/d/- 0370
C 3)r
�F'pi: Clryti.=3i� Arm"
Planning & Development services
Building &:Code.Regulaticn bepartrnent
2300 Virginia Ave
Fort'Pierce, FL 34982
771-462-2165 Fax 462-6443
s� �vC4eY��d
.lie undersigned hereby certifies }hat insulation as been installed atthe above described property as follows:
1. Fxtedor CBS walls have been insulated with ..,. O Spray -on cellulose
which thIdmiess, according to the manufacturer i ri () Fiberglass blankets
(Density N/A) will Meld an "R" value of 9 ()Aluminum Fail
00 block fill foam
Exterior Frame wall have been insulated with .................
To a thickness of,,' `"inches; which thickness, according t6
the manufacturer, (Dens ty N/A) will yield an
r R" value oft
Cellings -,Level -_hw been insulated with
to a'thidmesso 5.25 mchesz,which thicknes5,`according -.
the'ManUfaCtllrar,$E$ sucraseal (Density N/A) will yield an.
.Fe value of 2ii
Ceilings- Cathedral - have been insulated with",..................
to a thickness of
"','riches; which thidmess, according to
the manufacturer„' - Density (N/A) will yield an
V, value of
:3 IrCtprt cGr ii- flaveb Y'insubtedtfiiiti .:
to a thicbress of 5.25 inch' es-, wlitch thldcness, accoiding.to
the manurac(`grersts sucraieat (Density N/A) will yield an
R'vaiue of 26'
O Spray on cellulose
() Fiberglass'blankets•
() Aluminum Foil
( ).Other
() Fiberglass blankets
() Fiberglass loose fill
() Aluminum Foil
(4 ye—ra-Y foam
() Fiberglass blankets
O Fbertjiass loose fill() Alurninam Foil
() Other Cellulose SAB
O Fiberglass ;blankets
() Polyurethane.
() Spray on cellulose
C(} Is2raY foam
4;, Garage.patUton walls.of conditioned living areas have been (x) Fiberglass 61ankets
to it ickvet ; w () Spray on cellulose
M a thiclQress oF3 5' !r c7�tres which thldmess according in the () Pblyurethane
manufacturer, Certainfeed, (Dansty.N/A) will yield an O Oth&
"R".value of i i
MULTI -FAMILY, RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY: The common .(Party) walls separating diiferent tenants shall be insulated as
follows - Frame/Metal stud walls R-11(Min); CBS or. Concrete walls R-3 (Min) by Energy Code -requirements. See Energy Code
Rev-1/87,.paragraph 903.2(b), on pages 9-17, latest edition. These "minimum levels of insulation" are not included the Energy
s, p
Cawatonut shalt be installed in the field.
NOTE:- Densities of sprayed.on, loose fill, or any other, composed on site insulation shall bathe PCF (lb/ft3) average of three (3)
DRY SAMPLFS"oPactlaPihstadation.
MER Enterprises, LLC
1 \!� e
?!1??t Fame of Iurndation.Cantract Signature of Insulation Contractor" ' --
n NuRti)Pr Date of Certification
lx-'�'s;� _ K UI'4reunc
Cori[ -I$$ n=G(',
.y .4 YtOPRI. EsCilee)ui'.202:
'T' 9eii@et.' ait'Cirjh ndiiona: naUrr Rg-f