HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK 67-HE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LF-77 COUNTY FILE N 4519675 OR BOOK 12 PAGE 1236, Recorded 01/i�- 2019 10:18:11 AM RECEIVED JAN 15 2019 veRmar NL]tHER ST. Lucie County, permitting n�CE OF COMMi3NCEMENT The tmdesigeed hereby gives notion that mlpmvemem will be made to torrent red propaq•, and u aag rdenee with ChgNcr713, Florida Statutes the following Infamat on is provided In this Notice ofCoomxnameat. I. DESQUIR NOF FROFMV(Legal deSaiptonoftheptapmy6ROA ad&M ifaNdatle) TAX FOLIO %Mla1L g. - 1(y_�" ll i w 2. CENTRAL DEWW" ON OF MPROSI1= h'T: rr, 3. ORINERFA70R11AT101 ORLESSEECI1111OIATrON117ME LESSFECONTRAC[EO FOR THE OAMAT ILIM ..,mr,,.d6� �2y.C_~a� ,�� y Pn� nk tt tjercr 7119b b hY -F-P,ry 1.i8.d11ir_L a Nememrddmuol[a �piredehaldabfdrtaeor 6om O,mvbmdalow7 / 6, a,OON1RAL70R'SCAd1E: _(d_ C_f` Syd C6dader'12daew I119N Lc} /'V"5i 1" I4644Y/f( J.i)/l bmoe.mnb. 7. bCRETI'bf.rybr.Ne,emprafrb.peua bad n.eaaHl a Mnee.mbP e Ammmofbmd 6.2. L.da•smld. _ b a.m mmba 7. Personswithinthe State ofFlorib dcsigtnted by Owner uponwhom nad= mother du■mems maybe senYd a pmeidcd by SWIM 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statnfs: . vam.erd nests g.a. In additive to himsclfr herself, Uwna designates of to rcoelre a copy of the Lienor's Notice asptoridod in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Slalules, brtwma.edurerparae mbmt'd=1n aiay Mw - 9. FYyialion daft of udia aftanmrncatent (dot expiration date will be I )we from the date of recording aoless a dilferot time is specified): a 20 7 twi �oteaW P�resl—deSigR■roryT` a'i�tl710IDee) i SCANNED BY St. Lucie County y 'Staleof 7 iJryt14 Coutdyof. 7 t Crl.� ()t, ' t{ The lbregaing instrument was sclwledged bebm me thin 7 dayof J1?1J ,20 ti by F of, j/dT/ (mane ofperson) (type of amhatity,...a.& oII)ar, trusty—aaarney in fan) for (mnftofpa7tytn bchdfoNhom instramentwas emoted) 1'asoailyKomtn_arl'roduxd(denUgn7ian S/ Type of[rkaGBwLLon Produced I�L L��y67 �'�•���J ~�' Notary Pub5o Sabol Elation Leon Dab Codnerhatn (S 1ut■n alNolary Palk) 0` j �offl ran 2re730 (war T%.mt.. r'nmmiaairwA Nam, „fWm..-P.Mri