HomeMy WebLinkAboutTECHNICAL DATA SHEET�- SA--T-echnical-DataSheet ln.-�.� -
We_create chemistry!G 22
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enertlte Insulate
� rOru+OV` Polu�lmw{inn tm{rtan
ENERTITE G is a iwaccmpnneM h:v-0ensity apencall spray potyurethane foam
system designed for use in residential construction and common commercial • ASTM E 84 (Class 1) With Product listing rna1
insulation applications. ENERTITE G is compalible with most common NFPA 285 complying assemblies available /
construction materials, but can only be processed with ELASTOSPRAT 18000A
Isocyanate. The benefits of ENERTITE G include: • Fire Resistant assemblies available
• Superiorinsulation • INTERTEK Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-1032
• Non -fibrous • Thickness is not limited when installed behind a code -prescribed thermal
• Sound control border (per ICC-ES AC377)
• Approved for certain Attic & Crew] Space installations with and without
TYPICAL PROPERTIEStt1' prescriptive ignition barriers per ICC-ES AC377, Appendix A1.2.2 and
Specific Gravity @70'F ASTMD 1638 1.135 Critical Radiant Flux. ASTM E970 0.26W/cm'
44n foam thickness
Viscosity @ 77F(cps) Brookfield 350
Critlnla thickness
Flux, ASTM E970 0.25 Wlcm'
Cured Foam: ban foam thickness
Density. core (pas tC 4' Idts) ASTM D 6222 0.5 (nominal)
Openpen Cell Content (%) ASTM D 6226 >gp •AIR LEAKAGE
Thermal Resistance (aged) PROPERTY METHOD ENERTITE G
R-value (it* hr'F/Btu in)m ASTM G518 3.91 in @ 14n thick Air Leakage, ASTM E 283 a0.02 Usm'
3.71 in @ 4�n thick 3.54n foam thickness
Response to Thermal and Humid Aging (Us'rto @ 75 Pa AP)
(% linear change)
158°F 197% RH / 168 hrs ASTM D 2126 a -2.0 • GREENGUARO and GREENGUARD Gold Cerfi intion for VOC emissions
Water Absorption (vol %) ASTM D 2842 > 40% • Meets the requirements of COPH Section 01350 for VOC emissions and
Tensile Strength ASTM 0 1623 5.9 psi formaldehyde
Water Vapor Transmission— • Mold resistant per ASTM C1338—'Pass ating(no growth)
3.54n foam thickness
Permeability (Perm -inch) ASTM E96 59 (Calculated) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Permeance (Penn) ASTM E 96 16.9
Surface Burring Characteristics Odor level of spray polyurethane foam is dependent on proper application using
Flame Spread Indexro) ASTM E 84 5 25 the recommended processing parameters and proper ventilation.
Smoke Developed Index ASTM E 84 5450 Caution - Failure to follow the application
pp precautions, safety data sheet
t Thesepropertyslues are t eel for m's materiel as led el our carob rent Information as well as accepted industry practices (wwwspmypolyurethane.org)
O physical typical applied P may result in unwanted foam physical properties and applications that may not
facility under controlled eoodgions. SPF parks ance and equal physical pmparties will vary provide the desired results. This also includes unwanted health risks such as
.M di foomms in apPfs ul. (ic. ambientomSBms, process equipmenland selings, matelot
lhmughp.L Wc� Asti aull0rose pub`ushed pmpedwsshoutd be used aguidd'mes sdeyfor possible inspiratory issues, sensitization or eye irritations such as blue haze for
the purpose of mat atuo. Physical property spedficalbns should be demmened bum actual applicators and workers located in the area being sprayed. A full understanding M
production material. the foam processing and all safety risks must be completed before spraying. Call
The above data was collected Dom samples plaparad using equipment configurations our BASF spray foam team if you have questions 800-706-0712-
pertinent to lab conditions Paremerem can be obloned upon vaguest by calling 800406-1712.
(2) no data Glartshows the R-value of this iamblbn.'R'ncanslesislanceaheatmow. The Please contact your local Sales or Technical Representative for spec questions
higherthe R-value, the greater We insulating power. Camisole insulation R-values before you regarding ENERTITE G properties, approvals, or codifications.
buy. There amotherfec on:lo consider. The amountot Insubfion %Wl depend upon No dimate.
the type and size of your house, and the fud use pattems and family sin. If you buytoo much
insWaWn f wif mslyou none Nan what you will sale on fuel To achieve proper R.values, it b
essartial that Nis rsabtion be installed pmp air.
(3) This nuns ical llama im ad rating does not rated haloaNs presented by Nis or any other
material under sound fire aond dens Polyurethane foam systems should not be bin exposed
antl must be protected bya minimum 15-minula Hamel barrererolhermdesompiiant material (4) ASTM E M b a last dengnall for sample thirkmss up to four (4) inches. NFPA 285 Is a
es Wiowed byappfrabk bufdrg cade(s)and Coda Offiaals. Building Cades pmvNe guklefcas building cod. leagnized alterative test corNucled on 1.,o,scala assembles u.[.to foam
ropresanting IDIIIImYFl requilemen6. Fudher imernatbn is avalaue at www.leeaafe tiro_ mI,* ss In micas of four (4) rashes as pemNted in 20121BC Sedum 261XIAI .2006 8 2009
Consult At Aulhombius Hming Jurisdiction (AHJ) aver an urea for additional or specific IBC Section 2601%2009820121RC Section R316.6:2006[PC Sea16n R314a.
roquimmenls prior ka beginning tiny pmjec.
BASF Corporation
1703 Crosspoint Avenue da "
Houston, TX Revision Date: October 10, 2017
(S00) 70fi-0712
www.spf.bas£corn Page 1 of 2 �'""`P�
ENERTITE G is a spray polyumthane foam (SPF) system Intended for
installation by qualified contractors trained in the processing and application
Of SPF systems, as wall as the pluralsomponent polyurethane dispensing
equipment required to do so. Contractors and applicators must comply with
all applicable and appropriate storage, handling, processing and safety
guidelines. BASF technical service personnel should be consulted in all
cases where application conditions am questionable.
ENERTITE G has an estimated theoretical yield range of 17,000-21,000
board feet per set Actual yield performance can be in excess of or below the
referenced estimated theoretical range based on factors affecting density
including, however, not limited to: multiple lifts, spray pass thickness,
substrate texture, substrate temperature, overspray loss, windy conditions,
altitude, container residue, equipment characteristics & temperatures,
applicator technique, etc. For help estimating yield for this and other spray
foams, please mnsult Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliances SPFA-121 SPF
Estimating Reference Guide.
ENERTITE G is designed for an application rate of % inch minimum to 6
Inches maximum per pass. Once installed and material has cooled, it is
possible to add additional applications in onlerto increase the overall installed
thickness of SPF. Thicker installations are allowed based an large scale
testing. Please see ESR3102 for additional information. This application
procedure is in comp,5ance with the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
ENERTITE G is NOT designed for use as an EXTERIOR roofing system.
BASF offers a separate line of products for exterior roofing applications For
more information, please contact your sales representative.
Coldstorage structures such as coolers and freezers demand special design
considerations with regard to thermal insulation and moisture -vapor drive.
ENERTITE G should NOT be installed in these types of constructions unless
the structure was designed bya design professional for sped use as mid
ENERTITE G is designed for installation in most standard construction
configurations using common matedals such as wood and wood products,
metal and concrete. ENERTITE G has performed sucatinfuilywhen sprayed
onto wood substrates down to 40-F using special mid weather application
techniques. For heat sink -materials such as metal or concrete, ENERTITE G
can be sprayed onto substrates drnm to 50'F, using a flash pass method.
BASF recommends the use of mock ups or sample spray before starting the
full-scale project. This will provide an opportunity to see how all materials am
installed and evaluate their properties priorto proceeding.
A side, B side, Hose Temp
Adlst 1n+r-5'increments
(spray^9 pesa,m)
1150-1450 psi t000-i mpsi)
1150-1450 psi ram-imopd)
Foam plastic materials installed In walls or ceilings may present a fire hazard
unless protected by an approved, fee-msistard thermal barior with a finish
rating of not less than 15 minutes as required by building codes. Rim
joistslheader areas, in accordance with the IRC and IBC, may net require
additional protection. Foam plastic must also be protected against ignition by
rode proscribed or properly tested materials in attics and crawl spaces. See
relevant Building Codes and ww w1ocsafe.org far more Information.
In addition to reading and understanding the SDS, all contractors and
applicators must use appropriate respiratory, skin and eye Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) when handling and processing polyurethane chemical
systems. Personnel should review the following documents published by
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA): AX 171 Course 101-R Chapter 1:
Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Spray Polyurethane Foam and
Coverings vrwwsprayootvurethane.om
Also, the following document is available from the Center for the
Polyurethanes Industries (CPI): Model Respiratory Protection Pmgmm for
Compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health AdministmBori s
Respiratory Protection Program Standard 29 C.F.R. §1910.134
As with all SPF systems, improper application techniques should be avoided.
Examples of improper application techniques Include, but are not limited to
excessive thickness of SPF, off -ratio material and spraying into or under rising
SPF. Potential results of imorooedv installed SPF include: daneenowly hioh
reaction temperatures that may result in fire and offensive odors that may or
may not dissipate, Imoroperty instilled SPF must be removed and maiamd
with property installed materials.
LARGE MASSES of SPF should be removed to an outside safe area, cut into
smaller pieces and allowed to cool before discarding into an appropriate trash
All areas that are sprayed incorrectly or result in A only material, B only
material, improperly mixed or off ratio materials, too thick of an application or
two quick of a thickness build up, are to be removed and replaced with
property processed spray foam. All cleaning solvents and others materials
am to be captured and property disposed of and not left at the job site.
SPF insulation is combustible. High -intensity heat sources such as welding or
cutting torches must not be used in contact with or in close proximity to
ENERTITE G or any polyurethane foam. The insulation must not be used in
areas that have a maximum service temperature greater than 180'F(82'C).
ENERTITE G has a shelf Iffe of approximately Sur (6) months from the dale of
manufacture when stored in original, unopened containers at 50-80'F. As with
all industrial chemicals, this material should be stored in a covered, secure
location and never in direct sunlight Storage temperatures above the
recommended range will shorten shelf life. Storage temperatures above the
recommended range may also result in elevated headspace pressure within
The information herein is to assist customers in determining whether our
products are suitable for their applications. Our products am only intended for
sale to industrial and commercial customers. Customer assumes full
responsibility for quality control, testing and determination of suitability of
products for its intended application or use. We warrant that out products will
meet our written liquid component specifications. We make no other warranty,
of any kind, etcher express or implied, by fact or law, including any warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Our total lability and
customers' exclusive remedy for all proven claims is replacement of
nonconforming product and in no event shall we be liable for any other
while doandplions, designs, data and Infornation contained herein are presented in good Faith and believed b be acamiv, theyem prordod for
guidanm only. Braise manyfaeom mayefferd proressbg orappliragonNsa, BASF max mendsthaltho wader mebo teats to deha vino the
suitability of a pmimt for a ma W pury prior m um. No wanortlas of airy End, ether expressed m implied, Induddry vreranres of
memhania Tityarcressfmapmtiwlarpa w,ammadere iNpmdu4sdesvibedordesgns,datammfomagonsetfodh,mthelihe
pmdans, dimigm, datammfmragon may be wed v to efifMing the intelledual piopedy d9Ms of offers. In no case shag the desriptions,
Infonmtiondaamdesgmpm edbewns emdepada BfSFst wdmnnom .fsalc. F.anathedemeter s, desgos,data, and
infnnation famished by BASF hereunder are riven grata and IfMF amuses no obligaron or fabilly fin One damiptkon designs, data or
information given armors obtained an such being given and anceplad alike made: s risk
blaming: Tome paxtuds can be reed b prepare a variety of poyurathano producs Polyundhanes era organic irakr'vbels and oust
Revision Date: October 10, 2017
mnsbleesJ mmbustitlelide. Page 2 Of 2
--- o-.-BASF-TechnicaFData Sheet s`4c-����
We create chemistry
�� _ O
Seale d � =
Ir1sula ST. Lucie County Fermi
ener$ite with —� 4
opo,�-a spray potNea°vq Fes"YmLtm ENERGY STAR
ENERTITE G is a hw-component low-0ensily openceil spray polyurethane foam ADDITIONAL TESTING. APPROVALS & CERTIFICATIONS:
system designed for use in residential construction and common commercial . ASTM E 84(Class l) with Product Listing (s)H)
insulation applications. ENERTITE G is compatible with most common NFPA 285 complyingassemblies available
construction materials, but can only be processed with ELASTOSPRAYa 8000A
Isocyanate. The benefits of ENFRTFrE G include: . Fire Resistant assemblies available
• Supenorinsulation • INTERTEK Code Compliance Research Report GCRR-1032
• Non -fibrous • Thickness is not limited when installed behind a code-presaibed thermal
• Sound central barrier (per ICC-ES AC377)
. Approved for certain Aftic 8 Crowd Space installations with and without
TYPICAL PROPERT1ESt11: presaipthe ignition bariers per [CC -ES AC3T7, Appendix Al2.2 and
Critical Ratliant Flux, ASTM E970 0.26 W/ce
Specific Gravity 70°F ASTM kf Lt 4-in foam thickness
Viscosity @77°F (cps) Brookfieeldld 350
Cured Foam: Critical Radiant Flux, ASTM E970 0.25 W/cm'
6-in foam thickness
Density. cere (pd @ 4' lifts) ASTM D 1622 0.5 (nominal)
Open Cell Content (%) ASTM D 6226 >90 • AIR LEAKAGE
R-value (ftt hr, °F/Btu in)M ASTM C518 3.9I in @ 14n thick Air Leakage, ASTM E 283 <0.02 Us-m'
3.7I in@4-in thick 3.5-infoamthickness
Response to Thermal and Humid Aging (UeM2 @ 75 Pa AP)
(%linear change)
158°F/97%RH 1168 him ASTMD 2126 <-2.0 • GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD Gold Certification for VOC emissions
Water Absorption (vol %) ASTM D 2842 > 40% . Meets the requirements of COPH Section 01350 for VOC emissions and
Tensile Strength ASTM D 1623 5.9 psi formaldehyde
Water Vapor Transmission— . Mold resislard per ASTM C1338—Pass' rating (no growth)
3.54n foam thickness
PerneabiLty(Perm-inch) ASTM E96 59(Calculated) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Permeance (Fern) ASTM E 96 16.9
Surface Bussing Characteristics Odor level of spray potyurethane foam is dependent an proper application using
Flame Spread Indent') ASTM E 84 525 the recommended processing parameters and proper ventilation.
Smoke Developed index ASTM E84 <450 Caution - Failure to follow the application precautions, safety data sheet
information as well as accepted industry practices (wvrw.spmypolyurethane.org)
(1) These physical property values am typical for this netedal as applied at our development may result in unwanted foam physical properties and applications that may not
faeiify sneer mrbol@d cond!U. SPF pedomanco and aural physical p.,M. win very provide the desired results. This also includes unwanted health risks such as
with dAferori.m appgediar (l o, ambentoonditions, phocassequipmentantl selMngs, "nodal
husughputetc), As a rows. thesepubished piepedi shouldl be used asgutdtllnes W.V., possible respiretory issues, sensitization or eye iritabona such as blue haze for
Me purpose of evaluation. Physical property spediirations should be detemtlud here ct actual applicators and workers located in the area being sprayed. A full understanding of
production matedal. the foam processing and all safety risks must be completed before spraying. Call
The above deco was collected from samples prepared using equipment configurations our BASF spray foam team if you have questions 800-706-0712.
pertlneM to lab condites. Parameters can beobte sixf upon request by ca0rg BW_7 1712
(2) The data chart shows Me R-wlueof this insulation `R"msns msisanco to heat goes. The Please contact your local Sales orTechnical Representative for specific questions
higherlha R-vahe, the gmatw Me insuagng poser. Compass iosolaroo R-values before you regarding ENERTITE G properties, approvals, or certifications.
buy. Therswee erfactorslocensider. Tlreahrmunlolinsuhtion will tleperN upon thecdhha[e,
tho typesnd srze of your houco, end Mefutl use paltems antl family sim. gwubuylcomuch
essential d with rudwa more Manwhal you w10 save on futl. To azhieve proper R-values, n $
essential Mat this bsuatian be hsfal'ed property.
(3) This numerical game spread reting does not m0ed Missile presented by this or any ether
matoral under actual 6m conditions. Polyumthana foam sy5errs should not be IeB exposed
and must be protected bya minimum 15-minuly Hemel Marrieror Wtercade�mpGentrraterial (4) ASTM E 04 is a lost designed for sample Micbress up to four (4) Inches. NFPA 285 is a
as allowed by applicable budding code(&)and Code Of6ride. Bulking Codes preside 9uidermes budding code recognized alamative test conducted on lavescale assemblies to eveAste foam
representing minimum exarla nenls. Further INmnatan is available et www.locsefo.ora. Mickr�s In excess of four (4) inrkes as pemdted in 20121BC Secgon mKIAa, Was 8 2009
Consuk sal Authondes Having Jurisdiction (AH.) over en area for additional or meci0o IBC Sectipn 26 %2009 A 20121RC section R316.6; 20061RC Sedan R314.6.
mquLemenls pd., to beginning any project
BASF Corporation
1703 Crosspoint Avenue
Houston, TX 77054
(800) 706-0712 Revision Dale: October 10, 2017
www.spf.basf.com Page 1 of �`
ENERTITE G is a spray polyurethane foam (SPF) system intended for
installation by qualified contractors trained in the processing and application
of SPF systems, as well as the pluml<arnpcnent polyurethane dispensing
equipment required to do so. Contractors and appficalots must comply with
all applicable and appropriate storage, handling, processing and safety
guidelines. BASF technical service personnel should be consulted in all
cases where application conditions are questionable.
ENERTITE G has an estimated theoretical yield range of 17.000-21,000
board feet perset Actual yield performance ciao be in excess of or below the
referenced estimated theoretical range based on factors affecting density
including, however, not limited to: multiple lifts, spray pass thickness,
substrate texture, substrate temperature, werspray loss, windy conditions,
altitude, container residue, equipment characteristics 8 temperatures,
applicator technique, etc. For help estimating yield for this and other spray
foams, please consult Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance's SPFA-121 SPF
Estimating Reference Guide.
ENERTITE G is designed for an application rate of inch minimum to 6
inches maximum per pass. Once installed and material has cooled, it is
possible to add additional applications in orderlo increasethe overall installed
thickness of SPF. Thicker installations are allowed based on large scale
testing. Please see ESR-3102 for additional information. This application
procedure is in compliance with the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
ENERTITE G is NOT designed for use as an EXTERIOR roofing system.
BASF offers a separate line of products for exterior rooting applications. For
more information, please contact your sales representative.
Cold -storage structures such as coolers and freezers demand special design
considerations with regard to thermal insulation and moisture -vapor drive.
ENERTITE G should NOT be installed in these types of constructions unless
the structure was designed by a design professional for specific use as cold
ENERTITE G is designed for installation in most standard construction
configurations using common materials such as wood and wood products,
metal and concrete. ENERTITE G has performed successfullywhen sprayed
onto wood substrates down to 40°F using special cold weather application
techniques. For heat sink -materials such as metal or concrete, ENERTITE G
ciao be sprayed onto substrates down to 50°F, using a flesh pass method.
BASF recommends the use at mock ups or sample spray before starting the
full-scale project. This will provide an opportunity to see how all materials are
installed and evaluate their properties priorto proceeding.
A side, B side, Hose Temp
Proportioner set pressure
(sx-ft pe'oem)
1150-1450 psi(soo- imopd)
1150-1450 psi(tim- lmopd)
Foam plastic materials installed in walls or ceilings may present a fire hazard
unless protected by an approved, fire-resistant thermal barrier with a finish
rating of not less than 15 minutes as requited by building codes. Rim
joistsiheader areas, in accordance with the IRC and IBC, may not require
additional protection. Foam plastic must also be protected against Ignition by
code prescribed or properly tested materials in attics and crawl spaces. See
relevant Building Codes and www.iwsafe.org for more information.
In addition to reading and understanding the SDS, all contractors and
applicators must use appropriate respiratory, skin and eye Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) when handling and processing polyurethane chemical
systems. Personnel should review the following documents published by
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA): AX-171 Course 101-R Chapter 1:
Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Spray Polyurethane Foam and
Coverings www.sorar oolvurethane.orn
Also, the following document is available from the Centerfor the
Polyurethanes Industries (CPI): Model RespirstoryPmtection Pmgmm for
Compliance with the Occupational Safety and Neafth Administration's
Respiratory Protection Program Standard 29 C.F.R. §1910.134
As with all SPF systems, Improper application techniques should be avoided.
Examples of improper application techniques include: but are not limited to
excessive thickness of SPF, off -ratio material and spraying into or under rising
SPF. Potential results of improperly installed SPF include: danaemusly hiah
reaction temperatures that may result in fire and offensive odors that may or
may not dissipate, imorooerly installed SPF must be removed and replaced
with orooedv installed materials.
LARGE MASSES of SPF should be removed to an outside sate area, art into
smaller pieces and allowed to cool before discarding into an appropriate bash
Ali areas that are sprayed incorrectly or result in A only material, B only
material, improperly mixed or off ratio materials, too thick at an application or
two quick of a thickness build up, are to be removed and replaced with
propedy processed spray foam. All cleaning solvents and others materials
are to be captured and properly disposed of and not left at the job site.
SPF insulation is combustible. High4ntensity heat sources such as welding or
tufting torches must not be used in comact with or in close proximity to
ENERTITE G or any polyurethane foam. The insulation must not be used in
areas that have a maximum service temperature greater than 180`F(82'C).
ENERTITE G has a shelf life of approximately Six (6) months from the date of
manufacture when stated in original, unopened containers at 50-80°F. As with
all industrial chemicals, this material should be stored in a covered, sewn:
location and never in direct sunlight. Storage temperatures above the
recommended range will shorten shelf life. Storage temperatures above the
recommended range may also result in elevated headspace, pressure within
The information herein is to assist customers in determining whether our
products are suitable for their applications. Our products am only intended for
sale to industrial and commercial customers. Customer assumes full
responsibility for quality control, testing and determination of suitability of
products for its intended application or use. We warrant that our products will
meet our written liquid component specifications. We make no other warranty
of any kind, either express or implied, by fact or law, including any warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Our total lability and
customers' exclusive remedy for all proven claims is replacement of
nonconforming product and in no event shall we be liable for any other
Whiiadeaeriptiors,designs, dataeM InfomeWmmrtained herein an, m oted'm grad IaM ant befevcd to bo acwrato. May are povded for
guOan a ony. Bera,aaa mamyfadore nvyalfetl pmivrg oreppl'vtiovuse, BASF remmnerNsthat the reader nela me Is to determ oo the
suitebiliy of a predmt for a padiene, antxme prior to nee. No earenties of any Nnd, either expressed or Implied. Ind W Ing verrmties of
rmrcharipbihy or fdrxae for a pedioWar Femme. am mein repreh g pmduds described or designs, dela or Information set forth a Nat me
prodw%, d¢igna data or mfmmtion rray m sued nNleul infdng'vg No'vdeiledual Pmpedy dgNs tl dM�s In no rose sha0 the descriptions,
mfomatipn, Balaordedgm pmvi]etl hemnsideredepadelBASF'slmm ant mnddionsdsale Fudher NedesaipWm,devgns,dataaN
information furnished by BASF Immurder are given gratis and BASF msmms no oblMptron or fab[W kr No dmaiption, designs, Mae or
inanmate. given or rmuIta obadrad ell suit, on, gkcn and amepcd mMe readers risk
Revision Date: October 10, 2017
Worming: These pmduds ran be used topcpara a valley of potrwetlmne pmtlw4. PotyureNanm am organic materials erN mud Le Page 2 of 2
mnsbered mmbust0`e