HomeMy WebLinkAboutKSM REPORTKELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.ksmenginearing.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8486 FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM(a-KSMENGINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 C.A.: 5693 FAX (772) 589-6469 November 28, 2018 Susan Morris 11647 Twin Creeks Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34945 Re: 11647 Twin Creeks Drive Fort Pierce, Florida KSM Project #: 184078-b Dear Ms. Morris: SCANNED BY St. Lucie County As requested, KSM Engineering & Testing has performed a subsurface investigation at the referenced site. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if the foundation soils are loose and to determine the suitability of the deeper soils for foundation stabilizing solutions such as helical piers. Presentation of the data gathered during the investigation, together with our geotechnical related opinions, are included in this report. A. Site -investigation: The site investigation program consisted of performing two (2) Standard Penetration Test borings (SPT), on the south side of the residence, where an absence of soil beneath the existing concrete wall foundation and slab was observed. It is our understanding the air voids were caused by a plumbing leak and also some kind of animal. The SPT borings were terminated at depths of 10 to 35 feet below grade. The locations of the borings are indicated on the attached boring Location Plan. The SPT borings were -completed in accordance with procedures described in ASTM D- 1586. A standard 1.5 inch I.D., 2 inch O.D. split -spoon sampler is driven into the soil by successive blows of a 140 pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler 1 foot, after seating 6 in., is designated the Penetration Resistance, or "N" value. At regular intervals the sampler is extracted from the ground and opened to allow visual examination and classification of the retained soil sample. Also, the groundwater table was allowed to stabilize and the depth of the groundwater elevation recorded from existing grade. The records of the soils encountered, the penetration resistances and groundwater0. level are shown on the attached logs. �i ao Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 37293 / 81 Lie. No.: 860 1 Julie E. Keller, P.E_: 68366 ULM TIP (ff I&B _ KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377 SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.ksmengineering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMENGINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 C.A.: 5693 FAX (772) 589-6469 11647 Twin Creeks Drive -2- November 28, 2018 Fort Pierce, Florida We also probed below the bottom of the existing wall foundation to estimate the soil density in the area where the existing wall foundation is no longer in contact with the soil as well as the areas adjacent to it, where the soil remains in contact with the wall foundation. B. Engineering Evaluation and Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this site investigation, we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The boring logs indicate the subsurface soils consist mostly of fine-grained sand and fine-grained sand that is slightly silty or clayed with some shell. "N" values recorded during the boring operation indicate the existing soil density is generally medium -dense below the elevation of the wall foundation bottom to a depth of 18 feet, where a layer of loose gray clayed silt with shell was encountered. Please refer to the soil boring logs for specific information relative to the soil description. Based on our probes performed below the wall foundation, the soils are generally medium -dense. To stabilize the foundation, we recommend underpinning the wall foundation and slab of the residence with Helical piers in the location of the removed foundation soil. The tip of the Helical pier shall extend into the medium dense soils to provide an adequate working load. We recommend the contractor to consult with the Helical manufacturer to design the Helical piers, recommended depth, diameter and torque of the Helical piers for the design load based on our test borings. The Helical piers shall be installed in accordance to the manufacturers' installation specifications. A structural engineer shall be consulted as to the spacing of the Helical piers. Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 37293 / S! Lic. No.: 860 / Julie E. Kelley P.E.: 68366 KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MaCWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.ksmengineering.net MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM@KSMENGINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 C.A.: 5693 FAX (772) 589-6469 11647 Twin Creeks Drive -3- November 28, 2018 Fort Pierce, Florida C. Closure: This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices based on the results of the borings and the assumed loading conditions. We are pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may be of •fV,flaerithVivice to you Or should you have any questions, please feel free to co S r JEK:jt E-mail to: shovel4life@bellsouth.net Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 372931 SI Lic. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller, P.E.: 68366 KSM Engineering &Testing BORIN.G_NUMBER-B 1— - 8-1377s _ ___ KS-M--°eKm­FL32_978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-8469 CLIENT Susan Morris PROJECT NAME 11647 Twin Creeks Drive PROJECT NUMBER 184078-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort PierceFlorida DATE STARTED 11/20/18 COMPLETED 11/20/18 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample S_ZAT TIME OF DRILLING 6.08 ft LOGGED BY SF/MS CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES South Section of House AFTER DRILLING — w e tt • SPT N VALUE A U o- o: �w > rn w 'S w o_ 5 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL �., =c7 w� �o j O Q W L-G W O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION d j m Z a I 20 40 60 80 p FL z O_ 0 z < w 0 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) O 0 0 Er0_ p 20 40 60 80 Brown Sand with Traces of Roots Brown Sand 4-4-4 SS Brown Sand, Slightly Clayed ..:; .. SS Light Gray Clayed Sand 8-12-17 5 .: s Ss .:. (29) SS 12-10-13 :' - - (23) SS 8-11-14 (25) 10 15 ...... _............. :.......:... _.. Gray Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments 12-10-7 SS ^7_,{ Gray Clayed Silt with Some Shell 1-2-2 ::_.:: SS (4) .....:......:.. ...:......:..... .. . 20 c .:.... Gray Sand ..: 8_7_9 Gray Sand, Slightly Silty 30•:: :.':. ss 7-to 11 7. .. ....... .......:............. ss tz-ta-t7 35 (31) Bottom of borehole at 35.0 feet. ]�KSM Eng713 g & Testing77 BOS_MRING NUMBER-B1_ - l-�—SebaBo8- an,&L32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Susan Morris PROJECT NAME 11647 Twin Creeks Drive PROJECT NUMBER 184078-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce Florida DATE STARTED 11/20/18 COMPLETED 1120/18 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR _ GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample 2. AT TIME OF DRILLING 5.92 ft LOGGED BY SF/MS CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES South Section of House AFTER DRILLING -- w o tt A SPT N VALUE ac o-� ~M wm Oz aS ~� 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL w._.. a 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION m > aO- ] Q l-_ w n z a 0� mOZ v" }" 20 4° 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ < K 0n. � ° Brown Sand with Traces of Roots 2° 4° 60 80 ............................... .:..:... Brown Sand 4-7-8 SS 8-8-11 Brown Cloyed Sand SS _..................................... SS 7-12-11 (23)...... ......:....... :...... .:...... ...... ....... :....... :......:...... SS 9-13-14 (27) ----- . ... i....... ....... ...... (20) of borehole