HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL1/2812019'- ' ' Florida Building Code Online _ ''i Business e Professional Regulation- SOS Home I lag In I user Registration Hot Topics submit surcharge scats&Facts Publications Contact es I. aCJS Site Map Links Search Honda Product Approval USER: Public User t�•�mn,t •1 „ Pmduct Aoomval Menu > Product or Application Seaml, > Application List > Application Detail FL # .,.. FL21131 Application Type New •, 010 Code Version, 2017 : : u, .,, :q.. �uGre Application StatusApproved Comments ' c" Archived L Product Manufacturer' lTherma Tru Corporation ' Address/Phone/Email - 118 Industrial Drive Edgerton, OH 43517 , (419) 298-1740 y;+ ,• rickw@mbldgmnsultants.mm n,u. Authorized Signature ,Vivian Wright rickw@mbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email ' Quality Assurance Representative T Address/Phone/Email Category ,. t Exterior Doors Subcategory Y. Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer y L Evaluation Report,-, Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Evaluation Report . i - Florida License ' _ PE-43409 , :'•' - Quality Assurance Entity,r ` - National Accreditation and Management Institute) Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date, 12/31/2020 . _ - Validated By Ryan 3. King, P.E. . 'vi Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence ' FL21131 RO COI (g) Certificate of Independence.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard ' - `Year . ASTM E330 , .r:, '•_ �•''2002 : ASFM E331 2001 '.TAS 202 , r 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code PYVP fittps:l/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dfl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgti2dzEOw6ntg771 DGmkJRHskTPhmF%2bOWdDu)(xQH33Qwkw%3d%3d 1/4 1/28/2019 - ,Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Metho:� - Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/14/2016 Date Validated 10/15/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/19/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products ' FL # i Model, Number or Name Description 21131.1 a. Thera Tru@ Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single - — Profiles•" -Steel Doors - - - - Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) - _ _ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131.1.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt; P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third, Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.1 for Design Pressure Ratings by EL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.1.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes. installation instructions. 21131.2 b. Thera -Tim@ Traditions and Profiles'" Steel Doors Limits of Use ' Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ-.,Yes - Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 21131.2 for Design Pressure Ratings by specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Installation instructions. 21131.3 c. Thera Tru® Traditions and Profiles'"' Steel Doors Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single Door with Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Installation Instructions FL21131 RO II (a) Ins[ 21131.2.odf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131:2.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Double Door with "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions ,. Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131.3.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A •' Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.3 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.3.ndf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21131.4 I d. Thertha T_rup Traditions Steel I Nominal TO "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single Doom Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a),Inst,21131.4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A 'Evaluation Reports - Other: See INST 21131.'4 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Bval 21131.4.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created. by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. - 21131.5 e. Thera TruO Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single Doors Door with "Non -Impact" Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No -_ FL21131 R0. II (a) Inst 21131.5.pd _ Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A ' Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.5 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (b) Eval 21131.5.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation instructions. 21131.6 f. Thera-Tru@ Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Double Doors Door with or without "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Inswing/Oulswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use ,�::; f/lp"jiroveil�for'Yi"#e in Ht%13L: 170 ): f,Approve for @@ ou`�l?ideGiVH2: Yes 'ilm, aq Resistant`:,Nc 1 Y 0 Installation Instructions FL21131 RO Ii (a) Inst 21131 6 odf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes https://www.fioridabuilding.orgfpripr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqu2dzEOwOntg771DGmkJRHskTPhmF%2bOWdDu)XQH33awkw%3d%3d 214 1/28/2019 Florida Building Code Online Design Pressure: N/P Evaluation R -s - Other: See INST 21131.6 ror Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (b) Eval 21131.6.pdf ' specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation Instructions. I 21131.7 I g. Therma True Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact Glazed. Wood Edge Steel Single Door Profiles— Steel Doors I (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use I Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) inst 211312 pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.7 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.7.odf specific Modelandfor anyotheradditional use limitations. and Created by. Independent. Third Party: Yes. installation instructions. 21131.8 - h. Therma-Tm® Traditons and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Profiles^' Steel Doorswith "Non -Impact' Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions _ Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131.8.p-d-f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes - - Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.8 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.8.odf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. 21131.9 1. Thera-Tm@ Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Double Profiles— Steel Doors Door with "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131.9.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.9 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.9.odf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. 21131.10 j. Thera-Tru(D Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Doors I (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) lost 21131.10. oaf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.10 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.10.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. 21131.11 k. Thera Tm@ Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Doors with "Non -Impact" Sidelite (Inswing/Outswing; OX or XO configurations) Limits of Use I Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131.11.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.11 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.11.p-df specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. 21131.12 I. Therma-Tm® Traditions Steel I Nominal 8'0 "Non-Impact"'Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door rs Doowith "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Outswing; OXO configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131 12. off Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.12 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.12.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation instructions. 21131.13 m. Thera Tru@ Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Profiles'" Steel Doors with Sidelite Center Hinged with a Continuous Head and Sill (Outswing; XO or OX configurations) httpsJ/www.floridabuilding:org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx7param=wGEVXQwtDqu2dzEOwOntg771DGmk,)RHskTPhmF%2bOWdDuXxQH33Qwkw%3d%3d 3/4 1/28/2019 - Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use Installation suctions Approved for use in HvHZ: No FL21131 RO it ( Inst 21131.13.pdf_ Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.13 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.13.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. Back nevi . . ,, 1r _ — - -- _GMxct Us :: 2601 Bla'r Store Mad, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850387-1824 The State of Fladtla is an AA/EEO employer. Coovdah[ 2007-2013 state of Flodtla Privacy Statement :: Accessibility statement :: Refund Statemen Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail tu this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails providetl may b , used for official communication with the Hearses. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick here . Product Approval Accepts: r Credit Card securit�I:iErxlcs https://www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqu2dzEOwOntg77IDGmkJRHskTPhmF°/p2bOWdDuXXQH33Qwkw°/g3d`/p3d , 4/4 R R W Building Consultants, Inc. W — — — Consulting and Engineering Servims for the Building Industry -- B C P.O. Box 230 Valrico, FL 33593 Phone813.659.9197 Florida Board ofProfimdonal Fngin= Cedifiwte of Authorization No. 9813 Product. Category - Sub Category - -Manufacturer Product Name Thera-Tre Corporation Profiles and Traditions Exterior Swinging Exterior Door 118 Industrial Or Wood Edge Opaque Steel Single Door Doors Assemblies Edgerton, OH 43517 Inswing I Outswing Phone 419-2984740 "Non -Impact" Scope: Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. & Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. (System ID # 1998) for Thera-Tru Corporations, based on Rule Chapter No. 61G20-3, Method I of the State of Florida Product Approval, Dept of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or disfitiuting the product:or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing orstucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind home debris protection, this product is required to be protected with an impact resistant covering that complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2 & R301.2.1.2, 4. For 2xstud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-21131.1 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect 6. See drawing FL-21131.1 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed by. TEL 01460145 ASTM E330-02 & ASTM E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. VX Wright TEL 01460554 ASTM E330-02 & ASTM E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. VX Wright 2. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed & Sealed by No. FL-21131.1 RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 3. Calculations Prepared by Signed & Sealed b4 Anchoring RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 4. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation & Management institute, certifying that Therma-Tru Corporations is ty program.that O��SCHj�° complies with ISOActuring EC 11 020 and Go de 53.massunce No 43409 STATE Lyndon F..Schmidt, P.E. FL PE No. 43409 10/1512017 Sheet'1 of 1 R w R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O. Box 230 Valrico, FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 9813 Certificate of Independence RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named in the accompanying Florida Product Approval. WOM Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. FL No. 43409 October 2, 2017 R:W - A Product - Job - Lab - LIsts\A - Florida- Product Approvals\Florida Scanned PostingslPlace HoldersWertificate of Independence.doc Sheet I of 1 THERMAIM' - DOORS Profiles. & Traditions WOOD EDGE--_T; OPAQUE STEEL SINGLE DOOR �3=OWDTH INSWING/OUTSWING , "NON -IMPACT' GENERAL NOTES z o1 o 1. This product has been evaluated and Is in compronce with the 6th Edition (20171 Floddo Busdng Code,(FBC) structural requirements excluding the 'High Velocity Hurricane Zone", X O 2. Product anchors shall be as Fisted and spaced as shown on detalls. Anchor embedment to { base material shall be beyond wall dressing a stucco. - 3. When used In areas requiring wind bome debris protection, this product is required to be protected with an Impact resistant covering that compiles with FBC Sections 1609.12 & R301.2.12. w 4. For 2xstud framing construction, anchoring o1 these units shall be the some as that shown for 2%buck masonry construction, 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineednganalysBbyaricemadengineerorregLsteredarchitect. - TABIEOFCONTENIS SHEETR DESCRIPTION I Typiod Eevafl= DeSIgn FRIIVIet S, General Notes 2 0oovPone1De1CMTMNef _ - 3 Door Panel DetausTradBlons" 4 13vfira 5 Fr=—n &V Cron n Buo - 6 H n N e Cron m I% iris 7 ntal & Ve—dical Cron wwffl JDMV ToMoso B vensw se ism[Trivianowl 9 B=&MmsPrcnonng 10 Hardware Wass 11 Compmien 12 BD of Maleab DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) CONFIGURATION INSIVING. OUTSw7NG POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE x +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 ` Jed if 8�ma •;1�1 E c 9d�ma 4 � d64 FL-21131.1 . srm 1 a 1.3 t W%aWftA Mma TM PBMAMWIA-R R Ap Iu ��I6 W CdRN RI dNmeNBIC-DmM-2131(MMVL-=LY'P`-`'I mm �79.2SMA7L DOOR PANEL HEIGHT� og° N� ym O Z N �aA11� �O 4lq ns 1 cop k a�FA, o v NN� r n • 7975'MAX DOOR PANEL HEIGFIT v � 1 9 g a logv # 2 yy � T ® Z p m x ® NN g oI®I I—ss 4 y. A A m Div Nm434G9 * e* _ Otlo6et 14, 2G/7 wmm,me. w°Pm`n '� •-•.,LM1 • ` TNERNA—TRU L dcn F. BCNM01 I 3 o Sm DOOR P.E N. 43409 �iA� �O aka N Z �14/711 111111` PARE ORPARf E 'PROFILES GD GOG-OING CONSULTMIIS. LAG ✓fir P.O. Boa 210. ValAw, FL 33SG5 P`I N NO DATE BY pRORL D MPE N B1 G-Bse.Bte� RR ISI NN DOOR PANEL DE7AIL5 FBPE GA Ne. Bata P:IOmIIS\lMCC3 TN P:RMAN@!M'PadW Rodud AwNna-'.314etl Wood EDR NwrlmpaS NanAR'1R1C-OrsningsW--331]1 Cd1D1Vl--llll41; . - •�1 .AAX. DOOR PANEL HEIGHT �A30 ao a2 >A g ® FZaa moo <<I'' 792SMAX DOOR PANEL HEIGHT w� zi - V X9v x bN oOV r A 13 �• Q .. _ �. __Q ` --I I- Sr 4 s 99nsMAx DOOR PANEL HEIGHTSo � o 0 z - gnu � I r-I L.-L s c vtl _ Il 1 x I� Z a 9 .— Txtxe�A-mu STEEL DOOR NR OR AS BLY: sl DOORPAPANOEEL-- �EMILS 22 m I .SC..... v. peeiap••.,T .� �* NM IT e 14,2017 I.. F..om.d. v �u .• �. F. Sellmldt i• "Y11��•y�lQ; rP.O. 0 CONSULinH , INC. P.O. Rex P30, .659.9;97 33$99 MPE A oW9813B197 FBPE CA No. 9813 2Gl O R.W. R:\��6\Thama Tu GFAMAN9IM-flvWa Bop bV=ln4WHAC- 0oWbW 14.2017 �14 NM43M .W. o �. +� � 2 IR �_ PRobuce THERMA—TRUeon_P. SM DOOR Bee+�.w,. Pnpmae smmlx �� •�+a01E0?%•0 `� GDn',P.O. a C CONB V.W.. I�L. rJLUI/ P.O. BeY . 18. 1 '"o.9 F7 33585 YY Phco. Nu.: 9 983BB,af FBPE cAG No.. B8,3 PART OR ASSEMBLY: WARONS - :. NO GATE R SI NS ® 2v19 w.W, BNIUMA cvNeuvAN:H Iwe EXTERIOR i//X INTERIOR %11 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION S S�axn aBUCK OulswNg ft" (Inswing sunom) L O.ISCSINK '^ 6 BItE M _ INI 23 24 SMOR - EX L 29 40 41 42 - 60 61 62 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 5 s ownw 2 BUCK Oulswin9 dl Muwhg drri7i 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION US r�;,l� I Elo.n ii 1 u+�..N.LS ` L N.. JK w.- _LFS 3 aw:xm o FL-21131.1 v 5 ota a E e .p IX Buck to be secured to C ` mawmy by others 40 41 42 60 61 62 6 1 ' EXTERIOR INTERIOR 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 6 Oul�swi�sfxwm po nuswking sln9arl E A C 6 G INTERIOR 24 EXTERIOR - + . 1.114' MM. 29 40 41 42- EMR. pyr.1 60 61 62 2 HORRONIAL CROSS SECTION 6 ownw oat _ .._ Oufswing shpvm pnsMneskn0al a �HORRONTALCROSS SECTION 6 5 W 1 W6W= Ouhwtne shown JhWng grn2m) d t m n r Snm V��rHa da•r6 ill li �M16� O,IIS wo: ft-211JL1 e A 6 OF I2 ) h5 MAX_ MN I Ol `l_ 49aMERi�ORLINTMOR 60 61 62 \ 90 4041 425 z EMiERIOR NTMB fln. 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION .. ;w _ 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION ] Shawn Wect to Mowrc�Ryy '0 ts•Mngontyw/49/ir)amb Shown Watt to Mawnry OahwingorJyw/69/I6 lamb E: � DIRECT TO MASONRY MAX DESIGN PRESSURE: w/STANDARD STRIKE = t55PSF w/SECURITY STRIKE= l65PSF �,2 �yy Yo T C h @1fEmOR 60 61 62 40 41 42 i� DMIOR E I-I/rmN. EMB. PYP.) 2_ HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION %5 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 7 5hown Wectto MasoruT ]-. Shown Direct to Maw 7 Shown Dtrecito MawrRT 0uhwln9 onlyw/49/16 jamb - OuhxMgoNyw/4-9p6jamb,:. OuhwMg onlyw/69/I6 Jamb 6'�HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION waen dK \, JShown Direct to Mayo' ouc m: LFS OulAft only w/ 6-9/16 Jamb FL-21131.1 v -Zarm i 1.571 hem iS 17,18, 32, 36, 35, 36, 37, 38 &39 are attached to(ambs w/ (3) R8 X 2-1/7 pfh screws at each end. SRI Rem N's 16 & 33 are attached tolambs w/ (2)98 X 2-1/2'pfh screws at each end SHI Rem815 is attached to lambs utRWng(2)#10 X 2'pphsorews at each end. - , 32 3B 39 SEE NOTE - E a 1 VE CAL CROSS SECTION g Iruw7ngsa - - EXTERIOR INTERIOR INTERIOR SEE NOTE I SEE NOTE NM,V1 n. 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION g oufsv6rg sm EXTERIOR e. VERTTCAL CROSS SECTION g Irow7ngsm �s plot cwn -ten v 346 J t6W'6a6'[[6 MN onoyd ,L�t SSSM V 'oaWOA, M Log 'O'd /1/1� .. 9N2'OH;lNV WVtl! �➢ WJN9 3 S1NV1l11SN00 SNIa109„n� ':A6 80 11 \/Yl�\Ill Is;I),L`'i 6OKY -ON 3'd .... i1000 Ti31$ `.......p �y WN Os -A uaVwAi na-L—mNiN1 RMR. .`' wmudd .,� amna ?xf6 awn logopO M = Bai6V'SN .( �. h x .a a tdAl'O'O XVW.iI �� U U Fi •: UA haul 70 t�tdkd JV XM.6l I Z 7— T_ 0 E = y 4 Q _ Y cp k N i �tdA119 �1'd.U)'O'0 '%VW 91 I- z X O Q •' x Z E _ N C. aO - N 1'L 'YE[ii-IA:LiW.l ifl2-0fl�1�W-JILVJH%yl Aid t�W1 �43 p+oMIab 1E`.�-e. rsidllLM�U M:41-NIH3NYtl1fitl N1 WWl\*N9 2XBUCK L IXBUCK G DIRECITO M 26 MASONRY 2XBUCK 29 B 1X BUCK 27 M DIRECTTO DIRECTM MASONRY M MASONRY LATCH 6 DEADBOLT DETAIL Kwilaet DEADBOLTSTRIKE DETAILS (Security Deadbolt Strike Plate( 2XBUCK ix BUCK YSUPBL DIRECI TOUEMASONRYE LATCH& DEADBOLTDETAIL Schloge 9 LATCH 6 DEADBOLT STRIKE DETAILS I (Standard Deadbolt Strike Motel 'K 4 d SIRIKEJAMB Latch and Deodbolt HHIGEJAMB m HINGEDETAIL aom rn: Fl.-2113L1 °- 0 a. 10 w 12 " Mr, 111 90 O'N 0 Y 0.61r 6 ot -0 ,o10 NO. Odoberl4.2dl7=- in PODUM. THERM—IM SrEEL DOOR RO" U LY d. F. SthmMt P.E No. �9 - il hit BUWNG mmu , P.O. Do. M. V.Woo. W595 Ph-na No � 813.�9.9197 MPE �­No. ga13 PARE OR COMPONENTS NO DATE REVISIONS BILL OF MATERIALS BILL OF MATERIALS fIEM 4 OESCAPHON MATERIAL nFM 1 OESCRRRTON MATERIAL A 1XBUCK(SG>=0.42) WOOD 25 #8x2-1/2''PFH WOOD SCREW - - STEEL B ,2XBUCKISG>=0.42 WOOD 26• #8x5/89'PFH WOOD SCREW - STEEL C 1/4" MAX. SHIM SPACE 27 'LATCH STRIKE PLATE. ' - STEEL D 1/4" X 23/4" PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 28 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE (STANDARD) STEEL MASONRY - 3.000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING10ACI CONCRETE 28A DEADBOLT SUB STRIKE PLATE STEEL 288 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE (SECURITY) STEEL E 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 G 3/16' X 31/4" RW CONCRETE SCREW 'STEEL 29 `, 4" X 4' HINGE STEEL J 1/4'X33/4"PFHELCOORIIWCONCRETE SCREW STEEL 32 INSWING THRESHOLD -• ALUM/COMP X2-1/2'PFH WOOD SCREW(LIV MIN.EMBEDMENT) STEEL 33 INSWING THRESHOLD - ALUM/COMP °X2-1/4"IIWCONCRETESCREW STEEL -- 34 INSWING THRESHOLD - ALUM/COMP 'X23/4"f1WCONCRETESCREW STEEL 35 INSWING THRESHOLD .- ALUM/COMP. FINGER JOINT PINE WOOD 36 INSWING THRESHOLD = '. ALUM/COMPTHERSTRIP fil3AMBI (MEDIUM REACH) FOAM 37 INSWING THRESHOLD - ALUM/COMPTHERSTRIP (LONG REACH) FOAM 38 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMPEP VINYL 39 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMPEP(USE w/ MODERATE CUMATETHRESHOLD) .-VINYL _ 40 DOOR PANEL(BOOK)-"PROFILES"SERIESEP (USE w/PUBUC ACCESS THRESHOLD) VINYL �'41 DOOR PANEL (HYBRID)-'PROFILFS"SERIES. - 15 PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD - ALUM- -42 - DOOR PANEL (Ul)-"PROFlLES"SERIES 16 OUTSWING THRESHOLD .ALUM/COMP 60 DOOR PANEL (BOOKJ-"IKADOIONS"SERIES - - - 17 OUTSWING THRESHOLD, ,ALUM/COMP 61 I DOOR PANEL (HYBRID) -"TRADITIONS" SERIES 18 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 62 1 DOOR PANEL (Ul)-'TRAD1110NS'SERIES- - 22 #8x3/4°PFHWOOD SCREW STEEL 23 O'0x3/4"PFHWOOD SCREW STEEL 241 #10x 1"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL CONCRETEANCHOR NOTES:. -- 1. Concrete anctwfooaRons althe ccmen maybe adjusted to maintain the min. edge instance to mortarjohils. 2. Conctete anchorbcaHons noted os'MAX ON CENTER must be aCJaded fo maintain the min. edge ddance to modarjoinls, adUitbnal concrete anchors my be tequked to emare the MAX. ON CENIER"dimerdon are not e=eeded. 3. Conaeteanchortable: ° MIR ttEA2ANt9- MIN GLFARANC o 1 4" 1.114" 27 4 .. TAPCON / IILTRACON / rtW a 3/16" 1.1/4" ASSHOWN TAPCON WOOD SCREW INSTALIARON NOTES: ' 1. Ma/nfaN o mWmum 5/fY edge a stance, )"end ddance, & 1"o.c. spadng of wood srlews to Prevent thespNRng of wood. sS FL-21131.1 1/14,12019 'Florida Building Code Online - sell Mass BaSH°me login User Registration Hat Top]¢ Submit Surcharge stabs&Fads Pobiicatl°ns Gonad Us I BQssite Map I Dnk I Search Florida r) Product Approval db 1 - USER:ftbli`User RECa.j 6.,. Pn° .0 Apon,"l Menu > Prod= or Aoolimtion Search > Application List > Application Detail. JAN FL # � FL1435-R22 Application Type Revision ST. Lucie Co Code Version' ! - 2017 • • " -Application_ Status . �; :::• . • Approved ' ' °= •",, *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. -' - Comiments t + ,. +• ,„ c-�gqAgpp��6p��W�r��ij Archived e. ,' ' Cl"°a �'. .;SCA VNPL 11 BY Product Manufacturer PGT Industries _ St. Lucie County ' Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive " North Venice, FL 34275 (941) 486-0100 Ext 22318 ., druark@pgtindustrje;.com, Authorized Signature ' : " Jens Rosowski jrosowski@pgtindustries.com --'� Technical Representative' IT' ''"' Lynn Miller, P.E. Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology or N Venice, FL 34275 (941) 486-0100 Ext 21142 ' - (miller@pgtindustries.com ,Quality Assurance Representative - �• Address/Phone/Emelf� Category Windows' Subcategory- Single Hung .-, Compliance' Method _ Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency - 1 Keystone Certifications, Inc. Validated By ;, , - - , - Steven M. Urich, PE „ OO Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and.Year ) of Standard) - ` (_ , . Standard it r, - Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/IS2/A440 2011 AAMA/WDMA/CSA SOS/IS2/A440 2008 ANSI/AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S.2/NAFS 2002 ASTM E1886 2005 �,. ASTM E1996 , 2012 ASTM E283 2004 ASTM E330 - 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By https://www.floridatiuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtLaspz7param=wGEV)(QwtDgsbCUITKe120DuttTaLzE3%2b6%2frLDU%2(NYOBWNfeROwbogtO%3d%3d •• 1/3 1/1412019 , - . „ Florida Building Code Online , Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 10/24/2018 Date Validated 10/24/2018 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 1O/26/2018 Summary of Products FL # Model, Numberor Name Description 1435.1 SH - 200 Aluminum Single Hung Window (Std. Meeting Rail, Inc. Pass- Thru) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL1435 R22 C CAC Cert-SHZOO.Pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration -Date Impact Resistant: No 02/16/2022 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R22 II SH-200.odf pressure, size and anchorage Information. The Pass-Thm Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, PE 58705 version was not tested for water infiltration. Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1435 R22 AE SH-200 STD Evaluation 0917 odf Created by Independent Third Party: No 1435.2 SH - 200 HD Aluminum Single Hung Window (with HD Meeting Rail) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No Fl 1475 1122 C CAC 190-1003CAR2 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes " Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 01/08/2020 Design Pressure: N/A ,. - Installation Instructions .. Other: Please see the Installation Instructions4or design FL1435 R22 II SH-200HD.odf pressure, size and anchorage information: Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. 58705 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports . FL1435 R22 AE SH-200 HD Evaluation 0917 odf Created by Independent Third Party: No " 1435.3 SH,- 800 WinGuard Multistory Aluminum Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL1435 R22 C CAC Certification SH800 C odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/07/2020 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R22 II SH-800c odf pressure, size and anchorage Information. Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. 58705 -- Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1435 R22 AE SH800 EVaI 0917 Pfff ' Created by Independent Third' Party: No 1435.4 SH-5400 ,. EnergyVue Vinyl Single Hung Window Limits of Use " Certification Agency Certificate ' Approved for use In HVHZ: No , FL1435 R22 C CAC Certification - SH5400.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 08/13/2021 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R22 II SH-5400 odf pressure, size and anchorage Information. " 'Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. 58705 Created by Independent Third Party: No - Evaluation Reports F1 1435 R22 AE SH-5400 Evaluation 0917 0d ' Created by Independent Third Party: No 1435.5 SH-5500 WinGuard Vinyl Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1435 R22 C CAC Certification - SH5500 0d Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 10/01/2021 , Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R22 II SH-5500 odf pressure, size and anchorage information. Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. 58705 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1435 R22 AE SH-5500 Evaluation 0917.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: No https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param--xGEVXQwtDgsbCUITKe12ODuftTaLxE3%2b6%2frLDU%2fNYOBWWeROwbogtQ%3d%3d 2/3 1/14�2019 Florida Building Code Online Back Next Qntart Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 phone: 850482-1824 The State of Florlda is an AAjEED employer. Copyright 2002-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electmnlc mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850A82.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.225(I), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which con be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick ham. Product Approval Accepts: -�. 99 �. SGGlIfllVhl tiT111GS� https://www.floridabuilding.orglpr/pr app_dU.asp)Oparam=wGEVXQwtDgsbCUITKel2ODufTaLxE3%2b6%2frLDU%2fNYOBWWeROwbogtQ%3d%3d 3/3 1070 Technology Dr. N. Venice, FL34275 Tel. 941-480-1600 ® pgtindustries.com Product Evaluation Report Date: September18, 2017 Product Description: Single Hung, Series 200 Florida Product Approval #: 1435 Manufacturer: PGT Industries 1070 Technology Dr. North Venice, FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Statement of Compliance: The product listed in this evaluation report, meets the requirements of the Florida Product Approval Rule, 61G20-3. This product complies with the requirements of the 6th Edition of the Florida Building Code, 2017. Technical Documentation: Elevation, anchorage/installation drawings and Test Reports: Drawing # : 1032411JR Test Report(s): ATI-89077 All-89765 FTL-6878 Installation: Units to be installed as per the attached installation drawings. Limits of Use: 1. Maximum Design Pressures and sizes to be as listed in the test report, unless attached documentation shows lower DP's or smaller sizes. 2. This product is not Impact Resistant and requires shutters in windborne debris regions. 3. This product is not for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). Certification of Independence: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. is employed by PGT Industries, and therefore has a 'ONYjjjj r LYN4 N •''.LtCENSF'•.Y(�� * No.58705 O F 'ice '•.Ft.ORIDP;.•'U,�=� Al - A. Lynn Miller, P.E. P.E. # 58705 FL Cert. of Auth. #29296 financial interest in the company or any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued, but does not, nor will aquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of this product. ' KEYSTOIVg D=Mnt Tme: Structural Performance Doc No- FIRM B7-02 —77 Rev No: 7 17 -1 xx 1 Certification Authorization Report ' Required By. PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number: 190 - 493.0 Issue Date: 3/30/2009 Revision Date: 10/10/2018 Expiration Date: 3/16/2022 Company Code: 190 This Certification Authorization Report'(CAR) is issued by" Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, and is -based-on a standardized evaluation 'of'the product conducted'by an' independent accredited laboratory In accordance with the specified referenced standard. -Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors; including installation, conddion of the wall/roof substrate and `the age of the product and installation components. . This report indicates the product is eligible for the applicationof Keystone Certification 'Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products; that those'products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a'certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verged at www.keystonecerts.com.' ; ' ' " Licensee Information: Product Information: PGT Industries'' Model: SH2O0 (SH4000) Oriel Aluminum Single Hung 1070 Technology Dr. PO Box 1529 Operator Type: H Nokomis FL 34274 Config: No -Max Width: 53 Max Height: 76 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMA/WDMA/CSA-101/IS2/A440-05 H-LC55 1346x1930 (53x76)'` Qualifying Test Information: a Y. Test Report No: ATI-89765.01-401-47 Test Report Expiration: 3/16/2022 Authorized Signature: ^� Keystone Certifications, Inc. 24 18.10.1 1 .145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100E New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 13:11:54-04Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 W W W.KEYSTONECERTS.COM Dooiment Title: -- - "- Structural Performance Doc No: FRM B1-02 Rev No: 7 PeBe , Of. , KEYSTONE Certification Authorization Report Required By. PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number: 190 - 494.0 Issue Date: 3/30/2009 Revision Date: 10/10/2018 Expiration Date: 3/16/2022 Company Code: 190 This,Certifiration Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the. wall/roof substrate and, the age of,the product and installation components. This report indicates the,product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee, stipulates, in affixing certification labels to products, that those, products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can beverified etwww.keystonecerts.com. , , Licensee Information: Product Information: PGT Industries Model: SH2O0 (SH4000) Equal Lite Aluminum Single Hung . 1070 Technology Dr. PO Box 1529 Operator Type: H Nokomis FL 34274 Config: No Max Width: 53 Max Height: 76 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMAMIDMA/CSA 101/IS2/A440-05 H-LC55 1346x1930 (53x76) Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: I ATI-89765.01-401-47 3/16/2022 Authorized Signature: 2018.10.11 13:12:34-04'00' Keystone Certifications, Inc. 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100B New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 GENERAL NOTES: 1) THE ANCHORAGE METHODS SHOWN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE FOR THE DESIGN PRESSURES LISTED: 2) WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 1X ARE LESS THAN 1-10' THICK 1X WOOD BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT IS INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO SOLID CONCRETE. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 2X ARE 1-107 THICK OR GREATER. ATTACHMENT METHOD OF WOOD BUCKS SHALL BE DONE BY OTHERS. 3) SEE TABLE FOR MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ANCHOR TO I SUBSTRATE EDGE (EXCLUDING FINISH OR STUCCO). --- 4) SHIM EACH ANCHOR LOCATION WHERE THE PRODUCT IS NOT FLUSH TO THE SUBSTRATE. USING SHIMS CAPABLE OF TRANSFERRING APPLIED LOADS. 5) ANCHORS SHALL BE COATED OR CORROSION RESISTANT AS APPROPRIATE FOR SUBSTRATE MATERIAL DISSIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL BE PROTECTED AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT REACTIONS. ALUMINUM SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DISSIMILAR MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED IN THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 6) ADHESIVE SEALANT SHALL BE USED BETWEEN SUBSTRATE AND FLANGE OR FIN. OVERALL SEALINGIFIASHING STRATEGY FOR WATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE DONE BY OTHERS. 7) MATERIALS USED FOR ANCHOR EVALUATIONS WERE SOUTHERN PINE, 27 KSI CONCRETE AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS COMPLYING WITH ASTM C-90. GLAZING COMPLIES WITH ASTM SIM. 8) THE IM STRESS INCREASE WAS NOT USED IN THIS ANCHOR EVALUATION, THE 16 LOAD DURATION FACTOR WAS USED FOR THE EVALUATION OF WOOD SCREWS ANCHOR LOCATIONS d SPACING 53.1/8' MAX. TIP -TO -TIP, 52-11W MAX BUCK------------- - ' MAX. T I I / I I I MAX: A / 1 BUCK I T T •MAX I I I I -LA I I I I 78' MAX TIP-TI LI I / I I I TIP � B'T - FLANGE FRAME 9) EQUAL LITE SHOWN. ANCHOR QUANTITY AND SPACING APPLIES TO '— ORIEL SASH UNITS AS WELL. PRODUCT MAY BE INSTALLED INTO STEEL OR ALUMINUM SIMILAR TO THE WOOD INSTALLATION DETAILS. 10) PASS-THRU PRODUCT HAS NOT BEEN CERTIFIED FOR WATER TABLE 3: FIN d FLANGE STANDARD WINDOWS INFILTRATION AND MUST BE LOCATED IN UNEXPOSED AREAS. 11) THE 200 SERIES WAS FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE 4DOD14001 SERIES. Buck Size Width Het hit Sash Style10 Design Pressure sf sf Certification Numbers 52.3/8° 75° EQual Ute 55 55 196478, 479, 499 494 Odel 65 55 TABLE I: FLANGE WINDOWS(STANDARO AND PASS-THRU) TABLE 4: FLANGE PASS-THRU WINDOW Amhw Type Subsm. Min. Edge Diet. Mtn. Enbodlnad NO Stoll SMS Wood (SaMem Piro) 7/1g' 1.118' Sted SWI Gr33 30 .045(IS GA) Aluminun4063Td 3B• lAr Steal, A30 3A3' 1/B" 114-Madany ARMa - Calaae 11 11w Hsdow CMU 2.1/2' 1.11V --nAron,aurzrvnaweosrcnrnwiee an orareww BaYWOf IN$IDQ FACE aF IMiEHY1. TABLE 2: FIN WINDOWS (STANDARD WINDOW) Anchor Tpa Substrale in. Edge Min. Diet. Embedment 1- /2• g all Haoaag Nall wood (easiness Plot) 3I0• 1.7/10• /12 PamsSMS Wood (Sadness Pine) Wis. 13 SMS f1O Behead BclaW . Wood (6aalrem Paa) 7/16• I+ Buck Slze Desi nPressure Certification Numbers Width Height ♦ sf - sf 52.1/9° 51- 2° 65 65 -.190.1002 WAA FIN FRAME 75'_ MAX. BUCK l2' 5352-1 MAX. TI TIP 52-118' MAX BUCK BUCK I' MAX. T 1 , / �514I. MAX. 17• MAX BUCK 52' T MAX TIP-TI TIP MAX B•1'T� I FLANGE FRAME- -_ PASS.THRU WINDOW A17n4 J O50A5KI s' OB'OB:11 ALUMINUM 0083-T4 MMOM1, m® , dSii;j bsnsonas Ass. Ae�mwl 1Wa TECHNOLOGY 75iVE NOT.0F FL342T6 FL CEm. oFAUTH.: zazaa SINGLE HUNG INST., ; A P E M0.1B705 ISM-200 a 21X I NTS 11 M 3 1032411JR INSTALLATION WITH FLANGE FRAME t 4• 3 - EXTERIOR SU S TX WOOD $HIM_ - -` - SHIM EDGE _ - - NO ANCHORS - NO- •' DISTANCE -- � SHIM - REQUIRED EXTERIOR ANCHORS , REQUIRED _ ,`, %EXTERIOR EMBEDMEM 1 FLANGE FRAME, _ � JAMB INSTALLATION Z, - (DIRECTLYT SSUBSTRATE) FLD NG FRAME.TALLATION FLANGE FRAME, INS MEAD INSTALLATION -- HEAD INSTALLATION (DIRECTLY TO SUBSTRATE) ' (USING IX SUCKSTRIP) . EXTERIOR VIF . _ PRIOR r� - EXTE`EMOR EXTERIOR.. ... at:= EDGE - - No'' NO ,DISTANCE ANCHORS „ ANCHORS SHIM REQUIRED REQUIRED IX ' EMBEDMENT WOOD :�� J ON t, �" .( •.fl[ q ,.......''. /F? FLANGEINST hot. TI JAMBBINSTALLATION SHIM (USING IX BUCKSTRIP).- E6'1Ci M.: 1 SHIM BS TE 1% .. . WOOD O '. FLANGE FRAME .I'•,.��0 _)S,;I: PASSTHRU WINDOW SILL INSTALLATION ,;'•,Cp •./nh l..` SU (DIRECTLY TO SUBSTRATE) FLANGE FRAME BS TE SILLINSTALLATION (DIRECTLY TO SUBSTRATE) FLANGE FRAME, 'BE lLA710N- - U J. ROSOWSKI f1S98711 ALUMINUM G06346�•yn nXnemns�u��R zm=m A9==w a ri rer� - INSTALLATION NOTES: _ G IX BUCK � (USINNG STRIP) ® 1) SEE SHEET I FOR ANCHORAGE, SUBSTRATE AND SPACING REQUIREMENTS. 2) GLASS SHOWN AS EXAMPLE. MAY VARY BY SERIES AND DESIGN PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS. - , 3) FOR SMOOTH SASH OPERATION, THE ANCHORS MUST BE FLATHEADS. 4)MAX. SHIM THICKNESS TO BE I/4'. 6) FLANGE MAYBE REMOVED TO CREATE EQUAL -LEG FRAME -USE FlANOE FRAME INSTALLATION. IWOTEUINDLOGYORNE NOMMS. FL V127E FLCERT.OFAIRH.:28 1r SINGLE HUNG INST., STD. MEETING RAIL A. LpO MBm, P.E 'p,E M58N6 SH-2006200PT �" ae�s NTS 2d3 ona,a 1032H1JR s EDGE tl°I 1° r� DISTANCE EXTERIOR EDGE J DISTANCE I''� 4 I I E ERIOR FIN FRAME, SILL INSTALLATION INSTALLATION NOTES FIN FRAME, HEAD INSTALLATION 1) SEE SHEET 1 FOR ANCHORAGE. SUBSTRATEAND SPACING REQUIREMENTS. 2) GLASS SHOWN AS EXAMPLE, MAY VARY BY SERIES AND DESIGN PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS, 3) FOR SMOOTH SASH OPERATION. THE ANCHORS MUST BE FLATHEADS. 4) MAX. SHIM THICKNESS TO BE 1/4'. 5) FIN MAY BE REMOVED TO CREATE EQUAL -LEG FRAME- USE FLANGE FRAME INSTALLATION. FIN FRAME JAMB INSTALLATION 10TOTECHNOIQOYDRN£ W=M3,FLM275 FLCERT.OFAUTH,20205 S 1o,-STD rx•rarnxmuommi OBNS'1f ALUMINUM 6083•T6 SH-2008200PT I NTS 13 d 3 1032411JR I 5mmem Title: , , Structural Performance.. Doc No: _ FIRM B7-02 Rev No: 7 P-9g 1Ot KEYSTO.Ne Ccm,r,eni,ona..rc. Certification.-,.. Authorization. Report Required By: PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number: 190 - 478.0 Issue Date: 2/25/2009 Revision Date: 10/10/2018 Expiration Date: 2/16/2022 - Company Code: 190 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by.KeystoneCertifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review,,; and; is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specked referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may varybased on many factors, including installation, condition of the wallfroof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates•the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification .Program ,certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are•representattve of the specimen , evaluated and documented for certification auttiorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com. .Licensee Information: - P�oduct.lnformation: _ -- PGT Industries Model: SH2O0 (SH4001) Aluminum Oriel Single -Hung 1070 Technology Dr. PO Box 1529 OperatdrType:: H Nokomis FL 34274 Config: No Max Width: 52 Max Height:' •75 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/IS2/A440-05 H-LC55 1321x1905 (52x7.5). i,, •- Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: ATI-89077.01-40147 Test Report Expiration 2/16/2022 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc: . . / 2018101 1 * 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100B New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 Y 13:08:30,-04'00' Phone:717-932-8600 • , Fax: 717-932-8501 W WW.KEYS-rONECERTS.COM - - - ': Document ride: - - Structural Performance Doc No FRM B7-02 Rev No: 7 repo 1 1 — KF,YSTO111E Certification. Authorization- Report Required By: PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number. 190 - 479.0 Issue Date: 2/25/2009 Revision Date: 10/10/2018 Expiration Date: 2/16/2022 Company Code: 190 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent' accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of - the product• and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for' certification authorization. Orily products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified' atwww.keystonecerts.com. Licensee Information: Product Information: PGT Industries Model: SH2O0 (SH4001) Aluminum Equal Single Hung 1070 Technology Dr. PO Box 1529 Operator. -Type: H Nokomis FL 34274 Config: No Max Width: .52 Max Height: 75 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/IS2/A440-05 H-LC55 1321x1905 (52x75) Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiratioris ATI-89077.01-401-47 2/16/2022 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 201810.11 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 10013 /�/I,� New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 y II " '%l 13:09:1 2 -04r00r Phone:717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 W W W.KEYSTONECERTS.COM I 1/14/2019 'Florida Building Code Online, Professional Regulation— R, BOO Home I Log In I User Regis bon I Hot Topics Submit Surtharge I Scats ® Fa Cs I Pubilmdons I Conrad Us I MS Sne Map I Unks I Search + d pNpNFl�Ronda nP p '�, ti rr `/ Product Approval VIPoli Cy USER: public User iro-3i`�u'tsrY.`�m`� .i.. ., Pred AnProyal Menu > Product or Aoolimflon Sea" > Aoollmdon Ust> Appflcanan Detail FL.# RECEIVED FL21131 Application Type New JAN 14 2019 Code Version 2017 r , Application Status Approved $T, LUCie COUflty, Permitting Comments . l Archived l.J Product Manufacturer Therma-Tru Corporation Address/Phone/Email 118 Industrial Drive Edgerton, OH 43517 (419)298-1740 , rickw@mbldgconsult.ants.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultanfs.com ' Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category ' Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies, Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer } . O Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. -, r Evaluation. Report 5u ' Florida License ' PE-43409 _ Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Ryan 3. King, P.E. , irk Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL21131 RO COI W) Certificate of Independence.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM E330 2002 ASTM E331 2001 TAS 202 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwU)qu2dzEOwOntq77lDGmkJRHskTPhmFa/a2bOWdDu)(xQH33Qwkwp/p3de/a3d .,1/4 1/1412019 . " 1,, Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D -, Date Submitted 09/14/2016 Date Validated 10/15/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/19/2017 Date Approved 1Z/12/2017 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 21131.1 a. Therma-Trap Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single Profiles`" Steel Doors Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO It (a) Inst 21131.1.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other. See INST 21131.1 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RI AE (a) Eval 21131.1.Pg-f specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation Instructions. 21131.2 b. Thermo True Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single Profiles'- Steel Doors Door with Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131.2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.2 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eyal 21131.2.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation instructions. 21131.3 c. Therma-True Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Double Profiles'" Steel Doors Door with "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Ins[ 21131.3A& Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.3 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE !al EWI 21131.3.odf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation Instructions. 21131.4 d. Therma True Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single Doors Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II !a) Inst 21131.4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.4 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE ( a) Eval 21131 —4 Pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation instructions. 21131.5 e. Therma-True Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Single Doors Door with "Non -Impact" Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131 5.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.5 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (b) Eval 21131.5.0f specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. 21131.6 f. Therma True Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Opaque Wood Edge Steel Double Doors Door with or without "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Inswing/outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Installation Instructions FL21131 RO it (a) Inst 21131.6.pdf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hftps://www.floridabuilding.orgfpr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param-wGEVXQMDqu2dzEowOntg771DGmkJRHskTPhmF%2bOWdDuXxQH33Qwkw%3d%3d 214 1/14,12019 Florida Building Code Online Design Pressure: Nim— Evaluation.. ; 9rts Other: See INST 21131.6 for Design Pressure Ratings by FLJ-1131 RO AE (b) Eval 21131.6.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation Instructions. 21131.7 g. Therma-Trap Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Profiles" Steel Doors I (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) , Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO ii (a) Inst 21131.7.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.7 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.7.odf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes -- installation instructions. 21131.8 h. Therma Trup Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Profiles"' Steel Doors with "Non -Impact" Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or . OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO I1 (a) inst 21131.8.pd1 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.8 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.8.odf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation Instructions. 21131.9 1. Themia-Trup Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Double ProfllesTM Steel Doors Door with "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131.9.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.9 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.9 pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. 21131.10 J. Therma Trup Traditions Steel I Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Doors (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO II (a) Inst 21131. 10.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.10 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eva[ 21131.10 pi f specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation instructions. 21131.11 k. ThermaTrup Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Doors with "Non -Impact" Sidelite (Inswing/Outswing; OX or XO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL21131 RO 11 (a) Inst 21131.11 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.11 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eva[ 21131.11.pi f specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. 21131.12 I. Therma-Trup Traditions Steel Nominal 8'0 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Doors with "Non -Impact" Sidelites (Outswing; OXO configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21131 RO 11 (a) Inst Z 31. L2 pff Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.12 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.12.odf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Installation Instructions. 21131.13 m. Therma Trup Traditions and Nominal 6'8 "Non -Impact" Glazed Wood Edge Steel Single Door Profiles'" Steel Doors with Sidelite Center Hinged with a Continuous Head and Sill (Outswing; XO or OX configurations) https:lAv w.floridabuilding.org/prlpr'appjtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDi u2dzEGwdntg771DGmkJRHskTPhmF%2bOWdDu)XQH33QWkw%3d%3d - 3/4 1/14/2019 Florida Building Code Online , Limits of Use Installation If _ - alone Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL21131 RO 11 (a) Inst 21131 13.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 21131.13 for Design Pressure Ratings by FL21131 RO AE (a) Eval 21131.13.pdf specific Model and for any other additional use limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes installation instructions. Bach Nevi contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Read, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-0 7-1824 The State of Floada is an AA/EEO employer. SgQ d h[ 20W-2013 State f Fl dtl :: PdyaV, Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by tredidonal mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 4S5.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, Ikensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emalls providetl may be used for official communication with the licensee However email addresses are public record. if you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please cR& her -. •t, Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_d0.aspx?pamm=wGEVXpwtgqu2dzEowDntg77lDGmkJRHskTPhmF%2bDWdDuXxQH33Qwkw°/a3d%3d 414 f RW— C R W Building Consultants, Inc. Consulting and EngineeringServices for the-Buildinglndustry — P.O. Box 230 Valrico, FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Boats of Professional EngineersCertificate ofAuthorization No. 98t3 Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Thera-Tru Corporation Profiles and Traditions Exterior Swinging 1181ndustrial Dr Wood Edge Opaque Steel Double Door Doors Exterior Door Edgerton, OH 43517 with or without Sidelites Assemblies Phone 419-2984740 Inswing/Outswing "Non -Impact" Scope: Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc. & Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. (System ID # 1998) for Thera-Tru Corporations, based on Rule Chapter No. 61G20-3, Method 1 D of the Slate of Florida Product Approval, Dept. of Business & Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FBC) structural requirements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection, this product is required to be protected with an impact resistant covering that complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2 & R301.2.1.2. 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-21131.3 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect 6. See drawing FL-21131.3 for size and design pressure limitations Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed by TEL 01460145 ASTM E330-02 Testing Evaluation Lab.,inc. V.K. Wright TEL 01460554 ASTM E330-02 & ASTM E331-00 Testing Evaluation Lab.,lnc. V.K. Wright 2. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed & Sealed by No. FL-21131.3 RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA#9813) Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 3. Calculations Prepared by Signed & Sealed by Anchoring RW Building Consultants, Inc. (CA #9813) Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 4. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation & Management Institute, certifying that Thera-Tru Corporations is manufacturing products within a quality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC 17020 and Guide 53. ®OTageso0¢eacoso. % 2 hlo 43409 is M5P' STATE e t�ae a Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. FL PE No. 43409 10115f2017 Sheet 1 of 1 THERMAITRU® DOORS Profiles. & Traditions WOOD EDGE - OPAQUE STEEL DOUBLE DOOR w/ or w/ouf SIDELITES INSWING/OUTSWING "NON -IMPACT' - GENERAL NOTES ' _ I. This product has been evoluated and IS In compliance with the 6th Edriion (2017( Florida BugoTng Code (FBC( structural requirements excluding the'Nigh Velocity' Hurricane Zone" .(HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shag be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment to base material stag be beyond wag dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring Wind Dome debris protection, this product Is required to be protected with an Impact resistant covering that complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2 & R3012.1.2. ' 4. For 2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masorvy, construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysts by a licensed engineer or registered arcHtect. TAEIEOFCONIENFS ' - SHEETI DESCPPIION I TMCCIEIWatF0r&b0Fnr-- 2 Dar Panel Det005TmRe! 3 Door Panel DetaffI aGUow' 4 §FeFe GI Da 5 Bevallow d 8 on act w 7 H ta18V Cwa ore &lc ' e Ra-o—n-Z&VencdvwomD omm 9 e G Cow 10 Rua M II FWOAnchormg 1R Haawate DetaA 13 Ms Id IWWMa Wh 0 ' -, 10.9.7S'MAXO.A. FRAME WIDiH ISXMAx ; FRAMENIDTH 74.75' MAX FRAME WIDTH I ! !EEd s m e g, 5 I L O X �LOLO X O U/ H CONE/GURADON DESIGN PRESSURE(PSI) INSWING DESIGN PRESSURE (PSI) OurSWING POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE xx,Oxxo 1 +50.0 -55.0 +50.0 -50.0 1 d R: 9enbOwnem..arwwrnw-...•..,•••••w-�••-•.-•_--..-_ _ 0� �792^AIALDOOR PANE HEIGHT � 08 ?09 �nA "ta 13 y 9 P Z tQ�O - NN 'g Zs n4Z . i E--ss n. � �J9y^MAX. DWRPANEL HEIGHT � r �pm �S NNPo-°3 v x ® �A �I 79A6' MAX DOOR PANEL F16GM N � 13 Tal gO® T �1 T 0 O 0 IN 10 8 z O o . 1 OO 'o� Ai A l ' r N - ,- D9@' A_ � G r. y OcOUEVr 10, L!O77 SM \ II,9,-- bti $fE�- DDpR��. P.m NOF. '/fill, p _, N YV V.y N v ` 2 .. pill, LD IM11MINO CONSULTANTS, INC PART OR p4SD Y: ,�j X y 'PROFlLES� P.O. Vox MO. YOINco, M 33%s DATE BY NO DOOR PANEL DETAILS Phone No.: at3.fi59.BtV� R SIONS FVPE CA W. 9813 R:\O�ATAmm Try P&MANFNIyt-qwl� NomiRA(pwakW411319¢I WOot Filge Nm9gNQ NVHM¢\C- gawbgAR-]1131 (ID17)9T3113L1.3Aep, 1S I N IA �792SAUX.DOOR PANEL HBGHf� IIIC) H g by k IN E=A yy TT.. --I I—ss v �792S MAX DOOR PANEL HEIGHT� IY m� Z p m XT �1A� 1 -- 79.95'MAX DOOR PANEL HEIGHT .13 v g = o I. I M. .. I G� NR.43t09 OGWWr 14, 2017 Bn `� I H' � 2017 g ? 4 I 8 E+ q.W. 99 R i N Bu�uuwa PRODUCE: THERb1A-TRU DOOR vacumo,d PraemH P.E No. /J�09 �.p�'........ `� P.m N _p�Cq/H{1n���� `— Q�/9UILDINO CONSULTM. 1N�. ��/�/ P.O. 99a 230. V91Nw. R S 93 Pneae Na: at3.399.et9] FBPE CA Ne. 9313 N -• - .BY PARE OR ASSEMBLY: •TimmoNs. DOOR PANEL DEMIS N NO DATE REVISIONS Cnr•auui�,ne Irin- -- 13.7SMAX. PANEL WIDTH 7.ITMAX. D.L.O. WIDTH !E (i� EXTERIOR Aftp lkv SHLE (WO?Dj INTERIOR '&LORIZO!�AL CROSS SECTION AWGLASS IITMN. GLASS THK. ' BITE EXTERIOR IXTEMPEkEDGLASS AIRSPACE 29 STE 1/8-TEMPERED GLASS WTERC INERIOR SPACER A63' GLASS EXTERIOR NOTE: TS—pZTclng for Ram #11 & #12 ota frame saeyrs) Is as foto :From the top clown on sIdw, 3, 143S', 265, 382S. 5DJT & 6229. Thel`8 are 12) screws both top and boffam at 425'Tn from each comer. SIDEWE PANEL - INTERIOR ME SlaN 'PRORIEr. 24 GA. (0= MIN. THICKNESS, Py = 48,470 PSI MIN.) SMSKINMRADMONS-. 25 GA. 10.018- MIN. THICKNESS, FV= 27,830 PSI MIN.) FOAM CORE: POLYURETHANE FOAM 11.9 PCIF MN.) SIDELITEWOODCOMPONENTS: PINE[S13>442) IlrTEMPERED GLASS -AIR SPACE - lir TEMPERED GLASS INIMUK I. EXTERIOR (3) VERITICAL CROSS SECTION E CZ FL-21 131 v®vv vvv 4 Iii� ,ial U�QI liil I ' I �I' C I ICI v -1 IIII I ( I -I I I, vvv r s 9 -9"_ 9 9 9 (1) r , M HE 13 PROFIIPSITRADMONS Steel Door Panel Options Panel options shown are forlllusfraflon and are representative only (similar opaque panel con0gurafions are allowedi . NL e .,,� Qom= . s � �oa qq�j�j SW v R SCNLAGE KNOB: FSI DEADSOLT: B60 RVnKSET KNOB: SIGNATURE SERIES DEADBOLT: SIGNATURE SERIES(9801 as en LFS - wuxvn xn: FL-21 f31.3 egfe located 7from and lL E _ EMB. TYP.I N2dmate soaves equc0y spaced 6etwaen(Pscrevrs total ddamhmbl• `�� • * ' \.aq'f/'�� a B E 2. Sldogte assemblyscrews located rfrom each and)2 screw: along W% C B head lamb). a. _1 �O.ISCSINK C i�i �.''•... ..' �� 'i•�w 'll IIYPI 0.1 P)INK E . °`. Z��// pp*••' \\\�\ m z \ $'z SEE NOTE I°z_�`s a 25 ' ..v \ d `ev w 6 \\v\ 9 a IM9210R B ; \� F 40 41 42 © DMIOR mom+m Q O m o ©4m�� /-i\ NoRizomrx CROSS SECTION © •' • • • CROSSr3\ VERTICAL v• } v: �• .., O ® p COASTAL ASTRAGAL ® O eSHOWN o �YFE04 O BEAM - EXTERIOR m® ©. 6 NORIZOMAL CROSS SECTION 6 o re sun ar PION FL-21131.3 amT s rcL R:1alm�mmN Try aERNumnw-8v1� �meuarowor+nVL-vvisxi wma rau 9�.7n�Nm�Nlmc- u�e+msVL-vv1 [m1>)lN-vvuamw, zs O [J 2 A A ��Q 1 o, A 7.1/4'MIN. U 9. (IYP.( N> 43409 Ocl9ber 14, 20T7 PRODUCT: 9.vammb PlyoonE IV N ^ 3 STEEL DOOR PL4 NP.Pu�o9 i,OINAL„ ` PMr OR A NBLY:- GDQ��BURDIN9 CANSULTMIfS, 1NC — HORIZOMAL & CAL J1'(/j/ P.O. Bor M Wdm FL 3 99 1+ V NO OA 6! � Phone No.: 913.439.9197 REYiSIONS CROSS SECTIONS iX BUCK FBPE c.A. No. 9813 O2a 7N.w. 9wm...Pueuuvme EllIDtIOR INTERIOR E%RRIOR IN Qlt 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECRON 5 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 5 Shown Dtrectm MasIIT OUMNnDoNyw/49/Aw/Sid 5 Shown Dhectto Masorul Double Dow Only (N/AwISIdeRtesl OuhvMe onryw/dAll6 fanb Notes: T—Sidelte assembMscrewslocoled 7' from top and lCfrombohom6 , 2moreswew'Requa9yspoaedboWmn(4screwst6talpwsidelamb). , 2.SIdeNeassemblyscrewslocated7from each end(2saevrsalosg ' heodlamb). 1 h _ C RrIHWR C Iq h 60 61 62 40 41 42 4 1.1l4'MIN. Ea. up.) U_`"'\ — DaMR i HORIZONTACCROSSSECTION �,VShown Direct to MOSOR, Outswingontyw/49/16 jamb Double Dow Onty(N/Aw Sldettes) MAX !VSEE UE 2 EVE 6 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 5 ouh�wn,Dg onN w%�//is lamb INTERIOR 60 61 \\\ I © QHORIZONTAL CROSS• © HORiZONTAL CROSS v v• • yg IN FL-21131.3 a" as— e w Jg " O Notes: 1,SW Rem"17,18.32, 34.35.36, 37.38 &39 are attached tolambs w/ (3) S8 X2.1/T On screws at each end. SW Item Its 16 &33 cre attatlied tolombsw/ (2)118l(2-1/T pih screws of each end. SW Item #15Is oftoched tolambs uhUng (2) RI DXT pph screws ateach end. 2. Sidege onembtyscrews located 4' from each end (2screws along sW(. INTERIOR jr EXTERIOR SEE NOTE T 5... n e e VERTICAL CROSS SECTION usi 9 Inswing Stll INTERIOR VERIOR SEE NOIE2 77 75 p5 33 e n. 5 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 9 Inswng SW • WW o e 3QVERTICAL CROSS SEC110N q Oulw6ng89 EXTERIOR INTERIOR SEE NOTE2 25 58 16 17 18 76 - ---.,, i n@ s :u i� $ s O m • ��i ohm ...........h . >fo ' f d V d t m t ���. _NOZ n id E X. d nW Ui ipl U 0 4 4 2 E EC KO &¢ a 0 3 � a°c ery 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTON L' y Out VW1 �— _.._....---..._...._ . _ _• TWO 'oN Yo 3d SNOIS a L LS'M'£I6 I- N -NId AB - 31tl0- ON n el £69M V '—PPA '0£d � '0'd q� �NlaofpNV 71�na N F ('S+ ^^�11 9 'SWV1V1£N0� ONIOIInB y, WW3£Stl No J d oN a000 5 '1tlN0/ piL o II31S y G �` OOj��,y�i� tal •�Y� ntu-vwaaNt ;IanaoNa d Lt='$,t JBQCPO = 807£6'oN Z . g O '. F.to : . a0 k N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I £0t'A'WCtlall-WLTM Tnn-V4'0� -0{ZWWa9l L���[�GJ mF3 PwM la?6 �t��c-evl M DIRECITO D MASONRY P - HEAD -' T ITYP.) F•— HYP.I 7' m�Ps �� I �c IIYP•1 I I SEE DETAIL I • - - IL ='ISHEEI 12) - - L 2XBUCK L:� _ n FRAME J 1XBUCK- HEAD &JAMBS I - - (TYP-) I DIRECTTO M II MASONRY N JAMBS. I = AMB p I SILL :_- - -II sEEDETaL2-. _ PYP.I I • (SHEET 12) �o 1 '• ` xx MASONRY , HYP.I FRAME ANCHORING .1 of PFHWS JAMB TO HEAD DETAIL ' ITYP.) BU, m DLRECTTO MASONRY DISONRY To MASONRY HEM OWN . , 3'ln'P1 "m T (IYP.) 31IDYP I TIIYP.I 1 • - - SEE DETAL I L' ZKBUCK ii (SHEET 12) X 1X BUCK II '•1 HEAD iJAMBS II AMBS TYP.) I I F •, - — — - P.) I SEE DETAIL 251LL p - HM 12) - — i - WE YP.) II DETAILI DETAIL Caastal Astragal S40re Plate®Head Standard Astragal Stke Plate ®Head ' SEE WM &DEADBOIT DETAIL BO DETAH2 G IF KoffAIUG inyMng CoastalAskagalfte Plate®SD standard A*agl�al tft Plate GS% I/2'O HOLE DETAIL 2 ouwmg Astragal Bolt Has 0SD m ``�••...........•N ss S• ��OO�` 88 n Mi 9o`a O�^ 4 0 a �• �I l _ V NGE 2x BUCK I 29 G lx&LACK �$ o w _ To M MASONRY n.3 ,$� i 5 ASTRAGAL Latch and DeadDdt HINGEJAMB - HINGE DETAIL 0 • 28 i m @25 Y-z=Z"27 LATCH& DEADBOLTDETAIL Schloge/Walt &w 10 12 17 ` " scua N.T.S. wro: W. JK M. LF9 3 FL-21(31.3 c stets J-Z -JA¢ G !2 I.FP US' 37 qP is I !" O.Or cl % n NM43M ogr Imo— s n TST—T-1 THERMA-TRU STEEL DOOR 2.17 N... .. ...... W�.. EL 33393 3.�Q.9197 F9PE CA Na 8313 COMPONENTS 11 104( L BIL89 . h 'gym �i �•'••. o>gda 8 J•:� mg \v Lay 9i u1 A 4ye. 9 lM1 "a a 5 F $Ks p N o y m o �. z - CONCREMANCHOR N0T6: the comers may be adjusted to mcinloln the Mn. A I. Concrete anchorlocaiom of edge distance to morforjolnfs. _. 2 Conmto anchartocdRons noted as MAXON CENTER -must be adjusted to maintoln the mN. edge dbfance to morfar(otnIx admtfonalcona to anchor maybe required to ensure the *MAX ON CEMER•dimensbn "not exceeded. 3. Concrofeanchortable: `. ANCktlB ANCNtlR :-MIN MIIk CLEARANCE N1N CLEARANCE: a tO41ASONRY TYFE %SIZE E618EOMEM . ;; EDGE ::: TO AOlACEtli,. ,:; ANCNbR F.; c m IIw 0 1/4° 1.1/4 iELCO" Y 4' i ` u° T/4'' 1.1/4' 1" r um 10 12 17 swn N.T.S. g ULTRACON® _ iA ONa 3/idTrw' 1.1/4' ASSHOWN m L.F"x5 WOODSCREW INSTALUTION NOTR: l.MainfaNammimum 5/8'edge distance, l'enddWance,& l'oc.spoWgol n o DN'°°^oM tL-211- s� p O bwoodsaews to prevent Me spM9 of wood. a OF MATERIALS BILL OF MATERIALS IIEd+Y DEsclumox MATERIAL IIE61Y DacRtmoN MATERIAL A 1 X BUCK (SG >= 0,42) WOOD 25 #8 x 2-1/2"PFH WOOD SCREW ' STEEL B 2XBUCK(SG>=0.42J WOOD 26 #8x5/8"PFHWOODSCREW STEEL C 1 J4"MAX. SHIM SPACE 27. LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL D 1/4° X 23l4"PFH ELCO OR RW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 28- DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL E MASONRY-3,OOOPSIMIN.CONCRETECONFORMINGTOACI 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE 28A DEAOBOLTSUB5IRIKEPLATE STEEL 29 4° %4°HINGE STEEL F #lOX2°PFHWOODSCREW - STEEL..._ 32 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP G 3/16"%3-1l4''ITWCONCRETESCREW - STEEL 33 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP I 1/4"X1-3/4"PFHELCOORIfWCONCREfESCREW 1/4"X33/4°PFHELCOORRWCONCRETESCREW STEEL STEEL- 34 35 -INSWING INSWING THRESHOLD THRESHOLD I' ALUM/COMP ALUM/COMP #10%2-i/2"PFHWOODSCREW(1.T5"MIN.EMBEDMEMJ STEEL 36 INSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP 3/16''X23/4"UWCONCREIESCREW STEEL 37 INSWING THRESHOLDALUM/COMP EN JAMBWOOD WEATHERSTRIP (MEDIUM REACH)FOAM WEATHERSTRIP (LONG REACH)FOAM SWEEPVINYL41DOORPANEL(HYBRID-SWEEMODERATE 3B 39 40 INSWINGIHRESHOLDALUM/COMP INSWING THRESHOLD DOOR PANEL (BOOK)PROFILES"SERIES ALUM/COMP CLIMATE THRESHOLD)VI42DOOR PANEL (Ulj-'PROFLES"SERIES 11 12 15 SWEEP(USEw/PUBLICACCFSSTHRESHOLD) - #8-1OX1-1I2"PLASCREW - #618 X 1-3/4'"PFH SCREW PUBLIC ACCESS THRESHOLD VINri STEEL ` STEEL ALUM 50 60 61 62 SIDELOE(FULLLREJ DOOR PANEL(BOOK)-`TRADITONS"SER16 _ DOOR PANEL IHYBRIDJ.-'TRADITIONS" SERIES DOOR PANEL(U1)-'TRADITIONS"SERIES - - - 16 17 18 OUISWING THRESHOLD Ol17SWINGTHRESHOLD OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/COMP ALUM/COMP ALUM/COMP 75 76 77 SIDELITE SPACER (INSWING) SIDELRESPACER(Ol1TSWING) I SIDELHE SPACER(INSWING) - MODERATE CLIMATE SILL PVC PVC PVC 22 #Bx3/4°PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 23 #10 x 314'"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 24 #10 x 1" PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL =