HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALSFlorida Building Code Online 10/12118, 4:50 PM F�- I am I( l_h:�`.rJ.AA2`.CJ 1.., e 0 0 e • 0 >_ �0 Ls � r BCH Hane I Log In 1 User Reg¢babon I Hot Topics I S.brn"rt Surcharge I Slats & FMfs I Publicaticm I ContaR Us I BCT5 Site Map I UnlS Search Florida Pr UI.c 1 Product Approval i1� USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > PrWuct or Application Search > Aoplic bw LIA> Application Derail FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida license Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FLS144-R14 Revision 2017 Approved RECEIVED JAN 0 9 2019 !ir. Lucie County, Permitting CertainTeed Corporation -Roofing 20 Moores Road Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 893-5400 mark.d.hamer@saint-gobain.com Mark Hamer mark.d.harner@salnt-gobaln.com Mark D. Hamer 18 Moores Road Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 651-5847 Mark.D.Hamer@saint-gobain.com Roofing Asphalt Shingles 8CAWEE) St. Luce count y Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieminen PE-59166 UL LLC 03/09/2020 John W. Knezevlch, PE .7 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL5444 R14 COI 2018 01 COI NIEMINEN.odf ASTM 13467L L E C ®P zaio hUp.//www.tioridabuilding.orgfpripr�_app dtl.aspYlpamm=wGEVXQMDgtahlgO7CSsoycOd28CcpCFvg3%2bn2zFvlwgmLD%2fjKDzQ%3d%3d Page 1 of 2 Florida Building Code Online ASTM D7158 2011 10/12/18, 4-50 PM Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products Method 1 Option D 05/30/2018 06/05/2018 06/07/2018 08/15/2018 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 5444.1 Certain -reed Asphalt Roof Shingles 3-tab, 4-tab, strip (no- ut-outs), laminated and architectural asphalt roof shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL5444 R14 II 2018 OS FINAL ER CERTAINTEED ASPHALT SHINGLES FL5444-R14.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other. Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits of Use Verified By: Robert Nieminen, PE PE-59166 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL5444 R14 AE 2018 OS FINAL ER CERTAINTEED ASPHALT SHINGLES FL5444-R14.udf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Next contact: Us :: 26D1 Blair Stme Road md0 ha EL 32399 Phmre: 850487-1824 The Stale of Florida Is an AA/EEO enWWyer. Soo' nolA 2007- 01a crate Of Florida- :: rth,&Cx Slao ,r :: Aaessib,14, 51ahvtwnt :: Under rlMdx taw, erre8 addresses are public records. If you do rot want your a 11 address relm In response m a public- records re4rre+4 do not Send decomic mall m this entity. Ltsinad, contact the once by phone or by baditimal man. If you have any ques m, please mrdaQ 850.487M95.'Pursraot to SeC(m 455.275(r), Florida Siaodes, AtecMe October 1, 2012, lmansees IicaBed mtler Oapta 455, FS. must pr Me the De .b.�, wart an anal address if they lave one. The grails provided may be iowd for official wmmunimtim with the Iloensee. However mel addresses are public record. If you do not wish w supply a Personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To dethnNne If you are a 0censee under Chapter 455, FS., please c➢d hClg_. Product Approval AccepM Credit Card Safe http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dB.aspx?pamM=WGEVXOwtDcttahlgO7CSsoycOr]28CcpCFvg3ll2bn2zFvlwq,LD%2fjKDIQ%3d%3d Page 2 of 2 CertainYeed Self Adhered Systems for Wood Deck- Non Insulated - - - All Dade NOA Approved Non - UL Fire Rated 12 years Flintlastic Nailable Base (2 sq) mechanically attached Flintlastic SA Cap Self Adhered Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 13 of 19 -52.5 (Lim #7) Tin Tags and Nails Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 18 of 19 -127.5 (Lim #7) Fasteners and Plates 15 years Flintlastic Nailable Base (2 sq) mechanically attached Flintlastic SA Plybase (2 sq) Self Adhered Flintlastic SA Cap Self adhered Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 13 of 19 -52.5 (Lim #7) Tin Tags and Nails Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 18 of 19 -127.5 (Lim 97) Fasteners and Plates 20 years Flintlastic Nailable Base (2sq) mechanically attached Flintlastic SA Mid Ply (1 sq) Self Adhered Flintlastic SA Cap Self Adhered Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 13 of 19 -52.5 (Lim f17) Tin Tags and Nails Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 18 of 19 -127.5 (Lim #7) Fasteners and Plates UL Class A Fire Rated 12 years Flintglas Glasbase (3 sq) Loose Laid Flintlastic Nailable Base (2 sq) Mechanically attached with Glasbase Up to 1/2:12 Flintlastic SA Cap FR Self Adhered Slope Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 13 of 19 -52.5 (Lim #7) Tin Tags and Nails Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 18 of 19 -127.5 (Lim #7) Fasteners and Plates UL Approval - Class A Fully Adhered Construction #42 15 years Flintglas Glasbase (3 sq) Loose Laid Flintlastic Nailable Base (2 sq) Mechanically attached with Glasbase Up to 1/2:12 Flintlastic SA Plybase (2 sq) Self Adhered Slope Flintlastic SA Cap FR Self Adhered Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 13 of 19 -52.5 (Lim #7) Tin Tags and Nails Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 18 of 19 -127.5 (Lim #7) Fasteners and Plates UL Approval - Class A Fully Adhered Construction #42 20 years Flintglas Glasbase (3sq) Loose Laid Flintlastic Nailable Base (2 sq) Mechanically attached with Glasbase Up to 1/4:12 Flintlastic SA Mid Ply (1 sq) Self Adhered Slope Flintlastic SA Cap FR Self Adhered Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 13 of 19 -52.5 (Um #7) Tin Tags and Nails Dade NOA 15-0622.21 Page 18 of 19 -127.5 (Lim #7) Fasteners and Plates UL Approval - Class A Fully Adhered Construction #60 Use also attached note stating that Nailbase is a G2 alternate r Membrane Type: SBS MODIFIED, SELF -ADHERING Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: Minimum 19/32" thick plywood attached using 8d ring shank nails spaced 6"o.c. at wood joists spaced maximum 24" o.c. System Type E(2): Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Separation Sheet: One ply of GlasBase Base Sheet, loose laid. (Optional) Base Sheet: One or more layers of Flinliastic SA NailBase, mechanically attached as described below. Fastening: Fastened with FBC HWZ nails and tin caps spaced 6" o.c. at the 3" lap and 6" o.c. in four, equally spaced staggered center rows. Ply Sheet: One or more layers of Flintlastic SA PlyBase or Flintlastic SA Mid Ply, self -adhered. (Optional) Memhrane: One layer of Flintlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic SA Cap CoolStar, Flintlastic SA Cap FR or Flintlastic SA Cap FR CoolStar, self -adhered. Surfacing: Any of the approved surfacing/coating options listed in Table 4. (Optional) Mavmum Design -52.5 psf (See General Limitation 47.) Pressure: NOA No.: 15-0622.21 MIAMWAOE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/13/20 Approval Date: 08/20/11 Page 13 of 19 Membrane Type: SBS MODIFIED, SELF -ADHERING Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: Minimum 19/32" thick plywood attached using #10 wood screws spaced 4"o.c. at wood joists spaced maximum 24" o.c. System Type E(7): Base sheet mechanically Fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Separation Sheet: One ply of Glasbase Base Sheet, loose laid. (Optional) Base Sheet: One or more layers of Flintlastic SA NailBase, mechanically attached as described below. Fastening: OMG 3 in. Round Metal Plates with OMG 414 Heavy Duty fasteners or TruFast 3" Metal Insulation Plate with TruFast #12 DP or TruFast #14 HD Fasteners or FlintFast 3" Insulation Plates with FlintFast #12 or #14 Fasteners spaced 6" o.c. at the 4" lap and 6" o.c. in four, equally spaced staggered center rows. Ply Sheet: One or more layers of Flintlastic SA PlyBase or Flintlastic SA Mid Ply, self -adhered. (Optional) Membrane: One layer of Flintlastic SA Cap, Flintlastic SA Cap CoolStar, Flintlastic SA Cap FR or Flintlastic SA Cap FR CoolStar, self -adhered. ' Surfacing: Any of the approved surfacing/coating options listed in Table 4. (Optional) Maximum Design Pressure: -127.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7) NOA No.: 15-0622.21 MWMmpmrcOUNIY Expiration Date: 04/13/20 "' • Approval Date: 08/20/15 Page 18 of 19 TGFU.R11656 - Roofmg Systems Page 14 of 21 Membrane: — "Flintlastic FR Cap 30", adhered with Henry Company LLC "M8A Gold Adhesive" applied at 1-1/2-gal./100-fe or hot mopped. 33. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 112 Insulation (optional): — Glass fiber, perlite 314 in., thick min, mechanftally fastened. Base Sheet: — One or more plies Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: — One or more plies Type 31, hot mopped. Membrane: — "Modified Premium Cap Sheet 960% hot mopped. 34. Deck: NC Incline: 1/2 Insulation (Optional): — Glass Fiber, perlite, isoryanurate, mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet (Optional): — One or more plies Type G1, hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Base Sheet: — One or more plies Type G2, hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Membrane: — "Modified Premium Cap Sheet 960", hot mopped. 35. Deleted. 36. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/2 insulation (optional): — Glass fiber or perlite, hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Base Sheet: — One or more layers Type "Fiexiglas Base" or'Flint astir Base 20", adhered with Henry Company LLC "MBA Gold Adhesive" or "Pro -Grade s333M/8 Adhesive" applied at 1-1/2-04100-fro. Ply Sheet (Optional): — One or more layers Type Gl, Type G2, "Flintlastic Base 20" Or "Flintlastic Poly SMS Base Sheet", adhered with Henry Company LLC "MBA Gold Adhesive" or "Pm -Grade r333M/B Adhesive" applied at 1-1/2-gal./100-fit". Membrane: — "Flintlastic FR Cap 30", adhered with Henry Company LLC 'MBA Gold Adhesive" or "Pro-Grade=333M/e Adhesive" applied at 1-1/2-gal.(100-fe or hot mopped. 37. Deck: C 15132 Incline: 112 Insulation (Optional): — Glass fiber or Perlite, i in. thick min, or polyisocyanurate, 2 in. thick min. Base sheet: — One or more layers "Yosemite Venting Base Sheet", mechanically fastened or hot mopped In place. Membrane: — One or more layers "Flintlastic FR-P Flintlastic FR-Dual Cap" or "Flintlastic FR Cap 30", hot mopped in place. Surfacing: — Davila Coatings "Firecade 2000", applied at 1-1J2-gal./10041:or Monsey Products "Premium Long Life Aluminum Roof Coating", applied at 1-1/2-gal./100-Re. 38. Deck: NC Incline: 2 Insulation (Optional): — Perlite, glass Fiber, polyurethane, isoryanurate, phenolic, combination isocyanurate/perlite, polyurethane/perlite or wood fiber, any thickness, mechanically fastened or hot mopped in place. Base Sheet: — "Flintlastic Base 20", Type G2 or "Flex-f-GI,,", mechanically fastened or hot mopped In place. Ply Sheet (Optional): — One or more plies Type Gl, mechanically fastened or hot mopped in place. Membrane: — "Flintlastic-FRIPG", "Flintlastic-FR-P% "Flintlastic Premium FR-P', "Flintlastic FR-Dual Cap" or "Flintlastic FR Cap 30", hot mopped in place. 39. Ei NC Incline: 1 Insulation (Optional): — Polyisocyanumte, glass fiber, mod Ober, perlite, any thickness. Base sheet: — One ply Type G2, mechanically fastened. Membrane: — "Flintlastic GTA or GTS", heat fused or "Flintlastic GMS" (modified bitumen), hot mopped. Surfacing: — "APOC 212 AF Aluminum Fibre Roof Coating', applied at 1-1/2-gal./100-Re. 40. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/4 Insulation (optional): — Polyisocyanumte, glass fiber, wood fiber, perlite, any thickness. Base Sheet: — One ply Type 32, mechanically fastened or mopped. hot mopped. Membrane: — CertainTeed "Flintlastic GTA or GTS", heat fused or "Flintlastic GMS" (modified bitumen), Surfacing: — "APOC 212 AF Aluminum Fibre Roof Coating", applied at 1-1/2-9814100-ft1. 41. Deck: INC Incline: 1 Vapor Retarder (Optional): —Type G2 base sheet or 0L Classified vapor retarder. Insulation (optional): — One or more layers or combinations of the following: Polyisocyanurate, perlite, glass Ober or mod fiber insulation. Base Sheet: — One layer Type G2, "Glasbase" base sheet eat fused or "Flintlastic GMS", hot mopped. Membrane: — One layer "Flintlastic GTA, Gl5" (modified bitumen),' n Surfacing: — "APOC 212 AF Aluminum Fibre Roof Coating", applied at 1-1/2-gal./100-ft. 42. Deck: C 1.5/32 Incline: 112 Base Sheet: — One Or more layers "GlasBase", mechanically fastened. Base sheet- — One layer "Flintlastic SA Nallbase", mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet(Optional): — "Flintlastic SA Plybase", self -adhered. Cap Sheet: — One layer "Flintlastic SA Cap FR" or -Flintlastic SA P-Cap FR", self -adhered. 43. Deck: NC anc....r:.,� Base sheet: — One layer "Flintlastic SA Nallbase", mechanically fastened or one layer "Flintlastic SA plybase", self -adhered. Cap Sheet: — One layer "Flintlastic SA Cap FR" or "Flintlastic SA p-Cap FR", self -adhered. http://database.ul.comlegi-binIXYVItemplate/LIS EXVI FRAMElshowpage.html?name=T... 2/ 13/2017 • .V TGFU.R11656 Roofing Systems Page Bottom Roofing Systems Sep General Information for Roofing Systems R11656 CERTAINTEED CORP ROOFING PRODUCTS GROUP 20 MOORES RD MALVERN, PA 19355 USA '1/2-in. thick (minimum) gypsum board or 1/4-in. thick (minimum) Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Gypsum CO.' ROUROC d" or of Board'"DensDec(T Prime Roofboard" or "DensDeck® DuraGuardr" Roofboard" or 1/4-in. thick (minimum) United States Gypsum o. °SECUROCKG Roof Board" (Typeth FRX-G) or "SECUROCKG Glass -Mat Roof Board" (Type SGMRX) may be used in any existing noncombustible deck Classification. When this Is don sum board resulting roofing system is acceptable for use over combustible (15/32-In. thick minimum) roof decks. However, the butt joints in the gyp and Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC °DensDeck® Roofboard" or "DensDeck® Prime Roofboard" or "IDeT be placed below the o Roofboard' oayment board. et a minimum of 6-in. with the butt joints In the roof deck. If polystyrene is part of the roof system, P 1/4-in. thick (minimum) United Sates Gypsum Co. °SECUROCKG Roof Board" (Type FRX-G) and "SECUROCKG Glass -Mat Roof Board" (Type SGMRX) are limited to a maximum 3:12 slope when used over a combustible roof deck In a system with any UL Classified insulation except polystyrene.' Any UL Classified insulation may be used underneath 1/2-in. thick (minimum) gypsum board or 1/boar. thick (minimum) (miniGeorgmum) United Gypsum LLC "DensDeckG Roofboard" or "DensDeck® Prime Roofboard" or "DensDeck® DuraGuard^ Roofboard" or 1/4-in. thick (minimum) United States Gypsum Co. "SECUROCKG Roof Board" (Type FRX-G) or "SECUROCKG Glass -Mat Roof Board" (Type SGMRX) in any existing noncombustible deck Classification. w. Mineral Wool Felt, Is a suitable alternate for perforated Type 15 asp halt organic felt in the Class A, B or C roof constructions TypetGb2oro Glasbase Type Gl "Flintglas Ply Sheer Type 4 or "Flintglas Premium Ply Sheet" Type 6 are suitable alternates for Type 15 organic felt; Type "Flex-T GI s",'Premiumsuitable Flex-I-Glas"or "Flint a tir Type 15 c Ba eType 20 Sheer is a su table alternate for the TypeiG2 glass base) and thete fType 153Alll- Sheets. Weather/Empire base sheer. Unless otherwise indicated, base sheets are mechanically fastened or spot mopped in place; ply and cap sheets are hot mopped in place. Two plies Type Gl may be utilized in place of one ply Type G2. "Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA" is a suitable alternate for Type G2 base sheet or "Glasbase Base Sheet "Black Diamond Base Sheet" is a suitable alternate for Type G2 base sheet or "Glassbase Sheet". "Flintlastic SA Nailbase" or "Flintlastic SA Plybase are sul a alternates for Type base sheets in Roofing Systems (Tthat limit cover applications to self adhering ply/base sheets or membranes. EPS insulatifollowed by 1/2-in. thick cover oar may be utilized in any of the following TO covering systems on The "YOSEMITE Venting Base Sheet" may be used in any of the following noncombustible deck roof systems and, where indicated, in combustible roof deck systems. 'Torch APP" may be utilized in any of the following systems that contain "Flintlastic STA". "Flintlastic APP Base T° is a suitable alternate for any Type G2 base sheet. "Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS" may be used in lieu of "Poly SMS Base- in all application Classifications. References to Type G2 base sheets includes "Channel -Vent GB'. "Flintaoard Iso", "FllntSoard Iso Cold", "FlintBoard Iso-T° or "FIIntBoard Iso Plus", may be used wherever polyisocyanurate insulation is specified. Uniform thickness or tapered insulation may be used in the following systems provided they do not exceed the indicated incline or thickness. "FlintBoardH ISO", "FlintBoardH ISO Cold", "FlintBoardH ISO WF", "FlintBoardH ISO F", "FlintBoardH ISO NB" and "FlintBoardH ISO DD" may be used wherever polyisocyanu rate insulation is specified. "FlintBoardH 150 T", "FlintBoardH ISO T Cold" and "FlintBoardH ISO T WF" are acceptable alternatives to "FlintBoardH ISO", "FlintBoardH ISO WF" and "FlintBoardH ISO Cold", respectively, provided they do not exceed the Indicated Incline or thickness of the system. Any UL Classified EPS, any thickness, may be used below "FlintBoardH ISO", 'FlintBoardH ISO T", "FlintBoardH ISO Cold", "FlintBoardH 150 T Cold", "FlintBoardH ISO WF", 'FlintBoardH ISO T WF "FlintBoardH ISO F", "FlintBoardH ISO NB"ISOor ISO Cold", "DFIDintBoardH ISO T Cold',' insulation an non-combustible decks provided a minimum 1-in. thick layer of "FlintBoardH ISO", "FlintBoardH ISO T", " polyiso "FlintBoardH ISO WF", FlintBoardH ISO T WF", "FlintBoardH ISO F", "FlintBoardH ISO NB" or "FlintBoardH ISO DD° ryanu2te insulation is used. Max Incline shall be in accordance with Classification established for the Insulation/membrane roofing system, but cannot exceed 1:12. TOr: VT I, TT w T Tr.' l_L.....�...-- L.�.10—_�--Tr"17T T D t t LCL 0... n/1 Inn I, TGFU.R11656 - Roofing Systems 55. Deck: NC Incline: 1/2 Impact: 4 Page 16 of 2� , Base Sheet: — One layer "Flintlastic SA Nailbase", mechanically fastened or one layer "Flintlastic SA Plybase", self -adhered to deck surface. Ply Sheet: — One layer "Flintlastic SA Plybase", self -adhered. Cap Sheet: — One layer "Flintlastic SA Cap FR", self -adhered. 56. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/2 Base Sheet: — Two or more layers Type G2 "Glass Base", mechanically fastened. Membrane: — One layer "Flintlastic GTS FR" (modified bitumen), heat fused. 57. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 314 Insulation (Optional): --Any thickness; one -or more layers-UL Classified periite, glass fiber, polyi5oMnurate. Barrier Board: — Minimum 1/4-in. thick Geogia-Pacific Gypsum LLC Corp. "DensDeckf8 Roofboard" with all joints staggered a minimum of 6-in. from the plywood joints. Base Sheet (Optional): — One or more layers "Flex-I-Glas", mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: — One or more layers "Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS" or "Flintlastic Base 20 T', heat fused, or "Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA", self - adhered. Membrane: — One layer "Flintlastic GfS FR", heat fused. 58. Deck: NC Incline: 314 Insulation (Optional): — Glass fiber, polyisocyanumte, wood fiber, perlite, any thickness. Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA" Membrane: — "GTA- FR" heat fused 59. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 2 Base Ply: — One layer of "Nall Base" or "Flexiglas Base," or "Flintlastic Base 20" or "Yosemite Venting Base" or Type 2 "GlasBase" - mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA" Membrane: — "GTA- FR" heat fused 60. Deck: C-15/32 61. Incline: 1/4 Base Ply: — Two layers of Type G2 GlasBase - mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic SA Mid -ply", self -adhered Cap Sheet: — "SA Cap - FR", self -adhered Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic SA Mid -ply", self -adhered. Cap Sheet: — "SA Cap - FR% self -adhered 62. Deck: NC 1/4 Incline: 1/2 insulation (Optional): — Glass fiber, polylsocyanurate, wood fiber, perlite, any thickness Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA", self -adhered. Membrane: — "FR Cap 30", mopped or "FR Cap 30 T", heat fused 63. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/2 Base Play: — One layer of "GlasBase' or "Nail Base" or "Flexiglas Base," or "Flintlastic Base 20" or 'Yosemite Venting Base" - mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA", self -adhered Membrane: — "FR Cap 30", mopped or "FR Cap 30 T", heat fused 64. Deck: NC Incline: 1/4 Base Sheet: — One layer Type G2 or "Flexiglas", mechanically fastened. Surfacing: — "Flintlastic Cap 30", hot mopped. 65. Deck: NC Incline: 3/4 Base Sheet: — "Flintlastic APP Base T", mechanically fastened or torched Ply Sheet (Optional): — "Flintlastic APP Base T", torched Cap Sheet: — "Flintlastic GTA-FR", torched 66. Deck: NC Incline: 2 Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA". Membrane: — "Flintlastic GTA- FR" heat fused. 67. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 2 Barrier Board: — Minimum 1/4-in. thick United States Gypsum Co. "SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board" (Type FRX-G), mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: — "Flintlastic STA" or "Flintlastic APP Base T", heat fused. Cap Sheet: — "Flintlastic GTA-FR", heat fused. litip:lldatabase.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/templatelLISEXT/1 FRAMElshowpage.htmi?name=TGFU.Rl 1656&c... 2/ 1 /2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 3 Business & Professional RequAlafion c�r�r • ens Nome I Lop In I User Reglsteagon I Not Topics submit surcharge stets a Fatts PubllcatiOns centea t Us MS site Map links searth dbilo-15%rproduct Approval � USER: Public User Pmdutt gooroval Menu > proEUR or Aopllration seartb > Aoopratfon Lls[ > Applicatlon egfail FL # FL13192-R5 SCANNED Application Type Revision BY Code Version 2017 St. Lucie County Application Status, Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer James Hardie Building Products, Inc. Address/Phone/Email 26300 La Alameda Ste. 250 Mission Viejo, 7 92691 (909)49-292C pings 3ng.zhu pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie. Authorized Signature Pingsheng Zhu pingsheng.zhu@jameshar .corn Technical Representative Pingsheng Zhu Sr �1ltt'.0 2p19Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave. Fontana, CA 92337 / I (909) 349-2927 C/Ci Ue1Jt3r pingsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com et `Y�t Quality Assurance Representative Pingsheng Zhu CoUn7 rt Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave. /� Fontana, CA 92337 (909) 349-2927 pi ngsheng.zhu@jameshardie.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received i Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Ronald I. Ogawa the Evaluation Report Florida Ucense PE-24121 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By John Southard, P.E. 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL13192 R5 COI RIO - Certificate of Indeoendence.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard . ASTM C1186 ASTM E330 Year 2007 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Ucensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL13192 R5 Eguly R - 692B-IZ df Sections from the Code FILE CUFY httn://www.floridahuilding-nrg/nr/nr ann dtl.asnx?naram=wCTF.VXOwtl)otsk%2hGnilu47_-- 2/4/2019 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/09/2017 Date Validated 08/25/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/28/2017 Date Approved 10110/2017 Summary of Products FL fF Model, Number or Name Description 13192.1 Cemplank Lap Siding fiber -cement lap siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL13192 R5 II CemPlank-Installation.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL13192 RS II ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.Ddf Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.odf FL13192 RS II ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing.Ddf Other: For use in HVHZ install in accordance with NOA 17- FL13192 RS II NOA 17-0406.06.odf 0406.06 Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1319Z R5 AE ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.odf FL13192 RS AE ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU Ddf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathing.odf FL13192 RS AE NOA 17-0406.06.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 13192.2 HardiePlank Lap Siding fiber -cement lap siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL13192 RS II ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A FL13192 RS II ER RI 7 17 Plank Shingle to C U f FL13192 IRS 11 ER RIO-215288-17Plank WSP Shea hin df Design Pressure: N/A FL13192 R5 II HardiePlank-Installation.odf Other: For use in HVHZ install in accordance with NOA 17- 0406.06 FL13192 RS II NOA 17-0406.06.odf Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 RS AE ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal Frame.odf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shinole to CMU odf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2688-17 Plank WSP Sheathina.Ddf FL13192 RS AE NOA 17-0406.06.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 13192.3 HardieShingle Individual Shingles fiber -cement individual cladding shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL13197 R5 II ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Frame.odf _ Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A FL13192 RS II HardieShinole-Installation odf Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Other: Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 RS AE ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Frame.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 13192.4 HardieShingle Panel fiber -cement notched shingle panels (straight edge, staggered edge, half round edge) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL13192 RS II ER RIO-2685-17 Shinole Wood Metal Frame.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A FL13192 R5 II ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.odf Design Pressure: N/A FL13192 R5 II Hardie5hinale-Installation.odf Other: Verified By: Ronald I. Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2685-17 Shingle Wood Metal Frame.odf FL13192 R5 AE ER RIO-2687-17 Plank Shingle to CMU.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 13192.5 Prevail Lap Siding fiber -cement lap siding http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtsk`/`2bGnUu47... 2/4/2019 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 Limits of use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes - Approved for use outside WHIM Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: For use in HVHZ install in accordance with NOA 17- 0406.06 Installation Instructions FL13192 R5 li ER RIO-2683-17 Plank Wood Metal FL13192 R5 II P e a'I-Lao-S'd'no--In tallar df Verified By: Ronald 1. Ogawa 24121 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports sack Neat Conrad Us 2601 Blab Stone Road, Tallahassee R 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The Stale of Honda is an ANEW employer. rnovdaht 2007-2013 State of Mmmla.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Rafund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your ¢-mall address released In response to a publla records repuest, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact Me offire by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any 9uesdons, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effecave October 1, 2012, licensees Iimmed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address U they have one. The emads provided may be used for official mmmunIMUon with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, pleam provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a limns¢¢ under Chapter 455, F.S., please tlkk ft r . Produm Approval Accepts: ®®WONRW® Credit Card Safe http://Www.floridabuilding.orglprlpi•_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtskOlo2bGnUu47... 2/4/2019 .Florida Product Approval HardiePlank® Lap Siding • For use inside HVHZ: — - - - o HardiePlank Lap Siding'fastener types, fastening schedule, and`installation shall be in accordance with the Miami -Dade County Florida NOA 07- 0418.04. Consult the HardiePlank product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. • For use outside of HVHZ, - - o HardiePlank Lap Siding fastener types, -fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with Engineering Evaluation Reports RIO-2298-11 or RIO-2300-11. Consult the HardiePlank product installation -instructions on the follow pages for all other installation, requirements. '. n e HardiePlank"`M 10 Lap Siding ,% JamesHardie BfEECTNE NOVEMBER 2010 RM INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS - PRIMED&COLORPLUS® PRODUCTS Visit wew.lameshardle.comfor the most recent version. IMPORTANT: FAILURE TO INSTALLAND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND JAMES HARDIE WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY, AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES, AND VOID THE PRODUCT ONLY WARRANTY. BEFORE INSTALLATION, CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE USING THE CORRECT HARDIEZONETM PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION OF HZ100 PRODUCTS OUTSIDE AN HZ100 LOCATION WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY. TO DETERMINE WHICH HARDIEZONEn^APPLIES TO YOUR LOCATION, VISIT WWW HARDIEZONE.COM OR CALL 1-B66-942-7343 (866 9HARDIE) STORAGE & HANDLING: m. CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Store flat and keep dry and aRDoottS 0IDo0RS covered prior to installation. Installing 1. Postimculling statmn sothitwIndWEU idust may Imm user 1.Qd only using scare and crap, orsheans(maual, epic or pneumatic). andolhersIn wa4 area 2. Position cutting station in well-velthlated area siding wet or saturated, may result In 2ussonsothefdnvmgrmfrod; shrinkage atbuttjoints.Carry plarks a.Bat LscaeaM rap ' on edge. Protect and comers b, Better. a.z (naafal'elec4icarepqnuaI�nr�dc)-NEVERuseapowersawmdons g l s adFl9'AvaiasnecAadlm - ��a Made svieep use wet sup;xession mrVA' ladesawbladetr�mark from breakage. James Hardie is not cCtisd LD�redeigtradarsawwMaftr�desmvda� HB acuum responsible for (atyhaehxkavmpndadleadieg) damage caused hpnradikrar mdmanpmema(kwxstreaNadatlxcdda)Jaeslreonm�saMr4aug Batamlgr etlo�wt�eleasm. by improper soordge and ieAasra le�fi oxpe�mw&hi6aeaaFagprddramhntl er ed¢ed�o�mrtes Mf4o�a�meeEdmre m'saaiaablie handle of the aimxv.Jadc.canmhepyvu cancan ieeenost�pap ae_a legrtefudfataelb tin vain �emteahcut bayou g product Coratoy mFl wtlhtteabae pacts s,WuslnuilaMarsoosuttaun dredlhhvvaa aa��ttamnaGJa �SFWSefarmtler4hxma bn GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • HardiePlank' lap siding can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24" o.c. or directly to minimum 7116" thick OSB sheathing. Irregularities in framing and sheathing can m"mor through the finished application. • HardiePlank° lap siding can also be iristalled ever foam insulation/sheathing up to 1" thick When using foam insulation/sheathing, avoid over -driving rlals (fasteners), which can result in dimpling of the siding due to the compressible nature of the foam insulation/sheathing. Extra caution is necessary if power -driven nails (fasteners) are used for attaching siding over foam insulation/sheathing. • A water -resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water -resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements. James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. James Hardie does manufacture HardieWnape Weather Barrier, a non -woven non -perforated housewrapl, which complies with building code requirements. • When installing James Hardie products all clearance details in figs. 3,4,5,6,7,8,&9 must be followed. • Adjacent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local building Figure 1 Double Wag singm was codes - typically a minimum of 6" in the first 10'. Construction Constnrci • Do not use HardiePlank lap siding in fascia or trip applications, wafer-resssre bamer W-orta�y • Do riot install James Hardie products, such that they may, remain in contact with standing water. OoNwaca or 24• o.c. maz • HardiePlank lap siding may be installed on flat vertical wall applications only. $e matt ng • For larger projects, including commercial and mul&fatuity projects, where the span of the wall is significant in length, the designer and/or architect should take into consideration the coefficient of thermal expansion and moisture movement of the product in their design. These values can be found in the Technical Bulletin 'Expansion Characteristics of James Hardie Siding Products" at www.JamesHardie.com. • DO NOT use stain on James Hardie' products. INSTALLATION: JoiKrTREAr69EN1r• fReg0W forCamrRrs• Rabh, Rmmmertded for himedprodecq Jaynes Hade does not reconmrend the use of caulk at field buajoints. Figure 2 install planks m modaere confect Install factory finished edges � together at butt joints. Torotherianting ophors, referm local building code or NER 405 As requved by local bmldmg code —Apply caulC in accordancewdh caulk manuractmers written app5a6o n Instructions. ' For additional information on HardieWmp• Weather Barrier, consult James Hardie at 1-866-4Hardie orwwwhardiewrao.cor fast ' Insta➢a l lW staners" b enwm a wnsisnmt plank angle Fsreappupruitegapbeaeeen plant¢ and bun, Nen caulk^' forked with other dseases. sow ' HS992DPt14 10110 CLEARANCES Install siding and him products_in compfance with local building code requirements for clearance between the bottom edge of the siding and the adjacent finished grade. Figure 3 m.f Ha dePla ks iapsofma Maintain a 1/4" clearance between the bottom of James Hardie products and horizontal flashing. Do not caulk gap. Figure 7 Oo rot 114igap CaIIX Maintain a 1" - 2" clearance between James Hartle products and paths, steps and driveways. 1"- 2' Maintain a 1"- 2 clearance between James Hardie products and decking material. At the juncture of the roof and vertical surfaces, flashing and counterllashing shall be installed per the roofing manufacturer's instructions. Provide a 1" - 2" clearance between the roofing and the bottom edge of the siding and him. r-z' �p i ' KICKOUT FLASHING Maintain a minimum s•gap Because of the volume of water that can pour down between gutter end cam and /•,1 a sloped roof, one of the most critical gashing siding & trim. I details occurs where a roof intersects a sidewall. Figure 8 �� /} f �� R The roof must be flashed with step flashing. Where I a d ; the roof terminates, install a ldckout to deflect water ea+:o S away from the siding. It is best to install a set -adhering membrane on the wall before the subfascia and trim boards are nailed y - in place, and then come back to install the kickout. tasda Figure 9, lockout Flashing= To prevent water from dumping behind the siding and tie end of the roof intersection, install a'kidmut" of sufficient length and angle to direct the nuherand end eap water running down the roof away from the siding. FASTENER REQUIREMENTS " Blind Nailing Is the preferred method of Installation for all HardlsPlank® lap siding products BLIND NAIIJNG Nails - Wood Framing • Siding nail (0.09" shank x 0.221" HD x 2" long) • 11 ga. roofing nail (0.121' shank x 0.371" HD x 1.25' long) Screws - Steel Framing • Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 1 1/4" long x 0.375' HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nags - Steel Framing . • ET & F Panelfast° nails or equivalent (0.10" shank x 0.313" HD x 1-1/2" long) Nails must penetrate n kimium 1/4" into metal framing. OSB minimum 7116" • 11 ga. roofing nail (0.121" shank x 0.371" HO x 1.75" long) • Ribbed Wafer -head or equivalent (No. 8 x 15/8" long x 0.375' HD). stud 24 _ water-resishve O.C. max. barrier nail Figure 10 water-restswe barrier FACE NAWNG Nails -Wood Framing • 6d (0.113" shank x 0.267' HD x 2" long) • Siding nail (0.09" shank x 0.221" HD x 2" long) Screws - Steel framing • Ribbed Bugle -head or equivalent (No. 8-18 x 1-5/8" long x 0.323' HD) Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails - Steel Framing • ET & F pin or equivalent (0.10" shank x 0.25" HD x 1-UT long) Nails mast penetrate minimum 1/4' into metal homing. OSB minimum 7/16" • Siding nail (0.09" shank 0.221" HD x 1-112" long)' Figure 11 MWmum overlap for Both Face and Blind Nailing min. 1 114" overlap z4^ — O.C. malt I I I 314"-1" _ face nail 1 114" min. overiap water -resistive barrier ovedep Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after Installation of each course for ColorPlus• products. : The illustration (flgme 9) and associated hod was reprinted with permission ofTHE JOURNAL OF LIGHT CONSM9110N. For subscription irdamation, visit www.loonfine.com. When face trailing to OSB, planks must be no greater than 91/4" wide and fasteners must be 12" o.c. or less. "Also see General fastening Itapu7rements; and when rxmsldermg alternative fastening options refer to James Hardie's Tedmkal Bulletin U51B 17 - FasterangTips for HardiePlalde tap Siding. KCD97DP914 101111 y "P GENERAL FASTENING. REQUIREMENTS Fasteners must be corrosion resistant, galvanized, or stainless steel. Bectro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion. James Hardie recommends the use of quality, hot -dipped galvanized nails. James Hardie is riot responsible for the corrosion resistance of fasteners. Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing James Hardie products near the ocean, large bodies of water, or in very humid climates. PNEUMATIC FASTENING James Hardie products can be hand nailed or fastened with a pneumatic Goo. Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended. Set air pressure so that the - _ fastener is driven snug with the surface of the siding. A flush mount attachment on the pneumatic tool is recommended. This will help control the depth the nail is driven. If setting the nail depth proves difficult, choose a setting that under drives the nail. (Drive under driven nails snug with a smooth faced hammer- Does not apply for installation to steel framing). • Consult applicable code compliance report for correct fasteners type and placement to achieve specified design wind bads. • NOTE: Published wind loads may not be applicable to all areas where Local Building Codes have specificjurMetion. Consult James Hardie Technical Services If you are unsure of applicable compliance documentation. • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. • Fastener heads should fit snug against siding (rho an space). (fig. A) • Do not over -drive nag heads or drive naffs at an angle. • If nail is countersunk, caulk rag hole and add a nail. (fig. B) • For wood framing, under driven nags should be hit flush to the plank with a hammer (For steel naming, remove and replace nail). • Do not use aluminum_ fasteners, staples, or dipped head nags Snug Flush ® FP?dd urrtetsunk ulk & naildonotunder oomar Figure Are B drfee nags srAPLE CAULKING PAINTING For best results use an Gastomedc Joint Sealant complying DO NOT use slain on James Hardie, products James Hardie products must be with ASTM C920 Grade NS, Class 25 or higher or a Latex painted within 180 days for primed product and 90 days for unp lmed.100% Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C834. Caullang/Sealant acryl c topcoats are recommended. Do not paint when wel for application rates must be applied in accordance with the caulldng/sealant refer to paint manufacturers specifications. flack -rolling is recommended if the manufacturer's written instructions orASTM C1193. siding is sprayed. COLORPLUS® TECHNOLOGY CAULKING, TOUCH-UP & LAMINATE • Touch up rill¢, scrapes and nag heads using the ColorPlus•Technology touch-up applicator. Touch-up palm should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up, replace the damaged area with new HardfePianke lap siding with ColorPlusTechnology. • Laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. • Terminate non -factory cut edges into trim where possible, and caulk Color matched caulks we available from your ColorPlus3 product dealer. • Treat all other ran -factory cat edges using the ColorPlusTecmoogy edge coaters, available from your ColorPlus product dealer. PAINTING JAMES HARDIE® SIDING AND TRIM PRODUCTS WITH COLORPLUS® TECHNOLOGY When repainting CdorPlus products, James Hartle recommends the following regarding surface preparation and topcoat appficaflon: • Ensure the surface Is dean, dry, and free of any dust, dirt, or mildew • Repriming is normally not necessary • 100% acrylic topcoats are recommended • DO NOT use stain or oUalkyd base paints on James Hardie products • Apply finish coat in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage, application methods, and application temperature COVERAGE CHART/ESTIMATING GUIDE Number of 12' planks, does not include waste COVERAGE AREA LESS OPENINGS I HMOIEPLANIC UP SWING VBIM SQ sQ=1Wsq.iL) 5114 (exposure) 4 , 6114 5 7114 6 712 6114 8 6314 8114 7 9114 8 912 819 12 10314 1 25 20 17 16 15 14 13 ' 13 9 2 50 40 33 32 30 29 25 25 19 3 75 60 50 48 44 43 38 38 28 4 100 80 67 64 69 57 50 50 37 5 125 100 83 80 74 71 63 63 47 6 150 120 100 96 89 86 75 75 56 7 175 140 117 112 104 100 88 88 65 8 200 160 133 128 119 114 100 100 74 9 225 180 150 .144 133 129 113 113 84 10 250 200 167 160 148 143 125 125 93 11 275 220 183 176 163 157 138 138 102 12 300 240 200 192 178 171 150 150 112 13 325 260 217 208 193 186 163 163 121 14 350 280 233 224 207 200 175 175 130 15 375 300 250 240 222 214 188 188 140 16 400 320 267 256 237 229 200 200 149 17 425 340 283 272. 252 243 213 213 15B 18 450 360 300 288 267 257 225 225 167 19 475 380 317 304 281 271 238 238 177 20 500 400 333 320 296 286 250 250 186 This coverage dart is meant as a guide. Actual usage is subject to variables such as building design. James Hardie does not assume responsbTrty for over or under orderina of uroducL im t e BOCANAMW edAf dn6nrtum mncemeg HS092QP3/4 10110 ®2019James Har5aTedommgy Limed. AyrghIsnsemed Addifional Installation Informafion, TµSM,aM®denobof Ian arl¢vregsteredbadmnadsaf Jemes Hardie TedmlogyUmited.disamgistemdtmdemmk Warranfies, and Wamings are anlable at JamesHardie aLJztmsHmdaTeft*gy Lvr.ed www.Jameshwdie.com PmwlFast's a reg'sl tradaomk dEfBF Fasteniig System .Inc. HS092"4/4 10110 51'JamesHardle HardieShingle® hiding >On. I IFFECiIVEAPRIL2009im— STRAIGHTEDGE, STAGGERED EDGE, HALF -ROUND PANELS AND INDIVIDUAL SHINGLES Vawwwfameshardle.comforthemost recent version. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS - PRIMED & COLORPLUS® PRODUCTS IMPORTANL• FAILURE TO INSTALL AND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND JAMES HARDIE WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY, AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES, AND VOID THE PRODUCT ONLYWARRANTY. BEFORE INSTALLATION, CONFIRM THATYOU ARE USING THE CORRECT HARDIEZONE INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALLATION OF HZ10TIA PRODUCTS OUTSIDE AN HZ10TM LOCATION WILLVOID YOUR WARRANTY. TO DETERMINE WHICH HARDIEZONEAPPLIR TO YOUR LOCATION, VISIT WWW.HARDIFZONE.COM OR CALL 1-866-942-7343 (866 9HARDIE) STORAGE & HANDLING: m CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS ()UIDOORS RS 1.Cuto Store flat and keep dry and Covered prior toinstallation. Installing Position, �slasvthatwidwill bbvdmmvdyfurnuser yusirgswreandmap,astears(manoal,ellectricorpneumatic). siding wet or saturated may result In ardoilrusmxalmyarea 2. Use one oftlrefo0awng methods: 2. Postiatc 9smhon in well -ventilated area -NEVER use apwersawindoas shrinkage atbalohlts.Carry planks a.nesh tsoueardMV i9mas Imanal,elachicorpemelvj on edge. Protect edges and comers Matte. LUniremdngaw9arsaweq.W>Pedv4tta -trF_VBRtseaaadssawb�ieilatdasMarryte Harde�desawNade tradarnadr from breakage. James Hardie is not )iarrle6lade'saJ+btatleaM HEPAvndrum ektaaiorl -NEVER dry sweep —use wet suppression or HEPAVacuum for cGmd: [Udr¢dlwig arcolasmvwVtaliarsavblade responsible (cooly t� tar berm rtoderrde alffng) darrageCaused by improper ImpartardNots:Form,vdmumpateciWn0awestrespkabedust pmducton),JamesHardie rwummendsalways tsing'Besr"-hrmlagtngmemodsvAremfamblo. � �be�dincon*r4olwthabneaft pradoesmfMmeredredatep�Adis�ekdmnm'samlaUe storage and fandlingofthe �v.prsimdemnmt�}a�arnketemmtappropdaemtgnehmivyarpbregmare�ansomemtsahadeaeles%wya p rOduCt. cor"wth to above pmctias,you should allays caraiftaqualled idustrtd HudiaforMtheredmnorm . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • Hari ieSh ngle® panels can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24" D.C. or directly to minimum 7/16' thick sheaf ill. HardieShingle Individual Shingles must be installed directly to minimum 7/16" thick sheathing. • Hardieshingle panels can also be installed over foam insulation/sheathing up to 1" thick. When using foam insulation/sheathing, avoid over -driving rails (fasteners),which can result in dimpling of the siding due to the compressible nature of the foam insulation/sheathing. Extra caution is necessary if power -driven nails (fasteners) are used for attaching siding over foam insulation/sheathing. • A water-reslsm a barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water -resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local balding code requirements. James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infitbation. James Hardie does manufacture HardiftapT Weather Barrier, a non -woven non -perforated housewrapr, which complies with building code requirements. • When installing James Hardie products all clearance details in figs.1,2,3,4,5,6&7 must be followed. • Adjacent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local building codes - typically a minimum of 6" in the first 10'. • Do not instal James Hardie products, such that they may remain in contact with standing water. • HardieShingle lap siding may be installed on vertical wall applications only. • DO NOT use stain on James Hardie® products. CLEARANCES Install siding and trim products in Maintain a 1"- 2" clearance Maintain a 1" - 2" clearance At the juncture of the roof and vertical compliance with local binldmg code between James Hardie between James Hardie products surfaces, flashing and counterflashing shag requirements for Clearance between products and pa ft steps and decking material. be installed per the roofing manufacturers the bottom edge of the siding and and driveways. instructions. Provide a 1" - 2" Clearance the adacent finished grade. Figure 3 between the roofing and the bottom edge of the siding and trim. Figure 4 r.M r For additional Information on HardieWrap" Weather Barrier, consult James Hardie at 1-8664Hardle or www.hardlemap.com WARNING: AVOID BREATHING SILICA DUST James Harde• paduds contain respiraNeaysdlmesda, wlddr iskrown tothe SfatedQZibmiamcause canerand isca sideredbytARCcoed NIOSHtobe a sussdancerherosameaoupa5mal sources. areathing excessive amounts ofrespirable silos dust can also cause a disabling and potentially fatal lung disease ailed sitossis, and has been linkedwith other diseases. Some smdessuggest sndJng naYinease ease r'sks Durkg work in outdoors with ample ventlaborc (2) use fiber cmvffi shears roraetmg or. where rKdfeasible, use a Hardie&ade saw blade andddaeduag aaParsawattached toa HEPAva=M (3)wam others in themmedafe area; (4)wear a p operViftled, NIOSH-approved Qstmask orrespbator (eg. N-95) in avadarwewith applicable gwemment regulations and maNaaeerh¢mrc5as to bv1ha6ndrespirablesi5cimposres. During dearvulp, use HEPA vaamrs uwel deamg methods -rmerdry snap. Forfudher information, refer to our Installation bsbuat ws and Material Safety Data Sheet available at wvww.Jamesharde.oam or by aONg 1-800-9HARDIE (1400442-7343). FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNINGS, MSDB, AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATIL srmvx HS0921_1`7/6 4109 Maintain a l/4" clearance between the bottom of James Hardie products and horizontal flashing. Do not caulk gap. . Figure 6 0o rmt va eaP Caalk 1 flashing Maintain a minimum 1' gap Figure 7 between gutter end caps and siding &trim. Figure 6 gulterandendcap KICKOUT FLASHING Because of the volume of water itrat can pour down a sloped roof, one of the most critical - flashing details occurs where a roof intersects a sidewaail. The roof most be flashed with step flashing. Where the roof terminates, iiatail a lockout to deflectwater away from the siding. it is best to install a self -adhering membrane on the wall before the subtascla and him boards are, nailed in place, and then come back to install the kic kout. Figure 7, IGckout FlashingsTo prevent water from dumping behind the siding and the, end of the roof intersection, install a "lockout" of sufficient length and angle to direct the water running down the roof away from the siring. STAGGERED EDGE NOTCHED PANELS Steps INSTALLATION „s ram nano Fastemar Requiremerds gap roc 0.083" x 0.187" HD x 1 1/2" long ringshank nails are used for Ml fastening HandleShingie Staggered Edge Notched Panels to both'fram ng and to 7/16" thickAPA rated sheathing. 16" HardieShbrgle Staggered Edge Notched Panel Installation panels Install HardieShingte notched panels with joints buffed in moderate contact Due to overlapping of the joints, caulk is not required except where panels abut trim boards. (fig. 8 & 10). Fnmue keyways do not fine up on subsequent courses. I - 1) Install a 1-114" starter strip, and a 81/4" or 9114" wide HardisPlank® lap siding starter course. 2) Trim the rust panel from the end abutting trim (the leg side in figures 8 & �e 10) to hit the furthest stud. When installing over a band board, trim the bottom of the panel to create a straight edge, leave 1/4' gap between Figure 6 bottom of siding and flashing (fig. 9). 3)Secure panel, leaving 1/8' gap for caulk at trim and continue the course�5 s 6 along the wall. 118 4) Start the second course, by removing the equivalent of one full stud minimum cavity, again from the end abutting the trim. This is to prevent pattern gapfor P murk repetition. Repeats" 3. 5) Start the third course, by removing the equivalent of two full stud cavities and repeat stop 3. 6) Continue up the wall repeating steps 2 through 6 until desired height is tin reached. course • I 1 • Figure 9 1r4' gap. Do not punt band board lwani 16"or24- 'I water -resistive t� ua barer I r _.. sheatlring .. NOTNAlLTHROUGH .5'1 1 t , ,THISAREA 5.5' I %I i are" position naes into haming to hit f dhe stud 'Una, strip m nses 0Ny when amp onmh is to rtnmmum 7r1(r tNrkAPA rated sheathing, 6-1r4"ore-1r4" positim nails at 13314" oo. HardiePlanksiding Allow 3187 form panel edges ..iy I rse HARDIESHINGLE STAGGERED EDGE NOTCHED PANEL COVERAGE Panels for sidewall applications are available in 48' lengths. Pieces needed for one square (100sq.ft) of product coverage = approximately 55, based on a maximum 5.5" exposure from the bop edge of HardieShingle panels in subsequent courses (refer to Figure 8). The illustration (figure 7) and associated text was reprinted with permission of THE JOURNAL OF LIGHT CONSTRUCTION. for subscription information, visit wwwjlconline.com. HS0927 M U09 y >o _STAALGHT_EDGE _NOTCHED PANELS__ INSTALLATION Maximum Exposure of 7' REFER TO STAGGERED EDGE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE Steps 1-4 trim board 1Gor24' vaater-resistrve 0o barter 1B gap for raWk �---.. I I . sheathing I DO NOT NAILTHROUGH I T i I 76" THIS AREA: �tlml to �I l Figure 10 po�6 rr�gryy psdionpM�aSo�n��� amm W second OTi1EUedra APAratedsh� tam fis panel starter sfiP course rra�a113314'0.0. to ry-{ruMest stud &1/4'or 9S1W A8ow 3B'rmmparetedges FiardePlank'siding HARDIESHINGLE® STRAIGHT EDGE NOTCHED PANEL COVERAGE Panels for sidawall applicallons,are available in 48" lengths. Pieces needed for one square 000sq.fL) of product coverage = approximately45, based on maximum 7" exposure. Steps 5 & 6 HALF -ROUND NOTCHED PANELS INSTALLATION - Figure 11 Fastener Requirements lam board 0.083 x 0.1o, HD x 1 12 long nngshank imus are used for fastening Hanfie$hinglee Half -Round Notched Panels to both framing and 118 gap to 7/16' thfccAPA rated sheathing. for HardieShfngfe Half -Rood Nobdied Panel Installation punk Install HardieShingle notched panels with joints hutted in T moderate rxutacL Due to overlapping of the joints, caulk is not required 19" except where panels abut trim boards (fig. 11). Shingles 1) Install a 11/4° starter starter strip, and a minimum a 8-1/4° or 91/4' wide HaudiePlanko siding starter course. 2) Trim the first panel from the end abutting trim (the left side in fig. 11) to hit the furthest stud. 3) Secure panel, leaving 118' gap for caulk at trim and continue the course along the wall. 4) Start the pond course, by removing the equivalent of one full stud J cavity, again from the end abutting the trim. Ensure the seam is located over the midpoint of the lower course for correct alignment gig. 11). 5) Continue up the wall repeating steps 2 through 5 until desired height is reached har rier' re 1fi'or 24'—+I ha 0.4 I sheathing II- 19 t position nags into hartung trim firstpanel / though previous courses, to ha furtheststud Onlyy when apppiIuxfion is to minimum 7116'thi k A rated sheathing, naffsat 133114r . &114'or9-W 31b' from panel edges HafdiePlanM lap siding HARDIESHINGLE HALF -ROUND NOTCHED PANEL COVERAGE Panels for sidewall applications are available in 48' lengths. Pieces needed for one square 000 sq. fro of product coverage=43 pieces with 7' exposure. 11r4r starter strip HSD92f_P3B 4M i INDIVIDUAL SHINGLE Figure 12 INSTALLATION HardieShinglea Individual Shingles must be Installed dirm* to 1!8 minimum 7/16' thick sheathing. gap � Fastener Requirements murk 0.091"x0.221"HDx1112'or0.121'x0.371'HDxl1/4'long I corrosion resistant siding naffs are used for fixing Hardieshingle siding to 7/16" thick APA rated sheathing. Iatingles Haidieshmgle Indndduat shingle bstaMon Due to overlapping of the joints, caulk is not required except where panels abut trim boards. Space shingles a maximum 1/4" apart and leave a minimum lap of 1 112' between successive courses (fig.13). 1) Install 1 1/4' starter strip and a 81/4' or 91/4" wide IlardiePienlke siding starter course. 2) Install first shingle from the end abutting trim (fig. 12). 3) Secure shingle, leaving a 1/8' gap for caulk at trim and continue the course along the wall. 4) Start the second course, leaving a minimum lap of 1 1/2" between successive courses, again from the end abutting the trim. Repeat step 3. 5) Continue up the wall repeating steps 2 through 5 until desired height is reached. HARDIESHINGLE INDIVIDUAL SHINGLE COVERAGE Shingles for sidewall applications are available in 6", 8", and 12" widths. Bundles needed for one square (100 sq. ft.) of product coverage: Shingle Number Pieces Width of Bindles per Bindle 6" 6 11 8" 6 11 12u 6 11 CORNER DETAILS A. Panels butted against comer boards. B. Panels hutted against square wood strip on inside comer, flashing behind. C. Laced outside comer. D. Laced inside comer. - minimum 1" thick trim WINDOWS AND DOORS Figun 16' shingles boant I.-16'mW-- I wa���e I_ O.C._I banier' sheathing position reds to severe 1 1f4' through previous recourses, starter strip rot abo e-114-ar "M' - HardiePlank siding Building wall components such as windows, doors and other exterior well penetrations shall be installed in accordance with the component manufachaerls written installation instructions and local building codes. Where windows or doors are installed, continue the appiicanim of siding as if the wall is complete. Triming for the opening and using the resulting piece may throw off the spacing above the break MINDN1 0101 M'rvamml HS9921_P416 09 GABLE INSTALLATION: Installation over sheathing is recommended for gables. 1) Install a 1 1/4' starter ship and a 8-1/4' or 9-1/44' wide Hard ePlank• lap siding starter course. - -- -- - - 2) Begin Half -Round Notched Panel Installafion by firs[ marking a plumb fine down the center of the gable. Center either a keyway or a half -round king this line to ensure a symmetric finished appearance (fig.15 & 16). 3) Start surd own, by removing the equivalent of one fug stud cavity and ensuring the seam is located over the midpoint of the lower course. 4) Cut the edge of the panels to correspond with the rake angle of the gable leaving a 1/8' gap for caulk at the trim. 5) If the rake angle ads through a keyway of a complete panel or significantly weak2m the end of the panel, use face na is to secure the end pieces as shown (fig.17) 6) Continue Installation aligning courses as indicated. At the top of the gable, face nails will be required for the final pieces (fig.18) Figure 15 chalklined centerfne of the gable i an a kover aon nails must overlap the previous course Figure 17 e-1/4'org-1/4' HardiePlank- 1 114" starter / strip Of \ -1--- L —1111 A face nail ` trim board cerrea small pieces alignment flashing (refer to fig. 5) GENERAL FASTENING panel centered Figure 18 on shingle face F[ 8 and 24 oc studs Figure 18 face nag \ top shingle second course seam is located ` overmd-point of lower course Fasteners must be corrosion resistant, galvainized, or stainless steel. Bectro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion. James Hake recommends the use of quality, hot -dipped gaWnM nails. James Hardie is not responsible for the corrosion resistance of fasteners. Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing James Hardee products near the ocean, large bodes of water, or in very humid cHmallm PNEUMATIC FASTENING James Hardie products can be hand nailed or fastened with a pneumatic tool. Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended. Set air pressure so that the fastener is driven snug with the surface of the siding. A flush mount attachment on the pneumatic tool is recommended. This will help control the depth the nail is driven. If setting the nail depth proves difficult, choose a setfing that under drives the flail. (Drive under driven nails snug with a smooth faced hammer - Does not apply for installation to steel framing). • Consult applicable code compliance report for correct fasteners type and placement to achieve specified design wind loads. • NOTE: Published wind toads may not be applicable to all areas where Loral Bu lding Codes have specificitinsdchan. Consuft James Hardie Technical Services 9 you are unsure of applicable compliance documentation. • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. • fastener heads should fit snug against siding (no air space). (fig. A) • Do not overdrive nall heads or drive nails at an angle. • If nail is countersunk, caulk nail hole and add a nail. (fig. B) • For wood framing, under driven nails should be hit flush to the plank with a hammer (For steel framing, remove and replace nail). • Do not use aluminum fasteners, staples, or dipped head nags. Snug Flush 919 Countersunk, ® ® Caulk il add nail do not under DONUT Figure A Figure B drive nags STAPLE HS0921-PSB 4a19 A Ufo CAULKING For best results use an Elastomeric Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C920 Grade NS, Class 25 or higher or a latex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM C834. Caulking/Sealant most be applied in accordance with the cautidng/sealant manufachuer's written instructions orASTM C1193. PRIMING & PAINTING DO NOT use stain on James Hardie® products. James Hardie® products must be painted within 180 days for primed product and 90 days for unpdmed. In addition non ColorPlusP product versions of HardleShingle° Siding require a field applied prime coat 100% acrylic primers and topcoats are recommended. Do not paint when wet. For application rates refer to paint manufacturers specifications. Back wiring is recommended when paint is spray applied. COLORPLUS®TECHNOLOGY CAULKING, TOUCH-UP & LAMINATE • Touch up nicks, scrapes and nail heads using the ColoMusP Technology touch up applicator. Touch-up paint should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up, replace the damaged area with new HardieShingle® siding with ColorPlus Technology. • Laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. • Terminate non -factory cut edges into trim where possible, and caulk Color matched caulks are available from your ColorPi9s® product dealer. • Treat all other non -factory art edges using the ColorPlus Technology edge coaters, available from your ColorPlus product dealer. PAINTING JAMES HARDIE® SIDING AND TRIM PRODUCTS WITH COLORPLUSO TECHNOLOGY When repainting ColorPlus products, James Hardie recommends the following regarding surface preparation and topcoat application: • Ensure the surface is dean, dry, and free of any dust, did, or mildew • Repriming is normally not necessary • 100% acrylic topcoats are recommended • DO NOT use stain or oiValkyd base paints on James Hardle° products • Apply finish coat in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage, application methods, and application temperature RECDGNmON: Inw=da wah ICCESLeggyP3WNHt-005, HardeShougt-Sl4WW Edge Notced Panels are wougamd as a smtaUe alksnaleb 90 speifiedWAle BOCANatiomal BmMmg Codef1999, Die 1997Srandard&nldigCode . 9re 1997UftftmBu3d1ngiCode, the 199a International Onrandlw Farr4l)mFM Cow,9e2003In1emationat gCade. and 9e 2003 International Residential Code for Cneand TAuF=4 Dwllwg-HamieWngle Staggered Edge Notched PanelsareaLsoremgnvedforapptialion m 9refdotsing. City of LosAogeles Pam" RepodW 248A Stated Radda isti g F1f1889, -02. U.S. Dept of HUD Materials Release 1263c,Teaas Deparhnmtof Incoanrx Praftl BrAmbon EC-23, Cdyof NmYmk NEA223493 1. and Caffmrda DSAPA019. These documents stroWd also be co staled for additional hdomafun comrni g 9re suilalridyof ft godW forsperdeap*a1ions. ® 2009 James Handle Ntemational Finance B.V. M rights reserved. Please Visit www.jameshardi?.com qD TM. SM, and ® denote trademarks or registered bademmts of for Additional Product Information and JamesHardie James Hardie International Finance B.V. 0 is a registered Availability,Installation Information, / trademark of James Hardie International Finance B.V. Warnings, and Warranties FlSW pwg 4A9