HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT# I I ISSUEDAIE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES By Building & Code Compliance Division St. LUCie county RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT JAN 16 2019 Sr. Lucie County, permitting Comfort Control Services have agreed to be (Company Name/lndivlduel Name) the Electrical Sub-contractorfor Renar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) /(primary Contractor) For the project located at ! G7 Z� /Cg 7n (PrdJedt Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned projeotp the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. gr CONTRACTOR SIGN Qnatmer) Glenn A Davis II PRINTNAME CBC 1,s1228 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlorrdt, Cauntyof Martin The forgoing lnstmmeotyw'aesfQ/ned' before me th[v � daayyor" � cr-+ .TAiy_by utQ-Y�n A I JYCV is who lspersonallyhnuwn orhasproduceda e�aQWredon. \J 1 SPAW Sig tgrootNotaryPoblie Print NamenfNotary Public Revlted 11/1612016 RHONDAS ROWE Commission # GG 104668 Expires May 19, 2021 �•or p�oa• BaMea ln�u BudAetNotarySonkea St1BCON1'RACfOA S[CNg77rRE (Qaelmer) Wayne Zimmerman PRINWWAAKE 28767 COUNTY CERTBICAIION NMWR state oFFlorids, Coualyof St, Lucle T The foregoing InsimmMtweaelgned heNreme WItELlayoyoF K1-y =p1�brJA�YNE Z+/rlm+1/i~nl who Bperaanelly Naota Xarhosbroduada Si`YIGAJE �.aef °4 Notary Pubk Slate of FWda Klmla J Simone +ac d My CommiWon FF 9e1791 ape Euphee05n6RaZ0 PERPAT# I I ISSUEDAME VIF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �' ` Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERM1IIT SUB-CON'TRACrOR AOREEWNT Inc t, `ucie Coup ty RECEIVED JAN 16 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permittlng have agreed to be Sub -contractor for RenBrBuilders, LLC • flypeofTradel IPit maryCnnlreaarl For the project located at. t �l) PX �} (ProjcclSIMI Addrussdr Nmperyr Tax ID e1 — It is understand that, if there is any change of 4latus regarding gar participation wish the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division ofSf. Lucie County will he advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subcontractor notice. cavrRAcroaslr.NA aE(Qa,n Kt Gtenn A Davis, li PRINTNAdIE CBC 1261228 EWMV CERT6TCATIONNIMBER SluteurPlurko, CBBnq•M i'i YF V1 TheroregoNglnuFumeolRuulgned hrarn melhpnn drtyur .mmphy r-, aho4perFoeolq•Wmnol� orMFPradueNe armEm m `STAMP Slamlur Y I Puh1iF Pant Namr amlary Puhae —r— SUM'ONTR %MRSInAdflBg (Qmliner) Ronnie Burkhalter Parnrnahre 21272 St Lucie County CPC057974 State of Florida Cr11:ATY 4:I:RTIF[C1TIR,T ralalRFR smluarFwdp,CuuBlyar Palm Beach Tie fore�lug IIIdrOmapl uur tignpd 6ehro IFr thir _ dq of .IB.hy Ronnie Burkhalter FF4o d penonoilyhomm,�urhupradueFd o m w(a_fn�unv�eJa�nwp,. ElgnaNttMXeY lw�y pwAy r STAMP Dolore0 A Brice ��Far P4er� RHONDAS ROWE L , �r DDLORt SA PRICE Commleslon#GG104656 Camm[Bsidn#FP9138ZF Reaiaad I Irl < Expires MY 19, 2021 ErpGds Fe6nlary 19, 320 BoMedLuu BudgetNotaryBe"kaF ^'K' rmWLrvrmlr.'!PaneMSElOIF OF F� PERMIT# I I ISSUEDATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Cardinal Roofing & Siding, Co., Inc the Roofing (Type of Trade) For the project located at RECEIVED JAN 16 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting &0 have agreed to best eyd/�`® Sub -contractor for Rener Builders. LLC Ucis C ov (PrimaryContrectar) n It is understood that, if there is any change of status Tbgarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucite County wfil be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Odd Glenn A Davis II PR@IT NAME CBC1261298 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlorlds, Countyof SLLuc1s The foregoing lsutrumeatwm signed before me thts—L deyof who is personally know. Z-er has produced a SDa.CONfaACPORR(GtiATY1R8 ner) Brad Hogan PRn4T NAME 9072 COUNITY CERTOICATION NUMER stole ofWmlde,Cam(y al St LUGI9 yy-, Theforegniuglmlramntwmsigsedbefamma ibis h2 Aayor Mrv.i-nl� (.mom �i S• C )'I whole perwneltyhnaea _orhas pradnud a o deutlffcadon. ssiden canon. gne eofNom STAMP ... _. _�_.. '_.l_nl) L'r ._. ._. - STAMP ry Publle slgnamrn ofNetary Public 6- Print Name ofNatary Public Print Name ofNatarypubhe RHONDASROWE x P 04 oq+ Notary Public State of Florida d�,Cammiselanq GG 104666 ?� Jennirer Davis r ExPlres6la 18, 2021 Revisal 11f16l2016 + a`O y '9" a°` NIy Commission FF 966029 eopruo BardodlNu6udpal Nolor/sarims �'oin° Expires 02J2912020 '�PdVwMfe PERMIT# i I ISSUEDATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SOMCES Bnild6tg & Code Compliance Division BUBAINGPERMIT StSCONT)RACTOR AGREEMENT Preferred A/C & Mechanical, Inc =EED SCANS® to be `St LgceCo"" g1eMeeltnnicdl%HVAC Subcontractor for RenarBuVders,LLC (type of fade) (Primary Contractor) For the project boated at f /o9 Ply ,j S E- .7/4 It is tmderstcod that, ifthere is any change.ofstatps regarding our paroebidionwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will beadviried pursuant to the filing ofa Chop of.Sub•cmtractor notice. Rhin � CUNCRABMnSICNATaaS�QYa¢fier) Glenn A Davis U CBC 12AU24 COUNfYEaRTIDIGTIONNOb'IDaR 6tateal6Torlae,Cswtror Mertifl 'rhefas'eaoia¢IastmtnmtwasatpieaDerommeW[s � dgya! 1= xo S by ��zn n i DAV 6 whortpertovagYimdwa orheaPmaus�a "Sim ru on. ��SPAE@ S goat orNohryPabae " Prbl WamedfNataryPubac Donald W. a Own rsnvrtwaae 9ti 7 oomrltP�nawtctzlaNNsamsn if 6nteoflRaiid6r0sosty of Palm Beach 'Ma{bet�InSto9trocmteassl�eatbtarearetEry 7 t hA�ot who �t m �uy c. n<t.ici G ;aunr' G'r?xr� %t isPe�rmoany9naaayy,prtmsymd¢aae n 61rmNreoFNa ' c SrAW Rovised 11116/2016 RHONDASROWE Commission#GG104656 ' Expires May 19, 2021 ���arf�ap Bgy,dlwa BudaetNata7eerixa, winwomseorNam7fam ~rWw HOLLY GABRIEL `a4; Notary Pubiler- State of Florida ' Commission # FF 926942 a°. F My Comm. E¢plfeS Jan 31. 2020 UdPdibmto Nagmw NdMASan.