HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONShl';th 467 Swan Ave • Hohenwald, TN 38462 • (800) 284-7437 a www.olivertechnalogies.com . Fax (931) 796-8811 OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FLORIDA MODEL 1101 "V" SERIES ALL STEEL FOUNDATION SYSTEM PAN A CONCRETE (revision S 18 PATENT# 6634150 & OTHER PATENT PENDING REVISED Gy SEW SWONG , 61632 tan, 8131/16 REVIEWEJalil By SEAN SWONGE" M 693 am, RECEIVED JAN 08 _319 ST. Lucie County, Permitting ` ' I f• 4 �'I 1 v{_ . aY s' A 0242 r = STATE OF � mix O R %QPG�r'4;- ��i5'r•� Aug 24, 2018 ---4&7-Swan-Av"_Hahenvva1d.SN_38g9Sz2 (800) 284-7437 www.olivertechnologies.com • Fax f931) 796-8811 �°o/ OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FLORIDA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MODEL 1101 "V" SERIES ALL STEEL FOUNDATION SYSTEM MODEL 1101 "V" (Steps 1-14) LONGITUDINAL ONLY: Follow Steps 1-9 LATERAL ONLY: Follow Steps 1-3 and Steps 10-14 ENGINEERS STAMP FOR CONCRETE APPLICATIONS: Follow Steps 15-18 ENGINEERS STAMP 1. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If the following conditions occur -STOW Contact Oliver Technologies at 7-600-284-7437: a) Pier height exceeds 48" c) Roof eaves exceed 16" e) Location is within 1500 feet of coast b) length of home exceeds 76' d) Sidewall height exceed 96" INSTALLATION OF GROUND PAN 2. Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan (C) . 3. Place ground pan (C) directly below chassis I-beam. Press or drive pan firmly into soil until flush or below,soil then install pier per manufacturer's instructions or per Florida Regs. SPECIAL NOTE: The longitudinal "V" brace system may also serve as a pier under the home and,3houlSbe.lbaded as any other pier. It is recommended that after leveling piers, and one-third inch (1/3") before home is towered completely on to piers, complete steps 4 through 9 below then remove jacks, tIi 10STALLATION OF LONGITUDINAL "V" RRACE SYSTEM (Mode l't iol L "V11 NOTE WHEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEM ONLY, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTON IS REQUIRED. SOIL7EST PROBE SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE CORRECTTYPE OF ANCHOR PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION. IF PROBE TE5T READINGS'AAE BETWEEN 175 & 275 A 5 FOOT ANCHOR MUST BE USED. IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 276 &350 A 4 FOOT ANCHOR MAY BE USED. USE GROUND ANCHORS WITH DIAGONALTIES AND STABILIZER PLATES EVERY 5'4' . VERTICALTIFS ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMES_ SUPPLIED WITH;YEBTICALTIE CONNECTION POINTS (PEER FLORIDA REG.). 4. Choose one of the approved longitudinal tube installations; either Di; diagram for appropriate pier height at support location or cut and'dri PIER HEIGHT 1.25" 150" 1 's (40° Min.- 45' Max.) Tube Length Tube Length: ; 7 3/4" to 25" 22" 18" ,� ( 24 3/4" to 321 /4" 32" 1 e 33" to 4l" 44" 40" to 480 S4" Diagram A or &Then select the correct square tube (E) length from the rare tube to achieve appropriate length. PIER HEIGHT 1.50- 21holez (40°Min. -60"Max.) Tube Length 14" to IS" 20, 18" to 25" 28, 24" to 35" 39" 30" W 40" 44" 36"to 48' S4" Diagram B 5. Install (2) of the 1.50" square tubes (E) into the'"U" bracket (1), insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final adjustment 6. Place I-beam connector (F) loosely on the bottom Range of the I-beam. 7. (For Diagram A installation) Slicie`the selected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1.50" tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasten loosely with bolt and nut. (For Diagram B installation) Attach the selected 1S"tubes (E) to the I-beam connectors (F) and fasten loosely with bolts and nuts. B. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the W" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. 9. Using standard hand tools tighten all nuts and bolts. (For Diagram A installation only, secure 1.25" and 1 .50" tubes using four(4)1 /4%14 x 314" self -tapping screws in pre -drilled holes.) 1N�TALLATION OF LggRAL Tli4E3�OP1iLG�iAN5VE85E ARM SYSTEM (Model 1101 T "V") THE MODEL 1101 -V-(LONGITUDINAL & LATERAL PROTECTION) ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR STABILIZER PLATES & FRAME TIES. NOTE: THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM REQUIRES VERTICAL TIES SPACED AT 54". FOUR FOOT (41 GROUND ANCHOR MAYBE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. Install remaining vertical tie -down straps and N ground anchors per home manufacturer's instructions. NOTE: Centerline anchors to be sized according to soil torque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,0001bs. require a 5' anchor per Florida Code. 11. Select the correct square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either 60" or 72' lengths. (With the 1.50E tube as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as the inserted tube.) 12. Install the 1.50 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. 13. Slide 1.25" transverse brace into the 1.50" brace and attach to adjacent 1-beam connector (1) with bolt and nut. 14. Secure 1 SO' transverse arm to 1.25" transverse arm using four (4) 1/4"- 14 x 3/4" self -tapping screws in pre -drilled holes. Page PATFNTS 6r%iai Sn x, r1THFR pATFNT PFNr11Nr. Revision 08/2311 E — b7-�wan-Ave "chenwald-TN 3846"-(a401 284.7437 • www.olivertechnologies.com • Fax (931) 796-8811 'V INSTALLATION USING CONCRETE RUNNER/ FOOTER I S. A concrete runner, footer or slab may be used in place of the steel ground pan. a) The concrete shall be minimum 2500 psi mix b) A concrete runner may be either longitudinal or transverse, and must be a minimum of 8" deep with a minimum width of 16 inches longitudinally or IS inches transverse to allow proper distance between the concrete bolt and the edge of the concrete (see below). c) Footers must have minimum surface area of 441 sq. in. (i.e. 21" square), and must be a minimum of 8" deep. ci) If a full slab is used, the depth must be a 4" minimum. Special inspection of the system bracket installation is not required. Footers must allow for at least 4' from the concrete bolt to the edge of the concrete_ NOTE: The bottom of all footings, pads, slabs and runners must be per local jurisdiction. LONGITUDINAL: (Model 1101 LCUV") 16. When using Part# 1101-W-CPCA (wetset) simply install the bracket in runner/footer OR When installing in cured concrete use Part# 101-D-CPCA (dryset).The 1101 (dryset) CA bracket is attached to the concrete using (2) 5/8"x3" concrete wedge bolts (Simpson part # S162300H 518" X 3" or Powers equivalent). Place the CA bracket in desired location. Mark bolt holelocations, then using a 5/8" diameter masonry bit, drill a hole to a minimum depth of 3". Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the holes. Place wedge bolts into drille holes, then place 1101 (dry set) CA bracket onto wedge bolts and start wedge bolt nuts.Takeahammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts down by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt). The sleeve of con&te wedge bolt needs to be at or below thi ton of concrete. Complete by tightening nuts. r ' LATERAL- (Model 1101 TC ""1/1 .` 17. For wet set (part # 1101-W TACA) installation simply install the anchor bolt into'runner/footer. For dry set installation (part # 1101-D-TACA mark bolt Hole locations, then using a 5/8" diam. masonrybit. drill a hole to a minimum depth of 3". Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the hole. Place wedge bolts (Simpson part #5162300H 518" X 3" or Powers' equivalent) into (D) concrete dry transverse connector and into drilled hole. If needed, take a hammer and Iightiy,dnire the wedge bolts down by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt), then remove the nut_The sleeve of concrete wedge bolt needs to be at or below the too of concrete. 18. When using part# 1101 CVW (wetset) or 1101 CVD (dryset), install,persteps.l7,& 18. Notes: L" 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE ISTHE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2-1 LOCATION OF TRANSV ERSE EIRACING ONLY 3 91 = LOCATION OF LONGtTUDINAUBRACING ONLY 4.Kf--=TRANSVERSE ANdLONGITUDINAL LOCATIONS ALL.WIDTHS AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' 1 .l4 11 t tt { f ALL WIDTHS AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO 80' E r Si !I 1i II HOMES WITH 5112 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE_ PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS 6 systems for home lengths up to 52' and 8 systems for homes over 52' and up 80. PATENT# 6634150 & OTHER PATENT PENDING Page'< Revision 08/23/1 E 1-Transwne Arm.[ -Beam Connector I -Transverse Arm.[ -Beam Connector ® q i e H-Tmnwer`RArm H.Transverse Arm P"n+1101-w. IACA nol Hawn r / Top 0151 'f/ Top n251 c�a' Bonem lt5"1 Bottom ms-i '-' I Cement Block �' IGNURw knitted 1 Omitted I 1 LFm etrnty D- Conaele Tramrese for Clanry n J, eonnetto, C - concrete slab) C-Ground Pan Foottt t2 - 18'1Aax Botts Model # I101 T W" Model # 1101 TC "Vrr Florida approved W ground anchors may be used in all locations except where home manufacturers''specifications for sidewall straps are in excess of 4,000 lbs. These locations require a S' anchor. Per Florida code. C=GROUND PAN CONCRETE FOOTER OR RUNNER D = GROUND PAN / CONCRETE U BRACKETS TRANSVERSE CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5 c 1/2'.z 2" 1/2"carriage bolt and nut) E =TELESCOPING V BRACE TUBE ASSEMBLY (1.5" TUBE BOTTOM AND 1.25" TUBE INSERT),OR 1:5" TUBE F="V"BRACEI-BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY H =TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM ASSEMBLY I =TRANSVERSE ARM 1-BEAM CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5-1/2 {"x"2` 1 /2"carriage bolt and nut) J =V PAN BRACKET (connects with grade S -1/2"x 2" 1/2" carnage boIt`and nut) 1 I -Transverse Arm, I -Beam Connecto'rt: F 0 - Pan Transverse Connector / Concrete Transverse Bracket H-Transverse Arm / Top (1.251 Bottom 0.5"1 F - "t/"Brace 1-Beam Connectors C-Ground Pan / Concrete Fouler - Pan V Bracket / I ConcreteVBracket E-'V'BraceTubeil51 Model # 1101 "V" Part+ltol p{v(A � P:d a t7P1 w{P(A rwr sMa" PATENTs 6634750 & OTHER PATENT PENDING Model It 1101 C W" Page Revision 08/13/1E • Utility Knife r BY St. Lucie County Important 1) Use either a power saw with a fine tooth blade mounted with reverse rotation, or aviation snips to cut skirting components. 2) To allow for normal expansion and contraction, fasten the Top Trim Back component(s) in the center of the nailing slots. Fasten positively to the surface of the unit at every slotted hole, leaving 1/2" between lengths. Do not butt the ends. Over- lap the Top Trim Front component(s) approximately 1" at joints. Allow 1/2" between pieces of the Bottom Channel component(s) when installing. 3) Do not drive the fasteners too tightly. Nails or screws offer excellent holding power, but if driven too tightly, the vinyl can, under normal expansion and contrac- tion, become distorted. These fasteners should be driven in the middle of the nailing slot just short of touching the Top Trim Back component(s). Nail or screw to achieve 3/4" penetration into a solid wood substance. Fasten to allow part to expand and con- tract during the normal change in ambient temperature. Do not fasten tight. Allow 1/16" gap between fastener head and part. Skirting Panel I Top Trim Front Component Bottom Channel Component Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Nor Nhr Ndr Por Poir Nor NN Ndr Ndr Nair Nhr N�, Nair NDr Figure 4 Figure 5 "lVV 1..• Laying the Bottom Channel Components A level or plumb line should be used to establish the location of the Bottom Chan- nel. The taller backside of the Bottom Channel should be located directly beneath the outside bottom edge of the home, where the Top Trim Back component will be attached (see figure 1). To prevent grass from growing around the base of the skirting and provide a non -shifting base for the ground spikes, 9" asphalt roof starter should be installed around the home. The roof starter also reduces the possibility of the vinyl skirting panels being damaged from the use of a powered string trimmer. "Weed -Eat- er" type trim units will damage the skirting and is not covered by the warranty. Attach the Bottom Channel component directly to the ground through the prepunched holes (see figure 2). Spikes are required every 24 inches... extra holes are provided in the Bottom Channel component for convenience. Another spike or a drift punch may be used to drive spikes in completely. To allow for expansion, leave a 1/2" gap between each section of the Bottom Channel component. To form clean, attractive corners, the Bottom Channel component can be notched with snips (see figure 3) and then bent to the desired angle. (Attached to the ground as shown in figure 4). Note: in high wind areas; where ground below the unit is spongy; or where ground is loose from recent excavation and has not yet settled, it is advisable to fasten bottom channel to treated wooden stakes. For installation on concrete, use 3/4" masonry nail instead of ground spike. "Liquid Nail" cement or other similar methods of setting a fastener directly to concrete can also be used. Step 2... Mounting Top Trim Back Components First determine where the Top Trim Back component(s) will mount on the lower part of the home. The bottom edge of the Top Trim Back component can extend below the bottom edge of the home if there is a solid support for nailing and a solid bearing for the Top Trim Front component against the side of the home. It is helpful to mark a line around the bottom of the home with a chalk line or other method to assure a straight line where the Top Trim Back component is to be installed. The Top Trim Back component is installed by driving the fasteners in the middle of every slot (seer figure 5). Do not fasten tightly! (see fastening instructions on front page.) Do not cut Top Trim Back components at the corners. Gently bend over a sharp edge of a cutting table or a similar surface to form a corner (see figure 6).. If the installation is made in extremely cold weather, the vinyl should be warmed to room temperature before bending. Warming will avoid the likelihood of cracking. -Jr -000 Cutting Top Trim Back Components The Top Trim Back component is constructed with two parallel ridges at intervals below the nailing slots (see figure7). These ridges may be used to measure the dis- tance from the ground to the lower ridge. In cold weather, measure to the top ridge; In warm weather, measure to the bottom ridge. If the ground is level, several panels may be cut at one time using a hand power saw. Remember, if a power saw is to be used, mount a fine-toothed blade in reverse position (see figure 8). Figure 6 Locking the Skirting Panels A snap lock tool is used to punch locking tabs on the outside bottom edge of each skirting panel (see figure 9). When the panel is installed, it becomes locked in the Bottom Channel component. This feature assures retention of the panel in the Bottom Channel. Note: When installing in a high wind area, you may also punch locking tabs at the top of the panel for added locking strength. Self -aligning panels easily snap and slide into place (see figure 10). Be certain that each skirting panel positively interlocks with the skirting panel adjoining it. Note: (above 36" panel height, a framing support system should be considered.) Installing the Skirting Panels Panel can be installed by setting into the Bottom Channel and leaning against the top trim back. Lock the next panel as shown in figure 10. Panels should not be cut but bent around comers as shown in figure 11. Fitting Skirting Panels Around Service Connections Cutting and fitting to virtually any shape or radius is easily done with Vinyl Skirting. Using aviation snips, cut the panel to fit around the connection. Cut the panel from the side — not from the top or bottom. Keep snip points open as if cutting cloth to avoid cracking panels. CAUTION Proper installation of manufactured home skirting requires that the Top Back component be fastened loosely so the panel will slide freely in the nail slots. This can be accomplished by leaving the fastener 1/16" to 1/8" from the face of the panel. The fastener must penetrate a solid surface by 3/4". Do not place outdoor cookers near the vinyl skirting because the heat will distort the panels. Any heat source must be kept away from the panels or damage may occur. Figure 7 M Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 11 Figure 10 Installing the Top Trim Front Component The Top Trim Front component(s) installs easily by snapping the top edge of its spring lock into the installed Top Trim Back component. Be sure to push the Top Trim Front component all the way into the Top Trim Back component until it "snaps" into place. Each of the 15 pieces of the Top Trim Front components in the trim kit are notched 2" on one end (see figure 12) to permit overlapping. Overlap ends of adjoining Top Trim Front component(s) approximately 1". Four of the pieces are factory -notched for forming corners. Cutting Additional Corners If inside corners are needed, trim strips can be easily cut with aviation snips to form attractive corner joints by cutting a 450 mitre on adjacent ends and butting. If extra outside comers are required (for porches or add -on rooms), notch the trim strips as shown (see figure 13), bend around the comer and snap into place. Allow at least 3' of trim strip on each side of the comer. Easy Access Access can be gained at virtually any point by simply lifting the Top Trim Front com- ponent and sliding out the desired number of panels. Accessibility to the area under the unit is available whenever desired. Final Configuration Please review the drawing to the right that shows how the components and skirting panels look after installation is complete. Figure 14 Y �, Guard1 VINYL SKIRTING PROTECTOR V Guard Installation (if applicable) Installing the V Guard Component V-Guard Vinyl Skirting Protector component(s) installs easily by snapping the bottom edge of its spring lock into the Bottom Channel component. Be sure to push the V-Guard trim all the way into the Bottom Channel __ —Figure 12 — Figure 13 component until it "snaps" into place. (see figure 14) Cutting additional corners If inside corners are needed, V-Guard trim can be easily cut with aviation snips to form attractive corner joints by cutting a 450 mitre on adjacent ends and butting. If extra outside corners are required (for porches or add -on rooms), notch the V-Guard trim component, bend around the corner and snap into place. Allow at least 3' of V-Guard component trim on each side of the corner.