HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORTx r.. s f•" PROJECT RIO-2687-17 ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDI �� FIBER -CEMENT PLANKS AND NOTCHED SHINGLE PANELS TO ASTM C90 CMU WSBINITRQARIOUS FIL�'STPl.',I� PY St. Lucie County RECEIVED JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE JAN 0 9 ' ]%' 9 FONTANA, CA 92337 CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARETHE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR RECORD S_T_. Lucie County, POfmittiN TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE COVER PAGE sf &�y�®EVALUATION C0%CpU SUBJECT EVALUATION SCOPE 2 EVALUATION PURPOSE 7 2 REFERENCE REPORTS 2 TEST RESULTS 2-3 TABLE 1, RESULTS OF.TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING 2 TABLE 2A, WITHDRAWAL LOAD BLOCK NAILS 3 TABLE 2B, ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH 3 TABLE 2C, HEAD BEARING AREAS 3 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES 4-12 TABLE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p 5 TABLE 4, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B 5 TABLE 5, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C 5 TABLE 6, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 5 TABLE 7, ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED FOR HARDIEPLANK (FACE NAILED) AND 6-9 HARDIESHINGLE SIDING (BLIND NAILED) TABLE 8, ALLOWABLE FASTENER SPACING FOR HARDIEPLANK (BLIND NAILED) 10-12 LIMITATIONS OF USE 12 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7 - 10, THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. 04 �3 ST. LUCIE COUI REVIEWED FOR PREPARED BY: RONALD 1. OGAWA & ASSOCIATES. INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET ";." 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA 92649 NoT 714-292-2602 714-908-1815 FAX 1 $TAB QF FLORd?, 11 \PLANTANDrPEEiMIT MUST BE KVT JOB SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) 2ILL E MADE PROJECT-RIO-2688-17 _ ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE® BRAND FIBER -CEMENT PLANKS TO WOOD OR METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE COVER PAGE 1 EVALUATION SUBJECT 2 EVALUATION SCOPE 2 EVALUATION PURPOSE 2 REFERENCE REPORTS 2 TEST RESULTS 3 TABLE 1, RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING 3 TABLE 2A THROUGH TABLE 2C, ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH 4 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES 5 TABLE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p 5 TABLE 4, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B 6 TABLE 5, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C 6 TABLE 6, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D 6 TABLE 7, ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED (MPH) FOR HARDIEPLANK SIDING 7-12 LIMITATIONS OF USE 12 AS PRODUCT EVALUATOR, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7 - 10. THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. PREPARED BY: RONALD I. OGAWA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX ���'\•fjGA ' o• 121 * -o =. STATE OF _90p •.FCOREO? lomp'10 ° RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 161135 ALGONQUIN STREET 0443 , HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-S47-4595 FAX PROJECT: PJO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 -info(gameshardia.p , EVALUATION SUBJECT HardlePlank® Lap Siding Jemes Hardie Produel Trade Names covered in this evaluation: HardiePla kO Lap Siding. CemNmkO Siding. Pmva3- Lap Skip EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7-10 2017 RerWe &3tlin9 Code 20151mamedmel Buiklag Cade® EVALUATION PURPOSE: This analysis a to delemdm the m edmen design 3-second gust mind speed tin be restated by an assembly of HardeMane (CemPlaik, Prevail Lap) skfag fademd to vvmd armetal homing with reds or saC . REFERENCE REPORTS: 1. Irdenek Report 3148104COP002, Tmnsverso bad testing on Hadeplm* am HatdiePeml riber-Canna panels 2. Iraeriek Repro 100717048C00003, Tranmrssebed testing on Hard Wank and Harde5Nn9la 2� uuti RWRII .• STATE OF r�cu c°gs/0NAV 2 ' RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 0443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT. RIO-2688A7 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS. INC. 1-868-542-7343 TEST RESULTS: Table 1. Resu6s of Tranevene Load Testing Repon Numbe 3148104000-002 3143104CO04102 10MMUCOCI-003 100717043COQ-003 Test Agency Intmtelt Intedek Intenek IrdR Tt"ness In.l 0.3125 0.3125 0.3126 0.3125 wkM On. 5.25 9.25 8.25 825 Forme Type Wood rx4"SPF W71161 OSB meal Wood2•x47SPF W7116' OSS Niea"g Wmd2•x4•SPF- W711V OSB sbeattdp Wood2'x4"SPF W7118• OSB shea" Frame Spo&q (n) 12 12 8 6 Fastener Type e8 wafabead smesv, l Sl8•x0.375-ND 98 wafedlead smesv, 1 518"x0.37SHD 46 nhg shank siding 1.Sx0.09Ra0.215' 4d dnq start siding lXx0.090•x0.215• Fastener Length (mc es) 0.625 1.625 1.5 1.5 FaslenrM MNhdd B61tl rated to OSB Blind mled to OSB Edi dnaled W OSB Bitl nailed to OSB UIk LOed (psQ 310.4 138.8 152 198 n . nLone 1035 443 sa7 6LO Effedm Trio Area 0333 OX67 0389 OS92 Fastener Load. ss tested (mrtastener) 3Q8 1st] 19.3 Adjusted %ednI Aed design bad (®!fastener). W 36.6 35.6 Net Fastener Penebabon (in.). P 0.437 0.437 Woad Specific Gravity. G 0.70 0.70 Nall Sha* Diameter (m), O 0JMo 0.090 Wdhdnwal design value per NOS 2015 m ESR-1539 (l rn percbatbn). w 50.9 50.9 Uculated fastenm MOtlrmml laid is eanpmed wkh Mr astm and en more crosevaevO.Wb W W, 1, Alow" design bad is determined ham uTanale Wad divided by a taster of safety of 3. -- - - 2. Hardiel taM Siring campeas YAM ASTM C1186. Slandafd Spada fjen for Grade 14 Type A Abl albmlbs FAer-Cement FlatSbeels. 3. An equivalent specific grevnf of 0.70 for ring stet refs installed On OSB b reeommeided byAPATT-039C. 4. Cak"aa fasterex wiflOrar¢I road is rampared valh the Ins, r.=*. and ttxxl dte more mnservativa me v47 be used. For a0 rams In 0w table. the adjusted w0hdravef design vakm. W, Is calmiated as W=CO•w•P Wlrcre, CD - bad dwetian femur per NOS-2015 Table 2.32 for windlearthquake load n 1.6 W = W WAawd design value, calculated Per NDS-2015 m ESR-1SM, wlvurcver applicable P - fasten embedment depth In When nall shank, D, 2 0.099 kin but s 0.376Inch for smooth Naito nags, NDS-2015 egwtion (11.2-3) is used to calb We wilhdowad design value W=1380•G(sz)•D Wbmo, G =wood speofc grainy per Table I I.3.3A D = nail Nat eknnater, kr When one shank. D. is less Dan 0.0996xh, grin the rase of ring Nat neh the Mthdrm al design valms vabe obtained horn ICOES ESR-1539 Table 2. k ' �i21 :• -o . STAB of �J �•• oFFsslONNV ' RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292.2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2685.17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 .info@jameehardie.ccm_ For Table 2A to 2C the designs bads Wd be ealaialed by proportioning the bfidary area to each fasten,, thereby design load to each lestener w9 be kept conivalo. By doing so, the allowable design bad for vWous Her fePlank wide* and stud spacing 1vB be delerMned. Table 2A, Allowable Design Lode Based an Contend Fasener Load, #8wader hxd soon, x 0.376" HD, fasteners coMmled (blind straw) at 12" O.C. to WSP sheathing only For 5.25 ash wide Had'ePlaik: Design load = enmaie false badfFOS=-310.4 psi f 3--103.5 psi Effective bibsary= ((plonk width exposed to weather X inserter spachV)1144) = ((525.1.25) X 12Yi44.0.333 sq.ft Fastener bed - design bad X bbatary area=-103SX 0.333 -.345 pounds For 9.25 inch wide Hardie -lank: Deign load =ultimate tam badfFOS = -138.8 pstf 3=.46.3 net ERecive thlWary = ((piark width exposed to weaher X faserher spadrgY144) _ (19.25125) X 12Y1M - 0.667 sq.h. False load -design bad X Tnlxtwyerea=-46.3.5 X 0.667- W.8 pounds The fastaxn bads for are other pink widfhs were lwearbderpbbd Train the two tests based an plant width Cakadated allowable design land - fastener bad tested condition divided by area it3dsryfw the condition to be calculated `a n om <<ymy Qr u 9"J gar HandiePlark Width Tithes) ^'m5 qmc w.c= aom? 39 525 -310A 12 0333 -183.5 -34.5 5.25 12 OA17 .80.6 57.6 7.25 12 03DD .65.3 -32.7 7.5 12 0521 fi 3 _2A B 12 0.583 -56.8 -32A 825 12 0593 -54.4 9.25 -131L8 12 0587 i8.3 J0.8 9.5 1 12 1 0.688 -44.5 -30.6 12 1 12 1 0.89E -31.6 -m3 Table 28, Allowablo Design lads Based an Constant Fastener Load, b ring shank swing nail (1.6"x0.0rx0.2W). fasteners caneeated fbffnd nail) at 8' O.C. to WSP sheathing only For 825Inch wide HardlePlark: Design bad = dtbnate failure Ioad(FOS =•152 psg3 = -60.7 psf Efferx=ve n®mary= ((plank *kith exposed to either X Ins we r spacrg)R44) _ ((82&125) X 8)fl44 = 0.389 sq.0. Fastener load= design bad X Tributary areas =-50.7 X 0-M =-19.7 ths The fastener beds far all oter plank width were calculated based an the samefoWmer fad Calwtatd allowable des n load - lesionerbad tested mpolion diWded by woo blohderyfor ere condition to be mlcdatM O Humfiep nk Om YC•^ �r yJ m � (Inchesf cmi 5 w � 8 0222 U5.25 -88.625 J-11.7 8 0278 -7097.25 8 0333 59.1 7.5 8 0347 58.7 8 03 -32.5 Mu, 8 0589 -60.7 49.7 925 8 0. -41.3 -19.7 9.5 8 OA58 -43.0 -19.7 121 8 1 0 7 -33.0 1 -19.7 Table 2C, Allowable Design Loads Based an Constant Fastener Lad, at ring shank siring nail (1.SYO.W'Ih0.216'), fasteners concealed Iblind nail) ate-O.C. To WSP sheathing only For 825 itch vide HartiaWak: Design bait - ukinam a falue koad FOS =-198 Pat/ 3=-%7 pd EffecNe Trbutary- ((pbnkwkith exposed to weather X fastener gmdng)ti44) _ ((82b-1A X GY144= 0.292sq.R Fastener lad - design IaW X 0lbdmyearn =-W X 0.292 --10.3 get The fastener loads for all other plank width were calculated based an the same fastener load 8 Celadated allNOW design bed = lasterter load tested cdt&tlan divided by area triWery, for 0e ewrtltlon to be 1k ae NatdwPlank Witlth m9 a- m g 2g- 8 rfi if, to _ o e: W °�' m 2i 0 �W p N Sit �_ mgn w 8 4J 5.25 6 0.167 -175.8 -193 625 6 0208 -02.6 -19.3 7.26 6 0250 -772 49.3 75 6 0--W -74.1 -19.3 8 B 0261 -68.8 -193 8.25 6 0.292 _W0 -19.3 9.26 8 0.333 57.9 -19.3 9.5 B B3N -58.1 •19.3 12 6 mass I -43.1 1 .193 21 o STATE OF --OK-,F�0RO' "�SS��NAL E RONALD L OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 6443 _ HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-202-2602 7144147-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688.17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS. INC. 1-888-542-7343 info®jameshardie.ccon_ - ____ _ _ __- DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES: Fiber-cemml siding Vurwelse bed capacity (rind load capacity) Is 10CM111 d via cm11p8enm testing to 136I13VCrSB load natianel lest stadzrds. Via the vanswse bad teSt g an allowable design load Is dHemined based an a fador of safety of 3 applied to the ultimate test bed. Since Ole allowable design load is based an factor of safety of 3. amble design loads an fiber -cement siding pm oleo directly to regaled design pressures fur Marable SVess Design, and thereme should be used with canbilatim loading equsOms for Namable Show Design (ASO). By using the combination badeg equations farAftmable Stress Design (ASD); the tasted atoxable design loads for fiber-cenerd Oft are aligned vM the wind speed regWcmems in. ASCE 7.10 Figure 26.5.1& Figure 26.5.10. and Figure 26.&1 C. For lids areysis, b cabrdale the pressmen in Tables 4, S. and 6, the bad mmbinalbn vM be in accordancawM ASCE 7-10 Section 2.4 mmblmrg ndm odbads using affmable shows design, bad combnadm 7. Load combination 7 uses a bad bda of 0.6 applM to OlevAd vebuly preaare, Equation 1, q,-0.W256'K,'K„%'Ve (m1. ASCE 7-f0equabon 30.3-1) 16 . vdocdy pressum at height 2 Kr , velocity pressure exposure coeRklmd evakmted of height K. , topogrepldcladur Ka , wfrd daedimra6tyfega V , baste vJrd Speed (3sacwd gust MPH) as determined from 12015IBC, 2017 FBCJ Figures 1609.3(1), (2) a (3): ASCE 7-1a Fgures 26.6-IA B. mC Equidlon 2 V=V,a (lief. 2015ISC & 2017FBC Section 1602.1 deVndons) V. , idii nate design vend speeds (Ssecard gust MPH) determined from 12016IBC, 2017 FOCI Fgures 1609.3(I), (2) or (3): ASCE 7-10 Figures 26.& 1A, B. or Equation 3, P'%'(0cy-crj (mf. ASCE 7-10aquatba 30.6.11 GC.. product dadelmN pursue mamdera and gVA effed bider GC„ . product of Internal pressure metadem and gusts8ect factor p , design pressure (PSF) fur aiding (allowable design loadfm siding) To dEpemme design Antwam, Wasetrre qr 010 Equabon 3. Equation d, p=B.00256'Kr'I(,r'IC.V,.r'(GCyGCrJ Aaowab/0 Stress Design, ASCE 7-10 Section 24.1, load Combination 7, Equation 5, 0.6D. 0.6W (rd..ASCE 7-10section 2A Y. load contomIM, Tj D , dead bud W , wrd load (bad din towed pressure) To daemrine 1110 Alxwabb Sides Oesgn Pressure. apply the Audlador for IN(wind) hum Equation 4 to p (design pressure) determined bm equator 4 Equation 6, P=.-a.b"jp) Equation 7. P.= 0610.00256%K„•I(.Nux'(GC.-GCd)1 Equation 7 K used topgpu/aa? Table 4, 5. and 6 To determine de afiMVabla damale basic WW speed forHamfe Siding Table 7, SOW EgWban 7 far V., Equation 8. V. = (p.d6.6.0.00256'K,K.%'(Gq ZC 4)08 Apoixab/e 1n methods speohedin E=epe'du6 1 through 3of (20151BC, 2017 FBC) Secfbn 1609.1. 1.. to detem)e the e8gwablenomina deign windspeed (Vasd) for Hants, 54dag in Table 7. apply the conversion formula bebw, Equation 9, Vim. • V., (0,6)os (ref, 201519C & 2017FBC Section 1609.3. f) V,,.. Nannal design %i d Speed (3-900Dd oust mph) (ref. 201510C &2017FBC Section 1602 ij Table 3, Coefficients and Constants used In Determining V and p, ..•//I//rim_ K, Wal2me5 Height (it) E>a B Eap C I E.V D K. K. GC6 G 0-15 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 nsw 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 0.7 0.9 1.ali 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1st 0.18 30 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 35 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -IA 0.10 +0 0.78 1.04 1.22 1 0J15 -1st 0.18 45 0.785 1.085 1345 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 50 0.81 1.09 1.27 -1 -0.85 .1.4 0.18 65 Q83 ill 1.29 1 0.85 -1st 0.18 till 11.95 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1A 0.19 100 0.99 1.28 1.43 1 1P60 1 1 0.85 I -1.8 0.18 \. OGAW `� NS • 4121 STATE OF '1 j1 l • RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES. INC. v ` 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET W3 _ HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714.2924602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688.17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-88&S42-7343 Table 4, Allowable Serves Design-Compamnt ana Cladding (C&C) Pressem (PSF) to be Resisted al VadousW9nd Spuds. Wind Exposure C�atoOory B, Wind Speed (3. second t) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 160 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height (11) B B B B B B 8 B B 8 8 B B B 0-15 -14A -15.9 •17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24A .28.3 -325 37.0 41.7 -46.8 -52.1 57.8 -63.7 20 -14A -15.9 •17.5 -19.1 _W.5 44A -28.3 .32.5 37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 47.3 -63.7 25 -14A -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 .24A -28.3 32.5 37.0 -41.7 46.8 -52.1 -57.8 -63.7 30 -14A -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -203 -24A 4&3 32.5 37.0 4L7 46.8 .52.1 57.8 -6&7 35 •15.1 48.6 .10.2 -19.9 -21.7 -25A .29.5 33.9- -38.6 435 48.8 -64.4- -60..2 -66.4 40 -15.7 -17,3 -19.0 -20.7 -226 -28.5 -30.7 35.3 40.1 45.3 .50.8 56.6 -623 -69.1 45 -16.2 •17.9 -19.5 -21A -23.3 -27.4 31.7 -36A 41.5 46.8 -525 -58.5 -64.8 -71.4 50 -16.7 -18.4 -20.2 .221 44.1 -28.2 -32,7 -37.8 42.8 48.3 -54.1 -60_3 -66.8 -73.7 55 1 -17.1 -18.9 -20.7 1 -22.6 1 -24.7 1 -28.9 .33.8 1 385 1 43.9 49.5 35.5 -61.8 -63.5 -75.5 -2 -23 -56. 3 - U.1 -11.3 100 1 -25.6 -28.2 -7 .D 1 -33.8 I 3&9 I 4&3 502 1 -57.6 1 imYr. -74.0 32.9 -92.4 -IU2.4 -112.9 Table S. Allowable Sense Design -Component and Cladding (C&C) Prassem (PSF) to be Real" a1 Vadoua Wind Speeds- VAnd Expusom Category C, WMd Speed (3. second gull) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 ISO 170 ISO Igo 200 210 He3ght 11 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0.15 -17.5 -193 -212 -232 -02 -29.6 34A -39.5 44.9 -60.7 -56.8 -633 -70.1 -77.3 20 -18.6 .20.5 42.5 -24.6 -26.7 3iA 36.4 41A 47.5 d1,7 -60,2 -67.0 -74.3 31.9 25 -19.4 -2fA -23.6 .253 47.9 32.8 383 43.6 49.6 .58.0 -62.8 -70.0 -T7.6 -855 30 -20.2 .22.3 .24.5 -2&7 .293 342 39. 45.5 .51.8 58.4 •955 -73.0 30.9 39.2 35 .20.8 -23.0 -4.2 -2.8 30.0 352 40.8 46.9 53.3 -602 -67.5 -752 -63.3 -91.9 40 -21.5 -23.7 -28-0 -28.4 3&9 36.3 4 =0 748.3 :W9 •82.0 -695 -77A -85.8 -94.6 45 -22.0 -24.2 -26A -29.1 31.6 37.1 43.1 49.4 _58.2 4K1.5 -112 -79.3 �87.9 .98.9 50 -245 -24.8 -27.2 -29.7 32.4 3&0 .1 -No - .6 4i5.0 •7L9 •81.2 -89.9 -99.2 55 429 •252 -27,1 30.3 33.0 3&T 44.9 -51.5 .5&e -68.2 -7{.2 -82.7 A7.8 -101.0 60 -23.3 - 2 30. •3&4 - 100 -32.8 359 39.4 4&7 46.9 .8 -73J I 33A Table 6, Allowable Stress Design - Cornporrenl and Cladding (C&C) Pressarm IPSF) to be RasLted at Various Wind Speeds- Wind Exposure Ceteoom D. Wand Speed (3- second gust) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 180 190 1 200 1 210 Height (t D D D O D D D D D D D D D D &15 -212 -23,4 -25.7 72&1 30.6 3S9 41.6 47.5 -MA -61A -65.8 -76.7 -85.0 .93.7 20 - -22.3 44.6 .27.0 -295 32.1 37.7 4A7 -50.1 .57.0 -61A -722 -80.4 -89.1 -98.2 25 -23.1 -2&5 -28.0 -W fi -33.3 3&0 4&3 52.0 -59.1 -66.6 -74.9 -83.4 -SL4 -101.9 30 -23.9 -2&4 -29.0 31.8 -34.5 40.4 46.9 -63.0 -61.3 -69.2 -775 36.4 - .7 -105. 35 -245 -27.1 -29. 32 35.3 41.6 48.1 452 4i28 -70.9 -795 -W6 -982 -108.3 40 •25.2 -27.7 30.5 3&3 362 425 49.3 454.6 -64A -72.7 315. -90.9 -1 DOT 711.0 45 -25.7 -2&3 .31.1 m.0 37.0 -4&4 50.3 57.0 55.7 -74.2 -83.2 -927 -102.7 -113.3 50 -26.2 •28.9 31.7 34.8 37.7 -44.3 -61.3 58.9 57.1 -70 -84.9 -W6 -104.8 -115.5 551 -26.6 -29.3 352 4S0 S22 59.9 58.1 -7&g A&1 -106A -117.4 .go 100 I•37.0 40.8 44.7 4&B 2 4G. -725 33 - .8 -i .8 -119.B 4 A •1 7.9 -153.0 Tables 4, & and 6 we based on ASCE 7-10 and content with Ore 201518C. 201S IRC and the 2017 Florida Bul&q Code. jl �w- T 21 -0 STATE OF °9a [ORId.. _ F P I 6 RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 0443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474695 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1.808-542-7343 - info@jamesherdie.com_111111j1i` �OGA"q'�- ✓V i •E k1 S• Table 7• AllowablelABnd Speedimph) for HardloPlank Lap 3idinB(AnaWalNediodin ASCE mo Chapter30 C&C part lendPo � 121 I y i •. STA E OF ::[A(�L(llya{7� 1• •••••••• '- Cee9itivnS used in Tabb 9 plealatl4ns far Vy, 2015 IBG 2a17 FBC 2015 IBC. 2O17FBC Allowable, ..pee Design Nand, Specd, (3,secandguat Allowable. Ilui Nominal Design IhSnd, Speed, 13ae�a9a�t � App4aatlnbm5113C, 2017 F1X;1 SetlM 16081SIBC,etem6nra F 16013(1).(2)By ' sptough 3sarM 5 IBC t M7FBC(201516C. 2a,7;6W IA kVIM exPWure ®[ego Wmd mwe mi Sun, w product Product TC�d,ne5s Wdth (111dies) Fastener Type Fastener Spacing From Type Faslena Sparing (inches) Building Helithe" (!Bair) B C D 9 C b 'v,,[, L"� (PSF) PCB E1pC [xpa x„ w �. HardiaPlonk 5/16 6.25 No. 8 x 1- SW long is 0.375'MD ribbed widefhaed aQ9wsa Band screwed to WSP 2X4 wood ar20ge. steel burning, 7116'ihid, WSP sheathing 12 615 28B 243 221 207 188 17f -1035 a.] ours In h60 1 On -1.4 0,18 20 268 236 216 207 183 167 •1¢15 M7 0.9 108 1 0SS -1.4 018 25 268 231 212 207 179 164 -1015 ¢7 d" 1.12 1 On -1.4 0.18 30 268 226 208 207 175 161 -1035 0.7 0.98 1-10 1 On AA ate 35 262 22! 205 203 173 159 -ID35 0.>3 1.01 t.t9 1 o.es -14 0.16 40 257 220 203 199 170 157 -1015 C78 1.04 1.23 I 085 -f 4 0.t6 45 253 217 201 196 168 155 -1035 MISS I.WS 1.245 1 am -1.4 0.18 50 249 215. 199 193 166 164 -1035 Cal 1A9 t27 1 on -1.4 ale 55 246 213 197 190 165 153 -1035 ae3 1.11 129 t 0.85 •ta 0.18 fill 243 211 198 188 163 152 -1015 On 1.13 1.31 1 am -1.4 a18 WO 201 178 167 166 138 130 -1015 urea 12n 143 h> 1 0.85 •19 L5 HerdlePlank 5116 625 No,8x1- Sir long x 0.775'HO ribbed walerhead screws° Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood w 20 ga. !tacit homing, 7tl6'0rirk WSP sheelNrg 12 0.15 236 214 195 183 166 151 aae 0.7 an tat h•10 t CBS .7.4 ale 20 238 208 190 183 161 147 •mil C7 B9 1.08 I 0.B5 -m MIS 25 236 204 187 183 150 f45 -ea.e a.7 0.81 t12 1 O.BS aA CIS 30 236 200 184 183 155 142 490.6 a7 an 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 018 35 231 1B7 tB1 179 152 140 40.9 0.73 lair t.ta 1 Mn •1.4 ale 40 227 194 179 176 150 139 -mil 171 1.04 I.M 1 0.8S • 44 18 45 223 102 1T7 173 448 137 -818 0.786 1.065 1245 t MOS •lA 0.18 till 220 189 175 170 147 136 •mil Met Tw 127 1 0.85 •IA 0.18 55 217 1B8 174 168 145 135 -80.6 am 1.11 1.29 t OBS •1A 0.1e 60 214 186 173 166 744 134 •me Mm t-t3 131 1 ae5 44 0.18 too 177 157 148 137 '122 114 -saa a99 126 1A3 rom 1 0.85 .1.8 ale Ha�ePlmk 5/16 7.25 No.8xl- 518• Iona x 0.375-HD ribbed waferhead screws e Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 rood or 20 ga. steel tmming, 711V dick WSP sheathing 12 0.15 213 193 t75 165 150 136 .65.3 0.7 On In held t ass -11 0.1a 20 273 iB8 171 185 145 133 41£3 0.7 0.9 t.06 1 a85 •1A MIS 25 213 184 168 165 142 130 -0.3 0.7 O.B4 112 1 O85 M o.fe 30 213 180 165 165 139 128 -65.3 a7 0.98 1.16 7 ties •t.4 0.16 35 208 177 iW 161 137 128 -8£9 an 1.01 f.t9 1 ¢SS -IA 0.18 40 204 175 let In t35 125 6£3 a7s 1.O4 122 1 MM .1.4 MIS 45 201 172 159 156 134 124 -95.3 M785 tm5 1 445 1 ass -1.4 ale 50 Ise 170 158 153 132 122 eS.3 Met tag 127 1 ass •1.4 MIS 55 195 169 157 157 131 121 85,3 an to 12s 1 Mas As 0.18 fill 193 187 155 150 130 /20 IA3 0.S5 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 are too 160 142 133 12A t10 103 -65.3 5 1.43 h m 1 am -IS 0.18 MardePlurrk S116 7.5 No.8x1- 59•longx 0.375HD ribbed waterhead •$s Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 woad or 20 go. steel harlurq, 7116'0drk WSP sheathing 12 0-15 208 188 171 161 146 133 -a23 85 1.03 KM t CBS -1A 0.16 20 208 183 197 161 142 130 -eta ll 1.08 1 ass .1.4 0.18 25 208 179 164 161 138 127 -623 4 112 1 MBS -11 ala 30 208 176 161 167 136 125 �.3 8 1.16 1 CBS AA 0.18 35 2W 1T3 159 158 194 1A An.3 1 W 1.19 1 aSs •14 0./8 40 199 170 157 15/ 132 121 82.9 122 1 a85 -tA afe 45 198 168 150 152 130 121 -62.3 85 1.245 1 On -1.4 CIS 60 183 188 151 /50 129 119 4323 09 1.27 t 056 -L4 0.1E 55 191 185 153 146 128 119 -87.9 1/ 129 t 0.a5 -tA 0.18 fill 188 163 152 146 127 Ila -at, 13 1.31 1 M86 I 0.18 100 156 138 130 121 107 101 -82.] 099 f24 1.43 I W 1 tills -1.8 0.1a HardePlenk 51f6 8 No.B x 1- SW Wtgx 0.375'HD ribbed we/emead screw,6 Blind screwed to WSP 2%4wood or 20 ga. steel Iratorq, 7R6'Wk WSP shee0dng 12 615 198 180 164 154 139 127 -559 0.7 0.BS 1.03 hs80 1 CBS -1.4 118 20 198 175 160 154 136 124 •5B9 a7 0.9 1.08 1 MSS -L4 ate 25 1A8 171 157 154 133 122 SBa a7 a& 1.12 t ass -IA ¢ta 30 /98 168 154 154 130 119 -559 M7 0.98 118 t o.es .1.4 ate a5 194 165' 162 151 128 118 •sae 0.T3 1.07 1.19 t ties -1.4 0.18 40 190' 163 150 148 126 116 -%a 0.76 1.04 122 1 na5 •1A MIS 45 167 161 149 145 125 115 -50.9 STBSS 1.ga4 12a5 1 ass -u 0.18 50 18/ 159 147 143 123 11/ -589 0.81 1.09 127 1 a85 -IA a18 55 162 168 148 141 122 113 -58.8 0.63 1,1t 129 1 MB5 4A MIS 60 180 156 145 139 121 112 -SSB 'as 1.13 1.91 1 ass -1A 0.18 too 149 132 1 124 Its 102 96 -50.9 OW1 1.28 1.0 in00 1 I ass -1.8 0.18 ' RONALD I. DONNA ASSOCIATES. INC. ' 16836 ALGONQUIN STREET 6443 _ HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4696 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 7AAAAiiiii� �' irlro(®Jamesnardlamm_ -_ - 'tllllAjpl�1. jOC]AW'`�� 201516C,.NanFBC ;��7t ; �/ •' 1VU 1F`-tJl [ =•. STATE OF !t =�O,C`•'••FC P,: " 11l FC,V "'_.'ONAL 10 i, !!// fael8ticb used In Taltfldf�bA((oirowt V,o AgoosiC,2017FBCnaw POawaNe, UMmale Design %Mnd, Speed, Vuae nd P10 AlmvaNe, Namhwl Design W14. Speed, V is (3secana 09 ) h[I 5518C. =7 FBCI 8arJlm 1609,1.E adetetmved F�Mre8G0133(1) (21I Applicable �Tma spedted in Sxcepdore.l Oamgh3ol(Z0161BC,•(•�•1•I3••• 201 IMI.I. Wad wanewre cadesionwIVAnd expasone SWkg I K. Produ41 Pmducr (inches) NA001 (inches) Fastener Type Fazlener Sparing Frame Type 8padllp � ) He1gM ) 2 B C D B C D n➢es�a toad (PSF) PVB EVCIEVDI X. X. Ga a HaadiePlank 5/t6 8.25 No. 8 x 1- 5/e•long x 0.375-HO ribbed wefmhasd tend screwed to WSP ZX4 wood or 20 ga. steel band", 7/16•dick WSP Sheathing 12 B-15 194 176 160 150 136 124 54.4 0.7 0.85 103 leS0 I Gm •1.4 0.18 20 194 171 156 150 133 121 -54.4 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.86 •1A 0A 25 194 166 163 ISO 130 119 44.4 0.7 0.91 1.12 1 am -E4 0.18 30 194 164 161 150 127 117 4AA 0.7 age 1.16 1 045 .1.4 MIS 35 190 /fit 149 147 125 115 -&A 0.73 +.0+ 1.1B 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 40 156 159 747 144 123 1% • A MIS 1.04 1.22 1 0.89 .1.4 MIS 45I 3 157 148 142 122 113 -54.4 MISS EOFS 1245 1 am -I.4 a1e 500 166 1" 140 121 112 •5k4 0.01 1.09 II I 0.65 4A LIS 55 8 154 143 138 119 111 •64A 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 aB5 -1.4 a/B 606 1S3 142 138 118 110 •SM a05 t.13 1.31 1 aes 4A 0.18 1006 129 121 113 100 94 -54A a99 12e t.A Pea:/ see .1.8 0.13 HaNiePlenk 5Afi 925 Np.8x 7- W icngx 0.375-HD ribbed watedlead a Bond spewed to WSP 2X4 vrootl yr 208a_ stetl treating, 7/16'"Ick WSP sheaving 12 0.159 162 148 139 126 114 -18.3 0.7 See 1.03 IUGU / Mm -14 0.16 20 9 150 1N 139 122 112 -48.3 0.7 as I.W 1 0.85 -1.4 a18 25 9 154 142 139 120 110 -480 0.7 ON 1.12 + O85 -1.4 018 30 9 let 139 139 117 108 -1&3 03 Mm 1.16 1 am -IA 0,18 35 149 137 136 I75 108 •4ea 0.73 Lm 1.18 I B.es -u o.1a 40 U7 136 131 11/ 105 -462 0.76 t.w 1.22 I 0.B5 -tA 0.18 45 10 134 13, 112 iw -0.3 a7a5 1105 1245 1 0.85 -1A ala 50 6 143 133 129 /1t 103 yea oat I.09 127 1 0m .1.4 0.18 55 4 142 13Z 127 170' 102 4&3 0.03 t.11 129 t 0.85 -14 e.t& 60 2 141 131 126 tog 101 d6.3 aes 1.13 t.31 t 0.es d1 0.10 1004 119 112 Iw 92 87 -183 0.99 129 1 At N80 t aa5 .1.8 a1a HardiePlank 5/16 9.5 No.8xl- SR'longx 0.375-HD wed wetedlead Blind screwed tO WSP 2X4 Wood or20ga. areal lrmpirg, 7/16-tld& WSP sheathing 12 D-156 159 145 136 123 112 -N.5 0.7 a85 10] WN 1 0.85 -IA a18 20 155 141 138 120 f09 -NS o] Me Eae 1 085 -tA 4te 25 152 139 136 117 108 41.5 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 M85 .14 a18 30 148 '/38 136 115 108 a4.5 0.7 eaeteB + eas a4 nta 35 146 135 133 113 101 41.5 0.7- t.01 1.IB 1 0.85 -1A 0.ta 40 1" 133 131 112 103 44.5 0.78 1.,1 085 -1.4 4IS 45 142 132 728 110 102 -N.5 a795 1.086 1.245 1 am -1A ata 50 141 130 126 109 101 a1,5 act 1-w 127 1 0.65 -tA %15 55 161 139 129 125 too t00 4 .5 0.83 1.11 129 1 095 •IA MIS 60 159 13a 128 123 I07 99 44.5 aes 1.13 1.3t t WE 4.a ata 100 I= 117 102 81 44.5 Mm /28 1A3 Me0 1 0.85 -IT T18 HettOePlank 5/16 t2 Na. B x 1- ram. langx 0.375'HD ,wed watemead � a Blind screwed IS WSP 2X4 wood or20ga steel training. T/t6'wek MP sheaWng 12 0-15 148 134 122 115 1 104 94 -31.6 a7 085 1.03 Rase 1 1 0.85 -1A ale 20 148 131 Ila 115 1 101 92 1 -31.8 0.7 as 1.09 1 0.85 -1.4 ale IS 148 128 117 t15 1 89 91 1 -31.6 0.7 a" 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 ale 30 143 125 115 116 1 97 89 .31.6 0.7 I MW 1.16 1 0.85 •1A a16 35 145 123 113 112 95 Be 41.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 Mae -1.4 MIS 40 142 121 112 110 94 97 41.6 ale 1 t.w 122 1 0.85 •t.{ a19 45 140 120 171 10B 93 86 Jt.e a785 11.085 1215 1 0,85 -1.4 0.16 50 338 119 - ten 92 41.6 Rat I 1.0e 1.27 1 0.85 -IAI ate 55 136 118 105 91 431.9 am 1 1.11 128 1 am -1.4 a18 60 13{ 118 iw 90 31B aB5 1,17 1.31 1 a&e -1A 0.11 100 Ill - - 66 -31.0 0.99 1.29 1.43 Race 1 0.85 .1.8 MIS HarMePlank 5H6 525 0.090- shank 0215'HD X15'kxg Mg511enk „yla Blind nagedM WSP 2X4wwd or 20 ga creel Gardrg, 7H8.Odrk WSP sheathing a 0.15 248 225 204 192 174 158 -8&7 0.7 0.a5 1.41 lu60 / 0.B5 -IA 41e 20 248 279 199 1B2 169 155 -8B2 0.7 ail 1.ae + 0.85 •1.1 0.I8 25 248 214 196 192 166 152 -K7 0.7 a9! 1.12 1 0.85 74 MIS 30 248 209 192 192 162 149 -B&7 0.7 a90 1,18 1 69 -fA M18 35 &3 208 16D 188 160 147 -8&7 a73 tut 1.19 1 0.85 -IA M18 40 238 203 I88 184 751 145 A&7 0.78 t.w t2x 1 0.85 -tA MIS 45 234 201 186 181 156 1M -88.7 0.785 1.095 1.245 1 O85 AA MIS 50 230 189 184 178 i6/ T 41fi7 0.8t I.W 127 I aes •t.4 a18 55 228 197 183 176 152 111 -887 aw t.it I2B 1 0.85 -IA ale 60 US 195 181 174 161 1/0 488.7 a6S 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 168 165 155 144 728 120 AI8.7 -M-991 in E4a INee I 1 I O85 -EB afe RONALD I.OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. _. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET 8443 .. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 IIIIJ!ll��iii! 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX ••• RIa288e-17- JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS. INC. 1-888-542-7343 --- - - ------PROJECT: inf0@jameshardie.com i I -•-1,�':-IP S prf , .,. iOR��P•'• , •.,.■... •1�� JU��O IYAI- 1 •..O�7v//r/I!!I CoNRcimea used in Tabb 8 oalwlaamla for V„ PAm isle Ultimate Design Wild,Speed. %semnd9uslmph AbwatlBN omtrlal Design 1d, Speed.:�,f (3-second 9as7 h) W imtR1 1 01S IM Iei 1p017F]CISeeson 20.I.wd wvr* 1809.ISIW,20I7FBC ROTS I1609.3 )F61) Figuea 180A](1), (2) m (3 homed In b lllepied9 zp ou,,h nEr 015t e, I MI7FB ScOV8C. 20/ 16DRI9etlim 16p0.1.1. yOMda wren Wnde)WmmwlegorI Sidaiq K Produm Product TNr3moss ('mrAn) Vwdm (males) Fastener Type Fastener Sparing From Type Fastener (Indm) Sort" Helptrll'1 (feet) B G D B C D De sign 1P5F1 Ev B E7aC 6pD Y. X. C CCy H.vdioPiank SH6 fi.25 0.090- shank% 0.21SHD % 7.S long � shank nags Blind nailedto WSP 2X4 wood or20ga• steel kemhg, 7116' 0id1 WSP sheathing 8 045 222 201 183 172 IM 142 •70.0 0.7 0.0 1.a3 Men 1 am .1.4 0.16 20 7.22 195 178 172 151 138 -70.9 0.7 Me LOS 1 SAS -IA 018 25 222 191 f75 172 148 136 -70.9 0.7 a% t12 t am -1.4 0.18 30 222 187 172 172 145 133 _MA 0.7 0.98 Lib 1 a85 44 0.18 36 7 185 170 168 143 132 -70.8 MM 1.01 1-19 1 0.85 -IA MIS 40 313 182 168 765 141 130 -7OB 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 45 209 100 166 162 139 129 -me a785 I. I245 1 LOS -1.4 0.1s 50 206 178 165 ISO 138 127 -M.9 oat 1.09 1.27 1 0.65 -1A ate 55 204 176 163 158 136 126 -7a0 MW 1.11 I29 1 0.85 AA 0.19 60 201 174 162 156 135 125 -70.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 O85 -L4 MIS 100 166 148 139 129 114 107 -70.0 MW 1,26 1.43 Iv60 1 M -1.6 112 HarSeRon� I 7. a. % 21 HD X1,5, ong rarg nk ppppP 2X4 rood or 20 go. steel 7tlfi- di mmg 8 0.15 202 184 187 757 142 129 -59.1 M7 0.85 t.W Its 1 M85 -14 MIS 20 702 178 763 157 139 128 -5%l 0.7 a9 IM 1 am AA 0.16 25 202 176 160 157 135 124 -59.1 17 o.sa 1_12 1 Mm -1.4 0.18 30 202 171 157 157 132 122 -59.1 0.7 MN 1.16 1 ass, -1.4 0.18 35 198 ISO .1 15S 130 120 -59.1 OA ten 1.is I pas -1.4 MIS 40 194 166, 153 150 129 119 .59.1 0.76 f.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 af6 .5:1 191 1 152'\148 127_ IN -911 0.785 CABS 1.245 1 0.95 -1.4 0.1a SO 08 A62 150 146 126' 116 -59.1 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 74 0.18 55 88- a1161 149 T44 !324 115 -Sal aw 1.11 129 1 a65 -1.4 0.18 60 1" 159 148 142� 123 115 -59.1 LLB$ IA3 731 / 0.85 714 0.18 100 152 135 126 Its 104 a8 :M/ a% 1.29 I4 rts60 1 n85 •1.8 ala HardiePlank 5716 7.5 Mow shark 0.216'HD X1.5'lang rirp shank naic Bend na0ed to WSP 2X4 wood oc20ga steel hendng, 7/16'Ifitlr WSP sheathing 8 0-15 1B8 180 183 151 139 127 -50.3 0.7 0.85 ten 17fi0 1 am A 0.18 20 198 175 160 1S5 135 124 -588 n7 0.9 t w 1 ma5 -1.4 0.18 25 798 171 157 154 133 121 -as 0.7 MM 1.12 1 MS5 -14 MIS 30 198 168 154 164 130 119 .58.11 0.7 MW us I am -1A 0.18 35 IN 165 152 150 128 Its -5aa 0.73 ten 1.19 1 MSS AA Mla 40 190 163 150 147 128 116 56S 0.76 1.04 I22 1 0,85 -fA 0.78 45 187 181 149 145 124 115 -586 0.785 1.085 1245 1 O.as -1.4 0.18 50 18/ 159 147 143 123 114 •S9B "1 t,09 1.27 1 O.BS -t.4 0.18 55 7B2 157 146 141 122 113 Sea MW 1.11 120 1 am 4A MIS 60 180 156 115 739 121 112 •56.8 0.85 t.13 1.31 1 ass ad p18 100 141) 132 124 115 102 96 i&B am 126 1.43 Iom 1 ass -1.8 a18 HerdiePlank 5718 8 _ 0.090' shank 0.216' HD X15'lang ring shank no9n Blind rm8edb WSP 2X4 wood or 20 go. steel frllninp, 7/18'tldtll WSP sheathing B D-15 191 173 157 148 134 122 5 z 0.7 am t.W I�0 I MW 4a 0.18 20 191 188 154 148 130 119 -525 0.7 as Tm- 1 a35 •1.4 are 25 791 765 151 148 128 117 S2S 0.7 aw 1.12 1 am -IA alS 30 191 161 148 148 125 115 -525 0.7 0.9e I.i6 1 0.85 -u 0.18 35 167 159 146 145 123 113 S25 0.73 1At mil 1 HISS -14 0.1a 40 183 156 1M 142 121 112 -525 M. 1.01 t?2 1 a85 -tA 0.18 45 180 155 747 110 120 f17 52.5 a7a6 I.086 1345 t aes -1A 0.18 50 177 153 112 137 118 110 •525 sin 7.09 11'7 1 0.85 -1A 0.16 55 175 151 141 136 117 109 52.5 Mall 1.17 119 1 0.85 -1,4 0.1s 60 173 150 139 131 11fi 108 -525 ass 1.13 t.3t 1 M85 -u are tog 143 127 119 111 98 92 •52.5 Doe 1.2s 1.4T e w I a.MS -1.8 0.18 HardioPlank 5116 625 0.090' shank% 0.215'RD X1.S'long Onshank ne74 �d naaed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ge. Shen framing, 71IWfkhck WSP sheathing 8 0-15 167 170 154 145 132 120 -SM7 0.7 am l.w I�0 I 0.� -IA ate 20 187 195 151 145 128 117 .50.7 0.7 a9 the 1 0.0 d.4 MIS 25 187 162 148 145 125 115 41&7 a7 p94 1.12 1 aMs 44 a18 30 187 158 146 145 123 113 -SM7 M7 sea 1.16 1 see -tA ais, 35 1&3 158 1N 142 121 111 :p7 0.73 1.01 t.te t pas -IA a18 40 180 164 NZ 139 119 110 -50.7 -7 ale 1.w va 1 0.85 .1.40.18 45 177 752 140 137 1 118 109 : 0.785 1A85 t241 t 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 174 150 138 135 116 108 -Sp7 O.af 1.OB 127 1 pa5 -1.4 0.18 65 172 49 138 133 115 107 :a7 0.a3 1.n i29 1 o.es -1.4 0.18 60 170 747 137 132 114 706 S0.1 0.85 1.1] 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 f17 126 717 109 97 91 -50.7 0.80 12s I.L7 roso I ass -1.8 1 o.te RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES. INC. -� 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-8474595 FAX PROJECT: RIO.2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 121 2015 /BC, 2017FBC 2015 016 2017 FBC = o STATE OFV�seocnr = 'P ••. 47 = '`CORiDP: 4� _ Q•'•.....�..• �U"JO1A�1�1 ttlj1L Caa1110e14a leetl Mt T�de6 Wcul45aro fa Vm Allowable, Uftnwle Design vend, Speed. Vu<az. a gust t AtonaaNe, Nambal Design Wnd, Sty mom. 3se=Id gust l AppkffiY mad s speiTFSq Sect/ C, 2017FsCt6eabn C2015 180,160 20t7 FBCI Fig.160 Fl043(ik 00a Appicpecuse in romtions spwogh3 Eleepdmll 30f 7 F6Cl 7WB.1.l.1. NAM eWusum cutegmAWnd exposumcu K Product Product inidmess Imdtea) pndtes) (Incdthhes) Fe Type Type Spadrg SpFusacing Frame Type Fastener SWdne bndnn) Building HeW" (led) 6 C D B C D AsgeoM. fig' Lwd (P59 Ei S EEC Ea D K. K CG CG Han9ePlank 5116 925 0-OSS. shank 0.216"HD ri 1. s long �,,Iss k BOW naffed to WSP 2X4 rood or 20 go. sbd hmnbg, 7116, 0edt WSP sheathing 8 0-15 175 159 144 136 1 123 112 -41.3 0.7 1 OAS t.al Mao 1 Dees •1.4 ate 20 /75 155 141 lea 120 109 M.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 USS -1.4 M18 25 175 151 139 136 Ill 107 44.3 a7 Mel 1,12 _I 1 055 -1.4 0.18 30 175 148 136 136 I its 105 •44:3 al am 1.10 1 095 -14 a18 35 172 146 134 133 113 104 -44a 0.73 to 119 / 0.95 .1.4 ale 40 158 144 133 130 111 103 -44.3 0.78 1,04 till 1 0.95 -1.4 0.18 45 185 142 131 128 it0 IN �4,3 0.7� 1.085 1145 1 095 -1,4 0.19 s0 163 140 t30 126 109 101 1 -M.3 1 a81 1.09 1.27 t 0.85 -tea 0.1s 55 161 139 129 125 108 100 a4.3 am i.tt t.2a 1 0e5 4a 4te 60 158 138 128 123 107 99 • 3 OAS 1.13 131 1 1 1 0.85 -1,41 ate 700 132 117 102 go -44.3 0.99 1.28 1.43 h+W 1 qn5 -t8 Eta HardiePiank 6H8 9.5 Mew shank% 0.215•HD X 1.s long rbtg shank SEW naffed to WSP 2X41se0d or 20 go. ated Malang, 1/16• Vdtlt WSP sheadIng a 0.15 173 157 142 134 121 Ila 43.0 M7 0.86 1.03 heap 1 am -U 018 20 173 152 139 134 118 108 �3.0 07 a9 t.u9 1 0.85 AA 0.18 25 -173 149 136 134 115 108 43.0 0.7 0.64 112 1 0.85 -14 ate 30 173 146 134 134 113 104 47.0 a7 age 1.16 1 0.85 -1A MIS 35 169 144 132 131 111 103 43.0 0.n 1.01 1.19 1 '0.85 -IA MIS 40 166 142 131 128 110 101 �.a am 1." 122 1 MS5 -1A ale 45 163 140 129 126 IUD 100 -ad a765 1.0M5 1245 1 0.85 -1.4 MIS 50 160 138 128 124 107 99 d1.0 Mal 1.W 127 1 aa5 AA 0.18 55 163 137 127 123 106 88 a.o 0.83 1.11 129 1 a85 .1.4 a18 60 157 138 126 121 tea 98 a 0 aeS 1.13 1.31 1 o.es -IA MIS too 130 115 too s8 410 199 126 1.43 b00 1 M85 4.8 0.18 HerdrePlmOt 5/16 72 Mow shmdtX 0.215•HD XISsank MIS shack 6 Bind noted to WSP 2X4 wood w20 go. gad hmnng, 7116•tNtlt WSP sheaH6� 8 0.15 151 137 126 117 lea 97 _no 0.7 M85 193 heaU 1 085 -tea 0.18 20 151 133 122 117 103 94 -330 a7 a9 toe 1 ails -14 nde 25 151 130 119 117 101 93 -1" 0.7 0.W 1.12 1 0.85 -.4 &IS 30 151 128 117 117 99 91 3A M7 0.95 1.16 t 0.85 AA 0.18 35 148 126 116 115 W 90 Sao 0.73 1.01 t.19 1 an -IA 0.19 40 145 124 114 112 98 89 -33.0 0.76 1M 1.22 1 0-85 -tea a18 45 143 iZd 113 111 95 se low 0.785 1.055 1245 1 OA5 -IA 0.18 50 141 121 112 109 94 87 S30 Mel 1.M 12/ t 0.95 -fA ate 55 139 720 1/1 /08 93 66 S3.o ¢et t.tt t19 1 0.85 -tA ate 60 137 119 110 108 92 86 Sao acts 1.13 1.31 1 ass -1-4 ace 100 114 -no Mae, 128 1.43 b80 1 0.85 -1.8 0.1e HataePbnk 5H6 525 Meow aFlaikX 0216'HD X15•bng ring shark nods Bind naffed to 1NSP ZX4 woad a20 go. low haldrg, 7Hs tlitdt WSP ahea8yng 6 0.16 283 257 ' 233 219 199 181 -1168 0.7 0.95 1.03 hea0 1 Mae -IA 0.18 20 283 250 226 219 193 1T? -1169 0.7 0.9 1.0 1 085 -IA 0.18 25 283 244 224 219 189 173 416.8 M7 a94 1.12 1 0.a5 -1.4 ale 30 283 239 220 219 185 170 4156 MT age 118 1 a85 -1.4 ate 35 271 236 21T 215 183 168 -1158 an 191 u9 1 0.85 •tea 0,18 40 272 232 215 211 180 166 -115.8 0-m IN I8 1 0.85 -IA ate 45 267 230 212 207 178 184 -1t58 0.785 1.088 1245 1 a85 -l.1 0.10 5o 263 227 210 204 176 163 -1118 am tf9 127 1 o.e5 -1.4 418 55 260 225 209 201 IN 162 -115.8 MW 1.11 ills 1 0.85 -tA 0.18 60 257 223 207 199 173 IN -1t56 ass t13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 too 213 189 177 165 146 137 -1158 099 f28 1.43 hPW 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardlePlank 5/16 6.25 o.ow shank 0.11s F3D riIX gsbalong snot ask Bind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or209i ated naming, 7116•tNd WSP rhea" 6 D-15 253 230 209 196 178 162 -928 M7 0.85 1.03 hea0 1 MS5 AA ate 20 253 223 204 .196 173 158 -no a7 . Me 1-08 1 M65 -1.4 0.18 25 2W 219 500 196 169 155 •928 a7 aM 1.1x 1 0,85 AA ale 30 263 214 197 196 166 152 4f26 07 am 1.16 1 M85 •1.4 0.18 35 248 211 194 192 153 150 4926 a73 tilt 1.10 t Dees 4A Deis 40 243 208 192 Ise 181 149 -me 0.m 04 t22 1 ¢as 44 eats 45 230 205 190 185 159 147 -928 0.7M 1.065 1.245 t a85 -14 Eli s0 235 203 lea 182 157 146 -s2s list LOS 127 1 MM '.1.4 MIS 55 233 2111 187 1W 156 145 .015 M83 I'll 1.9 1 q85 1!, a/8 s0 230 199 185 ITS 154 143 -929 a85 1.13 t]1 1 0.85 •tA 0.18 700 IN 169 IN 147 131 123 -92.8 a99 118 1.Q h 1 0.95 -t8 afa 10 RONALD L OOAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16635 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847.4595 FAX PROJECT. RIO-2688.17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-642-7343 20151BC, 2017FBC 201515C 2017FBC : -1c :• 1z STAZE DF : `/y/ ==_A�-•'• fLOR`�p'''• \�li A�` 1111 - C0e10rJenb used m T41Xe B plabtiam t9r V,e Allowable, UWmbnate Design d, Speed. (--Second Stme A1bNebiB Nominal Dealga Y". Speed. 3-semnd 9�t h)-�`SSr01Y Ag144aNe b tiv)S F ln12015on, m17FBCt5aelan terMSM3detmrFM twe,16 , 200). (2) Fgwes 1809.9(tJ, R1 a 3. peowf9eb me0rods AppbcoWa17 dpaormdn Exmptmsi lb017FBQOt510C. Zp17 F011.1. bn te0B.1.1. Wend elgOwlS coftoryllMild enVoluns COMM Sidung K, Product Product Thickness Vddlh [mNes) Feslmer Type Festcla Spadn9 Frame Type Fa%Ww Spades (miles) Bu6ding H(feel) (feel) B C D B C D Nbw�le Desir iPSFi EV a EWC F�0 K. r4 GG. HatliePiank Slib 715 Mow fiaekX 0.21E HDHEW X1.5"loop ring Lradc neOM to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. a@d frmdn9. 7H6"ihidl WSP shee8dng 6 0.15 231 210 191 179 163 140 -n2 0.7 0.85 1.03 h50 1 0.85 .1.4 0118 20 231 204 186 119 158 144 -772 07 09 7.09 t Mm -7.A a19 25 231 200 183 179 155 142 -n2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 am -1.4 0.19 30 231 195 1S0. 179 151 139 -172 a7 a90 1-16 1 0.05 -1.4 ate 35 228 192 177 175 149 137 -n2 O.TJ 1.w t19 1 0.85 -tA me 40 222 180 175 . 172 1R 138 -772 0.78 tw 1.72 1 0.a5 -1A n19 45 218 187 173 169 1/5 134 -n2 0.785 1.W5 1245 1 483 -IA ple 50 275 705 172 166 144 733 -n1 0.81 1.08 f.n 1 0.85 -IA ate 55 212 184 ITO 164 142 132 -n2 MM 1.11 129 1 a85 -1.4 0.18 60 210 182 169 163 - 141 '13f -772 am 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -tA ale 100 174 154 145 135 119 112 -n2 0.9B 126 1.� IP50 1 ass -1.8 GIB HaNiePlmk 5/i6 7.5 SAW shook 0.21SHD %1.S lank "ale shank BbN na8od to VSSP - 2X4 wood or 20 pe, stew (rerrdrry, iNCiAidr WSP shea0dng 6 0.75 227 208 187 175 td9 115 -7l1 0.7 0.851.03 h>80 t 0.85 -tA 0.18 20 227 200 182 175 155 141 -74.1 G7 a9 IN 1 an -1.4 a18 26 227 195 179 175 151 139 -7A1 0.7 a94 1-12 1 aes -1.4 0.18 30 227 191 176 175 148 136 -74.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 a85 -14 010 36 222 189 174 172 146 135 -74.1 an 7.01 -1 1 am -TA MIS 40 217 186 172 768 144 133 .7a1 am 1.w t.n 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 45 214 154 170 166 142 132 -74.1 am I-M t245 1 am .1.4 ate so 211 182 168 163 141 130 -74.1 0.81 t.09 127 1 a85 -14 ute 55 208 180 187 181 139 129 -74.1 am 1.11 129 1 ass -1.4 a10 fi0 I ne I 178 166 159 138 1 128 -74.1 0.85 1.13 1.3/ 1 0.85 - 44 a18 100 1 170 15t 142 132 1T7 110 1 -7A1 am 126 tA3 ro60 1 ¢85 .1.8 0.18 HardiePimk 6116 8 MOW shank 0.215•HD XT5"Iong ringshmk .as Band ne8ed to WSP 2X4 wood W20ga. steel han6lg, 7[IVWrlr tt15P sneatldng 6 0.15 218 198 ISO 169 163 139 'As 1 0.7 p.65 tm M69 I aes 1.4 778 20 218 192 176 169 149 136 -688 47 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -14 0.78 26 218 188 172 169 148 133 ra.6 a7 p.94 t12 1 aes -t4 0.18 30 218 184 169 169 143 131 -we 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -14 GIB 35 273 1B/ 767 165 141 130 -686 M13 1.01 1.19 1 a85 -IA 0.10 40 209 179 165 162 139 128 4186 0.76 /.w 122 1 am AA 0.18 45 -2118 177 189 159 131 127 bas a785 t0� u45 t p.� -va 0.18 50 203 175 162 157 135 125 -as Set 1.09 117 1 0.85 .1.4 018 55 200 173 161 155 134 124 -fiBB am 1.11 111 1 MSS .1.4 0.19 60 198 172 159 IS3 133 123 4I88 am 1.13 1.31 1 GAS -IA MIS 100 /81 145 136 127 112 106 -see 0.99 718. 1.43 io60 7 0.85 -iB ate HardiePlmk Sii6 8.26 SLOW mwkX 0.215"HD %7S"fig rki9 Shank nos Blind ne8ed to WSP 2X4 wood a20g¢ Sled hating, 77t6"8ddt WSP sheaMkg 6 0-15 214 194 176 166 150 137 -mG a7 a85 1.W 1�0 7 MB5 -1.4 0.18 20 214 189 172 166 146 133 -peA M7 as t.W 1 0.85 -IA 0,18 25 214 184 169 166 143 131 -%a 0.7 0. 4 1.12 1 a85 -IA ¢IS 30 214 181 166 166 140 129 -eao al 0.8a /.1e 1 am -1.4 GIB 35 209 178 184 162 138 127 4Bo an t.m 1.19 1 rm- -IA a16 40 205 175 162 159 136 125 473A 770 /.w 122 1 a85 .1.4 118 45 202 173 160 156 134 124 -680 ans tA65 7245 1 0.85 -1.4 MIS SD 199 171 159 154 133 123 -mo Mal 1.09 127 t 685 .1.4 ¢19 55 196 t70 157 152 132 122 68o am tit 129 1 OAS -1.4 GIB 60 194 168 156 160 130 121 -Sao ass 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -IA ate 100 161 142 134 124 110 104 EeP am 12a 1.43 beo 1 arts -IS ale HardioKw* 6116 925 0_09, e116nk X a21SHD X 1.5'krtg. dtonk mall Blow ne9edto WSP 2X4 wood WWII& steel Vera . 7N6'8iir8 WSP Shea0d119 6 615 200 102 165 165 141 128 -57S 0.7 0.05 1.0 1n90 1 0.85 CIA a1B 20 100 177 161 155 137 175 -b]JI 0.7 as 1.08 1 0,6.5 -IA ate 25 2W 173 158 155 134 123 -57.9 a7 aW t.i2 1 aes AA MIS 30 200 169 156 155 131 120 -57.9 01 ass ti6 1 am -IA ate 35 156 167 154 152 129 119 -67.9 0.73 1.01 t.19 t ass -IA 418 40 192 164 152 149 127 111 m.9 0.76 tA4 122 1 0.86 -14 ate 45 189 162 750 /48 126 /78 9.8 4785 tp65 1245 t 0.65 -U ¢18 50 186 160 149 144 124 115 -67.9 481 1JB 1.27 1 0.85 -IA a18 55 184 159 148 142 123 114 -Us am 1.11 129 1 am -,A ate 60 182 168 146 141 122 113 .57.9 025 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 4.4 ¢1B 100 150 133 125 111 103 97 b7.9 ELM126 1.4J h+60 1 OJlS -1.e 0.18 11 ! RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16836 ALGONQUIN STREET Ct13 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92949 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO.2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1.888542-7343 info®jemeshardie.kxm 201578Q 2017FBC 20f5 mic, 2Di7 FBC A9owaNe,UNmate Aloxiable, Nomhel Design Wind, Speed. Design WhW, Speed. VNas V.4s (3eacmnd gust h (seemed gust h ApplrekleloniNmds sped8edkt72U1519C, APplk9ie h meemh =17 FBC) 6erdm m etlBetl„Exception 1 1BOB.1.1. espetendne0 VroWh3d120151BC, R01510C.2017FBC) 2317FI)CISedbn - - Flpwas 160a3(1L R) pr 16041.1. 3. CoeMde usedin7ableeeakvlalima4w V„ ild almosme cme90 W61d etwos"cata sdov V. Product Product TNcmass (uncles) VddBn (des) Fastener Type Fastener Sparing Frmne Type Faslmirg Spacing (Inches) l' B C D e C D Design Lead (PSI)t17 Esy0 X. K GC, Ge. 197 179 163 153 139 116 d'82 L0.3 IvfA 1 0.a5 -IA 0,16 197 174 159 153 135 123 -56.2 1.09 I 4e5 44 0.18 197 110 156 153 132 121 -562 1.12 1 ❑m -1.4 Ila NndlePlenk S116 eS 0,D90• shankX % w keg BBOd nelad k 2X4 wood 0r20ga. steel fremag, 6 197 167 153 153 129 119 -562 1.18 1 0.86 44 O.le 13,5-1- 193 164 151 160 127 117 -W2 1.19 1 OM .1.4 0.16 789 162 149 147 725 116 -66.2 122 1 O.aS -IA 0.18 186 160 148 144 124 115 ra.2 1245 1 (I85 -lA 0.18 rg shank Ingle WSP 7111VINdt 1NSP aheailting181 183 153 146 142 17t 117 -SB2 0.B7 1.09 1.27 t 0.81 -tA 418 157 145 140 121 11J -56.2 cm Lit 1.xa t o.0.5 -tA 0.1a179 155 144 139 120 112 -582 0.85 7.73 1.31 1 085 AA 0-18148 131 123 115 102 95 562 499 1.25 1.43 nv60 1 am Ina 4la 173 157 142 134 121 110 -431 0.7 085 TM h4) 1 Gas •lA 0.18 173 152 139 134 118 108 -3.1 0.7 a9 Tw 1 o" AA 118 HemiOPlank 5116 12 0.090• shank X 0215' HD %1Sbnp d^0 shank Dole Blind ee0ed to WSP 2X4 wood a 20 ga. steel Bening. 7116•Mot WSP niheaddng 6 173 1 149 137 134 115 106 -eat 0.7 as tie 1 Fa -u mut 30 173 146 1M 134 113 104 -43A 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 760 144 132 131 111 103 -411 Ors 1.01 1.19 7 0.85 -lA 0.18 40 166 142 131 128 110 101 -at M76 1.01 122 1 aes -1.4 O.tB 45 169 140 130 120 109 100 - 11 0.765 1.0115 1.245 1 gas -1.4 Ila 50 161 138 126 124 f07 1N - l Olin 1.0 9 727 Trim -t18 -1.4 0. 55 759. 137 127 123 108 B9 i31 483 1.11 121 1 aes -1.4 0.18 60 157 136 126 121 f05 BB - 1 0.85 1.13 131 1 O.85 -1,41 4f6 too 730 11S 131 a -I3.1 am 128 I l*s 1b t I a45 -1.91 0.19 1. Buddina heiaM = mean roof heiaM fin feet) of a buldin0. eXoad Met eave helohl shell be Used far roof finale alga Man coming to 1W f2-12 rod slope). 2. Linear interpolation of bnd3rg height 6 60 nl and viM speed Is petmilled. 3. V,e =d6mate design wind speed 4. V.,=nonsnd design ward speed 5. tAind speed design assunpbons per Analy9kal Method In ASCE 7-f0 Chapter30 C&C Pad 1 tend Pad 3:1(=1, KeMS5. GC p=IA (h660), GC,•-1.8 (IP60), GC.=0.18. G. Fastener length shall be sufficient to penetrate back side of the WSP crealldng by d feed Or for nabs or 6d )heads for seem LIMITATIONS OF USE: 1) In High Vdkwty Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) im per MiamFDade County Florida, NOA 17-0406.06 1'�fOGAWq ...... 4. .4_ .2yQQL1 ) -o S1 OF .FSSIONa�- 12