HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATESAug 31 2011 10:29AM HP LRSERJET FAX P.1 .y 2300 Virginia Avenue C110i Ft Plerce, FL 34982 (772) 462.2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOEL TREATMENT pERWr $,. 11070267~ JOB ADDRESS c1 t NW Winters Creek Road Palm City, FL BUII DER Watley Cangtruotion UM CONTROL CON R&CTOR Patr; ck E3rterminatina PEST CONTROL LICENSE # t SbL We, the tudersig:edr hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for sobterrenma termites in accordance veith the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: 39n T.; rear Persentage of solution: Date of treatment: 8.1,3njl ❑ Footing ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re aew 0 Slab . ❑ istTmatinmr ❑ Re. -treat D Driveway ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ R"eat ❑ Pools ❑ istTreatment Chemleals used: Demon Max TO Total gallons used• 128 Time of Treatment- 3.00 FEM04,24 CatWcafeofPnNeetive7YeatmerdforptsvendonOftermtres. A weather redaram$ j0Ar to petting board shall be pmvidedso reeme daplieara Treatment Grrjfuatet as each required proreMve. treatmau is mmprated, providmg a copy forrho person rhepe~, is tasted ro and anmherropyforthebrfldingpermirjiies. TheTmam,emCaVleweshdl provide thePradaes used, identify of the applicator, time and date of the beomtenx sire iocaiuur area treated chemktrl wed, percent rafcemmHon • and numberofgallaa used, to establish a verUlaOk record of protective trearmenc !f the soil chemical barrier merhod for teradre prevemion is used, find averior treaMunt shall be complered prior ro fmal boil ft aoravaL Sttarcie County requires for the final tngmd 6n for CO, a Fermuneot Sacker to be placed an the eb ctriW panel box cover, listing Ail the tszetments and dates otappltoations. ❑' Re -treat ❑ Other ❑ istTroatnent ❑ Re -treat M Perimeter for Final Inspection P Signattire of exterminator NOTE. There must be a completed faint for each rrgpired treatment or re-tr fmot and this form must be on the job site m bepicked up by the inspector at time of each laspeation or the scheduled inspection wX fat? and a re -inspection fee charged r.�arcnrmdAr St Lucie County Inspections Ft Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS 5_h 0 LA` 6j ` PEST CONTROL. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # Lf1?'C9`A LI We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pet! Control Association. Square feet of area treated: �Z� Chemicals used: ' I-,- Nr4C'q A/FD Percentage of solution: �s Total gallons used: t O Ole CO 4n11r Date of treatment: 2� Time of Treatment- I ' ❑ Footing ❑ 1sr Treatment ❑ Re-trear ❑ Slab ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat Q Driveway ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re}treat ❑ Pools ■❑ ❑ 1st Treatment ❑' Re -treat Other FEC104.7.6 Cer0cateofProtective7Yeatmentforpreventionoftermifes. A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided io receive duplicate Treatment Centlticares at each required prorecrive treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person rho permit is issued to and another eopyfor the building permit files. The Treamtenr Cerntilcam shall Provide the product used, identity of the applicator, rime and date of the treatment. site location, area treated, chemkal used, percent cancentratioa and number ofgallont used, to establish a verifiable record of prorecrive treannenr. if the soil chemical barrier merhod fortermite prevention is used, Anal exterior treatmenr shall be completed prior ro fral building approval St Lucie County requlres for the final taspee ion for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover,'Isdaaallthe treatments and dates orappr=tions. ❑ 1st Treatment 0 Re -treat Perimewr for Final Inspection NOTE. There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the job site to bepicked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will A.viu#QR3/0dmp fail and . a re -inspection fee charged TERMITE PRETREAT SPECIALISTS Ms PRETREAT 800-DILIGENT FAX 800 837.031 ' 'TermitePretreat.cam $(� State License JB94495 ANNr . -Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites St. cuceCo(; .,, (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) PEST PREVENTION I LAWN S ORNAMENTAL CARE I TERMITE SERVICES 1 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT I RODENT & NUISANCE WILDLIFE EXCLUSION S REMOVAL SERVICE ORDER NUMBER- — --- SERVICE DATE R - f Z —07 TIME O.SUNNY ❑ CLOUDY _ _ DEVELOPMENT NAMES(PROJECT) CONTRACTOR'S NAME CONTACT PERSON Lke A STRUCTURE ADDRESS (L T/BLOCK) CITY; STATE, ZIP CODE COUNTY tiw _ L CONTACT PHONE NUMBER NOTES ` a5— - na (7 TREATMENT TYPE/AR )(FLOATING XMONOLITHIC ❑ PATIO ❑ GARAGE ❑ DRIVEWAY 0 STEM WALL ❑ADDIRON ❑ CUTOUTS ❑ FOOTERS ❑ FRONT ENTRY ❑ EXTERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAL O OTHER TREATMENT TYPE TAMP & TREAT ❑ TREAT ONLY ' ❑ FINAL ❑ RETREAT ❑ BORA CARE TREATMENT 0 BAR STATION PRODUCT BASELINE OPROBUILDTC Cl DRAGNET ODEMONTC ❑TERMIDOR TO ❑BORACARE ❑OTHER ACTIVE INGREDIENT CONCENTRATION X06% ❑.12% 0.25% '10.5% ❑.23% ❑OTHER— GALLONSAPPUED SQUARE FOOTAGE O \ LINEAR FOOTAGE ❑ MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS DETAILS Np P %. •....... 1 1. • A p O q q•• SEAT., W As per 1042.6 FBC - If soil chemical barter method for termite prevention Is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance: The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subtemmean temiltes. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (Per the Florida Building Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line FINAL STICKER ❑ ELECTRICAL PANEL ❑ WATER HEATER [TERMITE MONITOR INSTALLED 0 YES 0 NO) Payment Tema: Customer's payment In full is due at time of initial service. Customer agrees that a finance charge in the amount of 18% per arum will be assessed on all unpaid balances that are not satisfied by the due date. in the event a collection process becomes necessary to recover an unpaid balance the following fees will be assessed Including but not limited to: collection service fee, attorney's fee, finance charges and non -sufficient funds payment fee. Customer will be responsible for paying all costs associated with any collection process. Date APPIi or (Diligent Lawn and Peat Control, Inc.) �r� Pc. yak ' • • Date Customer (Property Owner or Agent) „ , 1� 800-DILIGENT 800Diiigent.com Corporate 3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. I Suite 106 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 1 800.487.8190 2300 Virginia AvenueFt cgiyNF Fl a (7 zszPierce, E 34982 Sp e4eie cov ov CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE T EA-T- LENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT 5c0, O 79s D 31 MOB ADDRESS 6"CL ✓ 1 BUILDER �" r PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR PEST CONTROL LICENSE # We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the abov&described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: _.-O 1-I 1 Percentage of solution: . oz. �e Date of treatment: 9- / e - 0 7 ❑ Footing ❑ Ist Treatment ❑ Re -treat A,Slab 91stTreatment Re -treat ❑ Driveway ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Pools ❑ IstTreatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Other ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat Chemicals used: �1;14e Total gallons used:/D Time of Treatment: 1713004.2.6 CeruftcateofProtectiveTreattacIdArpreventionoftermites. A weather resistant jobsite posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment Certificates as each required protective treatment is completed, providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files. The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity of the applicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record ofprotective treatment. !f the soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. St Lucie County requires for the fioa[ inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. ❑ Perimeter for Final Inspection NOTE- Signat re of exterminator There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re•treatment and this forin must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the scheduled inspection will fail and a re -inspection fee charged. Revlted 6/13102 dxg