HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROPOSAL - CONTRACTCustomer Email —. - - - ------ ------------ :rT We P ' Enclose It Sig To Can Use It '. t.ICENSEMNS()RED SCANNED 705 North 39th Street Fort. Pierce, FL 34947 BY Office 772465-6772 a Fax: 712-46655--3252 = w hw.ThePorchFactory.com ° CBC 12584 st' Lucie County Gtjp s, STor� '{aol Date ta), As Phone .. 1City - State Zip .. _Address .. Phone JOB DESCRIPTION: POOL ENCL. SCREEN PORCH ■■■■��■■■■■■■■■1117 EMS .. ■■■■■■■■��■■■�■i■a'i]�■■■■ to Code W"Permits & Engineering Induded TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE $ 2 S bD. ct7 Deposit % $ __---- Payment due on final day of instaQa@on. $ `Total Contract Price is for Cash/Checks. Credit Card Fee is 3.95%. 0 t UuSl tKS115NATURE DATE TERMS AND CONDITIONS COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE GATE 1. The Sells, masrves all conbactors, mechanics and material man's Uen rights which tnaybaassertad underanypa, on orWw tosemre paymentofthecontracl price andmayassertand rm thesamo ien upon the rmipmportyup=,M*hinstallaU°ntsmade. 2. lathe wentMonentollhiscont2ettserdoreed throughattomeyorby suilorin bantuuptcyorplebate proceedings, the seltermayrecemrand the purchasetryerebyagreesto pcy reasonable attorney tees and costs of court 3. As an inducement rarThe Porch Factorytoemerfrnd this cararad Uesfgnercedifie,, that the above legal ownerand address are cement It is also understood tfattrereare no verbal agreemerrbandaU items disassed are mvered by ttnswdyen wntrt:ct_ this is apmPosal unfit signed Cryan of icerallhe wrpe alien atwNch time rT bewmesan excraded contract Any addlitIons to dds cw&act shall be mw_md by a lunge inter. Additional costs of change orders shall be due and payable upon aweplanxe by s e customer. Accep[anwbythe vmermustbevrilMn t.tdaygoflhg P!Qg4S�lpaapralthe 9P.PgnptllUe sellTheybuyer(customer)may... IthsmntracWilla Uuee(3)vmedmg days after signing. AnychangeoNers musltre iswriEng andrecehredDdiorb�firulrneasurement. 4. ANN hie Yearguarantee againstdeimt in Purchased assemblies, materials mrdymrlmanship gocsinto effect atcomPleticn of rids contracted workeewed by this conbactar;d 3nychangeornlersineRecL Anyvrarr4ntywodcnacessary.however, shailrotbedaraunrds et�thne�sfinaloa—e�rhasbaen madefolhe sg�, a. In the event that any work padormed by the wntractorlswhoUyerpadfmty destroyed ordarraged duo to fire. vvatar. vandalim or anyothercause not underthe central of the mnlraclaq the toss shad be suslained by the owner, and shall not be the respnnsibNty orUre contractor.theuridersyrtedacknmvledgesmcefptefahuampyerthisc hmctand acknWiledges thatrrasaa hasmad and urderstatrd the contents nereofandaweptsths same onthe tatmsand mnditians as stated herein. T* contractshaU be binding upon Parties successors_and aas_s.d.g._a..s.. _Nate: T..nequokdpriceisbasedondanensionsshowni..eaketch.Amyvlorcewi9bCrVanlelimewaIM