HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSS PAPERWORKSimpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc. TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS & DETAILS 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, CA 94588 — __� (800) 999-5099- www.strongtie.com {I - R M Building Components A SCANNED 00383- Marsh Landing - 7233 Marsh TerraceAd ®:,1 91TBY St. Lucie County n • %,. - 12/1912018 3:45 PM y 76668 Notes: 1. The truss design drawings referenced below have been prepared based on design criteria and requirements set forth in the Construction Documents, as communicated by the Truss Manufacturer. 2. The engineer's signature on these drawings indicates professional engineering responsibility solely for the individual components to be able to resist the design loads indicated, utilizing all the design parameter and materials indicated or referenced on each individual design. 3. It is the Building Designer's responsibility to review the truss design drawings to insure compatibility with the Building design, Refer to all notes on the individual truss design drawings. 54 Truss Design Drawing(s): 1-At: SID 388394 15-A15: SID 388408 29-D3: SID 388422 43J3A: SID 388436 2-A2: SID 388395 16-A16: SID 388409 30435: SID 388423 44J3C: SID 388437 3-A3: SID 388396 17-A17: SID 388410 31J15: SID 388424 45J3C2: SID 388438 4-A4: SID 388397 18-Bi: SID 388411 32J17: SID 388425 46-MVIB: SID 388439 5-A5: SID 388398 19-B2: SID 388412 33J18: SID 388426 47-MV1D: SID 388440 6-A6: SID 388399 20.B3: SID 388413 34J27A: SID 388427 48-MV2D: SID 388441 7-A7: SID 388400 21434: SID 388414 35J27: SID 388428 49-1?1: SID 388442 8-AB: SID 388401 22-Cl: SID 388415 36J25: SID 388429 50-P2: SID 388443 9-A9: SID 388402 23-CIA: SID 388416 37J25A: SID 388430 51-P3: SID 38B444 10-A70: SID 388403 24-C2: SID 388417 38J23: SID 388431 52-Vl: SID 388445 11-All: SID 3B8404 25-C3: SID 388418 39J23A: SID 388432 53-V2: SID 388446 12-Al2: SID 388405 26-C4: SID 3BB419 40-J23C: SID 388433 54-V3: SID 388447 13-A13: SID 388406 27401: SID 388420 41-J21: SID 388434 14-A14: SID 388407 28-D2: SID 388421 4243: SID 3BB435 tip ►� Component SolutionSTM Important Information & General Notes General Notes 1.-Each Truss Design Drawing -(TDD)-providedwittrthis- sheet has been prepared in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1. Refer to ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 2 for the responsibilities of all parties involved, which Include but are not limited to the responsibilities listed on this sheet, and for the definitions of all capitalized terms referenced in this document. 2. TDDs should not be assumed to be to scale. 3. The Contractor and Building Designer shall review and approve the Truss Submittal Package. 4. The suitability and use of the component depicted on the TDD for any particular building design is the responsibility of the Building Designer. 5. The Building Designer is responsible for the anchorage of the truss at all treating locations as required to resist uplift, gravity and lateral loads, and for all Truss -to -Structural Element connections except Truss -to -Truss connections. 6. The Building Designer shall ensure that the supporting structure can accommodate the vertical and/or horizontal truss deflections. 7. Unless specifically stated otherwise, each Design assumes trusses Will be adequately protected from the environment and will not be used in corrosive environments unless protected using an approved method. This includes not being used in locations where the sustained temperature is greater than 150°F. 8. Trusses are designed to carry loads within their plane. Any out -of - plane loads must be resisted by the Permanent Building Stability Bracing. 9. Design dead loads must account for all materials, including self -weight. The TDD notes will indicate the min. pitch above which the dead loads are automatically increased for pitch effects. 10. Trusses installed with roof slopes less than 0.25/12 may experience (but are not designed for) ponding. The Building Designer must ensure that adequate drainage is provided to prevent ponding. Handling, Installing, Restraint & Bracing 1. The Contractor is responsible for the proper handling, erection, restraint and bracing of the Trusses. In lieu of job -specific details, refer to BCSI. 2. ANSITrPI 1 stipulates that for trusses spanning 60' or greater, the Owner shall contract with any Registered Design Professional for the design and inspection of the temporary and permanent truss restraint and bracing. Simpson Strong -Tie is not responsible for providing these services. 3. Trusses require permanent lateral restraint to be applied to chords and certain web members (when indicated) at the locations or intervals indicated on the TDD. Web restraints are to be located at mid points, or third points of the member and chord pudins are not to exceed the spacing specified by the TDD. Chords shown without bracing indicated are assumed to be continuously braced by sheathing or drywall. Permanent lateral restraint shall be accomplished in accordance with: standard industry lateral restraint/bracing details in BCSI-133 or BCSI-137, supplemental bracing details referenced on the TDD, or as specified in a project -specific truss permanent bracing plan provided by the Building Designer. 4. Additional building stability permanent bracing shall be installed as specified in the Construction Documents. 5. Special end wall bracing design considerations may be required if a flat gable end frame is used with adjacent trusses that have sloped bottom chords (see BCSI-133). 6. Do not cut, drill, trim, or otherwise alter truss members or plates without prior written approval of an engineer, unless specifically noted on the TDD. 7. Piggyback assemblies shall be braced as per BCSI-B3 unless otherwise specified in the Construction Documents. 8. For floor trusses, when specified, Strongbacking shall be installed per . BCSI-137 unless otherwise specified in the Construction Documents. Referenced Standards ANSI/TPI 1: National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, a Truss Plate Institute publication (www.tpinst.org). BCSI: Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining & Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, a joint publication of the Truss Plate Institute (www.tpinst.org ) and the Structural Building Components Association (www.sbcindustry.com ). Symbols and Nomenclature 5X7 Plate size; the first digit is the plate width (perp. to the slots) and the second digit is the plate length (parallel to the slots). 5X74 S -18. -1855, or -1856 following the plate size indicates different 18 gauge plate types. These symbols following the plate size indicate the direction of 11= QG the plate length (and tooth slots) for square and nearly square plates. 10-3-14 Dimensions are shown in feet -inches -sixteenths (for this example, the dimension is 10'-3 14116"). t Joints are numbered left to right, first along the top chord and 2 then along the bottom chord. Mid -panel splice joint numbers are not shown on the drawing. Members are identified using their end joint numbers (e.g., TC 2-3). ��\ When this symbol is shown, permanent lateral restraint is required. Lateral restraint may be applied to either edge of the member. See Note 3 under Handling, Installing, Restraint & Bracing for more information. Bearing supports (wall, beam, etc.), locations at which the truss is required to have full beating. Minimum required beating width for the given reactions are reported on the TDD. Required bearing widths are based on the truss material and indicated PSI of the support material. The Building Designer is responsible for verifying that the capacity of the support material exceeds the indicated PSI, and for all other beating design considerations. Truss -to -Truss or Truss -to -Structural Element connection, m/ which require a hanger or other structural connection (e.g., LYE toe -nail) that has adequate capacity to resist the maximum reactions specified in the Reaction Summary. Structural connection type is not limited by type shown on TDD. Toe- nails may be used where hanger type shown where allowed by detail or other connection design information. Design of the Structural Element and the connection of the Truss to a Structural Element is by others. Note: These symbols are for graphical interpretation only; they are not intended to give any indication of the geometry requirements of the actual item that is represented. Materials and Fabrication 1. Design assumes truss is manufactured in accordance with the TDD and the quality criteria in ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 3, unless more restrictive criteria are part of the contract specifications. 2. Unless specifically stated, lumber shall not exceed 19% moisture content at time of fabrication or in service. 3. Design is not applicable for use with fire retardant, preservative treated or green lumber unless specifically stated on the TDD. 4. Plate type, size, orientation and location indicated are based on the specified design parameters. Larger plate sizes may be substituted in accordance with ANSI/TPI, Section 3.6.3. Plates shall be embedded within ANSI/TPI 1 tolerances on both faces of the truss at each joint, unless noted otherwise. 5. Truss plates shall be centered on the joint unless otherwise specified. DSB-89 Recommended Design Specification for Temporary Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, a Truss Plate Institute publication (www.tpinst.org ). NDS: National Design Specification for Wood Construction published by American Forest & Paper Associatfon,and American Wood Council. ESR-2762 Simpson Strong -Tie® AS Truss Plates are covered under ESR-2762 published by the International Code Council Evaluation Service (www.icc-es.org ). TD-GEN-0003A 7/2018 Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace pry: 1 Truss: Al Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388394 TID: 76668 Date: 12120118 Truss MIT. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 2 2-Ply 0332-4-0 4-8-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-D 5-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 4-8-0 2-4-003 2-4-0 7-0-0 12-0-0 17-0-0 22-0-0 27-0-0 32-0-0 37-0-0 41-8-0 4-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 287# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 155# 1550 155# 155# 155# 287# 6/12 SX10 d 4 4x4=1 j 13x4= 1 43.8 I616- : 3x4=1 1 44x4= 1 t d 5x10 -6/12 us 4x6 0 4x6 6-6 4x6 4x6 6-6 x 3x8 3x8 SxS-4x� 3x8 4x4: 5x5= 3x8 3x8 x ! ! ! 1 1 ! 1 1 ! ! ! ! 1 1 1 t 81# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# 39# -81# 2-4-0 4-8-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 4-8-0 2-4-0 2-4% 7 0 0 12-0-0 17 0-D 22-0-0 27 0 0 32 0 0 37-0-0 41-8-0 4-0 1 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 12 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (A520) or 18 9a (ASI8HS, AS18S5, or AS1856) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-3017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 paf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yea TO 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: I1 Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 ps£ SO Limited Storage: you BC 0.0 10.0 Turn1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Krt - 1.0 300 lb TO Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 c Plies: 2 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TO Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TO - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 ISE Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TO 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 --------------Reaction Summery(Lbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) DSS Jut--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PST Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.32) 18-19 webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) /2 13 2-04-00 4011 3236 08-00 03-02 SPF 425 Vert CA L/240 L/645(-0.72) 18-19 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 13-2 23 41-08-00 4013 3238 08-00 03-02 SIP 425 Herz LL 0.75in 1 0.04) @Jt23 23-11 Now Horiz - -164 / +164 at Joint 13 Ross CA 1.251n 1 0.09) @Jt23 Cant OR L/120 L/419( 0.06) 1-13 Member Forces Summary Cant OR L/120 L/419 ( 0.06) 23-12 .. Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. Loads Summa ry TO OH- 1 10 0 0.00 This truss has been designed for the effects of ann unbalanced top chord Vert OR and HoOR are the vertical and 1- 2 333 341 0.25 live load occurring at [220000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 4977 5188 0.55 factor, plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 7728 7855 0.77 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. due to dead load, computed as Dail LL + 4- 5 9951 10180 0.85 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 (Kcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 30528 10783 0.83 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load ANSI/TIPS i. 6- 7 10529 10783 0.77 Domain Load Uplift Location Dix Description 7- 8 10529 30783 0.83 Transfer loads: 8- 9 9956 10183 0.85 TO 155 -218 7-00-12 Vert J17 0 -90 Deg Bracing Data Summary 9-10 7732 7859 0.78 PC 287 -314 7-01-06 Vert J3 @ -135 Deg ------------Bracing Data----------- 10-11 4978 5189 0.55 PC 155 -218 9-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 335 340 0.25 TO 155 -218 11-00-12 Vert 017 0 -90 Deg Web Bracing -- None 12-OH 10 0 0.00 TO 155 -218 13-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg BC 1-13 382 322 0.07 PC 155 -238 15-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg Plate offsets (X, Y): 12-23 382 324 0.07 TO 155 -218 17-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg (None unless indicated below) 13-14 385 412 0.07 TO 155 -218 19-00-12 Vast J17 @ -90 Deg Jnt7(0,-00-04), Jntl3(0,-01-12), 14-15 4508 4165 0.22 PC 155 -218 21-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Oct, Jntl4(-00-08,0), Jnt15(-00-08,0), 15-16 7857 7393 0.33 PC 155 -218 22-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg Jnt21(00-08,0), Jnt22(00-08,0), 16-17 7857 7393 0.26 TO 155 -238 24-11-04 Vast J17 0 -90 Deg Jnt23(0,-01-12) 17-18 10181 9615 0.35 PC 155 -218 2641-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg 18-19 10182 9617 0.35 TO 155 -218 28-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg 19-20 7857 7392 0.26 TO 155 -218 30-11-04 Vert J17 9 -90 Deg 7857 0.33 TO 155 -218 32-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg \11\1111111/2//// 220-21 1-21 7392 508 166PC 22-23 0.22 155 -218 34-11-04 Vert \ BL Not, 2-13 3822 3867 0.24 TO 287 314 36-10-08 Vast J37@@-450Degg \\J��.•M \ '.• 2-14 4297 4078 0.48 TO 139 --25 36-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg ` .• �ICENse y 3-14 958 868 0.08 lit 39 -20 7-01-08 BC -39 0 ]-00-Os Vert J1] @ Deg Vert Deg 1� 3-15 0.20 BC 39 -25 9-00-12 135 J3 @ --90 Vert J37 @ -90 Deg 2261 2161 4-17 2854 2729 0.32 BC 39 -25 11-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg _� No. 69577 4-17 1471 1356 5-18 1175 1707 0.13 0.13 BC 39 -25 13-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg _ _ 1. 5-18 11]5 ]0] 6-18 869 0.13 BC 39 -25 15-00-12 BC 39 -25 17-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg Vert J17 @ -90 Deg - n - _ 0.13 BC 39 -25 19-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg �%r• 8-18 1176 705 0.13 BC 39 -25 21-00-12 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg �'• 359 8-19 14 ]5 1359 9-19 2859 2736 0.13 0.32 BC 39 -25 22-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg Q ''' STATE OF ((/ '• 9-21 2263 2169 0.20 BC 39 -25 24-11-04 BC 39 -25 26-11-04 Vast J17 @ -90 Deg Vert J37 @ -90 Deg +� i •.F<ORIDP`. •' 30-21 3992 3844 0.45 BC 39 -25 28-11-04 Vert J17 0 -90 Deg GN // V 0� •" "•• !_�`v /// •`` 10-22 960 870 0.08 BC 39 -25 30-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg V�O \\\ NAL 11-22 4306 4087 0.48 BC 39 -25 32-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg con aaogei//rf 1111\ 12%20j2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be rumished to the erection connector. Tim design of Us Individuat pass is based on design anode and requirements supplied by Component Solutions Me Truse Manufacturer and miles upon the accuracy and completeness of the information set forth by the Building Designer A seal on Nis dmvdng instance acceptanco of prefumcbrai an,lneedng responsibility solely farthe pass component design shovm. See the cover page and lhe'lmpodent Information&Generm Trues Studio V Notes page for additional Information. AS connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Me Company, Inds acmtdance,ohn ESR-2762.A➢connector 2018.5.3.4 2018.5.3.Helpriesk: plates are 20 gauge, unless the spurred plate size is followed by a %Is' whidn Indicator an 16 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plats. r 1-869-252-8606 �CSRelp@.trongtio.com CSRelp@strongtie. com Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: Al Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388394 TO 76668 Date: 12 / 20118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 2 of 2 PC 39 -25 34-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg BC -81 0 36-10-08 Vert J3 @ -45 Deg BC 39 -25 36-11-04 Vert J17 @ -90 Deg 2-PLY TRUSS Fastener Spacing Fasten each ply to the adjacent ply as follows (rows staggered): TC, 2-rows) of nod Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.i @ 12.0" o.c. BC, 2-row(s) of 10d Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" mto.) @ 12.0" o.c. NB 2x4, 1-row(s) of led Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.) @ 9.0" o We xx6, 2-row(s) of led Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.) @ 9.0" Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. \\tj1111111 y11/ (G .• LtGENSF •'•. 'S' No. 69577 STATE O �i ZORI SS r�' ! `\ COAk30D031%O'v111101 AL \ 12/20/2018 NOTICEAcopy of this design shell be famished to the erection contractor. The design of this Individual buss Is based on design enters and requirements supplied by Component Solutlons ® the Truss Manufacturer and miles upon the accuracy and completeness of Me lnfoma4on set fodh by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates Truer Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for Me bear component design shown. See Me cover page and Me'Mpatanl lnforcenon&General Notes' page for additional information. Al connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Stang-TieCompa, Inc In accordance M ESR-2762. All connector •-18• ®P018.5.3.4 s r r Helpdask: 1-866-252-8606 plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or•S# 18•, which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plats, CSHalp@etrongtie.com Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace pty: 1 Truss: A2 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388395 TID: 76668 Date: 12119 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 - 1-@-4-0 6-8-0 7-7-0 7-7-0 7-6-16 3-3-1 6-8-0 2-4-@-0 2-4-0 9-0-0 16-7-0 24-2? 31-8-16 35-0-0 41-8-0 1 2 3 4 6 7 944-0- 10 8 4x6 3x4- 3x6 2x4 4x6 4x6 6/12 'V -6/12 as c 3x41 30- : 6-6 3x6 3x6 6-6 x 3x4. 3x6 3x4. 4x12 3x6 3x 3x4- 7 7 7-7-0 7-fi-11 3-3-1 6-8-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 9-0-0 16-7-0 24-2-0 31-8-15 35-0-0 41-8-0 44-0-0-0 1 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 10 44-0-0 1 Places -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga N S20) or 18 go (AS18HS, ASSBS5, or AS18S6) indicated by •-18' Coda/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Due Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Saow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 ps£ Nan -Concurrent BULL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 ft 200 Its BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Ezt - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 c.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep IRcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) l2--------------Reaction Summary(lbs) ---- Truss Span Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) /2 Jet--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Read -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.09) 12-14 Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) @2 11 2-04-00 1538 673 08-00 02-07 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.26) 12-14 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 11-2 17 31-OB-15 2692 1240 11-05 O4-09 sPF 425 Herz LL 0.75in l 0.01) @Jt17 17-7 19-9 19 41-OB-00 341 148 08-00 00-09 SPF 425 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.03) @Jt17 Max Horiz - -212 / +212 at Joint 11 Cant CR L/120 L/835( 0.03) 1-11 Member Forces Summary Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.02) 19-10 ...Mem... Ten Comp TC OH- 1 8 0 CSI. 0.00 Loads Summa ry Vert CA and Harz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 124 85 0.67 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1062 1638 0.90 live load occurring at [220000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 1351 1791 0.94 factor. due to dead load, computed as De£1 LL + 4- 5 763 964 0.85 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Met - 1) x Oefl DL in accordance with 5- 6 764 964 0.85 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 85 116 646 7- 8 1770 1.00 1.00 8- 9 426 495 0.76 Bracing Data Summary 9-10 138 95 139 10-011 B 0 0.00 0.28 PlateNotes ------------ Bracing Data ------------ Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Chords; degrees continuous except where shown BC 1-19 186 50 11-19 86 68 0.31 0.46 ------- Web Bracing -- CLR----------- Places located 7 at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size Single: 4-1$Rest 11-12 0.68 o requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those ain Restraint Bracing Req'tl 12-14 1353 657 353 657 0.70 SoeBOVOue Connie. see SCSI-B3 3.0 13-15 1791 0.79 Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) roes require diagonal bracing per 14-15 1791 918 918 0.]9 D-WEBCLRBRACE. Alternatively, see D-WEBREINFORCE. Plate 01ISe15 (1(, Y): 15-16 1081 1117 0.39 (None unless indicated below) 16-17 1081 1117 0.31 Jntl(02-07,0), Jnt10(-02-07,0), 17-18 653 644 0.31 Jntll(0,-00-13) 18-19 86 67 0.31 Web 2-11 1187 1432 0.15 2-12 1227 O 3-12 130 0.05 \\`\4111111I1 M B 3-14 509 326 0.42 \ ` Qx 4-14 242 106 4-15 693 1050 0.04 0.36 \\ �1\�••'••••'• .• •. .y 6-15 596 617 0.24 _iCENSF 1 �: '••(� i 7-15 2426 1665 0.54 7-17 1352 1801 0.45 _- No. 69577 B-17 720 952 8-18 267 71 0.48 0.06 1 9-18 592 638 9-19 271 232 0.42 0.03 Q STATE OF "4 ORID /QNAL con03000 i1I11111 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be fumisheel to the erection contsi The design of Nis Individual Muss is based on design eHeda and requirements supplied by Component solutions reM re the Truss Menufaclurelies upon Me smal ry and completeness of the infomuten set fold by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates acceptance of pmfessiond engineering responsibilly solely forthe buss component design shown. See Me coverpage and the •Impodant Infonre8on a Generel Truss Studio V Notee page foreddidonal information. All connector plates shal be manufachmed by Simpson Strong-Te Com"ar Incinacmrdancewilh ESR-2762.Alconnector 2018.5.3.4 - plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is folowed bya•-18•which indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S4118',ahIchindicatesahightension 18gouge plate. n r r Mel a k: 1-e66-252-8606 - -CSHelpB efiangtie.eom Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: A3 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388396 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20118 Truss l4fir. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 0-4-0 4-4-0 4-4-0 6-3-0 6-3-0 6-2-15 2-1-5 -1- 7-1-12 1-6-e 2-4-m-0 2-4-0 6-8-0 11-0-0 17-3-0 23-6-0 29-8-15 1-10- 3-a- 40-1-12 ^1-a-a 44-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4x4. 3x4= 3x6 2x4 5x10 2x4 4x6 6/12 -6/12 3x4 as 0 3x4. 3x4 3x4 6-6 3.6 3x6 6-6 5x10 3x4= c 4x8 x 4x4+ 3x4.3x6 3x4+ 4x12 3x6 3x 3x4 I 3x413x4 2-4-0 4-4-0 4-4-0 6-3-0 6-3-0 6-2-11 2-3-1 -a- 7-0-0 -8-0 2-4-0 2 4 014 6-8-0 11-0-0 17 3 0 23-6-0 29-8 40-0-0 4-g 1 15 1617 18 19 20 212-022 23?4 25, 268 27 13 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Cade/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) = 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BOLL: Yes TO20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BE 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roo£ Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Ochers(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Pat - 1.0 300 lb TO Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 Its TO Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums l Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TO - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Rcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybzidMW OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. Deflection Summary TO 2x4 SP IALSC6-2013) #2 11-25 331 211 0.06 TrvssSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 02 12-25 504 339 0.13 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.05) 16-18 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 12-27 194 350 0.02 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.15) 16-18 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 14-2 21-23 917 859 0.16 Herz LL 0.751n ( 0.01) @Jt27 21-8 27-12 22-23 8 15 0.01 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.03) @Jt27 25-26 42 30 0.02 Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.02) 1-14 Member Forces Summary 25-27 321 230 0.05 Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.02) 27-13 ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. Reaction Summary TO OH- 1 8 0 0.00 -----------Reaction Summary(Lbw) ----- Vert CR and Harz OR are the vertical and 1- 2 187 185 0.32 Jut--x-Loc- React -Up- --width- -Regd -Mat PSI horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 959 1429 0.49 14 2-04-00 1460 642 08-00 02-05 SIP 425 plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 1060 1410 0.50 21 29-08-15 2496 1134 11-05 03-15 SIR 425 due to dead load, computed as Deft LL a 4- 5 1064 1267 0.70 27 41-08-00 570 195 06-00 00-14 SPF 425 Mar - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 606 628 0.62 Max Hurls - -259 / a259 at Joint 14 ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 606 628 0.57 7- 8 606 8- 9 620 629 0.57 254 0.65 Loads Summary Bracing Data Summary 9-10 620 254 0.27 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord ------------Bracing Data ------------ 10-11 553 286 0.92 live load occurring at [2200001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 244 433 0.89 factor. ------- Web Bracing -- CIA----------- 12-13 256 245 0.16 See Leadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. Single: 5-19 19- 8 13-OH 8 0 0.00 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Continuous Restraint Bracing Req'd RC 1-14 194 121 0.11 - See BCSI-B3 3.0 13-27 269 187 0.14 14-15 211 0.15 Notes Plate offsets (X, Y): 15-17 1186 16-18 1186 634 511 0.46 511 0.54 (None unless indicated below) Planes designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 17-19 1267 537 0.55 degrees Jnt1(02-00,0), 18-20 1830 0.25 , Pub2-02-07,0), Plates at TO pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size Jnt14(0,-00-13), Jnt23 (0, 00-12), 19-20 830 772 7]2 0.25 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those Jnt25 (0, 00-04) mentlocatedto I 20-22 836 ]]2 0.31 Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing 23-22 6 1 0.31 per D-WEBCLRHRACE. Alternatively, D-WEBREINFORCE. \\\\tttr.q p (Vs O 23-29 630 24-25 457 498 0.38 201 0.52 see �� O�` 26-27 9 4 0.10 \�\�•"'••"'• \ .• 1,LOENStrc'•., .S. Web 2-14 1104 1352 0.14 ��• ••� 2-15 1322 868 0.30 3-15 323 340 0.08 NO. figs]] 3-16 160 4-16 224 4-18 106 5-18 218 120 0.05 54 0.05 159 0.18 0 0.05 5-19 622 920 0.20 fir. {.• 7-19 484 504 0.29 STATE OF ((/� B-19 1806 8-21 1376 1235 0.40 2009 0.73 �(\ ••, F 1 i •. tORIOP.•''G\�� 8-23 436 116 0.10 �:` �//S "•-•.••• �� 10-23 657 885 0.28 '//NAL \\� 10-24 405 23 0.09 COA#30003 ///If till l\\\\ 11-24 677 626 0.62 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be fumished to Me erection contractor. The design of this MdMdual Was Is based on design crania and requirements supplied by Component Solution. Me Truss Manufacturer and rages upon the aaureo/ and completeness of the lnfomiatbn set forth by Me Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responslbNay, solely for Me Was component design slum. See Me cover page and Ma'Impodanl lnfomu,0on 8 Gnnorsl Trade Studio V Notes' page for additional information. Ali connector plates shag ma nufactured anufactured by Simpson Sbong-Tie Campany, In. h.dowdance coif ESR-2762-AII connector plates ere 20 gauge, unless Me specified plate size is followed by a'-18• which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, ar'S# 18', whkh Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. �2010.5.3.4 s r r Helpdeak: 1-866-252-8606 CBRelp@atrongtie.com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing .7233 Marsh Terrace Qty: 1 Truss: A4 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388397 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Paget of 1 1-@-4-05-4-0 5-7-7 5-7-7 5-7-7 -1- 4-6-14 4-6-14 1-6-4 2-4-fIl-0 2-4-0 7-8-0 13-0-0 18-7-7 24-2-13 29-10-4 1-a- 35-6-14 40-1-12 41-e-D 44-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4x8 3x6 3x6 3x4- 2x4 4x6 6/12 -6/12 3x4% n 3x4> 0 3x4o 4x6 4x6 6-6 3x6 3x6 6-6 Sx10 3x4= 3x4- 5x10 x 3x8 3xt= 3x6 3x4= Sx10 3x4n A 3x413x6 2-4-05-4-0 5-7-7 5-7-7 5-9-3 -a- 4-6-14 4-5-2 -8-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 7-8-0 13-0-0 18-7-7 24-2-13 30-0-0 31-D- 35-6-14 40-0-0 1-8- 44-0-0 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20,2Y2 23 24,25 26 13 44-0-0 1 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or is ga IASI8HS, AS18S5, or AS1836) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs --------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Due Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) = 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Hzt - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R = Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (War) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybriaINw ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...M.... Ten Camp .CSI. Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 12-24 2490 1623 0.56 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 12-26 1411 1976 0.18 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.16) 19-20 Wane 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 19-21 2836 1628 0.76 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.43) 19-20 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 14-2 20-21 90 0 0.15 Harz LL 0.753n 1 0.08) @Jt26 26-12 24-25 45 17 0.12 Harz CR 1.25in 1 0.19) @Jt26 24-26 323 253 0.05 Cant CR L/120 L/490( 0.05) 1-14 Member Forces Summary Reaction Summary Cant CR L/120 L/190( 0.13) 26-13 ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. ------------Reaction Summary(lbs)---------------- TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 Jet--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Rego -Mat PSI Vert CA and Herz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 160 151 0.42 14 2-04-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1806 2602 0.86 26 41-08-00 2218 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 1972 2638 0.88 Max Horiz = -306 / +306 at Joint 14 due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + 4- 5 2218 2788 0.69 1£cz - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 2258 2848 0.70 ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 2258 2848 0.80 Loads Summary 7- 8 2187 2802 0.79 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord 8- 9 2193 2812 0.62 live lead occurring at [2200001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Bracing Data Summary 9-10 2234 3063 0.78 factor. ------------Bracing Data ------------ 10-11 2310 3363 0.80 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 1659 2624 0.45 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 - ----- Web Bracing -- CLR----------- 12-13 227 214 0.17 Single: 5-19 13-OH 6 0 0.00 Continuous Restraint Bracing Req'd BC 1-14 154 93 0.21 See SCSI-B3 3.0 Notes 13-26 234 155 0.14 14-15 341 287 0.21 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Plate offsets (X,`n: 15-16 2248 1370 0.64 16-17 2258 1244 0.65 degrees (None unless indicated below) Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size (None unless), dicate00-02,-00-01), 17-18 2258 1244 0.69 zeguirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those 18-20 2788 1534 0.33 joints. Jnt13(-o27,O), , Jnt15(-00-08,01, 19-20 56 34 0.61 Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing per Jnt2l(0,00-12), Jnt24(0,00-12) D-t4EHCLRBRAC£. Alternatively, see D-WEBREINFORCE. 22 23 2945 1772 0.67 23-24 2378 1366 0.60 \\ M e /�/ 25-26 59 34 0.14 Web 2-14 1651 2092 0.21 \\ `��•",.:.„OO� \,\CENSc, -' y 2-15 2343 1573 0.67 ` ��• -•.�(\ 3-15 470 504 0.14 3-16 194 105 0.07 No.69577 4-16 207 65 0.05 4-18 806 538 0.67 1 5-18 466 501 0.40 5-19 310 159 0.07 7-0.1 �.•r�yl//// 7pg .1•• -21 148 204 D.27 S�TA�E. OF [(/� 8-21 176 198 0.17 Ise s21 0.22 9-21 w(5 ••, �`•\ �� •., 40RIOP.•''/N` 9-22 314 214 0.11 S�O 10-22 390 373 0.22 / 1 NAL 10-23 163, 68 0.03 // \\ ////IIII 11-23 659 418 0.15 COA#30003 I\\\ 11-24 639 722 0.18 12/20/2016 NOTICEAwpy of Nis design shell be Mashed to the erectlon contractor. The design of We Ind iwdual Was Is based on design Weds and requbements supplied by Component Solutions Me Truss Manufacturer and reVas upon the accuracy and completeness of the Information set fodh by the Building Deslgner.A Seaton this drawing Indicates acre tance of refeesbnalen meerin responsibility sole) for Me truss component design shown. See the cover a send Me'Im 'Important Information&General P p 9 9 W N Y W 9 P 9 P Truss Studio V Notes'pego for additional lnformeBon.Aa connector plates shell he manufactured by Simpson Stang -Tie Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-2762.All connector 2018.5.3. 2018.5.3.4 plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is fo8awed by a %Is' which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. r 1-866-252-8606 = CSBelp@etrongtio. com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: AS Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388398 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page; of_t - - 1µ@-4-0 1-sro 5-6-14 5-6-14 4-8-0 4-8-0 4-8-0 5-6-14 5-6-14 -6- 2- - -0 2_q_p 3-1a-4 9-5-2 15-0-0 19-8-0 24-4-0 29-0-0 34-6_14 40-1-12 41-6-o qq_0-0' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4x6 3x4- 3x4- 4x6 6/12 3x63z6 3x63z6 -6/12 0VVq 3x4% 3xla 4x6 4x6 3x6 3x6 6-6 6-6 Sx10 3a4< 3x8 4z6 3x4 4x6 3x8 3x4= 5x10 i 3x6 3x41 3z4: 3x6 2-4-0 -8-0 5-5-2 5-6-14 7-0-0 7-0-0 5-6-14 5-5-2 -8-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 4-0-0 9-5-2 15-0-0 22-0-0 29-0-0 1-'_1 4 40 n 1-8- 44-0-0 1 15 1fi, 17 18 1920 21 2223 24 25, 26 27 14 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, AS1855, or AS1BS6) indicated by .-IS- Code/Design: FBC-2037/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Lead Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dar Factors ASCE7-30 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) a 170 mph 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BE Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb RC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Othurs(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Nzc - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb.TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums (Pfmin) : No Wind DL(ps£): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Leads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R = Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Rcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: NO Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: Hybridtfi9 OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Mem... Ten comp .CST. Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 11-24 131 12 0.03 Truss Span Limit Actual(in) Location 2x4 se IAL$E6-2013) 41 1-5 12-24 607 350 0.18 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.18) 19-21 10-19 12-25 0.57 Vert CA L/240 L/999 (-0.12) 19-27 BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 532 698 13-27 2532 1977 0.18 Harz LL ( 0.28) 8JC27 2x4 SP 1.251n (ALSC6-2013) fl 20-22 13-27 1421 1338 0.07 CR 1.251n ( 0.12) @1-15 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) f2 CHarzant 15-17 445 317 0.11 Cant CR L/120 L/194( 0.12) 2x6 5P (ALSC6-20131 42 15-2 7-14 16-26 45 17 0.11 Cant CA L/120 L/194( 0.12) 2]-14 27-13 25-26 45 17 0.11 25-27 325 251 0.05 Vert CR and Harz Cat are the vertical and Member Forces Summary Reaction Summary horizontal deflections due to live load ...Hem... Ten Comp .CST. --------------Reaction Summary t Lbs)---------------- plus the creep component of deflection TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 Jar--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + 1- 2 228 216 0.12 15 2-04-00 2217 986 06-00 03-08 SPF 425 (xcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 2- 3 1723 2659 0.40 27 41-08-00 2218 986 08-00 03-08 SIP 425 ANSI/TPI 1. 3- 4 2344 3366 0.74 Max astir = -353 / +353 at Joint 15 4- 5 2154 2919 0.72 5- 6 2174 2886 0.76 Bracing Data Summary Loads Summary 6- 7 2046 7- 8 2253 2503 0.62 2839 0.59 ------------Bracing Data ------------ This truss has been designed for the effects of anunbalanced top chord 8- 9 2046 2503 0.62 Chords; continuous except where shown live load occurring at 12200001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Web Bracing -- None 9-10 2173 2885 0.76 factor. 30-11 2153 2919 0.72 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Plate offsets (X, 1): 11-12 2343 12-13 3315 0.71 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 (None unless indicated below) 1720 13-14 228 2659 0.40 216 0.12 Jntl(02-07,0), Jnt14(-02-07,0), 14-OH B 0 0.00 Jntl7(0,00-12), Jnt20(O,OO-G4), BC -236 157 014 .- Notes Jnt22(0,00-04), Jnt25(O,OO-12) 14 27 236 10.1 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 30.0 15-16 16 56 33 33 0.3 degrees 17-19 2933 1780 0.65 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size 18-19 81 jement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those 19-20 2813 20-21 2813 1552 0.81 1552 0.84 .int.. 21-23 2813 1552 0.81 •'• 22-24 2932 1779 0.81 �� (` CENSc, ,S, \,\ i 23-25 2414 1436 0.81 ` w�-' �• •..� 24-27 2456 65 1433 0.13 ` 26-15 56 33 0.13 _ �.1. NO. 69S%7 •; Web 2 17 2532 1698 0.57 _ R 1 3-19 3-18 603 18 347 0.18 ]11 0.03 ;• * p5 ` 9-18 132 11 0.45 Nam. 4-19 552 552 529 0.45 1111////••••"''' STATE OF !V 6-19 869 7-19 379 574 0.44 549 0.61 '•, F , i •., �ORIOP.•'-G\`�� 7-21 273 113 0.09 /� S 8-21 273 113 0.09 S \ \� �/ONAL \\� 9-23 869 574 0.44 COA#30DO3/ 11-23 551 528 0.45 12/20/201 S NOTICEAmpyof this design shall be fumishud to the erection conirador. The design of Nis Individual buss is based an design Wrath and reguhements suppled by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and tutus upon the accuracy and completeness of the Infom:ation set forth by Me Building Designer. Aseal on this drawing indicates � acceplance of professional eaglneedng responsibility solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and Me'Impodant Information & General Trues Studio V Notes' page for additional informetom Al conneclar plates shall be manufaclumd by Simpson Strong-Ta Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-276Z All connector 2018.5.3. 2018.5. 3.4 plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a' -Is' which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. r 1-866-252 1-866-252-8606 � CSHelpsk: Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Qty: 1 Truss: A6 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388399 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 1@-4-0 1-" 4-4-9 4-4-9 4-4-9 5-0-0 5-0-0 4-4-9 4-4-9 4-4-9 1-6-4 2-4-@-0 & 2-4-0 a-30-4 8-2-13 12-7-7 17-0-0 22-0-0 27-0-0 31-4-9 35-9-3 40-1-12 41-a-4 49-0-0° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4x6 2x4 4x6 3x6 3x6 3x47 3x4> 6/12 -6/12 3x4a 0 30- a 2x4 2x4 4x6 4z6 3xfi 3x6 6-6 6-6 7x8= 0 3x4• 3x6 3x4= 3x8 3x4.3x6L 3x4- 7x 3x6 3x1k "r 3x4:3z6 2-4-0-8-0 6-5-2 6-6-14 5-0-0 5-0-0 6-6-14 6-5-2 1-B-0 2-4-0 10-5-2 2 4 016 17, 17 0 0 22-0-0 27-0-0 33-6-14 40-0-D 4-0 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26,278 28 15 44-0-0 1 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga IAS20) or 18 ge (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/PPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Sn.w(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 ps£ Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.S 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 it B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) = 20.0 It Met - 1.0 300 16 TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed - 2000 16 TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope MinimumslPfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 _ Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (NCr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Me.... Ten Comp .CSI. Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 12-26 549 777 0.32 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) f2 13-26 322 248 0.17 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.16) 21-22 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) f2 14-26 2482 1647 0.56 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.40) 21-22 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 16-2 14-28 1437 1974 0.18 Harz LL 0J5in 1 0.12) @Jt2B 28-14 16-18 476 395 0.08 Herz CR 1.25in 1 0.28) @Jt2B 17-18 45 17 0.12 Cant CR L/120 L/189( 0.13) 1-16 Member Forces Summary 26-27 45 17 0.12 Cant CR L/120 L/189( 0.13) 28-15 ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. 26-28 325 256 0.05 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 Reaction Summary Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 227 213 0.17 --------------Reaction Summary(List---------------- horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1693 2621 0.43 Jet--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 1885 2725 0.62 16 2-04-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 due to dead load, computed as Gail LL + 4- 5 2396 3218 0.75 28 41-08-00 2218 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 (Wcr - 1) x Defl_OL in accordance with 5- 6 2130 2704 0.71 Max Boric - -400 / +400 at Joint 16 ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 2142 2647 0.62 7- 8 2108 2495 0.60 8- 9 2109 2496 0.60 Loads Summary Bracing Data Summary 9-10 2142 2647 062 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord ------------ Bracing Data------------ 10-11 2130 2705 0..71 live load occurring at 1220000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Chards; continuous except where shown 11-12 2396 3217 0.75 factor. Web Bracing -- None 12-13 1881 2721 0.62 See Londoner Report for loading combinations and additional details. 13-14 1690 2617 0.43 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Plate offsets (%, Y): 14-15 227 213 0.17 (None unless indicated below) 15-OH 8 0 0.00 Jntl(01-15,0), Jntl51-01-15,01, BC 1-16 233 155 0.14 Notes Jntl8(0,01-12), Jnt26(0,01-12) 15-28 233 155 0.14 16-17 60 36 0.14 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 18-19 2920 1829 0.91 degrees 19-20 2692 1568 0.87 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size 20-21 2692 1568 0.70 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joint.. 21-22 2333 1190 0.65 23-24 2691 1568 0.70 �.� J�r1 BOOS%., 24-25 2691 1568 0.87 25-26 2919 1828 0.91 •M: \. e '••.yam 27-28 60 36 0.14 ` ��.•'' Web 2-16 1438 1976 0.18 2-18 2482 1647 0.56 ND.69577 3-18 322 248 0.17 4-18 545 773 0.31 4-19 329 259 0.06 le _ 5-19 359 206 0.10 5-21 0.43 Sr• I XIANI 568 427 7-22 568 425 0.32 5-22 STATE OF �\` 8-22 378 235 0.41 395 0.32 �'••,�<O RID P.•''�\ 408 9-23 568 235 0.43 9-23 568 426 0.53���\ �j �\ 11-25 359 205 0.10 COA #3DOD 3//(/NIII-\\\\� 12-25 328 258 0.06 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shell be furnished! to the erection conbacter. The design of Nis Individual buss is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by Component Solutions rm the Truss Manufactumrand rates upon the accuracy and completeness of the inroation set forth by the Building Designer. Aseal on this drewhg indicates ® Truss Studio V acceptance of peefessional engineering responsaitty solely for the Wes component design shown. See the cover page and the'lmp pant Infommillon 8 General 2018.5.3.4 Notes' page for additional lnfmmabon.AO connector plates shot be manufactured by Simpson Strong-Ti.Company, Inc in aceritance Wth ESR-2762. All connector -AW Hel ask: 1-866-252-8606 = plates ere20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is followed by a whch indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which indicates a high tension 18 geugo plate. CBHelpBetrongtie.com Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City. 3 Truss: A7 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388400 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 1 µIII-4-0 i-s-4 4-4-9 4-4-9 4-4-9 5-0-1 5-0-1 4-4-9 4 if 4-4-9 2-4-01-0 2_4_p a-1D-4 8-2-13 12-7-6 16-11-15 22-0-0 7- 0-1 31-4-10 35-9-3 �1-6-4� 40-1-12 a1-e-D qq_0-De 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 06 2x4 4x6 3x6 3W • 6/12 -6/12 e 3xV 0 A 3x4a : 2x4 2x4 4x6 3x6 6-6 43X6 6-6 7x8• 3z4. 3x6 3x4= 3x6 3x4=3x6 3x4= 7x X 3.6 3x4 3x413x6 2-4-0 1-8-0 6-5-2 6-6-13 5-0-1 5-0-1 6-6-13 6-5-2 1-8-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 4-0-0 10-5-2 16-11-15 22-0-0 27-0-1 33-6-14 40-0-0 41-8- 44-0-0 1 16 17,18 ! 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 % 28 15 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, AS1855, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: MC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Der Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf Be Limited storage: Yes Be 0.0 10.0 Lou 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 it 0 - 0.0 ft 200 16 Be Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) = 20.0 ft Est - 1.0 300 to TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: We Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 16 TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 Be - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Net Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Hart - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Mr.... Ten comp .CSI. Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALS46-2013) 42 12-26 549 778 0.32 TruesSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Be 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) Y2 13-26 322 248 0.17 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.16) 21-22 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) F2 14-26 2482 1647 0.56 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.40) 21-22 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) !2 16-2 14-28 1437 1974 0.18 Herz LL 0.751n ( 0.12) @Jt28 28-14 16-18 476 395 0.08 Harz CR 1.251n ( 0.28) @Jt28 17-18 45 17 0.12 Cant CR L/120 L/189( 0.13) 1-16 Member Forces Summary 26-27 45 17 0.12 Cant CR L/120 L/189 ( 0.13) 28-15 ...MTen Comp .CSI. 26-28 325 256 0.05 OH- 1 TC OH- 1 B 0 0.17 --action Summary Vert CR and Holz CR are the and 1- 2 0.43 --------------Reaction )--------------SI horizontal o live deflections due Co live load 692 621 2- 3 1885 2721 0.62 -$.sty --Width- -Mat PSI plus J16--x-Loc0 React -Up- --Width- the creep component of deflection 3- 4 2225 0.75 0-Reqd3-08 16 2-08-00 2218 986 08-00 03-08 425 due to dead load, computed as LL + 4- 5 2396 2396 0.75 SPF 28 41-OB-00 2318 986 03-08 SPP 925 (xcr - l) x Defl_DL in accordance with nce 2705 5- 6 2142 2647 0.62 at Jo Max Boris - -400 / +900 at Joint 16 ANSI/TPI I. 6- 7 2109 2496 0.62 ]- 8 2109 2496 0,60 e- 9 2142 2647 0.6o Loads Summary Bracing Data Summary 9-11 2130 269] 0.71 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord ____________Bracing Data ------------ 0.75 10-11 2396 live load occurring at 12200001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 2396 321] 0.75 3217 factor. ------------- Perlin s------------ 12-13 1881 2721 0.62 See Loadease Report for loading combinations and additional details. ---oc-----Fzom-----To--- !Says 13-14 1690 2617 0.43 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 TC 2-00-00 16-11-15 19-00-00 1 14-15 227 213 0.17 TC 2-00-00 25-00-00 27-00-01 1 15-OH 8 0 0.00 Web Bracing -- None Be 1-16 233 155 0.14 Notes 15-211 233 155 0,14 Plate offsets X, ( 16-17 60 36 0.14 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 (None unless indicated below) 18-19 2920 1829 0.91 19-20 2692 1569 0.87 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size Jntl(01-15,0), Jnt15(-01-15,01, 20-21 2692 1569 0.70 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those Jntl8(0,01-12), joints. Jnt26(0,01-12) 22-23 2333 1191 0.65 \\8 23-24 2692 1568 0.70,Q 24-25 2692 1568 0.87 / \\ v\�•' '• O�,[/� •'•,-J'-r 25-26 2919 1828 0.91 27-28 60 36 0.14 ` ��: •'\CENSF Web 2-16 1438 1976 0.18 2-18 2482 1647 0.56 N0.69577 3-18 322 248 0.17 4-18 545 773 0.31 1 4-19 329 259 0.06 5-19 359 206 0.10 _ fir• 5-21 606 573 0.53 1.• 7-21 568 426 0.43 O STATE OF 7-22 408 236 0.32 8-22 379 391 0.41/�n'•. i /(�' •, FAO R1�. ••1��\� 9-22 408 236 0.32 9-23 568 426 0.43 /// t3� 11-25 359 205 0.10 COA#30003//ONAt-\\\\\ 12-25 328 258 0.06 12/20/2018 NOTICE Acopy of this design shall be famished to are erection connector. The design of this individual truss is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by Component Solutions to Truss Manufaamarand miles upon the accuracy and completeness of fire informa8on set foM by to Building Designer. A seal on this dmwing indicates True. Studio V acceptance ofpmfesskresponsLiGy solely for lha bass component design shown. Sea the cover page and lha'Mpodanl lnfsmatianB General Notes' pago foreddNonat lnfarmatiom AD connector plates shell be manufactured by Simpson SnengTie Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-2762. AS connector plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a'-18'which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or•S118',which indicates a high tension Is gauge plate. �2018.5.3.4 . r r 1-866-252-B6D6 CSHelpHelpdeak: - CSHalpBetrongtfe.com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City: 2 Truss: A8 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388401 TID: 76668 Date: 12/20118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills _ Page. i of 1 _ -30-10 4-10-10 2-4-01-0 2-4-0 3-10-4 8-2-13 12-7-6 16-11-15 22-0-0 27-0-1 31-10-11 360; 6 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4x6 2x4 4x6 3x4- 3x4, fi/12 -6/12 3x6 3x6 on 3x4ry c m 3x4a 2x4 4x6 4xfi 6-6 3x6 3x6 6-6 7x& c 3x4= 3x4- 3xfi 3x8 4x12 3x6 3x4i " 3xN 4xl2 3x6 3x8 x 2-4-0 1-8-0 6-5-2 6-6-13 5-0-1 5-0-1 4-10-10 4-10-10 4-10-10 2-4-0 2-4-0 4-0-0 10-5-2 16-11-15 22-0-D 27-0-1 31-10-11 36-9-6 41-8-0 �44-0-0� 1 15 16, 17 18 19 20 21 22,23 24 25 26 27 14 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Due Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snov(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 put Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Car: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes SC 0.0 10.0 Los 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 ft 200 Its BC Accessible ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Kzt - 1.0 300 16 TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yea R - Yea Feb Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kee) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: Hybridl OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Me.... Ten Comp .CSI. Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013 12 1 13-26 2307 1584 0.57 n Limit. Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 13-27 1673 2099 0.21 Vert LL Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.39) 21-22 Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 15-17 445 317 0.12 Vert CR L/999(-0.09) 21-22 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 35-2 0L/240.751 16-23 45 1] 0.08 Harz 0.]51n ( 0.21) @Jt27 27-13 CR 22-23 75 0 0.52 CR 1.251n ( 0.12) @1-15 Cant 2tion 2323 1359 0.52 Cant CR L/120 L/494( 0.05) Member Forces Summary 7-15 Reaction Summary cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.05) 2]-19 ... MON .. Ten Come .CSI. ----------"---Reaction Su--Width--Re-------------- TC OM- 1 B 0 0.17 -Mat PSI Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and J15--x-Loc0 React -Up---N08-00 1- 2 0.43 03-08 15 2-08-00 2218 986 OB-00 03-08 SIP 425 horizontal deflections due to load 692 621 2- 3 1885 2725 0.62 27 ql-OB-00 z218 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 plus the creep component of deflection flee 3- 4 0.70 Max Noxiz -400 / +900 at Joint 15 due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + 4- 5 2396 3140 0.75 2386 3218 (Ncx cc - 1) x Oefl_DL in accordance With 0.75 5- 6 2142 1. 2704 6- 7 2107 2704 0.71 Loads SummaryANSI/TPI 7- 8 2107 2997 0.59 This loads has been for the effects of a unbalanced top chord 8- 9 2136 2703 0.80 atdesigned[2200 live load occurring at 1220000] using a 1.00 Falland0.00 Reduced load Bracing Data Summary 9-10 2136 2703 0.80 factor. _ _ _ __ ____________ 10-11 2032 2551 0.78 See Looads a Report for loading combinations and additional details. Chords; continuousexceptwhere shown 11-12 2024 2663 0.706 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0 /12 --------cc---Pu--From—-----To-- -- 6 12-14 1166 2155 0.41 ---00-00 From-----To-01 IBaye 13-OH 168 150 0.00 TC z-00-00 16-11-15 2]-00-01 5 14-OH B 0 0.14 Notes Web Bracing -- None BC 4-27 159 155 0.14 14-16 160 99 0.14 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 30.0 plate offsets (X, 1): 15-16 60 36 0.91 17-19 2691 1568 0.87 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescription minimum size (Nonentl( unless indicated below) 18-20 2332 1191 0.63 requirecart [o transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those Jntl(Oz-07,0), Jnt14(-02-07,0), o acres 19-211 2332 1191 0.71 joints. Jntl](0,01-12), Jnt22 (00-05,-00-01), 20-22 2332 1195 0.72 2333 1119 Jnt26100-08, 01 23-24 0.24 \\�\\11111111jy// �OO�'�/ 25-26 2186 1361 0.53 \\\\V•• ` (G .• EN3F '• /Sr i 26-27 161 100 0.18 Web 2-15 1438 1976 0.18 \,\G ` �•• ' '. i 2-17 2482 1647 0.56 3-17 322 248 0.17 No.69577 4-17 545 774 0.31 4-18 329 259 0.06 6-18 361 206 0.10 6-19 606 573 0.53 •�` 7-19 565 428 0.43 ��. {. 7-21 911 233 0.32 STATE OF B-21 376 388 0.41 9-21 422 228 0.31 '•, F 9-22 536 414 0.44 30-22 260 140 0.11 /� �� "•....••' _` \ ` \\ 321 468 00.32 ONAL 1P-24 COA p30003// 12-26 502 552 0.14 12/20/2018 NOTICEAmpy o/Nis design Shell befumished tothe erecllon mntredor. The deslgnof lhislndMdual Oussis based ondesign criteria and requirements suyplledby Component Solutiono th the Truss Manufecturerand miles upon e accuracy and completeness of Me lnformetlon set forth bylhe Bulking Designer. Aseal on aria drawing lndtwtss ® accepWnw of pmfesslonal engineedng msmnsWWty sdelyfor Ne truss mmmnsnt design shown. See IAe cover page and Me 'Important Information & General True. Studio V Notes' page forsdollonalinformallon. An connector plates Shan be manufacturedby Simpson Strong-Ta Company, Inc In acmNanw vriar ESR-2762.All connector 201201 plates ere 20 gauge, unless Ne unsalted plate size is forowed by a %18' which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or •SR IV, which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. a r eak: 1-866-252-8606 - pd CSHelp@etrongtie.com Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City. 8 Truss: A9 Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388402 TID: 76668 Date: 12119/18 Truss Mir, Contact: Rick Mills Page l of 1 _ lw@-4-0 4-10-10 4-10-10 4-10-10 5-0-1 5-0-1 4-30-10 4-10-10 4-30-10 2-4-CI-0 2-4-0 7-2-10 12-1-4 16-11-15 22-0-0 27-0-1 31-10-11 9 6 41-8-0 4-0- 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4x8 3x4• 4x8 3x4w 3x4o 6/12 -6/12 3x6 3x6 us 3x6 m 3x6 2x4 2x4 6-6 3x6 3x6 6-6 7.6 3x4. 4x6 3x8 axe 4x6 3x4= 4x6 2-4-0 7-4-0 6-0-0 -3-1 10-0-2 -3-1 6-0-0 7-4-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 9-8-0 15-8-0 3 -u- . 27-0-1 B-^- 34-4-0 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (As18HS, A518S5, or ASSBS6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dar Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 pat Non -Concurrent BOLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 it B - 0.0 It 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It Kzt - 1.0 300 16 TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 .... Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 16 TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Mfnimams(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TELL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yea Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 ESE Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42--------------Reaction Suemary(Lbs)---------------- T...Spaa Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Jet--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.23) 17-18 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 16-19 14 2-04-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/952(-0.49) 17-18 Web. 2x4 SP (ALSC6-3013) 62 21 41-08-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SEE 425 Herz LL 0.]51n 1 0.07) 8Jt21 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 14-2 Max Hari. - -400 / a400 at Joint 14 Hors CR 1.25in ( 0.16) @Jt2l 21-12 Cant CR L/120 L/750( 0.03) 1-14 Cant CR L/120 L/750( 0.03) 21-13 Member Farces Summary Loads Summary ..MON- Ten Comp .0CSI..00 This crass has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced tap chord Vert CR and Holz CR are the vertical and 1 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.43 live load occurring at 12200001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal deflections due to flee load 1- 2 126 167 0.43 factor. plus the creep component of deflection 2- 3 115 149 0.40 see Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. due to dead load, computed as Deft LL 3- 4 2007 2624 0.69 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 (But - 1) x Dafl_DL do accordance with 4- 5 2014 2510 0.76 ANSI/TPI 1. 5- 6 1970 2432 0.75 6- 7 1865 2106 0.65 Notes 7- 8 1865 2106 0.65 Bracing Data Summary 8- 9 1970 2432 0.75 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 ____________Bracing Data ------------ 9-10 2014 2510 0.76 degrees Chords; continuous except where shown 10-11 2007 2624 0.69 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size ------------- Purlina------------ 11-12 116 148 0.40 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across chose ___oc___ __From-- --- To-01 @Hays 12-OH 128 160 0.00 joints. TC 2-00-00 16-11-15 27------ 5 13-OH 8 0 0.45 Continuous Lateral (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing per ------- Web Bracing -- ----------- HC 1-19 167 63 0.45 rnatively, D-VN:BCLRBRACE. Alternatively, see D-WEBREZN£ORCE. Single: 7-1 14- 3 17- ] ]-18 11-21 13-21 167 63 0.45 Continuous Restraint Bracing Req'd 14-15 2159 1371 0.79 See SCSI-B3 3.0 15-16 2295 1357 0.82 16-17 2295 1357 0.59 Plate Offsets ()(, 1•): 17-18 2217 1174 0.87 (None unless indicated below) 18-19 2294 1357 0.59 19-20 2294 1357 0.82 Jntl(02-07,0)<< rttQ8t4d2(-rf 01, Jnt16(0,00�Ir11 `�J t 9( 0 4011 370 0.79\\\\ 22-14 0-21 2484 159 1364 Web 0.06 3-14 1958 2732 0.46 \ �\ .. / 3-15 233 36 0.06 .•' LtCENSF''• y i 5-15 111 81 0.05 �; '•.� i 5-17 473 360 0.46 6-17 597 503 0.65 No.69577 7-17 264 364 0.15 7-18 264 364 0.15 1 B-18 597 503 0.65 9-18 472 360 0.46 _ 9-20 114 81 0.05 11-20 233 35 0.06 ^r• 1. STATE OF C(/` 11-21 1959 2733 0.46 12-21 484 363 0.06 / '•, i �`s'•.F�ORID••. •'G\\� coAtt3oDOss//0NAU1� \\ 12/20/2018 NGTICEAmpy of thisdesign shall be furnished to the erection contreUoc The design of Inc individual truss Is based on design triads and requirements supplied by Component solutions the Truss Manufacturer and relies upon as,accuracy and completeness of the Information set forth by the Building Designer.A seal on this carving Indicates ® Truss. studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss component design shown. See the sever page and the •Important Information 6 General 2018.5.3.4 Notes' page for additional information. Al connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie company, Inc in ecocrd. co wit, ESR-2762. All connector plat.. aro 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is followed by a •-18• which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'Se IW, which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. a 3 : 1-866-252-8606 Helpdeak 2-8ie.com - CaHelp@a Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Cty: 1 Truss: A10 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388403 TID: 76668 Date: 12/19/18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills page: 1 of 1 1-@-4-0 4-10-10 4-30-11 4-10-30 6-0-1 5-0-1 4-10-10 4-10-10 4-10-10 2-4 0 2-4-0 7-2-30 5 2' 1-14 16-11-15 22-0-0 27-0-1 31-10-11 36-9-6 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4x8 3x4� 4x8 3x4> 3x4c 6/12 -6/12 3x6 3x6 so a 3x6 3X6 2x4 2x4 6-6 3X6 3x6 6-6 7.6 W. 4x6 3x8 3x8 4x6 3x4= 406 - 2-4-0 7-4-0 6-0-0 -3_3 30-0-2 -3-1 6-0-0 7-4-0 2-4-0 2 4 014 16 8-0 27-0-1 419 34 4 0 41-8-0 4-0 1 15 16ll17 18 20 21 13 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dur Factors ASCE7-10 Ground S..w(Pg) - N/A ASCE]-SO Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BOLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure cat:C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: Al.1 Others(l.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Kst - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 in TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimume(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20t Creep (Kurt - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Ink: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42--------------Reaction Summory(Lbs)---------------- TruesSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Jot--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.23) 17-18 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 02 16-19 14 2-04-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/952(-0.49) 17-18 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 21 41-08-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 Harz LL 0.751n ( 0.07) @Jt21 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 14-2 Max Horir - -400 / +400 at Joint 14 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.16) @Jt21 21-12 Cant CR L/120 L/750( 0.03) 1-14 Cant CR L/120 L/750( 0.03) 21-13 Member Forces Summary Loads Summary . .MON- Ten Comp .CSI.0.00 This truss has been designee for the effects of an unbalanced cap chord here CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 1 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.43 live load occurring at [2200001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal Re due to live load 1- 2 126 167 0.43 factor. plus the creep component of deflection creep component 2- 3 115 149 0.40 due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + Report for loading combinations and additional details. See LLoads 3- 4 2007 2624 0.69 (Kcr m Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: usied: > 12.0/12 - 3) X Defl DL in accordance with - 4- 5 2432 0.75 ANSI/TPI 1. 1970 5- 6 1865 2432 0.]s 6- 1865 2106 0.65 Notes 8 7- 8 1970 210 60.75 Bracing Data Summary 8- 9 1970 2432 0.]5 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0--------contBracing Data ------------ 9-10 2007 25 10 0J6 30-12 2116 2624 0.40 degrees Chords: continuous except where shown Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum site 11-13 126 167 0.43 _____________Perlin requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those --- 00 --- --From-- --- To --- --From-------To--Mays 13-OH 128 160 0.00 00 00 Coatis. TC 2-00-00 16-00-00 27-00-01 2 13-OH B 0 0.45 Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing per TC 1-00-00 23-00-00 2]------ 2 BC 1-14 167 63 0.45 D-WEBCLRBRACE. Alternatively, see D-WEBREINFORCE. _______ Web Bracing -- CLR----------- 13-21 167 63 0.45 Single: 14- 3 17- 7 7-18 11-21 14-15 2159 1371 0.79 Continuous Restraint Bracing Regfd 15-16 2295 1357 0.82 See BCSI-B3 3.0 16-17 2295 1357 0.59 17-18 2217 1174 0.87 Plate offsets (X V): 18-19 2294 1357 0.59 19-20 2294 1357 0.82 (None unless JJ iphtdd jop 1 20-21 2159 1370 0.79 Jotl(02-07,pI n1j (-{Q1j2-0wo")p Web 2-14 484 364 0.06 JntifiJQdt9 (f(f \\ "' "•• �T // 3-14 1958 2732 0.46 3-15 233 36 0.06 \ J •• (` •• vtGENSF'•.•'L1 5-15 ill 81 0.05 �'� • •.� 5-17 473 360 0.46 6-17 597 503 0.65 ND.69577 7-17 264 364 0.15 7-18 264 364 0.15 1 _ R 8-18 597 503 0.65 9-18 472 360 0.46 9-20 2383 0.0 11-20 233 35 0.6 N~. (.•�\ STATE OF 11-21 123 0.46 6 484 36 12-21 489 363 0.006 JJJV('VR\ F \ //� .,•fORtOP,.•'G\\\. NAL COA# 0003VIOJ t�``\�\ 12/20/2018 NOTICEAropy of Nis design shot be furnished to the arankm tontmctor. The design oftris lndMdual truss is based on design miteda and requirements supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and rates upon the accuracy and completeness of the Information set forth by to Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates ® acceptance of professional engineering responsibiRy solely for the truss component design shown. Sae the coverpage and Ne •Important Information a General Truss Studio V Notespege for additional informlion.At connector plates 6hat be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc in accordance Mt,ESR-2762. All connector 20120IH.lBdesk: plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified! plate size is fo0owed by a'-18' which indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. s rr 3-866-252-8606 CSHelp@etrongtie.eom Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace Oty: 1 Truss: At Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388404 TID: 76668 Date: 12120 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact Rick Mills _ Page: 1 of_1- lµ@-4-0 4-10-i1 4-10-11 4-10-11 4-2-3 5-9-11 4-10-11 4-10-11 4-10-11 2-4-11-0 2-4-0 7-2-11 12-1-6 17-0-1 21-2-4 26-11-15 31-10-10 36-9-5 41-8-0 44-0-11D 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 08 3x4= 4x8 3x4l 3x4o 6/12 -6/12 3x6 3x6 re3xC% m 3x6 4x6 2x4 6-6 3X6 SX10 4x1 3x6 6-6 + x 3x8 3x6 4x12 3x4i 3WIN 4x12 3x6 3x4 4x6 2-4-0 4-30-11 4-10-11 5-2-2 3-9-0 6-11-7 7-4-1 7-4-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 7-2-11 12-1-6 17-3-8 21-0-8 26-11-15 34-4-0 41-8-0 �44-0-0� 1 14 t 15 16 17 18,19 20,21 22 23 24 25 13 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga tAS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-Is' Cade/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Spe es ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Due Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-20 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent Bell: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yea Be 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 £t B - 0.0 ft 200 lb Be Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft K.t a 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimumspfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC m 5.0 Be - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kee) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Mem... Tan Comp .CSI. Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 20-21 09 0 0.10 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Be 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 20-22 2166 1102 0.67 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.15) 21-22 Web, 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 Reaction Summary Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.41) 21-22 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 14-2--------------Reaction Sumnary(Lbs) ----- Harz LL 0.75in ( 0.08) @Jt25 25-12 Jar--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Harm CR 1.251n ( 0.19) @Jt25 14 2-04-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SIB 425 Cant CR L/120 L/452( 0.05) 1-14 Member Forces Summary 25 41-08-00 2218 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 Cant CR ,L/120 L/671( 0.04) 25-13 ..Mem... Ten Camp .CSI. Max Hari. - -400 / +400 at Joint 14 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 166 156 0.40 horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1794 2534 a.67 oa Loads Summary ry plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 2024 2663 0.71 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord due to dead load, computed as Leff LL + 4- 5 2032 2551 0.76 live load occurring at [220000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load (Kcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 2316 3067 0.80 factor. ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 2175 2669 0.65 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. 7- 8 2303 2854 0.71 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 8- 9 1978 2419 0.80 Bracing Data Summary 9-10 2018 2517 0.81 ------------Bracing 10-11 2010 2010 2632 0.68 Notes Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 122 12-13 132 143 0.41 170 0.44 ------------- Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Puffins ------------ 13-OH 8 0 0.00 degrees ___cc___ From -- ---To--- #Bays Be 1-14 160 100 0.19 TC 2-00-00 16-11-15 19-00-00 1 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size TC 2-00-00 25-00-00 27-00-01 1 13-25 170 67 0.42 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those Web Bracing -- CLR 14-15 432 378 0.19 joints. Single: 8-22 11-25 15-16 2190 1365 0.53 Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing Pa. Continuous Restraint Bracing Req•d 16-17 2190 1365 0.61 D-WEBCLRBRACE. Alternatively, see D-WEBREINFORCE. See BCSI-B3 3.0 17-18 15 9 0.26 19-20 2859 1496 0.68 Plate offsets (X, If): 21-22 17 10 0.45 (None unless } it=ht1dd logj ) 23--23 2298 24-25 2162 1359 0.81 Jntl(02-07 Jn 1)R�n44��,YBY&xti00.QQg.,Qj2,=V0'-/)1), Web 2-14 1672 1372 0.79 2097 0.21 Jnt19(I)A�OsTF 4ot26(g0-%415 / \ 2-15 2307 1583 0.57 ,,- ` (G .I,II;ENSF •'•,� 3-15 501 553 0.14 �:' •:� 3-17 167 83 0.05 5-17 570 8e4 0.61 No.69577 6-19 1001 698 0.57 1� _ - 7-20 7-20 229 45 0.08 203 0.17 ;• �- r5 = ••.� 8-20 1170 170 656 656 0.88 fir. {. 8-22 192 244 0.08 OSTATE OF �\ 9-22 498 9-24 Its 397 0.50 62 0.04 �� ••• F i �`�f� •.LORID?.•'•/�\_� , •••...• �j 11-24 276 11-25 1964 37 0.06 2745 0.46 6� �VV� L ON11110NNN 17-19 2963 1441 0.66 COA 4300012 3// 18-19 80 0 0.09 12}20}2018 NOTICE Are, of this design shall be furnished to to erection contractor. The design of to Individual truss Is based on design Cruets and requirements supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and relies upon the accuracy and completeness of Informationie Infoation setfoMbythe Bulking Deslgnm,A seal on this drawing indicates ® accepter" of professional engineering responsibilly solely far to truss component design shown. See the cover page and the 'Important lnformadon & General Trues Studio V Notes• page for additional infomanon. An connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Stang -The Company, Inc In eccoNanco with ESR-2761 All connector 2018.5.3 A plates are 20 gauge, unless the sped6od plate size Is fogowed by a '-18' "kin indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18•, whkh Indicates a high tenslon 18 gauge plate. , rtr eel ask: 3-866-252-8606 Pd 1-866-252 CSaelpsk: Project Name: 00383• Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Qty: 1 Truss: Al2 Customer: Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388405 TIC: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Page_? of l @=�0 4-10-11 4-10-11 4-30-11 4-2-3 5-9-11 4-SO-11 4-10-11 4-10-11 2-4-m-0 2-4-0 7-2-11 12-1-6 17-0-1 21-2-4 26-11-15 31-30-10 36-9-5 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 4x8 3x4= 4x8 3x4- 3x4e 6/12 -6/12 3x6 3x6 c m 3x4a 3x6 US 2x4 6-6 3x6 5x10 o4xl2 3x6 6-6 X x 3x8 3x6 4x12 3x1k 3x4s 4x12 3x6 3x4- 4x6 4-10-11 4-10-11 5-2-2 3-9-0 5-11-7 7-4-1 7-4-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 7-2-11 l 12-1-6 17-3-8 21-0-8 t 26-11-15 34-4-0 41-8-0 l44 0 0 1 14 15 16 11 18,19 20,21 22 23 24 2s 13 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (ASHES, ASIBS5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Cade/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Lead Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Spesd(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC. 0.0 30.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 it B - 0.0 it 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Othersll.0) M.R.H(h) = 20.0 ft Ezt - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 It, TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(P£min): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Net Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep Bar) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSI Material Summary ...Mem... Ten Comp CBI. Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 20-21 89 0 0.10 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 20-22 2166 1102 0.67 Vert LL L/360 L/9991-0.15) 21-22 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 Reaction Summary Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.41) 21-22 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 14-2--------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- Harz LL 0.75in 1 0.08) @Jt25 25-12 Jar--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Horz CR 1.251. ( 0.19) OJt25 14 2-04-00 2217 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 Cant CR L/120 L/452( 0.05) 1-14 Member Forces Summary 25 41-08-00 2218 986 08-00 03-08 SPF 425 Cant CR L/120 L/671( 0.04) 25-13 ..Mom... Ten Comp .CSI. Now Hartz - -400 / +400 at Joint 14 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 Vert CR and Horz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 166 156 0.40 horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1794 2534 0.67 Loads Summary plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 2024 2663 0.71 This trams has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord due to dead load, computed as De£1 LL + 4- 5 2032 2551 0.76 live load occurring at [2200003 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Mot - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 2316 3067 0.80 factor. ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 2175 2669 0.65 See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. 7- 9 2303 8- 9 1978 2854 0.71 2419 0.80 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Bracing Data Summary 9-10 2018 2517 0.81 ------------Bracing Data ------------ 10-11 2010 2632 0.68 Chords; continuous except where shown Notes 11-12 122 12-13 132 143 0.41 170 0.44 ------------- Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Purlins------------ ---oc--- --From-----To--- #Bays 13-OH 8 0 0.00 degrees TC 2-00-00 16-11-15 19-00-00 1 BC 1-14 160 100 0.19 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size TC 2-00-00 25-00-00 27-00-01 1 13-25 170 67 0.42 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those ------- Web Bracing -- Cie----------- 14-15 432 378 0.19 Joints. Single: B-22 11-25 15-16 2190 1365 0.53 Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing per Continuous Restraint Bracing Req'd 16-17 2190 1365 0.61 D-WEBCLRBRACE. Alternatively, see D-WEBREINFORCE. See BCSI-B3 3.0 17-18 15 9 0.26 19-20 2859 1496 0.68 Plate offsets (X. h: 21-22 17 10 0.45 (None unless }} ddo bkdd bC%yw) 22-23 2298 23-24 2298 1359 0.82 1359 0.81 Jntl(02-07,pp1)9.1r p8J�006,,Q2!p,r-¢Qq@'-lap, 24-25 2162 1372 0.79 Jntl3(-02�`@ , �1V115QS(tlyd gy3. Job 19102�0�,7vtP01BQ-�fl�)r�(��j Web 2-14 1672 2-15 2307 2097 0.21 1583 0.57 �` /. .• �ICEN$P '• 'J ` V 3-15 501 553 0.14 �;••,� 3-17 167 5-17 570 83 0.05 884 0.61 No.69577 5-19 472 99 0.10 1 - 6-19 3001 7-19 271 7-20 229 698 0.57 465 0.45 203 0.17 - J�• B-20 1170 8-22 192 656 0.88 244 0.08 4 ,V STATE OF ;' �(y\ 9-22 498 9-24 115 397 0.50 62 0.04 i % F[ORIOP,.'G\\�\ 11-29 37 0.6 // 11-25 1964 2369 0.406 /k //Q II 487 ���` COAg30DO3 /'II 17-19 2463 1991 0.66 IjIII 18-19 80 0 0.09 12/20/2018 NOTCEA copyof this design shall be furnished to the erectlon contractor. The design of this Ind widual Was is based an design criteda and requirements supplied by component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and rataccuracy es upon the and completeness affirm Info:fortha0ion set forth by the Building Designer. Aseal on this drawing Indicates ® Trves Stadia V acceptance ofprofessional engineering respansibitty solely for the truss component design shown. Sae the cover page and lhe'Impodant Information A General Notes' page for additional information. All connector plates chat be manufactured by Simpson Stang-TeCompany, Inc In accordance wh ESR-2762. All connector 'Sp �2018.5.3.4 e r 8elpdesk: 1-866-252-8606 plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is fo®awed by a'-18-whlds indicates an 18 gauge plate, or 18', which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. CSBelp@atrangtie. com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Qty. 1 Truss: A13 Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388406 TID: 76668 Date: 12120 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page_iof1- - 1Tm@_4_0 6-4-0 6-4-0 2-1-12 4-0-6 �1-li 6-6-(6-4-0 6-4-0 2�0 8-8-0 15-0-0--L7-1-1 2 -1 h 2 35-4-0 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4x4. 3x4= 2x4 3x4= 4x6 6/12 3x6 3x6 -6/12 us o 3x4l 3x4> 0 3x4l 3x4- 6-6 3x6 4x8 c SxlO 3x6 6-6 z x W. 3x6 3x8 3x4 3x4i5xg 3x6 3x4= 3x4= X 2-4 6-4-0 2-3-8 3-9-0 1-s-8 6-6-0 6-4-0 6-4-0 2-4-0 2-4-015-0-0 17-3-8 21-0-829-0-0 35-4-0 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 14 15 16 17 18.19 20.21 22 2324 25 26 13 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 go (AS3G) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or A518S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ HELive Dead Dur Factors ASCE7-10 Ground S.ew(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 30.0 Lvm 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 If B - 0.0 It 200 16 BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) = 20.0 ft Est - 1.0 300 16 TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Ker) = 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSI Material Summary ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. Deflection Summary TC 2x9 SP (ALSC6-2013) i2 17-19 428 185 0.09 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) B2 18-19 5 0 0.01 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.04) 15-17 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 62 20-21 0 87 0.01 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.09) 15-17 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2013) f2 14-2 20-22 1125 884 0.20 He.z LL 0.751. ( 0.02) 6Jt22 26-12 Reaction Summary Horz CR 1.25in ( 0.03) 6Jt22 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 1-14 Member Forces Summary Jet--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.01) 26-13 ...Mein... Ten Comp .CSI. 14 2-04-00 1087 495 08-00 01-11 SPF 425 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 22 22-06-00 2354 1008 04-00 03-06 SPF 464 Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 153 137 0.51 26 41-08-00 1081 469 08-00 01-11 SPF 425 horizontal deflections due to live lead 2- 3 706 948 0.93 Max Heitz - -353 / +353 at Joint 14 plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 537 491 0.90 due to lead load, computed as Deft LL + 4- 5 557 451 0.58 (Kcr - 1) x Deft. DL in accordance. with 5- 6 428 319 0.25 Loads S oasumma Summary ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 447 39 0.30 This truss has been designed for the effects of anunbalanced top chord 7- 8 448 40 0.88 live load occurring at [220000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load 8- 9 480 63 0.89 fatter. Bracing Data Summary 9-10 485 431 0.50 See insecure Report for loading combinations and additional details. -----------Bracing Data ------------ 10-11 465 491 0.a5 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 641 936 0.88 ------- Web Bracing -- CLR----------- 12-13 ISO 135 0.54 Single: 22- 9 13-OH 8 0 0.00 NOlB3 Continuous Restraint Bracing Req'tl BC 1-19 130 13-26 127 84 81 0.22 0.22 See Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 BCSI-33 3.0 14-15 396 348 0.27 degrees Plate OH3013 (7h 1�: 15-16 755 363 0.48 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum Also (None (None unless indicated below) unless), dicated below) 16-17 755 363 0.36 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those Jntl(Jntl4(0,-00-10), 17-20 1 19-20 300 3 303 0.24 0.24 joints. Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing per Jati9(-00-09,-00-07), 21-22 3 1 0.43 0-WEBCLRBRACE. Alternatively, see D-WEBREINFORCE. Jnt20(0,00-12), Jnt26 Jnt22(0,-00-09), (0,-00\09`111M111p1/ 22-23 330 0 0.48 BOO ///// 24-25 741 303 0.47 \\\\ ��,.•••' 25-26 128 web 2-14 920 82 972 0.25 0.11 w •'' �,\CEN$�e''., yet / 2-15 791 505 0.30 ` �; •, `•- 3-15 183 42 0.03 3-17 568 535 0.62 No.69577 •• 5-17 353 372 0.38 1 5-19 508 6-19 617 6-20 704 502 366 1054 0.29 0.23 0.80 _ * rl 7-20 102 8-20 297 152 108 0.09 0.06 ' 2•. STATE OF i <(/ 8-22 347 9-22 711 676 1046 0.71 0.96 T " T i'•. �<ORID P,••'A�\\• 9-24 396 11-24 396 9 26509 0.27 0.61 E 12-25 768 442 0.26 / AL \\ COAe30003///I/IIIIt11\\ 12-26 883 966 0.11 12/20/2018 N0110EAcopy of this design shall be rumiShed to the unit. contractor. The design of this lndiwdual Buss is based on design criteria And requirements supplied by Component Solution. the Tmss Manufacturer and reries upon Me Accuracy and completeness of the infom:eti.n set forth by the Suf1ding Designer. A seal on this Mewing Indicates ® True. Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibuy solely for Me truss component design sinsm. Sea Me cover page and the'Impodare hibernation & General 2018.5.3 A 2018.5.3.Relpriesk: Notes' page for additional infotmaion.All connector plates Alai be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company,1.eina=Manmwe,ESR-2762.N]..nnettor a 1-866-252-806 platesare20 gauge, unless Me specifetl platesizeisfenowed bya-AFMIchindicatesen 18gauge plate,or•SN18•, width indiwlesa high tension 18gaugeplate. CSSelp6stiongtle.tom Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace Oty: 1 Truss: A14 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388407 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1_of 1_ _ 1-@-45-4-0 4-1-12 4-0-8 -3- 4-3-0 4-3-0 5-4-0 5-4-0 2-4-m-0 2-4-0 7-8-0 13-0-0 17-1-12 21-2-426-9-0 31-0-0 36-4-0 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4xh 3x4= 2x4 3x4 4x6 4x4. 6/12 -6/12 e 0 3x4% <3x4e >3x4, 3x4o E>t3x6 6-6 3x6 axe o5x10 6-6 x 3x4- 3x6 3x8 3x41 3x4i5x 3x6 3x8 3x4• x 2-4-0 5-4-0 5-4-0 4-3-8 3-9-0 1-s-a 8-6-0 5-4-0 5-4-0 2-4-0 2 4-013 7-8-0 17 3 8 0 819,20621 31 0 0 36 4 0 13-0 O15 41-8 0 4-0-0 1 14 16 17,1821 22 23 24 25 2 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 go (AS1sH$, As38S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ----------Wintl Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dur Factors ASCB7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent ROLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: Iz Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 1 A Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb EC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Not - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: SybridMI ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Mem. • • Ten comp .CSI. Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 92 16-16 525 173 0.12 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) !2 17-16 65 0 0.01 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.16) 21-23 webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 92 19-20 0 186 0.02 Vert CR L/240 L/816(-0.27) 21-23 2x6 SP fALSC6-2013) 62 13-2 19-21 1189 1058 0.21 Horz LL 0.751. ( 0.01) @Jt21 25-11 Reaction Summary Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.02) @Jt21 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 1-13 Member Forces Summary Jet --x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 25-12 ..M.... Ten Comp .CSI. 13 2-04-00 1093 490 08-00 01-11 SPF 425 TC ON- 1 8 0 0.00 21 22-06-00 2355 1017 04-00 03-06 SPF 464 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 175 168 0.90 25 41-08-00 1074 464 08-00 01-11 SPF 425 horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 680 942 0.67 Max Hertz - -306 / +306 at Joint 13 plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 618 640 0.65 due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + 4- 5 404 282 0.29 (Nor - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 543 97 0.43 Loads Summary ry ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 543 94 0.34 This trues has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord 7- 8 580 99 0.45 live load occurring at [220000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load 8- 9 580 456 0.32 factor. Bracing Data Summary 9-10 541 616 0.65 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. -----------Bracing Data ------------ 10-11 624 913 0.67 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 175 172 0.40 ------- Web Bracing -- CLR----------- 12-OH 8 0 0.00 Single: 21- 8 BC 1-13 169 108 0.17 Notes Continuous Restraint Bracing Regfd 12-14 25 173 13-08 341 S1OB 0.177 0.1 Bee Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 BCSI-a3 3.0 14-15 763 363 0.34 degrees Plate offsets %, ( 15-16 763 363 0.34 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size (None unless indicated below) 16-17 1 0 0.17 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those Jntl (02-07, 0), SntB (0,00-OB), 18-19 282 20-21 5 86 0.24 3 0.65 joints. Continuous Lateral Restraint ICLRI rows require diagonal bracing per Jntl2(-02-07,0), Jntl3(0,-00-10), 21-22 291 153 0.85 D-WBCLRBRACD. Alternatively' see D-WEBMINFORCE. JntlB(000-04), Jntl90,00-12), Jnt2l (0,-00-09`4 OHIO;t 0-09) 23-25 4 738 313 71 J3 24-2174 Web 2-13 108 0.0.18,.M \\ OQ 895 2-14 845 985 0.11 549 0.23 \ ` (` •''A,10EN,9F''• ter- i 3-14 204 113 0.03 �'; • ••.•% i 3-16 412 361 0.33 4-16 207 188 0.14 No. 69577 4-18 371 5-18 519 334 0.27 252 0.11 1 _ 5-19 772 6-19 183 1153 0.68 220 0.10 _ �ytttlll// • 7-254 97 0. _ ��. L; 21 7-n 206 29 36z o.z9 �` STATE OF 8-21 780 8-23 647 1072 0.30 381 0.39•.,<ORIDP.•''G\\\\ j✓j✓j✓[[[��� 9-23 121 10-23 439 172 0.13 471 0.32 ///// 6 !� \\ 4 10-24 183 121 0.03 / NAB \\ 11-24 817 504 0.21 COA g30003////I llll j111\ 11-25 858 961 0.11 12120/2018 NOTICEAcopyofihlsdesign shall be furnished to the oration contactor. The design of this Individual Wss is based on design creeda and requirements supplied by Component Solution. reti the Truss Manufacturer and es upon the accuracy and completeness of Me information set foM by the Buiwing Des19ne6Assalon MisdmwMginsiwtes E=Truss Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility soleWor the miss component design shown. See Me cover page and Ihe'Imporlant information A General 2016.5.3.4 Notes' page for additionml lnforme5on. An connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson SlmngTe Company, Inc In accordance with ESR-2762. All connector plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is followed by a'AlY wNct: indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18'. whirl: Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. s r r Halpdeak: 1-866-252-8606 CSIelpeateengtie.com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Dty: 1 Truss: A15 Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388408 TID: 76668 Date: 12/20/18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page:_LoL1- 4-4-0 4-4-0 6-1-12 4-0-8 ya-u 5-3-0 5-3-0 4-4-0 4-4-0 2-4- -0 2-4-0 6-8-0 11-0-0 17-1-12 21-2-4 a 27 9 0 33 0-0 37-4-0 41-8-0 4-0 1 2 3 4 62 5 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 4x4. 3x4= 2x4 3x4= 3x6 3x6 4x& 6/12 -6/12 as 3x4% 3x4e 0 2x4 2x4 6-6 3x6 3x8 ' Sx10 0 3x6 -6 6t t 3x41 3x6 3x8 3x41 3x41 5.3x4. 3x6 3M. 3x41 2-4-0 8-6-0 6-3-8 3-9-0 1-s-e 5-3-0 5-3-0 8-8-0 2-4-0 2-4-0 11-0-0 17-3-8 Z1-0-6 2-6- 27-9-0 33-0-0 41-8-0 44-0-0 1 14 15 16 17,18 19.20 21 22 2324 25 13 44-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 ga (A520) or 18 ge (ASIBHS, ASIBS5, or AS1856) indicated by '-Is' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSTLive Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Smp.(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BELL: Yes TO 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 Par BC Limited storage: Yes SC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 it 200 16 BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Kzt - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 16 TO Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -slope Minimumspfain): No Wind DL(psf): TO - 5.0 BE - 5.0 Unbalanced TELL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridHW OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Me.... Ten comp .CST. Deflection Summary TO 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 17-18 89 0 0.03 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location RC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 19-20 0 45 0.01 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.11) 24-25 Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 19-21 1017 969 0.18 Vert OR L/240 L/952(-0.24) 24-25 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) B2 14-2 Reaction Summary Horz LL 0.751. ( 0.01) @Jt25 25-12 --------------Reaction Summary(Its)---------------- Harz OR 1.251n ( 0.03) @Jt25 Jet--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Cant OR L/120 L/999( 0.01) 1-14 Member Forces Summary 14 2-04-00 1131 507 08-00 01-12 SPF 425 Cant OR L/120 L/999( 0.01) 25-13 ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. 21 22-06-00 2264 981 04-00 03-04 SPF 464 TO OH- 1 8 0 0.00 25 41-08-00 1107 482 08-00 01-12 SPF 425 Vert OR and Harz OR are the vertical and 1- 2 140 227 0.30 Max Hertz - -259 / a259 at Joint 14 horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 148 87 0.30 plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 701 136 0.43 do. to dead load, computed as Defl LL a 4- 5 535 539 0.54 Loads Summary (Kcr - 3) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 476 105 0.71 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 476 102 0.42 live load occurring at [220000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load 7- 8 530 101 0.44 factor. 8- 9 530 101 0.67 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Bracing Data Summary 9-10 490 386 0.48 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 ------------Bracing Data------------ 10-11 637 793 0.44 Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 148 88 0.31 ------- Web Bracing -- CLR----------- 12-13 137 232 0.30 Single: Notes 21- 9 13-OH 8 0 0.00 Continuous Restraint Bracing Req'd BE 1-14 229 81 0.52 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 See BCSI-B3 3.0 13-25 234 78 0.55 degree. 14-15 759 400 0.63 Plates located at TO pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size Plate offsets(]t, 1): 15-16 759 400 0.70 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those (None unless indicated below) 16-17 2 18-Soo 5 9 0 0.28 150. joints. Jntl(12-07, 0), Jntl3(-02-07,0), Continuous Lateral Restraint Iroes require diagonal bracing per 20-21 21 4 2 2 0.1 D-WEBCLRBPACE. Alternatively, see see D-WEBREINFOREE. Jntl4(0,-00-11), Jnt18(0,-00-04), 21-2386 36 28 Jnt19(0,00-12), Jnt21(0,-00-08), 22-2 3 634 133 0.0.35 Jnt25(0,-00-]0 4 59 24-25 731 Web 2-14 429 356 0.65 312 0.05 \\\\\�\ ,.• •' BQO////// \ (G .•'\CENSF'•., •S, 3-14 816 3-16 265 1031 0.44 182 0.08 �;' •,� 4-16 165 15 0.03 4-18 215 279 0.24 N0.69577 5-19 872 1285 0.58 - :• * •, 6-19 83 7-19 284 137 0.04 41 0.06 _ •'• �`• 7-21 240 477 0.27 1. 9-21 ne 1166 0.30 STATE OF !(�� 9-22 444 10-22 246 130 0.10 416 0.41s i ''. F \ ,•<ORIDP,. •'G\\: 10-24 313 11-24 287 101 0.07 212 0.10 •' // S•Z�` \\ ONAI- 12-25 425 309 0.05 COA 03OD03// \\\\\ 16-18 707 205 0.16 12/20/2018 NOTICEAcopy of this design shall be furnished to the arealon contractor. The design of this Individual buss is based on design aii and requirements supplied by Component soti luons the Truss Manufacturnandrelies upontho emsecyendrompletenessofthe lnfomagon set form byte Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates ® Trues Studio V acceptance of professional eagineedng responsibility solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and the 'Impose nt In.....Mo., 8 General 2018.5.3.4 Notes• page for additional Internal Al connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Strung-Tla Company. Inc in accordance wit ESR-2762. All connector plates ere 20 gauge, unless me specified plate size is fogowed by a %18•,sNcil Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or-SN 18•, which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. r r Bel oak: 1-866-252-g606 1-8ie.rom - Celpdeak: Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing .7233 Marsh Terrace Qty. 1 Truss: A16 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388409 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills _Page:_t_ot.1 1-@-4-0 6-8-0 6-9-0 6-9-0 6-3-0 6-3-0 6-8-0 2-4-01-0 9-0-0 15-9-0 22-6-0 35-0-0 41-8-0 12-4-0 2 3 4 S 68-9-0 7 944-0- 10 8 4x6 3x4= 2x4 3x6 3x4= 4x6 6/12 -6/12 so 3x41 3x4a 6-6 3x6 3x6 6-6 x 3x4. 4x6 Sx7 3x6 3x4= 3x4= x 6-8-0 6-9-0 6-9-0 6-3-0 6-3-0 6-8-0 2-4-0 2 4 O11 9-0-0 15 9-0 22-6-0 28-g-0 35 0 0 41 8 0 4-0 1 12 13 14 136 17 18 10 44-0 0 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, A518S5, or ASSRS6) indicated by '-is, Code/Design: FRC-201]/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dui Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 pal BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 it B - 0.0 it 200 16 BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 it Icrc - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Law -Slope Minimums(P£min): No Wind DL(psf): TC a 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Rcr) = 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW - 09 Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42--------------Reaction SummarylLbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Jnt--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.04) 12-13 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-3013) 42 11 2-04-00 1141 474 08-00 01-13 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.10) 12-13 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 11-2 14 22-06-00 2272 1050 04-00 03-04 SPF 464 Harz LL 0.751n ( 0.01) @Jtl8 18-9 18 41-08-00 1089 447 08-00 01-11 SPF 425 Harz CR 1.25in 1 0.031, @31,18 Max Horiz - -212 / +212 at Joint 11 Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.01) 1-11 Member Forces Summary Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.01) 18-10 ...MON- 1 Ten comp .CSI. TC o1- 1 e a Loads Summary Vert CR and Harr CR are the vertical and ry 0.6D 1- 2 ]3 0.81 This truss has been for the effects of an unbalanced top chord horizontal due to live load 594 2- 3 502 3658 0.69 atdesigned(2200 commons live load occurring at 1220000) using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load plus the creep component of deflection creep 3- 4 502 658 0.69 factor, due to dead load, computed as Carl LL + 4- 5 622 339 0.96 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. (War - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 621 338 0.81 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 ANSI/TPI 1. 6- ] 621 338 0.83 7- 8 415 538 0.56 8- 9 529 923 0.80 Bracing Data Summary Notes 9-10 133 73 0.66 10-OH 8 0 0.00 ------------Bracing Data ------------ Plates designed for Cc, at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 BC 1-11 Chords; degree. continuous except where shown 91 61 0.29 10-18 92 61 0.29 ------- Web Bracing -- CLR----------- Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size single: 4-14 14- 7 11-12 269 244 0.38 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those Continuous Restraint Bracing Req'd 12-13 791 262 0.51 joints. See SCSI-83 3.0 13-14 651 213 0.50 Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) rows require diagonal bracing per 14-15 539 109 0.48 D-WEBCISBRACE. Alternatively, see D-WEBREINFORCE. Plate offsets jX, n: 15-16 539 109 0.38 (None unless indicated below) 16-17 714 180 0.47 Jntl(02-0],0), JntlO(-02-07,0), 17-18 91 61 0.37 Jntil (0,-00-301. Jn1,13(0,-00-08), Web 2-11 890 1032 0.11 Jntl4(01-00-09), Jnt18(0,-00-09) 2-12 773 306 0.19 3-12 145 27 0.03 l/// \ttttlill 0.30\\`\ 4-13 369 243 0.08 \\69 BQ QT 4-14 1026 1433 0.42 5-14 496 512 0.20 \\ `��•'...j " �� (` .• `\CEN$�'•..y �i 7-14 946 1318 0.35 ` �•; •:� 7-16 375 78 0.08 8-16 244 268 0.32 No.69577 •; 9-17 696 1� 1. - 1{ 247 0.15 9-18 850 979 0.10 .k R _ ATE OFRiOls, ols�o; �t1COANO 3V INA1110\\\ 12/20/2018 NOTICE Away of Nis design shall be furnished to line auction contractor. The design of INS Individual Was is based on design scads and requirements supplied by 71 MITS Component Solutions %e Tmss Manufacturor and reties upon the accuracy and completeness of the infoimelion set forth by the Building OesignetA seal on Nis drawing indicates Truae Studio V acceptance of professional engineering re ponsibi5ly solely for Ice truss component design shown. Seethe cover page and the'knpodant Information It General 2D18.5.3 A Notes' page for additional Nforme0on. An connector plates shell be manufactured by Simpson Stang-T10 Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-2762.An connector plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is followed by a tilt" wNch Indicates en 18 gauge plate, er'Se 18', which indicates a high Ienslon 18 gauge plate. s 11 - Halpdesk: 1-866-252-86U6 - C8Helpestrongtia.00m Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: A17 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: TID: Dale: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page_Lof2 2-plv 1-6-8 3-6-12 3-6-12 3-9-0 3-9-0 4-6-8 116-8 4-6-B 5-6-8 2-4-01,�1 2-4-0 7-10-8 11-5-4 15-0-0 18-9-0 22-6-0 7-0-8 31-7-0 36-1-8 41-8-0 4-0- 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 230# 23i # 2 # 2 # 3 # 4x6 3x4= 3x4i 4z4= 2x4 3x6 4 4x4? 4 1 3x4 4 4 1 6/12 4z4= -6/12 N3x40. < 6-6 4x6 4x6 6-6 X z 3x4= 3x4, 3x8 4x6 4x4 7x& 3x4 4z6 3z4 3xd X 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 3136# 60# 60# 60# 60# 60# 60# 351# 60# 2-4-0 5-6-8 3-b-12 3-6-12 3-9-0 3-9-0 4-6-64-6-8 5-6-6 2-4-0 1 4-014 7-30-8 11-5-4 15-0 D 8 9 0 22-fi-0 2] 0 8 7-0 36 1 8 41-B-0 4-g 1 15 16 1718 19 20 21 221 23 24 25 13 44-0-0 } Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (A520) or 18 ga (ASlBHS, A51855, or AS1856) indicated by 1-18' Code/Design: MC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dui Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snau(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind SpeediV) - 170 mph 10 ps£ Non -Concurrent BILL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 30.0 1. 1.V5 1.60 rv/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 it 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Not - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 2 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Low -Slope Minimumsipfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TILL: Yes Green Lumber: No Met Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: Hybridl OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary ...Mare... Ten comp .CST. Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 11-24 119 26 0.01 TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location 9C 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 12-24 2138 1798 0.24 Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.05) 16-17 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 12-25 1847 1944 0.11 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.11) 16-17 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 14-2 Reaction Summary Herz LL 0.75in ( 0.01) @Jt25 25-12 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- Horr CR 1.251n ( 0.02) @Jt25 Jut--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.01) 1-14 Member Forces Summary 14 2-04-00 1973 934 08-00 01-09 SPF 425 Cant CR L/120 L/999( 0.01) 25-13 ...Mere... Ten Comp .CST. 20 22-06-00 6501 4535 04-00 03-08 SP 617 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 25 41-08-00 2109 1520 08-00 01-10 SIT 425 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 116 99 0.30 Max Enciz - -186 / a186 at Joint 14 horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1269 2240 0.44 plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 1673 2745 0.32 due to dead load, computed as De£l LL 4- 5 1909 3286 0.26 Loads Summary (Kcr - 3) x Dori_DL in accordance with 5- 6 170 684 0.09 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord ANST/TPI 1. 6- 7 2601 1904 0.69 live load occurring at t2200001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load 7- 8 2600 1903 0.69 factor. 8- 9 2600 1903 0.79 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Bracing Data Summary 9-10 474 637 0.50 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 ------------Bracing Data ------------ 10-11 1939 2058 0.62 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load Chords; continuous except where shown 11-12 2153 2468 0.46 Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description Web Bracing -- None 12-13 137 83 0.26 Transfer loads: 13-OH 8 0 0.00 TC 230 -275 24-00-12 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg Plate offsets(X, h: BC 1-14 126 50 0.08 TC 230 -275 26-00-12 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg (None unless indicated below) 13-25 98 78 0.09 TC 230 -275 28-00-12 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg Jntl(00-07,0), Jnt13(-00-07,0), 14-15 194 222 0.08 TC 230 -275 30-00-12 Vert JIB @ 90 Deg Jnt14(0,-00-15), Jntl7(0,-00-12), 15-16 1904 879 0.18 TC 230 -275 32-00-12 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg Jnt20(0,-01-03), Jnt25(0,-01-03) 16-17 2746 1326 0.31 TC 230 -275 34-00-12 Vert J18 0 90 Deg 17-18 3283 1630 0.35 TC 398 -407 36-00-00 Vert J3A @ 45 Deg 18-19 3283 1630 0.35 TC 230 -275 36-00-12 Vert JIB @ 90 Deg 19-20 681 172 0.23 BC 3136 -2049 15-00-00 Vert C4 @ 90 Deg BC 60 -46 24-00-12 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg 2/-22 23-24 2058 2118 1577 1668 0.21 0.26 BC 60 -46 26-00-12 Vert JIB Q 90 DegBC \ 7 M; Bp0T �1 23-24 2118 1668 0.26 60 -46 2B--00-12 Vert J16 @ 90 Deg \\\ 24-25 96 79 0.09 BC 60 -46 30-00-12 Vert JIB @ 90 Deg BC 60 -46 32-00-12 Vert JIB @ 90 Deg \\ (G .•\DENSE ,( t�•.' •'. i Web 2-14 1316 1836 0.08 BC 60 -46 34-00-12 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg ` r 2-15 3-15 1878 974 0.21 0.02 BC 351 -323 36-00-00 Vert J3A @ 45 Deg ND. fi9S7% 284 358 BC 60 -46 36-00-12 Vert J38 @ 90 Oeg 3-16 4-16 4-17 1243 533 830 711 822 628 0.14 0.05 0.09 2-PLY TRUSS Fastener Spacing 1 )5 - _ *>OF 5-17 2611 1]04 0. 29 Fasten each ply to the adjacent ply as follows(rows staggered): 5-19 2729 3971 0.30 TC, 1-row(s) of 10d Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.) @ 12.0" o.c.** Nam6-19 2942 1926 0.33 0C, 2-row ls) of lOtl Nails (0.320" die. x 2-7/e" min.l @ 12.0" o.c.•• O STATElit 6-20 2910 4313 0.33 WB 2x4, 1-rowis) of 10d Nails (0.120" die. x 2-7/e" min.) @ 9. 0" o.c. �(\ ••• 7-20 9-20 595 3309 574 3650 0.05 0.31 We 2x6, 2-row(s) of 10d Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.) @ 9.0" o.c. •• Use additional fasteners of the same type within ♦/-12" of the F \ •, CORIOP.•'•�\\� �� sp .••••.••• ` 9-21 1555 1226 O.17 locations) indicated (except where approved hangers are used with // 4q/ �` \ 1866 2233 fasteners that transfer the load to all plies): \\ ONAI- 10-21 0.18 COA#30 03// 1\1\\ 11-23 146 334 0.03 TC:36-00-06, 3, BC:15-00-00, 15 12/20/201 8 NOTICEAcopyoflhis design shall be banished to the erection contractor. The design of this Individual truss is based ondesign trade and requirements supplied by Component Solutions the Truss ManufacWrerend relies information upon the eccvracyend completeness of the infoation sslfoM by the Building Designer.Aseal on thisdmwing Indicates Trnas Studio V acceptance of professional engineering respensibility solely for the bass component design shown. See the cover page and the •important Information 8 General 201Bel5.3. 2018.5.3.4 Notes page for additional Information. All connector plates shat be manufactured by SimpsonSWnIFne Company, Inc in sccodance with ESR-2762. All connector n r r , 1-866-252-8606 plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a %Is' with Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', whloh Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. - CSHeiesk: o1-866-25m Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace qty. 1 Truss: A17 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: TID: Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact Rick Mills Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. \\11I111111/1111 No.69577 STATE OFAN ((�� ZORIDN r� Nit COA#30D03/1/111I I10 `\ 12/20/2018 NOTICEAmpyof this design shall be famished to the erosion conlrodot The design ofthls Individual truss is based on design omens and reyumments supplied by Component Solutions Ne Truss fdanufedurer and miles upon the accuracy and completeness of Neinfonnation sat lord by Na aulMing Designee Aeael on his tlmwing indicatesTruss Studio V acceptance of Professional engineering responsibility solely for the buss component design shown. See the sever page and to'Impodanl Womagan&Games! ®p018.5.3.� Notes Page for additional infmmelion. M connector plates sham be rnenufachred by Simpson Stron¢TloCompar,, Inc in accordance Win ESR-2162. All connector a rr 2018.5.3. 1-866-252-6606 plates are 20 gauge, unless the spedried plate size is followed by a'-18' which indicates an IS gauge plate, or'S# 18', which Indicates a high torsion 18 gauge plate. CSaeleak: 1-866 com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Qty: 4 Truss: B1 Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388411 TID: 76668 Date: 12119118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills 6-6 T 4x6 2-4-0 6-5-0 I 6-1-8 2-4-0 8-9-0 14-10-8 1 6 6 14-10-8 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, ASi8S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18• Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PEP Live Dead Dur Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 Los 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (act) = 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PST -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground SnoW(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-30 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 it B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Est - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Material Summary Reaction Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 92 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- BC 2x4 SP (ALSCG-2013) 92 Jet--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 02 5 2-04-00 896 557 08-00 01-07 SIP 425 2x6 SP (ALSCG-2013) 12 5-2 7 14-08-12 619 384 03-00 HGR SPF 565 Max Soria - -147 / ♦217 at Joint 5 Member Forces Summary ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. Summary Loads S TC OH- 1 1- 2 8 144 0 90 0.00 0.66 This truss has been designed fox the effects of an unbalanced top chord 2- 3 511 628 0.77 live load occurring at [80900] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load 3- 4 496 604 0.84 factor. 4-011 5 0 0.00 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. BC 1- 5 64 73 0.20 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 5- 6 211 247 0.32 6- 7 56 52 0.32 7-OH a o 0.0o Notes Web 2- 5 3- 6 466 227 278 0.14 0.03 Plates designed for Cq at 0.60 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 3- 6 189 78 0.14 degrees 4- 6 474 0.19 Plates located at TC itch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size P 9- 7 530 530 569 569 0.19 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 psf Nan -Concurrent BCLL: You 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 16 TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.04) 6- 7 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.08) 6- 7 Herz LL 0.751n ( 0.00) @Jt 7 Herz CR 1.25in ( 0.00) @Jt 7 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 1- 5 Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Dori LL t (Kee - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary --Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (x, 1'): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(00-15,0)., Jnt3(0,-00-01), JntS(o,-00-09), Jnt7(0,-00-11) `\lttl I111111//// No.69577 STATE OF , LOA #30003 ' N I I AIL. �` ' 12/20/2018 NOTICE copy of this design shell be furnished to Me erasion conbzdor. The design of this individual buss is based on design cnteda and requirements supplIed by Component Solution. the Truss Manufeammr and mes upon the accuracy and completeness of the infoima8on set fold by Me Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates Truax Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the buss component design shown. See Me cover page and Ne'Mpadanl Information 8 General 2018.5.3.4 Notes' page for additional Information. An connector plates shell be manufactured by Simpson Stmng-Tie Company, Inc In asmommed With ESR-276L All connector Sal oak: 1-866-252-8606 plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a'-18'vdJch indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. a r r - Celpde.k: 1-866-corn Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City: 4 Truss: B2 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388412 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19118 Truss M6. Contact: Rick Mills _ _ Page:lof.1 . a :I 0 v 6-6 1 ISO 2-4-0 6-5-0 5-9-12 1 2-4-0 2 8-9-0 8 14-6-12 4 4x4> CHO 2-4-0 ) 6-5-0 5-9-12 2-4-0 8-9-0 14-6-12 1 5 6 7 14-6-12 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (ASIBHS, ASL855, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Der Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 30.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Berl = 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Snowpg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfminl: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 £t B = 0.0 ft M.R.HM) - 20.0 ft Put - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC = 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: Hybri" Material Summary Reaction Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- BC 2x4 SP IALSC6-2013) r2 Jot--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 5 2-04-00 881 549 08-00 01-06 SPF 425 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) Y2 5-2 7 14-05-00 603 376 01-10 HGR SPF 565 Max Hotiz - -146 / +224 at Joint 5 Member Forces Summary ..Mom... Ten Comp .CST. TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 142 87 0.67 2- 3 488 601 0.78 3- 4 480 570 0.75 4-OH 5 0 0.00 BC 1- 5 68 70 0.21 5- 6 208 253 0.30 6- 7 63 58 0.30 7-011 0 0 0.00 Web 2- 5 850 114 0.10 2- 6 437 201 0.12 3- 6 188 87 0.03 4- 6 453 241 0.12 4- 7 515 556 0.15 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at (809003 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 p3£ BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 16 BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary Truss Span Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.03) 6- 7 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.07) 6- 7 Herz LL 0.751n ( 0.00) @Jt 7 Herz CR 1.25Ln ( 0.00) @Jt 7 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 1- 5 Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Bur - 3) x Deft. DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, Y): (None unless indicated below) Jutl(01-07,0), Jnt3(0,01-01), JntS(0,-00-09), Jnt7(0,-00-10) M118 1 VICENSp `�': •. AN No.69577 Q 'I` STATE OF i .• R \ .•ZORID.. •'G \\� con a oaINAL llolI,\ 12/20/2018 NOTICE copy of this design shall be furnished to the erection contractor. The design of this individual truss is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and relies upon the Resume, and completeness store information set fOM byte Bulkling Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for ore truss component design shown. See ore cover page and Me'bnponant In..... gg mOenerel 2018.5.3.4 Notes' page for additional lnformaton. An connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc in accordance War ESR-2762. All connector n r _ Helpdask: 1-866-252-8606 plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a'-18' wNch Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'Srs 18•, whkh indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate CSHalp@attongtie. oom Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: B3 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388413 TID: 76668 Date: 12119118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills _ _ Page:_A�f_l -- 1 0 2-4-4-0 6-5-0 6-5-0 2-4-0 la0 i 2-4-0 Z 8-9-0 3 15-2-0 4 17-6-0 5 4x4% 6/12 -6/12 rpi .'+ 3x4% 3x4. v 6-6 3x4= 3x4= 6-6 feei 3x6 3x4= 2x31 2x31 2-4-0 6-5-0 6-5-0 1 2-4-0 -9-0 2-4-0 8 15-2-0 17-6-0 1 6 7 8 9 5 4 17-6-0 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18M5, ASIBS5, or ASISS6) indicated by '-181 Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground SnOw(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes HC 0.0 10.0 I= 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Set - 1.0 300 16 TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimume(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Nor) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybnidMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 --------------Reaction Summazy(Lbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) location BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Jnt--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.03) 7- 9 Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) $2 6 2-04-00 892 539 08-00 01-06 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.07) 7- 9 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 6-2 9 15-02-00 693 539 08-00 01-06 SPF 425 Herz LL 0.751n 1 0.00) @it 9 9-4 Max Horiz - -163 / +163 at Joint 6 Herz CR 1.251n 1 0.00) @Jt 9 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 1- 6 Member Forces Summary Cant CR L/120 L/9991-0.01) 9- 5 ..Mere... Ten Comp .CSI. Loads Summary TC OR- 1 8 0 0.00 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord Vert CR and Here CR are the vertical and 1- 2 141 103 0.67 live load occurring at [80900] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 426 635 0.71 factor. plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 427 635 0.71 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + 4- 5 141 103 0.67 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 (KCr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance u:ith 5-OH 8 0 0. ANSI/TPI 1. BC 1- 6 69 69 0.2121 5- 9 69 69 0.21Notes 6- 7 210.29 Bract-- Data Summary 88 70 7- B BB 70 0.29 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 30.0 ____________erasing Data ------------ 8- 9 88 70 0.21 degrees Chords; continuous except where shown Web 2- 6 770 785 0.09 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size Web Bracing -- None 2- 7 450 187 0.11 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those 3- 7 157 58 0.02 joints. Plate offsets %, 7 0.09 di4- (None unless indicated below) 771 785 9- 9 771 785 0.09 Jntl(01-07,0). Jnt3 (0, 01-01), JntS (-01-07, 0) `\\511111111///// M' 80QT'' .���J��• (C7 ••' OGENSS '• �. No.69577 STATE OF ((/ � cona3000'3S/111NAl-t� 12/20/2018 NOTICEAcopy of Nis design shall be furnished to the erection contractor. The design of this Individual muss is based on design tribute and requirements supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and roses upon he accuracy and completeness of the information set forth by me Building DesignesAseal on this Mewing indicates Truss studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the muss component design shown. See he sever page and to Important Information S General 3.a 2018.5.3.Relpdask: Notes'pagefor additional Information. A9 connector plates shell be manufactured by Simpson Shong-Tie Company, Inc in accordance wise ESR-276Z M connector �2018.5. e r r 1-866-252-8606 plates ate 20 gouge, unless me specifed plate size is followed by a'-IW which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'Sa 18', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. - CSHelp@strongtie.com Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: B4 Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388414 TID; 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss M0. Contact: Rick Mills - -_Page:, of.I - 1 0 2-4-0- I 4-8-0 3-6-0 4-8-0 2-4-0 1 0 l I 2-4-0 7-0-0 10-6-0 15-2-0 17-6-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 155# 155# 2 1 # 2817# 3x6 3x6 6/12 -6/12 1O Ix4% 4x4o ca v 6-6 3x4= 3x4- 6-6 3x41 4x4= 3x10 3x4= 3x41 39# 39# 39# -81# -81# 2-4-0 4-8-0 3-6-0 4-8-0 2-4-0 I I ( 2-4-0 7-0-0 10-6-0 15-2-0 17-6-0 1 7 8 9 10 11 6 17-6-0 ' Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 ga (AS181'S, AS1855, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ----------Wintl Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Der Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snov(Pg) - N/A ASC27-10 Wind Speed(V) = 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 Pei BC Limited Storage: you BC 0.0 10.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 it B - 0.0 ft 200 Its BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Est - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Sort m 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybritlMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2--------------Reaction Surmoary(Lbs)---------------- Trussspan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) d2Jet--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.02) 8- 9 Web. 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 7 2-04-00 1425 1212 08-00 02-04 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.05) 8- 9 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 7-2 11 15-02-00 1426 1213 08-00 02-04 SPF 425 Harz LL 0.751n 1 0.00) Licit 11-5 Max Horiz = -135 / a135 at Joint 7 Pass CR 1.25in 1 0.01) @Jill ' Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 1- 7 Member Forces Summary Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 11- 6 ..Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. Loads Summary TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 184 166 0.42 live load occurring at [809001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1347 1374 0.64 factor. plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 1311 1159 0.80 See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. due to dead load, computed as Dail LL + 4- 5 1350 1377 0.64 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 (act - 1) x Defl DL in accordance with 5- 6 185 167 0.43 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load ANSI/TPI 1. 6-0H 8 0 0.00 Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description BC 1- 7 170 117 0.16 Transfer loads: 6-11 172 118 0.15 TC 287 -314 7-00-12 Vert 03 @ 135 Deg Bracing Data Summary 7- 8 177 116 0.16 TC 155 -218 7-00-12 Vert J17 @ 90 Deg ------------Bracing Data ------------ 8- 9 1160 991 0.39 TC 155 -218 8-09-00 Vert J17 @ 90 Deg Chords; continuous except where shown 9-10 173 119 0.12 TC 287 -314 30-05-04 Vert J3 @ 45 Deg Web Bracing -- None 10-11 173 119 0.15 TC 155 -218 30-05-04 Vert J17 9 90 Deg Web 2- 7 1389 1322 0.17 BC 39 -25 7-00-12 Vert J17 @ 90 Deg Plate offsets(X, 1): 2- 8 1265 1188 0.37 BC -81 0 7-00-12 Vert J3 0 135 Deg (None unless indicated below) 3- 8 375 284 0.07 BC 39 -25 B-09-00 Vert J17 @ 90 Deg Jntl(01-07,D), Jnt6(-01-07,0), 3- 9 186 189 0.08 BC 39 -25 10-05-04 Vert J17 1 90 Deg Jat7(0,-01-00), JnLll(0,-01-00) 4- 9 368 338 0.08 BC -81 0 10-05-04 Vert J3 @ 45 Deg 5- 9 1273 1196 0.37 5-11 1393 1325 0.17 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size M• BQ requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those `�� ��` ....... '•• �T / j class. �� ••S,\CENy�F' . w� No.69577 I Q •,• STATE OF !(/\ tORIO ..s\``\ \ COA# 003V�OIv AL, 0\�`" 12120/2018 NOTICE Asopy of this design shall be furnished to the erection contractor. Redesign of its Indi ulual truss is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by Component solution. Me Russ Mandadurer and relies upon the accuracy and completeness of the infoenallon set forth by the Building Designer Aseal on this drawing Indicates � Truss Studio V acceptance ofprefesabnal engineering responsibility solely for the truss component design shown. Sea the cover page and lhe'Impodenl Information B General Notes manufactured for additional Intonation. All connector plates shall be by Simpson Saong`is Company, Inc In accordance with ESR-2762. All connector plates era 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a'-18' Wtdb Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. �201B.5.3.d e r r Belpdeak: 1-866-252-8606 C90elp8e trongtSe. tom Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Qty: 3 Truss: C1 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388415 _ TID: 76668 Date: 12119118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills 6-6 1 3x4= 2-10-0 I 7-6-0 i 2-10-0 2-10-0 10-4-0 13-2-0 L 6 7 5 13-2-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Cade/Design: FBC-2017/4PI-2014 PSF Live Dead Der Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Rcr) - 2.0 OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 Web. 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) I2 Member Forces Summary ..Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 221 265 033 2- 3 192 61 0..30 3- 4 193 61 0.30 4- 5 220 265 0.33 BC 1- 6 274 142 0.32 5- 7 274 142 0.32 6- 7 137 30 0.42 Web 2- 6 491 329 0.08 3- 6 259 291 0.11 3- 7 260 291 0.11 4- 7 491 329 0.08 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Snov(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 £t M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Not - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(pS£): TC - 5.0 SC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R = Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybricCM Reaction Summary --------------Reaction S.trarl(Lbs) ---------------- Jot --x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 6 2-10-00 658 420 03-00 00-15 SIR 478 7 30-04-00 658 420 04-00 00-15 SIR 464 Max Puri. - -118 / ♦118 at Joint 6 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at 1607001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional detail.. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. design shown. See the cover page and the'Impartant Inrormall 8 General Simpson Stmng-Tie Company, Inc In aarosdance with ESR-2762. All connector ates an 18 gouge plate, or W 18', which indicates a high terminal 18 gouge plate. 6-6 1 -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 Pat Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 1b TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Deflection Summary TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.07) 6- 7 Vert CR L/240 L/673(-0.13) 6- 7 Harz LL 0.75in ( 0.00) @Jt 7 Herr CR 1.251n ( 0.00) @Jt 7 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.02) 1- 6 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.02) 7- 5 Vert CR and Horz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Kee - 1) x Defl DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. - Bracing Data Summary Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, 11): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(00-15,0), Jnt5(-00-15,0) No.69577 fir. J. Q STATE OF :(7� '•.FGORIO?.•' N G' coA 3 ASS 0NAI E� `\ 12/20/2018 Component Solutions Truax Studio V 201a.5.3.4 • r�r Ralpdeex: 1-866-252-8606 CSHelp@atrongtie.ecm Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace Oty: 1 Truss: CIA Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388416 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact Rick Mills _ _ _ Paget - 2-10-0 3-9-0 3-9-0 2-10-0 6-7-0 10-4-0 Stub 411-9-0 5 1 2 3 3x4= -6/12 6/12 2x3i 2x31 .a4 a, I 3x4= m 6-6 3x4= N 3x4= 5x7 2x31 2-10-0 7-6-0 L-S-D 1-5-0, i2-10-0 6 10-4-0 1 11-9-0 $ stub ' 11-9-0 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (ASIBES, ASSESS, or AS1856) indicated by '-18' Cade/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Our Factors ASCE7-30 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: you TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cab II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC 'Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 £t Kit - 1.0 300 16 TC Maintenance Load; No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimuma(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybzidMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 ?SF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALS(6-2013) r2 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 02 Jut--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.06) 6- 7 Web. 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 6 2-10-00 660 415 03-00 00-15 SPF 478 Vert CR L/240 L/698(-0.12) 6- 7 7 10-04-00 644 444 04-00 00-15 SPF 464 Harz LL 0.751n ( 0.00) @Jt 7 Member Forces Summary Max Horiz = -137 / +112 at Joint 6 Harz CR 1.251n ( 0.00) @Jt 7 ..Hem... Ten Comp .CSI. Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.02) 1- 6 TC 1- 2 219 262 0.33 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 7- 8 2- 3 194 62 0.30 Summary Loads Summed 3- 4 201 102 0.24 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord Vert CR and Herz CR are the Vertical and 4- 5 155 212 0.37 live load occurring at [607001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal deflections due to live load S-OH 63 0 0.44 factor. plus the creep component of deflection BC 1- 6 272 141 0.31 See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details, due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + 6- 7 142 20 0.44 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 (Kcr - 1) x Defl DL in accordance with 7- 8 29 27 0.33 ANSI/TPI 1. 8-OH 0 0 0.00 Web 2- 6 485 329 0.06 Notes 3- 6 252 297 0.11 Bracing Data Summary 3- 7 333 302 0.11 Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0------------Bracing Data ------------ 4- 7 232 204 0.04 degrees Chords; continuous except where shown 5- 7 507 218 0.09 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size Web Bracing -- None 5- 8 0 100 0.01 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. Plate offsets (X, 1): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(00-15,0), Jnt7(0,-00-06) Yt5\111III///7j M. Boor'' .`��J��• No.69577 Q STATE OF �� VAL 1�````` COA00003V /OIII 12/20/2018 NOTICE Ampyof this design shag be famished b the erection conUador. The design of this lndlNdual truss is based on design oilers And requirements supplied by Component Soluticns Me Truss Mandadurer and rates upon the accuracy and m completeness of the lnfom0on set forth by the Bullring Designer. A seal on this drewing indicates ® acceptanre of professional engineering responsibil solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and Me'trnporlent Infoima0on a General Trnsa Studio V Notes' page for additional Information. AN connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-2762. All connector 2019.5.3.4 plates are 20 gauge, unless the sped0ed plate slue is followed by a'-Ir which IMintes an 18 gauge plate, or 18', which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. „ s,s a - Belpd sk: 1-866-252-8606 - csnelp@etrongtie.com Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace pty: 3 Truss: C2 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388417 TID: 76668 Date: 12/19/18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills _ Page: 1 o[t_ _ -- l,0 3-0-0 3-7-0 3-7-0 3-0-0 1 0 1 3-0-0 Z 6-7-0 3 10-2-0 4 13-2-0 5 3x4= 6/12 -6/12 2x31 2x3t as rn 6-6 3x4= 3x4= 6-6 3x4= 3x� 3-0-0 I 7-2-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 10-2-0 13-2-0 1 6 7 5 13_2_0 i Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18• Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dar Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Nan -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 £t B - 0.0 ft 200 16 BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(l.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Nat - 1.0 300 Me TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(ps£): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Ncr) a 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) /2 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 Jac--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.06) 6- 7 Webs 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 6 3-00-00 676 433 08-00 01-01 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/739(-0.11) 6- 7 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) i2 3-7 7 10-02-00 676 434 08-00 01-01 SPF 425 Harz LL 0.751n ( 0.00) @it 7 6-3 Max Boris = -122 / i122 at Joint 6 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.00) @it 7 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.03) 1- 6 Member Forces Summary Cant CR L/120 L/999 (-0.03) 7- 5 ..Mem... Ten comp .CSI. OaS Loads Summary TC OH- 1 6 0 0.00 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 272 322 0.35 live load occurring at C607001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 249 97 0.32 factor. plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 250 88 0.32 due to dead load, computed as Deft. LL See LLoads a Report for loading combinations and additional details. 4- 5 272 322 0.00 peed Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Nor - 11 x ➢eEl DL in accordance with 5-OH 8 0 0.29 ANSI/TPI NSI 1. BC 3- 341 180 0.29 7 5- 7 180 0.29 Notes 6- 7 142 29 0.06 Bracing Data Summary 492 Web 2- 495 333 0.11 Plates designed for Cq at 0.60 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0--_-_-__contBracing Data ------------ 6 3- 6 271 309 0.11 degrees continuous except where shown 3- 7 272 333 0.06 WebChords; Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size Web Bracing -- None 9- 7 495 333 0.06 regal rement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. Plate offsets [X. y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(01-07,0), Jmt5(-01-07,0) \\\1t11111111/ly7 B�QT No.69577 '�Q�•.• STATE OF �(/ ORD NAL COAp 0DO 111111110 12/20/2018 NOTICEAropyofthh design shalbe furnished tithe erection conhaaor. The design alibis Irs Mdual buss is based ondeslgn crileda and requirements supplied by Component Solutions Me Truss Manufacturerand relies upon the accuracy and completeness of Me information set forth by the Building Deslgner.Aseal on this chewing indicates Truss Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibill"Ieyfor Me "as component design shown. See Me cover page and Me Important In-i-on a Ganerel 201g.5.3. d 2018.5.3.Relpdask: Notes' page for additional lnformatiom AD connector plates shag be manufactured by SMpson BirongTio Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-2762. All connector plates are 20 gauge, unless Me specified plate size is followed by a •-18• which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or-W 18•, which indlcates a high tension 18 gauge plate. r r 3-866-282-8606 � - CBHelp@atrongtie. cam Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: C3 Customer: Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388418 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills _ _ Page: 1 Of I 0 3 3-0-0 2-0-0 3-2-0 2-8-0 2-4-0 0-3 1 3-0-0 z 5-0-0 3 8-2-0 4 10-10-0 5 13-2-0 6 66# -68# 90# 96# 66# 66# 90# 6/12 4x4,, 4x4o -6/12 3x4 3x4o up 0 6 6 4x4= 4x4= 6-6 3x6 3x4= 3x8 3x6 t Is t -7# -7# -2# -200# -7# 3-g-0 12-0-0 I 3-2-0 I 2-8-0 1 2-4-0 1 3-0-0 7 5-0-0 8 8-2-0 9 10-10-0 10 13-2-0 6 k 13-2-0 T Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go IAS20) or 18 ga (AS1811S, AS18S5, or AS18s6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/'IPI-2014-----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dur Factors ASCE7-10 Ground snow(pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BILL: you TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 per BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.6D N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 It 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Othera(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It Hat = 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 16 TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Low -Slope Minimemspfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 6.0 Unbalanced TILL: Yea Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Karl - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chit: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12--------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- It us. Spun Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Jnt--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 8- 9 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 7 3-00-00 859 770 08-00 01-06 SPF 425 Vert CA 1/240 L/999(-0.01) 8- 9 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 7-2 SO 10-10-00 767 673 08-00 01-03 SPF 425 Herz LL 0.751n ( 0.00) @Jt10 30-5 Max Horiz - -96 / ♦96 at Joint 7 Herz CR 1.251n ( 0.00) @Jtlo Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 1- 7 Member Forces Summary Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.01) 10- 6 ..Mars... Ten comp .CST. Loads Summary TC OH- 1 10 0 0.00 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical. and 1- 2 512 439 0.19 live load occurring at (607001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 270 122 0.13 factor. plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 376 205 0.22 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. due to dead load, computed as Seri LL 4- 5 357 278 0.14 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 (xcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 5- 6 410 330 0.15 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load ANSI/TPI 1. 6-OH 10 0 0.15 Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description EC 1- 7 354 328 0.10 User loads: 6-18 354 328 0.15 TC 90 -61 01-00 Vert User -Defined @ 90 Deg Bracing Data Summary 7- 8 984 231 0.04 TC 90 -61 13-01-00 Vert User -Defined @ 90 Deg ------------Bracing Data ------------ 9-10 9 84 328 0.10 Transfer loads: Chords; continuous except where shown 9-17 354 328 0.11 TC 96 -101 5-00-12 Vert J3C2 @ 135 Deg Web Bracing -- None x Web 2- 7 461 525 0.10 TC 66 -121 5-00-12 Vert J15 @ 90 Deg 2- 8 497 480 0.08 TC 66 -121 7-00-12 Vert J15 0 90 Deg Plate oifsets(X. Y): 3- 9 168 170 0.04 TC 66 -121 B-01-04 Vert J15 @ 90 Deg (None unless indicated below) 3- 9 368 275 0.06 TC -68 -52 8-01-04 Vert J3C @ 45 Deg Jnt7(0,-01-03), Jntl0 e,-01-02) 4- 9 368 499 0.10 BC -7 -15 5-00-12 Vert J15 @ 90 Deg 5- 9 783 654 0.10 BC -200 0 5-00-12 Vert J3C2 @ 135 Deg 5-30 783 654 0.10 BC -7 -15 7-00-12 Vert J15 @ 90 Deg BC -2 0 8-01-04 Vert J3C @ 45 Deg BC -7 -15 8-01-04 Vert J15 @ 90 Deg Notes M BQ Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 �� ���.•'••j 0T degrees �, \,\CENSF' .• y i Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size �: '. •� zequirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. ND.69577 STATE OF COA #30003 AL s/��N 12/20/2018 NOTICE Ampy of Nk design shell be fumished tot o erection contractor. The design ofthis IndlNtlual truss is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by � Component Solutions the Truss MaoufacWrerend relies upon line M e amucy and completeness of the set by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering rasponsibl8ly, solely forte truss component design shown. See the cover page and ihe'Mportant Information & General 2018.5.3.4 Notes* page for additional InforestomM counselor plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc In accordence with ESR.3762. All connector plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is te0owed by a'AW which indioates an 18 gauge plate, or •Bp 18•, w h indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. Helpdesk: 1-866-252-8606 n s t: C9Belp@strongtie.com Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace City 1 Truss: C4 Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388419 TID: 76668 Dale: 12 / 20 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 . 2-ply 3-7-4 I 3-7-4 3-7 4 7-2-8 1 2 3 658# 658# 658# 660# 3x4= Wn� �3x4 0 0 I I 0 0 v v 3x6 3x10 3x6 620# 620# 620# 620# 3-7-4 I 3-7-4 3-7-4 7-2-8 4 5 6 r 7-2-8 T Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go U S20) or 18 ga fAS18HS, ASISS5, or ASS8S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Deal9 n: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load S__________ Pecs_ ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PEP Live Dead our Factors ASCB]-Ground Snow (Pgl : N/A ASCE]-Wind Speed(V) 170 mph 10 psf Nan -Concurrent BOLL: Yes 20.0 TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk cat: : II Terrain Ca[: C Risk Cat: Cat: C : II Bxp0.0 20 plb BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 Lain 1.25 1.60 N/A Reef Exposure: Bldg Dims: L 0.0 ft B = 0.0 ft f 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total N/A P.. 1.25 on:ShelteredO 01 All oof: Thermal ConUnobstructed 20.0 fT = 1.0 16 TC Maintenance Load: No -00- Spacing: 2-ember Plies: Plies: 2 Nol. slippery Roof: No -Slope EK.tnclosed Bid, Er Bing Enclosure: Enclosed 200 lb TC Safe Load: No Inc. Repetitive Member Increase: No Low Lob -Slope MSnow Minimums No TC = 5.0 BC 5.0 Unbalanced Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Green No Wet Service: No Loads: No Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L =. Yes R Yes End Vertical Tolerance: UKCe: Fab Tolerance: 22. Creep (Rcr) - 2.0 Creep MinUnbalancedSurcharge: Pain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Mind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSI Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2U33) #2 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- Truss Span Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 Jet--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI vest LL L/360 L/999(-0.01) 5- 6 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 4 01-12 2698 1773 03-00 HGR SET 565 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.03) 5- 6 6 7-00-12 3136 2049 03-00 HGR SET 565 Horz LL 0.75in ( 0.00) air 6 Member Forces Summary Max Rorie - -231 / a231 at Joint 4 Herz CR 1.251n 1 0.00) @it 6 ..Mein... Ten Camp .CSI. TC OH- 1 0 0 0.00 Veit CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 1200 1536 0.29 Loads Summary ry horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 1202 1537 0.43 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord plus the creep component of deflection 3-00 0 0 0.00 live load occurring at 1307041 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load due to dead load, computed as Defl LL a BC OH- 4 0 0 0.00 factor. (xcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 4- 5 178 169 0.25 See Landmass Report for loading combinations and additional details. ANSI/TPI 1. 5- 6 136 125 0.21 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 6-oH 0 0 a 00 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load Web 1- 4 1455 1963 0.27 Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description Bracing Data Summary 1- 5 2195 1524 0.24 Transfer loads: ------------Bracing Data ------------ 2- 5 1482 1844 0.13 TC 658 -421 1-08-12 Vert Cl @ 90 Deg Chords; continuous except where shown 3- 5 2205 1530 0.25 TC 658 -421 3-08-12 Vert Cl @ 90 Deg Web Bracing -- None 3- 6 1827 2550 0.30 TC 658 -421 5-08-12 Vert Cl 8 90 Deg TC 660 -417 6-04-12 Vert CIA @ 90 Deg Plate offsets (X,V): BC 620 -384 04-12 Vert B1 @ -90 Deg (None unless indicated below) BC 620 -384 2-04-12 Vert B1 @ -90 Deg Jnt4(0,-01-00), Jot6(0,-01-04) BC 620 -384 4-04-12 Vert B1 @ -90 Deg BC 620 -384 6-04-12 Vert B1 @ -90 Deg 2-PLY TRUSS Fastener Spacing Fasten each ply to the adjacent ply as fall...(rows staggered): TC, 2-row(s) of led Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.) @ 12.0" o BC, 2-.ow(s) of 10d Nails (0.120" dia, x 2-7/8" min.) @ 12.0" o.c.•• WE, 1-row(s) of 10d Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.) @ 9.0" o.c. " Use fasteners the type i/-12" additional of same within of the location(s) indicated lexcept where approved hangers are used with \ BQ \ IV, :..... O� fasteners that transfer the load to all plies): \\\ \�..... lG •'' •..'S, TC:6-00-12, s \-10ENSS i No.69577 Notes Plates designed for Cal at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees _ STATE OF !(/\ Lees than 0.25/12 pitch requires adequate drainage to prevent i OR10P. F<•'•/�\_\ •'•....... pending. �l-Sl L. COA#30003/ ;� I I I I10 .\ 12/20/2018 NOTICE Ampy of this design shafts furnished to the erection contrador.The design ofthis individual Loss is based on design Wlariaand requirements supplied by Component Solur3ons the Truss Manufacturer and refer upon the Summary and completeness of to Information set forth by to Building Designer Aseel on HIS drawing lndigtes E= Trues Studio V acceptance of pref.ram al engineering naponsibifly solely for the Wes component design shown. See Ore cover page and tha'tmporta ft lnfa maton a central Notes•page for additional Infomufon. AD connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Str ie Company, Inc in accordance eiN ESR-2762.AH connector 2016.5.3.4 2018.5.3.Halpdask: plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate are is followed by a' -IS' which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', chick Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. n r 1-866-252-8606 � = CSRelp@strongtis. cam Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City 1 Truss: D1 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388420 TID: 76668 Date: 12119/18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills 4x8 5-8-0 8-8-0 5-3-0 5-8-0 14-4-0 19-7-0 1 7 8 9 6 19-7-0 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or A518S6) indicated by 1-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Our Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 Lure 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSI Material Summary TC 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 3-6 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Member Forces Summary .:Mere... Ten Comp CSI. TC OH- 1 82 0 0.33 1- 2 989 1501 0.52 2- 3 1214 1453 0.30 3- 4 1245 1386 0.47 4- 5 1019 1394 0.44 5- 6 873 1246 0.47 BC 1- 7 1230 746 0.74 6- 9 1179 760 0.64 7- 8 838 432 0.66 8- 9 838 432 0.55 Web 2- 7 459 316 0.08 3- 7 609 478 0.32 3- 9 551 498 0.35 4- 9 464 297 0.08 5- 6 128 191 0.39 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Othera(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums (Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(Vt - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Kzt = 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Sunanary(Lbs)----- Jnt --X-Lot- React -Up- --Width- -Regd 1 03-04 1183 737 08-00 01-14 6 19-05-00 960 570 04-00 01-06 Max Hurls - -123 / 4231 at Joint 1 8-14 1 -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 pet Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yee 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yea Deflection Summary --------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location -Mat PSI Veit LL L/360 L/999(-0.16) 7- 9 SIT 425 Vert CR L/240 L/571(-0.39) 7- 9 SPF 464 Harz LL 0.75in ( 0.04) @Jt 1 Hors CR 1.251n ( 0.06) @Jt 1 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at [1000001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. NOTICEAcopy of this design shall be furnished to the ereclbn coniradar. The design of this indivk the Times Manufacturer and rates upon the acmrmcy and completeness of the information set loth acceptance of professional engineering responslbifly solely for the truss component design shown. Notes' page for additional Information. All connector plalas shut be manufactured by Simpson Stan plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is fo0owed by a'-18' x4Jch Indicates an 1890: Vert CR and Hors CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as De£1 LL (Kcr - 1) x DefL_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (%, Y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(0,00-02), Jnt3(0,-01-01) \\\\\IIIIIly1y7 No.69577 !.' STATE OF �✓:` AN con a30oois/ I�NA1. 0 \ by Component 8alub1o0o Truss Studio V rt 2018.8.3.4 ate. s r r Belpdeak: 1-866-2E2-8606 CBflelp@strongCie.eom Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Oty. 2 Truss: D2 Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388421 TID: 76668 Dale: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 -- - y 2-0-0 ,l 5-8-0 4-4-0 I 4-4-0 4-8-12 --- - 10-0-0 14-4-0 19-0-12 1 2 3 4 5 4x8 6/12 -6/12 2x3i 2x31 e 6-6 b N 1 I V) I V }I 4x4. 3x4. 1-}II0-0 3x4. 3x4= 3x10 2x4 8" . 5-8-0 8-8-0 I 4-8-12 1 5-8-0 6 14-4-0 7 8 19-0-12 9 19-0-12 1. Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by -Is, Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014-----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ---- Additional Design Check------- PSTLive Dead Dar Factors ASCE7-30 Ground Snow tPg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yee TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 ps£ BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 it B - 0.0 it 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It act - 1.0 300 Its TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 1b TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums plasin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x6 SP (A1SC6-2013) i2--------------Reaction Sommary(Lbs)---------------- Truss Span Limit Actual(in) Location 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 3-5 Jot --X-Lot- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.14) 6- 8 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) i2 1 03-04 1158 722 08-00 01-13 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/665(-0.33) 6- 8 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 9 18-11-00 933 555 02-08 HGR SPF 565 Herz LL 0.751n 1 0.04) @Jt I Max Horix - -111 / 4233 at Joint 1 Hora CR 1.251n 1 0.06) @Jt 1 Member Forces Summary ...Morn... Ten Comp .CST. Loads SVert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and oasumma TC ON- 1 82 0 0.33 Summary horizontal deflections due to live load 1- 2 950 1448 0.50 This truss has been designed for the effects of anunbalanced top chord plus the creep component of deflection 2- 3 1176 1404 0.29 live load occurring at [1000001 using a 1.00 Poll and 0.00 Reduced load due to dead load, computed as Deft LL + 3- 4 1161 1322 0.58 factor. (Kcr - 1) x Oefl_DL in accordance with 4- 5 921 1310 0.54 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. ANSI/TPI 1. 5-OH 5 0 0.00 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 BC 1- 6 1184 737 0.70 6- 7 792 421 0.62 Bracing Data Summary 7- 8 792 421 0.64 Notes ------------Bracing Data------------ 8- 9 0 0 0.40 Chords; continuous except where shown 9-OH 0 0 0.00 Plates designed for Cal at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Web Bracing -- None Web 2- 6 463 323 0.08 degrees 3- 6 608 480 0.32 Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size plate ORB¢fS (x, n: 3- 8 517 455 0.32 requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those (None unless indicated below) 4- 8 340 397 0.09 joints. 690 905 0.12 Jnt1(0,00-02), Jnt3(0,-01-01), 5- 9 90 05 5- 8 10.Jnt9(0,-00-13) `I1j1111111 /y7j .�` M BO No. 69577 STATE OF ((�� cDAn3000arOjiNALl it 0N•• 12/20j2018 NOTICEAmpy of to design shall be furnished to line erection runiredor. The design of this lndl dual truss is based on design Werle and requlrammuM supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufoctaux.nd rates upon the accuraryend completeness of be information at fouh by the Bulking Deslgner.A seal on this drawing Indicates Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering respons10ihy, solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and us'Impodant lnforma....- naml �2018.5.3.4 Notes' page for additional information. AN connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson SbonyTia Company, Inc in accordance with ESR.2762. All connector a r 2018.5.3. 3-e66-252-6606 plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is refused by a'-18' which indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S418', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. - 11.1,c @atro2-866-cum Prdject Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace Qty: 1 Truss: D3 Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388422 TID: 76668 Date: 12/19/18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 -- -- -- 2-0-0 1 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 , 2-0-0 1 2-O-0 12-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 8-0 1 1 1 10-0-0 1 2 3 4 8 7 8 9 i4fBd It 3x4= -6/12 wa 6/12 e I N 4x4= � Ip V) N I 224" 3x6 Typical plate: 2v3 1 2-0-0 1 2-0-0 t 2-0-0 l 2-0-0 l 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 a u 12-0-0 1 12 13 14 15 16 1714-g-OO F 18-8-0 T Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 1B go (AS38HS, AS18S5, or ASI8S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-30 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 pop Nan -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yee BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 it Net - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yee R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Sort - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) /2 ---Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- TrueeSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) /2 Jnt--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999( 0.00) 1-12 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 1 03-04 446 318 18-OB-00 Vert CR L/240 L/999I 0.00) 1-12 13 4-00-00 219 173 18-08-00 Harz LL 0.751n t 0.04) @Jt 1 Member Forces Summary 14 6-00-00 197 167 18-08-00 Harz CR 1.25in t 0.05) @Jt I ..Mo.... Ten Camp .Cut. 18 14-00-00 198 168 18-08-00 TC 1- 6 82 0 0.33 19 16-00-00 209 166 18-08-00 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 6-11 397 213 0.07 Reactions not shown: down < 400 and up < 150 horizontal deflections due to live load BC 1-18 1 1 o.16 ---- Reaction Summary (plf) ----- plus the creep component of deflection 18-21 0 0 0.03 Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- due to dead load, computed as Deft LL + Web 2-12 80 69 0.01 1- 21 41 14 18-08-00 (reduced) Run - 1) x De£1_DL in accordance with 3-13 232 171 0.04 Max Moriz - -105 / +227 at Joint 1 ANSI/TPI 1. 4-14 225 159 0.04 5-15 198 170 005 6-16 11 143 0.. Loads Summary ry Bracing Data Summary 7-17 198 170 0.05 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord ------------Bracing Data ------------ B-18 225 159 0.04 live load occurring at (100000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Chords; continuous except where shown 9-19 225 167 0.04 factor. Web Bracing -- None 30-20 155 116 0.02 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. 11-21 0 9 0.00 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: n 12.0/12 Plate offsets(X, Y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(0,00-02), Jnt1B(0,-00-08) Notes Gable webs are attached with min. lx3 20 ga.plates. The max.rake overhang - 1/2 the truss spacing. If this trues is exposed to wind loads perpendicular to the plane of the truss, it most be braced according to a standard detail matching the wind criteria shown, or according to the Construction Documents and/or BCSI - B3. Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those \\tjllllll//y// \ r, �l / `••111,� QQ \ \\` \ No.69577 ST� STATE OF F'? coA aaoga+iOj INAL 12/20/2018 NOTCEAcopy of the design shall be furnished to the erection Demander. The comfort of his individual buss is based on design atom and requirements supplied by Component Solutions Thum the Manufacturer and relies upon the accuracy and completeness of he Information set forth by the Building Designer. A seal on his chewing Indicates ® Trues Studio V ...plane of pmfessbnal engineering responsibigty, solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and the •Imporlant Information 8 General Notes' page for additional lnfomation. All connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Streng-To Company. Inc in accordance vidh ESR-2762. All connector 201 2016.5.3.4 plates are 20 gauge, unless he specified plate size is followed by a'-18' which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. e I I ask: 1-866-252-8606 - CS Help.k: -866,com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Dty: 1 Truss: D5 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388423 TID: 76668 Date: 12120118 Truss Mir. Contact Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 -- 2-Ply 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 1 1 6-6-0 9-9-0 13-0-0 16-3-0 1 19-6-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This Truss is not symmetric- proper orientation is allied. 213# 647# 253# 298# 298# 298# 298# 298# 298# 298# 4x64 �]IM= b j 3x4= �2011 4 3x4= 4,5x7 4 3x8 0 I 0 0 I 0 I N t ry 4x6 3x4=3x4= 3x6 3x4= 3x8 2x 2x4 4" --� 7" 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 1 1 6-6 9-9-0 13-0-0 16-3-0 1 19-6-0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19-6-0 t Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go IAS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, ASlBS5, or AS1856) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Dur Factors ASCE7-30 Ground Snow(pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 30 psf Non -Concurrent Be": Yes TC 20.1 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: You BC 1.0 10.0 Lou 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 £t B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Not - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Sparing: 2-00-00 0,r' Plies: 2 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC = 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep fKcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridSw ON Soffit Load: 2.0 EST Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (11SC6-2013) 12 --------------Reaction Summary (Los) ---------------- TruesSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Be 2x4 SP (USCG-2013) 12 Jet--K-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.13) 11-12 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 82 8 02-12 2736 1454 07-00 02-02 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/698(-0.32) 11-12 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 8-1 15 19-03-04 2412 1009 04-00 01-12 SPF 464 Harz LL 0.753n ( 0.02) @Jt15 15-7 Max Horiz - -106 / +106 at Joint 8 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.06) @Jtl5 Member Forces Summary Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and . .Meru... Ten Comp .CSI. Loads Summary horizontal deflections due to live load TC ON- 1 0 0 0.00 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord plus the creep component of deflection 1- 2 2279 4249 0.40 live load occurring at [90900] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load due to dead load, computed as Deft LL + 2- 3 3232 6527 0.48 factor. (Kee - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with 3- 4 3328 7113 0.43 See Loadeass Report for loading combinations and additional details. ANSI/TPI 1. 4- 5 3328 7114 0.43 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 5- 6 2830 6177 0.35 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load 6- 7 1690 3711 0.41 Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description Bracing Data Summary 7-OH 0 0 0.00 Transfer loads: -----------Bracing Data ------------ Be OH- 8 0 0 0.00 TC 213 -219 11-12 Vert J23A @ -90 Deg Chords; continuous except where shown 8- 9 81 78 0.06 TC 647 -316 2-11-12 Vert J25A @ 90 Deg Web Bracing -- None 9-10 4252 2188 0.57 TC 253 -254 4-11-12 Vert J27A @ 90 Deg 10-11 4252 2188 0.57 TC 298 -70 5-10-04 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg Plate othets(X, y): 11-12 6529 3110 0.84 TC 298 -70 7-10-04 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg (None unless indicated below) 12-13 6176 2706 0.79 TC 298 -70 9-10-04 Vert J18 0 90 Deg Jnt6(0,01-00), JntB(e,-00-13), 13-14 4010 1708 0.53 TC 298 -70 11-10-04 Vert JIB 0 90 Deg Jntl4(00-08,0), Jnt15(0,-00-11) 14-15 62 58 0.05 TC 298 -70 13-10-04 Vert J18 0 90 Deg 15-OH 0 0 0.00 TC 298 -70 15-10-04 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg Web 1- 8 1521 2690 0.10 TC 298 -70 17-10-04 Vert J18 @ 90 Deg 1- 9 4879 2545 0.55 2- 9 1296 2344 0.12 2-11 2570 1076 0.29 2-PLY TRUSS Fastener Spacing 3-11 533 1134 0.06 Fasten each ply to the adjacent ply as follows(rows staggered): 4-12 348 x •• BC, 1-rowls) of 10d Nails (0.120" dia, 2-7/9" @ 12.0" 743 0.04 5-12 1179 563 0.13 min.) o.c. We 2x4, 1-row(s) of 10d Nails (0.120" dia. x 2-7/8" min.) @ 9.0" o.c. \\\\\t1MIIs 5-13 599 1166 0.06 WB 2x6, 2-rowe) of led Nails (0.120" die. x 2-7/8• min.) @ 9.0" o.c. •' \\\�\�•......... \ /� •'' •. .S, 6-13 2493 1149 0.28 6-14 972 2065 0.11 Use additional fasteners of the same type within +/-12• of the location (s) indicated (except where approved hangers are used with V wxGEN,SF �: ••.(� i 7-14 4266 1872 0.48 fasteners that transfer the load to all plies): 7-15 1078 2368 0.08 ND.69577 TC:2-11-12, 3, TC:5-05-00, 3 _ Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 fir, {{.� aegreee ���'" STATE OF Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size a requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads cross these •••,F<ORIOP.•'• \�\ joints. Less than 0.25/12 pitch requires adequate drainage to prevent /i ..RIO \ \\ /// p� \\ //v ONAL pending. COA 43000311171III1111`\ 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of the design shag be furnished to theerection contractor. The design of this Individual Owes is based on design mists and requirements supplied by Component Solutdons the Truss Manufacturemoo r and s upon the accuracy and completeness of the lnfonnationset forth by the Building Designer.A seal on this drawing Indicates ® Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the Wee component design shown. See the cover page and Me 'Important Infoimegon & General 201 2018.5.3.4 Notes• page for additional infoonagon. Ali connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Strang -Tie Company, Inc in attendance with ESR-2762. All connector plates era 20 gauge, unless the apedfied plate size Is followed by s %18• wWc indicates an 18 gauge plate, or-W 18•, whkh indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. n r r _ s3. 1-866-352-8606 - .1° - CSBeeiesk: ongtie.com Project Name: 00383 - Marsh landing Customer. Advanced Design & Building Marsh Terrace Oty: 3 Truss: J15 SID: 0000388424 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills so 0 n 6-6 1 10 I 2-8-0 2-4-0 5-0-0 1 2 3 2-4-0 I 2-8-0 2-4-0 5-0-0 L 4 5 5-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS30) or 18 ga (AS18HS, ASISS5, or A51856) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Dur Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Bcr) - 2.0 OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Webs 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Member Forces Summary ..Men... Ten Comp .CSI. TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 145 298 0.34 2- 3 29 TT 0.33 BC 1- 4 330 119 0.28 4- 5 0 0 0.28 Web 2- 4 445 337 0.05 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ARCET-SO Ground Snow(Pq) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Law -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No 0 IA ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCET-30 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: IL Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Bzt - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Sonmary(Lbs)----- Jnt--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd 4 2-04-00 502 215 08-00 00-13 5 5-00-00 19 26 01-08 0 3 5-00-00 66 123 01-08 00-01 Max Horiz - +0 / +225 at Joint 4 -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 psf Non -Concurrent BILL: you 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Deflection Summary --------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location -Mat PSI Veit LL L/180 L/479(-0.05) 1- 4 SPF 425 Vert CR L/120 L/198(-0.12) 1- 4 SPF 565 Harz LL 0.951n ( 0.03) @Jt 3 SPF 565 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.07) @Jt 3 Cant CR L/120 L/198(-0.12) 1- 4 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced tap chord live load occurring at [500001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees NOTICE A copy of this design shall be fumished to Me erection contractor. the design of Nis individual Was is based on design afteda and rwluirements supplle the Truss Mamrf..Wrar end relies upon the acmmcy and completeness of the Infomatpn set forth by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates acreptence of professional engineering responsibPy solely for the W ss component design shown. Sea the cover page and the 'Important Information 8 General Notes' page for additional information. Ali connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Stang -Tie Company, Inc in ecmrdance with ESR-2762. A11 cannot plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed by a' -IS' which indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'Sd 18•, which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge Vert CR and Hurt CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Bar - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, Y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(01-0710) `111111111/gr/' •..........•yOp /' ��••.• ocENSF •'•.� No: 69577 Q STATE O F lS CDAH3o�3 /ONAL E .. 12/2012018 by Component olutlana Trusts Studio V It 301018.5.3.4 ate limlisda= n r mHelipak: 1-866-cons 06 Cagelp8at[ongtle.eom - 7233 Marsh Terrace 19 Truss: J17 Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing Customer. Advanced Design & Building Truss MIL Contact Rick Mills 6-6 1 2-4-0 1 2 7-0-0 2-4-0 I 4-8-0 2-4-0 7-0-0 1 4 5 Ic 7-0-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, AS1855, or A51856) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2011/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Der Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kar) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Webs 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 Member Forces Summary ..Meru... Ten Camp .CSI. TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 204 451 0.42 2- 3 69 168 0.54 BC 1- 4 458 165 0.55 4- 5 0 0 0.37 Web 2- 4 609 418 0.07 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Saow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minlmusezrfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: SS Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 8t M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Not - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 RC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Summaryllbs)-- Jnt--K-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 4 2-04-00 552 240 08-00 00-14 SPF 425 5 7-00-00 67 18 01-08 00-01 SPF 565 3 7-00-00 154 223 01-08 00-03 SPF 565 Max Mari. - e0 / +312 at Joint 4 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced tap chord live load occurring at 170000] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cg at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees SID: 000038842 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Page: 1 of 1 -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 Its TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/180 L/356(-0.07) 1- 4 Vert CR L/120 L/230(-0.11) 1- 4 Herz LL 0.75in ( 0.17) @Jt 3 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.20) @Jt 3 Cant CR L/120 L/210(-0.11) 1- 4 Vert CR and Horz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Dail LL e (Kcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, 1): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(01-07,0) \1y111111177y7j 4<; V\CENStc''•T.S. No. 69577 STATE O P con a3ogois/70At- N NOECEA copy of MIS design shall be furnished to Me erection contredor. The design alibis IndlNdual buss is based on design cnteda and regulrements supplied by Component solutions Me Truss Manufacturer and rages upon the accuracy and completeness of Me infonsmtion set forth by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates Truss Studio V acceptance of pmfesslonal engheedng respcnslbiely solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and Ihe'bnpodant h.....w ,8 General 2018.5.3.< 2018.5.3.Relpdesk; Notes' page for additional Information. Al connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Streng-TeCompany, Inc in accordanca with ESR-2762. All connector e r r _ :. 3-B66-253-8606 plates am 20 gauge, unless Me spetlged plate size is fogowed by e'-18'which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'Sa 18', whkh Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. CSRelpestron-866-corn Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Dty: 7 Truss: J18 Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388426 TID: 76668 Date: 12119 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 5-10-8 5-10-8 1 2 6/12 � o u a a e IX6inp I m � ti 2x31 3x4 3" 5-10-8 5-10-8 3 4 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 go (ASI8HS, AS38S5, or AS18S6) indicated by -Is, Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Sncw(Pgl - N/A ASCE7-30 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 1b BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Kzt - 1.0 300 It, TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Law -Slope Minicars(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) rl --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Jet--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Nat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.05) 3- 4 Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) P2 3 01-12 298 70 03-00 00-07 SPF 478 Vert CR L/240 L/607(-0.11) 3- 4 4 5-07-00 120 35 01-08 00-02 SPF 565 Harz LL 0.75in ( 0.01) @Jt 2 Member Forces Summary 2 5-10-08 229 284 01-08 00-04 SPF 565 Harz CR 1.25in 1 0.01) 8Jt 2 ..Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. Max Boris - -6 / +302 at Joint 3 TC ON- 1 5 0 0.00 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 102 217 0.90 horizontal deflections due to live load BC OH- 3 0 0 0.00 oa Loads Summary ry plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 168 408 0.37 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + 4-OH 0 0 0.00 live load occurring at [510081 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load (Kcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with Web 1- 3 157 240 0.05 factor. ANSI/TPI 1. 1- 4 420 173 0.08 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Notes Chards; continuous except where shown Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 30.0 Web Bracing -- None degrees Plate offsets (X,`N: (None unless indicated below) Jnt4(-01-03,00-04) A -pm- next to the plate size indicates that the plate has been user modified; see Plate Offsets for any special positioning requirements. M: 80Oj''% No.69577 Nam. 1. STATE O ' •FCORIDP'. •' • G\�� •..r^s.''.. i� ` /q. VAI_ / COA #30D03/0111100 12/20/2018 NOTICEAmpy of the design shall he furnished is Me election contractor. The design of this lndKidual buss is based on desgn odteda and requirements supplied by Component Solutions to TrussManufacturer and relles upon to accuracy and mpletenessof H:e lnfomagon set (on by the Building Deslgnet Aseel on causing Indicates � Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsiblgty, solely for the fuss component design shown. See the mverpage and the'Impo Cant lnforrudon a General 2016.5.3.4 Notes'page for additional lnforrmgon All connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Incin ecordancevith ESR-2762.AgconneUor a r r , Helpdesk: 1-966-252-8606 plater are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is rollowed by a'-18' wNch Indlrales an 15 gauge plate, or'S# 18'. which Imitates a high tension 18 gauge plate. CSAelpgatrongtie.com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: J27A Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388427 TID: 76668 Date: 12119 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Paqe: 1 of 1 4-11-11 a-u-il t 2 6/12 a a c 3x4= c t I a � a e I H 2x4 3x4 3.5" 4-11-11 4-11-11 3 4 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, ASIBSS, or AS1SS6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PST Live Dead our Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 BC 2.4 SP IALSC6-2013) 12 Webs 2.4 SP IALSC6-2013) t2 Member Forces Summary .. M..... Ten Comp .CSI. TC OH- 1 5 0 0.00 1- 2 278 189 0.88 BC OH- 3 0 0 0.00 3- 4 42 38 0.25 4-011 0 0 0.00 Web 1- 3 425 294 0.10 1- 4 40 43 0.01 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-30 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 £t M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It Kzt - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)----- Jet--X-Lcc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd 3 01-12 253 254 03-08 00-06 4 4-08-03 102 0 01-12 00-02 2 4-11-11 192 108 01-12 00-04 Max Horiz - -9 / +262 at Joint 2 -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Non -Concurrent BOLL: Yes 20 ps£ BC Limited Storage: you 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 Its TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 Its TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yea Deflection Summary --------- TrussSpan Limit Actual (in) Location -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.03) 3- 4 SPF 470 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.05) 3- 4 SPF 565 Herz LL 0.751n ( 0.00) Bit 3 SPF 565 Herr CR 1.25in ( 0.00) @it 3 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at (411111 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cal at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Kcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (%, 1): (None unless indicated below) Jnt3(0,-00-09), Jnt4(-01-04,00-05) JN••M' B�OT''� No. 69577 STATE O WRID coAaao sS�NAl fill'%\?���• 12/2012018 NOTICE copy of this design shall be furnished to the erection contractor. The design of this IndMdual truss is based on design cdteda and requirements supp8ed by Component Solution. the Truss Manufacturer and reties upon the accuracy and completeness of the information set forth by the Building Designet. A seal antis creating Indicates E=T... Studio V acceptance ofprofessional engineering responsibitty, solely for the Imam component design shown. See the cover page and the'bnpodant Information a General 2018.5.3.4 Nax,V"geforadditlonal Information. AN connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson SirungMe Company, Incineccordancewith EBR-2762.AIlconnector Bel e.k: 3-866-352-8606 plates are 20 gauge, usleas the specified plate site is followed by a'-18' whlch Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or W TV, which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. - CSHelp.k: 1-866-252 - 7233 Marsh Terrace Q7 1 Truss: J27 Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landinj Customer: Advanced Design & Building Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills 6-6 1 1g0 2-4-0 4-7-11 m 2-4-0 6-11-11 1 2 2-4-0 4-7-11 2-4-0 6-11-11 1 4 5 k 6-11-11 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 Be (AS18HS, ASHES, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PEP Live Dead our Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Net Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Be 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Webs 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Member Forces Summary .. Mo.... Ten Comp .CSI. TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 203 449 0.41 2- 3 68 167 0.54 Be 1- 4 456 165 0.55 4- 5 0 0 0.37 Web 2- 4 607 416 0.07 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCET-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCET-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 £t S - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft art - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMw Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Sumumary(lies) ---------------- Jet --X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 4 2-04-00 551 240 08-00 00-14 SPF 425 5 6-11-11 66 18 01-12 00-01 SPF 565 3 6-11-11 153 222 01-12 00-03 SPF 565 Max Horiz - +0 / +311 at Joint 4 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at [611111 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees NOTICEAcopy of Ihis design shall be fumished to the erection connector. The design of firs Individual muss is based on design minds and requirements supplied by the Truss tlanufacturer and reties upon the acevmry and completeness of to Information set fonts by the Building Designer.A seal antis taxing Indirates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for to buss component design shown. Sea Me cover page and the'Imponent InfomaUen A General Notes' page for additional Information All connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc In accordance wit ESR-2762.All connector plates are 20 gauge, unless the spedfed plate sloe Is forams! by a'-18'whlch Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or -S# 18', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. SID: 0000388428 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Pace: 1 of 1 -------Additional Design Checks------ l0 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 put BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 its TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Deflection Summary Truss Span Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/180 L/357(-0.07) 1- 4 Vert CR L/120 L/209(-0.11) 1- 4 Hoe. LL 0.95in 1 0.17) @Jt 3 Herz CR 1.251n 1 0.20) @Jt 3 Cant CR L/120 L/209(-0.11) 1- 4 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Deft LL + (War - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ----------- Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, 1'): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(01-07,0) ��� ,...:..... OT No. 69577 STATE OF s 4s,11 COA 30003V�ONA� 0``` 12/20/2018 Component Solutions Truce Studio V 2018.5.3.4 8elpdaek: 1-866-252-8606 - CSNelp@strangtie.com Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Qty-. 9 Truss: J26 Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000389429 TID: 76668 Date: 12120 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Pace: 1 of 1 2-4-0 I 2-7-11 2-4-0 4-11-11 1 2 3 9?# 6/12 3x4% � v i I 0 0 '^ 6-6 3x4= rn 2x3o 2-4-0 2-7-11 2-4-0 4-11-11 L 4 5 ' 4-11-11 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (A520) or 18 go (AS18HS, ASlSS5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-Is' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Nor Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: No Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Nor) = 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) f2 SC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Webs 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Member Forces Summary .Men... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 350 275 0.31 2- 3 36 66 0.23 BC 1- 4 285 265 0.14 4- 5 106 265 0.10 5-OH 0 0 0.00 Web 2- 4 459 544 0.06 2- 5 303 121 0.07 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Sncw(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All OChers(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-l0 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) = 20.0 It War - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Summary(L)xs)------------ --- Jot--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 4 2-04-00 643 299 08-00 01-00 SPF 425 2-5 5 4-10-03 79 136 01-12 HGR SPF 565 3 4-11-11 82 97 01-12 HGR SPF 565 Max Noriz - a0 / t214 at Joint 4 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at (41111] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. Bee Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: o 12.0/12 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description User loads: TC 90 -61 0 Vert User -Defined @ 90 Deg Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees NOTICE A copy of Nis design shell be furnished to the erosion contractor. The design of this indledual "se is based on design snouts and requirements supplied by the Truss Manufacturer and relies upon the accuracy and completeness of Me Information set form by the Building Designer. A seal on Nis drawing Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss component design shown. Sea the cover page and Me'Mporlant Information a General Notes' page for additional informa0am All connector plates shall be menufachm d by Simpson SITSR -Tie Company, Inc In armrdance vAh ESR-2762. All connector plates era 20 gauge, unless Me speci i.d plate slae Is fotowed by a'-18' w ch Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# f V, which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 par Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 par BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Veit LL L/180 L/999(-0.01) 1- 4 Vert CR L/120 L/999(-0.02) 1- 4 Hors LL 0.75in ( 0.00) @Jt 3 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.00) @Jt 3 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.02) 1- 4 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Deft. LL t Mrs - 1) x Dail_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X. l): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(00-15,0) ````�11111 Ill lyly/', \ ���'• M' B0QT''% No. 69577 Q STATE OF [(/� COA#DD3SIONAL to\`\\ 3 12120/2018 Component Solutions Truss Studio V 2018.5.3.4 s rr1 _ Halpdeek: 1-866-252-8606 = CSnelpgatrongue.com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing .7233 Marsh Terrace l]ty: 1 Truss: J25A Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388430 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20 / 18 Tress Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 �0 2-2-12 2-8-15 2-2-12 4-11-11 1 2 3 T 6/12 2x3t v 0 0 DT 6-6 3x4= n; 2x3i 2-2-12 l 2-8-15 2-2-12 4-11-11 1 4 5 b 4-11-11 ' Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 ga (A520) or 18 ga (ASIBHS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ----------Wintl Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead Our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Nan -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 It 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Nat - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 It, TC-Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Law -Slap. Mini ... sFfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Hcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMw OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- TrossSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Cat--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/180 L/308(-0.08) 1- 4 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 4 2-02-12 646 317 03-OB 00-15 SPF 470 Vert CR L/120 L/125(-0.20) 1- 4 5 4-11-11 45 57 01-12 00-01 SPF 565 Harz LL 0.751n ( 0.05) @Jt 3 Member Forces Summary 3 4-11-11 52 105 01-12 00-01 see 565 Harz CR 1.251n ( 0.12) @Jt 3 ..Mere... Ten Comp .CSI. Max Horia - +0 / +224 at Joint 4 Cant CR L/120 L/125(-0.20) 1- 4 TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 156 312 0.75 Vert CR and Nora CR are the vertical and 2-3 32 90 0.56 Loads Summary horizontal deflections due to live load BC 1- 4 328 118 0.51 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord plus the creep component of deflection 4- 5 0 0 0.51 live load occurring at [411111 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + Web 2- 4 490 405 0.08 factor. (Her - 1) x Defl-DL in accordance with See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. ANSI/TPI 1. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load Bracing Data Summary 9 Domain Load Uplift Location Dix Description User loads: ------------Bracing Data ------------ PC 90 -61 01-00 Vert User -Defined @ 90 Deg Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Notes Plate offsets (X, l): Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 30.0 (None unless indicated below) degrees Jntl(01-07,0) 11111111111//yy g0QT .•' �,10ENSF'•.,..5, No.69577 �az Q STATE OF G(2 .FS •• CGA O30003SZONAL tE 12/20/2018 NOTICEAcopy of this design shall be furnished to the erection contractor. The design of this Individual buss is based on design smarts and requlrements supplied by Component Solutions Me Tmss Manufactumr and spas upon the accuracy and completeness of Me information selfodh by the Building Dosigner.A seal on this dmwhg indicates True. Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the Was component design shown. See Me cover page and the •Important Informa0on a General 2018.5.3.4 Notes•page far additional Information. All connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Sbong-TaCompany, Inc In eaordence with ESR-2762. All connector s plates ere 20 gauge, unless Me specified plate size Is followed by a'-18' which indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'SN 1F. which Inda high tension 18 gauge plate. e r a Hel s k: 1-866-252-8606 CSHelicates p@atrangtie.com Project Name: 00383 -Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Qty-. 12 Truss: J23 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388431 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Paae: 1 of 1 1�,0 2-4-0 7-11 1 2-4-0 22111-11 6/12 2x3H v 3x4% a 6-6 o N � N 2-4-0 7-11 - - I- L 2411-§1 r 2-11-11 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (ASI6H5, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-181 Code/Design: FBC-3017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead our Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Be 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Be 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013t 12 Webs 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 Wedge 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 Member Forces Summary ..Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. TC Os- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 61 150 0.08 2- 3 10 28 0.09 BC 1- 4 218 84 0.16 4- 5 0 0 0.02 Web 2- 4 302 160 0.04 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground S.oe(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: Ir Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(v) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 it B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Met - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 Be - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Succary(lbs) ---------------- Jet --X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 1 0 115 17 01-08 00-02 SPF 565 4 2-03-00 212 209 08-00 00-05 SPF 425 3 2-11-11 15 13 01-08 0 SPF 565 Max Horiz - +0 / +136 at Joint 4 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at t211111 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 16 BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: you Deflection Summary TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Harz LL 0.751n ( 0.00) sit 1 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.01) @Jt 1 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Doti LL + Net - 11 x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(03-07,01-05) lltlllllllly/j/ .� �\� ....:... , . ' LICENSE y No. 69577 _fit': * •*_ �r tit STATE OF 40AX-1 �•�s` ((/�l�ee 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be furnished to the erection contractor. The design of this Individual Wes Is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by Component Solution. the Truss Manufacturer and relies upon the accuracy and completenessofthe information selfodhbylhe Building Designer. Asset on this drawing indicates Truss studio V acceptance of professional engineering responslbitity solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and lhe'Importznl information B General 2018.5.3.4 Notes•pageforeddl8onal lnformation.Ag connector plates shag ma be nulacused by Simpsen Sbong�Tie Company, Incln sconlancewith ESR-2762.AII connector s r Bel sk; a k: 1-866-252-8606 � plates are 20 gauge, unfess the specified plate size Is followed by a s18' wNoh Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', whbh indicates. high tension 18 gauge plate. - CSS.lelpgtie.com Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Qty-. 1 Truss: J23A Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388432 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Wir. Contact Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 1;,0 2-2-12 3-ls 1 2-2-12 2Z11-y 6/12 2x91 v v 6-6 3x4% o N � N 2x31 2-2-12 a-15 2-2-12 1 2411-t1 2I 11 11 '1 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 ga (ASIOWS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-Is- Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Des Factor. TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 Lem 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Sort - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) Y2 BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) Y2 Wedge 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) Y2 Member Forces Summary ..Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 67 132 006 2- 3 5 26 0..06 BC 1- 4 200 72 0.14 4- 5 0 0 0.03 Web 2- 4 270 143 0.04 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cab C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Othersil.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Mini...(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind SpeedlV) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cab C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) = 20.0 ft Xzt - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction SVzoary(Lbs) ---------------- Joe --X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 1 0 113 14 01-08 00-02 SPF 565 4 2-02-12 213 217 03-08 00-05 SPF 470 5 2-11-11 21 12 01-12 0 SPF 565 3 2-11-11 13 13 01-12 0 SPF 565 Max Ratio - +0 / +136 at Joint 4 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at [211111 using a 1.00 pull and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degree. -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: you 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TruasSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Vert CA L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Herz LL 0.751n 1 0.00) @it 1 Harz CA 1.25in ( 0.01) @it 1 Vert CR and Herz CA are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Net - 1) x Defl DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, Y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(03-07,01-05) A\k1t1111II////// J�l`�M BO .....:..... OJ. No. 69577 STATE OF ✓y COA p30003V /�NAL 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shell be lumished to Me erection contredor. The design of Nis Individual Russ is based on design orders and regNrements supplied by ® Component Solutions th the Truss Manufacturer and relies upon e accuracy and completeness ofih.Information set font by the Building OasignecA seal an Nis strewing Indicates Trans Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsbUy solely for Me truss component design shown. See Me cover page and (he'Impodant Information B General 201 2018.5.3. / Notes• page for additional lnfamatiOm ma Al connector plates shag be nufa4um red by Simpson Sheri CopInc in accordance with ESR-2762. All connector RelpdCompany, n s s a k: 3-866-252-8606 platesam 20 gauge, unless Me speofed plate size 15followedbya%18•vrbch lndleMesan 18gauge plate,orWIV,whlchlndidatesahightensbn 18geugeplate. CSHelp@Strongtie.com Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Qty-. 1 Truss: J23C Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388433 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 ],g0 2-11-11 " 2-11-11 1 2 6/12 v v c 6-6 3x4% c N 1 N 2-11-11 2-11-11 ' 1 3 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 16 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead our Factors TO 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Karl - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PST Material Summary TO 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) g2 BC 2x4 SP (AISC6-2013) g2 Wedge 2.4 SP (MSC6-2013) Member Forces Summary ..Mom... Ten Comp .CSI. TO OH- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 45 93 0.21 BC 1- 3 199 12 0.25 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Soow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Ochers(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmiu): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Kzt - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TO - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary -------------Reaction Surnary(Lbs)----- Jut--K-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd 1 0 167 68 01-08 00-03 3 2-11-11 60 20 01-12 00-01 2 2-11-11 101 122 01-12 00-02 Max Horiz - +0 / +136 at Joint 3 -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 psf Non -Concurrent BOLL: You 20 pa£ BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TO Maintenance Load: No 2000 1b TO Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary ---------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 SPF 565 Vert OR L/240 L/999(-0.01) 1- 3 SPF 565 Herz LL 0.751n ( 0.01) @Jt 1 SPF 565 Nor. OR 1.251n ( 0.01) @it 1 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at (211111 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report Ear loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degree. Vert CR and Buzz OR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Nor - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary -----------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, Y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(03-07,01-05) . ' \,\GENSF • • �r No. 69577 �t. I Qi. STATE OF ((/� COAa30003s/r�NAL 12120/2018 NOTCEAcopy of the design shall be famished to the erection rontrador. The design of this lndMdual Was is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by Component Solutions to Truss Manufacturer and rages upon the accatcy and completeness of the lnfomutlon set forth by to Building Designer. Aseal on this dewing Indicates E= Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility sotalyforthe truss component design shown. See the cover page and Ihe'Important Nforma0on A Generel 2018.5.3. d Notes' page for additional ln(omagom Ali connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Stang -To Company, InclnaccordancewithESR-2782.AIlconnedor plates are 20 gauge, urdess the specified plate size Is followed by a'-18' whldt IMicatee an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18'. which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plat.. n r - - sal pdeak: 1-866-252-8606 CSeelpOetmngtie.com Project Name: 00383 -Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Ctty: 14 Truss: J21 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 000038843, TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact Rick Mills t t _.�1 ICI 11-11 1 3 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18HS, AS16S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Cade/Design: FEC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Dur Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Rcr) - 2.0 OH Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) P2 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) t2 Wedge 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 Member Forces Summary ..Mr.... Ten Comp .CSI. TC ON- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 61 19 0.02 BC 1- 3 0 0 0.01 shall be famished to plates ere -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCET-10 Ground Snow(Pg) a N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Pain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCEg-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 it B e 0.0 it M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It Est - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L a Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Sumnary(lba) ---------------- Jet --X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 1 0 68 58 01-08 00-01 SPF 565 3 11-11 20 14 01-12 0 SPF 565 2 11-11 26 3 01-12 0 SPF 565 Max Harz - +0 / ♦49 at Joint 2 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at 11111] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees be manufactured by Simpson Strong. y a %18' whic: indicates an 18 gauge suppfled by gauge -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yea 20 paf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TzuseSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 Harz LL 0.75in ( 0.00) @Jt 1 Harz CR 1.251n ( 0.00) 2Jt 1 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL (Net - 1) x Defl DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, Y): (None unless indicated below) Jntl(02-15,01-01) Af11t1111111///// �M• 800 T .• t,10ENSF •'•. �. No. 69577 Q STATE O R "Z. coAa ou//110NAI-t�?`\ 12/20/2018 Component Solutions Truce Studio V a m Helpdeak: 1-966-252-9606 CSHelp@ebrongtie.com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City: 4 Truss: J3 Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388435 TID: 76668 Date: 12120 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Pane: 1 of 1 3-3-10 9-10-1 1 2 -13# 27# -13# 82# 922# 277# 822# 4.2427/12 �3x8 O : Q 6-6 4x4= 2x4 t -70# 20# -70# 20# 3x4= 3 3-3-10 6-6-7 3-3-10 9-10-1 1 4 5 k 9-10-1 i Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 ga (AS20) or 18 go IAS1811S, AS18S5, or AS1856) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSI Live Dead Our Factors TO 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 a.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: No Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Her) - 2.0 OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF -----------Snow Load Specs------ ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Mlnimums(pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No -------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It R - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It Est - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TO - 5.0 BC - 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: NybridMw Material Summary Reaction Summary TO 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2013) @ --------------Reaction Surnary(Lbs) ---------------- sc 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 Jet--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Webs 2x8 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 4 3-03-10 1034 647 11-05 01-10 SPF 425 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 2-5 5 9-06-09 63 138 01-12 00-01 SIT 565 3 9-10-01 286 322 01-12 00-05 SPF 565 Member Forces Summary Max Horiz - 10 / t308 at Joint 4 ..Mein... Ten Camp .CSI. TO ON- 1 1- 2 8 698 e 0.00 406 0.72 Loads Summary 2- 3 95 148 0.68 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord BC 1- 4 390 576 0.14 live load occurring at (910011 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load 4- 5 136 576 0.52 factor. 5-OH 0 0 0.00 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Web 2- 4 1045 934 0.11 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 2- 5 588 19 0.13 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description User loads: TO 92 -62 01-00 Vert User -Defined @ 90 Deg Transfer loads: TC 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg TO 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ -135 Deg TO -13 0 4-03-04 Vert J23 @ 135 Deg TO -13 0 4-03-04 Vert J23 @ -135 Deg TO 82 -95 7-01-03 Vert J25 0 135 Deg TO 82 -95 7-01-03 Vert J25 @ -135 Deg BC 20 -15 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg BC 20 -15 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ -135 Deg BC -70 0 7-01-03 Vert J25 @ 135 Deg BC -70 0 7-01-03 Vert J25 @ -135 Deg Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Non -Concurrent ROLL: Yea 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 Its RC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 Its TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999( 0.01) 4- 5 Vert OR L/240 L/999( 0.07) 4- 5 Harz LL 0.75in ( 0.01) @it 3 Harz OR 1.25in ( 0.01) @it 3 Cant CR L/120 L/752(-0.05) 1- 4 Vert OR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL (xer - 1) x Defl_DL I. accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (x, l): (None unless indicated below) Jnt4(0,-00-12), Jat5(-01-03,00-03) 11M13 LtCENSF •'•. y No. 69577 XSTATE OF COA 30DO tO'v ALt, 12120/201s NOTICEAcopyofthis design shag befumished to the creation cadnesta.The design ofthis Imcmduel Russ isbased ondesign adtena and reeuim.mds euppliedby Component Solutions the Tmas Manufachmerand rages uponihe eccvmayend completenessofthe infomuSon settonn bylhe Buiking Designer Aaeal on Isdmmkg Nelcatea Ttruea Studio V acceptance oipmfesdional engineering responsibility sololyforite buss componenldesign she". See the coverpage and Ne'ImpodantirthUmation a Oemnal ® g018.5.3.4 Notes' page foraddi0onal information. All connector plates shag he manufactured by Simpson Sbong-Tle Company, Inc in ecmnlance sith ESR.2762.Allconnector plates ere 20 gauge, unless the specified plate airs Is followed by a'-18' wWch indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', Mich Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. ° r Helpdeak: 1-866-252-8606 Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: J3A Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388436 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 20118 Truss Mfr. Contact Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 l�,lll 3-3-10 l 3-5-6 F 4-3-14 3-3-10 6-9-0 11-0-14 1 2 3 4 27# -13# 53# 154# 92d# 277# 13# 82# 19a2# 8 44.2427/12 3x6pm wo e i 2X31 v a 4r 6-fi W. Fit 2x3o 4x4= 4 ? m -6# -25# 20# -70# 102# 20# 38# 3-3-10 I 7-9-4 3-33 10 11-0-14 1 5 6 k 11-0-14 Plates -- Simpson strong -Tie 20 as (AS20) or 18 ga (A518HS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-is- Code/ Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PEPLive Dead Der Factors MCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yea TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 10.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 it Kzt - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Low -Slope Minimumenfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 5.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Karl - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybzldMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) Y2 --------------Reaction Sommary(Lbs)---------------- TruesSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) Y2 Jot--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/830(-0.11) 5- 6 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 5 3-03-10 1159 736 11-05 01-13 SPF 425 Vert CR L/240 L/558(-0.15) 5- 6 2x8 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 5-2 6 10-11-06 351 315 01-12 00-07 SPF 565 Harz LL 0.751n ( 0.01) Sit 6 4 11-00-14 398 412 01-12 00-08 SPF 565 Harz CR 1.25Ln 1 0.01) @Jt 6 Member Forces Summary Max Basis - ♦0 / ♦342 at Joint 5 Cant CR L/120 L/916(-0.04) 1- 5 ...Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. TC OH- 1 8 0 0.00 Vert CR and Horz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 747 705 0.35 Loads Summary horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 719 524 0.37 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord plus the creep component of deflection 3- 4 132 167 0.46 live load occurring at [110014] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load due to dead load, computed as Soft LL BC 1- 5 718 635 0.36 factor. Mat - 1) x Defl-DL in accordance with 5- 6 350 600 0. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. ANSI/TPI 1. 6-OH 0 0 0.0000 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: >'12.0/12 Web 2- 5 521 355 0.05 Concentrated Loads - Based an Live Load 3- 5 1005 1098 0.26 Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description Bracing Data Summary 3- 6 695 406 0.15 User loads: ------------Bracing Data ------------ TC 92 -62 01-00 Vert User -Defined @ 90 Deg Chords; continuous except where shown TC 192 -130 9-11-02 Vert J27A @ 90 Deg Web Bracing -- None BC 102 -69 9-11-02 Vert J27A @ 90 Deg Transfer loads: Plate offsets(X, l): TC 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg (None unless indicated below) TC 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ -135 Deg Jnt3(-00-07,00-07), Jnt5(0,-00-12) TC 13 -1 4-03-04 Vert J23A @ -135 Deg TC -13 0 4-03-04 Vert J23 @ 135 Deg TC 82 -95 7-01-03 Vert J25 @ 135 Deg TC 53 -103 7-01-03 Vert J25A @ -135 Deg TC 154 -216 9-11-02 Vert J27 @ 135 Deg BC 20 -15 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg ED 20 -135 Deg -l0 5 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ BC -6 4-03-04 Vert J23A@ -135 Deg BC -25 0 7-01-03 Vert J25A 6 -135 Deg \\\ X \ 0 BC -70 0 7-01-03 Vert J25 @ 135 Deg \ J�.••�'"""'F T � BC 38 -25 9-11-02 Vert J27 @ 135 Deg • \CENS y i Z Notes No.69577 •'. Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees _ * '���••• •�; A "pm" next to the plate size indicates that the plate has been user •4i- / STATE OF modified; see Plate offsets for any special positioning requirements. j •••,F<OR1DP.•' \_� coA#3 Doss/�NAL niinl\ 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be fumtshed to the erection contractor. The design of Mls individual Was is based on design criteria and requirements supplied by Effir, Component Salutiona r.M.. Me Tmss Manufacturer and rages upon the Retires, and completeness of the infomu@on set forh by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsiblidy solely for Me truss component design shown. See the cover page and Ihe'Imponant Information 8 General 2018.5.3.4 Notes'page for eddilonal Info r adon.M connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson Sbong me Company, Inc In accordance with ESR.2762. All connector plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate site is followed by a %18' whlch Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or' 18•, whicL Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. a r , _ ;. eelpdeak: 1-866-252-8606 CSBslp@ettongtie. com Project Name: 00383-Marsh landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace Qty-. 1 Truss: J3C Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388437 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss MG. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 3-3-10 3-3-10 I 7-0-2 1 2 -13# 3 27# -13# 92# 27# 4 4 4.2427/12t 1 2X4 20# 20# 3-3-10 I 3-3-10 7-0-2 L 4 5 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (A320) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or AS38S6) indicated by '-18' Cade/Design: MC-3017/TP1-2014 PSF Live Dead Due Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 10.0 it. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 50.0 Its 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: No Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Nor) - 2.0 OR Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x6 SP IALSC6-2013) #1 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 Webs 2.6 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 Member Forces Summary .. Mo.... Ten Comp .CSI. TC ON- 1 8 0 0.00 1- 2 187 325 0.53 2- 3 20 122 0.63 BC 1- 4 327 118 0.50 4- 5 0 0 0.50 Web 2- 4 833 789 0.10 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind SpeedlV) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 It M.R.H(h) - 20.0 £t Nzt - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC = 5.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes A = Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction SVmxary(Lbs) ---------------- Jut --X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Rego -Mat PSI 4 3-03-10 1005 566 11-05 01-09 SPF 425 5 7-00-02 43 24 01-12 00-01 SIT 565 3 7-00-02 61 155 01-12 00-01 SPF 565 Max Boric - +0 / +223 at Joint 4 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced tap chord live load occurring at (700021 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description User loads: TC 92 -62 01-00 Vert User -Defined @ 90 Deg Transfer loads: TC 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ -135 Deg TC 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg TC -13 0 4-03-04 Vert J23 @ -135 Deg TC -13 0 4-03-04 Vert J23 @ 135 Deg BC 20 -15 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ -135 Deg BC 20 -15 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 pelf Nan -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 16 TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TruasSpan Limit Actual(1nl Location Vert LL L/180 L/306(-0.11) 1- 4 Vert CR L/120 L/125(-0.27) 1- 4 Herz LL 0.75in ( 0.06) @Jt 3 Beer CR 1.25in ( 0.14) @Jt 3 Cant CR L/120 L/125(-0.27) 1- 4 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Res - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (%, 1): (None unless indicated below) Jnti(00-12,00-04), Jnt4(0,-00-09) Illlllllll///// M: B00/ ° No. 69577 . #. STATE OF ((/ FDA 3o //J 70NAk- E ` 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be furnished W the election contractor The design of this Individual truss Is based on design etiteda and requirements supplied by ® Component Solution. rhoTruss Menuf.mhrth erand rates upon e accuracy and completeness of We infomatbn set form by the Bulking Designer. A seal on Wisdmwing indicates Truss Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss component design shown. See We cover page and We'hportant Information a General 2018.5. 3.4 Nolen' page for additional lnfomation. All connector plates shall be manufactured by Simpson Strong -Tie Company, Inc in accordance Win ESR-2762. All connector s r r eelpdeak: 1-566-252-g6D6 plates are 20 gauge, unless the spoofed plate size is followed by a'-18' eNch Indicates an 18 gauge plate, at'S4 IF, which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. -=CSealp.k: gti..tom Prdject Name: 00383 -Marsh Landing -7233 Marsh Terrace Qty-. 1 Truss: J3C2 Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388438 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 _ 1 -10-2 I 0-*10 1- 1 2 3 27# -13# 92# 27# 101# 4.2427/12$ 3xV N N M 1 I I O O O ^, 4x4= 'it 6-6 2x3c 3x6 20# 47# 20# 3-10-0 3-2-2 I 3-10-0 7-0-2 1 4 5 f 7-0_2 Plates -- Simpson strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (AS16H5, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-16' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Sea.(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 ps£ Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 FBI BC Limited Storage: Yes Be 0.0 10.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 ft 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 50.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Othexs(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It Wet - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Lead: No Repetitive Member Increase: No Low -Slope Minimums (Pfmin) : No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 Be - 5.0 Unbalanced TOLL: you Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L m Yes R = Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Wort - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybricIMw ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2.6 SP IALSC6-2013) 42 --------------Reaction Summaxy(Lbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2x6 SP (ALSC6-2013) I2 Jet--x-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/180 L/999(-0.01) 1- 4 Webs 2x12 SP (ALSC6-2013) /2 4 3-10-00 1326 796 11-05 02-01 SIT 425 Vert CR L/120 L/999(-0.03) 1- 4 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 42 2-5 5 6-10-10 203 357 01-12 00-04 SPF 565 Harz LL 0.753n 1 0.00) @Jt 3 3 7-00-02 95 105 01-12 00-02 SIT 565 Harz CR 1.25in 1 0.01) @Jt 3 Member Forces Summary Max Soria - a0 / a221 at Joint 4 Cant CR L/120 L/999(-0.03) 1- 4 ...Mom... Ten Comp .CSI. TC OH- 1 LO 0 0.11 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 1- 2 874 711 0.39 Loads Summary horizontal deflections due to live load 2- 3 31 88 0.19 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord plus the creep component of deflection Be 1- 4 807 758 0.20 live load occurring at (700021 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load due to dead load, computed as Defl_LL 4- 5 482 757 0.16 factor. (Way - 1) x Defl DL in accordance with 5-011 0 0 0.00 See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. ANSI/TPI 1. Web 2- 4 1087 1094 a.09 Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 2- 5 834 531 0.19 Concentrated Loads - Based on Live Load Domain Load Uplift Location Dir Description Bracing Data Summary User loads: ------------Bracing Data ------------ Te 92 -62 01-00 Vert Uses -Defined @ 90 Deg Chords; continuous except where shown Transfer loads: Web Bracing -- None TC 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg TC 27 -3 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ -135 Deg Plate offsets (x,\): TC 101 -120 4-03-04 Vert J23C @ -135 Deg (None unless indicated below) TC -13 0 4-03-04 Vert J23 @ 135 Deg Jnt4(0,-00-13) BC 20 -15 1-05-05 Vert J21 @ 135 Deg Be 20 -15 1-05-05 Vert J21 6 -135 Deg Be 47 -23 4-03-04 Vert J23C @ -135 Deg Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 \ degrees nil. 1300 \\\\s\\� No.69577 ,0 /'t' STATE O ZORIR = \ COA a owas/,iOj 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be furnished to to erection conVertor. The design of this Individual Was is based on design trade and requirements supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and same upon the accuracy and completeness of vie information set fodh by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for to Buss component design shorn. See the cover page and ihe'Imponant Information B General m Notea'page for additional lnfoallon. AN connector plates sha0 be manufactured by Simpson SWngTlo Company, Inc in accordance wiBh ESR.2762. All connector 2018.5.3.4 plates ere 20 gauge, toeless the specified plate size is fo0owed by a'-18' which Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or • 18', which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. e h r Helpdesk: 1-866-252-8606 � - CSHalp@sttongEie. com Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Qty-. 1 Truss: MV113 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388439 TID: 76668 Date: 12119 / 18 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 - 3-3-0 1 2 6/12 2x31i 00 0 3x4% I-Nil, I 39" 2x31i 3-3-0 3-3-0 1 3 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 ga US20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS1BS5, or ASIBS6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Spebe---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ ParLive Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: You TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cab: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: yes BC 0.0 1.0 Lam 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It e - 0.0 It 20G lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 410 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 it Bit - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-06-00 0.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: NO Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 1b TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Lox -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 1.0 Unbalanced TOLL: you Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep Met) - 2.0 Rain surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: Hybzic.MW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PER Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) r2 Reactions not shown: down < 400 and up < 150 TrussSpan Limit Acrostic) Location BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) #2 ---- Reaction Summary (plf) ----- Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) g2 Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 1- 3 81 76 3-03-00 Horz LL 0.75in ( 0.00) @it 1 Member Forces Summary Has Horiz - -30 / ♦91 at Joint 1 Horz CR 1.25in ( 0.00) @Jt I ..Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 36 54 0.12 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 2-Ox 0 5 0.00 Loads Summary horizontal deflections due to live load BC 1- 3 42 38 0.10 This truss has been designed for the effects Of an unbalanced top chord plus the creep component of deflection 3-OH 0 0 0.00 live load Occurring at (303001 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load due to dead load, computed as Deft. LL 1 Web 2- 3 151 92 0.05 factor. (Rer - 1) x Berl DL in accordance with See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. ANSI/TPI 1. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Bracing Data Summary --Bracing Data ------------ Notes Chords; continuous except where shown Valley Truss application only Web Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Bracing -- None degrees Plate offsets ( (None unless ntli<ated below) indicated I111111//// IIII M so No.69577 -* * *__ 0 STATE OF ((/� C0aa30003//IllNAL%%N 12/20/2018 NOTICE Acopy Of this design shall be furnishetl to the erection contractor. The design of this lndlAdual truss is based on design criteria and reculaments supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and rages upon the accuracy and completeness of the information set forth by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing indicates ® V acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss component design shown. See the coverpage and the '"postal information & General Trues Studio Notes• page for additional lnfomation.All connector plates shagbemanufecturedby Simpson Sbong-Tie Company, Incineccorddncewith ESR-2762,Allconnector 2018.5.3. & 2018.5.3.Helptiesk: platesare 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size is followed bya•-18'which indirateson 18 gauge plate, or -SO 18', which lndlratesa high tension 18 gauge plate. a r�r 1-866-252-8606 - CSSelp8strongtie.eom Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landinb- 7233 Marsh Terrace qty. 1 Truss: MV1D Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388440 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Pace: 1 of 1 3-10-8 3-10-8 1 2 6/12 2x31 v v I I 3x4% 46.5" 2x31 3-10-8 3-10-8 1 3 4 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (ASIBHS, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2019/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Our Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 1.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 41.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 a Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: NO Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Nor) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) I2 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Web. 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Member Forces Summary ..Mem... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 43 68 0.18 2-OH 0 5 0.0. BC 1- 3 55 51 0.17 3- 4 55 51 0.08 4-011 0 0 0.00 Web 2- 4 174 108 0.08 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCET-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCET-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: IL Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 £t B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft 1(zt a 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC = 1.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R = Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary Reactions not shown: down < 400 and up < ---- Reaction Summary (plf) ----- Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- 1- 4 81 75 3-10-08 Max Horiz - -41 / +116 at Joint 1 -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 psf Non -Concurrent BULL: Yee 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yea 200 1b BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Deflection Summary ISO TrussSpan Limit Actual (in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 Herz LL 0.75in ( 0.00) @it 1 Hors: CR 1.25in ( 0.01) @it 1 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced tap chord live load occurring at [310081 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Valley Truss application only Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees NOTICE copy of its design shall be tumished to Me erecildn comiuctor. The design of Nis Individual trues is based on design otleda and requirements supplied by the Twat Manufacturer and series upon the acwraoy and completeness of Me Infom:ation set forth by Me Building Designer. A seal on this drawing Indicates acceptance of professional engineering responaibifity solely for Me bus5 component design shown. See Me never page and Me'Impeft,.. I...... Bon 6 General Notes' page for additional Information. All connector plates slag be manufactured by Simpson SbongTle Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-2762. M connector plates era 20 gauge, unless Me specified plate size is followed by a'-18' which indicates an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18', which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. Vert CR and Herz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Doti LL + (Ka - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (x, 1): (None unless indicated below) \\\\\Illlllll//f7j'/ \�.•M E30O `���.•'�ICENSF •'•T�. i No. 69577 STATE OF ((/1 ZORION C� N 4t 1 \� COAN30003V1O'v^L 0"\\ 12/20/2018 Component olutlonv TrussStudio V 201 2018.5.3.4 r 8elpdeek: 152-8606 C98elp@atronguegtie.c.eom Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace City 1 Truss: MV2D Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388441 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 11-10-8- 1 2 6/12 11-4 3x4% I 22.5" 1 10-8 1-10-8 1 3 Plates -- Simpson Strang -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (AS18H5, AS18S5, or A51856) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: MC-2017/TPI-2014 ESE Live Dead But Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 1.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 41.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 c.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep Urr) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) i2 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Member Forces Summary ..Mom... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 0 25 0.05 BC 1- 3 0 0 0.08 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-30 Ground Snov(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced 5... Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ---------Wintl Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Err = 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 1.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary Reactions not shown: down < 400 and up < 150 ---- Reaction Summary (plf) ----- Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- 1- 3 01 76 1-10-08 Max Hari. a0 / ♦46 at Joint 1 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at 1110081 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Valley Truss application only Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 do .... a -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 par BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 It BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yea Deflection Summary T.... Span Limit Actual(ia) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 3 Hors LL 0.751n ( 0.00) Vt 1 Hot. CR 1.251n ( 0.00) 8Jt 1 Vert CR antl Horr CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Dail LL (xcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, Y): (None unless indicated below) .���J\�• M' BO�T''� No. 69577 STATE O n3o s`S�1111111\ONAL coa0 ���• / NOTICE A copy of Uds design shag be furnished to the erection connector. The design of this IndlWdual hues Is based on design ordeals and reguiremenis supplied by Component Solution. ®Truss the TNsaM..id.cluer and reBoa upon the accuracy and completeness of Nelnom:etron set forth by the Building Designer. A seal on Nis drawing Indicates Studio acceptance of professional engineedng res eonslblety solely for the truss component design shown. See the sever page and the 'important Information 8 General 2018.5.3.4 Notes' page for addm Aional Infoum don. All connector plates shag be ansfestacd by Simao Simpson Sng-Tie Company, Inc in attendance with ESR-2761 All connector 'SO A r r eel oak: 1-966-252-8606 ® piston are 20 gouge, unless the specified plate sine is fdlowed by a'48' wNch Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or 18, which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. CSHe1P8at.ongtie.come Project Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace Qty. 11 Truss: P7 Customer. Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388"2 TID: 76668 Date: 12119118 Truss Mfr. Contact: Rick Mills 3-9-4 I 3-9-4 5-0-1 88 9-5 1 2 3 1-2-1 7-6-8 1-2-1 1-2-131 8-9-5 19-11-6 6/12 3x4= -6/12 u, ra 3x4 3x4r 2x31 3-9-4 I 3-9-4 5-0-1 8-9-5 1 4 5 6 3 10-0-2 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (MIENS, A51855, or AS18S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Dui Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 1.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 41.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Mcr) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Member Forces Summary ..Mo.... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 119 75 0.22 2- 3 119 75 0.22 BC 1- 4 191 98 0.33 3- 6 191 97 033 4- 5 191 98 0..17 5- 6 191 97 0.17 Web 2- 5 522 353 0.09 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground SnowfPg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(l.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope MSnissms(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs----- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 It Mat - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 1.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybrioDW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- Jut--M-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 5 5-00-01 305 275 10-00-02 Reactions not shown: down < 400 and up < 150 ---- Reaction Summary (plf) - Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- 1- 3 51 48 10-00-02 (reduced) Max Paris - -68 / +68 at Joint 1 Loads Summary This trues has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at (500011 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. ----Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Non -Concurrent BULL: Yee 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: You Deflection Summary Truss Span Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.01) 1- 4 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.01) 1- 4 Horz LL 0.751n ( 0.01) @it 1 Harz CR 1.25in ( 0.01) @it 1 Vert CR and Hon CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + (Mar - 1) x Defl-DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X,`Q: (None unless indicated below) \\\\111111111yy ..M. B�Oj''% Ali . ' V\CENSF''•. y No. 69577 Q •�` STATE OF ((/ CXN OA# 0003V/ONAL 12/20/2018 NOTICEA copy of this design shall be fuMshetl to the erection contractor. The design of this IndlNdual hums Is based on design snoods and requirements supplied by Component solutions the Truss Manufacturer and refes upon the accuracy and completeness of to Information set forth by be Building Deslgner.A seal on Nis crewing Indicates E=Trade Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responslblGty solely forte truss component design shown. See the coverpage and Ne'Imp scant Information S General 2018.5.3. a Notes• page for addlllonal lnformadon. All connector plates shall be manufactured by56npson Strong'TieCompany, Inc in accordance w4Hs ESR-2762.All connector plates are 20 gauge, unless hiss specified plate size Is fol eed by a •-18' which bMlcztes an 18 gauge plate, or'S# 18%which indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. rt Bel ask: 1-866-252-8606 task: - Cela 1-866-252 Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace Qty. 2 Truss: P2 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388443 TID: 76668 Date: 12/19/18 Truss Mh. Contact, Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 - 2-9-4 1-0-0 1-0-0 2-9-4 4-0-1 S-o-ll6-0-11 88 9-5 1 2 3 4 5 1-2-1 7-6-8 1-2-1 11-2-131 6/12 8-9-5-6/1219-11-6 3x4= 2x3i 3x4= 3x4= 3x4= N N 2x31i 3-9-4 1 3-9-4 5-0-1 8-9-5 1 6 7 8 5 J f 10-0-2 T Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 got (AS20) or 18 got (AS18HS, ASI8SS, or AS19S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2019 Snow Load Specs ----------- ----------Wind Load Specs ---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ PSF Live Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph 10 ps£ Non -Concurrent BULL: Yee TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat C Risk Cat: I1 Exposure Cat: C 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes BC o.0 1.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Roo£ Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L = 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft 200 16 BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 41.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.H(h) - 20.0 it Hzt - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 in TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Minlmums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC = 1.0 Unbalanced TCLL: Yea Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Her) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 112 --------------Reaction Summary(Lbs)---------------- TruesSpan Limit Actual(in) Location BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 its--%-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.01) 1- 6 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 1 05-13 185 167 10-00-02 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.01) 1- 6 7 5-00-01 210 181 10-00-02 Harz LL 0.751n 10.01) @it 5 Member Forces Summary 5 9-06-05 185 167 10-00-02 Burr CR 1.251n ( 0.01) @Jt 5 ..Hem... Ten Comp .CSI. Reactions not shown: dawn < 400 and up < 150 TC 1- 2 206 161 0.23 ---- Reaction Summary (pill ----- Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and 2- 3 266 143 0.32 Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- horizontal deflections due to live load 3- 4 266 144 0.32 1- 5 23 24 10-00-02 (reduced) plus the creep component of deflection 4- 5 206 162 0.23 Max Marl. - -54 / 454 at Joint 1 due to dead load, computed as Dell LL BC 1- 6 102 72 0.24 (Rcr - 1) x Defl-DL in accordance with 5- 8 102 73 0.24 ANSI/TPI 1. 6- 7 102 72 0.13 Loads Summary 7- 8 102 73 0.13 This trues has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord Web 3- 7 381 256 0.06 live load occurring at i500011 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Bracing Data Summary factor. ------------Bracing Data ------------ See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. Chords; continuous except where shown Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, l): Notes (None unless indicated below) Plates designed for Cq at O.BO and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Jnt2(0,-00-12), Jnt4(0,-00-12) degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. yy' `11111111111/y 'M' B00 .• _NCEN,3,e, y No.69577 STATE OF . F coAa3000iyi OINAL IY 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shall be lumished to the erection contractor. The design of this Individual truss Is based on design enters and reeluiremenis supplied by Component Solutions the Truss ManufacWrerand miles upon the accuracy and completeness of the information set forth by the Building Deslgnen Aseal on this drawing indicates Truss Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsIsily solely for vie buss component design shown. See vie cover page and the 9mporent Information B General 2018.5.3. s Notes' page for additional information. AS connector plates short be msnufactur.d by Simpson SVongFa Company, Inc in accordance with ESR-276Z M connector states are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate size Is formed by a'-IW whits indicates an 18 gauge plate,or•Sp 18•, which Indlmtesa high tension 18 gauge plot.. a rrr Relpdestzo-866-252 cSselpengtle.252-8606 Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City 2 Truss: P3 Customer: Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388444 TID: 76668 Date: 12120118 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Page: 1 of 1 -- 9-4 3-0-0 1 3-0-0 9-41 2-0-1 5-0-1 8-0-1 8-9-5 1 2 3 4 5 1-2-1 7-6-8 1-2-1 I 1- �2-13 8-9-5 9-11-6� 6/12 3x4= 2x3i 3x4= -6/12 3X 3x4= 4. I ri 2x3i 3-9-4 I 3-9-4 5-0-1 8-9-5 1 6 7 8 5 4 F 10-0-2 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or A518S6) indicated by '-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 -----------Snow Load Specs ----------- ----;-----Wind Load Specs---------- -------Additional Design Checks------ ESPLive Dead our Factors ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A ASCE7-30 Wind Speed(V) = 170 mph 10 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes TC 20.0 21.0 Live Wind Snow Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Risk Cat: II Exposure Cato C 20 par BC Limited Storage: Yes BC 0.0 1.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Roof Exposure: Sheltered Bldg Dims: L =. 0.0 £t B - 0.0 it 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No Total 41.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A The Coal Condition: All Others(1.0) M.R.R(h) - 20.0 It Kzt - 1.0 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Low -Slope Mini mums(Pfmin): No Wind DL(paf): TC - 5.0 BC = 1.0 Unbalanced TELL: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Kcr) - 2.0 Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chic: No Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary Reaction Summary Deflection Summary TC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 --------------Reaction Summary(lbs)---------------- TrussSpan Limit Actual(in) Location SC 2x4 SP (USCG-2013) 12 act--X-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.01) 1- 6 Webs 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 1 05-13 194 183 30-00-02 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.01) 1- 6 T 5-00-01 271 258 10-00-02 Hor% LL 0.751n ( 0.01) @Jt 5 Member Forces Summary 5 9-06-05 194 184 10-00-02 Harz CR 1.251n ( 0.01) @at s .. Mr.... Ten Comp .CSI. Reactions not shown: down < 400 and up < 150 TC 1- 2 393 252 0.08 ---- Reaction Summary (plf) ----- Vert CR and Horz CR are the vertical and 2- 3 372 215 0.36 Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- horizontal deflections due to live load 3- 4 373 215 0.36 1- 5 16 13 30-00-02 (reduced) plus the creep component of deflection 4- 5 393 252 0.08 Max Boris - -16 / +16 at Joint 1 due to dead load, computed as Dell LL + BC 1- 6 215 309 0.20 (Kcr - 1) x Defl DL in accordance with 5- 8 215 307 020 ANSI/TPI 1. 6- T 215 307 0..12 Loads Summary '/- 9 215 307 0.12 This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord Web 3- T 469 301 0.08 live load occurring at [50001] using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load Bracing Data Summary factor. ------------Bracing Data ------------ See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Chords; continuous except where shown Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, 1): Notes (None unless indicated below) Plates designed for Cq at O.BO and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Jnt2(0,-00-12), Jot,10,-00-12) degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. l//y/ \\tllllill No.69577 • f/�,,'�,f��/'4'- STATE O RIDN ' s . t� r'� \� COA#30003V/111 Y„L %%\\ 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design Shall be famished to the erection contrector. The design of this Individual Sun is based on design criteria and requirements suppled by Component Solution. the Tans. Womlastmer and relies upon the accuracy and completeness of the information set fodh by vie Building Designer. A seal on this drawing Indicates E=Trues Studio V acceptance of professional engineering responsWitity solely forte truss component design shown. See the cover page and the'Impodant Information a General 2018.6.3. 1 Notes' page for additionaltmorrtion. All connector plates shag be manufactured by Sampson Strong -Tie Company, Urn in accordance eth ESR-2762. All connector .3. plates are 20 gauge, union the specified plate size is Informal by a'AW which Indlemes an 18 gauge plate, or'SN 1W. which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. s r eel 1-866-252-8606 elesk: - CSRadeongtie.com Project Name: 00383- Marsh Landing.7233 Marsh Terrace City: 1 Truss: V1 Customer: Advanced Design 8 Building SID: 0000388445 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Pace: 1 of 1 4x4= 6/12 -6/12 N H 3x4%Z 3x4a 13 2x3i 5-5-8 4 10-11-0 6 1 t 10-11-0 Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (AS20) or 18 ga (AS18H5, AS18S5, or AS18S6) indicated by 1-18' Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead our Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 1.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 41.0 ?It 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep tzar) - 2.0 OR Soffit Load: 2.0 ISF Material Summary TC 2x4 UP (ALSC6-2013) BC 2x4 BP (nSC6-2013) Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) Member Forces Summary ..Mum... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 209 175 0.44 2- 3 210 176 0.44 BC 1- 4 92 28 0.28 3- 6 93 28 0.28 4- 5 92 28 0.12 5- 6 93 28 0.12 Web 2- 5 374 270 0.06 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground SnavIPg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-10 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 ft B - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Rzt = 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(ps£): TC - 5.0 BC - 1.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction SVzmazy(Lbs) ---------------- Jar --X-Lot- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 1 07-07 234 210 30-11-00 5 5-05-08 232 183 30-11-00 3 10-03-09 234 210 10-11-00 Reactions not shown: down < 400 and up < 150 ---- Reaction Summary (plf) ----- Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- 1- 3 17 19 30-11-00 (reduced) New Horde = -82 / ♦82 at Joint 1 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at [505081 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcass Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 Notes Valley Truss application only Plates designed for Cg at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 pelf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yee 20 pat BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TOLL: Yes Deflection Summary TruasSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.01) 1- 4 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.01) 1- 4 Harz LL 0J51n ( 0.01) Vt 1 Harz CR 1.251n ( 0.01) 8Jt 1 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Carl LL Mat - 1) x Defl_➢L in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (x, 1): (None unless indicated below) llt11111111///, J\C�..M. B.. �� �Cj 1.\DENSE '•. �. No. 69577 J Q STATE OF !(�� coaa3owis/,0 t\��`` 12/20/2018 NOTICE A copyoflhis design shall befumished to the smation conhadpr. The design of lhisindividualbuss is based on design criteria and requiremenissupplled by ® Component Solutions the Truss forth and reflex upon the accuracy and completeness of the information set foby the Bulking Designer. A seal on this drawing Indicates Tsues Studio V esceptance of professional engineering responslbifity, solely for the truss component design shown. See the cover page and the 'Importsnt Infomra0on 8 General 2018.5.3.4 Notes•page for additional inforration. An connector plates shag be manufactured by Simpson StrongTle Company, Inc in ecomance wlN ESR-2]62. All connector n s 2018.5.3. 1-866-252-8606 plates are 20 gauge, unless the specified plate she is followed by a'AV whld: indlt de; an 18 gauge plate, or•S# 18•, which Indicates a high lensbn 18 gauge plate. - C9Relpostrongtie.eom Project Name: 00383 - Marsh Landing .7233 Marsh Terrace qty. 1 Truss: V2 Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388446 TID: 76668 Date: 12119118 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills Paee: 1 of 1 3-5-8 3-5-8 3-5-8 6-11-0 L 2 3 6/12 3x4= -6/12 N t 3x4% 3x4a N 2x31i 3-5-8 3-5-8 3-5-8 6-11-0 1 4 5 6 3 J ° 6-11-0 r Plates -- Simpson Strong -Tie 20 go (A520) or 16 go (AS18H5, ASIBS5, or AS18561 indicated by '-18• Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead But Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live Wind Snow BC 0.0 1.0 1. 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 41.0 Pit 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o.c. Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No Fab Tolerance: 20% Creep (Ncr) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) i2 BC 2x4 SP (ALSC6-2013) 12 Webs 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) !2 Member Forces Summary ..Mom... Ten Comp .CSI. TC 1- 2 120 100 0.14 2- 3 121 300 0.14 HC 1- 4 56 15 0.08 3- 6 56 15 0.08 4- 5 56 15 0.04 5- 6 56 15 0.04 Web 2- 5 209 142 0.03 -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: Ali Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimumsprsin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-l0 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cab II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 £t a - 0.0 ft M.R.H(h) - 20.0 ft Kai - 1.0 Bldg Enclosure: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 1.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R = Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary Reactions not shown: dawn < 400 and up < 150 ---- Reaction Summary (pit) ----- Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --width- 1- 3 81 77 6-11-00 Max Horiz - -43 / ♦43 at Joint 1 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at (305081 nsing a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Loadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: 5 12.0/12 Notes Valley Truss application only Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. -------Additional Design Checks------ 30 psf Non -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 lb TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced Wit: Yes Deflection Summary TressSpan Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Vert CR L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Harz LL 0.75in ( 0.00) @it 1 Herz CR 1.251n ( 0.00) @Jt 1 Vert CR and Harz CR are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Defl LL + Net - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Plate offsets (X, Y): (None unless indicated below) \11111111111/yyy7 .���J��• M' SoOT''� �Ci .• JOENSF ' No.69577 Q STATE OF 4U •NCN COA N30003/y ZONAL IE ��� 12120/2018 NOTICE A copy of this design shell be furnisher! to the erection contactatne design of this lndlvldual"as is based on design v8arm and mquiremerds supplied by Component Solutions the Truss Manufacturer and ragas upon the ammcy and completeness of the information set forth by the Building Designer. A seal on this drawing Indicates Truss Studio V acceptance of pmfessknel engineering responsibigty solely far the buss component design shown. See the cover page and the 'Important Information a General 2018.5.3.4 Notes•page for additional information Al connector plates shag be manufactured! by Simpson Streng-Tie Company, Inc In accordance with ESR-2761 AN connector n tr Relpdesk: 1-866-252-BG06 plates are 20 gauge, unless the spoonetl plate size is followed by a %18• which indicates an 18 gauge plate, or •Se 18•, which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. - - CSHelp0strongtie. com IrProject Name: 00383-Marsh Landing- 7233 Marsh Terrace Dty: 1 Truss: V3 ' Customer. Advanced Design & Building SID: 0000388447 Truss Mir. Contact: Rick Mills 2-6-8 2-6-8 2-6-8 I 5-1-0 1 2 6/12 3x4= -6/12 �� 3x4% 3x4a n'7 1 t-i 5-1-0 5-1-0 1 4 Plates -- Simpson Stzong-Tie 20 go (A520) or 18 go (AS18HS, AS18S5, or A518S6) indicated by '-18• Code/Design: FBC-2017/TPI-2014 PSF Live Dead Due Factors TC 20.0 20.0 Live wind Snow BC 0.0 1.0 Lum 1.25 1.60 N/A Total 41.0 Plt 1.25 1.60 N/A Spacing: 2-00-00 o Plies: 1 Repetitive Member Increase: Yes Green Lumber: No Wet Service: No ,no Tolerance: 20% Creep Wet) - 2.0 ON Soffit Load: 2.0 PSF Material Summary TC 2.4 SP (ALEC6-2013) 62 BC 2.4 SP (ALSC6-2013) /2 Member Forces Summary ..Mere... Ten Camp .CST. TC 1- 2 234 161 0.08 2- 3 234 161 0.08 BC 1- 4 126 148 0.05 3- 4 126 148 0.05 be fuMshed to -----------Snow Load Specs----------- ASCE7-10 Ground Snow(Pg) - N/A Risk Cat: II Terrain Cat: C Roof Exposure: Sheltered Thermal Condition: All Others(1.0) Unobstructed Slippery Roof: No Low -Slope Minimums(Pfmin): No Unbalanced Snow Loads: No Rain Surcharge: No Ice Dam Chk: No ----------Wind Load Specs---------- ASCE7-30 Wind Speed(V) - 170 mph Risk Cat: II Exposure Cat: C Bldg Dims: L - 0.0 It B - 0.0 It M.R.H(b) - 20.0 It I4zt - 1.0 Bldg Ehclosuze: Enclosed Wind DL(psf): TC - 5.0 BC - 1.0 End Vertical Exposed: L - Yes R - Yes Wind Uplift Reporting: HybridMW Reaction Summary --------------Reaction Stasmary(Los) ---------------- Joe --%-Loc- React -Up- --Width- -Regd -Mat PSI 1 07-07 188 178 5-01-00 3 4-05-09 188 178 5-01-00 Reactions not shown: dawn < 400 and up < 150 ---- Reaction Summary (PIT) ----- Jnt-Jnt React -Up- --Width- 1- 3 7 8 5-01-00 (reduced) Max Horiz - -26 / +26 at Joint 1 Loads Summary This truss has been designed for the effects of an unbalanced top chord live load occurring at 1206081 using a 1.00 Full and 0.00 Reduced load factor. See Leadcase Report for loading combinations and additional details. Dead Loads may be slope adjusted: > 12.0/12 TID: 76668 Date: 12 / 19 / 18 Pace: 1 of 1 -------Additional Design Checks------ 10 psf Nan -Concurrent BCLL: Yes 20 psf BC Limited Storage: Yes 200 lb BC Accessible Ceiling: No 300 lb TC Maintenance Load: No 2000 1b TC Safe Load: No Unbalanced TCLL: Yes Deflection Summary TrussSpaa Limit Actual(in) Location Vert LL L/360 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Vert CA L/240 L/999(-0.00) 1- 4 Horz LL 0.751. ( 0.00) @Jt 3 Herz CR 1.25in ( 0.00) @Jt 3 Vert CA and Horz CA are the vertical and horizontal deflections due to live load plus the creep component of deflection due to dead load, computed as Deft LL + (Hcr - 1) x Defl_DL in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. Bracing Data Summary ------------Bracing Data ------------ Chords; continuous except where shown Web Bracing -- None Notes Plate offsets (X, Y): Valley Truss application only (None unless indicated below) Plates designed for Cq at 0.80 and Rotational Tolerance of 10.0 Jnt2tO,-00-09) degrees Plates located at TC pitch breaks meet the prescriptive minimum size requirement to transfer unblocked diaphragm loads across those joints. region ccntmdor. The design of this lndiVdual truss is based completeness of line information set forth by the Building De spetl6ed plate stye Is followed by a •.18• whkh Indicates an 18 gauge plate, or cr8ada and In accordance yidh ESR-276Z All connector which Indicates a high tension 18 gauge plate. No.69577 oTATE W is 1 N�, COA 30DO3V, /INAL ;\�\ 12/2012018 Component Solutions Trues Studio V 2018.5.3.4 Helpdeak: 1-866-252-8606 CSHelpestaongtie.cem PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL TD-CPS-0001 D Thi"etailprovides minimum connection requirements between a cap Wss and a base truss of a piggyback assembly for assemblies that meet the following conditions and design requirements: • the cap truss has continuous bearing or bearings at 2' o.c. max.; • the rap truss contains vertical web members at 4' o.c. max; • the cap trusses are spaced no greater than 24" o.c.; • the pitch does not exceed 12112; • the cap truss span does not exceed 36'; • the cap truss is not a mono truss; ' • the cap truss supports no point loads or drag loads (see detail TD-CPS-0002 for drag load connection requirements) Design Requirements: Max. Wind Speed: 140 mph (nominal) Load Duration Factor: 1.6 Max. Mean Roof Height: 30' Lumber: SPF or Better Exp. Category: B or C (Min. SG = 0.42) Cap Truss End Connections per Table 1 C r TABLE 1 - Connection Requirements At Each End of Cap Truss (One Face Only) Cap Truss Span Max. Wind Speed (mph) End Connection Options Fasteners' Nominal Ultimate 100 125 Sheathing - See Note 2 — Up to 18' 140 180 4 2x Scab 16-10d nails LSTA18 or CS20 Strap 14-10dxl.5 nails 120 160 4' 2x Scab 16-10d nails 130 160 LSTA18 or CS20 Strap 14-10dxl.5 nails 36' or Less 140 180 6' 2x Scab 24-10d nails 10-SDS 1/4x3 LSTA30 or CS18 Strap 20-10dxl.5 See footnotes below TABLE 2 - Connection Requirements Along Cap Truss Bottom Chord Cap Truss Bottom Chord (BC) End Connection per Table 1 (Typical Each End) Date: 09/04/2014 1 Rev: D I Pg. 1 of 1 Flat 2x4 Purlins @ 24" o.c. (Max) Cap Truss BC Connection per Table 2 Figure 1 -Typical Piggyback Assembly with 1 112" Gap Between Cap and Base Condition Max. Wind Speed (mph) Connection Options Along BC Fasteners Nominal Ultimate With 1 5' Gap (See Fig 1) 140 180 Nails into puffins installed on base truss at 24" o.c. (max) Purlin-to-Base: 2-10d nails (ea podia) Cap-to-purlin: 2-10d toe -nails (ea purlin) (3) 7°x7°x7/t6" Plywood/OSB Gussets (each face) 6-6d nails per Gusset (see note 1) (3) LTP5 Framing Angles (one face) 841dxl.5 nails per LTP5 (see note 1) 130 160 1 (2) LTP4 Framing Angles (one face) 1241dx1.5 nails per LTP4 (see note 1) No Gap (See Fig 2) 140 180 Toe -Nails @ 24" o.c. 2-10d toe -nails along BC @ 24' o.c. (3) 7°x7'x7/16" Plywood/OSB Gussets (each face) 6-6d nails per Gusset (see note 1) (3) LTP4 Framing Angles (one face) 12-8dxl.5 nails per LTP4 (see note 1) 1. Where noted, install half of the specified fasteners in each member being connected. 2. An additional end connection is not required for wind speeds up to 100 mph (nominal) and cap truss spans up to 18' if the sheathing is continuous and extends at least 12' beyond the intersection. 3. When using (2) connectors along the cap truss BC, install one at each end of the bottom chord; when using (3) connectors, install one on each end and one in the center of the bottom chord. 4. NAILS: 10d=0.148' c ia.x3' Ion g,, 1 OciA.5=0.148' c ia.xl%' long, 8dx1.5=0.131' dia.xlV long, 6d=0.113' dia.x2' long Bracing for the Base Truss Flat Top Chord in a Piggyback Assembly The flat top chords of the supporting base trusses must be adequately braced to prevent them from buckling out from under the cap trusses. One option for accomplishing this is with flat 2x4 pudins in combination with diagonal bracing that gets repeated at max. 10' intervals. Other methods may be required as specified in the Construction Documents. See BCSI-B3 for additional information. Cap Truss BC Connection Per Table 2 End Connection per Table 1 (Typical Ea End) Figure 2 - Typical Piggyback Assembly with No Gap Between Cap and Base \`tt I11111111//// M. 8 00 T''� (G _NCENSF '• 'S' 4:' No. 69577 I Q ri' STATE OF C(y� ' S G. COAa ow3s/��IVA10\\\ 12/20/2018 This detal is to be used only for the applicalion and conditions indicated herein, and its suitablily for any particular W ssiproject shall be verified (by others). This demB is net intended to I simpson strung -Tie Company supersede any project -specific details provided in the Construction Documents. Truss configurations shown are for illustration only. Refer to the truss design drawing(s) accompanying this detail for specific truss design Information. Simpson Strong -Tie Inc is not responsible for any deviations Imm this design. PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL WITH DRAG LOADS TD-CPS-0002 —isprovides minimum connection requirements between a cap truss and a cap truss end base truss of a piggyback assembly to resist drag loads. This detail applies to connections per assemblies that meet the following conditions and design requirements: Table 1 • the rap truss has continuous bearing or bearings at 2' o.c. max.; • the cap truss contains vertical web members at 4' o.c. max; • the cap trusses are spaced no greater than 24" o.c.; • the pitch does not exceed 12/12; • the cap truss span does not exceed 36'; • the cap truss is not a mono truss.; Design Requirements: Load Duration Factor: 1.6 Cap truss bottom chord Lumber: SPF or Better (Min. SG = 0.42) connection type and See also TD-CPS-0001 D for connection requirements torwind loads. The piggyback spacing per Table 2 connections must satisfy both the drag load and wind load requirements. Base Trusses Table 1 - Maximum Cap Truss Span Based on Cap Truss End Connections End Connection Type Max. Drag Load LSTA18 or CS20 with 14-10dxl.5 4' 2x Scab with 16-10d 6' 2x Scab with 10SDS1/4x3 LSTA30 or CS18 with 20-10dx1.5 6' 2x Scab with 24-10d (Plf) One Face Both I Faces One Face Both Faces One Face Both Faces One Face Both I Faces One Face Both Faces 100 18, 36' 24' 36' 24' 36' 24' 36' 36. 36' 200 9' 18, 12' 24' 12' 24' 12' 24' 18, 36' 400 9' _ 12' — 12' — 12' 9' 18' 600 91 g 12 7o0 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Install half of the specified fasteners in each member being connected. 2. NAILS:10d = 0.148" dia. x 3" long, 10d x1.5 = 0.148' dia.xl %" long. Table 2 - Maximum On -Center Spacing of Connections Along Cap Truss BC Connection Type Max. 1.5" Gap Between Cap & Base Truss No Gap Between Cap Base Truss Drag (See Figure 1) (See Figure 2) Load 2-10d Toe- 7" 'W/16" UPS with 7"x7"x7/l6" LTP4 with (plf) nails into Plywood/OSB 6-8dx1.5 To To PI ywood/OSB 12-8dx1.5 Purlins on Base Truss + with 6-6d (ea face) as (ea face)''' nails with 6.6ds (ea face) (ea face)''' 100 T o.c. 3'-6" o.c. 6' o.c. 2' o.c. T-6" o.c. 9' o.c. 200 2' o.c. 3' o.c. 2' o.c. 5' o.c. 400 1' o.c. V-6" o.c. 1' o.c. 2'-6" o.c. 600 1' o.c. 1'-6" o.c. 700 1' o.c. 1'-6" o.c. 1. Pudins must be fastened to the base buss (at 24" o.c. max) with min. 2-10d nails (each purlin). 2. Install half of the specified fasteners in each member being connected. 3. Connections shall be staggered on the opposite face. 4. NAILS: 10d=0.148" dia. x 3' long, 8dxl.5=0.131" dia. x 1 V long, 6d = 0.113' dia. x 2' long. Bracing for the Base Truss Flat Top Chord in a Piggyback Assembly The flat top chords of the supporting base trusses must be adequately braced to prevent them from buckling out from under the cap trusses. One option for accomplishing this Is with flat 2x4 puffins in combination with diagonal bracing that gets repeated at max. 10' intervals. Other methods may be required as specified in the Construction Documents. See BCSI-133 for additional information. Cap Truss Bottom Chord (BC) End Connection per Table 1 (Typical Each End) Base 09/04/2014 1 Rev: I Pg. 1 of 1 Cap Trusses Flat 2x4 Pudins @ 24' o.c. (Max) Connection o.c. spacing Cap Truss BC per Table 2 Connection per Table 2 Figure 1 - Typical Piggyback Assembly with 1 1/2" Gap Between Cap and Base Cap Truss BC Connection Per Table 2 End Connection per Table 1 (Typical Ea End) Figure 2 - Typical Piggyback Assembly with No Gap Between Cap and Base `t1111lllll//y/ M. E300111" No. 69577 WOIA\TATE OF C?�� COA 430003/1/IIIIIIIttt\ 1212012018 This deal is to be used only for the appfcation and conditions indicated herein, and as suiubl'dy for any particular trussfpmjen shall be verified (by others). This decal is not intended to Simpson Strung -Tic Company supersede any project -specific details provided in the Concoction Documents. Truss configurations shown are for illustration only. Refer to the buss design drawing(s) accompanying this detail fa specific truss design infarmadun. Simpson Strong -Tie Inc.ls not responsible for any deviations fmm this design. GABLE STUD BRACING DETAIL - 140 MPH (NOMINAL), r 170 MPH (ULTIMATE) TD-GBL-0007B 1. This detail provides bracing/reinforcement options for the gable studs to resist the out -of -plane wind loading. Refer to the individual truss design drawing for bracing/reinforcement requirements for resisting the vertical (in -plane) loads assumed in the design of the gable end frame. Additional bracing/reinforcement at the end of the building and/or at the gable end wall may be required. Refer to the Building Designer/Construction Documents for all gable end frame and roof system bracing requirements. For additional information, see BCSI-133. 2. This detail does not apply to structural gables. 3. Connection requirements between the gable end frame and the wall to be specified by the Building Designer. 4. The gable end frame must match the profile of the adjacent trusses. Do not use a gable end frame with a flat bottom chord next to trusses with sloped bottom chords, such as scissor or vaulted trusses. Date: 06/11/2014 1 Rev: B I Pg. 1 of t Diagonal Bracing @ 4'-0" O.C. Max. Gable Stud Bracing K (24" O.C. Max) 'Diagonal braces not shown for clarity. See Section A -A. GABLE END WITH STUD BRACING/REINFORCEMENT MINIMUM GABLE Mom' WITHOUT L• SCAB DIAGONAL DIAGONAL STUD SIZE, GABLE BRACE REINFORCEMENT' REINFORCEMENT' BRACING BRACING STUD @ MID -SPAN @ 113 POINTS SPECIES 8 GRADE SPACING MAXIMUM STUD LENGTH' 12" O.C. 3-10-0 6-4-8 7-8-4 7-8-4 11-6-4 2X4 SPF STUD STANDARD I 16" O.C. 3-3-12 5-6-4 6-7-12 6-7-12 9-11-12 or 24" O.C. 2-8-8 4-6-0 1 5-5-4 5-5-4 8-1-12 1. L- and Scab Reinforcements shall be minimum 2x4 stud grade and must be a minimum of 90% of the gable stud length. Fasten the reinforcement member to the gable stud with 10d nails @ 6" o.c. 2. Attach horizontal reinforcing member at mid -span (or 1/3 points as required) of the longest stud and install diagonal bracing @ 4' o.c. (max) as shown in Section A -A. 3. Tabulated maximum stud lengths are based on components and cladding wind pressures using the wind design parameters listed in the detail limitations. Gable stud deflection criteria is U240. 5-8d nails connecting Min. 2x4 #2 blocking between sheathing to first 2 trusses (min) as shown. blocking (Typ.) Toe-nail blocking to trusses Roof Sheathing with 2-10d nails at each end. 2-10d Toe -nails (TYp•) Trusses @ 24" Bracing at I` O.C. Max. ; 1/3 points as required (See Table) ' nal brace at 48" O.C. (max 7Attagable stud with 4-16d nails cking with 5-10d nails. lL-reinforcement (located span or 1/3-points of longest End Wall stud as required per table.) SECTION A -A 10d nails 10d nails -6' INF GABLE 6' AB STUD L-REINF. STUD SCAB REINF. SECTION B•B SECTION C•C Gable Stud Fasten diagonal brace to gable stud with 4-16d nails 2-10d nails into top reinf. member (Typ. ea stud) 4-10d nails into bottom reinf. member — (Typ. ea stud) 2x6 Diagonal Brace ,,— (Approx. 45-degrees to roof diaphragm) Fasten L-reinforcement members together with 16d nails @ 6" O.C. '�— Min. 2x6 Min. 2x4 NOTE: Diagonal braces over 6'-3" require a 2x4 T-brace attached to one narrow edge. Diagonal braces over 12'-6" require 2x4s attached on both narrow edges. The braces must cover 90% of the diagonal brace and shall be fastened to the narrow edge with 10d nails at 6" o.c. (min. 3" end distance). When attached on both narrow edges, stagger the nails on each side by 3". DETAIL LIMITATIONS: Wind Speed Equivalent Nail Dimension Max. Mean Roof Height: 30' Nominal Ultimate 16d = 3.5" x 0.162" Category: II 140 mph (170 mph) 10d = 3" x 0.148" Exposure: B or C 8d = 2.5" x 0.131" Load Duration Factor: 1.6 Wind Speed: 140 mph Nominal `1t11111111//// .���s�• M' 130OT''� ��..• �•tCENSF •.,.y� No. 69577 STATE OF ((7` r� E COA#30003V /O, Y^` %%\�\ \ 12120/2018 This demo is to be used only for the application and conditions indicated herein, and its suitability for any particular trisslprejecl shall be verified (by others). This detail is not intended to Simpson Strong -Tie Company supersede any project -specific details provided in the Construction Documents. Truss configurations shown are for illustration only. Refer to the truss design drawing(s) accompanying this detail for specific truss design Information. Simpson Strong -Tie Inc. is not responsible for any deviations from this design. SIMPSON StrongTie INDIVIDUAL WEB REINFORCEMENT DETAIL I D-WEBREINFORCE 1. This detail provides web reinforcement options that may be used as an alternative to continuous lateral restraint (CLR) when installing CLRs in combination with diagonal bracing is not practical or desired. 2. Refer to the truss design drawing for web lateral restraint requirements. A CEEI on the truss design drawing indicates that continuous lateral restraint is required at the locations shown (either at the midpoint or 1/3-points of the web member). Refer to the tables below for acceptable web reinforcement options that may be used in place of one or two rows of CLR. 3. This detail may not be used to substitute CLRs for T-, L-, I- or scab reinforcements that are specified on the truss design drawing. 4. T-, L-, I- and scab web reinforcements must be the same or better species and grade of the web member as indicated on the truss design drawing. 5. All reinforcements must extend to within 6" of each end of the web member. 6. This detail does not apply to single -ply webs that exceed 14' in length. 1 Row of CLR @ Web Mid -point 2 Rows of CLRs @ Web 1/3 points WEB REINFORCEMENT OPTIONS FOR SINGLE -PLY TRUSSES' Specified Acceptable Web Reinforcement Web Member Web Substitutions -Type & Size Reinforcement -to -Web Lateral MemberConnection Restraint Size Requirements (CLRs) T- L- Scab I- 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 — 1 Row @ Mid -point 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x6 — 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 -- 16d gun nails @ 6" on -center 2x4 2-2x4 2 Row @ 1/3-paints No substitutions allowed 2x6 2-2x6 2x8 2-2x8 WEB REINFORCEMENT OPTIONS FOR 2-PLY TRUSSES' Specified Web Member Web Acceptable Web Reinforcement Reinforcement -to -Web Lateral Member Substitutions -Type 8 Size Connection Restraint Size Requirements (CLRs) 2x4 1 Row @ 2x6 Mid -point 2x8 2x8 2x8 — — 16d gun nails @ 6" on -center 2-2x4 2 R1/3-ow ts @No Row @*2x8 substitutions allowed 2-2x6 2-2x8 1. The maximum allowable web length for single -ply trusses is 14'. 2. For 2-ply trusses, the reinforcement must be nailed to both plies of the web with the nailing pattern specified in the table. 3. For the scab reinforcement, 2 rows of 10d gun nails @ 6" o.c may be used in place of 16d gun nails for attaching the reinforcement to the web. 4. For I -reinforcement, attach each 2x member to opposite edges of the web using the nailing pattern specified in the table. Nail Dimension 16d = 3.5" x 0.131" 10d=3"x0.120" Date: 06/11/2014 1 Rev:A I Pg. 1 of 1 Web Tiber TYp•) I i F Add member to both edges for—/ 1-Reinforcement T- Reinforcement (1-Reinforcement similar) 1 ,I Ij� II, III I \II�I IO j% L- Reinforcement Scab Reinforcement BOQT% • �\CENSF '• •S• / No. 69577 �� Q� STATE OF 12/20/2018 This detail is to be used only for the application and conditions indicated herein, and its suitablityfor any particular tmsslpmjecl shall be vedfied(by olhers). This detail is not intended to Simpson Strong -Tie Company supersede any project -specific details provided in the Conslmctiod Documents. Truss mnfiguragons shown are for illustration only, Refer to the truss design drawing(s) accompanying this detail for specific truss design information. Simpson Strung -Tie Inc. is not responsible for any deviations from this design. LATERAL RESTRAINT &DIAGONAL BRACING DETAILS FOR D-WEBCLRBRACE r m WEB MEMBERS ® Date: 06I18/2014 1 Rev:A Pg. 1 c 1 row of CLR This detail provides information for laterally restraining and bracing @ mid -points web members to prevent lateral buckling using continuous lateral restraints (CLRs) in combination with diagonal bracing. In addition to 2 rows of CLR the CLRs indicated on the truss design drawing, diagonal bracing @ 1/3-points must be installed as indicated in this detail and BSCI-63. See WEBREINFORCE for web reinforcement options that may be used as an alternative to this detail when installing CLRs and diagonal bracing is not practical or desired. Properly attached full-length sheathing satisfies (may replace) any bracing requirements specified for end vertical webs. Refer to the Construction Documents for additional bracing requirements. P7iftYIMm111:1* Ti9Y17Atif4:7-3ON*IIt:7a11LIYt Install 2x4 diagonal bracing at each end and at every 20' along the length of the CLRs. See Diagonal Bracing Details 2 & 3. DMin. 2x4xl2' CLRs installed on web members where indicated on the truss design Section A -A drawing. Attach CLRs to each web with min. 2-10d nails Web CLR splice < 20' between diagonal braces CLR Min. 2'-long 2x scab block centered over the CLR splice and web. Attach to CLR with min. 8-10d nails Note: Not all truss Overlap ends of CLRs at least one truss on each side of splice. members shown for clarity. spacing or use splice detail (see Detail 1) Detail 1 - CLR Splice For webs with one row of CLRs, diagonal bracing shall be installed using Option 2A or 2B. Attach diagonal braces to each truss with min. 2-10d nails. 45 Option 2A Option 2B Detail 2 - Diagonal Bracing for 1 Row of CLRs DETAIL LIMITATIONS: 1. Restraint and Bracing Material min. 2x4 stress graded lumber. 2. This detail does not address permanent building stability bracing to resist lateral forces acting on the building. 3. This detail shall not supersede any project -specific truss member permanent bracing design for the roof framing structural system. For webs with 2 rows of CLRs, diagonal bracing shall be installed using Option 3A or 3B. Attach diagonal braces to each truss with min. 2-10d nails. IN Option 3B Detail 3 - Diagonal Bracing for 2 Rows of CLRs Nail Dimensions: 10d = 3" x 0.128" 11111111111//// M 80O��''% \ � .•' �IGENSF''•..'S' No. 69577 Q 't' STATE O ' . 0 RID COA N30003/ZONAL 1�`\`�\ 12/20/2018 This detail is to be used only for the application and conditions indicated herein, and its suitability for any particular husslprojecl shall be verified (by others). This detail is not Intended to Simpson Strong -Tic Company supersede any projectspecific details provided in the Construction Documents. Truss configurations shown are for igustration only. Refer to the truss design drawingjs) accompanying this detail for specific truss design information. Simpson Strong -Tie Inc. is not responsible for any deviations from this design.