HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANSCONTRACTOR: King Carter Alum, iIr1C. 'DESIGN CRITERIA: Applicable Codes, Regulations, and Standards 1. The 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design, Chapter 20 Aluminum, and Chapter 23 Wood. 2. AA ASM 35 and AA ADMI. Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Part 1-A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association. and the AAF Guide to Aluminum Construction in High Wind Areas. 3. ASCE 7-10. Loading Criteria 1. Live Load: 30 PSF per 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, Appendix I Section 105.1 2. Dead Load: 2 PSF 3. Wind Load: 3.1. Building Occupancy Category, Section 1604.5 and Tabled604.5: Risk Category 1. 3.2. Basic Wind Speed, Figure 1609.3(3), State of Florida Debris Region @Basic Wind Speed, Section 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed: VULT =160 MPHVASD=124 MPH 3.3. Exposure Category, Section 1609.4.3: Exposure C 3.4. Screen Enclosure Section 2002.4 4. Building Category for Aluminum Structures, Section 2002.6: Category Type I - Wood Shed: Non -Habitable, Unconditioned Roof Type 1. Roof Type: MONOSLOPE 2. Roof Material: 3" x 48" x 0.030" Structall Composite Panel, 1.0 # density foam, Florida Product Approval Number FL 15491.1 R4 The following specifications are applicable to this project: 1. AD work shall be in accordance with the 6th Edition_ (2017) Florida Building Code, and any other applicable local codes and regulations. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. Due in quality control issues, no manuf tmerer substitution is acceptable without the specific written, signed and sealed authorization of Florida Aluminum Engineering, Inc. 3. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better zinc plated to ASTM B633, or coated stainless steel series "300", or uncoated stainless steel series "400".. 4. All Self Mating Beam Sections am to be stitched with either #14 screws 6" from ends and 24" center to center or #12 screws 6" from ends and 12" center to center. 5. Dom location shall be determined by contractor in the field. 6. Where concrete specifications are required, whether in the screen enclosure scope or cat, by one or more regulatory agency, the following specifications are applicable: a Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: i. Portland Cement Type 1,- ASTM C 150 ii. Aggregates - large Aggregate 3/4" max - ASTM C 33 iu. Airenralnin9+/-1%-ASTMC260 iv. Waterreducing agent- ASTMC 494 v. CleanPotable water vi. Other admixtures; not pemitted b. Metal accessories shall conform to: i. Reinforcing Bans- ASTM A615, grade 60 ii. Welded wire fabric - ASTM A185 c. Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3" ormore than 5". Water added after batching is not permitted d. Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parrs 1, 2, and 3 including hot weather recommendations. e. Moist core or polyethylene curing pemtitred. f. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. g. Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. IL All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a bituminous paint or epoxy. 7. All lumber and plywood shall have grade marks and treatment identification and Shall confomi tothe following: a. Framing lumber shall be minimum no.2 southern yellow pine and have a maximum moisture content of 15%. b. Pressure treatments shall be osmosa ts, osmose k-33, womansalts or celcure, as recommended for the use condition. Pressure treated lumber shall be impregnated with a con salt treatment in accordance with fs. tt-w-571 and bear the American Wood Preservatives Institute quality mark Ip-2. c. Wall Sheathing: APA rated Sheathing, thickness as indicated, Exposure 1. d. Aluminum members that are uncoated shall be separated from PF lumber by 30# felt paper, 10 mil polyethylene sheet or equivalent material. 8. Contractor shall provide Florida Product Approval information as to the exact window being milizedfor this pmject,including manufacturers specifications, andinuallationmethads for anchoring the submitted windows to Aluminum members and specific sizes as indicated cm A-1. 9. Contractor shall provide any additional backing (aluminum, wood etc..) and anchors as required by the window manufacturers recommended procedures. 10. All glass panels within 24" of a door opening shall be of tempered glass per FBC-R308.4 11. All flashing and weatherproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 12. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of liability not to exceed design and engineering fee. WIND SPEED "a"^ EXPOSURE HAVE BEEN DETER:., ":D USING THE ADVANCED TECHNOLOG.'c;OUNCIL'S WEBSITE AND GOOGLE EARTH. (2) 2X4STUDS AT CONNECTION 0 I A-3 A-3 JAN 14 2019 ST. Lucie Countv- vor,. (2) 2X4STUDS AT CONNECTION T 'I- T -64" ---- f 2X5SMB \ 4TH WALL - `2X3KB A-2 0 1 3"X48"XO.030" 1.0 DENSITY FOAM 0 M1 COMPOSITE PANEL "1 2x6PT ® 2x6PT 16 O.C. 16 O.C. 2x4PT 16 O.C. 20'-4" 11-0. 3"X48"XO.030" COMPOSITE PANEL O I _ I� A-2 0 I -4, Co -IL A. Q o O O n :w `O 4( W a :U ¢ O 4 •". 0y� ' ..... 4 " PLO C LLI w lU 1 z z FFW W Z z Z Q z O a uWi Ui z to w LU 14U- O J cc _ F- a, U - cz_ IZ^ mp C V ��rvNy O z Q LU g' i a W W6mm Q � z <j. 0 ���� OZl J W LL St. L�CB County (2) 2X4 TOP PLATE VINYL SIDING HOUSE WRAP 1/2" PLY CDX CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS. 2X4PT BOTTOM PLATE ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE 20'-4" ZiESE PUTS r W ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SM-0 TO ANY CO.RREC IONS REMISED FAY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT hl,\y P,E NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMKI711TH ALL PSIFLICAME CODES. CONTRACTOR OF RECORD ST. LUCIIE COUN BUILDING DIVIS N REVIEYIE FOR COLA N �- REVIEWED DATEIt-Sti(Ol PLANS AN P IT MUST BE KEPT ON J B OR NO INSPECTION WILL E MADE W D w Q w C) ❑ W N � 0 tL2 Ir TP 12/17/18 A-1 4io ALUMNUMMEMBERSDIMENSIOP' HOLLOW SECTIONS _" All 2x 2: 2"x"x 0.0" ♦♦♦♦�♦� ♦♦�'C ............ 2x3: 2"x3"x0.05050 `♦♦ . 2x4:-2"x4"x0�50" - 2 x 5: 2" x 5" x 0.050" A -A 1 12 GAGE ON op Az a co 6 LL y OPEN HACK SECTIONS r l SCREW ANCHORS J Z j LLI LL ® ® ® 0- ~ Q Ix2: 1"x2"x O.040" S :U d' O 1x3: I"x3"x0.045" ® ® J ® o :. O 3�.x 3.x FLASHING G • Z /�/POST'�40 •'. 2 XAPn pCTIO 2S'x0.045" ..' 04�,♦♦ 2 x 3 Snap: 2" x 3"x 0.050" 3^ COMPOSITE o" '//',///I////i 2 x 4 Snap: 2" x 4" x 0.045" ROOF PANEL �,,,♦,� - (1111 SELF MATING(SMB) 'd:.i`•.':,I.iiy/'4's' I. 2 x 4 SMH: 2" x 4" x 0.044"x 0.100" � w 2 x 5 SMH: 2"x5"x 0.050"x 0.100" 2 x 6 SMB: 2" x 6" x 0.050"x 0.120" A A ".`ti:;; u�-'„j',�^, ,' i'•t3h`4'➢ -a - l�yl LU d 2x7SMB: 2"x7"x0.05T'x0.120" 2 x 8 SMB: 2"x8"x 0.072"x 0.124" 3°x3"x 1/8"ALUM FLANAGED #14x47B"SMSW/ I Z m Ur O �j 2 x 9 SMB: 2" x 9" x 0.072" x0.124" 2x IDSMB: 2"x10"x0.092'x0.398" 3^xWx0.093" POST BASE W/ (2) 318° DIA. THRU BOLTS INTO POST & (6) IX' DIA 1 12^ DIA NEOPRENE EXISTING FACED WASHER @4"O.C. BUILDING W POD 11 y + x 312" CONCRETE SCREWMINIMUM ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE / Q Q FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE: 1/2"® ® THRU BOLTS Z Z MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING:3/4" 2" x 5" PB I o w CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: .' d 3"x B'x 0.093" __ LN 0 (J SRvIPS0N TITEN HD OR EQUIVALENT • ' POST LL O J SHEET METAL SCREWS (SMS): ° ITW I BUH,DEX OR EQUIVALENT ° " cc_ S-1 COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST @ 4TH WALL DETAIL U e1 SCALE NTS A 2 I/2':12' MW 1/4° x 5"LAG SCREWS B " Z z m W/ 1DIA 1/T' DIA. NEOPRENE 3x 3" POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION DETAIL � C N "1Di z GG A_2 SCALE MS OMPOSITE ROOF ACED WASHER""" O.C. AT ALL INTERIOR AND = Z � m Z I ai J m i i 5 1 EXTERIOR WALL LOCATIONS 2 u Q w 5amm 0 _z (2) 2X TOP PLATE 0 9 W n `1 Z'OVERHANG MAX LL VINYL SIDING ON #15 FELT PAPER OR HOUSE WARP ON 12^ APA RATED SHEATHING H 2.5 AT ALL STUDS 2XPT SY.P. ®16" O.C. TOP PLATE H 2.5 AT ALL STUDS DOUBLE 2X8 NOTES FOR WALL SHEATHING: 1. 12" APA RATED SHEATHING TOP PLATE 2X6 HORIZONTAL CONTINUOUS FROM BOTTOM OF DOUBLE 2X8 BLOCKING AT BOTTOM PLATE TO TOP OF TOP PLATE. SHEATHING IS PART OF - SHEATHING SPLICE V) N NOTES FOR ALL FOUNDATION TYPES: LOAD PATH TO GROUND. 2gLOCIKING (2) 18d TOE NAILS EACH END LLI D 1. THE FOUNDATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON A MIN SOIL BEARING 2 IF SHEATHING HAS HORIZONTAL AT Z PRESSURE OF 1.500 PSF BREAK, IT CANNOT BE USED AS SHEATHING SPLIC 0 W BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL PART OF LOAD PATH - USE H2.5 (2)16d TOE NAILS 2 - 2X6PT STUDS MIN. 0 J Q SHALL BE VERIFIED BY LICENSED AT BOTTOM AND H2.5 AT TOP OF EACH END EACH SIDE OF OPENING Q W CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO EACH STUD. X K POURING CONCRETE 2. THE SLABIFOUNDATION AREA NAIL PATTERN: Bd 4�24°OC STAGGERED ow- =I= 111 LL M1 SHALL BE CLEARED OF DEBRIS 8d 4° O.C. Q EDGES (2) - 2XBPT STUDS MIN. t2XBPT STUDS 4418"OC J m Q AND ROOTS AND SHALL BE 8d 6"O.C. INFILL EACH SIDE OPENING F� O } COMPACTED PRIOR TO I Tm m rl PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE 16d @ 24^ O.C. 0-X (DO LL 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE PER LOAD BEARING WALL: 2X4PTSTUD @ 16-O.0 STAGGERED DRAWN BY SPECIFICATIONS IN THE DESIGN NON -LOAD BEARING WALL: 2XBPTSTUD®16.O.C. SUMMARY. (1) 2' x PT BOTTOM PLATE W/ 2X6Pf STUDS ®15' O.C. BOTTOM PLATE SINGLE 2X6 PT TP DATE DRAWN 2'DIA x23/4" EMBEDMENT CONCRETE SIMPSON STRONGTIE SIMPSON STRONG TIE SCREW ANCHOR AT 2' O.C. H 2.5 AT ALL STUDS BOTTOM PLATE LTT2013 LTT20B 12/17/18 " "" '•'., GRADE SINGLE 2X6 PT REVISION 4 DOSTINC:CONFRET�'.. ':. SIMPSON STRTIE ONG SIMPSON STRONG TIE 1 - LTT20B LTT20B S-D ��, /s-Y \TYPICAL WOOD FRAME WALL (rD WINDOW SECTION A-2 SCALE: NTS a TYPICAL WOOD FRAME WALL 0 DOOR SECTION A-2 SCALE:NTS SHEET NO: S TYPICAL WOOD FRAME WALL SECTION A_n SCALE MS ll� KING CARTER ALUMINUM 1603 EDGEVALE ROAD FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34982 772-461-5369 r a .r a