HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC;.. JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF T CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE' I)UNTY FILE # 4513204 OR BOOK 421_- PAGE 760, Recorded 12/20/2C__ 03:17:55 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Property Tax ID No. 2 :S- (POI. COM --[b0 State of Florida, County of SL Lucia 4� The Uoderstgned hereby gives notice That Improvement will be made to certain red pmpeM, and to accordance with Chapter 113, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. TWIN CREEKS 1 n14TPMIT0F PAT 14 MPDAFMO NW OOR LOT.14 RUN Ses DEG Is MIN 166E0 Legal Description of property and address If avaltableEALO N OSo LOT 14490 FT TO PT ON CURVE COW ELYR OF 560 FT,OA 15 DEG 54MW 35 SEC, TN SELYALGCURVE 155M FT,THS 88 DEG 15 WN 09SEC W 497.1s FTTO PTON CURVE Donn ELYR OF 1040 FT,CAm DEG WMW 50SEC,711 NLY ALG CURVE �A �WL,yL.SD lA7t{173I1R TOP09n22ACIMISSI:= 1, 77W1M0PRTIfR nR — General description of improvements FOundBdcn mpair uslOO steal hsUcd piles. Owoerne5see RUQ 4 Susaw% Morris Address 11847TYAn Cweksor,Fod PWw.FL3404S Ioterestio property: f7L h`Cl?Y Fee Simple Titleholder (if other than owner) QA Address Contractor Zlats-22 ' 6 Phone # 41W-Cl P n- JR({.9Q Address ILAL.{tYYA Fax 0 lai Surety A�— Phone# Address Fez If. Amountof Boad ATA Leader A ol& Phone Address Fox # Persons within the Slateof Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or otherdocuments may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (a) 7„ Florida Stainer. ��� Phone Address Fax # In addition to himselr, owner designates of Phone# Fax to receives copy of the Wenor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida StatuteL expiration dateornoticeof asmmeneetowt is one year from the date of recording unless a differcat date is specified. WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AF M THE EXPIRATION OF 111H NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CH.713. U. FA, AND CAN RFSUIR IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST DR RECORDED AND POnTqA TIIEJOB SITE BEFORETHE FIRSTINSPECTION. IF YOU INTENDTOCBTAIN FINANCING. CONSULT WITFI YOUR LL•TIDER O A ORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCMPIT. , Siemetury's Tit OMee state of Florida, County of SL Lude Acknowledgedbeforemethb tan. day;;T orJW 30t�by 5195,f1 Meet-Ic wha IS person I Wow to me or who has produced P.m s.. as Identification. Carlos G. Kuster Signature OiFotary Type or Print Name of Notary S Tble: Notsry Public Commission Number GG 246216 A NenryPviioautaaFertG Carlos G NTnler IJY Oe,NnkMen 6n 2A{tte awe.e eeAnnaJt