HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS_ PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division - BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Luce Count y NISAIR AIR CONDITIONING have agreed to be (Company Namenndividual Name) the MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 703 d Lc/+7L)JDr4 1+v6. Fv4T" (Project Street Address or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) e&A Te%s e PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Plmrds, County ofjLzz I CT. — The foregoing lastrmaent was signed before me this y2/', yof m /`t by Cl4fi I �e%se who Is personally known orhasproduceda m ideMl6cason. Print Name of Notary Public 2otfarvo. MY CoIMISSIONgGGOM78 m < EXPIRES:March23,2021 ;",OF flO+ Bonded Thm Budget Notary Services Revised 11/162016 10363 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this wTtl day of DECEMBER 20.by PHILIP VISA JR who is p mtRy (mown _or has produced a_ na ldent nti7n. liVv�, S of Notary Public KRISTIN BAITSHOLTS Print Name of Notary Public PLANNWG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 'zC NNZD sy - St Lucie CoUny`3,r� Tradition Electric.inc f.inee r n_ __.._ ra•y "tunr mawiauai Name) nave agreed to be the Electrical Contractor _ (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Ave, FortPierce 34082. It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor ' notice. CO sORSINA URh(Qaahaer) eat Li 7 /ese PRINT N— A111g I CC-7��saa�s COUNTP CERTIFICATtON,NUMBER- StaeeofFlorida„county of- LLyeyE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this. day of �o_&by_ Te le, 52 Who is. persoanlly known � has produced a asidenlifirsEoa .STAMP signature. �anfarypnbhe _mi re 1di. y Prmt Neme o[Nomrypabhe =otNir rue�o DENISE LEMAY x MY COMMISSION #GG OT7376 c`' EXPIRES March 23, 2021 Revised it/162016 "Meer �00 Bonded lint DO* NOW SWOMS B-C TRA TOR:SIGPVATURE (Qnalder) � Joseph Genovese PRINT NAME. - EC13003314 COUNTYQERTIFICAT[ONNUMBER SthteofFlorida, County of St The foregoing instrument was signed before me this .4_ day of STAMP —�4H ��flsrn n� Print Name afNotaryPublic - RIE1 tot o• Stata 01 901EanlGrrllll903ires APf 10,10n. Jan 22 19 09:33a Telese Builders LLC 772 465-6261 p.1 PERMIT 4 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Buis unvc PE,R(Nlr su-CorirrRACTOR ACt2%EMENT j3 r.1 Pi. urt 61 Afj (t'ul>�1' *tame.+l;)3i4icfual .'•3an;E} the QMigsA.4 l 3TC Or Tladci SCANNED BY St. Lucie County RECEIVED JAN 2 2 2019 ST. Wcie County, Permitting have agreed to be Subax�r)+sacxor for TaaE +Dv l t w, LLB+ (Pri.Errsrp (;:ro7aEiaaj 7j For tho pro*t located at .57� _ _iJLF- -?jo iAve -k'T pl_ _ C-, F-3qq 6" 2- ._�1wf1 T (7�t1Si (Pnsjeet SttnG Adib• or Propcity, Tax ID g1 _ �— It is undetsiood that, if there is any change of stems regarding our pstrriciptition with the above :nantioncd Project, the Building and Coda Rmtmlauon Division of St. Lucie Cnunty will be advised pursuant to the filing o�f{a Change of Sub-cioutracitor notice. a>,y'ratit'r'vu Hr, nT(rsts ro�.> - PNLNT fiMIL 'C-7CIS /sy CY)t?N'jf: ('!'.Ft97bTC.AT1/h�/ tit..uBFAt tida-aS YbfrEFi.raaa,J or S j:Jl./('%�' Tim dre+T,,iY�inWmr, scot 6e4ar!me KY._E';�dr?W vl.6,,vs,cabitab+n.pr d erA. _,,, _--- b idYOrillcq,le6 7p TcWir e ,p�+?In t11rA1$£tE}ASl tIYCONU3431ht3G'azlrl3i5 EXPiiES:�xnZi.2C2r BCte :trN aal*NA fia?lo:tt IicvnW [I:E6�6H: i AQ=- -r rTn8s7t;ri:izt<uriCrai -_ -.--- 1111N1' VAtEF C FG l ({.dyn5 7 Cbr:Y'iY l'8A'rt}7la'ni)!k *tiltftl:St - __ Sm 0rin.iax, Textortepa'- imeamEem .m,iwm,i itr.r.tL„1y5 dayar wtrn }e,eaaa,v Ea.arr, .._�,m p.daad ay.L-._..b?Y., rs C..1 Le/ videalm din. ..'ratty Siyimnue ofMM., pubs.--- ---- _vL�o_VU Ptia,'%' , ai kotarr Ndiie Notary Pudic SEara a<Rwida gli victor Hunter pVN y i o'r"oiaaian GI 252069 E.'PC,. OW 2DM FPERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division WINE BUILDING PERMIT SCAN C BYN�� SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St Lucie County rn� I O001 n ! 9- �t i'q {Company Na i#,,1ulvldual Nam v have agreed to be the Sub -contractor for -Te (ek � )C a (TypeoFTraddde) - (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 15r)(72j (Progect Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C0ITRACFOR SIGN, BRE (Qualifier) &A-thT le sr PRINT NAM1IE ) �C-,C/Saa/sue COUNTY CERTTFIGTTON NI)h1BER State of Florida, County of LG[CrL_ The foregoing insWmentt ims signed before me thts 44Ldar. of .20i J�by 104Z 7-G1Pf� who is personally lmorvn r/r bas produced., asidentifeaaon. uigwmyc ofotn ShhF uLi STAM1IP _-be,nTse Z,-,w y Print Namc of Nabtry Public 2otiest;?ae� DENISEIEMAY i MY COMMISSION 0 GO 077376 EXPIRES: March 23.2021 Revised 11/1612016 OrftbaP BMMCdnvu atl*tNotaty SaVim C� `S SUB-CONTRACFORSIGNATUIIE(Q alifier) 0cL ".44(pcmn PRINT NA�1fE ac0'7 COUNTI CE727IF1C 110., NUMBER Stale ofFlmida, County of_Li_��jf� The foregoing instrument ivas signed before me thisp 1. of �p r0 wC,Aby,J�jl2dS Who is personallyknou ✓ or fins Produced a as identi STANIP Signature orNomry Phbitc Pmnl� lk Pnn, Name of Nom , P..ue eo,°gogh Notary Public State of Floritla Jennifer Davis. fir` ' 'o.. _ MY Commissian FF 9CS029 Gpin OT29/2020 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT 42O SUB-CIONTRACTOM AGREEMFNT W eD SCANNEJ) co!'r-, By 'At L4 M 6 St Luce County have agreed to be the, __Sub•contractor Cur (Tyre of vufc) For the project located at -5-7-63-'NIJP G42 AVF W PVC6 R- 3qq 12. (PWjUA StMIA r - It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding out p.%ipari cth the above ar ti on % vi bo mentioned project, the Building and Cede Regulation Division of St, JUcie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change ol'Sub-contractor notice, ec-7 CIS i 'the im hxd..r W 1,fi" r mi. _Lll� dal bf _L,_dr hes pftd.",d A Ong" 4 -o PRINT C FC (1-01 Fos LQL Tt* t6-wk--- M ed ter. OW IE6ky Vf fr. PrOdWde _F—L--b-&ccrS ,-TAMP M:=11N.t.N Public Stet, If Florida VclorHunterMyc Commission GG252069 ppw Expires