HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOAFILE eCOpY EIVE'FR-E—C AN_t R_2ma_ MIAMI DARE MIAMI-DADE COU147Y u 036 ST. Lucie County, Permitter UCT CONTROL SECTION nt VJ 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOAItra www.miamidade.gov/e onom ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DpfSION James Hardie Bur7ding Product, IncREVIEWED FOR CO PLIANCE 2� 10901 Elm Avenue REVIE MDr9�d'�cpC Fontana CA 92337 DATE PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT)6P(JOB SCOPE: SITE OR NO INSPECfION(S) WILLffl MADE This NOA is being issued under the applicable Hiles and regulations govemin40e use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHI). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION. "Hardie", "Cem" and "Prevail" Planks and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOFF, titled "HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding, HardieSofftt, CemSoffit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. R LE COPY MISSILE I114PACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resists LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Plant City, Florida, and the following statements: "ASTM C 1186 Type A compliant' and "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved" is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per FBC 1710.92 and 1710.93 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. if any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 17-0406.06 and consists of this page I and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M- Utrera, P.E. NOA No.17-0821.21 M .4)ADE COUNTY Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 t7 THESE PLANS AND ALL PROP081 WORK Page 1 ARE SUBJECTTO ANY CORRECTIONS /!/Zy�20 REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT f pDFASiFN131SORATiACHMBQIg MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO ARE �OMUTYOF COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES.CONTRACTOR James Hardie Buildim-P-roductsAn NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOAs A. DRAWINGS "Submitted underNOA # 13-0311.07" 1. Drawing No. PNL, PLK & SOFF, titled "HardiePanel, CemPanel, Prevail Panel; HardiePlanlc, CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSoffit, CemSoffit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 04/24/2013, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted underNOA # I3-03IL07" 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePlank, HardieSoffit and HardiePanel, prepared by Intertek Testing Services NA LTD, Test Report No. 100733361COQ-004, dated 08/2412012, with revision 1 dated 04/25/2013, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet, P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 02-0729.02" Laboratory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-16423-1 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 3. ATI 16423-2 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 & 203 03/18/96 A. N. Reeves P.E. C. CALCULATIONS I. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS "Submitted under NOA # 15-0122.04" 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5n' edition (2014) FBC issued by Ronald I. Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. Carlos M. Utrera, P E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-0821.2I Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 E-1 ----James Hardie-Buildine-Produet�inc_ -- — NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 5�1 : •��i�Ll\�lfy 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 6`b Edition (2017) FBC and of no financial interest issued by Ronald I. Ogawa & Associates, Inc., dated 07/30/2017, signed and sealed by Ronald I.Ogawa, P.E. t11Z/V)7 Carlos M. Utrem P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-0821.21 Expiration Date: May 1, 2022 Approval Date: November 30, 2017 E-2 PROD as Cars Sulldln NOA-N WALL HEIGHT it WALL LENGTH Stud spacing at 16" O.C. �� •,I 0 A I i i � {ttt�l�'� PIt r \ �'• � r 17 Ity r s� UCT RENEWED l —•� f"" plying with the Florida B{--+ I Code Nails at is' O.C. ityp.) r. 17-0406.06 3/W Minimum Edge Distance PRODUCT REVISED ec complying wah the Flerlda Building Lode NOA-No. 17-0821.21 EzplWtlen Bgeo 05/01/2022 By Mlaml-D'ddtrPioduct Control /I MA Sheathing -fastener, as described in Note 1 Panel fastener, as described in Note 2 HardiePanel, Cempanel, Prevail Panel Siring Water-rosisfive barrier per Florida Building Code Section 14D42 5M' thl^I<16 ply APA rated plywood sheathing fastened In accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 2" X 4• SP-F Wood Studs The wall and soffit fmmesare to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record In compliance with the Florida Building Code. MCM-P- 990EM— N SEE HardllePaneM. CemPOMM, & DEI-AILA Prevail® Panel Siding materials are " oickl a ply APA rated nonasbestns fiber-cament products tested In accordam %J#I ASTM I`+^adsf�e^1N"9i^ C1186Gradall, rypeAandmeaUng. adance withFlorida dba Code Section the requirements ofthe Florida Building Coda. a ater-resistive yrJjj„gThness [23222 rdar per Florida 4' gg10' 6116"Wding Code eeks 14042z"X4•s-P-F Installation DesignPressLue Wood Studs .76 psf vioodStuds _FlpMiePanel, act nstano ever CenWanel, planks b/6" thick /5 ply Pmvall Panel APA ratbri plywood sheathing Sitting • Pal Installationshallbe done In conformance won MIS rvosoeoTe Pw'w,11�6•11w�a�w•� installatlen recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Coda. • Wood studs where HardiePanel, Cempanel, Prevail Panel Skiing will be installed shag be designed by an Englneer or Architect per the Florida Building Coda and the requirements of N.OA. • INoto 115/a' IhIW 6 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be allachedto the studs In accordance Wth Florida Building Code Section 2322.3, • The siding panels stag be installed over 51a' thick 16 pb APA rater! Plywood �sneathing supl by a minimum atz%4" s-?-F wood studs spaced a maximum of 1W Q.C. • DMote 21 Tha siding panel fastener shall be a 2' long, 0223" head diameter, 0.002" shank diameter, corrosion resistant skiing na l; the fasteners shag be spaced at W O.C. at Panel ar and intermediate studs; the fasteners shell be driven through the 5W thlatcl 6 ply APA ratet Plywood sheathing Into wood studs located at 16" O.C. • Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of $W and a minimum clearance of 2" from Writers. HARDIEPANEL, CEMPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTAUAIiON DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardis Building Products, Inc. IBM Sin Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 PNLrPLKSOFF Creator. E. Gonzales Isms 112'=1'•0" 1 Date:412412013 Iasasr 1OF12 Fastener Spodng per Florida Building Code•Section 2322.3 `---iS.imin.—► I.I l•� •PRDOOCtREV15FD Fastener jing per Flodda I• I owaalsie�wiO+Yle-Raida Building Code Sedton2322.3 "Wits Code , I I• Ate;4oZ� E ' .D7 Plrrdial d "I I• I I I •I PRODUCT REVISED PRODUCE REVISED' ne nomphnn .•dui me Florida - PRODUCT RENEWED ' Building C0Be asegwk+dmf5mid• as eomplytng with the Florida NOn-No. 17-0021.21 Bagdhp Ca& ,r Building Code B„plretlon 05/01/2022 AWNo' 0211.a% NOA-No. 17-0406.06 •I ByProduct ezpiratmn e0510112022 Mlam ntrol •�hiianr prodnctCmtrol Sy I• . Mlaml- a duct Contro I• FLtIjj1J A • • NOMINAL 2" X 4" S•P•F WOOD STUDS 15" O.C. FASTENED WITH 3.1/2.led COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNFOTION) • THE WALLANO SOFFIT FRAMESARETO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE • NOMINAL5/8"THICK/5PI-YAPARATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BULLDNG CODE SECTION 2322.3 2I,ADT M • THE PANEL IS FASTENED WrrH Y LONG, 0.223" HEAD DIAMETER, 0.092° SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE NAILS 8" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Cladding Framing Sheathing 13 FOR METALAND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGMACTION AND GRAVf1Y LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARDIEPANEL, CEMPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardlo Building Products, Inc, 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 A I I PNL•PLKSOFF Creator: E. Gonzales I'soare lu-T-0" I • Dslo:412M2013 Issm 20F 12 WALL NEIG PRODUCT REVISED as eomplYing with tho Florida Buildingwade NOA-No. 17-0821.21 Z. WALL LENGTH �I Stud Spacing at 16" O.C. 13,4...1 1, I _ I i rrpiiii. II l .. IIYin$v*h 11or6M `aa+t Ell °oaf" •11.a7 ` Nb. l II IL 8 :( a :.� STATE ado 111 I J-� _.r.�� — •ai PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NDA-No. 17-0406.06 B *-J T -'I 1-1 3/8" Minimum Edge Distance Nays at 8" O.C. (iyp.) Sheathing fastener, as described in Note 1. Panel fastener, as described In Note 2 HardiePeneW Siding Water-reslsdve barrier per Florida Building Code Section 14CA,2 5/B" thick/ 5 ply APA rated plywood sheatliing fastened to metal studs as described in Note 1. 20ga, 3.6181IX 1.6/6" Metal C-stud The wall and solat formes are to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record In compliance With the Florida Building Code. SFF. D SEE PgCL2UGT OPSCRII'itf�1!1 A HardlePanel®, Cempanel®, & Pfevei Panel Siding rnatarlals are nonashesi S1a• thick 15 ply APA rated fiber -cement products tested In accordance with ASTM C1186 Grade T plywood sheathing fastaned to metal studs as described Type A and meeting the requirement -_ the Florida Building Code. 1n Nola 1 +� RAN151,00901M • Wetabrearstive Wdth Length Thlclams barderperFlodda 4- 8,9,10' 5118° Bulknrd Code ¢ i Section 14042 R�sActtM! S ii1BTJNo 111 •�6� � Installation Deeign Pressure toga, 3.510°X 1.6/a" Metal Studs 404 psr Mam c4ud Hanllepanel, Impact Resistant- rrdrrrt $EQIlONna Cempanel, Panel hLstelled over 618"thtck15 ply Prevail Panel APA fated plywood sheathing SKnu • ' All Installation shall be done In conformance with this Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturer Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. • Metal studs where Hardial anal, .Cempanel, Prevail Panel siding will be Installed shall be designed by art Engineer orArchlect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of it N.O.A. • [Note 115/8" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs at 6% at panel edges and all intermediate supports using a No.&1 B. 0,315" head diameterx 1-114' t bugle head screw • The siding panels shall be installed over 6/8" tick! 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 20ga, Nominat 3.5/8" X 1-518" Metal C-studs spaced a ma4mum of O.C. • [Mote 21 The siding panel fastener shall be a minimum No. 8-18, 0.818" tread diameter X 1-5 long* ribbed bugle head screw (*or screw shall have at least 3 fun threads penetrating metal framing); the fasteners shall be spaced at B" O.C. at panel edges and Intermediate studs; the fasteners shall be driven through the 6164 thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing into metz studs located at 16" O.C. • Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/8" and a minlmum clearance of 2" from comers. HARDiEPANEL, CEMPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS METALSTUO CONSTRUCTION James Hardie 6ullding Products, Ino, 10901 Eh Avenue Fontana, CA 02337 PNL•PLKSOFF Creator: E. Gonzales jsGLa' 12"> T 0" I Date:42421113 I8MST 3 OP 12 PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Expiration te06/01/2022 6.0Oin. . ' FRODi7C1'SEVL�D �.�+Ns�+swiateeFt Nor 31J 7 g}r(oh.. nde ProeontC.aouot II I' I II -T' I' 6,OOtn. I I Ir II II I•I II PRt'1Dl1CCREVISED ' o cmi9111hR will lbo Floela 5 7i ul� �' Ae7uN II II I.I II .I ,EB9 AgPi ~ STUDS IV O.C. NOMINAL 0 GAUGE WITH SfW WAAF1ER HEAD SCREWS (2 PERTOP AND BOTTOM CONNECMQN) THE WALLAND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN DESIGNED COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE NOMINAL s.JiEc •5R1 THICKI6PLY APARATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METALMDS AT a" CC AT PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A N0.a-ia, o.3113' HEAD DIAMETER X 1-1W LONG BUGLE HEAD SCREW CIAQDING • THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH NO. 8-18, a.315" HFAD DIAMETERX 1-6/8' LONG CORROSION RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE SCREWS 6" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS REVISED with n Florida Ekplraflah Cladding Framing II . ICI Shoathing II I•I , II II . I I I I r/IlNlriiri/mow I I 1 1 Itlll i QrY�{IAJfi�,.y � ' � -o ' STAlE OF ?�� �• F(OR1��... 1L � Y FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS PROVISIONS FOR NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HRAGM ACTION AND GRAVrry LOAD E HARDIEPANEL, CEMPANEL, PREVAIL PANEL INSTALLATION DLT•AIIS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, IM 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA92337 -" Fa V"crgDB-027-083' 4_ .,.__ A PNL-PLK-SOFF Creator. I- Gonzales isaAw 1.=1�0^ Dale-, 13 'sr�er _ AOR tt 17-0821.21 A" Sheathing fastener, as r— described in Note 1 siding fastener, as desodbed in Note2 ' HardiePlank, Cemplank, Prevail Lap Siding Water-reetatWB barrier per Florida Building Code Seollon 1404.2. `q �' WB thick 15 ply APA rated �' -^ plywood sheathing fastened PRODUCT RENEWED `--,inaccordarlwwith Florida as complying with the Florida Building Code Section Building Code 2322•3 NOA-No. 17-0408.06 Euplration 7te05101/2022 2"X4"S-P-FWood Studs The wag and soffit frames are to be designed BY by the Arohitector Engineer of Record In a61em1 11e Produt! Control mmonan,ne with the Florida aulidihri Cade. S M �ROQU4�D€5�3tPSl�Ld Mi. A HardlePlankO, CempiantM, 4 PrevalM Plank Lap Siding materials �T1 518"thttk/spty APA are noneshastos f1ber-cament rated p"Id products tested in accordance with 1 1 ASTM C1186 GradB It, Type A and sheathing in Meeting the requlrementsofthe axardanrevhlh Florida Bugchng Code. • Florida Bulldkg Coda Secllan2322.a PANF�AJIYlF,L8LDKq Water -le tive Width Length Thickness bardarpor Florida Z7112h 12` 5M6' aullding Coda Seclian 14042 D�;J��pgF.�,Fj�t? RAT(NO 2°X4"SP•F �WoodStude installation Design Pre?sure Wood Studs Mpsl Lap aidlna impact Resistant - planks Installed over 5/8" thick 15 1-114•tag X8i1s, APA ratod plywood sheathtng thick startef strip A7. • Ali Installation shall be done In conformance with this Notice of Acceptance, the manufactUr9(°a Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. • Wood studs where HardlpPlank, Cemplank, Prevail Lap Siding will be Installed shall be designed by Engineer or Architect per the Florida Bullding Cods and the requlremard's of this N•OA. • [Note 13 SW ibick / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to the studs In accordance with Florida Building Cods Section 2322.3. • Planks shall be applied horimntally commencing from the bottom course ofthe welt with 141V wide laps at the top of tide plank such that the exposure area of each plank Is 58-1/4" vsrticaty. • [ Nota 21 The siding fastener shall be a 2-1& long, a.=, head diameter, 0.092" shank diameter, corrosion -resistant siding nag: The siding is fastened s 8-1/4" O.C. vertir,Niy, and 19' O.C. horizontal fasteners are driven into wood studs through M' thloc / 5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing, fastene ara placed In the overlapping area approximately 3/4 from the bottom edge of the ov8depping plan{ • VerUcai Joints shall b® placed overstuds. • The planks shall be Installed over 5/8" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum of 2"X4" S-RF Wood studs spacad a maximum of 18" O-C. • Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance, of 30'. HARDIEPLANIZ, CEMPLANX, PREVAIL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, rna ' 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 PNI,PIX-SGFF Creator ii Gonzales Feaia in" d v w I' Date;,ilzc 13 ienesT BOP 12 Fastener Spacing BWlding Code set PRODUCT REVISED ascomp with the Florida 8uildlaa tad¢ NOA-No. 17-0821.21 5101/ZO22 na conwf ._ _..--- —• 1 Faetanar spacing per Florida PRODUCT RENEWED Building Code Section 2322.3 •I as Complying with the Merida ' Building Code 0.751n _��,, o....__. NoA-No. 17-0406.06. Expiraticn D e05/0112D22 •I Dy . �Mlaml-Watib Product Control zo Br PRCN]UCI es:"rLs� s8,251n. ade�.e4 re oaopiyirgwlihl4e FWrW. iN S-0! SING • NOMINAL 2" X 4" S•P-F WOOD STUDS 16" O.C. FASTENED WITH 3=1/2" 16d COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) • THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO 612 DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 5EEAnil G • NOMINAL616"THICK/5PLYAPA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING'FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SECTION 2322.3 LJ.GDJim • PLANKS.OVERLAP 1-114' • THE EXPOSURE IS 1B-1/4" • T1:M PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 2-112" LONG, om, HEAD DIAMEMR, 0.092" SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS. -PLACED 3/4" UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANKAT EACH STUD LOCATIOt In. OC—r Cladding Framing Shewng .I tl,itjl 1.0 GA tz • �•t1 No. xlr STATE OF FOR METALAND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AN df fff IAAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARD IEPLANK, CEM PLANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION Jam9s Hardie Building Products, Inc, 1090i Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 F _, 90944 7-0694 A PNL-PLKSOFF Creator. E, Gonzales IWALE 1"e 1'-0" I Dale14/24/2013 ISHEa 6 OF 12 WALL I REVISED wm, No Modda PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Bm-iding Code Non -No. 17-0406.06 ExpirpUon gMpO5I0112022 Ala° Mmlmrlm — SEE L!W-Q-= F2C-"-TPN �- DETAIL A HerdtoPlankID, Camplank®, and •� sre°lhlekls ptyAPA PrevalM Plank Lap Sld1nq mate ate nonasbestos fiber -cement i J --.•- -- - — -- rated plywood ' sheathing fastened products tested In accordance H to metal studs AM M C1188 Grade It, Type A: ! I I'I � _ i ryRnii�;r�r � drscribed In Note t meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code. °TiQ"d° �, } `t*-' i W �-�-i trtr� wete,westative barrier per Florida ak&KKoff Butding Code Width Length Thickness ` Z section 1404.2 S 0.11X 12' Silo" 20go, 3818h X 1-518" IG R 811RE L1 AP 4"�_—��� • • ` Metal C.swd �C Installation Design Press' Hardldpic k. �` F _... _. -- �- �,,,�. ,� \ Metal Studs -92pef ..._ .-.,`_. , .amplank, Pravall Lap Siding Impact Realstant- r , O.Q A� :�j installed s at 18" (typ,) {%lU 1.11a'tall X 5118° Planks over 5/8" thlok "'"""tit••,((( _ thick staderstrip APA rated plywooa sheathing ='� NA�Ij�I�PL(iJJx• ceMPLAJJK. PR�t�,gp�J(�p IN$�1,[J11710A,jt1 OH1'AIL6 h Aft installation shall be done In conformance with this Notice of Acceptance, the manufacturer's Instollatio - Sheathing fastener, as recommendallons, and the applicable sections of tlm Florida Building Code. described In Note 1 a Metal studs where HardiePlank, Campiank, Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer orArohitact perthe Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.O.A. '� . • [Note 1] 5/8" thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs at Woo at panel Siding fastener, as edges and all Intermediate supports using a No.8-18, 0.31fi heed d}ametarx 1-1/44long bugle head screw a Planks shall be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of the wall with 1-1/4 wide laps at J,[ described in Note 2 the top ofthe plank such thst the exposure area of each plank is 58-1/4" vertically. II h [Note 2] The siding fastenershail be a minimum No. 8"18, 0,316" head diameter X 2-iW long` bugle head d screw over metal studs ('or screw shall have at least 3 full threade penetrating metal framing); The sldin� Is JHardisPlank, fastened 58.114' O.C. vertically and IS' O.C. horizontally; Fasteners are driven Into metal suds through 6/9 — Cemplank, thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing,'fastanars are placed In the overlapping area approximately 3/4" Prevail Lap Siding from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank, / Verticaljoints shell be placed over studs. Water- eeistive, - The planks shall be Installed over 6/B" thick IS pry APA rated pNwond sheathing supported by a mlydrmi banter per FloridaZile, Nominal3-5/9"X 1.318" Metal t;•studs spaced a maxlmw4r a 18" D.C. Fasteners shall have a m(nlmum edge distance of 3/81'. Building Coda -'' Secdon14042 HARDIEPIANK,,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING 5/6'thick 16 ply APA rated INSTALLATION DUAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION plywood sheathing fastened to James Hardia 6ulldmd products, Ino. metal studs as described in 10061 Elm Avenue Note r - Fontana, CA e2337 20ga, 3.8/8" X 1-5/8" Metal Gstud P orre; 9 358-6300 sizs rsua oo owo no pEv The wag and soffitfremes are to be designed Fax 909,427 34 A PNL-PLIC SOFF 1 by the Architect or Engineer of Record In - compliance with the Florda Building Code. 'Creator. E. Gonzales scats 1/T 1-0" I Date: 4/2412013 mW 7 DP 12 s.0oln, ' PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 77-0406.06_,, 0,751n.� Explratlon D 10 05/04/2022 REVISED By with the Florida Miam Pm U, Control NOMINAL 20 GAUGE 3.518-X 1-& V' STEEL STUI)31W O.C. FASTENED WITH 5/8" LONG RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) • THE WALLAND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SHEATHING ' NOMINAL 518" THICK 15 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT 8" OC AT -PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A NO.8-18, 0.315" HEAD DIAMETERX 1-1/4' LONG BUGLE HFAO SCREW &LAWSJNG • PLANKS OVERLAP 1-1/4" • THE EXPOSURE IS 5 8-1W • THE PLANKS ARE FASTENED WITH NO, 8.18, 0.315• HEAD DIAMETER X 2.1/4' LONG CORROSION - RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACED SW UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANK AT EACH Ann LOCATION Gadding Framing I Sheathing) I I o.V121 ATE OF ' ONAI EI:C,il FOR METALAND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROMDEALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARDIEPI,ANK, CEMPLANK, PREVAIL LAP SIDING INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Produots,.lno. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 I*909.4Z7-0834 A PNL-PLK.SOFF Creator. li Gonzales lsn l.E Dad. 4/2013 50SEr a OP 12 {�---- WALLLENC"TH Stud SDaoing st 18" O.C. SEE PRODUCTD=RIEw.H I DETAtLA HardieSoMID & CemsofffM materials are nonasbestos fber-cement products tested In i •�. ecoordance with ASTM C1186 Grade 11, Type A l and meeting the requirements of the Florida �T.�.. • _ __� -- ..i _t Building Code. SOf�[j�BNENS10N8 Width Length Thtcmass w cd 'I I sn,da a' E' 114" f WALL l MGM I•� ' II r I I A�i1Sa.J�tf_$�gBU�EF,��A17h1<i .) Hardiesofs Installation Da nPressure 4 •i j i N N Ceme,fgt Wood Studs -70 pet 17-0821.21 _ L._. _.1✓ ti_ �...1, �._ _._._ Hells at4" O.C. (1yp.IPReD=RgglsED PR0DUC'SIEvjsw 318"Minimum Edge Distance .aosggybewhhllwft s ee&--qb*Zvwith dt roadda e Na -0tMqdudfjt Q3 LO Drg1t 1� B P n*W rhodud PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building cod, Non -No. 17-0406.06 Expiration pate DS10112022 SofHtfastaner, as described in Note 1 Hardlesoffit, Camsoffit Minimum 2" X 4" S-P-F Wood Studs The wall and soffit flames are to be designed by the Architect or Engineer of Record In compgance Willi the Porida Building Code. �p6pjir'SgP�I�_EM°uOFFIIPANFJJALS7�LLATION D}�,A1J.,� """" All Installation shall ba done In conformance with this Notlos ofAmeptance, the manufacturer's Installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. Wood studs where HardieSofit, Cemsoffit col II be installed shell be designed by an Engineer oe Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.OA. The soffit shalt be Installed over minimum 2"X4" S-P•F Wood studs spaced a matdmum of 16" C [Note 11 The sofrit fastener shag be a 2" long, 0,223" head diameter, 0.092" shank diameter, corrosion resistant aiding nail; the fasteners shag be spaced at 4" O.G. at panel edges and Intermediate studs; the fasteners shell he driven Into wood studs located sit 10" d.C. Fasteners shall hove a mIMMUm edge distance of M" and a minimum clearonos of2" from cat HARDIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products, Ina 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 PNL-PLK.SOFF Creator. E. Gonzales IWALE 12"o 1'.tl" 1 Dats:4124M013 12fEe7 G OF 12 PRODUCT REVISED oa wmp1yInp with tho Ploddo aulldln0 Cotla NOA-No. 17-0821.21 Explrntlon Dee 0510112022 r By • Minmi-D do Product Contra i PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida . BUllding Code NOA-No. 17-0406.06 Expiration Dale 05I01/2022 Dy 4.00I1' Miaml-na Product Control PAQbU[i D£VIBL� � PAODUCT8L+V15>� Papoyingwitthe Flnrza xs wikhthe Ftwi0a adwhe Cedc . BmIftceft A dALVIA • R 1 q! mo 1? J7 A� gy Afian 1'.Mw/ CoaOmt Minp' CMe Product raneot F MIN61 NOMINAL20 X 4" S-P-F WOOD SPUDS IW O.C. FASTENED WITH 3-W 18d COMMON NAILS (2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ,t694❑_IN-0 THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH 2• LONG, 0223" HEAD DIAMETER, 0.092" SHANK DIAMETER, CORROSION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS, PLACE NAILS 4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Cladding Framing 4 p. 121 STATE OF FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS, PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) HARDIESOFFrP, CEIISOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardfe SuftIng Products, Ina 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA92337 F ucg 27-0894 A PNL-PLK.SOFF Creator. E. Gonzales 9CnL6 14-1ka, 600e:4124/2013 IsHut p : WALL L.ENGT Stud Spadng at 16" O.C. WALL PRODUCT REVISED es cote tying with the R.dda Build,, Code Nap-NO.17-0821,21 DEMI-A 1th the Florida 17-0406.06 Expiration Nara at W O.C. (typ.) 3i9" Minimum Edge Distance Soffit fastener, as described In Note t HaMie8offit, Cemsoffit 2098, 21-E041-619" Metal C•stud The wall and soffit frames are to be designed by the Architect or Rnglnoor of Record In compliance with the Florida Building Codo. SEE PR9AUyD_�CRIP.]7StN DEiAILA HaMlesoffit ill & Cehuo(fit®matedals are nonasbesros fiber -cement products tested in AccordancewdhASTM 01199 'r 1 Grade 11, 7ypeAand meat ng the 1 / requirements of the Flodda Building Code. ?Aga, 5818"X 1-5Ia' �oFErSJ'21471=t4�'iLO� ' etal "lud Width Length Thid(ness 4 8' /• HerdleaolH4 PS�GJ� PR€✓?BSLBATII�G _ Cernsolft Installation Design Pressure Metal Studs rrrii/77ft7)i�iv�, t11 1. DGA RQnotl 1-9 MODDCtRWASM t11t .• _ PRODUCT REVISED en awupt7inN witatbeAodJa %` s[C m� Coft uutfa � F w Ao WOPiMTE d F�pitati -O v M> Memo t n adePradoslcadrot '_� '�t�RI Day N.iBp EFC.SiF�1�RFJQL9N$1JtLBTALLATIOND�[AILS LE61111fIttttl • All Installation shall be done In conformance vAil1 this Notice oPArxeptand6!trt[+Mbilufa&Val installation recommendations, and the applicable sections of the Florida Bulldhig Code. + Metal studs where HantleSoffit, Camsoffltwlll be Installed shall be, designed by on Engineer i Architect par the Flodda Building Code and the requirements of this N.O.A: • The soffit shall be installed over minimum 209a, Nominal "19" X 1.616' Metal C studs spas a maximum of 1ti' O,C. r [Note 1] The soffit fastener shall be a minimum No. 848, D.315" head diameter X 1-114' Ion ribbed bugle head screw (•er screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal ' 9aming);the fasteners shall be spaced at 61 O.C. at panel edges end fntennadtale studs; the fasteners shall be driven into metal studs located fit 16" O.C. Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distenes of 30 and a minimum clearance of 2" from comers. HARDIESOFFIT, CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL SCUD CONSTRUCTION James Harrill Building Products, Inc. 10901 EimAvenda Fontana, CA B2337 A Creator E.,Gonzalas 150us 1&-1W" I W16:44!412013 IsHear 11 CF 12 1� 6. J. RUVtSED PRODUCT RENEWED •scomo an complying with the Florida Bi{ISi�C�he Building Code .AIdo $• NOA-No. 17-0406.08 ' I• Exptraklon f OSlD112022 Br Jvt 'ffm�aT'.wtra�t PRODUCT REVISED as eomplyln , with the Pt Building Code NOA-No. 17.111121 By Prhd acomrol (k 21 Mlemi- a Product Control iMiam1 �O Lid 444 • fill pp"�IYIAIIL `��/r/J/JI • NOMINAL 20GAUGE 3-WVX1.8161STF•eLSTUDSI6"O.C. AND BOTTOM WITH 616` WAFER HEAD SCREWS (2 PER TOP FOR MIETALAND WOOD NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL (MUST PROVIDE ALDS, PROMSIONS DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND TERNATE PROVISIONS O� ESE LOADS) E AND BQTiOM CONNECTION) • • THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE cJ.82DJ�G SOFFIT, CEMSOFFR PANEL THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH NO. "8, 0.316' HEAD ams METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION DIAMUERX9-1140 LONG CORROSION RESISTANTRIBBED BUGLEHEAD SCREWS (SCREW SHALL HAVEAT LEAST3 S' Jamas HeMle BW)ding Products, InaFULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE 10901 Elm Avenue SCREWS 6" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE t:INSTALL7ATION STUDS Fontana, CA92337 FaX 909.427-0634 A r n�-q Creaion E. Gomalo5 scP E ("=iW" Dete:4l24l2013 sHchT 420F 12 C