St Lucie County
Building and Zoning Department
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
DOMP Certification for Wind Load Comp
Ibis CadfiattonIstobecompletedbythepv!MdesignarmoreMineea MCaa
for bwlfBpubfilvaivf860commueuonofnewrwidma(d r&ormWti.
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Certification Statemenft
I certify that; to the best ofnW WzwWp and beliet these plans and spectiieation� have
Comply With the appficable.sMwairal potdon of the Building codes ewrendy adopted an
Canty. I also Off* that stmetord elements depicted on these plows provide ad�ue2 in
loads and forces specified by current code provisions. .9�MCN
�tia Yana�es an] Assam IIred• (P cheadt ce ce
L Florida Building Code 2004 Edition ASCE
2. BmOdlog Deign ks (earrla...� ! I
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6. Average Wind
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7. Pak Witd! Vdm yPnawrtan RzferiorRaas offtectme
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9. I,aads: Fbo ZK F ]PSI+b �RwVdead __ZjCPSF BooM&
10 Were Shear Wags Commiderial 6 r S', actare (dwasnep Yea A NO--L fNo,attWbe�ntahon�
M b a C=dkMM Land Psi Pedrided (dcda oaer To X No (KNd, albei explanation)
12. AM Col pttamtmtdCUdditlg bdAPmw" (do&t ). Ya.&No—l—(Kft sancta moo,)
11 M'ini man Soil Bearing Pren arot 2S0O PSF
As Wifaessed by my wl, I ieeeiy ces ft that tie hs wmxtk a iadaded wifi tills eeedRtsli n Is time and
correct, to the bet of my knowledge and bdiee .
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T,T'd SSM69-101