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rmuud owiumB wUU vnnne BCIS Home I Ws In i user Reglstraticn I Hot Topic I Submit Surcharge I Sma &Fa= I Publimtlom I Contact ua I BaS Site Map j UnBs Search Floridaeio IL.1� `y: � Public Product Approval d ' N USER: User RECEIv�r, Product Avoroval Mena > ProtluC or Aonliraaon Search > AooliaHon Li ApplloUon Detail FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code F.L20743-111,' Affirmation 2017 Approved TAFCO Corporation 1953 N. 17th Ave Melrose Park, IL 60160 (773) 301-7778 mike@tafco.com Lucas Turner Luke@TumerEC.com Windows Horizontal Slider JAN 16 2019 ST. Lucie County, perrr SCANNED BY St. Lucie County Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Lucas A. Turner PE-58201 06/17/2026 Scott Wolters, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL20743 R1 COI EvaIReRgrtFPA-82000 pdf Standard AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 Year 2011 v I affirm that there are no changes In the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity httpsJ/wwwfloridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dg.aspx7param=wGEVXQwtDgvFGIWOugHVz3x5A7YIm%2fueDjSBwejxKlcF6ACCZe6mZQ%3d%3d 1/2 ) Yes - No FL20743 RI CDC 6thEdFBC-FL20743 gdf Product Approval Method Method-I-Optlon D Date Submitted O1/03/2018 Date Validated 01/03/2018 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 01/06/2018 Summary of Products I t FL* Model, Number or Name Description 20743.1 Series 82000 PVC Horizontal Sllding Window Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL20743 RI II FPA-82000,lzd Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner PE 58201 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: Please see installation drawing and evaluation report FL20743 R3 AE EvaIReporticPA-82000.udf for additionaldetails and limits of use. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Next contact Us:: 2801 DIPIrStone R d T II h FL 32 99 phone: 858487-I624 The State of Florida Is an AAraeD employer. Lgolidant 2007-2013 Santa Of Honda. :: privacy statement :: Accessibillty statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this natty. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. •Pursuant to section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effeNve October, 1, 2012, licensees licensed under. Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emails provided maybe used for officlal communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department With an small address which can be made available to the public To deterinine If you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick here . Product Approval Accepts: MW-9®A Credit _Card Safe' httpsJMiww.flo6dabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.espx7param=wGEVXQwtDgvFGIWOugHVz3x5A7Y1m%2fUeDjSBwejxKlcF6ACCZe6mZQ%3d%3d 212 ivuua s+w, my vwc vuuuo `� �.-� 1,"- yrtOm0A DV4M_aWfas s �usine5s�r.a�,&hPr�o��;fessional Regulation a69Home I Ldgln I User Reg6eratlon I Ha Tapirs I Submit Surcharge I Scats&Facts I dbp)r.0 aaPfoduci Approval Prod Public User i� Product Aooroval Menu > DmduR or Aoollm[iDn Search > Application Dec -Search Criteria p'vam has,:ge30{vam :psl9r!o!,�!iipt??' cv�,lclaaj� Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# 20743.1 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results - Aoolications F.L#- IY.R.0 Manufacturer Validated By, Status FL20743-RI Affirmatlon TAFCO Corporation Scott Wolters, PE Approved isle FL*: FL20743.1 (561) 225-1982 Model: Series 82000 Description: PVC Horizontal Sliding Window Category: Windows Subcategory: Horizontal Slider ui ✓GPR- AVMs -an by down span uuraweweo and munea oyme ruC ancior me commission If necessary. Coma :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: as0487.1824 The State of Flodda Is an JUVEEO employer. Coo-ddht 2007-2013 State of Flodda :: Privaw. Stat-men[ :: pccessibiilty 5cecement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail 0 this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 45S, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for oMdal communication with the Imnsee. However email addresses are public record. It you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: M] R W r--�-Q E5 https:tAvww.floOdabuilding.org/pr/pr..appjstaspx �/� SERIES 82000 HORIZONTAL SLIDING WINDOW, NON —IMPACT TABLE 1. DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS CUSS DESIGN PRESSURE RATING IMPACT RATING 1 I.D. +30/-30 PSF NONE ANNEALED MINIMUM 5/32-ANNEAUD +20/-20 PSF NONE MINIMUM 63' MAX, OVERALL WIDTH O ff 27 11/16- MM 28 5/15- MAX 4' MAX. FROM SASH D.L.O.WIDTH FIXED D.L.O..WIDTH CORNER, TYMAX P. 7YP O.C. 4.0 3 2 0 4 2 � 0 w 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION J SILL ANCHOR SPACING SAME AS READ 1. THIS PRODUCE, FAMOATED AND ANCHORED AS DETAILED IN THIS DRAWING, 6 NON-WPACT RESISTANT AND RDUORES THE USE OF IMPACT PROTECTIVE DEVICES (SNWTE11551 IN WINDSORNE DEBRIS REGIONS. 2. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN TESTED TO MMA/IYDMA = 1003.2/ANO-03/11, AND MEflS THE REOUIRENENIS OF WE FIORIDA BUIDING CODE, SM EDITION (20111. NOOYT WCWDING THE HIGH VELOCRY HURRICANE ZONE. PRODUCTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS INDICATED IN INIEHIEX/ATI REPORTS F 6.01-109-H-RD AND F9644.01-109-44-D: FOR DETWIS NOT SHOWN IN IRIS DRAWING SEE REPORTS. S ALLOWABLE CONFIGURATIONS: XO (OPERABLE/M[D) OR OX (DOD/OPERABLE) 4. THE DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS AS SHOWN IN TABLE 1, THIS SHEET. ARE AS LIMITED BY ASIM E-13DO 04 GLASS TABLES, AND TESTED WATER AND STRUCTURAL PRESSURES. OTHER GLASS, ANNEALED OR T5DPERED OF GREATER 1HE 4/3 ALLOWABLE OR EQUAL SIHESS [NO INTOTHICKNESS TO THOSE(1SHORT TDM INCREASEF130 OU AR) HAS NOT BED D U9 IN ME ANCHOR ANALYSIS DR THISIREMONTS MR EACH PROJECT� SYSTEMY BE u THE 1.6 Od FACTOR WAS USED IN THE ANALYSIS OF ANCHORAGE INTO WOOD SUBSTRATE 6. INSTALATION OF WOOD BUCKS TO RIVE SUBSTRATE TO BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS OR AS APPROVED BY TIE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ.). BUCKING, OPENINGS, & BUCKING FASTENERS MUST BE PROPDLY DESIGNED & INSTALLED BY OTHERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FTC TO TRANSFER SUPERAIMSD LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE ADEQUACY OF THE STRUCTURE TO RECEIVE THESE L 05 SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE OCNTM" OR AH.J. 7. DISSIMRAR MA ERMLS THAT COME INTO EV o CONTACT SHALL BE COATED OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED PER MO CHAPTER 20 TO PRENT GALVANIC REACTIONS BUCKS, CTIONS WOOD HAL IF USED, SBE PRESSURE TREATED, TREAT. WITH EITHER A TREATMENT OR COATING COMPATIBLE WITH THIS PRODUCT. ALL ANCHORS USED SHNL BE OF A MATERVL OR HAVE A COATING COMPATIBLE WITH THE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD BUCKS AND ALL OTHER WINDOW MATERMLS. B. ALL HARDWARE & FASTENERS Stall BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE DRAWINGS, OR AS APPROVE), SIGNED, AAD Slk BY A FlARIOA-RDISTEF® PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ON A SITE -SPECIFIC BASIS B. SEUBIG AND FLASHING STRMEGIES DR OVERALL WATER INFILTRATION RESISTANCE OF TILE INSTNEED PRODUCT SHALL BE THE RESPONMRIUW OF OTHERS AND IS NOT MDRESSD BY THIS DOCUM .. NOBS INSTALLATION FASTENER LOCATION, TYP.. SEE SHEET 3 5 2 o �g m 016- 6 Tamer 2016-08-17 11:18404:00 om om Ii0 ` FQ— ice&sFG��,,A, LAT Na 502DT STATE OF zt2-1 6/17/2DI6 LUCAS A TURNER, P.E. FL PE B 58201 TURNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. (COA # 29779) 1Z39 JARARA AVE. NORTH PORT. FL 34288 am NOTES, ELEVATION SHEET 1 DT 4 2 TYP. I.G. GLAZING DETAILK 2 3/4" I.G. AIR GAP 1/8" ANN. 1/8" ANN. GLASS MIN. GLASS MIN. II II SILICONE TYPICAL VERTICAL SECTION 3 4 2 TYPICAL HORIZONTAL SECTION m �m 5/32" ANN. o C9 GLASS MIN. kw SILICONE —� 7 z TYPICAL SINGLE GLAZING DETAIL 2 No 58201 r STATE OF z::?-, 6/17/2016 LUCAS A TURNER, RE FL PE b 58201 TURNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. (OCA # 29779) 1239 JADARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 34288 Z 0 O 0 H > 0 m �¢Na 0 0— 0 N aw1 o Of rJZ J I¢�O z 0 0 O O N Z N O GO O C2 In =zw J W Z V) N SLAT NTS o¢F+ v�m�nv SECTION DETAILS SHEET 2of 4 2. OR 3. A110N SHOWN 6AP OF 1/16- STRATE :) AND SHALL BE SPRUC/PINE/FIR MIN. TYPICAL INSTALLATION HEAD, SILL, AND JAMB No 58201 STATE OF z�z 6/17/2016 LUCAS A TURNER, P.E. FL PE N 58201 TURNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. (COA # 29779) 1239 JASARA AVE. (NORTH PORT, FL 34288 PH. 941-380-1574 Z 0 O o H � Q¢NN 0 a^z � J = f0 O�Y ¢ter Z a J zoo 0 OIV Z N F 3: 00 O U) 0a: z W J O W Z -'I 1n > 1n LAT wie 6/15 NTS FPA-82000 INSTALLATION DETAILS SHEET 3 of 4 I n>nnn ecoioc mnunnih, nit nU RAATCMIA,c REM NO. DWG. NO. NAME MATERIAL DESCRIP. 1 HMST82DI MAINFRAME PVC EXTRUSION 2 HMST82-03 SASH PVC EXTRUSION 3 HMST82-05 LOCKED SASH 'PVC EXTRUSION 4 HMST82-M INTERLOCK PVC EXTRUSION 5 HMST82-07 TRACK PVC EXTRUSION 6 HMST130-108 IG GLASS BEAD PVC EXTRUSION 7 HMST130-10A SINGLE GLASS BFAD PVC EXTRUSION MAIN FRAME HMST82-01 1.280' Nip ru J Gin 1.3W [34.201 1.161' [29.50]'1� co 1 o .= o'r Z SASH HMST82-03 0.067' b.71] OHINTERLOCK CK IG GLASS BEAD ST82-06 O HMST82-07 O HMST1130- OB I Im. LOCKED SASH 3 HMST82-05 1.004' [2550] m G dHn OSINGLE GLASS BEAD HMST130-10A J Z O O O Z O E 3: 00 O (� !n - Z W J Of W Z W LAT No 5820i iF9 : F--,,NTS r E+= STATE OF .�Wt xZ 6/17/2016 1 nunw � FPA-82000 LUCAS A TURNER, P.E. FL PE # 58201 TURNER ENGINEERING dt CONSULTING, INC. BOM, PART DWGS, CORNER (COA # 29779) 1 1SHEET 4 of 4 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 34288 PH. 941-380-1574 10/15/2018 Florida Building Code Online' =Pr9lessiohal'Regulation Rus nes d b[or a AS v.�raSY _i Product Approval USER: Public User Submit Surcharge I Stats & Fads I Publications Contact Us I BCIS Site Map I Links I Search Product Approval Menu > Product or AonOcation Search > Appllcation.List Search Criteria RECEIVED JAN 15 2919 ST. Lucie Countyf Permitting Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer Category ALL Subcategory Application Status ALL Compliance Method Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expire Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description Approved for use In HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure Other ALL Search Results - A plications �`' ALL Y ALL 02.3 vp' Luce CO ALL unit' d ALL ALL ALL ALL FL# jVjM Manufacturer Validated By. Status EL22202- Revision Tuff Shed, Inc. Window and Door Approved fla FL#: FL22202.3 Manufacturers Association H15tory Model: Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing Single Door) (715) 551-5062 Description: Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Single Door) Maximum Size 56" wide by 83.75" high Category: Exterior Doors Subcategory: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Approvea by UbPR. APpmvals by UUPR Shan be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/a, the Commission If necessary. Contact us :: 7601 Btair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. gil;yljght 20W-2013 State of Florida.:: Ed aw Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statem Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(I), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The Smalls Provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick blare_. Product Approval Accepts: ®®®0® •! sccilritc�leriilca , https:/Avww.floOdabuilding.oTg/pr/pr app_Ist:aspx 1/1 10115/2018 Florida Building Code Online Date Validated 09/24/2018 • Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 10/02/2018 T Summary of Products FL 9C Model, Number or Name Description 22202.1 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Double Door) Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Double Door) Maximum Size 80.25' wide by84" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL22202 R3 C CACFF4 6 4,pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +42/-42 Installation Instructions Other:. Structural only M222OZ oR IT Ao-m-pram-nv (Double Door)jpff Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 22202.2 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Double Door) HVHZ (Outswing Double Door) HVHZ Maximum Size 80.25" wide by 84" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL22202 R3 C CAC TUFF456CCL.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact. Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +54/-54 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 R3 II AP-FL-PGEN-03 (Double Door - HVHZ),pdf Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Parry: 222023W Side -hinged Wood. Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Single Door) (Outswing Single Door) Maximum Size 56" wide by 83.75" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL22202 az C CAC TUFF456CC ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +42/-42 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only Fl 22202 R3 II AP-FL-PGEN-02 (SSI gLe Door),p& Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 22202.4 Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing - Single Door) HVHZ (Outswing Single Door) HVHZ Maximum Size 56" wide by 83.75" high Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL22202 R3 C CAC TUFF456CCL.12df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: +54/-54 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 R3 IT AP- -P N-0 (Sin je Door-B=,= Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Read, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. CogylIg 200]-2013 S[a[e of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility, Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(I), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The smalls provided may be used for Official commureation with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which on be made available to the public To determine if you are a Ifcensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick here . product Approval Accepts: M https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquYPIHVa8bgMUX3gCszqVbgOe/p2fgLJ6gEp/e2b8VwlZlpCigA4ge/a3de/a3d 213 10/15/2018 Florida Building Code Online , FUM910kOF�WPIT OF -- fit u 1 -- r BQs Home I Login I User Reglrtntion I Hot Topia I Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts I Publications I Contact Us I BCIS Site Map I Links I Searm I Florda ,`� `� Product Approval USER: Public User Pmdud Acomvat Menu > Pmdud or ADRIketion Seamh > Application Ltst > Application Detail l & _ FL # FL22202-R3 8` tUc a Aouq4, Application Type Revision it Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method J Tuff Shed, Inc 1777 South Harrison Street Suite 600 Denver, CO 80210 (303)474-5524 licenses@tuffshed.com Tom Saurey licenses@tuffshed.com Patrick Kessler 1777 S Harrison Street Denver, CO 80210 (303)7S3-8833 Ext 5617 pkessier@tuffshed.com Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Certification Mark or Listing Window and Door Manufacturers Association Window and Door Manufacturers Association Standard ASTM E330 TAS 202 Method 1 Optiom,A Year 2014 1994 Date Submitted 09/20/2018 hftps://www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr app_ U.aspx?param-wGEVXQwtDquYPIHVa8bgMUX3gCszqVbgOp/p2fgLJGgEp/p2b8VwlZlpCIgA4gD/p3dp/o3d 113 I WINDOW & DOOR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 1TWDMA Hallmark® Certificate of Conformance and License (CCL) Tuff Shed Inc. MfrID: 456 1777 S. Harrison St., STE 600 For more Information visit www.amscert.com Denver, CO 80210 Website: www.tuffshed.com TEL: 303-474-5567 AMS, INC. AdmmiwotivcMnnny®mt systems, laa Product No. Product Name Standard Rating Wide High Test Report # CertDate ExpDate WDMA at its W facilities, been ins[ further ce found to r 6067 Side Hinged Shed Double. Door (Outswing) 6067 Side Hinged Shed Wood Shed Double Door (Outswing) HVHZ 4067 Single Outswing Side Hinged Wood Shed Door 4067 Single Outswing Side Hinged Wood Shed Door HVHZ ASTM E-330-14 DP+42/42 psf- SWctural only TAS 202-94 DP+54/-54 psf-Structural only ASTM E-330-14 DP-+42/42 psf- SWctural only TAS 202-94 DP +54/-54 psf - Structural only I AMS HEREBY CERTIFY that the aforesaid Company ("Licensee"), pating manufacturing plant(s), is licensed to use the WDMA Hallmark on product lines that have been manufactured in t with the indicated standards. It is further certified that the plant(s), Iality control procedures, methods, and processes of Licensee have oted, and are.subject to regular follow-up inspection and test. It is fled that samples of the product set forth above were tested and mply with the standards. WD-20 512612016 JGK Saturday, August 18, 2018 By: 80.26' 84.00" 15511.02450-18-RO 8/17/2018 6/14/2028 80.26' 84.00" 15511.01450-18-RO 8/17/2018 6/14/2028 56.00" — 83.76' 15502.02450-18-RO 8117/2018 6/13/2028 56.00" 83.75" 15502.01450-18-RO IdsJ.-t.c.. 8/17/2018 6/13/2028 WDMA Hallmark By. 4a,,,, () ot� Rhonda Schorr, Authorized Representative, AMS Program Sponsor. Program Administrator. Window and Door Manufacturers Assoc Administrative Management Systems, Inc, 330 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 2000 PO Box 730.205 West Main Chicago, IL 60611 Sackets Harbor, NY 13685 'TEL (312)6734828 www.wdma.com TEL (315)646-2234 staff@amscert.00m Page 1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. ATTACH COMPLETE DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH HINGES TO WALL PANEL ASSEMBLY WITH ITEM 19 (98 K 2-1/4' SO DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATIONS SHOWN. .(4) SCREWS PER HINGE. 2. ATTACH ITEM 16 (STRIKE PLATE) -TO REM 18 (TRIMMER STUD) WITH (2) ITEM 19 (48 K 2-114' SQ DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATION SHOWN. I DOUBLETOPPLATEI © OUTSIDE PARTIALV EW DED O OUTSIDE VIEW TTSIDE IBLY ® NSIDE VIEW EMBLY art 11Y �� ���� .n�m n. rwx tESIGN ARE THESAND RT unnwfrve�ur: .TREE DRAWING NO. ���"" OFTUF SHED,I C THESE TUFF SHED, INC. CUBIa1R8f'. Drawn By: PK OF TUFF BHEO.NC THERE AP-FL-PGEN-02 Storage $3C Garages Date: 5124/18 ORAYANGSAREFORA 4(4087)D00R ASSEMBLY b' Y $ $ BUILDING TO BE SUPPLIED IN HOUSE DRAFTING DBPARTMEN'T AND TUFF SHED, INC. Sit. Atltlress: ..F� �^ REV. LEVEL 01 AND BUILT BY TUFF SHED. 1777 S. HARRIS0N SHIEBT Chocked By: ANY OTHER USE is 9.,� neoon e: Isso�oansoae UIiNVER,C0L0RAUO 80210 SHEET FORBIDDEN BY TUFF SHED :LW.r�L'JBrte: LIB/19/IB n Data: (303)753=NFF 2 BBiIdIR9 $ILB:xvm.uro INCORD ENGINEER OF veetkeby: iL..0 rvrrslsowc.issue•Lsut FFsroxs®uwraa Ifu SWIe: N.T.S. HELORD. T@CCm[rrt fi TEs[rowwixEluatw: CXFFT f !IF'9 4. 5. DOOR HANDLE AND STRIKE �� SIERRA PACIFIC PART #38D200 INSTALL DOOR HANDLE USING #8 x 2-It SO ARE DRIVE WOOD SCREW$. ATTACH .ASSEMBLY STRIKE PLATE WRH(2)#8 x 2'SOUARE DRIVE WOOD SCREWS. SCREWSTO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN: paTUFF TUFF SHED HINGES DOOR. ATTACH EACH HINGE WITH (7) #8 x 2-1/4' SQUARE DRIVE WOOD SCREWS. HINGESTO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN. 4 HINGE ASSEMBLY DETAIL FRONT VIEW ..� Storage �' Buildings&Garages Iw 5}dED TUFF SHED, INC. Ostler#. CU810111Bf. Slta AdNase: p0# 1HESE IXiAWINGS ANDTHE OESIGNARETHEPROPERTY OF TUFF SHED.INc. THEE DRAWINGS ARE FORA BUILDING TO BE SUPPLED AND BUILT BY TUFF SHED. ANY OTHER USEI9 FORBIDDEN BY TUFF SHEDO INCSTHE ENGINEER OF 0.epoa P: ISSQI.arC50.1B DRAWINGS BY: TTTFF CHFD l%T(�. TITLE 4' (4067) DOOR ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION DRAWING NO. AP-FL-PGEN02 Drawn By PK IN HOUSE DRAFTING DEPARTMENT 1777 S. HARRISON STREET DENVB30 COLS -TUFF 0210 (303)753-TOFF Tf8x2`pµ4��/�a8ravavwa�rviov tlN:Wa]eNOM Date: 5/24178 REV. LEVEL 01 BUIItlID$$Ize:wm.iawarn.,cm.surt, IMn CheckedB: Y ;t(a(t(as(Uae: ae/Cape vennm er:; LPG — SHEET SXFFi 1 OG A Date: $GIB: N.T.S. RECOfl0 e ' 13 fV14T. 2X 114 6 PARTIAL FRONT VIEW INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 5 1. 'ATTACH STRIKE PLATES (COMPONENT OF ITEM 17) TO ITEM 10 (4067 TUFF SHED DOOR) WITH REM 20 (#8 X 2-114- SO DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATIONS SHOWN. ,(2)SCREWS PER STRIKE PLATE. 2. ATTACH COMPLETE DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH HINGES AND STRIKE PLATES TO WALL PANEL ASSEMBLY WITH ITEM 19 (#8 X 2-114' SO DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATIONS SHOWN. (4) SCREWS PER HINGE. 3. ATTACH ITEM 16 (STRIKE PLATE) TO ITEM 18 (TRIMMER STUD) WITH (2) ITEM 20 (114' X 3" SPAX T-STAR WASHER HEAD POWER LAGS) AT LOCATION SHOWN. 4. ATTACH '.ITEM .17(HURRICANE BOLTS) TO DOOR FRAME WITH ITEM I9(#8 X 2.114" SO DRIVE WOOD SCREWS) AT LOCATIONS SHOWN. (4) SCREWS PER BOLT. ©PARTIAL PA OUTSIDE VIEW EXPLODED �] OUTSIIDE VIEW AL ASSEMBLY Order#. PO1FTNESE DRAWINGS ANOTHE DRAWINGS BY: TITLE D WING NO. TUFF SHED DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY TUrFSD.�C. Customer. Da m By. PK OF TUFF SHED.INC. THESE 4' (4087) DOOR ASSEMBLY DJ -FL-PGEN-02 Date: 624/18 DRAWINGSARE FORA Storage Buildings & Garages BUILDING TO BE SUPPLIED IN HOUSE DRAFTING DEPARTMENT AND BUILT BY TUFF SHED. 1777S. HARRISON STREET AND INSTALLATION TUFF;SHED, INC. Ste Address: .L VEL 01 Checked BY ANY OTHER USE IS •L__ s.00n4: I55=14s 18 DENVERCOLORADO80210 SHEET Date: FORBIDDEN BYTUFF SHED Cu I(eam BB7141111 (303)753-TUFF I 2 BUOdln9 S128tw,x.uwm.,ron.nrtwv. INC S THE ENGINEER OF V4Me4p�; _m.•,� Scale: N.T.S. RECORD. 4eR 5�0F.c%%aaeuln[vwsmiurvron TME'r"'^'Ms°TM1�P'a4"Tws�^E SH ET 2 OF 3 *(6)C (312) (112) OTUFF SHED HINGE 5 15 16 DOOR TRIM 17 STRIKE PLATE_ VENDOR: SIERRA PACIFIC VENDOR: LOUISIANA PACIFIC VENDOR: SIERRA PACIFIC .—I. PART#HTH6099- .—I •^o- :I U VENDOR: SIERRA PACIFIC w.... r-'o- PART 9390209 VARIES BASED ON DOOR WIDTH I (1 12) _ C OSTEEL DOOR CHANNEL - VENDOR: QUAIL RUN I Imo- (312) 1 (112) -�.-� r-�-112) T _L 7l16' OSB SPACER VARIES BASED ON DOOR WIDTH{ I I� ®3/8" SMARTSIDE PANEL SIDING VENDOR: LOUISIANA PACIFIC FL APPROVAL#9190.6 (-.- (3 112) �- C O7/16" APA ENGINEERED WOOD PANEL 13 2 X LUMBER HEADER 13 19 TOP'& BOTTOM' PLATES, STUDS VENDOR: "APA APPROVED" VENDOR: TUFF SHED VENDOR: MARKET LUMBER MINIMUM2X4SPF#2 TUFF Storage SHED Bt111dingS & Garages TUFF SHED, INC. Order#. Customer. Site Atltlress: PD# THESEURAWINGSANDTHE DFTGN ARE OFTUF SETHE PROPERTY THERE DRAWINGS ARE FORA BUILDING TO BE SUPPLIED AND BUILT BY TUFF SHED. ANY OTHER USE Is FOPBIODEN BYTIIFF SHED INc6THEENGINEEROF F Goa""""r. Issoml<so-le ^ef�@^mug BU3</1B veMeeW, R C DRAWINGS BY: Tl iFF SHFA,TNC. TITLE 4' (4068) DOOR ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION COMPONENT DETAILS DRAWING NO. APfL-PGEN-02 Drawn By. PK IN HOUSE DRAFTING DEPARTMENT 1777 S. HARRISON STREET DENVER, C0LOAAD080210 (303)753-TUFF _ MGL®!L A95V4.44LgF8Al190fl1VPoR ��rcM ¢o�.v �um�m W. 623/18 REV. LEVEL 01 ChOckedB: y a,, v7 Date; IIEInB Sha:""m.,vam �gn .m. Scale: N.T.S. RECORD. SHEET 3 OF 3 8/22/2018 Florida Building Code Online — VMAI ,^ � e a 1 1 1 1 -- _ s-_— BCis Home I Log In I user Registration I MotTdpics I Submit surcharge I Sind d Fads I Publications i Contact Us I aCIS Sim Map I Links I Search I Opr(# aPER: Pub Approval Prod Public User Product Approval Menu > Prsduct or AooOcotlon Search > Application Lirt Search Criteria Code Version Application Type Category Application Status Quality Assurance Entity Product Model, Number or Name Approved for use in HVHZ Impact Resistant Other Search Results - ADVIleations RECEIVED OC,4 JAN 16 2019 ° E ey-Fu 4Oie C ST. Lucie county, Permitting ,/ 4 Refine Search 2017 FL# ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Subcategory ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Design Pressure ALL , 06:1:�.�.. ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL FIX IYAR Manufacturer Validated By status FL17206-R4 Revision WOODLAND INDUSTRIES, INC. Locke Bowden. P.E. Approved History, .FL#e FL17206.1 (334)300-1800 Model: TYPE II underlayments-HVHZ Description: #30 Asphalt -Saturated Organic Felt Category: Roofing Subcategory: Underlayments 'Appmed by DBPR. Approvals by DSPR shall be reviewed and mumci by the POCand/or the Commission if nemsary. Contact Us :: 7601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone, 850-487.1824 The SUM of Flodda is an AA{EEO employer, Ligly aht 2007-2013 Stain of Florida.:: Pdvacv 5tamment :: AressibIDty Statement n Refund Statement Under Florida law, emall addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850A87.1395. -pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statums, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The mails provided may be used for official communication with the Rvnsee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which an be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under chapter 455, FS., please dick hArr, .product Approval Accepts: z® INS PR® Credit Card We httos•J/www.floridabuildinA.OmlDflpr_app_IstaspX 1/1 Florida Building Code Online i BI1,S Home Log In User Regisbadon Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge Slats & Pacts Publications Contact us Bas Site Map unks Search 5pr a1,'"I Product Approval O � USER: Public User Product AOOMWI Menu > PmdeR or A2211OU 5 h > Aovllaaon list > Application Detail dr,r�.... FL. ik Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archlved Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Emall Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Testing Lab Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certiflcete of Independence FL17206-R4 Revision 2017 Approved WOODLAND INDUSTRIES, INC. 1520 KALAMAZOO DRIVE GRIFFIN, GA 30224 (770) 228-6102 casey@woodiandroof.com Casey CROWNOVER casey@woodiandroof.com Roofing Underlayments Test Report PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC keystone Certifications, Inc. 06/24/2024 Locke Bowden P.E. " Validation Checklist - Hardcepy Received FL17206 R4 COI PRI- MI Certificate of Iri fte cln 014-08 o g_df Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Yrm ASTM D 226 97A ASTM D 226 2009 ASTM D 226 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified, By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option B Date Submitted 10/20/2017 Date Validated 02/14/2018 https:/Avww.flodtlabuilding.org/pr/pr app 0-aspX7param=wGEVXQwtDgvOQpGQvtVmPRL' St=vg6widWFsck6MFcPiXRNKLZ1uQ%3d%3d 112 b1212u1b Date Pending FBC App Date Approved Date Revised Florida Building Code Online 02/16/2018 04/10/2018 04/11/2018 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 17206.1 TYPE II underlayments-HVHZ #30 Asphalt -Saturated Organic Felt Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: For use under discontinuous roof Le. asphalt shingles with slope greater than 2:12. For Use In HVHZ. FL17206 R4 II Woodlands Industries WII-008-02-03 Test Report - ASTM D 226 Type II No. 30(b),odf Verified By: PRI' Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Test Reports FL17206 R4 TR Woodlands Industries WII-008-02-03 Test Report - A_4TM D 226 Type tI No. 30(S ,per Contact U=_ :: 2601 Blelr Stone Road, Tall h FL 32399 phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida ta an AWEW employer. copyright 2007 ]b 3 Suite f Florida. :: pdvacv Statement;; Atrasslbiilty statemen[ :: Refund statement under Florida law, email addresses are public records, tryout do not want your e-mail address released In response to a publlrrecords request, do not send elecbnnie mail to this entity. Instead, contact Me able, by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455,275(1), R.dda Stetu45, elrective 0CNber1, 2012, licensees lloenced under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emalls provided may be used for of dw communication with the litemee. However email addresses are public record. It you do not wlsh N supply a personal address, please provide the Department with. an email address wh" can be made available to the publk Th determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 45S, F.S., please dA he, . product Approval Accepts: ®RED®�® https:lAww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_d8.aspx?param--vGEVXQwtDgvOQPGQvtVMPRLYSgfUvg6vidWFsck6MFCPzXRNKLZluQe/a3da/o3d 212 i :q.�►BO�tAT®RAY TEST!RESIrlLT$: Report for: Woodland industries 1520 Kalamazoo Drive Griffin, GA 30224 Attention: Bill Ward Product Name(s): No. 30 Manufacturer: Woodland Industries PRI-CMT Project No.: WIL008-02-03 Source: Woodland Industries Date Received; May 12, 201.7 Dates Tested: May 16 — Sep. 15, 2017 Sep. 13, 2017 Purpose: Evaluate No. 30 for compliance with the physical properties of ASTM D 226 Asphalt -Saturated Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing, Type II. Test Methods: Testing was completed as described in ASTM D 226-09: Standard Specification for Asphalt -Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. Test methods assigned or referenced Include ASTM D 70: Standard Test Method for Density of Semi -Solid Bituminous Materials (PycnometerMethod); ASTM D 146: Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen -Saturated Felts and Woven Fabrics for Rooting and Waterproofing; and ASTM D 6136: Standard Test Method forKerosine Numberof Unsaturated (Dry) FeltbyVacuum Method. Sampling: Product samples were provided by Woodland Industries from Griffin, GA. •-••••..r'••�..'•a:..�•.,.�•w=w�u••oa,e uaxu m, wo llwwrw, suppunu oyme arem.,nisreponisrormoexausrveuseolstatea client No reproduction orfacsimile in anyfonn can be made withoutthe clients permission. This reportshall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRIConstructlonMatedalsTechnalogiesLLCassumesnoresponsibllilynormakesa pedormanoIa orwarranty statement for this material or products and processes contalnirlg this matedal In connection whh this report PPoconffiuCiMMate -TW=W2l1LLC 61086algerDA. Tempa,FL33610 TIL813-621-EM Fax6IU0.6M0 6ad:mderiaW1wkq@pd=tmm wabSitxhgp:h w.pdontmm +: Woodland Industries ASTM:D226:for--- No. 30 Page 2 of 3 Results: ASTM D 226 Requirement Property Test Method Result ' 11— Physical Requirements Breaking -Strength {IbfAn-width) - .20 specimens; 1" x 6" x thickness- ASTM D 146 Cond. 2h•@ 73.4'±3.6'F & 50t5%I Test 73.4t3.6°F; Rate=2in/min Longitudinal,(with fiber grain) 66 2 30 ;. _ 2 40'. . Transverse (across fiber grain) 29 Z.15 _... Z 20 Pliability:[Pass/Fafq 10 specimens; 1" x 8"-x thickness; Cond. 10-15min in water @ 77t1.8'F; ASTM D 146 Ys" radius s/a" radius Test 90'.around'/:" radius In 2s Longitudinal (with fiber grain) Pass No Failures ` No;Failures Transverse (across fiber grain) Pass No failures No•Failures Loss on Heating (weight %) -- - - .2 specimens; 12" x 6" x thickness; ASTM D 146 2 574 '- 294 Test Cond. 221t5°F for 5hf3min Dimensions and Masses Width of Roll (in) ASTM D 146 35 7/8 36f174 96t1/4 . Area, min (ft2) ASTM D 146 218 432 216 Moisture at Point of Manufacture (%) ASTM D 146 NT s 4.3 5 41 As Received' 3.2 < 4.3 Net Mass of Saturated Felt (lb/100ft2) ASTM D 146 26 t 11.5 t 26 = Mass of Saturant (Ib/100ft2) ASTM D 146 17.5 Z:6.2 Z 15:6 Mass Ratio of Saturant to Desaturated Felt ASTM D 226 1.5 Saturation Efficiency (%) ASTM D 226 NA Z 70 . Mass of Desaturated Felt( Ib/100ft )- ASTM D 146 11.4 z 5.2 2t;10s0 Ash (%) ASTM D 146: 5.0 S 10:0. s 10 0 Continued on Following Page "�YP�'�+�Y ure u:tlnL i nls report is ror me exclusive use of stated dient. No reproductionorfacsimileInanyfonncenbemadewithouttheclienrspermission. This mportshallnotbereproducedexceptin full without the written approval of this laboratory.,PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a performance or warranty statement for this matedal or products and processes containing this material In connection with this report Pill C= Wamn MateddsTmhndagrm L.0 &Mlladgarfte TaMA RaWO TBL•a13.0SM Fac9138214MO amam:MaiD lstesP @M=t= WebSYta:htk..V,.tmm r Woodland Industries ASTM D 226 for t---No. 30 Page 3 of 3 Perforated Felt (in?) ASTM D 226 NA 5'0`05 Average Venting Area (%) ASTM D 226 NA a 0:9 Other Unrolling @ 50OF and 140OF (Pass/Faip ASTM D 226 Pass No Damage No Damage' Note(s): 1- Moisture (As Received) was utilized in Ileu of Moisture at Point of Manufacture; NT- Not Tested; NA- Not Applicable Statement of Compliance: The product was tested has demonstrated compliance with the physical requirements of Type 11 prescribed in ASTM D 226-09: Standard Speciflcation for Asphalt -Saturated Organic Felt used in Roorrng and Waterproofing. „1ltttf ll, yf,t ci• R. pFi- sEff Signed: ( g402ti Florida Pt6tMIlo. I Engind"r •"f " �.E. Numb6c 74641. Date: L! ! Igmi,C[1 n �o : ° G^ •` r `Fla JSIV'•:Y}6 ° 4� r`F:i PE.Itt15•• 11eport Issue 1118toay: _ Issue # Date Pages Revision Description (if applicable) Original. 09/18/2017 3 NA END OF REPORT diem. No reproduction orfacsimile In anyfonn can be made without the clients permission. This r43portshati notbe reproduced ezoeptin full witiioutthe written approval of this laboratory. FRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material In ConneCtion With this report. PRIC=oudfm MaterWsTedWgosLLC �6408134afts Twan FL33610 Teo I&MI.61W Fac8134121-6840 emep:meterlalstesynB®PrMLC�n WebSite:h4 Ar .pdcmt= 'Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 1 r���51 BCIS Home I :ag in 1 user RegnmaUon Hot Tool. Submit Surcharoe Stats&Facts Pubrcations 1 FBCSeR 1 BCISSite Map I LIn1¢ I Search d FI ride zl � Product Approval pi rUSER: public User Product Approval Menu p Pmdnd or`ootcappn Search > Application Ust Search Criteria Code Version 2017 Application Type ALL Category ALL Application Status ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Other ALL Ca h k ,den [beer �ECEIVEu S'C 33AN 'I 6 2019 if Permit". FL# Product Manufacturer Subcategory Compliance Method Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired Product Description Approved for use outside HVHZ Design Pressure Iw651}23E;::yn ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL EIA lim Manufacturer Validated ev StafY9 FL31651-113 I Revision Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. Locke Bowden P.E. Approved History FL#: FL11651.23 (334) 300-180k% Model: 26 Ga. GulfRib Description: Min 26 Ga. GulfRib over 15/32a Plywood Category: -Roofing SubwtegoryrMeta kRoofing Conrad. Us :: 2691 elelr gone Elan Ta aaattwa F 'a2T Phones- 111111,1114 The Stale of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. CnpMOM 2007JO]i Stall Of Florida :; Pnvaa Statement ;: Arre'UhiIIN Statement :; Refund Under norlda law, email addresses are public records. If You do not want your a -mall address released in response e a pu011C.mcords request, do not send eledmnlc mall to this truly. Instead, toned the office by phone or by traditional mall. If You have any questions. please coned (150.187.139512) 'Pursuant to Secpon 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, anecbve pauper 1, 2012, Iltensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide we 0epanment with an tread address 1f they he" one. The mulls provided may W used for oaklal mmounlutlon with Me licensee. However email addresses are public record. If You do not wish to Supply a personal address, please provide the 0eperttronl with an emad address which tan be made available to the public. To determine if You are a IJoemee under Chapter 455. F.S., please oltk ball. Product Approval Ampti l LPMNN 2® Credit Card Sale https://www.floridabuiIding.org/pr/pr_app_lst.aspx 3/20/2018 TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN At Panel Cont. Tape Seal for use on Slopes less than 3:1 #9-15 x 1-1/2° w/Sealer Washer at 245 O.C. TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN 2.5" Cont: Tape Seal for use on Slopes less than 3:1 #9.15 x 1-1/2' w/Sealer Washer at 12' O.C. ........... ..a...... •.•' rUEL S. kG,, CEN No, 75519 '- p*, STATE OF :�Q ;FSi .,ORIDP S �'100ONAL 0"'0% 5/20i7 Product Evaluation Report GULF COAST SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING, LLC. 26 Ga. GulfRibTm Roof Panel over 15132" Plywood Florida Product Approval #11651.23 R3 Florida Building Code 2017 Per Rule 61 G20-3 Method: 1 —D Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing Compliance Method: 61G20-3.005(1)(d) HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. 14429 SW 2nd Place, Suite G30 Newberry, FL 32669 Engineer Evaluator: Dan Kuhn, P.E. #75519 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 10743 Validator: Locke Bowden, P.E. #49704 9450 Alysbury Place Montgomery, AL 36117 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1 — 5 ,,u1u111,1I ,OPNIEL S. KG,, GENSF. y No. 7s519 .0. STATE OF �Q ;FS 0R10P •���.` S '#,;ONAL ENGO/05/2017 i""�-X Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 1504.3.2, 1518.9, 1523. Product Description: GulfRibTM 3/4" Rib Roof Panel, Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, 36" Coverage, through fastened roof panel over minimum 15/32" Plywood Decking. Non Structural application. . Panel Material/Standards: Material: Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2017 Section 1507.4.3. Paint Finish Optional Yield Strength: Min. 80.Oksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.018" Minimum Width: 36" Coverage Rib Height: 3/a" Major Rib at 9" O.C. Panel Fastener: H9-15 HWH 1.5" with sealing washing or approved equal 1/4" minimum penetration through plywood. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1506.6, 1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Minimum 1%2" thick, APA Rated plywood over supports at maximum 24" O.C. Design of plywood and plywood supports are outside the scope of this evaluation. Must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building Code 2017. Design Uplift Pressures: RN 11651.23 R3 Table "A" ti,�: .;�, C •j �� is oIr. PatternFastener _ iNNOW.N. Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 1504.3.2, 1518.9, 1523. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Cade 2017, as relates to Rule 61 G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: • TAS 125-03 • UL 580-06 - Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • UL 1897-12 - Uplift Test for Roof Covering Systems. • TAS 100-95 - Test Procedure for Wind and Wind Driven Rain Resistance of Discontinuous Roof Systems • TAS 110-00 - Accel. Weathering ASTM G 155 / Salt Spray ASTM B 117. Reference Data: 1. TAS 125-03: UL 580-94 / 1897-98 Uplift Test Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization # TST-5328) Report No. 117-0062T-07A-C Dated 02/19/2007 2. TAS 100-95 Farabaugh Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization # TST-1654) Report No. T126-07, Dated 02/26/2007 Report No, T270-08, Dated 10/132008 3. TAS 110-00: Valspar Fluropon coated metal panel testing A) ASTM G 26 by PRI Asphalt Technologies dated 01/192004 B) ASTM B 117 by PRI Asphalt Technologies dated 01/19/2004 4. Certificate of Independence By Dan Kuhn, P.E. (FLU 75519) ® Kuhn Engineering, LLC (FBC Organization # ANE ID: 10743) Test Standard Equivalence: 1. The UL 580-94 test standard is equivalent to the UL 580-06 test standard. 2. The UL 1897-98 test standard is equivalent to the UL 1897-12 test standard. 3. ASTM G 26 is equivalent to ASTM G 155. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3.005(3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, including Section 1515.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be used in the panel side laps. Installation: Install per Manufacturer's recommended details and RAS 133. Underlayment: Shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017 section 1518.2, 1518.3, 1518.4 Fire Barrier: Any approved fire barrier having a current NOA. Refer to a current fire directory listing for fire ratings of this roofing system assembly as well as the location of the fire barrier within the assembly. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear Diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. Design Procedure: For roofs within the parameters listed on the load table, fastening pattern must at a minimum meet those listed for the applicable wind zone. For all roofs outside the parameters listed on the load table, design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. Note: Dimension (a) is defined as 10% of the minimum width of the building or 40% of the mean height of the roof, whichever is smaller, however, (a) cannot be -1x less than either 4% of the minimum width of the building or 3 feet. TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN 09-15 x 1.1/7 wl8ealer washer at 24' O.C. TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN N1E x 1.117 w/8WR wastw a 12-O.C. Nas ttlan Gulf-C� ast- SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING ENGINEER LOAD TABLE: 26 Ga. GulfRibTM Panel over 15/32" Plywood r 0 0. a WIIND FASTENER 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 (MIN. 114" SUBSTRATE SPEED Penetration) (MIN. 15/3Z") ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER SPAONG SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING ZONE 2 #9-15X7.5" Plywood 24", TYPE 1 24", TYPE 1 24", TYPE 1 24", TYPE 1 24", TYPE 1 24", TYPE 1 24", TYPE 1 1.) PANEL DESCRIPTION: GULFRIBTA7, MIN. 26 GA., GRADE 80, 36"COVERAGE, 3/4" TALL. 2.) PANEL FASTENER: #9-15X1.5" HWH WITH SEALING WASHER OR APPROVED EQUAL 3.) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PANEL UPLIFT PRESSURE: 71.75 PSF ® 24" O.C. FASTENER SPACING TYPE I FASTENER PATTERN, 159.25 PSF ® 12" O.C. FASTENER SPACING TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN BASED ON TAS 125, UL 580/UL 1897 TESTING. 4.) PLYWOOD DECKING: MIN. 15A2" THICK PLYWOOD MUST BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2017. 5.) ROOF SLOPE: ON ROOF SLOPES LESS THAN 3:12, LAP SEALANT MUST BE USED IN PANEL SIDE LAPS. 6.) LOAD TABLE BASED ON WIND PRESSURES CALCULATED PER ASCE 7-10 (KD = 0.85) MULTIPLIED BY 0.6 PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2017. ALUM, ZONE3- 1"1 \ —RIDGE , ZONE 1 ZONE 3 /I GA9IE-77777-77777 ROOT )a. �\ ______ --ZONE ----------- • \� ZONE I '-EAYE FL# 11651.23 R3 • OCTOBER 5. 2017 Florida Building Code Onli Page I of I �v BCIS Home lag In User Registration Hot Topia Submit Surcharge Stab a Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Wks Search dbpr Ili Prod ctApproval Ap 8ftd! #z By GmA rtAnnmva Mc >Pmduet or AoolPARi, Siiim> Appfleadan List Wile Count ERECEIVE—Dft N 55 2019,ISearch Criteria R fin S ar h County, permitting Code Version 2017 FL# Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer `"'rgLij Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Reeultw - AnnliraHnne EL# MaM Manufacturer Validated By Status FL9190- Revision LP Building Products FL#: FL9190.6 Model: LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Lap and Paiii Siding ,s Description: Precision Series 38 and 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. Precision 38,76,190 Series Primed Panel Siding Including Silvertech ® Smartfinish. James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering (561) 491-9927, � Approved Ri History Category: Panel Walls Subcategory: Siding cormc.u.:: 2691 B air Stone Rod, TOMRswas R 32399 phone: 850.487-1814 The State of Florida i5 an AAIM employer. Com,loht 2007J013 mate of Florida.;: PAvaty Statement :; Acceab' tv Statement :: Refund Statement Under Modes law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your E-mail address released in response to a publicreceres request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Indeed, contact Me office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850A87.1395t2t. -pursuant te, Section 455.275(t), fh dda Statu es, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emaiis provided may be used for official communication with Me licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do Act wish a supply a personal address, please provide Me Department with an email address which an be made available to the public. To determine if you are a llconsee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dlrk It C Produce Approval Accepts[ ® ® ® ER Credit Card Safe https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_Ist.aspx 6/22/2018 Florida Building Code Onlin- Pagel of 3 BCISAome I Us I- I User Regisbatlon I Hot Topl6 � Submit suraiarge Stabs &Fa¢s Publications � FBC BLaR � eCls Safe Map i Unks � Floc da Seamw - e Product Approval 1 o. USER: Public User omeuaAw i Me i > P a w _ > peer�� > wpunmcoe oetan FL # FL9190-RS Application Type . Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments - Archived Product Manufacturer LP Building Products Address/Phone/Email 414 Union Street - Bank of America Plaza Suite 2000 - Nashville, TN 37219 (352) 425-7457Q? m.macom ber@ 1pcorp.com Authorized Signature CW Macomber m.maComber@lpmrp.com Technical Representative CW Macomber Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place Ocalo, FL 34474 (352) 425-74570 M.MacoMber@lpcorp.com Quality Assurance Representative CW Macomber Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 425-74570 M. ma comber@ Ipco rp.com Category - Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer -i Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer Or Architect Name who developed Do Kim, P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity APA - The Engineered Wood Association Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2022 Validated By CBUCK Engineering Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code J Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received FL9190 RS COT LP Certificate of Inde[ ndenco odf Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL9190 R5 Eouiv elliAlvalency of standard fo m odf 1405 hfvs://www.floridabuildinc, nrO/nr/nr ann rlfl ao....9...........�_.n_nTrvl.__�.� ......,., _. .__ _ .. _ Florida Building Code Online fI Page 2 of 3 1604.3.1 1616.3.1 1626.1 2304.6 Product Approval Method Method 2 Option B Date Submitted 10/09/2017 Date Validated 10/26/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/26/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 9190.1 LP SmartSide 38 Series Strand Vertical siding for board & batten applications. Substrate Vertide Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R5 II Strand Substrate Siding Fastener Tables.odf FL9190 RS U TN 028 Vertical Siding 12-22-16- Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Stmnd.odf Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Created by Independent Third Party: Yes resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with Evaluation Reports approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable EL9190 R5 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190- 2017.odf structures such as sheds. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.2 LP SmartSide Cedar Shake Lap Architectural Collection Cedar Shake 76 Series Lap Siding Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL 919D R5 II Fiber Substrate Siding Fastener Tables odF FL9190 R5 II LPZB0507 - Cedar Shakes - Lao odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with FL9190 R5 AE Evaluation Report of LP Salina 9190- 2017.pd approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable structures such as sheds. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.3 LP SmartSide Fiber Substrate Bald Architectural Collection Primed Bold Profile 120 Series Lap Profile Lap Siding Siding(DS,T4,DB,TS,g4) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R5 If Fiber Substrate Siding Fastener Tables odf FL9190 R5 II LPZB0504 - Architectural Collection - Bold Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Profile - Lag odf Impact Resistant• No Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Created by Independent Third Party: Yes resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with Evaluation Reports approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable FL9190 R5 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding oi_a_n- 2017.odF structures such as sheds. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.4 LP SmartSIde Fiber Substrate Lap Foundations 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. Architectural and Panel Siding Collection 76 Series Primed Colonial and 120 Series Primed Self -aligning Lap Siding. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R5 ii Fiber Substrate Sidino Fastener Tables odf FL9190 R5 II LP7605IO - Foundations and Architectural Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Collection - Lao pd Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A FL9190 RS ii LP760511 - Foundations and Architectural Collection - Panel.odf Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product Is not Impact resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable Created by Independent Third Party: Yes structures such as sheds. Evaluation Reports FL9190 R5 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190- 2017.ndf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.5 LP SmartSide Perfection Shingle Fiber substrate lap siding. - Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R5 11 Fiber Substrate Sidino Fastener Tables odf nrrr/nr/nr grin tltl agnx7naram=wCTF,VXOwtDau.TPW%2h4ilt.._ 3/14/2018 Flpfida Building Code Online, Page 3 of 3 Approved for use outride HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R5 II LP SS Perfection Shingle 7-31- _ _ Impact Resistant: No 17 FINAL.ndf Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: APA -The Engineered Wood Association Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not Impact Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with Evaluation Reports approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable FL9190 RS AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190- 2017.odf structures such as sheds. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190?b.,y LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Lap and Panel Siding Precision Series 38 and 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. Precision 38,76,190 Series Primed Panel Siding including Silvertech & Smartnnish. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R5 II LPZ60512 - Precision Series - Panel Ddf FL9190 RS IL LPZB0515 - Precision Series - Lao odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL9190 RS 11 Strand Substrate Siding Fastener Tables odf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association Design Pressure: N/A Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product Is not Impact Created by Independent Third Party: Yes resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with Evaluation Reports - approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable FL9190 RS AE Evaluation Report of LP Sidina 9190- 012 7.odF structures such as sheds. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Nert Conrad iS :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 3Z99 phone: RSQAaZ-JQi The sure of Florida Is an WEED employer. Goavdaht 2007-2013 State of Florida :: Privacy Statement :: Acc=nlbillN Statement :: Refund Statement under Florida law, emall addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In mpon,m to a public -records request, do not send elechanlc mall to Nis enuw: Instead, contact Me office by phone or by traditional mail. 9you have any questions, please mnuG 850A67.1395LPx'Pursuant M Semen 455.275(1), Flodde Statutes, afflaodw October 1, 2012, licensees Iicemmeed under Oupter 455, F.S. must provide Me Depadment with an amall address If they have one. The ennuis pmvidW tray be used for offal communiconon with Me Rreelow, However emall addresses are public mod. v you do not wish u supply a personal address, please pmvtde Me Deparbnent with an emall address which can be made available to Me public To tabernacle If wu are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please doi, b Produce Approval Accepts: ® = ® N ���5iCU Il CY:31 El'Itl Cs' �n At the time of manufacture, siding meets or exceeds the per- formance standards set forth in ICE-ES-AC321 and has achieved code recognition under ESR-1301, CCNC11826, APA recognition under PR-N124, and HUD recognition under HUD-MR-1318. For copies of ESR-1301, call LP Customer Support at 1-800-648-6893 or go online at http://www.ice-es.org/reports/pdf_files/ICC-ES/ ESR-1301.pdf or http://wv4w•apawood.org. Minimum 6 in. clearance must be maintained between siding and finish grade. Siding applied adjacent to porches, patios, walks, etc. must have a clearance of at least 1 in. above any surface. • Minimum 1 in. clearance at intersection with roof line i • Apply siding in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • All exposed wood substrate must be sealed Ina manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • See alternate fastening options for fastening lap siding to SIP. ICF and Steel Frame assemblies. • DO NOT USE STAPLES • SIDING MUST NOT BE IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH MASONRY, CONCRETE, BRICK, STONE, STUCCO OR MORTAR. G STORAGE;"- <' Store off the ground well supported, on a flat surface, under a roof or separate waterproof covering • Keep siding clean and dry. Inspect prior to application. Precision 38 Series lap may be Installed on studs spaced a maximum of 16 in. O.C. See alternate fastening option for fastening 38 series 6 in. and 8 in. lap on studs spaced a maxi- mum of 24 in. O.C. Precision 76 Series lap maybe installed on studs spaced a maximum of 24 In. O.C. In all Installations over masonry or concrete walls, the wall shall be furred out and open at the top and bottom of the wall to allow for convective ventilation between framing spaced 16 in. O.C. The framing shall be.of adequate thickness to accept 1-1/2 Inches of nail penetration. A properly installed breath- able water-resistant barrier is required between the siding and masonry or concrete walls. • Moisture control and moisture vapor control are critical elements of proper housing design. Check your local building codes for application procedures for handling moisture and watervapor in your area. When using wet blown cellulose insulation, the insulation must not be in direct contact with the siding and it must be allowed to dry a minimum of 24 hours or longer if specified by the insulation manufacturer. As with all wood products, do not apply engineered wood siding to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such as drying concrete, plaster or wet blown cellulose insulation. If such conditions exist, the building should be well ventilated to allow it to dry prior to the application of the siding. Siding must not be applied to green or crooked structural framing members. Do not apply siding over rain -soaked or buckled sheathing materials. Gutters are recommended for control of roof water runoff. A properly installed breathable water -resistive barrier is required behind the siding. Uonsult your local building code for details. • LP will assume no responsibility for water penetration. GAPS rr SEALANTS • Seal all gaps with a high -quality, non -hardening, paintable sealant. Follow the sealant manufacturer's instructions for application. Use a high -quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTM C920, minimum Class 25 sealant. • All openings must he properly sealed orflashed in a mannerthat prevents moisture intrusion or buildup. Several examples that accomplish this are shown on thefollowing pages. 011111113 APPLICA ' N INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) • Install kick -out flashing to direct the water into the gutter • Install step flashing with minimum 4 in. upper leg • Properly integrate flashing with the secondary water -resistive barrier. Use housewrap, flashing tape, z-flashing, or other items as needed to maintain the counterflashing principle. • 00 NOT extend the siding or trim into the kick -out flashing or gutter Maintain a clearance between the end of the gutter and the adjoining wall to allow for proper maintenance of the siding Prime and paint ALL exposed cut edges n LP Siding Minimum 1" clearance between trim and roofing Clean rain gutter 00 • Prime and paint all exposed surfaces including all drip edges or where water will hang. • Apply finish coat as soon as possible or within 180 days of application. • High -quality acrylic latex paint, specially formulated for use on wood and engineered wood substrates, is highly recommended. Semi -gloss orsatin finish oil or alkyd paints are acceptable. For flat alkyd paint, please check with the coating manufacturerfor their recommendations for use on composite wood siding. • Fallow the coating manufacturer's application and maintenance instructions. 00 NOT USE • Semi -transparent and transparent stains. • Shake and shingle paints. • Vinyl -based resin formulas such as vinyl acetate, PVA, vinyl acetate/acrylic copolymer paints. HANDLE PREFINISHED LP SMARTSIDE PRODUCTS WITH EXTREME CARE DURING STORAGE AND APPLICATION. TOUCH UP ANY DAMAGE TO THE FINISH THAT MAY OCCUR DURING APPLICATION PER PREFINISHERS SPECIFICATIONS. r • LP SmartSide 76 Series lap siding may be attached directly to framing members spaced up to a maximum of 24 in. O.C. • LP SmartSide 38 Series lap siding may be attached directly to framing members that are spaced up to a maximum of 16 in. O.C. • Check your local building code before starting to Install the sid- ing to confirm If wall sheathing is required. • Siding joints should be staggered over successive courses. For installation with or without wood structural panels, joints must occur over stud locations. Siding shall be Installed with top (blind) nailing, with the nails placed 3/8 in. from either end and a minimum of 3/4 in. from Do not run trim or siding inside the top edge of the board. Fasteners will be exposed on siding of the kick out flashing located immediately below window sills, fascia boards, and horizontal trim. Fasteners below window sill shall be spaced a maximum of 8 in. O.C. Trim should he thick enough so the siding does notextend beyond the face of the trim. Trim and fascia must be applied in a manner that will not allow moisture intrusion or water buildup. LP° SmartSide° siding is not designed and/or manufactured to be used as trim or fascia. LP SmartSide trim and fascia are available in a variety of dimensions. LP SmartSide lap siding is not designed and/or manufactured to be installed vertically. • Overlap successive courses of siding a minimum of 1 in. I SmartLock Overlap Cr Blind Fastening 1/4 in. nail spacing nstall SmartLocic lap !ding consistent with he specifications i these installation istructions APPLICAT I INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) CONDITION Snug Flush Visible fiber Countersunk•/,c-�/. tn._ Countersunkmore than 'In in. CORRECTION OK OK Paint Apply sealant Apply sealant and —® re -nail Use minimum 8d (0.113 in. shank diameter), hot -dipped galva- nized nail with a 0.297 in. diameter head. • All exposed face nails must be caulked and sealed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • Penetrate structural framing orwood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 1-1/2 in. • Nail from the center of the siding toward the ends, or from one end to the other end. NEVER nail from the ends of the siding toward the middle. • Shim siding at studs as needed, to avoid drawing siding against uneven walls. Do not overdrive nails. Nail head should seat firmly to face of siding but not be overdriven to distort the siding surface. • For information on fastening LP SmartSide products in high wind speed areas, refer to ICC-ES Report ESR-1301 orAPAPR-N124. Alternative Fastening Option for (strand) over Wood Structural Panels and 24 in. O.C. Stud Spacing • Limited to 6 in. and 8 in, wide lap siding. • Wood structural panels must be a minimum 7/16 Category with an APA Trademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC PS 2. • 38 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: • Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw with a 0.270 in. diameter head, spaced a maximum of 12 in. D.C. with 1-1/2 in. screw penetration into each stud or... • Minimum 6d (0.091 in. shank diameter) hot dip galvanized ring shank nail with a 0.20D in. diameter head, spaced a maxi- mum of 8 in. O.C. with 1-1/2 in. nail penetration into each stud. Alternative Fastening Options over SIP Assemblies • Wood structural panels must be a minimum 7115 Category with an APA Trademark that contains the consensus standard DOC PS 2. • 38 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: • Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw with a 0.270 in. diameter head, spaced a maximum of 12 in. O.C. or.. • Minimum 6d (0.091 in. shank diameter) hot dip galvanized ring shank nail with a 0.200 in. diameter head, spaced a maximum of 8 in. O.C. 76 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw with a 0.270 in, diameter head, spaced a maximum of 16 in. D.C. or... __Minimum5d-(0.091.in.shank.diameter)-hotdip-galvanized ring shank nail with a 0.200 in. diameter head, spaced a maximum of 12 in. D.C. Alternative Fastening Option over ICF Assemblies • 38 and 76 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: • Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head self -drilling screw with a 0.270 In. diameter head. • Minimum penetration of 3/8 in, beyond the thickness of the nailing flange. • Larger screws may be required by the ICF Manufacturer based on the following minimum withdrawal requirements. • Minimum withdrawal value of the ICF nailing flange must be SO lbs. with a maximum 12 in. D.C. screw spacing. • Minimum withdrawal value of the ICF nailing flange must be 31 lbs. with a maximum Gin. O.C. screw spacing. Alternative Fastening Options over Corrosion Resistant Steel Stud Framing • Minimum withdrawal value of the steel framing must be 50 lbs. Refer to the framing manufacturer's evaluation report. 38 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: • Steel stud spacing a maximum spacing of 16 in. O.C. • Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head self -drilling screw with 0.270 in. diameter head. • Minimum of S threads beyond the combined thickness of the siding and framing • Minimum steel framing thickness 0.032 in, or 20 gauge. • 76 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: • Steel stud spacing a maximum spacing of 24 in. O.C. • Minimum #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head self -drilling screw with a0.270In. diameter head. • Minimum of 5 threads beyond the combined thickness of the siding and framing. • Minimum steel framing thickness 0.032 in. or 20 gauge. CAUTION • Do not force siding into place. • DO NOT USE STAPLES. Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the blade cuts downward on the primed or prefinished surface. Where siding butts window trim, door casings and masonry, etc. leave a 3/16 in. gap and seal. Insulated Sheathings LP SmartSide Sidings may he Installed over low -compression rigid foam or exterior gypsum. The following precautions must be followed: • Adequate bracing of the wall In accordance with the Interna- tional Codes or other ruling building code is required. • For rigid foam sheathing up to 1 in. (25.4 mm) thick, siding may be nailed directly to the foam sheathing unless a drainage t APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) _ planeJslequired by -the local building.code. Nail length must-- _ . r , be Increased to ensure a minimum 1-1/2 in. (38.1 mm) fastener penetration into the structural framing. Figure 4 • For rigid foam sheathing greater than 1 in. (2S.4 mm), a minimum 1-1/2 in. (38.1 mm) thick by 3-1/2 in. (88.9 mm) wide vertical strapping or furring strip must he installed over the sheathing to provide a solid, level nailing base forthe siding. The strapping must be securely fastened to structural framing spaced no greater than 16 In. O.C. (406 mm) with a minimum nail penetration of 1-1/2 in. (38.1 mm) and a maximum nail spacing no greater than the width of the siding. Louisiana-Pacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or condition arising from the use of rigid foam or exterior gypsum. _OVERLAP;. -CLEARANCE.& NAILINr,SPACE-... Min. 314 in. nail spacing from top Sheathing Breathable 1 In. min. If required water-resistant �s overlap ' barrier - Siding must not Siding must extend r, contact masonry below plate P Min. 61n. finish grade clearance BUTT JOINTS:f .. , Nail min. 3/4 in. from top at • joints must occur over studs. • A minimum 3/16 in. gap is required at ALL butt joints. If joint caulking option is selected, seal all gaps atbutt joints with high -quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTMC920, minimum Class25 sealant. If joint moulding option is selected, add the thickness of the web to the gap allowing a net 3/16 in. space for expansion. If siding is prefinished by an approved or preferred prefinisher it does not require sealant orjoint moulding when backed with minimum 4 in. wide flashing and the ends of the siding are factory finished. Min. 3/16 in. gap / �Paint bottom 4in. min. flashing edges t in. min. clearance from roofing LP Precision Lap siding may also be installed in compliancewith category 8140- Fxteriorwall siding and sheathing for Wildland Unban Interface (WUI) applications atop LPFlameBlocksheathing. RefertoBameBlock installation instructions and product data sheets. All LP lap sidings (both Foundations and Precision) may be installed as exterior siding in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) applications installed over one layer 5/8" Type X gypsum sheathing applied behind the exterior covering or cladding on the exterior side of the framing. They may also be installed overthe exterior portion of a 1-hourfire-resistiveexterior wall assembly designed for exterior fire exposure including assemblies using the gypsum panel and sheathing products listed in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design Manual. The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LP") LP SmartSide Siding (the "Products") limited warranty (the "Warranty") applies only to structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and maintained In accordance with the published application, finishing and maintenance instructions in effect at the time of application. The failure to follow such application, finishing or maintenance instructions will void the Warranty as to the portion of the Products affected bythe variance (the "Affected Products"). LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage sustained by the Affected Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. Any modification of the Warranty's application, finishing or maintenance requirements is void and unenforceable unless approved in writing prior to application by the siding general manager or his designee and a member of the LP Legal Department. For a copy of the warranty, or for installation and technical support, visit the LP SmartSide product support Web site at: www.lpsmartside.com or for additional support call 600-450-6.106. WARRANTY REMEDIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. Cal. Prop 65 Warning: Use of this product may result in exposure to wood dust, known to the State of California to cause cancer. SMARTSIDE° TRIM 6 SIDING 02014 Louisiana-Pacific corporation. All rights reserved. LP and SmartSide are registered trademarks of Louisiana-Padfic Corporrtion. Printed in U.SA NUTS Louislana-PacMc Corporation pedodlcally updates and revises its produn Informatlmv To verify that this version is current. call 800450-6105. LP280515 1/14 I Over Openings Ensure complete paint coverage of the drip edge Flash, ®� shim, � Er gap Figure 3A Vapor Retarder if required by code Breathable water- resistant barrier APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) Alternate Butt Joint Treatments Joint Moulding Caulked Butt Joint Gap 3/16 in. plus thickness Gap 3116 in. and seal of joint moulding web 3116 in. Figure 3B 8- 6 in. minimum EM 3E gap 3/16 in. and seal Figure 3C Figure 30 gap 3/16 in. and seal Inside Corner Detail Outside Corner Detail Do KIM & ASSoCIATESt LLC__ CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Florida Board of Engineers Certificate of Authorization No. 26887 Product Evaluation Report Date: October 9, 2017 Florida Product Approval: #FL 9190 Product Category: Panel Walls Product sub -category: Siding Product Name: LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Siding LP SmartSdie Fiber Substrate Siding Manufacturer: LP Building Products 414 Union Street, Suite 2000 Nashville, TN 37219 (800)450-6106 Scope: This product evaluation report issued by Do Kim & Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. for LP Building Products is based on Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Rule 61G20-3 Method (2) (b) of the State of Florida Product Approval. Re-evaluation of this product shall be required following pertinent Florida Building Code modifications or updates. Do Kim & Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code 6th Edition (FBC). V A. 0,. P tl This Item has been electronically signed and sealed Do Kim, P.E. by Do Y. 10m, PE on this date using a Digital FL#49497 Signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. 2017.10.1914:02:18 -MOO' P.O. Box 10039 813.857.9955 Tampa, FL 33679 Sheet I of 6 D a-Kates-SrAs s oc iA-r-Es CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Supporting Documents Drawings and Reports: a. Application Instructions, LP SmartSide Siding b. APA-The Engineered Wood Association Product Report PR-N124, Revised September 29, 2017. c. Joint Evaluation Report ESR-1301, ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, ICC-ES, 800-423- 6587, 562-699-0543, www.icc-es.ore and APA Product Report, APA-The Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma, WA, Reissued February, 2017. d. ICC-ES Report ESR-3090, ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, ICC-ES, 800-423-6587, 562- 699-0543, www.ice-es.ore. Issued June, 2017. e. LP Building Products Technical Note No.014, Installing LP Smartside Trim and Lap Siding on Concrete or Masonry Walls over Furring Strips in Florida. 2. Testing a. Approved test lab: Architectural Testing, Inc., 130 Derry Court, York, PA 17406. Test reports referenced: i. Report No. 79279.01-122-18 (01/07/08) 1. Testing per Miami -Dade County Checklist 40475 For the Approval of: Durability of Wood -base Structural Composite Lumber and Panels 2. ASTM D4761-02 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Properties of Lumber and Wood -Based Structural Material. 3. ASTM D1716-06 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood. ii. Report No. 78294.01-401-18 (12/03/07) 1. TAS 202-94, Criteria for Testing Impact and Non -Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure Loading. Design Pressure @ +/-57.6 psf. 2. TAS 203-94, Criteria for Testing Products Subject to Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading. Design Pressure @ +/-57.6 psf. b. Test lab: Progressive Engineering, Inc., 58640 State Rd. 15, Goshen, Indiana 46526. Test reports referenced: ASTM E-330 for tests except for ASTM E-72 for transverse load test. 1. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, 6/27/94. 2. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, 8/01/94. 3. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, 6/28/94. 4. ABTCO, Inc., Transverse Load Test, Proline Double 5 Lap Siding 16" o.c. Studs., 10131/96. 5. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, Proline Double 5 Lap Siding 24" o.c. Studs., 11/26/96. 6. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, Proline Double 5 Lap Siding 16" o.c. Studs., 11/19/96. 7. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, Proline Double 5 Lap Siding 16" o.c. Studs., 11/01/96. 8. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, 8" Cedar Lap Siding 24" o.c. Studs., 12/06/96. 9. ABTCO, Inc., Exterior Cladding Suction Test, 8" Cedar Lap Siding 16" o.c. Studs., 10/23/96, Revised on 11/06/96. 10. ABTCO, Inc., ABTCO Cedar -Lap Wall Panel Test, 8/02/94. 11. ABTCO, Inc., ABTCO Cedar -Lap Wall Panel Test, 8/04/94. P.O. Box 10039 813.857.9955 Tampa, FL 33679 Sheet 2 of 6 CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS c. Test lab: Stork Twin City Testing Corporation, 662 Cromwell Ave., Saint Paul, MN 55114. Test reports referenced: i. Report No. 30160 08-99292.04 (12/24/08) 1. Fourth Quarter 2008 Testing of Hardboard Siding Products, Manufacturer:04, prepared for Composite Panel Association. Testing conducted in accordance with ANA A135.6-2006, and ASTM D1037. d. NTA Inc., 257 East Randolph Street, Nappanee, Indiana 48550. Test reports referenced: i. Test Report: LP (NC)123014-8 Issued April 28, 2015. 1. Uniform Load Tests per ICC-ES AC321, Secion 4.4. 2. Smartside Hardboard siding tested dry and wet. ii. Test Report: LP (NC)123014-10 Issued April 28, 2015. 1. Fastener Head Pull -Through Tests per ICC-ES AC321, Secion 4.6. 2. Smartside Hardboard siding tested dry and wet. 3. Calculations a. Standards referenced: i. ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. Acceptance Criteria for Treated -Engineered -Wood Siding, AC321, November 1, 2005 (strand substrate engineered wood products). ii. ANSI A135.6-2012 Engineered Wood Siding, June 5, 2012 standard (see Certificate of Standards Equivalency) has been utilized for performance calculations for fiber substrate engineered wood products. 4. LP SmartSide Model Product Names a. LP SmartSide is manufactured in Strand Substrate and Fiber Substrate. Previous product names of Architectural Collection and Foundations Collection models have been renamed SmartSide Siding (fiber substrate). Precision Series models have been renamed SmartSide Siding (strand substrate). i. Architectural Collection Cedar Shake Lap (fiber substrate) ii. Architectural Collection Bold Lap (fiber substrate) iii. Foundations and Architectural Collection Lap (fiber substrate) iv. Foundations and Architectural Collection Panel (fiber substrate) v. Precision Series Lap (strand substrate) vi. Precision Series Panel (strand substrate) P.O. Box 10039 813.857.9955 Tampa, FL 33679 Sheet 3 of 6 DO KIM 8c ASSOCIATEst LLC CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 5. Installation Instructions a. Strand Substrate Models: i. Installation fastening requirements as outlined in the APA PR-N124 and Joint Evaluation Report ESR-1301 documents have been reviewed and evaluated by Do Kim, P.E. based on comparative and/or rational analysis and has been determined to be in accordance to accepted engineering practice. Installation loads per APA PR-N 124 and Joint Evaluation Report ESR-1301 shall be the minimum design pressures as determined in accordance to the FBC 66' Edition (FBC). b. Fiber Substrate Models: i. Installation fastening requirements as outlined in the ICC-ES Report ESR-3090 document have been reviewed and evaluated by Do Kim, P.E. based on comparative and/or rational analysis and has been determined to be in accordance to accepted engineering practice. Installation loads per ICC-ES Report ESR-3090 shall be the minimum design pressures as determined in accordance to the FBC 6th Edition (FBC). P.O. Box 10039 813.857.9955 Tampa, FL 33679 Sheet 4 of 6 -- --_--D.O—Ki M—& A550CIATE5,-LC- ------ CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 6. Applicable FBC Sections a. Chapter 14 Exterior Walls i. Section 1404.3.2 Hardboard Siding ii. Section 1405.2 Weather Protection iii. Section 1405.5 Wood Veneers iv. Section 1405.17 Fastening. b. Chapter 16 Structural Design i. Section 1604.3.1 Deflections ii. Section 1609.1 Applications iii. Section 1616.3.1 HVHZ Allowable Deflections c. Chapter 23 Wood i. Section 2304.6 Exterior Wall Sheathing I Section 2304.6.1 Wood Structural Panel Sheathing iii. Section 2315.1.11 7. Other a. Quality Assurance of LP SmartSide Strand Substrate products by APA - The Engineered Wood Association (FBC Organization #QUA2521) that manufacturer is within a quality assurance program for this product under Rule 61G20-3. b. Quality Assurance of LP SmartSide Fiber Substrate products by Composite Panel Association (FBC Organization #QUA10765) that manufacturer is within a quality assurance program for this product under Rule 61020-3. P.O. Box 10039 813.857.9955 Tampa, FL 33679 Sheet 5 of 6 - -00-KTw-& ASSOCIATES LLC--- - CCNSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Limitations and Condition of Use 1. This product has been designed and tested in accordance to the Florida Building Code 6`s Edition (FB C). 2. No missile impact resistance testing has been conducted. 3. Each product listed above shall be installed in strict compliance with its respective Product Evaluation Document along with all components noted herein. 4. Use of each product shall be in strict accordance with its Product Approval Evaluation Documents. 5. Fire-resistant construction: Wood structural panels that are not fire -treated have been shown to meet a Class III (or C) category for flame spread. Where otherwise specified, fire-resistant construction shall be in accordance with the recommendations in APA Product Guide: Fire -Rated Systems, Form W305. 6. Deflection limits and allowable spans per Product Approval Evaluation Documents are in accordance to U120 in non-HVHZ per Chapter 16 Table 1604.3 deflection limits. Deflection limits and allowable spans per Product Approval Evaluation Documents are in accordance to L/180 in HVHZ per Chapter 16 Section 1616.3.1 deflection limits. 7. All supporting host structures shall be designed to resist all superimposed loads. 8. All components which are permanently installed shall be protected against corrosion, contamination, and other such damage. P.O. Box 10039 813.857.9955 Tampa, FL 33679 Sheet 6 of 6 LP® SmartSide® Strand Substrate PR-N124.. Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap, .Panel, and Vertical Siding Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Revised September 29,-2017 Product: LP® SmartSide® Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap, Panel, and Vertical Siding Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 414 Union Street, Suite 2000, Nashville, TN 37219 (800) 450-6106 www.lpcoro.com 1. Basis of the product report. 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code: Section 104.11 Alternative materials 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Residential Code: Section R104.11 Alternative materials ANSIlAWC SDPWS-2015 Special Design.Provisions for Wind and Seismic ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures • ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Treated -Engineered -Wood Siding, AC321 APA PRP-108 Performance Standards and Qualification Policy for Structural -Use Panels • NES Evaluation Protocol for Determination of Flood -Resistance Properties of Building Elements APA Reports R&D 8712-1, T870-45, T91Q-11, T91Q-20, T97Q-4, T97Q-10, T98Q-13, T98Q-17, T99Q-23, T2008Q-12, T2008P-73, T2008P-74, T2009Q-54, T2011Q-59, T2012P-22, T2015Q-38, T2015Q-39, and T2017P-03, and other qualification data. 2. Product description: Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP®) SmartSide® Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered - Wood Lap, Panel, and Vertical Siding is overlaid with a resin treated paper and is available with either a smooth or embossed surface texture. The siding is treated with Zinc Borate for decay and insect resistance. The efficacy of the preservative treatment of the LP SmartSide siding is outside the scope of this report and the APA certification program. All edges are factory sealed with a primer. LP SmartSide lap siding is available in 3/8 and 7/16 Performance Categories, in nominal widths of 6, 7, 8, 9-112, and 12 inches and in lengths up to 16 feet The lap siding may be installed horizontally or vertically. LP SmartSide panel siding is available in 3/8, 7/16 and 19132 Performance Categories, 4- foot width acid in lengths of 8, 9, and 10 feet. The.3/8 Performance Category panels are available without grooves or with grooves spaced 8 inches on center. The 7/16 and 19132 Performance Category panels are available without grooves or with grooves spaced either 4 or 8 inches on center. Minimum thicknesses at the groove and shiplap are documented in the plant Quality Manual. LP SmartSide Vertical Siding is a narrow width panel siding and is available in 3/8 Performance Category, nominal width of 16 inches, and in 16 foot lengths. The vertical siding can only be installed vertically. 3. Design properties: Allowable racking shear values for LP SmartSide Strand Substrate panel siding are listed in Table 1. For 3/8 Performance Category panels nailed at shiplap edges, use 5/16 Performance Category shear values. For 7/16 and 19132 Performance Category panel sidings nailed at shiplap edges, use 3/8 Performance Category shear values. Design wind © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Associadon 07-02 -_ AP-AFroduct-Report® PR-N124 - --- - - — ----- - Revised September 29, 2017 Page 2 of 13 loads for LP SmartSide Strand Substrate lap and panel siding are listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Design wind loads for LP SmartSide Strand Substrate lap siding when installed over the facer of structural insulated panels (SIPS) are listed in Table 4. Design wind loads for LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Vertical Siding and lap siding applied vertically are listed in Table 5. 4. Product installation: LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap, Panel, and Vertical Siding shall be installed in accordance with recommendations provided by the manufacturer (MM.Ipcorp.com/i)roductsisicring/iii-smartside=trim-sidingf) and APA Engineered Wood Construction Guide, Form E30 (www.spawood.orq/rescurce-library), as applicable. The maximum span shall be in accordance with the Span Rating shown in the trademark. The LP SmartSide Strand Substrate lap siding shall be permitted to be installed over the facer of structural insulated panels (SIPS) in accordance with Table 4. LP SmartSide lap siding, when installed vertically, shall be installed over a minimum 7116 Performance Category wood structural panel sheathing meeting DOC PSI or DOC PS2 requirements, and shall be covered by a batten at the siding joint or shall be overlapped with another vertical lap siding in accordance with the recommendations provided by the manufacturer, as shown in Figures 1 through 4. Lap siding installed vertically can only span one floor plate -to -plate. Each vertical application shall not span beyond one floor to ceiling distance, or one floor to top of gable distance. LP SmartSide Vertical Siding shall be installed over a minimum 7/16 Performance Category wood structural sheathing meeting DOC PSI or DOC PS2 requirements, and shall be covered by a batten at the panel joint In accordance with the recommendations provided by the manufacturer, as shown in Figures 2, 5, and 6. Vertical Siding can only span one floor plate -to -plate. Each vertical application shall not span beyond one floor to ceiling distance, or one floor to top of gable distance. 5. Fire-resistant construction: " Wood structural panels that are not fire -retardant -treated have been shown to meet a Class III (or C) category for flame spread. Unless otherwise specified, fire-resistant construction shall be in accordance with the recommendations in APA Fire -Rated Systems, Form W305 (see link above). 6. Flood resistance evaluation: Selected properties critical to flood resistance of 3/6 and 7/16 Performance Category panel siding, including uniform loads, concentrated static loads, concentrated hard body and soft body impact loads, fastener performance, wall racking resistance, edge thickness swell, linear expansion, hygroscopicity, exterior bond performance and large panel and small specimen bending properties were evaluated at a 16 o.c. Span Rating in accordance with NES Evaluation Protocol for Determination of Flood -Resistance Properties of Building Elements. Test results in the dry (as -received) condition and after moisture cycling in accordance with the NES protocol were compared to the requirements specified in [CC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) Acceptance Criteria for Treated -Engineered -Wood Siding (AC321). 7. Limitations: a) LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap, Panel,.and Vertical Siding used outdoors must be finished in accordance with recommendations provided by the manufacturer (see link above) and APA Engineered Wood Construction Guide, Form E30 (see link above). b) The efficacy of the preservative treatment of the LP SmartSide siding is outside the scope of this report and the APA certification program. © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 APA Product Reports PR-N124 — - - - - Revised September29-2017 — ----- Page 3 of 13 c) LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Woad panel siding is flood resistant on the properties listed in Section B. This evaluation applies to 318 and 7116 Performance Category panel siding at a 16 o.c. Span Rating. d) LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Woad Lap and Panel Siding is produced at Louisiana-Pacific Corporation facilities at Hayward, WI, Newberry, MI, Tomahawk, WI, Two Harbors, MN, and Swan Valley, Minitonas, MB, and LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Wood Vertical Siding is produced at Louisiana- Pacrfic Corporation -facility at Tomahawk, WI, under a quality assurance program audited by APA. e) This report is subject to re-examination in one year. 8. Identification: LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Wood Lap, Panel, and Vertical Siding described in this report is identified by a label bearing the manufacturer's name (Louisiana- Pacific Corporation) and/or trademark, the APA assigned plant number (357 for the Hayward plant, 416 for the Newberry plant, 435 for the Tomahawk plant, 399 for the Two Harbors plant, or 467 for the Swan Valley plant), the product Performance Category, the Span Rating, the Exposure Rating, the APA logo, the report number PR-N124, and a means of identifying the date of manufacture. Figure 1. Lap siding installed vertically Figure 2. LP® SmartSide® Trim/Batten ©2017APA - The Enginsersd Wood Association 07-02 APA Product Reporter PR-N124 Figure 3. Lap siding attachment detail Figure 5. Vertical Siding Figure 4. LP®SmartSide® Trim/Batten attachment detail Figure 6. Vertical Siding attachment detail 13 ©2017 APA -The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 APA Product Report® PR-N124 Revised September 29, 2017 Page 5 of 13 Table 1. Allowable Racking Shear (plf) for LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Treated -Engineered -Wood Panel Siding Shear Walls with Framing of Doualas-Fir-Larch or Southern Pine for Wind or Seismic Loadind(1.2.3) Min. Nail Panels Applied Directly to Framing Panels Applied Over Max. 518-inch Gypsum Sheathing Performance Category Penetration in Framing Nail Size Nail Spacing at Panel Edges Nail Size Nail Spacing at Panel Edges (inches) (common or (inches) (common or (inches) galvanized 6. 4 3 galvanized 6 4 3 20) box)(r-s) .2O box)(r,e) 5/16(5,5) 1-1/4 fid 180 270 350 .450 ed 180 270 350 450 3/8(5.5) 200 3D0 390 510 200 300 390 510 3/8(5,6) 11/2 8d 220 320 410 530 10d 260 380 4900) 640 7/16(5) 240 350 450 585 260 380 4900) 840 19l32(5) 1-5/8 10d 340 510 6650) 870 - - For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 plf =14.6 N/m. n) For framing of other species: (aj find specific gravity for species of lumber In the National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS); (b) find shear value from Table for nails size; (c) multiply value by 0.82 for species with specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 but less than 0.49, or 0.65 for species with specific gravity less than 0.42. e) All panel edges must be backed with &inch nominal or wider framing. Panels must be Installed with the long dimension oriented in the vertical direction. Space nails 6 inches o.c. along Intermediate framing members for 318 and 71.16 Performance Category panels installed on studs spaced 24 inches ox, For other conditions and panel performance categories, space nails 12 Inches o.c. on Intermediate supports. (°) For shear loads of normal or permanent load duration, the values in the Table shall be multiplied by 0.63 or 0.66, respectively. (4) Framing at panel edges must be 3 Inches nominal or wider and nails must be staggered where nails are spaced 2 Inches o.c., and where 10d nails having penetration Into framing of more than 1-618 Inches are spaced 3 Inches or less, o.c. Exception: Unless otherwise required, 2-Inch nominal framing may be used where full nailing surface Is available and nails are staggered. (5) Except as noted in Footnote 7, panel thickness at point of nailing at panel edges determines applicable shear values, except that 318 Performance Category panels nailed at shlplap edges use 5116 Performance Category shear values, and 7116 and 19132 Performance Category panel sidings nailed at shlplap edges use 3/8 Performance Category shear values. (6) Shiplap edges must be double -nailed; one nail must be placed in the undedep and a second nail must be placed in the overlap at the nail spacing specifiedfor the applicable shear value. m Fasteners must not be Installed In panel siding grooves inthe field of the panel siding or when the panel siding grooves occur at cut edges of the panel siding. (°) Fastener dimensions are as specified In ASTM F 1667. © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 2017 6. of 13 Table 2a. Lap Sidinq Installed HorizontallV with 0.113" Nails —Max. Allowable Wind Speed, Vasdil) Performance Category Max. Stud Spacing rZ) (inches) Siding Width (inches) Max Allowable Wind Pressure (psf) Max. Allowable Wind Speed Vesd(s) (mph Wind osure Cate ory B C D 3/8 16 6 80 170 150 140 7 80 170 150 140 8 74 170 145 130 9.5 61 150 130 120 12 47 130 110 105 16 6 60 170 150 140 7 80 170 150 140 8 74 170 145 130 9.5 65 150 130 125 12 47 130 110 105 7/16 24 6 69 150 140 130 7 58 150 130 110 8 49 140 120 110 9.5 41 125 105 100 12 1 31 110 90 85. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m1s. )') one fastener for each stud located 3/4 inch from the tap edge of the siding. Each successive course -of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 Inch. Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.113 inch, and long enough to penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 2 inches. Lap siding Is not a bracing material. ¢I Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42- �) Three•second-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from, building surfaces, at 30-ft height In Zone 5 with smallest effective area in accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2.1 of the 20W and.2012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. Table 2b. Lap Siding Installed Horizontally with 0.1130 Nails —Max. Ultimate Wind Speed, Walt) Performance Category Max. Stud Spacing(2) (inches) Siding Width (inches) Max. Ultimate Wind Pressure s Max Ultimate Wind Speed VdP) (mph) Wind Exposure Catepory B C D 3/8 16 6 133 200(4) 160 180 7 133 200t4) 180 180 8 123 2000) 180 160 9.5 102 200(4) 1 00 150 12 79 180 150 140 16 6 133 200(4) 1 00 180 7 133 200(4) 180 180 8 123 20 4) 180 160 9.5 102 200(4) 1 00 150 12 79 180 150 140 7116 24 6 115 200(4) 180 160 7 96 180 160 150 8 85 180 150 140 9.5 68 160 140 130 12 1 52 1 140 120. 110 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 mis. nr one fastener for each stud located 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.113 inch, and long enough to penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 2 Inches. Lap siding Is not a bracing material. a) Wail studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. I') Three -second -gust based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-fit height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area in accordance with Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10, Section R301.2.1 of the 2015 IRC. and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012 and 2015 IBC. )`) Table R301.2(2) of the 2015 IRC is fimited to a mabmum ultimate design wind speed, Vd,, of 180 mph. © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 2017 7of13 Table 2c. Lap Sidina Installed Horizontally with 0.092" Nails — Max Allowable Wind Speed, Vaaafi) Performance Category Max Stud ' Spacing(2) (inches) Siding Width (inches) Max Allowable Wind Pressure s Max. Allowable Wind Speed Vasd(3) (mph) Wind Exposure Category B C D 318 16 6 63 150 130 125 7 .52 145 120 110 8 45 130 110 105 9.5 37 120 100 90 12 28 105 90 16 6 63 150 130 125 7 52 145 120 110 8 45 130 110 105 9.5 37 120 100 90 12 28 105 90 -- 7/16 24 6 42 130 110 100 7 35 120 100 90 8 30 110 90 85 9.5 25 100 85 12 19 85 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m/s. ") One fastener for each stud located 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 Inch. Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 Inch, and long enough to penetrate structural framing or woad structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 1.5 inches. Lap siding is not a bracing material. Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'a) Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-ft height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area in accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2.1 of the 2009 and 2012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. Table 2d. Lap Siding Installed Horizontally with 0.092' Nails —Max Ultimate Wind Speed. V ,t0) Performance Category Max. Stud Spacings (inches) Siding Width (inches) Max Ultimate Wind Pressure s Max Ultimate Wind Speed Vmtl3) (Mph) Wind Exposure Cateqofv B C D 3/8 16 6 104 2000) 160 160 7 87 180 160 140 8 75 160 140 130 9.5 61 150 130 120 12 47 140 115 ' 16 6 104 200(4) 160 160' 7 87 180 160 140 .8 75 160 140 130 9.5 61 150 130 120 12 47 140 115 - 7/16 24 6 70 160 140 130 7 58 150 130 120 1 8 50 140 120 110 9.5 41 130 110 12 1 32 110 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa,1 mph = 0.447 m/s. )') One fastener for each stud located 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must ovedep a minimum of 1 Inch. Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 Inch, and long enough to penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 1.5 Inches. Lap siding N not a bracing material. (2) Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. (3) Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30•I1 height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area in accordance with Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10, Section R301.2.1 of the 2015 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012 and 2015 IBC. (4) Table R301.2(2) of the 2015 IRC is limited to a maximum ultimate design wind speed, V,,,, of 180 mph. ©'2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 8of13 Table 3a. Panel Siding Installed Vertically with 0.113" Nails — Max. Allowable Wind S eed V Fastener Spacinglrl Max. Max. Allowable Wind Speed d Performance Max. Stud inches o.c. Allowable Vasd1'1 (mph) Wind Ex osure Cateqory Category Spacing, Wind (inches) Edges 9 Field Pressure s B C D 16 6 12 43 130 110_ 100 6 80 170 150 140 3/8 24 6 12 29 105 90 - 6 58 150 130 110 6 12 43 130 110 100 6 80 170 150 140 7/16 P24 6 12 29 105 90 - 6 58 150 130 110 16 6 12 43 130 110 100 6 80 170 150 140 19132 24 6 12 29 105 90 '6 58 150 130 110 For ar: 1 inch = 26.4 mm, 1 psf = 4/.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m/s. In Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.113 inch, and long enough to penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 2 inches. la Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. rsr Three -second -gust: based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-ft height In Zone 5 with smallest effective area in accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2.1 of the 2009 and 2012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. Table 3b. Panel Siding Installed VerUcally with 0.113" Nails — Max Ultimate Wind S eed V Fastener Spacing(') Max urt Max Ultimate Wind Speed Performance Max. Stud inches c.c. Ultimate VwP) (mph) Wind Ez osure Ca o Category Spacingm Wind (inches) Edges Field Pressure B C D 16 8 12 72 160 140 130 6 133 200141 180 180 3/8 24 6 12 48 140 115 6 96 180 160 150 16 6 12 72 160 440 130 6 133 200141 180 180 7116 24 6 12 48 140 115 - 6 96 180 660 150 16 6 12 72 •160 140 130 6 133 200(4) 880 180 19132 24 6 12 48 140 115 - 6 96 1 180 6060 150 Fur ar: i inch = 25A min, 1 pst = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 Mils. - nl Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.113 Inch, and long enough to penetrate structural framing or woad structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 2 inches ar Wall studs must have a minimum spec gravity of 0.42- rat Three -second -gust; based on vend, pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-ft height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area in aarotdance vdth Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10, Section R301.2.1 of the 2016 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012. and 2015 IBC. m Table R301.2(2) of the 2015 IRC is limited to a mabmum ultimate design wind speed, VN„ of 180 mph. © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 APA Product Report® PR-N124 9at13 Table 3c. Panel Sidina Installed Vertically with M092" Nails — May- Allnwnhla winrl s.,ao,1 V. Fastener Spacing(') Max. Max Allowable Wind Speed, Performance Max Stud inches o.c. Allowable Va:dla> (mph) Wind Exposure Cat o Category c es) Wind (inches) (inches) Edges Field Pressure B C D 16 6 12 26 100 85 - 6 52 145 120 110 3/8 24 6 12 17 85 - 6 35 120 100 90 16 6 12 26 100 85 6 52 145 120 110 7116 24 6 12 17 85 - - 6 35 120 100 90 16 6 12 26 100 85 6 52 145 126 110 19/32 24 6 12 17 85 - 6 35 120 100 90 For 61: 1 mcn = 25.4 mm, 1 par = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m/s. r" Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 inch, and long enough to penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 1.5 inches. Configuration cannot be used for lateral bracing due to nail size. n' Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. m) Three•second-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-f1 height in Zone 5 with smallest effective'area in accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2.1 of the 2009 and 2012 IRC, and Section 1800.1.1 of the 2009IBC. Table 3d. Panel Sidina Installed Vertically with n ng2^ mnilm _ m=v r nt:. =re t11r:nA c--- A if Fastener Spacing(') Max Max Ultimate Wind Speed Performance Max Stud inches o.c. Ultimate Vd01 (mph) Wind osure Category Category Spacing(2) Wind (inches) Edges 9 Field Pressure s B C D 16 6 12 44 130 110 - 5 87 180 160 140 3/8 24 6 12 29 - _ _ 6 58 150 130 120 16 6 12 44 131) ita - 6 87 180 160 140 7/16 24 6 12 29 - - _ 6 58 150 130 120 16 6 12 44 130 110 - 6 87 180 180 140 19/32 24 6 12 29 8 58 150 1 130 120 For ac I inch = 25A mm, 'I pat = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 mis. 01 Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized plain (smooth) shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 inch, andlong enough to penetrate structural framing orwood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 1.5 Inches. Configuration cannot be used for lateral bracing due to nail size, a' Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. oI Three -second -gust based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-ff height In Zone 5 with smallest effective area In accordance With Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10, Section R301.2.1 of the 2015 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012 and 2015 IBC. 14' Table R301.2(2) of the 2015 IRC is limited to a maximum ultimate design wind speed, Vu s of 180 mph, © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 2017 10 of 13 Table 4a. La Sidin Installed Horizontal) to SIPs(')—Max. Allowable Wind Speed Vasdt2) Performance Category .Max. Ring Shank Nail Spacing(a) (inches) Max. Wood Screw Spacing(4) (inches) Siding Width (inches) Max. Allowable Wind Pressure (pst) Max. Allowable Wind Speed Va d(sl (mph) 1 rid Exposure Cafegory B C D 318 8 12 6 80 170 150 140 7 72 170 145 130 8 63 150 130 125 9.5 54 145 125 110 12 40 125 105 90 7/16 E1216 6 58 150 130 120 7 50 140 120 110 8 42 130 110 100 9.5 36 120 100 90 12 27 105 85 For Dl: ' 1 Inch = 26.4 mm, 1 pSt = 4/.66 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m/s. n) The facer of the structural Insulated panels (SIPs) shall be 7116 Performance Category or thicker OSB sheathing meeting DOC P82 requirements. r4 The tabulated values represent the capacity of the LP Lap Siding installed in accordance with the requirements of this Table. The tabulated wind speed shall not exceed the SIP capacity for wind load resistance. (3) One ring shank fastener located 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized ring shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 inch. Length shall be long enough to fully penetrate -wood structural facer panel. (41 One #8 Wood screw located 314 inch from the top edge of the siding may be used. The wood screws must have a minimum shank diameter of 0.164 Inch. Length shall be long enough to fully penetrate wood structural facer panel. (r Three -second -gust based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-tt height in Zone 5 with smallest effectivearea In accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2.1 of the 2009 and 2012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 ofthe 2009 IBC. Table 4b. Lap Siding Installed Horizontally to SIPs0)— Max. Ultimate Wind Snead_ V..,.(2) Performance Category Max Ring Shank Nail Spacing(a) (inches) Max. Wood Screw Spacing(4) (inches) Siding (iWdth ) Max Ultimate Wind Pressure (psfl Max. Ultimate Wind Speed Vun() (mph) Wind Exposure Cat o B C D 318 8 12 6 133 200(u) 180 880 7 119 200(s) 160 160 8 105 200M 160 160 9.5 90 180 160 150 12 67 160 140 120 7116 12 16 6 97 200(e) 160 150 7 79 180 150 140 8 70 .160 140 130 9.5 fi0 150 130 120 12 45 130 115 For St: 1 Inch = 25A Mari, 1 pet = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m/s. (') The facer of the structural insulated panels (SIPs) shall be 7I16 Performance Category or thicker OSB sheathing meeting DOC PS2 requirements. p) The tabulated values represent the capacity of the LP Lap Siding installed In accordance withthe requirements of this table. The tabulated wind speed shall not exceed the SIP capacity for wind load resistance. (3) One ring shank fastener located 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap amtnimum of 1 Inch. Fasteners shall be a hot dipped galvanized ring shank nail, with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 Inch. Length shall be long enough to fully penetrate wood structural facer panel. (4) One #8 wood screw located 314 inch from the tap edge of the siding may be used. The wood screws must have a minimum shank diameter of 0.164Inch. Length shall be long enough to fully penetrate wood structural facer panel. (s) Three -second -gust based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-ft height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area in accordance with Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10, Section R301.2.1 of the 2015 IRC, and Section 1609.1-1 of the 2012 and 2015 IBC. 16) Table R301.2(2) of the 2016 IRC is limited to a maximum ultimate design wind speed, Vwr, of 180 mph. © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 APA Product Report® PR-N124 11 of 13 Table 5a. Vertical Sidino or Lao Sidina Installed Vertically — May_ Ahnwahiu W;n'l enoe.t v .m Fastener Max Max. Allowable Wind Speed, Va�e(s) Pero. Siding Siding Edge Allowable (mph) Wind osure Cate o ry Category Type Width Spacing Wind B C D (inches) (inches o.c.) pressure s Vertical Siding 16(2) 60) 80 170 150 140 3/8 La 6(3) 72 170 145 130 73) 62 150 130 10 Siding 81) 54 145 125 1110 Installed 12t5) 9.50) 46 130 110 105 ' Vertically 12(3) 36 120 100 90 Lap 6(3) 72 170 145 130 83; 62 150 130 120 . Siding 54 145 125 110 7/16 Installed 121b) 9.513) 46 130 110 .1o5 Vertically 12)> 36 120 100 90 or SI: 1 Inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 0.447 m/s. Siding shall be installed over 7/16 Performance Category or thicker wood structural panel sheathing meeting DOC PSI or DOC PS2 requirements. Vertical Siding installed In accordancewith Figures 2, 5, and 6. Lap Siding Installed vertically in accordance with Figure 1 through 4. Fasteners must be ring shank nails with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 inch. Length shall be long enough to fully penetrate wood structural panel wall sheathing. Fasteners must be spaced a maximum of 6 inches o.c. along the siding perimeter in accordance with Figures 5 and 6. Fasteners'must be ring shank nails with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 Inch. Length shall be long enough to fully penetrate wood structural panel wall sheathing. Fasteners must be spaced a maximum of 12 Inches o.c. along alternating edges of the length of the trim/hatten in accordance with Figures 1 and 4. Three -second -gust based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-it height in Zane 5 with smallest effective area In accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2.1 of the 2009 and 2012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. © 2017 APA - 7be Engineered Woad Association 07-02 Revised September 29, 2017 Page 12 of 13 Table 5b. Vertical Siding or Lap Sidinq Installed Vertically -Max. Ultimate Wind Sneed. V rd1) Fastener Max. Max. Ultimate Wind Speed, Perf. Siding Siding Edge Ultimate Vwcta) (mph) Wind Exposure Cat cry Category Type Width) Spacing Wind 6 C D (inches) (inches o.c.) pressure s Vertical Siding 1612) 6(4) 133 200 180 180 E(a) 120 200 180 160 318 Siding 713) 103 200 160 160 8t) 90 180 160 150 Installed 120) 9'5ta) 76 160 150 130 Vertically 12(a) 60 150 130 120 Lap 6t3) 120 200 180 160 73) 103 200 160 160 Siding 8t) 90 180 160 150 7116 Installed 12t� 9.5r') 76 160 150 130 Vertically 12(a) 60 150 130 120 For SI• 1 inrh a 91Z d ram 1 nsf a d7 AA O. 1 m..h - A AA7 m1. 11) Siding shall be installed over 7/16 Performance Category or thicker wood structural panel sheathing meeting DOC PSI or DOC PS2 requirements. m Vertical Siding Installed in accordance with Figures 2, 5, and S. (3) Lap Siding installed vertically in' accordance with Figure 1 through 4. (°) Fasteners must be ring shank nails with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 inch. Length shalt be long enough to fully penetrate wood structural panel wall sheathing. Fasteners must be spaced a mawmum of 6 inches o.c. along the siding perimeter in accordance with Figures 2, 5, and B. i0 Fasteners must be ring shank nails with a minimum shank diameter of 0.092 Inch. Length shall be long enough to fully penetrate wood structural panel wall sheathing. Fasteners must be spaced a ma)dmum of 12 inches o.c. along alternating edges of the length of the batten in accordance with Figures 1 and 4. Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-ft height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area in accordance with Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10. Section R3012.1 of the 20151RC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012 and 2015 IBC. © 2017 APA -The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 APA Product PR-N124 of 13 APA — The Engineered Wood Association is an approved national standards developer accredited by American National Standards Institute (ANSI). APA publishes ANSI standards and Voluntary Product Standards for wood structural panels and engineered wood products. APA is an accredited certification body under ISOIIEC 17065 by Standards Council of Canada (SCC), an accredited Inspection agency under ISO/IEC 17020 by International Code Council (ICC) International Accreditation Service OAS), and an accredited testing organization under ISO/IEC 17025 by IAS. APA is also an approved Product Certification Agency, Testing Laboratory, Quality Assurance Entity, and Validation Entity by the State of Florida, and an approved testing laboratory by City of Los Angeles. APA — THE ENGINEERED WOOD ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS 7011 So. 19' St • Tacoma, Washington g6456 Phone: (253) 565-6600 • Fax (253) 565-7265 • Internet Address: www aoawnod oro PRODUCT SUPPORT HELP DESK (253) 620-7400 • E-mat/Address: help@apawood.org DISCLAIMER APA Product Report® Is a trademark of APA — The Engineered Wood Assocation, Tacoma, Washington. The information contained herein is based on the oroduc3 evaluation in accordance with the references noted In this report. Neither APA, nor its members make any warranty. expressed or implled,.or assume any legal liability or responsibilityforthe use, application of, and/or reference to opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations included In this report. Consuft your focal Jurisdiction or design professional to assure compliance with code, construction, and performance requirements. Because APA has no control over quality of workmanship or the conditions under which engineered mod products ale used, it cannot accept responsibility for product performance or designs as actually constricted. © 2017 APA - The Engineered Wood Association 07-02 r_- DIVISION: 06 00 OfJ�SifND COMPOSITES '00 00—THERMAL AND MO SECTION: 07 46 23—WOOD REPORT 414 SUBJECT: LP SMARTSIDE`g`STRAND SUBSTRATE LAW NG AND LP SM/ _ § E® STRAND SUBSTRATE P14 _ : #OING ...... z ICC 1GC ICC - �� CPMG 0L LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic P611cy Council (WSSPC) Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of ICC-ESEvaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLG express or implierl, as to arty finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright° 20171CC Evaluation Service, LLC and APA—The Engineered Wood Association. All rights reserved. Joint Evaluation Report ESR-1301 www.icc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 0616 00--Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 0746 23—Wood Siding REPORT HOLDER: LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION 414 UNION STREET, SUITE 2000 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37219 (888)$20-0325 www.LPcorp.com ma rketina.centerWncoro.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: LP SMARTSIDe STRAND SUBSTRATE LAP SIDING AND LP SMARTSIDe STRAND SUBSTRATE PANEL SIDING 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ® 2015, 2012, 2009, 2006, and 20031ntemational Building Code® (IBC) ■ 2015, 2012, 2009, 2006, and 2003 Intemational Residential Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: ■ Exterior siding ■ Structural 2.0 USES LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding are used as exterior wall covering materials on buildings where combustible materials are permitted. LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding may be used as bracing method 3 for conventional wood -framed walls as specified in the 2006/200912012 IBC Section 2308.9.3 and IRC Section R602.10, or the WSP method as specified in the 2015 IBC Section 2308.6 and IRC Section R602.10. LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding may be used as sheathing for wood structural panel shear walls having allowable shear loads specified for PS2-compliant wood -based sheathing in accordance with 2003/2006 Reissued February 2016 Revised July 18, 2017 This report is subject to renewal February 2018. A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® IBC Section 2306.4.1, and 20091201212015 IBC Section 2306.3. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding are engineered - wood exterior wall covering materials that are suitable for long-term exposure to weather or conditions of similar severity, when fastened to vertical supports or approved natlable wood substrates In accordance with their span ratings and this evaluation report The lap siding and panel siding products consist of a mat -formed wood substrate preservatively treated with zinc borate in accordance with AWPA Standard T1, and a resin -impregnated overlay material banded to the face of thd lap and panel siding products intended to be exposed to the weather. Additionally, all panel and lap siding edges are factory - sealed with a sealer in accordance with the approved quality�controi manual. 3.2 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding is available in widths of 6, 8 and 12 Inches (152, 203 and 305 mm); categories'/a and 7/,e; and lengths of 12 to 16 feet (3658 to 4877 mm). The 6-Inch-wide, (203 mm), 7116 category lap siding is also available with an optional self -alignment edge. 3.3 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding is 4 feet (1219 mm) wide and 41 61 73 81 9 or 10 feet. (1219, 1829� 2134, 2438, 2743 or 3048 mm) in length LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Panel Siding is available in N, 7/1e, and 19/32 - categories. The 3/s category panel has grooves spaced at 8 inches (203 mm), with a minimum thickness at the grooves of 0.164 inch (4 mm) and a minimum thickness at the shiplap of 0.136 inch (4 mm). • The rile category panel has grooves spaced at 4 or 8 inches (102 or 203 mm), with a minimum thickness at the grooves of 0.235 inch (6 mm) and a minimum thickness at the shiplap of 0.150 inch (4 mm). The 79/32 category panel has .grooves spaced at 4 or 8 Inches (102 or 203 mm), with a minimum thickness at the grooves of 0.311 inch (8 mm) and a minimum shiplap thickness of 0.194 inch (5 mm). LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding is classified as Exterior Rated Siding or Exterior Rated Siding —Sheathing. The classification is noted in the label on the panel. Exterior Rated Siding is intended to be installed in applications In accordance with the 20061200912012 IBC Section 2308.9.3'and IRC Section A Copyright 020171CC Evaluation Service, I.I.C. All rights reserved. Page 1 of ESR-1301 I Most Widely Accepteoe:r. i7usted Page 2 of 7 R602.10 or 2015 IBC Section 2308.6 and 2015 IRC Section-R602.10-as-an exterior -siding -suitable for -long- term exposure to weather or conditions of similar severity. In addition to the intended application for Exterior Rated Siding, Exterior Rated Siding —Sheathing is intended to be installed in applications in accordance with 2003/20061BC Section 2306.4.1, and 2009/2012/20151BC Section 2306.3. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions (titled 'Application Instructions LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding) and this report In the event of conflicts, this report governs. A copy of the manufacturer's installation instructions must be on the jobsite at all times during installation. LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be Installed with an approved water -resistive barrier as required by the applicable code. Openings in, penetrations through, and terminations of the LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding are outside the scope of this report and must be specifically approved by the code official in accordance with the applicable code. Unless otherwise noted In this report, fasteners and fastener spacing must be as noted in the applicable code. 4.2 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding: LP SmartSide®- Strand Substrate Lap Siding must be attached td' framing members spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) bn center for'/a category siding and a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center for r/,seategory siding. Self -aligning LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding is installed with nails placed at the top of the LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding, 112 inch (13 mm) down from the upper edge. Each successive course of lap siding must rest on the back rabbet and must self -align at an overlap of "/is inch (21 mm). Nails must be of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum Of 1% inches (38 mm) through the sheathing and Into framing at each stud locatlon. 4.3. LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding: LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be installed with its long dimension oriented vertically. When LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding is applied directly to the framing, the maximum spacing of the framing must be consistent with the span rating of the LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding, which Is identified on the panel's label. Allowable loads for shearwalls sheathed with LP SmartSides Strand Substrate Panel Siding —Sheathing are noted in Table 1. Four-foot-by-8-foot (1219 mm by 2438 mm) LP SmartSides Strand Substrate Panel Siding —Sheathing installed vertically, directly to framing, with a single row of nails penetrating both laps, spaced 6 inches on center at panel edges and 12 inches (305 mm) on center at intermediate supports may be used to satisfy the wall bracing requirements for conventional light frame construction specified in_ the code —for prescriptive- -construdion. install per code requirements for bracing method 3 with wood structural panels or WSP bracing method All LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding joints must occur at framing members and must be protected with a continuous wood batt, approved caulking, flashing, or vertical or horizontal shiplap, or otherwise made waterproof. 4.4 Component and Cladding Wind Pressure Capacity: Maximum allowable component and cladding wind loads (wall, zone 5) for LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding based on a minimum fastener schedule, are provided in Tables 2 through 5. Tables 2 and 3, for lap and panel siding, respectively, are based on full fastener penetration into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration = fastener length - siding thickness. Tables 4 and 5 for lap and panel siding, respectively, are based on a minimum fastener penetration into the wall studs of 1'/2 inches. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the fotiowing conditions: 0.1 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding must not be used to satisfy the bracing requirements specified. in the code. 5.2 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding — Sheathing, when installed as set forth In this report, may be used as method 3 bracing specified in Section 2308.9 of the IBC and Section R60210 of the IRC, or. the WSP method as specified In 2015 IBC Section 2308.6 and IRC Section R502.10. 5.3 In areas where seismic analysis is required by the applicable code, the applicable code requirements for wood structural panel shear walls must be consulted for additional detailing requirements, restrictions concerning certain usages, required modifications to the allowable shear loads tabulated in this report, and, additional inspection requirements. 5.4 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must not be installed in contact with concrete or masonry. 5.5 LP SmartSide° Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be installed with a minimum 6 Inches (152 mm) of clearancefrom finished grade. 5.6 When field cuts are made to LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding, all exposed surfaces must be finished according to the paint or caulk/sealant manufacturers' specifications. 5.7 LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® Strand Substrate Panel Siding are manufactured by Louisiana-Pacific Corporation in Hayward, Wisconsin (Mill No. 357);' Newberry, Michigan (Mill No. 416); Tomahawk, Wisconsin (Mill No. 435); Two Harbors, Minnesota (Mill No. 399); and Swan Valley, Mindonas, Manitoba, Canada (Mill No. 457); under a quality -control program with inspections by ICC-ES. ESA-1301 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 7 ' 6.0_ EVIDENCESUBMITTED -- 1. - Mill -number. Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Treated -engineered -wood Siding (AC321), dated October 2005 (editorially revised December 2015). 7.0 IDENTIFICATION LP SmartSideo Strand Substrate Lap Siding and LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Panel Siding must be labeled with the product designation and the name of Louisiana- Pacific Corp. The stamp shall provide thefollowing information: 2. The evaluation report number (ESR-1301). 3. Gradelexposure. 4. Span rating. 5. Performance category (based on customary inch fractions). TABLE 1—ALLOWABLE RACKING SHEAR (plf) FOR LP SMARTSIDEa STRAND SUBSTRATE PANEL SIDING —SHEATHING SHEAR WALLS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING'''' PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MINIMUM NAIL PENETRATION IN FRAMING (inches) PANELS APPLIED DIRECTLY TO FRAMING Nail Size (Common or Galvanized Box) Nail Spacing at Panel Edges (inches) 6 4 3 2" 6/ s,s 1 11r 6d 180 270 350 450 r45,s 200 300 390 510 31e5ds I1& 8d 220 320 410 530 '/tea 240 350 450 585 19/'s 1518 10d 340 510 665" 870 For SI: 1 Inch =25.4 mm, 1 pit= 14.6 Wm. 'For framing of other species (a) Find specific gravity for specles of lumber in AF & PA National Design Specification; (b) find shear value from table for nails size; c) multiply value by 0.82 for species with specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.42 but less than 0.49. or 0.65 for species with specific figravity less than 0.42 All panel edges must be backed with 2-inch nominal or wider framing. Panels must be installed with the long dimension oriented in the vertical direction. Space nails 6 inches o.c. along Intermediate framing members for 319 category and 7/is category panels installed on studs spaced 24 inches c.c. For other conditions end panel thicknesses, space nails 12 inches o.c. on Intermediate supports 'The values are for shod -term loads due to wind ar earthquake (1330/6 increase) and must be reduced by 25 percent for normal duration of loading. `Framing at panel edges must be 3 inches nominal or wider and nails must be staggered where nails are spaced 2Inches o.c., and where 10d nails having penetration into framing of more than Isle inches are spaced 3 Inches, or less, o.c. Exception: Unless otherwise required. 2-1noh nominal framing may be used where full nailing surface Is available and nails are staggered. - sFxcept as noted in Footnote 7, panel thickness at part of nailing at panel edvges determines applicable shear values, =apt that 31e category panda nailed at shiplap edges use shear values far slfe category panels, and rile and loin category panel sidings rated at shiplap edges use shear values for 'le category panels. "Shiplap edges must be double -nailed; one nail must be placed in the underlap and a second nail must be placed in the overlap at the nall spacing specified far the applicable shear, value. 7Fasteners must not be Installed in panel siding grooves in the field of the panel siding or when On panel siding grooves occur at cut edges of the panel siding. TABLE 2a—LAP SIDING - MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, Vua'a PERFORMANCE CATEGORY ' MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACING° (inches) SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WIND PRESSURE (Psf) MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) WIND SPEED, V.,a" (mph) Wind Exposure Category B C D 31e 16 6 80 170 150 140 8 79 170 150 140 12 50 140 120 110 7 16 6 s0 170 150 140 8 76 170 ISO 130 12 49 140 1 120 110 116 24 6 71 170 145 130 8 51 155 120 110 12 32 110 1 90 90 For SI: 1 inch = 26A him, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph = 1.6 kph. 'One fastener per stud located '4 Inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must ovedap a minimum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 inches (8d box nail). nTabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration = fastener length - siding thickness. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2 of the 200912012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. ESR-1301 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted page 4 of 7 TABLE 2b—LAP SIDING -MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN -WIND. SPEED,.V,n''2 - PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUDSPACING' (inches) SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM _ ULTIMATEWIND PRESSURE (psi) MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED, V,p (mph) Wind Fxposu}e Category e C D 1/6 16 6 133 200 180 180 a 131 200 180 180 12 83 180 150 140 r/i6 16 6 133 200 180 180 8 127 200 180 160 12 81 180 150 140 - 24 6 119 200 180 160 8 85 180 150 140 12 54 140 120 115 For SI: 11nch'=25.4 min, 1 psf=47.88 Pa.1 mph =1.6 kph. 'One fastener par stud located 3/4 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 Inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.516hes (Sd box nail). 'Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the wall studs, I.e., fastener penetration =fastener length —siding thickness. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting.toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height In Zone 5 With smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1:1 of the 2012/2015 IBC. TABLE 3a—PANEL SIDING - MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) COMPONENTAND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„a' PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL FASTENER SPACING' MAXIMUM MAXIMUM NOMINAL CATEGORY STUDSPACING; (inches o.c.) ALLOWABLE WIND (ALLOWABLE) WIND SPEED, (inches) PRESSURE (psi) V.,(Mph) Edges Field Wind Exposure Category B C D 16 6 12 46 130 110 105 6 80 170 150 140 316 24 6 12 31 110 90 85. 6 61 150 130 12G ' 16 6 12 45 130 110 105 6 80 170 150 140 l/ie 12 30 110 90 85 24 6 6 59 150 130 120 16 6 12 41 130 110 100 6 80 170 150 140 191, 12 27 105 90 - 24 6 6 55 150 125 110 '1 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 min, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph =1.6 kph. 'Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener Into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration =fastener length —siding thickness. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0297 inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches �Sd box nail. Threesecond-gust; based an wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2 of the 200912012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 20091BC. . ESR-1301 I Most Wldely Accepter _:._ Trusted Page 5 of 7 TABLE 3b—PANEL SIDING - MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V a' PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL FASTENER SPACING° MAXIMUM ULTIMATE MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN CATEGORY STUDSPACING' (inches o.c.) WIND PRESSURE WIND SPEED, V„¢ (mph) (Inches) (psf) Edges Field Wind Exposure Category B C D 16 6 12 77 160 150 130 6 133 200 180 180 3/e 24 6 12 51 140 120 110 6 102 200 160 150 16 6 12 74 160 140 130 6 133 200 180 180 r ' 24 8 12 50 140 120 110 6 99 200 160 150 16 6 12 - 69 160 140 130 6 133 200 180 180 19/u 24 6 12 46 130 115 - 6 92 180 160 150 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, i psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph =1.6 kph. 'Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the wall studs, i.e., fastener penetration = fastener length -siding thickness. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2,5 Inches Cbox mul). ee-second-gust;.based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012/2015 IBC. TABLE 4a—LAP SIDING -MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED, V..d'"2 PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACING' (Inches) - SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WIND PRESSURE (Pat) MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) WIND SPEED, V„e4(mph) Wind Exposure Category e. C D 3/8 16 6 78 170 150 130 8 56 150 125 110 12 35 120 log 90 7 /16 16 6 78 170 150 130 8 56 150 126 110 12 35 120 100 g0 24 8 52 145 120 110 8 37 120 100 90 12 24 g0 - For SI: 1 Inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.88 Pa, 1 mph =1.6 kph. 'One fastener per stud located '4 Inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 Inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches (8d box nail). ''Tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of 1'/2 inches Into the wall studs. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. `Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30•feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05, Section R301.2 of the 2009/2012 IRC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009 IBC. ESR-1301 I Most Widely Accepted ana crusted Page 6 of 7 TABLE 4b—LAP SIDING- MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND.CLADDING- DESIGN -WIND SPEED,. V.a'''— --- PERFORMANCE CATEGORY MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACING' (inches) SIDING WIDTH (inches) MAXIMUM ULTIMATEWIND PRESSURE (PSO MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„a4(mph) Wind Exposure Category B C D '/a IS 6 130 200 180 180 8 93 180 160 150 12 59 150 130 120 r/16 16 6 130 200 180 180 8 93 160 160 150 12 59 150 130 120 24 6 86 ISO 160 140 6 62 160 130 120 12 39 120 - - ,orial. iu+di 25jnM,ipsr=4.88Pa,lmpn=1.6Kph. 'One fastener par stud located'14 Inch from the top edge -of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0297 Inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 inches (Bd box nail). 'Tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of 1%Inches Into the wall studs. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. - `Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 740 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 201212015180. TABLE 5a—PANEL SIDING -MAXIMUM NOMINAL (ALLOWABLE) COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEEn_ v__ 1 PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL FASTENER SPACING' MAXIMUM MAXIMUM NOMINAL CATEGORY STUD SPACING (inches o.c.) ALLOWABLE WIND (ALLOWABLE)WIND SPEED, (inches) PRESSURE (psf) V,.e4 (mph) Edges Field Wind Exposure Category B C D 16 .6 12 32 110 90 g0 6 65 150 130 126 31. 24 6 12 22 90 _ _ 6 43 130 110 100 16 6 12 32 110 90 90 6 66 , 150 130 125 111s 24 6 12 22 90 - - 6 43 130 110 100 . ' 16 6 12 32 110 90 90 6 65 150 130 125 +'/aa 24 g 12 22 90 - - 6 43 130 110 100 -• -•• , , pm - rr.00 r•a, 1 mpn = 1.d Kpn. 'Tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of 1'12 inches Into the wall studs. 'Wati studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 Inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches Cbox nail). ee-second-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet In Zane 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 ofASCE 7-05, Section R3012 of the 2009/20121RC, and Section 1609.1.1 of the 20D91BC, ' ESP-1301 I Most Widely Acceptea and Trusted Page 7 of 7 TABLE 5b—PANEL SIOING -MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WINO.SPEED,_V„R' PERFORMANCE CATEGORY . MAXIMUM WALL STUD SPACING (inches) FASTENERS PACING" ' (Inches o.c.) MAXIMUMULTIMATE WIND PRESSURE (psi) MAXIMUM. ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED, V„n (mph) Edges Field Wind Exposure Category B C D 3/e 16 6 12 . 54 140 120 115 6 108 200 160 160 24 6 12 36 120 - - 6 72 160 140 130 r/ra 16 fi 12 54 140 120 115 6 108 200 160 160 24 6 12 36 120 - - 6 72 16o 140 130 19/,. 16 6 12 54 140 120 115 6 108 200120 160 160 24 6 12 36 - - 6 1 72 1 160 140 130 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 psf = 47.86 Pa, 1 mph =1.6 kph. ''Tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of 1'/2 inches Into the wall studs. Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42. 'Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 (nch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 Inch and a minimum length of 2.5 Inches (8d box nail). 'Three -second -gust; based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012/2015 IBC. DISCLAIMER APA Product Report is a trademark of APA — The Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma, Washington. [CC -ES Evaluation Report is a trademark of [CC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES). The information contained herein Is based on the product evaluation in accordance with the references noted in this report. Neither ICC-ES, nor APA or Its members make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the use, application of, and/or reference to opinions, findings, concluslons, or recommendations Included in this report The joint [CC-ES/APA Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. Consult the local Jurisdiction or design professional to assure compliance with code, construction, and performance requirements. Because neither APA, nor ICC-ES, has any control over quality of workmanship or the conditions under which engineered woad products are used. It cannot accept responsibiity for product performance or designs as actually constructed. Application -Instructions — Fiber Substrate losmknsk Lap Siding t� • TWU RS1u1Ntc A- Perfection Shingle Lap Siding - Store off the ground well supported, on a flat well -drained • Additional support may be required to achieve a safe clearance from the ground. • Store products under a roof orseparate waterproof covering. (Diagram ta) • When the waterproof covering is removed, cut all unit banding. • Keep siding clean and dry. Inspect prior to installation. la `PREF'ARATR7N ` ate' General • r •T • At the time of manufacture, siding meets or exceeds the performance standards setforth In Composite Panel Association ANSI 135.6 and has achieved code recognition under FSR-3090 and CCMC 12353-L For copies of these reports, call LP Customer Support at 800-648-6893 or go online at https✓/lpcorp.com/resources/product-literature/#. • LP's application instructions describe the minimum requirements needed to assure LPm SmartSide Limited Warranty coverage. • Failure to follow the LP application instructions could result in reduced productservice life and may lead to denial of Before You Begin • Minimum 6 inch clearance must be maintained between siding and finish grade. • Siding applied adjacent to porches, patios, walks, etc. must have a clearance of at least 1 Inch above any surface. • Siding must not be In direct contact with masonry, concrete, brick, stone, stucco or mortar. Backer rod is recommended to properly space materials at these location. • Minimum 1 inch clearancefrom roof surfaces. (Diagram 2a) • Apply siding in a mannerthat prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • All exposed wood substrate must be sealed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water build up. To achieve this, use primer, paint, sealant and flashings as follows in these application instructions. • Do not use staples. • Siding is designed to be installed directlyto wood structural panel wall sheathing. PA3EQRAT101!f n Trim should be thick enough so the siding does not extend beyond the face of the trim. • Trim and fascia must be applied in a manner that will not allow moisture intrusion or water buildup. Moisture Control Moisture control and moisture vapor control are critical elements of proper housing design and construction. Check your local building codes for application procedures for handling moisture and water vapor in your area. Follow all applicable building code specifications relating to prevention of moisture intrusion Into the wall assembly. LPI SmartSide° siding is a wood product, and, as with all wood products, must be kept free from excessive moisture. Lack of proper ventilation; exposure to constant or repetitive sources of water such as sprinklers, condensation, inadequate flashing; improper sealing; or failure to follow common building practices that prevent moisture intrusion into the wall system may cause damage, and products subject to such treatment will be excluded from warranty coverage. As with all wood products, do not apply engineered wood siding to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such as drying concrete, plaster, or wet blown cellulose insulation. If such conditions exist, the building should be well ventilated to allow it to dry prior to the ap plication of the siding. - Gutters with kick -out flashing and eave drip edge are recommended for control of roof water runoff. Flashing, Windows, Doors & Openings - All openings must be properly sealed or flashed in a mannerthat prevents moisture Intrusion or buildup. Several examples that accomplish this are shown on the following pages. Secondary Water -Resistant Barrier • A properly installed breathable water -resistive barrier is required behind the siding. Consultyour local building code for details. LP will assume no responsibility for water penetration, or damage It may cause. Water Run -Off Control -Properly installed flashing materials will help direct water away from common water collecting areas. All flashing material shall be metal or another durable material that under normal outdoor environmental conditions will last fora period of not less than 50 years. All flashing materials must have a minimum 4Inch upper leg. Add a inch wide adhesive flashing to flashing legs less than 4 Inches. • Properly integrate flashing with the secondary WRB. Use housewrap, 2a flashing tape, kickout flashing, step flashing, Z-flashing, drip edge, gutters or other items as needed to maintain the counter -flashing principle. • Install kickout flashing to direct the water into the gutter. (Diagram 2a) • Install stepflashing'that has a minimum 4 inch upper leg. (Diagram 2a) • Maintain a minimum i Inch clearance between the end of the gutter and the adjoining wall to allow for proper maintenance of the siding. (Diagram 2b) • Do not extend the siding or trim into the kickoutflashing or gutter. • Prime and paint ALL exposed cut edges of siding. clearance • For the cleanest cut and longer blade life, a fine-tooth carbide tipped blade is recommended. • Siding Is manufactured with a special edge coating which reduces moisture -related issues. If siding is ripped you must take special care to prime, paint and seal all exposed wood fiber as described in the finishing section. • Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the blade cuts downward on the primed or prefinished surface. • Do not miter edges. General Application Equipment Ring Shank Diameter a:0.092" Hot -Dipped Galvanized CONDITION CORRECTION ����,�,,Y1fi�� Snug 't:l{,}._ ,�nf1x OKFy..•',J1}rli�� Flush OK Visible Fiber Paint Countersunk 1/Rmm-3 mm) ApplySealant Countersunk Countersunun k '/QS Apply Sealant a, more than 1/8"(3 mm) {RAJ re -nail Table 3a Fastening instructions - Sheathing Only • Install over wood structural panels a minimum 7/16 Category with an APA° Trademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC PS 1 or PS 2. Exception: LP° FlameBloce Fire -Rated OSB Sheathing. Fastener length: Long enough tofully penetrate wood structural panel sheathing by at least 1/4 inch. Ensure that the ring shanks of the fastener fully engage the wood structural panel sheathing. (Diagram 3a) • Fastener placement: A minimum 3/4 inch down froin top edge of siding. Fasteners shall be placed 1 inch from ends, excluding the width of the shiplap. (Diagram 3a) Fastener spacing: Space ring shank nails a maximum of 8 inches o.c. across the top of siding. (Diagram 4a) Use a minimum 0.092 inch diameter shank, hot -dipped galvanized or stainless steel ring shank nail. Fasteners shall be corrosion resistant and capable of preventing rust, stain and deterioration under normal outdoor environmental conditions for a period of no less than 50 years. 3a Fasteners: Minimum 0,092Inch diameter, hot -dipped galvanized (ASTM A-153) or stainless steel ring shank nail. Apply and correct overdriven nails as shown in Table 3a. Sealant: Use an exterior -quality, non - hardening, paintable sealant. Use a Class 25 or higher exteriorsealant meeting the ASTM C920 Standard for Specification for Elastomerlc Joint Sealants. Follow the sealant manufacturer's instructions for application. Paint: An exterior -quality 100% acrylic latex paint, specially formulated foruse on wood and engineered wood substrates, Is highly recommended. Semi -gloss or satin finish oll or alkyd paints are acceptable. -For flat alkyd paint, please check with the coating manu cturerfortheirrecommendationsfor use on composite wood siding. 3W min. (19 mm) Nail fully penetration sheathing at least 1/4" (6 mm) Reveal 5-1/2" to 6-1/2'� (140 mm to 165 mm) Water - Resistive Barrier 1-1/2"min. (38 mm) — overlap Fastening Instructions - Sheathing Only (continued) • Apply siding to wall assembly directly to wood structural panel sheathing. • Begin by nailing a starter strip (approximately 3/8 inch thick x 1-1 /2 Inch wide) flush with bottom edge of sill plate. • Starting from left to right, level and install the siding so the bottom edge is no more than 1/2 inch below the starter strip. • Use the alignment bead in shiplap edge as a spacing guide. Do not overlap the alignment bead. (Diagrams 4b & 5b) To obtain the best staggered joint appearance of siding, cut and fasten the starter pieces of each course according to the following steps: o Cut -1st course starter piece 3/4 Inch from the left, this will remove only the top shiplap from the overall length of panel, o Cut 2nd course starter piece 13 Inches from the left, that measurement includes the length of the shiplap, o Cut 3rd course starter piece 6 Inches from the left, that measurement Includes the length of the shiplap, o Cut 4th course starter piece B inches from the left, that measurement includes the length of shiplap, o Repeat this same sequence every four courses. (Diagram 4a) Lap a minimum of 1-1/2 inches. This will vary based on siding reveal selected. Reveal can be between 5-1/2to 6-1/2 inches. The siding should fit against corner trim boards leaving a 3/16 inch space, the opposite shiplap edge Is facing up to receive the next piece of siding. Place first fastener 1•(25 mm) from end, then nail approximately Corner trim 8"o.c. max. (20.3 cm), leaving last fastener 1"(25 mm) from end Shiplap edge with Cut off B" alignment bead (2o.3 a. ) from left side i 4 4th course m Be! i �nF 4c 4 Alternative Fastening Option: Rigid Foam Insulation over Furring Strips, or on Concrete/Masonry Walls over Furring Strips Install over a minimum ix4 nominal size Southern Pine furring strips with a specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.55, no morethan 16 inches o.c. in wind speed areas less than or equal to 200 mph. Fastened with a minimum 0.120 inch shank diameter, hot dip galvanized (ASTM A153) or stainless steel ring shank nail. Nail a minimum 3/4 Inch down from top edge of the siding. • Lap a minimum of 1-1/2 inches. This Will vary based on siding reveal selected. Reveal can be 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 inches. • Blind nail with a minimum of two ring shank nails per furring strip. (Diagram 6a) - Shiplap joints shall occur over furring strips. (Diagram 6a) • Fastener length shall fully penetrate a minimum 1 /2 inch into furring strips. Caution: fastener shall not bottom out on a masonry wall leaving the fastener headless than flush with the face of trim or siding. • Siding shall be installed to safely resist all loads, Including wind loads, of the locally adopted building codes. The Installation of siding shall result in a system that provides a load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of origin through the load -resisting elements to the structure. The mechanical connection of the furring strip to structure is the responsibility of a design professional. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the design of the mechanical connection of the furring strip to the structure and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. • The 2015-IRC and 2014 Florida Residential Code require a water-resistant barrier be used on all exterior walls, except over concrete or masonry walls per Exception 1 in Section R703.1,1 of both Codes. LP always requires the use of a WRB behind LP° SmartSidee products. LP will assume no responsibility for any damage or condition arising from a failure to use a WRB. • Louisiana-Pacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or condition arising from the use of rigid foam insulation 6a • Minimum 2 fasteners per furring strip • Minimum 4 fasteners per furring strip at shiplap joint iM Instructions • Prime all exposed wood substrate before painting. • Thoroughly paint the bottom edges of siding, especially all cut ends next to the roof line. • Apply paint as soon as possible and within 180 days of application. • Followthe coating manufacturer's application and maintenance instructions. DO NOT USE: • Seml-transparent and transparent stain. • Shake and shingle paints. • Vinyl -based resin formulas such as vinyl acetate, PVA, Vinyl acetate/acrylic copolymer paints. CAUTION: HANDLE PREFINISHED LP SMARTSIDE PRODUCTS WITH EXTREME CARE DURING STORAGE AND APPLICATION. TOUCH UP ANY DAMAGETO THE FINISH THAT MAY OCCUR DURING APPLICATION PER PREFiNISHERS SPECIFICATIONS. LIMITED WARRANTY The Louisiana-Pacific Corporatfon ("LP' LP" SmartSfde•Trim and Siding (the"Prroducts") Limited Warranty (the "Warranty°) applies only to structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and maintained In accordance with the published application, finishing and maintenance instructions In effect at the time of application. Products affected by a fallure to follow such application, finishing or maintenance Instructions (Affected Products) will be excluded from coverage under the Warranty. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the Affected Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or . owner from any such loss or liability. Any modification of the Warranty or the application, finishing and maintenance requirements Is void unless approved in writing by LP prior to application. For a copy of the warranty or Installation andtechnicalsuppomvisittheLPWeb site at; WWW.Ipcorp.com WARRANTY REMEDIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. or for additional support call 80045Ml 06, Cal. Prop 65 Warning: Use of this product may result in exposure to wood dust, known to the State of California to.cause cancer. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation 414 Union Street, Suite 2000 Nashville,TN 37219 wwwJpcorp.com www.lpsmartside.com Q 2017 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation. All rights reserved: LP, SmartSide, and FlameBlock are registered trademarks of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation. APA Is a registered trademark of APA-The Engineered Wood Association.. NOTICE: Louisiana-Pacific Corporation periodically updates and revises Its product Information. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. To verify that this veisfon is current, call 8004506106. LPZB0766 7117 go _Wm ILOW me BUILDING PRODUCTS LP® SmartSide®38 Series Strand Substrate Vertical Siding for Board & Batten Applications This Technical Note provides guidance for the application of LP11 SmartSide° 38 Series Strand Substrate Vertical Siding for Board & Batten Applications. Additional application information may be found in LP® SmartSide° Strand Substrate Panel Siding Application instructions and LPI SmartSide° Trim and Fascia Application Instructions. LP SmartSide 38 Series Strand Substrate Vertical Siding for Board & Batten applications; according to the following requirements. ■ Siding must be installed over a minimum 7/16 Category wood structural panels with an APA Trademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC PS 1 or PS 2. Exception: LP® FlameBlock® Fire -Rated OSB Sheathing ■ Vertical Siding or Batten may only span one plate -to -plate. Due to plate shrinkage, each vertical application is not to span beyond one floor to ceiling distance, or one floor to top of gable distance. (See Figures 4 & 5) • Vertical Siding SHALL NOT be installed horizontally. • Battens must be a minimum 0.5 x 2.5 Inches actual size. ■ Finish/Paint: o Prime and paint all field cuts and exposed ends following the paint manufacturer's instructions ■ Vertical Siding must be, spaced a minimum of 3/16 (See Figure 3) • Sealant is not required in any vertical joint covered by Batten and backed by a WRB. • Minimum Fastener Type for Vertical Siding: o Corrosion Resistant — Hot -dipped galvanized (ASTM A153) or stainless steel o Ring Shank o Shank diameter = 0.091 inch o Head diameter=0.221 inch o Length = fastener shall belong enough to fully penetrate structural panel sheathing. Ensure that the ring shanks of the nail fully engage the wood structural panel wall sheathing. — Caution: Choose a fastener length that will not damage wiring or other utilities in the exterior wall assembly Page 1 of 5 Date Created: 121221201 a Last Revision: nla 6DDRfi86 414 Union Stmet Suite 2000 Nashville, TN (6153986-5606 P]A (615) 9emms WED viviw.IPcorp.c • Fastener Placement for Vertical Siding: o Maximum 3/8 inch from ends and edges (See Figure 2) ■ Fastener Spacing for Vertical Siding: o Fastened a maximum of 6 o.c. along the perimeter (See Figure 2) • .Minimum Fastener Type for Batten: o Corrosion Resistant - Hot -dipped galvanized (ASTM A153) or stainless steel o Ring Shank - Ring Shank nails provide superior resistance to fastener pull -through. In Hurricane -Prone Regions or locations where negative wind, loads are a concern, ring shank nails should be used. - Trim nails may be used in other locations with the following cautions: Do not overdrive or counter sink the fastener, nail flush with the surface of batten. Batten nails shall be installed per the length, placement, spacing and quantity requirements listed in this document. Detachment of batten is not covered by the LP SmartSide limited warranty whether ring shank or trim nails are used. o Shank diameter = 0.091 inch o Head diameter = 0.221 inch o Length = fastener shall be long enough to fully penetrate Vertical Siding - Caution: Choose a fastener length that will not damage wiring or other, utilities in the exterior wall assembly • Fastener Placement for Battens: o Maximum 318 inch from ends and edges (See Figure 1) • Fastener Spacing for Battens: o Fastened with two nails at both ends, with additional fasteners spaced a maximum of 12 inches o.c. along alternating edges the length of the batten (See Figure I) ■ Do not bridge floors with Vertical Siding or Battens. Create a horizontal joint between floors. (See Figure 4) ■ Vertical Siding must be applied in a manner that will not -allow moisture intrusion or water buildup. • Refer to LP° SmartSide° Strand Substrate Panel Siding Application Instructions and LP" SmartSidem Trim and Fascia Application Instructions for additional application information. Page 2 of 5 Date Created 12(2212016 Last Revision: n/a ADDRESS 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN TEL (615)988-6600 M (615)986-5386 Wa mwfpm'pmrn Batten LP® SmartSide° Trim/Batten 12" o.c. max: 3/8" max. from ends and edges Figure 1 Page 3 of 5 Date Created: 12J2 016 Last Revision: We Verticai Siding Figure 2 LP° SmartSide° Vertical Siding 3/8" max. from ends and edges G" o.c. max. ADD%Fse 4149niOn Street Su to 2oca Neshvllle. TN TL+r. (615) see -Saco Mx (615)se6.5666 WEB w .lpcorp.00m Figure 3 Date Gealed:_12I2212015 Last Revision: n1a Page 4 of 5 LP' SmartSide® Trim/Batten LP° SmartSide° Vertical Siding min. 3/16" space Water -Resistive Barrier Wall Sheathing Fastener. AUDRSSS 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN TZL (615)986-5600 P9% (615) 986-5666 WEB wwh.lpmry.com Two Story One Floor to Ceiling Horizontal Joint between Floors LP' SmartSide& Trim/Batten LP° SmartSide° Vertical Siding 4" Wide Adhesive Flashing ed Metal Z-flashing Floor Sheathing Wall Sheathing Water -Resistive Barrier Floor Framing artSide° I Siding artSide® atten — Figure 4 Page 5 of 5 Date Created: 12122/2016 Last Revision: n/a one Story One Plate -to -Plate Figure 5 ADDRESS 4%Union Stwt - SUIW 2000 Nashville, TN TEL (615)986-6600 PAX (616)986-6666 AYES WM.,pmrP.=M I W, R BUILDING PRODUCTS Installing LP® SmartSide°Trim and Lap Siding on Concrete or Masonry Walls over Furring Strips in Florida (V It Wind Speeds) This Technical Note is an addendum to the LP° SmartSide® Trim and Fascia, and LPm SmartSide® Lap siding Application Instructions ("Instructions"). It is intended to provide an alternative fastening option for LP SmartSide trim and lap siding on concrete or masonry walls over furring strips. The Instructions remain effective except as may be modified by this Note. Refer to the Instructions for all other aspects of product installation. Trim and lap siding may be installed on concrete or masonry walls over furring strips: ■ Trim and lap siding must be installed over a minimurn 1x4 nominal size Southern Pine furring strips with a specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.55. o Install furring strips no more than 16"o.c. in wind speed areas less than or equal to 200 MPH' • Siding shall be installed to safely support all loads, including wind loads, of the locally . adopted building codes. The installation of siding shall result in a system that provides a load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of origin throughthe load -resisting elements to the structure. The mechanical connection of the furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure is the responsibility of a design professional. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the design of the mechanical connection of the furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. e Minimum Fastener Type: o Corrosion Resistant —Hot Dipped Galvanized or equal (ASTM A153)2 o RingShank3 o Shank diameter = 0.120 inch o Head diameter = 0.270 inch o Length =fastener shall fully penetrate a minimum 1/2 inch into nailable furring Caution: fastener shall not bottom out on masonry wall leaving the fastener headless than flush with the face of trim or siding. Pagel of3 Date Created: 1210412015 Last Revision: 12117/2015 ADDREN 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN TEL (615) 986-5000 ''tix (615) M-5666 \VLe w-Ipwrp.com r M The 2012 IRC and 2014 Florida Residential Code require a water-resistant barrier be used on all exterior walls, except over concrete or masonry walls per Exception 1 in Section R703.1.1 of both Codes. LP always requires the use of a WRB behind LP° SmartSide° products. LP has no responsibility for any damage arising from a failure to use a WRB, Lap Siding ■ Limitations: o For use with Strand substrate lap (all widths) and/or Fiber substrate lap (up to 8 inches wide only) o Excluding Cedar Shake Fiber Lap, Bold Profiles Fiber Lap, Self -Aligning Fiber Lap, and SmartLock'" Strand Lap Fastening Requirements; o Place fasteners 3/4 inch from top edge of lap siding o Increase minimum lap siding overlap to 1-1/8 inch o Blind nail two fasteners per furring strip (every 16" o.c.) Page 2 of 3 Date Created: 12104/2015 Last Revlslon: 12117/2015 ADDRESS 414 Union Street Suite 2000 Nashville, TN M (615)988.5600 FAX (615)086-5866 WEE w Jpcmp.00m Trim Limitations: In Florida where high negative wind loads are a concern, box or common nails should be used. . — Trim nails may be used in Non -Hurricane -Prone Regions with:the following cautions: Do not overdrive or countersink the fastener, nail flush with the surface of trim. Detachment of trim'is not covered by the LP® SmartSide® limited warranty whether common, box, or trim nails are used. Fastening Requirements: o Two fasteners spaced a maximum of every 24 inches o.c. along the length of the trim, or two fasteners at both ends with additional fasteners spaced a maximum of every 12 inches o.c. along alternating edges the length of the trim. o Trim under 7 inches wide use a minimum of 2 nails per width. Trim 7to 12 inches wide use a minimum of 3 nails per width. Trim over 12 inches wide use a minimum of 4 nails per width. 'Wind speed is Ultimate Design Wind Speed/ Zone S/ 10 ftZ/ 30 foot height. See 2014 FRC. z Corrosion resistance and capable of preventing rust, stain and deterioration of the fasteners under normal outdoor environmental conditions for a period of no less than 50 years. For further information or guidance, consultyour nail supplier/manufacturer. 3 Ring shank nails shall be capable of the performance specified in Table 1A Rine -Shank Nail Withdrawal Loads of APA publication TT-109, Wood Structural Panels Used as NailableSheathing when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1761, Standard Test MethodforMechanical Fasteners in Wood and NDS-2015. For further information or guidance, consult your nail supplier/manufacturer. Page 3 of 3 Date Created: 12104/2015 Last Revision: 12/1712015 .ADDHWS 414 Union Street suns 2000 NashvUle. TN (615) 98G5600 148 (615) 986-5666 tvID w ,Ipwip. m e , Florida Building Code Onlir� - Page 1 of 1 - JAN-1-b-2019 - ' 6 far Mill ON, ST. Lucie County, Permittin 'gzI'l` - BCISHome Lepin User Registre0on : H.tTopia i Submit Swrhaye i Scroa&Facts I Publications � Come BQssiteMap I Unks Search d bar �Protluct Approval SCANNED F USER: Public User ro Pduro Product ADDval Menu > product or_- Anolagry �iy�/�Be p Applimean Ust St. Lucie County, Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2017 FL# z10456 Z- Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALLl µ" Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL _ Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Recune _ en..u..x:,...� fig Tvbe Manufacture__r Validated BV Status FL10456-R4 Revision Simpson Strong -Tie Co. Ted Berman, PE Approved History FL#: FL10456.2 (305) 868-4707,® Model: HS, H10A, H30-2, H2.5A, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7Z DescriptionnHurficaneTies'-1-,.' Category: Structu'al Components -Annmw,l ev f ua. annm...'. Subcategory: Wood Connectors ,..' neee ..... contact n 2601 Blair Sam RDatl Ta Ph,,,- 850-487-1824 Tile State of Flarida Is an AA/ employer. Crssydaht 2007- 013 Start of gouda.:: Privacy Statement ;; Ac Imlisv Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. if you do not want your a -mall address released In response to a public -records na u nt, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395`%--Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Padda Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide the eep.mment with an email address if they have one. The malls provided may be used for official communication with Me licensee. Howaveremail addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the cerement with an email address which can be made available to one public. To determine If you are a licensee under chapter 455, F.S., please dick Product Appmval Accepts: ® IN ® KR napze�� altz Sccurlil'1.111.rl c, https://www.floridabuilding.org/_nr/pr app lst.aspx rli??/?nlR Florida Building Code Onlin=- Page 1 of 3 Y k i 1 M ..A.-T'8"" _�. -wz [+ .r �. .,. _. �_ .yam. �y�' J�r/''j-•,-.. T�° "' aOS Hume Loy In User Regis�tlon Mat TOPbs submit Sulcbarye Stats 4 Facts Publications Contact Us' Ili See Map Unlo Searth d Hb r Product Approval USER: Public User Pmtl "R Ac--v-1 ML,> PrucM ar AneR ,N > poellCtMn nR ) A..11-9nn .—I, FL if Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Evaluation Entity Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence FL10456-R4 Revision 2017 Approved "Approved by DSPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Simpson Strong -Tie Co. 2221 Country Lane McKinney, TX 75070 (800)999-5099tp Ext 3027 kcullum@strongtie.wm Kelth Cullum kcullum@strongtie.com Keith Cullum 2221 Country Lane McKinney, TX 75069 (800) 999-5099LGT Ext 3027 kcullum@stmngtie.com Shelby Short S956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 (800) 999-5099,% short@s=ngtie.com Structural Components Wood Connectors Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Benchmark Holdings, LL.C. 12/31/2018 Ted Berman, PE J Validation Checklist - Hardcapy Received FL10456 R4 COI ICC-E5 Cert of Independence 2017-1 -06 odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard year AISI S300 2012 ANSI/AWC NDS 2015 ASTM D7147 2005 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code https://Www.floridabuildiniz.orL,/nr/nr ann fitlasnY?nnrmmwrPIrV L.Ar%-,,A,n-TvcTno_ un..Ann10 Florida Building Code Onlin, Page 2 of 3 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products Method 1 Option C 12/13/2017 12/17/2017 12/19/2017 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 10456.1 DSP, SSP Stud to Plate tie Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions ELL 0456 R4 fi FSR-2613,ril, Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Other: In HVHZ, If using DSP with 10d:r1.5' nails to sill Evaluation Reports FL10456 R4 AF ESR-2613 odf Plate, DSP with 10d common nails in SPF/HF lumber, or ESP to resist roof uplift provide supplemental connection to achieve minimum 700 lbs. uplift 104562`6'yy;¢ HI, H10A, H10-2, H2,SA, H3, H4, Hurricane Ties HS, H6, H7Z Limits of Use Approvea for use In HVHZ Yes> j Installation Instructions Approved fouuse outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A FL10450 R4 TI SR-161 v oda Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Other. In HVHZ, If using HI, H2.SA, H3, H4, or H5 to resist EL1046 R4 A R- 6T df roof uplift, 2 connectors or supplemental connection must be used to achieve min. 700 lbs. uplift. 10456.3 HGT-2, HGr-3, HGr-4 Heavy Girder Tiedown Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Installation Instructions FL10456 R4 fi SR-2613 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ..dr Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Other: Evaluation Reports FL10456 R4 AE ESR- 61 df 10456.4 HS24 Hurricane Tie Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL10456 R4 II R- 61 df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: In HVHZ, If used to resist roof uplift provide EL30456 R4 AE ESR-2613,odf supplemental connection to achieve minimum 700 lbs. uplift 10456.S HTSI6, HTS20, HITS24, HTS28, Heavy Twist Strap HTS30, HTS30C Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL10456 R4 TI R-261 df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified ey: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL19456 R4 AS ESR-2611D_df 10456.6 LFTA tight Floor Tie Anchor Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes F 104 6 R4 II SR- 61 .wf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL10456 R4 AE ESR-761ap& 10456.7 LTS12, LTS16, LTS18, LTS20 tight Twist Strap Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes EL10456 R4 iI R- 613= Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure! N/A Evaluation Reports FL10456 R4 AF FSR-2611p& https://www.floridabuildiniz.org/nr/nr ann Aft "I'11n.., r ionaa tsuuaing t oae vnitne rage .3 uL j Other: In HVHZ, if used to resist roof uplift provide _-_ supplemental_coonection to.achieveminimum 700.lbs—uplift-I--- - - 10456.6 MT512, MTS16, MTS18, MTS20, Medium Twist Strap MTS30 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL10456 R4 11 ES11-2613.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant N/A Created by Independent Third Party; Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL10456 R4 AE ESR-2613 odf 10456.9 RSP4 Stud to Plate Connector Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL10456 R4 11 ESR-2613.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: In HVHZ, if used to resist roof uplift provide FL10456 R4 AE ESR-2613 odf supplemental connection to achieve minimum 700 lbs. uplift 10456.10 SPl, SP2, SP4, SP6, SP8 Stud Plate Tie Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL10456 R4 11 ESR-2613 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure: N/A Other: In HVHZ, If using SPI, to resist roof uplift provide Evaluation Reports FL10456 R4 AQ 15511-2613.0df supplemental connection to achieve minimum 700 Its. uplift 10456.11 SPH4, SPH6, SPH8 Heavy Stud Plate Tie Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL10456 R4 II ESR-2613 odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service, LLC Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL10456 R4 AR ESR-2613.9df correct Ut:: 2601 Blair Stone Rom, Tallahassee R 32399 Phmai 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/M employer Under Honda law, email addressed are W bnc records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contest Me once by phone or by M Miners] mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.139S& -pursuant to session 455.275(1), Florida Stables, effective Ottaber 1, 2012, homes" 0censed under chapter 455, F.S. must provide Me Department with an email address if they have one. The emalh provided may be used for offidal communication with Me Iirensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a persona address, please provide no Department with an email address which ran be made available M Me public. To determine B you are a Ilrensee under chapter 455, F.S., Produce Approval Accepts Credit Card Safe https://www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqudsDdH6148z... 6/22/2018 DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES SECTION: 06 05 23—WOOD, PLASTIC, AND COMPOSITE FASTENINGS REPORT HOLDER: SIMPSON STRONG -TIE COMPANY INC. 5956 WEST LAS POSITAS BOULEVARD PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 EVALUATION SUBJECT: SIMPSON STRONG -TIE® HURRICANE AND SEISMIC STRAPS AND TIES FOR WOOD FRAMING ICC ICC ICC Look for the trusted marks of Conformityl 2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) Award in Excellence" A Subsidiary of ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addresses nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implies{ as 40 to anyfinding or other matter in This report, or as to anyproduct covered by the report. Copyright 0 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, I.I.C. All rights reserved. IMES Evaluation Report ESR-2613 Reissued June 2017 Revised December 13, 2017 This report is subject to renewal June 2018, www.loc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 05 23—Wood, Plastic, and Composite Fastenings REPORT HOLDER: SIMPSON STRONG -TIE COMPANY INC. 5956 WEST LAS POSITAS BOULEVARD PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 (800) 9265099 WM .stronotie.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: SIMPSON STRONG -TIE® HURRICANE AND SEISMIC STRAPS AND TIES FOR WOOD FRAMING 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 Intemational Building Code® (IBC) ■ 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) Property evaluated: Structural 2.0 USES The Simpson Strang -Tie hurricane and seismic straps and ties described in this report are used as wood framing connectors in accordance with Section 2304.10.3 of the 2015 IBC and Section 2304.9.3 of the 2012. 2009 and 2006 IBC. The products may also be used in structures regulated under the IRC when an engineered design is submitted in accordance with Section R301.1.3 of the IRC. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: The Simpson Strong -Tie hurricane and seismic straps and ties recognized in this report are installed to resist design forces on wood -frame construction resulting from the application of the most critical effects of the load combinations prescribed by code that include wind or seismic loads. 3.1.1 Hurricane Ties: Hurricane ties are used to anchor wood rafters or joists to wood wall plates or studs or to anchor wood studs to wood sill plates. The H6 and H7Z ties are formed from No. 16 gage galvanized steel; the H1, H2.5A, H3, H5, H10A, and 1110-2 ties are formed from No. 18 gage galvanized steel; and the H4 tie is formed from No. 20 gage galvanized steel. See Table 1 for tie model numbers, tie dimensions, fastener schedules, and allowable loads. See Figures la and lb for illustrations of the hurricane ties recognized in this report, and Figure 1c for illustrations of installation configurations with designated allowable load directions. 3.1.2 HS24 Hurricane Tie: The HS24 hurricane tie anchors wood rafters or trusses to wood wall top plates. The HS24 connector is formed from No. 18 gage galvanized steel. See Table 2 for required fasteners and allowable loads. See Figure 2 for a drawing of the HS24 tie and a typical installation detail. 3.1.3 LTS, MTS, and HTS Series Twist Straps: The LTS, MTS, and HTS series twist straps are used to anchor wood trusses or rafters to wood wall double top plates, woad studs, wood beams, or woad rim boards. The LTS, MTS, and HTS series twist straps are formed from No. 18, No. 16, and No. 14 gage galvanized steel, respectively. See Table 3 for strap model numbers, overall strap lengths, required fasteners, and allowable uplift loads when installed with different fastener schedules. See Figure 3 for a drawing of an LTS12 twist strap and two typical MTS strap installations. 3.1.4 LFTA Light Floor Tie Anchor: The LFTA light floor tie anchor is used as a floor -to -floor tension tie and is formed from No. 16 gage galvanized steel. See Table 4 for anchor be dimensions, required fasteners, and the assigned allowable uplift load. See Figure 4 for a drawing of the LFTA connector. 3.1.5 SP and SPH Series Stud Plate Connectors: The SP1 connector fastens one edge of a wood stud to the contiguous edge of a wood sill plate, and the SP2 connector fastens to one side of a wood double top plate and to the contiguous edge of a wood stud. The SP4, SP6, SP8, SPH4, SPH6, and SPH8 are 11/4-inch-wide (32 mm) U-shaped straps with a horizontal portion that bears against the wood wall top plates or sill plates and two vertical legs that are nailed to the edges of a wood stud. The SP and SPH connectors are fabricated from No. 20 and No. 18 gage galvanized steel, respectively. See Table 5 for SP and SPH models, connector dimensions, required fasteners, and allowable uplift loads. See Figure 5 for drawings of the SP1 and SP2 connector, and of typical stud -to -plate connection details for the SP1, SP2, SP4, and SPH4 connectors. 'CC-ESEva/uailon Eepartr are not to be conthuedas mpresentingauthedvoratyotheraitributesnnrspecimflyaddr ed, mum they to be construed as an emlonemeni of the subject of the report or a recommendation for/a use. There it no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to atryflnomir or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright0 2o171CC Evaluation Service, LLC. All dghts reserved. Pagel ofll ESR-2613 1 Most IMdelyAcceptc, _ �.d Trusted Page 2 of 11 3.1.6 RSP4 Reversible Stud Plate Ties: The RSP4 tie _plates_are_used_to _connect-a-nom inally-2-inch-wide-wood- stud to either a top or sill plate of a wood framed wall. The RSP4 tie connector is fabricated from No. 20 gage galvanized steel. See Table 6 for required fasteners and allowable loads. See Figure 6a for a drawing of the RSP4 connector showing overall dimensions; Figure 6b for a drawing of a typical RSP4 installation connecting a wood double top plate to a wood stud; and Figure 6c for a typical RSP4 installation connecting a wood stud to a wood sill plate. 3.1.7 ESP and DSP Stud Plate Connectors: The SSP stud -to -plate connector is used to provide a positive connection between a single wood stud and the top or sill Plate of the same wood wall, and the DSP stud -to -plate connector is used to provide a positive connection between a double wood stud and the wood wall top or sill plate of the same wood wall. The SSP and DSP connectors are fabricated from No. 18 gage galvanized steel. See Table 7 for required fasteners and allowable uplift loads. See Ficure 7 for drawings of the SSP and DSP connectors showing overall dimensions; a drawing of an SSP installation connecting a stud to a sill plate; and a drawing of a DSP installation connecting a double wood stud assembly to a top plate. 3.1.8 HGT Heavy Girder Tiedown Brackets: The HGT heavy girder tiedown brackets are used to provide a Positive connection between wood roof beams or multi -ply wood roof trusses and wood posts vertically aligned to support the end reaction of the beam or truss member. The HGT tiedown connector is a U-shaped bracket that is installed over the top chord of the roof truss having a slope from 3:12 (14 degrees) to 8:12 (34 degrees). Other components required for the connection, such as the anchor rods and hold-down or tie -down devices, that must be used to form a complete load path to resist design uplift forces from their point of origin to the load -resisting elements, that is, the vertically aligned supporting wood Post, must be designed and specified by the registered design professional. The � HGT tiedown brackets are fabricated from No. 7 gage steel, and are supplied with insert plates and crescent washers. See Table 8 for tiedown connector models, connector dimensions, fastener schedules, and allowable uplift loads. See Figure 8 for a drawing of the HGT-2 tiedown connector. 3.2 Materials: 3.2.1 Steel: Unless otherwise noted, the connectors described in this report are fabricated from ASTM A653, SS designation, Grade 33, galvanized steel with a minimum yield strength, Fy, of 33.000 psi (227 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength, Fu, of 45,000 psi (310 MPa). The HTS twist straps, the SSP and DSP stud -to -plate ties, and the H2.5A hurricane tie are fabricated from ASTM A653, SS designation, Grade 40, steel with a minimum yield strength of 40,000 psi (275 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength of 55,000 psi (379 MPa). The body of the HGT heavy girder tiedown bracket is fabricated from ASTM A1011, SS designation, Grade 33, hot rolled steel with a minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi (227 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength of 52,000 psi (358 MPa), and the crescent washers of the HGT bracket are fabricated from ASTM A36 steel with a minimum yield strength of 35,000 psi (248 MPa) and a minimum tensile strength of 56,000 psi (399 MPa). Base -metal thicknesses for the connectors in this report_ are as fdilows: NOMINAL THICKNESS (gage) MINIMUM BASE -METAL THICKNESS (inch) No. 3 0.2285 No. 7 0.1705 No. 10 0.1275 No. 14 0.0685 _ No. 16 0.0555 No. 18 0.0445 No. 20 0.0335 For sr: 7 Inch = 25.4 MM. The galvanized connectors have a minimum G90 zinc coating specification in accordance with ASTM A653. Some models (designated with a model number ending with Z) are available with a G185 zinc coating specification in accordance with ASTM A653. Some models (designated with a model number ending with HDG) are available with a hot -dip galvanization, also known as "batch" galvanization, in accordance with ASTM A123, with a minimum specified coating weight of 2.0 ounces of zinc per square foot of surface area (600 g/m2), total for both sides. Model numbers In this report do not include the Z or HOG ending, but the information shown applies. The HGT Heavy Girder Tiedown Brackets have a painted finish and may also be available with the HOG finish. The lumber treater or holder of this report (Simpson Strong -Tie Company) should be contacted for recommendations on minimum corrosion resistance of steel connectors in contact with the specific proprietary preservative treated or fire retardant treated lumber. 3.2.2 Wood: Supporting wood members to which these connectors are fastened must be solid sawn lumber, glued - laminated lumber, or engineered lumber [such as Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), Parallel Strand Lumber (PSL), and Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL)] having dimensions consistent with the connector dimensions shown in this report Unless otherwise noted, supporting wood members and supported members must have an assigned minimum specific gravity of 0.50 (minimum equivalent specific gravity of 0.50 for engineered lumber), except as noted in Table 5 for the SPH stud plate tie connectors, which provides values for which lumber members having assigned minimum specific gravities of 0.50 and 0.55 are required; and Table 7 for the SSP and DSP stud -to -plate tie connectors, which permits lumber having assigned minimum specific gravities of 0.50 and 0.43. The lumber used with the connectors described in this report must have a maximum moisture content of 19 percent (16 percent for engineered lumber) except as noted in Section 4.1. The thickness of the wood members must be equal to or greater than the length of the fasteners specified in the tables in this report, except if noted otherwise in the tables and accompanying footnotes in this report, or as required by wood member design, whichever controls. 3.2.3 Fasteners: Bolts, at a minimum, must comply with ASTM A36 or 6307. Nails used for connectors, straps, and ties described in this report must comply with ASTM F1667 and have the following minimum dimensions and bending yield strengths (Fyb): ESR-2613 I Most WdelyAccepteo and Trusted Page 3 of 11 —FASTENERS— NAIL _ DIAMETER (inch) NAIL LENGTH (inches) F _ (psi) 8d x 1% 0.131 1112 100,000 8d 0.131 2% 100.000 10d x 1% 0.148 1'Iz 90,000 10d 0.148 3 90,000 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Fasteners used in contact with preservative treated or fire retardant treated lumber must comply with Section 2304.10.5 of the 2015 IBC, Section 2304.9.5 of the 2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC, Section R317.3 of the 2015, 2012 and 2009 IRC or Section R319.3 of the 2006 IRC, as applicable. The lumber treater or this report holder (Simpson Strang -Tie Company) should he contacted for recommendations on minimum corrosion resistance of fasteners and connection capacities of fasteners used with the specific proprietary preservative treated or fire retardant treated lumber. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Design: The tabulated allowable loads shown in this report are based on allowable stress design (ASO) and include the load duration factor, CD, corresponding with the applicable loads in accordance with the National Design Specification® torWood Construction (NDS). Tabulated allowable (cads apply to products connected to wood used under dry conditions and where sustained temperatures are 100OF (37.8°C) or less. When products are installed to wood having a moisture content greater than 19 percent (16 percent for engineered wood products), or when wet service is expected, the allowable loads must be adjusted by the wet service factor, CM, specified in the NDS. When connectors are installed in wood that will experience sustained exposure to temperatures exceeding 1001F (37.8°C), the allowable loads in this report must be adjusted by the temperature factor, Ct, specified in the NDS. Connected wood members must be analyzed for load - carrying capacity at the connection in accordance with the NDS. 4.2 Installation: Installation of the connectors must be in accordance with this evaluation report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. In the event of a conflict between this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, this report governs. 4.3 Special Inspection: 4.3.1 Main Wind -force -resisting Systems under the IBC: Periodic special inspection must be conducted far components within the main wind -force -resisting system, where required in accordance with Sections 1704.2 and 1705.11 of the 2015 IBC, Sections 1704.2 and 1705.10 of the 2012 IBC, Sections 1704 and 1706 of the 2009 IBC, and Section 1704 of the 2006 IBC. __-4.3.2 Seismic-force-resistingSystems-underthe-IBC: Periodic special inspection must be conducted for components within the seismic -force -resisting system, in accordance with Sections 1704.2 and 1704.12 of the 2015 IBC, Sections 1704.2 and 1705.11 of the 2012 IBC, and Sections 1704 and 1707 of the 2009 and 2006 IBC. 4.3.3 Installations under the IRC: Special inspections are normally not required for connectors used in structures regulated under the IRC. However, for components and systems requiring an engineered design in accordance with IRC Section R301, periodic special inspection must be in accordance with Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of this report 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The Simpson Strong -Tie Hurricane and Seismic Straps and Ties described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 The connectors must be manufactured, identified and installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. A copy of the instructions must be available at the jobsite at all times during installation. 5.2 Calculations showing compliance with this report must be submitted to the code official. The calculations must be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statues of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. 5.3 Adjustment factors noted in Section 4.1 and the applicable codes must be considered, where applicable. 5.4 Connected wood members and fasteners must comply, respectively, with Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 of this report 5.5 Use of connectors with preservative or fire retardant treated lumber must be in accordance with Section 3.2.1 of this report Use of fasteners with preservative or fire retardant treated lumber must be in accordance with Section 3.2.3 of this report. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Joist Hangers and Similar Devices (AC13), dated February 2017. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION The products described in this report are identified with a die -stamped label or adhesive label indicating the name of the manufacturer (Simpson Strong -Tie), the model number, and the number of an index evaluation report ESR-2523 that is used as an identifier for the products recognized in this report. ESR-2613 I Most Widely Accepteo add Trusted Page 4 of 11 TABLE 1—HURRICANE TIES MODEL FASTENERS' (Quantity -Type) . ALLOWABLE "(Iba) LOADS''' NO.. . To Rafter To Piett as' . To Stud Connection. Configurations°l.- � U lift•'s. Lateral v. F, F2 H1 6- 8d x *2 4-8d ' ' -` .. 1-' 545 510 190 H10A - 9-10d it 1% 9-10d X V12 - — .1,040` 565 285 =- H10-2 6-10d 6-10d 655 430 355 H2.5A. 5-8d 5-8d' - — 2 565 . 110 , 110 H3 4-8d 4-8d — 435 210 170 .. H5. 4-8d - 4-8d.:t".' _ ... ` -.440 ' 100 225 - H4 4-8d 4-8d 3 330 — — 4-8d 4-8d — 4 330 140 175 .HB,: e, ", .--. 8-8d,-- - r., '84d %_,,. _ , 5-,' : , - " H7Z 4-8d 2-8d "d 6 830 410 — For 3r: 1 Inch = Z5.4 mm, 1 IDS = 4.46 N. 'Allowable loads are for one anchor installed to a minimum nominal 2x supported and minimum nominal 2x supporting wood member. A rafter minimum actual thickness of 2'/2 Inches must be used when framing anchors are Installed on each side of the rafter and on the same side of the plate. 2Allowable simultaneous loads in more than one direction on a single connector must be evaluated as follows: Design Uplift/Allowable Uplift+ Design Lateral Parallel to Plate / Allowable Lateral Parallel to Plate+ Design Lateral Perpendicular to Plate /Allowable Lateral Perpendicular to Plate s 1.0. The three terms in the unity equation consider all possible forces that the hur inane tie may be designed and Installed to resist. The number of terms that must be considered for simultaneous loading Is determined by the registered design professional and is dependent on the method of calculating wind forces and the assumed load path that the connector is designed to resist. 2uConnection Configurations' shown in Figure I (next page) indicate the load directions Fr and F2, and are details showing connector Installations on the outside of the wall for clarity. Installation on the Inside of the wall is acceptable to achieve the tabulated allowable loads. 4Connedions in the same area (i.e. truss to plate connector and plate to stud connector) must be on installed on the same side of the wall to achieve the tabulated allowable uplift loads and ensure a continuous load path. 'Allowable uplift loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading, and no further Increase is allowed. Allowable loads must be reduced when other load durations govern. 'Allowable lateral loads in the Fr direction must not be used to replace diaphragm boundary members or nailing or replace solid blocking required by code to laterally support the ends ofjoistslrafters. 'Additional shear transfer elements must be considered the connector installation Induces cross grain bending or tension of the truss or rafter members. 71; 19,16 ° 0 Srr 1�6 Hi H2.SA H3 FIGURE 1a—H1, H2.5A, AND H3 HURRICANE TIES ESR-2613 I Most LMdelyAccepte. t Trusted Page 5 of 11 0 H6 H7Z FIGURE 1 b—H4, H5, H6, H7Z, H10A AND H10.2 HURRICANE TIES �„ •ate .r j ❑1 H1 Installation (H10A and H10-2 similar) H4 Installation H6 Stud t( Band Joist Installatio H6 Stud to Double Tol Plate Installatior H2.5A Installation (Nails into both top plates) (1-13 and HS similar) a � H4 Installation (Nails Into upper top plate) l� H7Z Installation FIGURE 10—CONNECTION CONFIGURATIONS OF HURRICANE TIE INSTALLATIONS SPECIFIED IN TABLE 1 ESR-2613 1 Most WidelyAcceptr,. __ :d Trusted Page 6 of 11 TABLE 2—HS24 HURRICANE TIE -FASTENERS' (4uanft-Type) '. -`. _`-,'.; -,. ALLOWABLELOADS(lbs) C,=1.6 -- MODEL NO.- To.Rafter or Truss To Actable Top Plate UplifP �_,,. Lateral Fv. H324 8-8d x 1+t2 & 2-8d (slant) 8-8d 605 645 1,100 8-8d x 1 % 8-8d 625 625 680 For Si: 1 Inch = 25.4 MM, 1 Ibs = 4.5 N. "Slant" nailing refers to 8d common nails installed as toenails on each side of the connector. The nails must be driven through the connector at an angle approbmately 30' with the rafter/truss member with the nail penetrating through the rafter/truss member into the wood double tap plate. The uplift loads have been Increased for wind or earthquake loading. No further Increase is allowed. Allowable loads must be reduced when other load durations govern. 'Allowable lateral loads in the F+ direction must not be used to replace diaphragm boundary members or nailing or replace solid blocking required by code to laterally support the ends of joists/rafters. Additional shear transfer elements must be considered the connector installation induces cross grain bending or tension of the truss or rafter member. 'F+ load direction Is parallel to plate, and Fi load direction is perpendicular to plate. lie •• o � • HS24 Dimensions U.S. Patents a�+e+ • 5,603,680 HS24 Installation and Allowable Load Directions FIGURE 2—HS24 HURRICANE TIE ESR-2613 I Most IMdelyAccepfi . _'ad Trusted '-- Page 7 of 11 TABLE 3—LTS, MTS, AND HTS TWIST STRAPS TWIST STRAP SERIES 'MODEL NO'' ,,-,. BEN TM (In)i, . .: rU IAL.UUANTITY OF FASTENERS' 'r ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS'%(Ibs) -- When Installed withlOdCommon`With Nails When Installed fOdx1'1=-':- Common Nails.. Whedlnstalled wdt.l0d `_", r-Common Nails>" When Installed With - 10dx1�/ZCommonNailsr- =r'-�.--Co .1.6` :. .. - Cc=16-.% -• LTS4 LTS12 12 12 12 660 600 LTS16 16 LTS18 18 LTS20 20 MT3' ~ ; MTS78 _ 18 14 14 990 990 _- MTS20 20;.. - -y ;MTS30-, t .30':e==F HTS18 16 16 16 1 310 - 1,310 HTS20 20 HTS' HTS24 24 HTS28 28 20 24 1,310 1,310 HTS30 30 HTS30C 30 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibs = 4.45 N 'Half of the fasteners must be installed on each end of the strap to achieve the allowable uplift load. 'Tabulated allowable uplift loads must be selected based on duration of load as permitted by the applicable building code. 'Tabulated allowable uplift loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading. No further increase is allowed. Allowable loads must be reduced when other load durations govern. 'Each model of the LTS and MTS twist strap series (except for the MTS30) has more nail holes than the minimum quantity of nails specified in the table. 'HTS30C has the twist in the center of the strap length. LTS12 (MTS and HTS Similar) Typical MTS Installation - Rafter to Stud FIGURE 3—TWIST STRAPS Typical MTS Installation - Truss to Double Top Plate ESR-2613 ) Most Widely Accepted uhd Trusted Page S of 11 TABLE _4-LFTA LIGHT.FLOOR_TIEANCHOR' — _ MODEL NO. - LFTA ANCHOR DIMENSIONS (in) 1, FASTENERS=`- (Quantity' -,Type) . ALLOWABLE TENSION LOAD°� pba) Strap Width (M Clear Span; Overall.Length (L) LFTA 2% 17 30, 16-10d Common 1,325 For SI: 1 inch = 25A mm, 1 Ibs = 4.45 N. 'The LFTA anchor Is used to transfer tension forces between vertically aligned wood studs across floor framing with floor joists having a maximum nominal depth of 12 inches. Half of the fasteners must be installed on each end of the strap to achieve the allowable uplift load. 'Tabulated allowable uplift loads must be selected based on duration of load as permitted by the applicable building code. `Tabulated allowable uplift loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading. No further increase Is allowed. Allowable loads must be reduced when other load durations govern. FIGURE 4—LFTA LIGHT FLOOR TIE ANCHOR ESR-2613 I MostWtdelyAcceptr': .,4Trusted Page 9 of 11 TABLE S—SP AND SPH STUD PLATE TIES — ----- — ^' —CONNECTOR':— -FASTENERS' ALLOWABLE. UPLIFT LOADSz?A ' CONNECTOR MODEL' DIMENSIONS (In) , ..(Quantity -Type) - ,-".;((bs) , SERIES NO. ' . Nil) (L)- .. Td Study " '� To Plate �,5 _ • S.G.=0i50W 17 S_ G.=0.55 ' SP1 — — 6-1 Od 4-1 Od 555 555 SP2 — — 6-1 Od 6-1 Od 1,010 1.010 SP4 39/16 714 6-1 Odx I% — 825 825 6-16d x 2% — _ 850 850 SP SP6 511, 73!4 6-10d X 1z'/ — 825 825 6-16d x 2'/z — 850 850 SP8 75/10 '/ 8to 6-1 Od x 1% — 825 825 6-16d x 2% — 850 850 SPH4 89/te• .-g�/4 • . 10-10d x 1!/z_ - . - .,-. .. 1 i040,: .... :12-10dx1'/z '� _ -- 1,260' 1,175- • SPH -5/t6 16Liodx1'! 040r - 12-10dx 1'!z M 1280� •�''� 1,415 ' - 4 , ySPHB •� -- r 7°/te 8 3/e 10-10dx1t/ z a s ' J i - K - - 1475,E ,•. ,12-10d x 1tlz -; �.;. .1,280`• < ,.:. ...1',415 . . . For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Ibs = 4.45 N. 'For Models SP1 and SP2, one 10d common stud nail must be installed as a toenail. It must be driven through the connector at an angle appmxlmately 30° with the stud with the nail penetrating through the stud Into the wood sill plate. (See detail on this page entitled "SP1 Nailing Profile.1 zTabulated allowable uplift loads must be selected based on duration of load as permitted by the applicable building code. 'Tabulated allowable uplift loads have been Increased for wind or earthquake loading. No further Increase is allowed. Allowable loads must be reduced when other load durations govern. "Allowable uplift loads are given for woad assemblies consisting of lumber having an assigned specific gravity (S.G.) of 0.50, such as Douglas fir-aarch, and 0.55, such as southern pine. I`V SN o® L Oi C®I m eW SPIISP2 Typical SPH4 Installation: Stud to Wood SIII Plate (SP4 Similar) SP2 Installation: SP1 Nailing Profile Stud to Double Top Plate SP1 Installation: Stud to SIII Plate Typical SP4 Installation: Double Top Plate to Stud (SPH Similar) FIGURE S—SP AND SPH STUD PLATE TIES ESR-2613 I Most WidelyAccepi- -'id Trusted page 10 of 11 TABLE 6—RSP4 REVERSIBLE STUD PLATE CONNE11MR1 - - —FASTENERS-.__ (Quantity -type). ALLOWABLELOADS".+'--(Ibis)C.?1.S. -- MODEL NO. . , To, Stud' To Plate ' ....> Connection Configuration' -'lateral°i J Uplift,: _ - Fi,. -' Fi RSP4 r_• �.. 4-8d x 1% 44d x 1% Stud to Double Top Plate 390 1 165 245 Stud to SIII Plate 245 165 1 225 : �.-: ,..n„-c..Y... I' , IY5=4.40 N. 'Refer to Figure 6a for overall dimensions of the RSP4 plate connector. "Tabulated allowable loads must be selected basedonduration of load as permitted by the applicable building code. 'Tabulated allowable loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading. No further Increase is allowed. Allowable loads must be reduced when other load durations govem. `Refer to Figure 6b and 6c for connection configurations. 'F, load direction is parallel to plate, and F2 load direction Is perpendicular to plate. c o;�,^ o Cl qo FIGURE 6a—RSP4 STUD PLATE CONNECTOR DIMENSIONS FIGURE 6b—RSP4 INSTALLATION: FIGURE 6cRSP4 INSTALLATION: STUD TO DOUBLE TOP PLATE STUD TO SILL PLATE U.S. PATENT 5,697,725 TABLE 7-SSP AND DSP STUD PLATE TIE CONNECTORS FASTENERS`-',> ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOADS'�•2•`'(Itis) MODEL,L1 (QuetttltyType) , ✓I .z L"a Co.16,.. NO: Studs °� Double Top,Plate . ' 7Sill Platiii, • Double Top Plate - h' ,_. r SIII Plate,' - - - -0.50�+ ' `S.G. = 0.43 - 4-10d x 11/2 3-10d x 1% — 330 — — — 1-10d x 1% — 395 310 SSP 4-10d 3-10d — 410 — - - 1-10d — 430 400 '-.6-10dx1ilz 6-10d x 1%. - .- .. `. - .DSP .•-. .-" •..—':, .;•_'21.Odx11/z•_ .= .. 6207110 For sc i inch = 26.4 mm, 1 Ice = 4.45 N. 'Tabulated allowable uplift loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading no further Increase allowed. Reduce loads when other load durations govern. "When cross -grain bending or cross -grain tension cannot be avoided, mechanical reinforcement to resist such forces should be considered. 'For Sill Plate allowable uplift loads, all round nail holes in the connector must be filled with the specified quantity and type of nails. 'For Double Top Plate allowable uplift loads, all round and triangular nail holes the tie connectors must be filled with the specked quantity and type of nails. �f1�'i �1W1 B�• 6 fib• � 6'/e• SSP DSP U.S. Patent U.S. Patent 7,065,932 7,065,932 7,356,973 7,356,973 SSP Installation: Single Stud to Sill Plate FIGURE 7—SSP/DSP STUD PLATE TIES DSP Installation: Double Stud to Double Top Plate ESR-2613 I Most WidelyAccepi 'dTrusted Page 11of11 TABLE 8—HGT HEAVY GIRDER TIEDOWN CONNECTORS'A -- MODELx` HOT -CONNECTOR �DISTANCEl3ETWEEN- - FASTENERS ALLOWABLE UPLIFT', No. - :WIDTH' . THREADED, KOM : - (QdantltyType) F :• . -. - -' LOADSaA.-' ' " (W) (in) (on canter) _' . '(Inches) .' Threaded R&tlr , -�To Multi -ply Truss (Iliaj. HGT-2 35/ra -, 511i 2-a/a° Dia. 16-10d 10,345 HGT-3:� . re p he ' _ ,,. .... � -73/e � 2_-°!n._Dla _.. }'_� 6-1 Oil _ `_•., 10:440` . HGT C..- QI. Y 1_-t - 6e/1e — 9 2-e/a" Dia. 16-10d ... 11,395 - 'The HGT connector can accommodate top chord slopes from minimum 3:12 (14°) to maximum 8:12 (34°) and are provided Wth crescent washers for sloped top chord installations. 'AII elements of the tie -down assembly (multi -ply trusses, vertically aligned wood studs/posts, and the full -height threaded rods) must be designed to resist applied loads. 'The HGT-2, HGT-3, and HGT-4 connector attaches to the heel joint of a two-ply, three-ply, and four -ply wood truss, respectively, where each thickness is nominal 2 Inches. en the HGT-3 is used with a two-ply truss, shimming Is required, and the shimming material must be similar (thickness and grade of lumber) as the truss member material. Additionally, the entire assembly must be designed by a registered design professional to act as one unit. =Tabulated allowable toads must be selected based on duration of load as permitted, by the applicable building code. eThe uplift loads have been increased for wind or earthquake loading with no further increase is allowed. Reduce loads when other load durations govern. 'Full -height threaded rods are shown in Figure 8 for illustration purposes only, as one method of transferring the design load from the HGT connector to the foundation. The threaded rod material specifications must be specified by the registered design professional. 'Two LBP %-inch washers must be installed on top of each crescent washer. LBP washers and crescent washers are required. Crescent washers are supplied with the connector. LBP51a washers are available from Simpson Strong -Tie Company, and are 2-inch square by thick galvanized steel washers with a center bolt hole to accommodate a'/a-Inch diameter threaded boti/rod. HGT-2 (HGT-3 and HGT-4 similar) Install two LBPW washers on top or each crescent washer (total four W washers) for wood Installation. Ill washers and crescent washers are required. Orescerdwashers are supplied, Typical HGT-3 Installation with full height threaded rod. The design of the threaded rod, including any necessary hardware or shrinkage compensating devices, Is outside the scope of this report FIGURE 8—HGT HEAVY GIRDER TIEDOWN CONNECTOR