch from the top edge of the siding. The Ong shank nags must have a minimum head diameterof 0.29716ch, a minimum shank diameter of 0.120 inch and a minimum length of 2 inches. .. w One it8 wood screw (0.164 inch in diameter) located 112 Inch from the top edge of thesiding may be used. The wood screws must have a minimum head diameter of 0297 inch, a minimum shank diameterof 0.164 inch and a minimum length of 2 Inches. • - • oh Three-second-gustOased un wind pressures aging toward and away fiom building surfaces, at 30-8 height In Zone 5' ' with smallest affective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1600.1.1 of lbe.20121BC. 0 2014 APA - The Engineered Wood As9oolatlon 07.02. APA - The Engineered Woad Association is an, approved national standards developer accredited by American National Standards Institute (ANSI). APA publishes ANSI standards and Voluntary Product Standards for wood structural panels, and engineered wood products. APA is an accredited certification body under 180 65 by Standards Council of Canada (SCC)), an accredited inspection agency under ISOIIEC 17D20 by International Code Council (ICGy ' International Accreditation Service (IAS), and an accredited testing organization under ISOIIEC.17025 by IAS.' APA la also an approved Product Certification Agency, Testing ' Laboratory, quality Assurance Entity, and Validation Entity by the State'od Florida, and an , approved feeling laboratory by City of Los Angeles and Miami -Dade County- APA —THE ENGINEERED WOODASSOCIA77011 .HEADQUARTERS 7011 So. le St. • Tacoma, Washington g8466 Phone: (253) 665-6600 • Farc (253) 56ii4265 - Internet Address: ww'-aopwood ont .PRODUCT SUPPORT HELP DESK " (253) 620-7400 • email Aodfesa: help@apawood.org . DISCLAIMER APA Product Report® is a trademark of APA — 77re Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma, . Washington. The informationcontained herein is based on the product evaluation in acoorddnce ` with the references noted in this report Neither APA, nor its members make :any warranty, exPressad 6.r Implied, or assume any legal liability or responslfxTity for the use, application. of, ' andior reference to opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendationsIncluded in this report Consult your Ideal Jurisdiction or design professional to assure compliance win code, _ constnrction, and performance requirements. Because APA has no control over quagty, of wortalianship or the condlitions under which engineered wood products are used, It cannot accept - responsibgfiy of product performance or designs as actually constructed. _ 0 2014'APA- The Engineefed Wood Association 07-02 SCANNED Technical Note No. 014 t+By LP - - - St .Lucie -County - -BUILDING PRODUCTS - Installing LP® SmartSide®Trim and Lap Siding on Concrete or Masonry Walls over Furring Strips in Florida (Volt Wind Speeds) This Technical Note is an addendum to the LP® SmartSide® Trim and Fascia, and LP® SmartSide® Lap siding Application Instructions ('Instructions"). It is intended to provide an alternative fastening option for LP SmartSide trim and lap siding on concrete or masonry walls over furring strips. The Instructions remain effective except as may be modified by this Note. Refer to the Instructions for all other aspects of product installation. Trim and lap siding may be installed on concrete or masonry walls over furring strips: ■ Trim and lap siding must be installed over a minimum 1x4 nominal size Southern Pine furring strips with a specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.55. o Install furring strips no more than 16"o.c. in wind speed areas less than or equal to 200 MPH' Siding shall be installed to safely support all loads, including wind loads, of the locally adopted building codes. The installation of siding shall result in a system that provides a load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of origin through the load -resisting elements to the structure. The mechanical connection of the furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure is the responsibility of a design professional. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the design of the mechanical connection of the furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. Minimum Fastener Type: o Corrosion Resistant— Hot Dipped Galvanized or equal (ASTM A153)2 o Ring Shank3 o Shank diameter = 0.120 inch o Head diameter = 0.270 inch o Length = fastener shall fully penetrate a minimum 1/2 inch into nailable furring Caution: fastener shall not bottom out on masonry wall leaving the fastener head less than flush with the face of trim or siding. Page 1 of 3 ADDRI s 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN Dale Created: 12/04/2015 Last Revision: 12J1712015 Expiration Dale: 06/2017 • The 2012 IRC and 2014 Florida Residential Code require a water-resistant barrier be used on all exterior walls, except over concrete or masonry walls per Exception 1 in Section R703.1.1 of both Codes. LP always requires the use of a WRB behind LP® SmartSide® products. LP has no responsibility for any damage arising from a failure to use a WRB. Lap Siding • Limitations: o For use with Strand substrate lap (all widths) and/or Fiber substrate lap (up to 8 inches wide only) o Excluding Cedar Shake Fiber Lap, Bold Profiles Fiber Lap, Self -Aligning Fiber Lap, and SmartLockTM Strand Lap • Fastening Requirements: o Place fasteners 3/4 inch from top edge of lap siding o Increase minimum lap siding overlap to 1-1/8 inch o Blind nail two fasteners per furring strip (every 16" o.c.) Page 2 of 3 ADDRESS 414 Union Street Suite 2000 NashvWe, TN TEL (615)9B6-5600 PAX (615)986-5666 WED w Jpcorp.com Date Created: 12/04/2015 Last Revision: 1211712015 Expiration Date: 0612017 Trim ■ Limitations: o In Florida where high negative wind loads area concern, box or common nails should be used. Trim nails may be used in Non -Hurricane -Prone Regions with the following cautions: Do not overdrive or countersink the fastener, nail flush with the surface of trim. Detachment of trim is not covered by the LP® SmartSide® limited warranty whether common, box, or trim nails are used. • Fastening Requirements: o Two fasteners spaced a maximum of every 24 inches o.c. along the length of the trim, or two fasteners at both ends with additional fasteners spaced a maximum of every 12 inches o.c. along alternating edges the length of the trim. o Trim under 7 inches wide use a minimum of 2 nails per width. Trim 7 to 12 inches wide use a minimum of 3 nails per width. Trim over 12 inches wide use a minimum of 4 nails per width. 1 Wind speed is Ultimate Design Wind Speed/ Zone S/ 10 ft2/ 30 foot height. See 2014 FRC. 2 Corrosion resistance and capable of preventing rust, stain and deterioration of the fasteners under normal outdoor environmental conditions for a period of no less than 50 years. For further information or guidance, consult your nail supplier/manufacturer. 8 Ring shank nails shall be capable of the performance specified in Table 1A Ring -Shank Nail Withdrawal Loads of APA publication TT-109, Wood Structural Panels Used as Nailable Sheathing when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1761, Standard Test Method for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood and NDS-2015. For further information or guidance, consult your nail su pplier/manufacturer. Page 3 of 3 ADDRESS 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashhlle, TN TEL (615) 986-5600 PAX (615) 986-5666 WEB w Jpcorp.com Dale Created: 12104/2015 Last Revision: 12117/2015 Expiration Date: 06/2017