HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALFlorida Building Code Onli , Page 1 of 2 WA SCIS Home ! Los In UW Regktr fion HatToyla SubMft suN me Stets A FaM pugiations Cana W I B site Map I Wio Search I Oro duct Approval prod ct User iWUM Aoomval Menu>N,Mud or ADdiMbOn --_� Sra¢b> AODIIaVon Ul > Appnmeen serail. ~.--�A-,y FL it 171.7561-114 Application Type Code Version 2017 Application Status Approve Comments Archived I Product Manufacturer Elite Aluminum Corporation Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949-3200 dk@doklmengineering.net Authorized Signature Do Kim dk@dokfmengineering.net Technical Representative Bruce Peacock Address/Phone/Email 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954)949-3200 bpeacock@elitealuminum.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Category Roofing Subcategory Products Introduced as a Result of New Technology Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Do Kim, P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratories Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/30/2022 Validated By lames L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering 4— Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL7561 R4 COI Cert of independence odf 1709.2 Product Approval Method Method 2 Option B Florida Building Code On1-*-°- Page 2 of 2 Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summam of Products 08/15/2017 08/16/2017 08/20/2017 10/10/2017 Model, Number or Name Description 7561.1 Aluminum/Aluminum Composite 3'/4'/6'x0.024"xllb EPS Composite Panel, - Panels 3°/4°/6"x0.032xllb EPS Composite Panel, - 3a/4e/6ex0.024nx21b EPS Composite Panel, 3°/4e/6"x0.030"x21b EPS Composite Panel, Limlts of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes F17561 R4 IT 2017 FBC-Elite Aluminum Coro -In tall Instruct.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Reslstard: No Verified By: Do Kim, P.E. PE 49497 Design Pressure: +80/-80 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: In HVHZ, not to be used in structures Considered living areas per FBC Section 1616 unless Impact protection is Evaluation Reports FL7561 R4 AE FL 7561 Evaluation Report-2017 FBC.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes provided. See installation drawing for nominal allowable design pressures and spans. mat next Conan us :: 2601 ilia'r Shom Read. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone, 850487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA ( empbyeq r^"Moht 2007-2013 State of Fludda.:: Privacy Stelement :: Access b?tv Statement:: Refund Statement Under Horde law, email addresses am public records. IF you do not want your a -mat address released In response to a Nblic,records request, do not send eleciamic man to thh entity. trainees, ees, condo the office by phone or by traditional mat. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. ePmaamat to section 455.275 (1), noddy Sdtutes, themve Octaber 1, 2012, fiancees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must pruyWe the Deparbrcnt with an.0 address Ifthey have one. The mats prodded may be used far al6dal communiatbn we the ascumne. Howxyeremail addresses are public record. IF you do not wish co supply a personal address, e please provide the Department with an email address which an be made available 0 the public. To determine ayou are a riconse, under Ompter 455, F.S., please dieii hoes, Product AP W oval Accaf ts: �bowl-]®IFO—`14® Credit Card Sob 1W10/7018 ELIjEPANE SPAN TABLES: 1. Net allowable loads are permitted to be multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). 3' x 0.024 x l - LB EPS PANEL (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF), MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 I L/I80 I L/240 10. 1 5 6 1 .0 (.ID zB 1} 6 uu Izs ] 30i lM78 IO)! sell u0 w 2e 6w 2.S] 0 a ] s.1 A 39 0.98 6a 4.]I m 6a3 ab4 4' x 0,024 x 1 - lB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)' MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 10 9M 19M 17.1 163] n 1]At 1]el I101 I1.9] 30 1 . 0 I2.`A 1 113e 40 19.97 IS,, 10.97 I.BO 50 1.12 9.9E A44 622 go %IS L3 741 164 0 d92 ELSE all IY so eaz B.az ]64 - 6' x i0.024 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)' MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/IBO L/240 m Som 2Lz4 zLw Foss 20 Ifl03 HIM 1.46 IBa6 30 1143 Isis 1513 1113 40 1}34 I}34 1J]4 1]]4 SO II.- W.10 1210 1091 a I, 7 11 143 To 19.44 1044 moo 895 0 961 99! Bow all 3' x 0.03E x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)l MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 I L/180 I L/240 I a91 96 30 I, ♦ IS% An ISI1 1606 1121 B]6 60 1169 ILK a5 A 6 50 laze loan5 076 0 0.75 8.36 216 0 .2 6.46 0 .00 4 4' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/IBO L/240 10 za ZS]0 2011 1424 20 1161 IA24 1].49 1.74 Jo let 40 16.7E I5.]4 1224 B.)4 30 1 20 lass 962 5E5 60 1384 1224 7.w L 0 I i Isis 4.38 an 1n.95 R14 in 6' x 0.032 x 1 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/IBO L/240 IS 24.N 24.00 24a0 a.42 10 L3a4 2Lai 21So 203E 30 22.10 2L63 19.42 IIeL 10 A. 210] 1]A2 .B2 50 19b2 1547 IA62 1n 62 60 WL38 1609 Sam .12 70 17..14 IS30 992 432 0o 1591 1}]2 A2 192 3' x 0,024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 1 3 1 95 la 1 ]. 1a0 ] a 15%1680 I NAGS 16\1 1146 1 49 1] 6 A 986 I . B 1] 0.5, ] w6 8. 4L7 Ile 11.15 6.6a 2A 026 Re6 4. 9 4' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)I MAX, ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 I L/I80 I L/240 10 SO, 2157 1 z152 M9] z0 20173 20.77 1 198 u,'6 30 19.5 1. 7 eel 1a55 40 Ia36 IB.36 16.So 14.54 50 ILI6 I1.IC N89 IL15 60 .1 15.96 1124 993 70 14.7 14.7 Im ]. 2 BO M. I].55 R91 So 6' x 0,024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF), MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN off) L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 10 2393 3}93 20 2120 2.2 23A3 22.46 30 22A7 22.4] 22.iB 2L]] 40 21.n 21.n 21]3 2020 50 218E 218E 201 1Rm 60 Coal N29 m 4 1 .94 70 I1,9 19A IBA9 16.BI B0 I0A4 19.84 I].94 m.6B G[1. Com osim 1. CCmpoaire palmle afinclu m7iuro Ashland ud C type al 2020D I O Blinam fciation to a PCF AS7M Cprod earpenly in EPS a4u1Cams:withs roved with lanmet('demistT020D I50 grip. Fabrication robe by Site palletprodocu anlYN ache roocevigil approv<d UL1715 mctlod5. T. Elite roofpmelamdmbetaUL 1ned and cla%•e'laaeddngAnd meNwithtepequire 3. 6A Erpion(FBon has composite pained comply with fabdceted Bo den720, hipter8Sectirtmenu Chine Florida Building Code 66 Edition (FOCI. 2603. llpeckcomply ode Choper beadCMptmB Senior 907, (inn Aiatedor finish. and Chapter de T6Sc80n Mgt.Alllocal byAcbandingcodeaalendnmms shall be adhered marequired. 4. The dnigner Almtldusing the data DeanteallowmngpmsbiddeeNSI wable spar, thIs forsiteload mlWidom (including load orlon luDom)wingthele s from the allowable tomlabiae31dcludi g 811e VII7 el. S. Dc0eni9n limits and aiConsideepanshavebeen er Socti me et FBCirmlimpnimiV inHVHZ, gdapredua HZ banged k Nrlmllad ^1mt l011e omoadered Iiviog area^ per SMiAn 1616 uNa9 impart raiManee in xroldenx w the HVHZ RgetF7aO1B of .0h 6. Safety Alumnunmof2.ghaabceI and CSo ondevelaD the F8 klaadr Old And 2fiam teeIIng keLCO(dantt to the Guidelines for Aiming has B m con Fan I and rodormu intheFBC7245: Strength 16 T0. T. Tarrouna abirn c": Hfi keaad6ncemASTM4.HET:6-20TatofDackfm Building Coamuadart 8. Refi0&210 c tea rep": H HEri-0 9ge69. NNE i-O&2a70.BEO146.20 HEIETI-0 -19 HETI-062061. 991. HE-0-06-20, HETI- 72 HET107,H73,FIE1987,HETI.HE171-5HB71-0bT070.1999, En-O,I993.R-19➢51985, 05- HTI-051995, ETI-Oi 199D.H•T14)5HB71-0bT074.HET. HEM-6,H29, FIE I-03H39.FIE199d,H301 HE9H3,2041.H .1995,HET.H 1990, NETI-03.1997, HEfl-03-2D37, FTEfI-052029, NE'17-052039. HE7I-03.2W0. HETI-052041, HEhI-0S•2M8, NEH- Bmbam9. Designprofailmmkmayinclude drains. 3' x 0,030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOVABLEI LOAD (PSF) MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 I L/180 I L240 in zl 4e el e0 1942 I= 11 . 1 }1 lass troll w sm 16.31 I3e9 IL43 an4 .2 1 S 697 ♦ 4 1 9 6 70 S5 12 6 BSo 4.06 80 46 1 ] 52 L69 4' x 0,030 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF), MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 I0 zu Zan an 1417 A 6]M 2Jb4 }41 2].11 30 2.5 L% 2w1 m C.l 2L]1 Foss lest 5n Niel M43 68B 16 a0 60 I9.] IA]9 I7.J7 14.70 0 IS]7 Ifl75 1586 12459 110 1726 1726 N.JS IOA9 6' x 0.030 x 2 - LH EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (PSF)1 MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (FT) L/80 L/120 L/180 L/240 10 EAm 24L0 Dian E}84 20 2} S 23b9 23a4 BEV 30 22.91 U.94 z2.]9 Alan 40 222] 2223 Alen 20a5 3n 2.3 DL9] aim 1996 Nat me l6 lBe 70 VaD N.11 1141 1", w L140 1941 0a7 I6ae SGL MINT V11N GENTINUBua CALLNENG 0000 000000` )0000000000rB INTEXI Ecru, RGSG SIMON fn �O�OOO�OOOo 9aA EPS Ce9C ILA W 2LB OgOxOxog ILLUNnAd B FACINGS G1 CLEAR SPAN (U mS10C TO INSIBE- ENGI.EEe m RECCRO TO PROVIDE ADD THICKNESS V Too Saw CBNECTICMS S WALL FoR TOTAL SUPPORTING STRUCTI@E DETAIL BY PANEL THIS CIA ANT BTHCA CNNMEW. SAW WTIDUL WTTR CAIP w DO KIM A, ABBOCIATES. ILL CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENSINEER13 PoMIN]9 TunP\f1.111N T2mv)."ohn I DmvdnG No.- FL-1001 I i